HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 9ATTACHMENT A:
Contract #506-144
D. Proposed Number to be Served
Total Number of Unduplicated
Participants to be Served:
Estimated Numbers to be Served by A
Birth to 2 years
3-5 years
6-10 years
From age
(in years):
Up to age
(in years):
Ran.e (total should equal total number listed above):
11-13 years
14-18 years
Adult Parents/Caregivers
Estimated Numbers to be Served by Population Type (total should equal total number listed above):
Children with Disabilities
At -Risk Participants
General Population
E. Service Delivery Categories and Descriptions
Strategic Funding Categories (select one, and complete requested information):
Out -of -School Programs (refer to RFP for definitions of enhancement and expansion)
CHECK ONE: Summer Only After -school Only Year -Round Programs
CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Program Enhancement Program Expansion
Promotion & Prevention (refer to RFP for definitions of approaches)
CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: Universal Selected Outreach/Advocacy
Resource Network (CHECK ONE program focus area below)
Maternal/Infant/Child Health & Development SafetyNiolence Prevention
Children with Disabilities Adolescent Risk Reduction
Other (briefly specify):
Service Partnership (describe specific population/neighborhood on Primary Population Worksheet)
CHECK ONE: Population -based Neighborhood -based
Other (specify RFPJITN):
Will any fees be charged/collected for
YES -Briefly explain:
the proposed services?
Does the proposed program include a health component?
YES -please identify and fully describe this on the Activities Description Worksheet
Does program include participant transportation?
YES -transportation is available to/from all standard services
YES -transportation is provided for special services only (e.g., field trips)
NO -transportation is not provided
Number of youth workers (age 16-22) proposed program will utilize:
Number of volunteers proposed program will utilize:
Expected number of volunteer hours to be contributed:
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
Page 1 of 10
Program Summaries
The Heart of Our Parks is a model of exceptional out -of -school programs, with academic components,
physical fitness, health, family outreach and field trips.
With a dedicated Parks staff, Certified Teachers and partners including the Miami Museum of Science &
Planetarium and Arts for Learning, the Heart of Our Parks is a model of exceptional out -of -school
programs, with academic components, physical fitness, health, family outreach and field trips.
The City of Miami has been providing quality out -of -school time services to its residents for decades. The
Heart of Our Parks intiative is the outgrowth of experience in the field of student services and the desire
to nurture those who represent the heart of the parks, and the heart of the City: our children. The target
population is elementary and middle school students in some of the most underserved neighborhoods in
Miami -Dade County. We hope to offer these youth an array of opportuinities —to read, to paint, to dance,
to swim, to run, and to learn a little bit about the world around them, and the cultures right next door.
With a dedicated Parks staff, Certified Teachers and partners including the Miami Museum of Science &
Planetarium, and Arts for Learning, we are confident that the Heart of Our Parks will become a model of
exceptional out -of -school programs. The City will contract an independent evaluator to assess the
efficacy and refine the methodology of the program.
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
Page 2 of 10
Site Locations Detail!
Juan Pablo Duarte Park
Sabrina Martinez & Miguel Moreno, park managers
After -school Only
Street Address:
City: Miami
Start Date:
From age
(in years):
stimated Numbers to be Served by Population Type (total should equal total number listed above):
Children with Disabilities) 1 At -Risk Participants 165
Site #2
Is this a school -based site?
Summer Only
Total Number of Unduplicated 1-rom age
rnstructions for applicants with more than one service delivery site location:
f any information within the remaining sections of the Application Forms varies across site locations, specify within each section this variation by
oting the applicable sites. If all details are identical across sites, there is no need to reference specific sites throughout the worksheet narratives
ervice Delivery Site Locations:
Site Name:
Site Contact Person:
Contact Person E-mail:
Is this a school -based site?
Summer Only
Total Number of Unduplicated
Participants to be Served:
Site Name:
Participants to be Served: (in years):
Estimated Numbers to be Served by Population Type (total should equal total number listed above):
Children with Disabilities At -Risk Participants 125
End Date:
Up to age
(in years):
General Population
Street Address:
1466 NW 62 Street
Fax Number
5 Hours of Operation:
Start Date: 08/22/05
ite #3
Zip Code:33150
End Date:
Up to age
(in years):
General Population
Site Name:
Site Contact Person:
Contact Person E-mail:
Is this a school -based site?
Summer Only
Total Number of Unduplicated
Participants to be Served:
2800 NW 17 Avenue
Fax Number:
Hours of Operation:
Zip Coder
African Square Park
Site Contact Person: Olinda Alexis, Facility Supervisor
Contact Person E-mail: N/A Phone Number:
Phone Number:
Days of Operation:
Year -Round Program
Days of Operation:
After -school Only Year -Round Program
Williams Park
Tyrone Miller, Park Manager
(in process)
After -school Only
Street Address:
Start Date:
From age
(in years):
stimated Numbers to be Served by Population Type (total should equal total number listed above):
Children with Disabilities 1 At -Risk Participants
Phone Number:
Days of Operation:
Year -Round Program
1717 NW 5 Avenue
Fax Number:
Hours of Operation:
Zip Code:133136
General Population
End Date: 05/31/06
Up to age
(in years): 17
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami and Recreation
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Site Locations Detail
Site #4
Site Name:
Site Contact Person:
Contact Person E-mail: mbermudez@ci.miami.fl_us
Is this a school -based site? YES NO
Summer Only After -school Only
Total Number of Unduplicated
Participants to be Served:
Jose Marti Park
Maruo Bermudez & Omar Bayno, Park Managers
Street Address:
351 sw 4th st
Start Date:
From age
(in years):
,Estimated Numbers to be Served by Population Type. (total should equal total number listed above):
At -Risk Participants
Children with Disabilities'
Site #5
Phone Number:
Days of Operation:
Year -Round Program
Fax Number:
Hours of Operation:
Zip Code:I33130
End Date:
Up to age
(in years):
General Population
Site Name:
Site Contact Person:
Contact Person E-mail:
Is this a school -based site?
Summer Only
Shenandoah Park
Adina Diaz & Gabriel Rojas, Park Managers
Total Number of Unduplicated
Participants to be Served:
After -school Only
Phone Number:
Days of Operation:
Year -Round Program
Street Address:
Start Date:
From age
(in years):
Estimated Numbers to be Served by Population Type (total should equal total number listed above):
At -Risk Participants
Children with Disabilities'
Site #6
05/31 /06
1800 SW 21 Avenue
Fax Number:
Hours of Operation:
Zip Code:133145
End Date: 05/31/06
Up to age
(in years):
General Population
Site Name:
Site Contact Person:
Contact Person E-mail:
Is this a school -based site?
Summer Only
Total Number of Unduplicated
Participants to be Served:
estimated Numbers to be Served
Street Address:
Start Date:
From age
(in years):
by Population Type (total should equal total number listed above):
After -school Only
Phone Number:
Days of Operation:
Year -Round Program
Children with Disabilities[ At -Risk Participants
Fax Number:
Hours of Operation:
Zip Code:I
End Date:
Up to age
(in years):
General Population
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
Citv of Miami and Recreation
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Primary Populat
Multiple Site Instructions: If different service delivery sites serve different primary populations, list each participant group on a separate line and note
which sites serve each group in the Selection Criteria column. If all sites serve the same primary population, there is no need to reference specific
sites on this worksheet.
expected to participate in the }are expected participants, including age, gender,
program (e.g., children, parents,.; to participate race, ethnicity, income level,
;families, teachers, other
community members)
Parents/Family Members
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
neighborhood, school -Performance, and
other risk factors that will be used to
;guide recruitment efforts. If serving
cchildren with disabilities, specify_bypes.
275 We will serve youth ages 5 to 17 of both
genders, predominantly African-
-American and Hispanic, from low-
income households in neighborhoods
throughout the City of Miami including
Allapattah, Coral Way, Little Havana
Model City, and Overtown, from feeder
schools that are in the Superintendent's
-Zone in need of improvement
100 Parents and families of youth in the
Heart of Our Parks program
:RECRUITMENT strategies and
!activities that will be used to inform
land engage the described participants
;into the program
Following a successful model used at
one of the current park sites, we will
'create flyers and go to the feeder
schools, make presentations, educate
the youth and families about the free
program and servcies available to
both children and families
used to screen participant eligibility
or participation (e.g., attendance at €
;a particular school, residence in a
!particular neighborhood, income I
;below poverty level). If program is
open to anyoneLput'NIA' hehere.__
In the school feeder pattern for the
participating parks
Families will be informed when picking: Parents and family members of
up their child, through community youth in the school feeder pattem
flyers, and telephone calls as needed for the participating parks
Page 5 and
Goals Workshee
Children will improve their literacy skills
Children will improve physical functioning
GOALS are statements of ors - - purpose pacific ;OUTCOMES are the realistic,. measurable expected ACTIVITIES are what the staff will actually do for,
aims, outlining what the program expects to changes and benefits for the people served as a result of'to or with participants to achieve the outcomes.
accomplish in broad terms 'program participation ••Listlname activities briefly in this column, as they
will be described in more detail in a, later section.
Required Program Components are noted below.
'Homework Assistance,
Monthly projects,
Phsysical Education Classes
Recreational games
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. With at -risk coordinator
Every day interactions with staff and
Children will improve social skills
Parents and family members will be more
involved in the Heart of Our Parks program
Children will improve their nutritional education
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
90% of children will improve their reading level
90% of children will improve or maintain physical fitness
90% of children will demonstrate appropriate social skills
50% of participating parents and family members will
volunteer, chaperone, or be referred to community
education, as part of the program
90% of the children will increase their knowledge of
healthy eating habits
Referrals to classes
Field Trips,
Nutrition education
Page 6 of 1
Outcomes Worksheei
OUTCOMES are the realistic,
measurable expected changes and
benefits for the people served as a
result of program participation. and
should be related to the described
population characteristics and risks_
(this column will be automatically
filled with the outcomes listed on the
Goals Worksheet)
90% of children will improve their
reading level
90% of children will improve or
maintain physical fitness
90% of children will demonstrate
appropriate social skills
50% of participating parents and
family members will volunteer,
chaperone, or be referred to
community education, as part of the
90% of the children will increase their Nutrition pre/post-test
knowledge of healthy eating habits
are the tools, tests and
measures that will be used to
specify the evidence to be
collected to measure how well a
program is achieving its
outcomes (Attach copies of the
proposed measures in the
Supporting Documents section,
in the order indicated in Table of,
WRAT-R pre- and post-test,
Physical Fitness Tool Adapted
from the President's Challenge
M1 Social Competence
M3 Survey for Prosocial
Behaviors of Children
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
Referral Logs
Referral Forms
Attendance Togs
indicate where and how information
will be collected (e.g., observations by
staff, school system data, self -report
surveys, etc.), managed,stored and
analyzed '
indicates when measures will be
obtained (e.g., every 3 months; at
program completion, 6 weeks after
the program, etc.) & WITH .WHOM
indicates who will complete each
measure (e.g:, parent, child, teacher,
staff, etc.)
STAFF position
responsible for the
collection of each
indicator measure
Individual child assessment WRAT-R will be collected at program Teacher with
administered by Certified Teachers. enrollment/intake (August) and at copies to Program
Tests will be collected, managed, and program conclusion or termination Evaluator
stored by Certified Teachers. (May). Administered by Teacher
Reflections will be analyzed by individually and in groups.
Educational Consultant.
Individual child evaluation conducted Pre -test at program enrollment/intake Certified Physical
by the physical eduaction teacher. and post-test at program conclusion Education
or termination. Assessed individually Teacher with
and in group settings copies to
Teacher and staff observation
surveys, to be stored in locked file
cabinets at site.
Staff observation of child's needs
and/or parental request
Group administered during the
course of the Program in August and
Referral documentation forms
completed as needed and Referral
Log maintained on -going to track
Self -reported by child. Stored at site. Surveys will be done at beginning
analyzed by Educational Consultant. and at end of the September nutrition
unit Manager, and
Park Manager,
Youth At -risk
Coordinator or
Certified Teacher
with copies to
Park Manager
Park Manager ,
Page 7 of 1C
Activities Description:
Multiple Site Instructions: If different service delivery sites have varying activity components this should be noted Within the Goals
worksheet, and will automatically show up in the Activities column below:
ACTIVITIES are what the program staff will NUMBER--'ACTIVIfY DESCRIPTION includes the details for each program activity, including the approach or model being
actually do for, to or with participants (e.g_ ',expected._used (referencing evidence-based/best practices when applicable),howw the activitywill be provided in an engaging
providing events; .interventions, etc:) to to receive manner, the materials to be used, how materials will be -Selected,_ and how participants will be assessed.to
achieve each outcome for program each ;activities are tailored to the appropriate:'ability levels: Activities should include all required components stated
participants (this column will be automatically lactivity : ;within thebid solicitation..
filled with the activities listed on the Goals 1 ;Rows will expand with text to allow sufficient space to describe all activities.
Worksheet) ATTACH a Schedule of Daily Activities (and Field Trips if applicable) that details when activities will be conducted.documents) in the Supporting Documents section in order indicated by Table of Contents. _
Homework Assistance, Monthly projects, 275 Reading - Students will participate in enrichment activities that will involve reading, math, social studies, and
Newsletter science skills_ Each park will have a curriculum developed based upon the needs of the students and community.
:The curriculum will include experiences such as dramatic expression, role playing, research projects, educational
games, and community service activities. The theme related projects will be integrated with the work of the
different componets of the program, so as to assure cohesiveness in programming services. Students will write
:and publish_a quarterly newsletter under the supervision of certified teacher to be hired.
Phsysical Education Classes Recreational 275 ;Our recreation programming includes aerobic activities, indoor/outdoor games, organized sports, leagues, and
games tournaments (best practice). Certified Physical Education Teachers will follow the Presidential Fitness format.
-Students will be evaluated at the beginning, middle, and end of the program to determine improvements in
physical fitness. Activities include jump rope test, run and walk race, and relay race. Sportsmanship will be
emphasized. Field trips on teacher workdays to educational locales, musical events, performing and visual arts,
__ - _ sports events and recreational and holiday special events with afocus on family- and community involvement
R_E.S.P.E.C.T. With at -risk coordinator 275 A specialist will conduct training for City of Miami Parks staff, teachers, and students on conflict resolution, anger
workshops Every day interactions with staff and teachers. management, leadership, problem solving, and respect. The goal is to have risky behavior addressed promptly and
effectively to insure that children's self-esteem and the ability to communicate well with others are increased.
Workshops for parents and family members will give them an opportunity to team how to best deal with problems
children face and develop their interpersonal skills. The ongoing development of life skills will be noticed in every
component of the Out -Of -School Time Program
Referrals to classes Field Trips, Workshops
Snacks Nutrition education
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
275 + Students and their family members will have access to a minimum of three computers and the Internet'
Family through a DSL connection at each park site. Parents will be invited to participate in field trips and family
Members days. Children and Parents will be referred to resource provider agencies as needed or requested.
Through collaborating with the Miami -Dade Public Schools Adult Education Department we will provide
programs for Adult Literacy, Workforce Readiness, Citizenship Classes, ESOL and GED Preparation
classes. Workshops for parents and family members will give them an opportunity to leam how to best
deal with problems children face and develop their interpersonal skills
275 Students will receive nutritious snacks, plus education in healthy eating habits. A portion of the curriculum will be
dedicated to educating the children on how to maintain a nutritious diet with the foods in their pantry.
Page 8 of 11
Process Workshe+
Multiple Site Instructions: If different service delivery sites have varyingactivity. components this should be noted within the Goals
worksheet, and will automatically show up in the Activities column below:.
ACTIVITIES are what the program
staff will actually do for, to or with
participants (e.g., providing events,
interventions, etc.) to achieve each
outcome for program participants
(this column will automatically be
filled by the activities listed on the
Goals Worksheet)
`.INPUTS 8. RESOURCES required to
:fully accomplish activities and
:outcomes, including staffing (i.e.,
responsible parties) and other financial,
'organizational, and community
resources (e.g., training, space,
;equipment, etc.), as should be a reflected
within the program budget
Individual child assessment Certified Teacher(s) and staff support
administered by Certified Teachers.
Tests will be collected, managed,
and stored by Certified Teachers.
Reflections will be analyzed by
Educational Consultant
FREQUENCY of INTENSITY of DURATION ;products and evidence of
how often the ihow long each `includes the total `service delivery and the work
activity will be . '.activity session ;time frame within'of the program, including the
delivered (e.g., ;will last .(e.g 15which volume of work accomplished
daily, once a :minute checkEn `participants will (i.e., # participants,
week; 3 times a f2 hour class be involved in 'attendance, # classes offered,
year, etc.) ;etc.) !the activity # brochures distributed, etc.)
`(e.g.,1-time only,
16weeks; all
school year) ..
5 days a week 55 minutes for :All school year 233 students will attend 157
.4 days a week, each group :classes in
1 day a week :Reading/Mathematics/Homewo
with teacher rk Assistance for the entire
school year. 275 pre and post
tests will be administered.
Individual child evaluation PE Teacher, Coaches, Support Staff Once a week
conducted by the physical eduaction Daily
Teacher and staff observation
surveys, to be stored in locked file
cabinets at site.
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
Park Manager, Teachers, Staff, Parks Daily
Department Youth At -Risk Coordinator:
Social skills development is a process Once a month,
of learning to cooperate with others, 'minimum one
learning to share, being a good sport, per site
leaming to communicate with others,
etc. These are skills that are developed
throughout the day in all components of
the program.
30-minutes .All school year
60 minutes
physical activity
for each group
Entire day :AII school year
2 hours
1-2 hours
233 children will attend 196
classes for the entire school
year. 275 pre and post tests
will be administered
233 children will attend 196
program days. 275 Pre- and
Post Assessments using M1
Social Competence and M2
Survey for Prosocial Behaviors
of Children.
Page 9 of 1
Process Workshee
Staff observation of child's needs .MDCPS Adult Education Teacher, Park As needed When needed ;Ali school year 100% of parents requesting
and/or parental request. :Manager, Staff, Teachers.
information will receive
:referrals to the appropriate
50% of the parents will attend
2 field trips or special events.
•During teacher
planning days 'Entire day
.Minimum one
,per site '1-2 hours
Self -reported by child. Stored at anager and Staff will serve Daily
site. analyzed by Educational lunches and snacks. Certified Teacher
Consultant. and PE teacher will give instruction
related to nutrition education.
Park M
Attachment A
Contract #506-144
City of Miami Parks and Recreation
Snacks- 30
Classes 55
mintues 4 days
a week for one
Snacks -All
school year
Classes 4 days
a week for one
50% of the parents will attend 1
233 children will be offered
snacks 5 days a week.
233 children will attend 20
:classes centered around the
nutrition component.
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