HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 6ATTACHMENT A
DEP Agreement # CZ610
):'roiect Title: Community Stewardship at Virginia Kev
Organization Name: City of Miami
Chief Elected Official or Agency Head: Manuel A. Diaz
Title: Executive Mayor
Address: 3500 Pan American Drive
Zip Code: 33133
Area Code and Telephone Number: (305) 250-5300
Area Code and Facsimile Machine Telephone Number: (305) 854-4001
E-Mail Address: MannyDiaz@ci.rniarni.il.us
protect Manner
Organization Name: City of -Miami
Name: Juan Fernandez
Address: 55 SW 17 Road .
Zip Code: 33129
Area Code and Telephone Number: 305.856.6801
Area Code and Facsimile Machine Telephone Number: 305-575-5266
E-Mail Address: jgfernandez@cianiami.fl.us
Mailing Address for Warrant (if other than the Recipient address);
County in which project is located: Miami -Dade
Protect is Statewide; No
DEP Agreement No, CZ610, Page 1 of 5
DEP 55-236 (04105)
Scope of Work Information
Abstract Description: Briefly but completely describe the problem to be addressed and the project solution to
the problem. Please limit to one page.
Virginia Key is an environmentally -sensitive island located in Biscayne Bay in Miami, The Key is an important
coastal ecosystem with four different habitats: natural beach, dunes, wetlands and an upland harnmock. 106 native
species inhabit the Key, including three that are endangered and four that are threatened. The Key also provides
vital resources for migrating birds traveling the Atlantic coast flyway, The island has experienced considerable loss
of native habitat due to the invasion of exotic species, which was exacerbated by the impact by Hurricane Andrew in
1992, after which the Key became particularly susceptible to invasive exotic species such as Brazilian pepper,
creeping daisy, castor bean, and wild balsam apple. Restoration efforts began in 1996 and exotic species have been
reduced to 5% dominance of the hammock. The restoration of Virginia Key is a community volunteer effort that
includes environmental and volunteer outreach activities, coastal clean-ups and exotic plant species monitoring.
FCMP funds will be used to support a portion of the Education Coordinator's salary, exotic species removal tools
and supplies, information signage, a GPS unit and GIS software, a portable lap -top, and reforestation and educational
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DEP 55-236 (04/05)
Proleet Objectives and Related Tasks and Deliverables: List project objective(s) and tasks that will
accomplish each objective. Indicate the quarter in which these tasks will occur and will be delivered. Deliverables
or work products must be listed.
Objective 1: Exotic species removal
Task 1: Survey of the area
Task2: Mark with red flag
Task 3: Determine if hand -pull method is best
Deliverable: Picture of Exotic species removal
Objective 2: Volunteer Outreach
Task 1: Hold volunteer orientation
Task 2: Hold volunteer meetings
Deliverables: List of volunteers
Objective 3: Baseline measures
Task I : Create or identify pre -test
Task2: Administer pre -test
Deliverable Baseline measures report
Objective 4: Community stewardship activities
Task 1: Education about exotics and native plants, ecosystem, removal methods, plant functions, and fauna
Objective 5: Earth Day Activities
Task I: Identify appropriate areas for clean-up
Task2: Determine removal method
Task 3: Educate about dangers like broken glass, etc,
Task 4: Determine removal from Virginia Key
Objective 6; Post Measures
Task l : Create or identify post-test
Task 2: Administer post-test
Task 3: Data Analyses comparing prc- and post-tests
Deliverable: Completed post-tests report
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DEP SS-236 (04/05)
Protect Budt_et Schedule: Type dollar amounts only in applicable categories (round to the nearest dollar; no
cents) and leave other categories blank. If your grant Agreement requires match, it must equal the FCMP funds
requested, or one hundred percent (100%). A budget transfer of funds (within approved budget categories), in an
amount not to exceed 10 percent of the FCMP total budget, is allowed without requesting an official amendment.
Budget Cateroyv
FCMP Funds MATCH Funds
I. Salaries 11.880,Q0 J4.90,00
2. Fringe Benefits
3. Travel , 2.100,00
4. Equipment Purchases �,QOQ90
5. Supplies 9,050,00
6. ContractuaI Services
7, Construction
8. Other Expenses 12.400.00 22.454,00
9, Indirect Charges
FCMP Total 37.440,00
Match Total 37.440.Q0
Total Project Cost: 574.880.00
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DEP 55-236 (04/05)
Protect Budeet Narrative: Describe line items for each applicable budget category shown on the budget
schedule. Provide sufficient detail to show cost relationship to project activities. Complete for both FCMP and
match items, if applicable. If in -kind match is being provided by a third party, a letter from that party confirming the
amount and type of that match must be included with this project work plan. Note: Indirect costs are not allowed
as match.
FCMP Funds:
Salaries: $1 1,880,00 Education Coordinator salary (47.14 hrs/month x 12months x $21/hr)
Travel; $2,100 bus rental and mileage
Equipment: $2,000.00 laptop computer far field work
Supplies: $9,060 to include the following: 56 chain saws, 15 shovels, 20 hoes, 6 picks, 3 wheelbarrows, tape
measures, compass, 15 clippers, chain saw chains, work gloves, 6 coolers, mosquito spray, 16 safety hats, trash bags,
Other Expenses: $12,400 total to include the following: Informational signage $500, digital camera, GPS unit with
software and accessories, GIS Arcview software, educational materials $2,000, plant materials $4,425, etc.
March Funds:.
Salaries: $14,986 to include Park Naturalist ($150 hrs x $19.91/hr), Public Relations Agent (% of time spent on
website maintenance), Parks staff (400 hrs x $7.5/hr), GFABSF Executive Director (% time on project), CFABSF
Education Coordinator (% time on project)
Other Expenses: $22,454 to include plant materials, office space, telephone and internet access, copier lease,
curriculum, etc.
DEP Agreement No. CZ6I0, Attachment A, Page 5 of 5
DEP 55-236 (06/04)