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Exhibit B
Zoning Summary 11It Cbc bra, Lot Arta Hot tot Arch �1rE43101! ed 0 bIuckynt Anulrvsrd 1,21 Rc 31194 52.778 Tronny C7in»r4zatfon: Rtsidtn11al FAR Ai1,70,Aic FAR ItereeK U0% as pr: ?UC Amnia Sj Matilipna1 FAR Incased', (254a pb 5<t091t; 50-5 °aerial AdoseaCfe 5 32 70 a 7.: ) 90,002 390001 r 0.70 76000 790002 x 0_26 95.000 Total ATionabk Pelideaiiat Arra (141, ftj Hoe,-Re:identfai rAel 52.270 Allootatefe FAA Irene ase {204. as per Pt;D Mick 57 Add50ona3 fRA increase f.254etas poi %re-604.911i Pria2w-Al 551,002 550.90,5 6.4 317.179 3371,79 x 030 67,556 2.37,739 x 025 04.445 !Mena?* Hun —Reside ntisi Arrr.(s4. Iona Cornbiare6 FAR A00,nblc f .R Incrcaze 12O as pee i110 And 51 Prop, ed 4,89,200 90.076 Allowable 5?,178 g. 443335 4<3.7SA a 0,20 08,657 A4d0 n2i fRR 1 0;2,so 443,335 x 0_25 10A2 {2S b as per Smian 9141 TO& Momabie Combined Area (ts. ft.} 642.8)6 DA 1, 492 Maximum Density _._ Altura able Poo pesc- 500 units per nel neat 200 r 0.73 305 355 5e1tweaks Required pI0p0•,ed Bisc y t 8044itvdrti t5'-0' r5--a; 1601Street 5'-0' t1 -0 N E 159e Teacart f3'-0' 8_-0_ Rear iai • Alxannwnt - 4 __. _-_.._._..__. e-s1 Ffesgh Regc+ued Peppo>cd Unlimited pre 93-6 Urertry ©p n S3ce Rcqui.,.�Rr:tz Haw Rrsidentie3 tatinanum 13pes Space 7rlanenor aperr, Space Acquirea FAA No Limit 6a9'-0' (error Poswired Ptopeud 1 df for cadra 50 2a tt 602 9,305 war '.Fi.5 20 s4 R s544 al eact Lot Are 4,765 3,3C5 Rrsadentiae kinimorn Rn,iatson Space..._ ? s9f°..loe 6-eery 50 59. +1 55,049 200.132 Parting Space Requt emenCs�_W_..W Required P1a00543 1 per pxtaing Unit 1 per 1.00054 ft of Retail c pee BOO 54 R of Rt staurarti f gee 000 sq b of °Hitt 1Ccb re0octipn ipor 9# 7_ T. iotai Parking Sprcu Total f4andlrap SP•e 1_041dng t.no Lcae=n9 57t51112=557 Loading 5rni:s 112x353 loading 8rrths 3201 7a€a9 icading Perllo 355 1 365 5,129 1300 5 4,381 1100 6 79.355 003 100 (111 455 519 EXHIBIT "B" Thomas Phifer and Partners fd�w York 21233703114 a + Karp Archteci.rr2 Paradise lr 7rnatiana! Dorrlcprri nt 305 573 151$ 305 573 6700