HomeMy WebLinkAboutZB ResoMiami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 2005-1077 Monday, November 14, 2005 Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE ZONING BOARD GRANTING THE APPEAL BY BRENDA KUHNS, WENDY STEPHAN AND PAT KELLY ON BEHALF OF THE BUENA VISTA EAST HISTORIC NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, AND REVERSING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OF THE CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION NO. 05-0166, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2005, FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION (ELECTRA) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3601 NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED SD-8 DESIGN PLAZA COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. THE GRANTING OF THIS APPEAL WAS BASED ON THE CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION AND THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED AT THE ZONING BOARD HEARING. Upon being seconded by Ms. Ileana Hernandez -Acosta, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Charles J. Flowers Yes Mr. Miguel Gabela No Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Ms. Ileana Hernandez -Acosta Yes Ms. Chloe Keidaish Away Mr. Carlos Martell Away Mr. Juvenal A. Pina Yes Mr. Angel Urquiola Yes AYE: 6 NAY: 1 ABSTENTIONS: 0 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENT: 2 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 6-1 t 1 ,l I T r si a L.e n fidez Executive Secre Hearing Boards ry Case No. 2005-1036 Item Nbr: 5 Exhibit "A" LEt3AL Oh{RIF''TK,Th: P 4 * I: Lola i 1, 3 a 4 Bkrok 1 ane1 tour 1. t, 131 14, Block 2 of AL Afli MON TO DUfU MST+ e aetrrttog to ii►a Plat thew( of reoa►dMd In lkrt float 3 at Pogo 191, a1 the Public 'Words of Mielrni-rledt tbuntf, Woe, lees one sxaspl in* faitoitrg ttooerlbod orep rty: Tie West 15 fist of isld tote 1 & Moor 34 visa Islls one .wept the ldtcwi.gt tlegInnlho at the Northam!! Comet of Lot 1, Black 1, of flO' TROL J lQs 1OW 3JLNA YI31AI thongs rill S outh ore" the W et lime sir maid Led 1 for dietod tW foot ix Oho 1outheat Comer _paid last 1; thence run Fall along the} South Me al le tna 1, 2 and 3 of odd Bleak 1 far a liatanc PI foot to the Southeast comer of raid lad .1;theme { vn North olarrg the fad are of said let 3 fir . llwenas of 18 Oat to a point titsnte fvr+ Wait atom a Pe t a foot North Mane pa rank! with Ike South Unt of SOW Lel 3 and 2 for G dMonie of 43:03 look to a Polrt of 4vfysi ham fun done the ore of iangerrtlal curs to Ere tight hovtnq a room el 70 feel through o oak,* arrp s d if/64'3W for an era dlelarlce of 31,39 fad to 4 Taira of ranparlay es a Nee t5 feat Boat of end ei 1MtA thy Wog Inv of void lot 1; tongs run Holt clang v W14 15 fool toot of cod pataltl rfh the Weil Ins of sold A.cit 1 for a diatoms Wee aleng UM Nrth runt obiota ptot s1 the rue Westf along t o North erri Korth p 1s of tot Lot mkt Lent '�1 fernoe re m dtetance of 1$ feat to the PoInt of 8c 1nnlno and Igoe lac South 15 feet of Lat 4, !hock 1. Ptiri3tk rt KerdilbelS and PBot ;look 2, Pogo ICI4u s lth *004 awl t 'VISTA* g a*rerllk�ee prapsrtty PtA tie at o. Ile t+feet 15 fact Of =Id fats 3 and I. oleo teen and tempt thud Purl ref tote 3 card ew t'i>= CINTRAL AMMON 7D Bl1Ff %IVA. OVA,' more port',a►1er17 dtair cad oa fdlae' 61p1n at the Northeast corner of sold Lai 4; theme, eiNihorly along the .yearly lies of .aid leis 3 and 611 Westerly �ifec auk Lot 4 Owner Vert b alone sate lifoorterdl Ana a tdlytar�vtf of 44 77 foett to thr lIorthuool corner of said Le 4; thence Eoslerty aloes the Naitfrarty lino of sold len 1, o dlstsaae of 55,71 fait to 514 point lit beginning, Moo islt and !lash Fat part of d'A add Lot 12„ !Nock 2. ce4T1 t A1OMOX TO two* YESTAs 11s44 mon PartksuloflY d4tottbod so falowr: 9101n at the Northeast tarot of 'aid tot 12t thence Southerly oar% kf+e ire od said Lot 13, o chance of 21.93 tort: thence North 11TD4'33` latest. a diManet al 162foot to o 0�01t on tore Waist( tine of see Lot 12, thane+ hert 4l Glom odd 1ltloeeterb I;,e; a dWanae of 9,67 foot to tit Northorool Comer of void tot 12; thence ea* cool the Northerly Oro of Lai 12, a dirotancer of 10+.70 foot to the Polrrt rat 6.ginn€ng, AND late 5 and 6. @lock 1 al 'C1:3rtrot. oiCOrTiON TO BUD* VISTA", UCCOrding tc the Plat tlrxrwof, 0U rteordad 1n Fekrt loot 3 et Page 101, or the Public Records 1t Mearnl-Dads County. Ronda, Ina the South 15,00 feet for road ilregt at Ivey. Pam IA: !Leta 7 and 5, LESS die South 15,00 fart for right a! way, gloek I, of 'COMM AOti1111:11 TO 1 UNA Y16TA', aocor$Smg to tic Piet *1 s oc' as reco►1110 01 Plat Boa 3 al Pogo 101, or too Pubic delerd! of Miami -Dodo Gloomy, Florida, PBS- 11 A: Lots 1 and 2, oksok 4 of `027f1V1,. ,p4Wff1ON TO MI* +Vt9TA', aceorti ny lv tl+t Plot thar+ere ea reed in !alai Bali 3 at Page 151, of the Public Records a1 Varni—i)ode County, Planido, LESS IND DECEPTIN3, theflifrarr+ the SSeuth 15,00 reel maned d4dledled to the Coy of Mk11fir far motive/ purpaea