TO :
Joe Arriola, Chief Administrator/
City Manager
DATE : March 1, 2006
Authorizing an Agreement
with Citizens for a Better
South Florida
Ernest W. urkeen, Director City Commission Meeting
Departm: t of Parks and Recreation ENCLOSURES : of March 23, 2006
The Department of Parks and Recreation respectfully requests your approval and action
of the Miami City Commission by a 4/5ths affirmative vote, after an advertised public
hearing, ratifying, approving and confirming the City Manager's recommendation, and
finding that competitive negotiation methods are not practicable or advantageous
regarding the agreement for educational and park services and activities described below.
The Department respectfully requests such recommendation, finding and authorization in
order to proceed with executing an agreement with Citizens for a Better South Florida
(CFABSF), a Florida not -for -profit corporation, to award funds, in the amount of $21,380
for the provision of environmental education, clean-up, native reforestation and other like
activities to be provided at Virginia Key Beach in conjunction with a state matching grant
from the Department of Environmental Protection administered by NOAA federal funds,
called the Community Stewardship at Virginia Key Grant.
CFABSF will provide youth and young adults volunteers from local public schools and
universities to participate in exotic plant species oversight, environmental coastal clean-
up, native reforestation and other educational and promotional activities. CFABSF was
identified as a qualified partner with the City in the implementation of the Community
Stewardship Grant ($37,440). The State awarded this grant to the City with the approval
and expected participation of CFABSF in the carrying out of the project scope.
Accordingly, the services of CFABSF are part and parcel of this State grant.
For the reasons stated above, as required by Section 18-86(A)(3)(C) of the Code of the
City of Miami, the Department of Parks and Recreation (1) recommends the execution of
an agreement with CFABSF for a contract period beginning February 1, 2006 through
September 30th, 2006, and (2) finds that competitive negotiated methods are not
practicable or advantageous for the provion of said services to the City. If these
recommendation and findin _ . meet wit ourapprovai, pl - : e indicate by signing below.
This legislation item will p ed on th agenda for the ► arc 23, 2006 City Commission
Joe Arriola
hief Administrator