Provide the highest quality education so that all of our students are empowered to lead
productive and fulfilling lives as lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
FUNDING FOR EDUCATION (District Goal I — Ensure achievement of high academic
standards by all students; District Goal II — Develop our students so that they are able to
successfully compete in the global economy)
Adequately and equitably fund the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP), and fully fund the
operating and capital outlay costs of implementing the class size reduction constitutional
amendment, taking into account actual student enrollment, cost of living, equalizing features in the
FEFP formula, inflation, increasing utility and insurance costs, and the actual cost of delivering
programs to special populations. Maintain the integrity of the FEFP and equity of funding among
school districts.
• Base student allocation (BSA) should keep pace with inflation;
• Equalization features in the formula;
• Oppose any further equalization of the .51-mill levy;
• Safe schools, Supplemental Academic Instruction, ESE guaranteed allocation should
increase to accommodate student enrollment and inflation; and
Higher cost of living districts should be compensated.
CAPITAL FUNDING (District Goal IV — Reform business practices to ensure efficiency,
effectiveness and high ethical standards)
• Provide funding through a stable long-term revenue source for the actual capital outlay
needs of districts based on existing student station deficits, projected enrollment growth, the
need for replacement, remodeling and maintenance of facilities, providing for cost
enhancements associated with varying local construction costs, state -mandated
requirements and adverse environmental conditions.
• Amend the Classrooms for Kids (class size reduction capital outlay) allocation formula for
capital outlay funding to reflect actual capital outlay need and the intent of the constitutional
Repeal statutory limitations on the use of the 2-mill capital outlay levy.
• Amend state statutes requiring the cost per student station to increase by the Construction
Cost Index instead of the Consumer Price Index.
• Oppose the deletion of impact fees unless replaced with another revenue source.
• Oppose any attempt to equalize the 2-mill levy.
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• Support a sales tax exemption on all equipment and materials used to construct and
maintain a public K-12 facility, not limited to materials and equipment incorporated directly
into the building, ensuring that the savings are passed on to the school districts.
SECONDARY EDUCATION REFORM (District Goal I — Ensure achievement of high academic
standards by all students; District Goal II — Develop our students so that they are able to
successfully compete in the global economy)
Provide funding for secondary education reform that supports an extended school day and year,
and encourages themed career path based academies and smaller learning communities.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (District Goal V — Recruit, develop, and retain high -
performing, diverse, and motivated faculty and staff)
Provide increased support for new teachers and competency -based professional development and
alternative pathway principal preparation programs.
TEACHER RECRUITMENT (District Goal V — Recruit, develop, and retain high -performing,
diverse, and motivated faculty and staff)
Provide incentives from state lottery funds to recruit and retain young people into the teaching
VOLUNTARY PRE -KINDERGARTEN (District Goal I — Ensure achievement of high academic
standards by all students; District Goal II — Develop our students so that they are able to
successfully compete in the global economy)
Modify the required instructional hours for the summer program.
LEGAL (District Goal IV — Reform business practices to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and
high ethical standards)
Support the passage of a legislative claims relief act on behalf of the Estate of Jaime Gough.
Amend state statutes making it a felony violation for applicants and teachers who knowingly
attempt to fraudulently obtain and/or maintain teacher positions.
OTHER (District Goal I — Ensure achievement of high academic standards by all students;
District Goal II — Develop our students so that they are able to successfully compete in the
global economy)
Encourage the education of parents and children regarding the dangers of sexual solicitation and
abuse of youth.
Support maximum flexibility in the use of categorical funds.
Oppose the imposition of unfunded state -mandated expenditures.
Support increased accountability measures for all publicly funded school choice options.
Oppose voucher programs that lack equitable and sufficient accountability measures.
Maintain the current dual delivery system of post -secondary programs.