HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemo of UnderstandingMENIORANDUNI OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of' Understanding, by and between the Miami -Dade Police Department and City of Miami Police Dcpartment, hereinafter referred to as the City, is being made for the mutual benefit of all parties. Wherefore:, in consideration of having the use of equipment purchased through the award of the 2005 Port Security Grant, the Departments agree to the following terms and conditions. 1, TERMS AND AGREEMENT: The ivliami-Dacdc Police Department will assign operational control of the equipment requested to the City of Miami Police Department as stipulated in the 2005 Port Security Grant (See Attachment 1, List of Equipment Requested on the Grant). This will he accomplished via reimbursement once the City of Miami procures the equipment and submits a request for reimbursement along with applicable receipts of purchase, funding, for the City of Miami, will not exceed that noted in Attachment 1, based on full award. 'fhc Departments will utilize said equipment to enhance security at the Port of Miami River in accordance with the requirements mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002. The Departments shall assume responsibility for maintenance and operational costs of the assigned equipment. The Departments agree to assume full liability for all the assigned equipment while in the Department's operation and control. 2, TERMINATION: This agreement will remain in effect for the term of the grant alter which the Miami -Dade Police Department will transfer funding for said equipment to the City of :Miami as delineated by the 2005 Port Security Grant Application, at no additional cost to the Department. 3. ASSIGNNIEN'l': None of the parties may assign this agreement. 4, LAWS, REGULATIONSLAN1) PERNMITS: Each party shall comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations, and requirements of the federal, slate, and county governments. This MOU will address the basic relationship, roles and responsibilities of the Parties but leaves for later agreement the more precise terms that will constitute the substance of the relationship. Endorsed and agreed to by: cart Parker, Director Miami -Dade Police Department Joe Arriola r City of Nliami Chief Administrator