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Traffic Impact Analysis
December 5, 2005 Ms, Lille 1. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator, Manager/Transportation City of Miami, Office of the city Ma 444 SW 2nd Avenue (le Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Rev; LIMA MVO # 128) Sufficiency Letter Via_ rim_ ar Dear Ms. Medina: Subsequent to our October 11 ', 2005 review comments for the subject project, we have received a formal response from David Plummer and Associates Inc. (DPA) on November 231a, 2005. We have also received a satisfactory letter (via e-mail) from the FOOT Planning office. Photocopies of both the response letter from KHA and e-mail from FPOT are attached herewith. As per the e-mail from FDOT, the developer hato agreed to ate instae l l a rig t-turn lane at NE the project 30m StreetiBisouyne Bouievard intersection en ordereel gi impacts from wouldhe provide the site. Additionally. the applicant has ats0 mentioned that the prof Information regarding maneuverability of delivery trucks within the project site. As this project progresses through the review process, the applicant trust submit an acceptable site circulation plan for approval by the City staff, At this time, we conclude that the revised traffic report along with the subsequent submittal meets all the traffic requirements and the report is found to be sufficient, Should you have any cuestions; please call Quazi Masood or me at 954.739.1881. Sincerely, URS on Southern Raj Shan rg•m,RE. Se or Traffic Engineer Ahechmert Cc 1, City of Miorni ( A43, Sort✓a Shrelfer.BogAd PE. DPA, (Pax: 305.444.406) ) URS Odrppre tan Lekelhcre Carrpltx 8104 NW 33rd AYIYWO.5uiea too rare Laudefd&l. i . 333pi3.8375 T.I: 95S.73u.ta Fir 04.739.1759 • 4 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • LIMA Major Use Special Perm:' Traffic Impact Study Prepared by: David Plummer & Associates, Inc: October 200 DPA Project #05203 • • 1 DO Lima MUSP Traffic impact Study TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ii List of Exhibits 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Study Area 2 1.2 Study Objective 4 2.0 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4 2.1 Data Collection 2.1.1 Roadway Characteristics 45 4 2.1.2 Traffic Counts 5 2.1.3 Intersection Data 8 2.2 Corridor Capacity Analysis 10 2.3 Intersection Capacity Analysis 3.0 PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 12 4.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4.1 Background Traffic 4.2 Committed Developments 4.3 Project Traffic 4.3.1 Project Trip Generation 4.3.2 Project Trip Assignment 4.4 Future Corridor Capacity Analysis 4.5 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis 13 13 13 13 13 16 20 20 24 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Approved Methodology & Site Plan Traffic Counts & Signal Timing FDOT' s Quality/LOS Handbook — Generalized Tables Downtown Miami DRI Increment II Transit Ridership Intersection Capacity Analysis Worksheets Committed Development Information Transportation Control Measures 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DO Lima rVIUSP Traffic Impact Study LIST OF EXHIBITS Page Exhibit 3 1 Location Map 2 Existing PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 6 3 Existing Lane Configurations 7 4 Existing Corridor and Transit Conditions 9 5 Person -trip Volume and Capacity — Existing Conditions Matrix 11 6 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Results 10 7 Committed Development Map 14 8 Future PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes without Project 15 9 PM Peak Hour Project Trip Generation 17 10 Cardinal Distribution 18 11 PM Peak Hour Project Vehicular Trips Assignment 19 12 Person -trip Volume and Capacity — Future Conditions Matrix 21 13 Project PM Peak Hour Vehicular Volumes 22 14 Future with project PM Peak Hour Vehicular Volumes 23 15 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis 20 Page II Lima ( 1 1 1 4111 I L'SP Traffic Impact Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Lima project is a residential project located on the east side of Biscayne Boulevard between NE 29 and NE 30 Street in Miami, Florida. The project consists of 211 residential dwelling units and 8,244 SF of retail space. Access to the site is proposed on NE 29 Street and NE 4 Avenue via two-way driveways. Build out of the project is anticipated by the year 2008. The subject site is located just outside the boundaries of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. Existing and future traffic conditions for the project area corridors were established using the person -trip based corridor capacity method. This method, consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, promotes improved transportation efficiency through increased private vehicle occupancies and makes mass transit a full partner in the urban transportation system. Analysis results show that the project area corridors are projected to operate within the established corridor threshold. The intersection capacity analysis was performed at the intersections under study using vehicular volumes and the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), based on the procedures of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Results of the future intersection analysis show that all intersections operate within the standard adopted by the city. 1 Page 1 Lima MUSP Traffic Impact Study 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Lima project is a residential project located on the east side of Biscayne Boulevard between NE 29 and NE 30 Street in Miami, Florida. The project consists of 211 residential dwelling units and 8,244 SF of retail space. Access to the site is proposed on NE 29 Street and NE 4 Avenue via two-way driveways. Build out of the project is anticipated by the year 2008. The subject site is located just outside the boundaries of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. 1 1.1 Study Area Consistent with the approved methodology for this project (See Appendix A), the traffic study was performed for PM peak hour conditions. For traffic analysis purposes, the study area has been defined as 1-195 to the north, 1-395 to the south, Biscayne Boulevard to the east and I-95 to the west. Corridor capacity analysis was performed along Biscayne Boulevard from I-395 to 1- 195, along NE 36 Street from Biscayne Boulevard to 1-95 and along NE 20 Street from Biscayne :1° Boulevard to 1-95. Intersection capacity analysis was performed for the following intersections: • NE 29 Street / Biscayne Boulevard (signalized) • NE 30 Street / Biscayne Boulevard • NE 29 Street / NE 4 Avenue • NE 30 Street / NE 4 Avenue 1 1 1.2 Study Objective 1 1 The objective of this traffic study is to assess possible PM peak hour impacts on the project area ' corridors using the person -trip corridor capacity method. This method is designed to meet the 1 challenges posed by Florida's growth management laws: to promote compact urban 1 development, discourage suburban sprawl and improve urban mobility. The method is consistent 1 with the City's Comprehensive Plan and promotes improved transportation efficiency through 1 increased private vehicle occupancies, thus making mass transit a full partner in the urban 1 transportation system. D 1 1 Page 2 95 NW 36 ST v.T.5. E30ST E,29 ST z NE 27 S NE 26 S NE 20 ST 2R6.JECT: LIMA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LE: -39 z NE T3 ST PROJECT SITE J 1 LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT No. PQe 3 Limo so 1 1 1 10 1 1 410 MUSP Tragic Impact Study 2.0 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 2.1 Data Collection Data collection for this study included roadway characteristics, intersection data, intersection volumes, and signal timing. The data collection effort is described in detail in the following sections. 2.1.1 Roadway Characteristics Biscayne Boulevard Biscayne Boulevard (US-1) is a major arterial that provides north/south access throughout the City of Miami from downtown (the CBD) north to the Broward County line. Between NE 20 Street and NE 36 Street, Biscayne Boulevard is a two-way, four -lane divided roadway. Exclusive left turn lanes are provided at major intersections. On -street parking is prohibited. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. NE 20 Street NE 20 Street is a local roadway that provides east/west access within the study area. Between Biscayne Boulevard and N. Miami Avenue, NE 20 Street is a two-way, two-lane undivided roadway and between N. Miami Avenue and 1-95 it is a two-way, four -lane undivided roadway. On -street parking is permitted between N. Miami Avenue and 1-95. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. NE 36 Street NE 36 Street is a local roadway that provides east/west access within the study area. Between Biscayne Boulevard and N. Miami Avenue, NE 36 Street is a two-way, four -lane undivided roadway and between N. Miami Avenue and NW 3 Avenue it is a two-way, two-lane undivided roadway, returning to a two-way, four -lane undivided roadway west of NW 3 Avenue to I-95. Exclusive left turn lanes are provided. On -street parking is permitted between N. Miami Avenue and NW 3 Avenue. There are no posted speed limit signs within the study area. Page 4 1 Lima MUSP Traffic Impact Study 2.1.2 Traffic Counts Peak period vehicle turning movement counts and 24-hour directional counts were collected at the intersections and segments under study. Seasonal adjustment factors were obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Traffic counts are included in Appendix B. Exhibit 2 shows the adjusted Existing PM peak season, peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections. 2.1.3 Intersection Data A field survey was conducted to determine the lane configurations for the roadways and intersections under study. Existing signal timing data was obtained from Miami -Dade County for the analyzed intersection. Signal information is included in Appendix B. This information provided the signal phasing and timing used in the intersection capacity analysis. Exhibit 3 shows the existing lane configurations for the intersections and roadways studied. Page 5 r • M • • 0 !� NE 32 ST NE31 ST w w z NE 30 ST NE 29 ST NE 28 ST NE 27 ST BISCAYNE BOULEVARD N 7.S. CO il 1- a 49 �...._ 1 16 ti II m CV 16 37 60 w w N v Y 7 27 — t 5 � 63 14- 43 --} 32-= ��20 —_ N 31 y .4. 4 16 .--- 37 -16 3 21 PROJECT: LIMA MUSP MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY EXISTING PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT No. Page 6 1 r w N w z NE 32 ST NE 31 ST NE 30 ST BOULEVARD w z U U) NE 29 ST 1- 0 N w z L w V- w r;. T. S NE 28 ST NE27 ST R6JEC1: LIMA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY LE: EXHi311 No. EXISTING LANE CONFIGURATION 1 3 Page 7 1 • 1 1 • 1 140 Lima MUSP Traffic Irnpact Study 2.2 Corridor Capacity Analysis Existing traffic conditions for the project area corridors have been established using the person - trip based corridor capacity method. The methodology for this analysis is outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The existing traffic conditions analysis identifies the person -trip volumes and person --trip capacities of the corridors, establishes existing person -trip usage and identifies whether or not person -trip deficiencies exist. An adopted standard of LOS E applies to the transportation corridors as measured by the person -trip method. The existing conditions analysis establishes the multi -modal corridor conditions within the project area. Person -Trip Volumes Link volumes collected were adjusted to peak season traffic conditions using seasonal adjustment factors provided by FDOT. Peak hour maximum service volumes were obtained from FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook. Transit (bus and fixed rail) ridership and capacity were obtained from Increment II of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. An analysis of existing vehicle roadway and transit conditions is shown in Exhibit 4, supporting information included in Appendix C. Person -Trip Capacity Vehicle occupancy for the person -trip capacity calculations is based upon a comprehensive study performed for the City of Miami. The vehicle occupancy factor of 1.6 persons per vehicle is approved for use as the practical capacity of a private passenger vehicle to determine the person - trip capacity of the vehicular traffic system. Bus and fixed rail capacity for each corridor was determined based on the number of transit vehicles per hour and the person -trip capacity of each transit vehicle. This information was obtained directly from the Miami -Dade Transit Authority. 1 Page 8 .i.•. ..W!!.W W W MPW WIPlWIIwrWwwwWwwwwwww=1.1t• w wig W W W Exhibit 4 Existing Corridor and Transit Conditions Roadway Conditions (vehicles) Transit Conditions (persons) CORRIDOR TO Dir Existing Lanes Count Source/ Period Raw PM Peak Hour Volume Peak Season Factor PM Peak Hour Volume Dir Max Service Volume [11 Total Bus Ridership [2] Bus Capacity [21 Total Metrorasl Ridership [21 Meirorail Capacity [21 Total Metromover Ridership [2) Metromover Capacity [2] Total Transit Ridership [21 Transit Capacity [2] FROM Biscayne Blvd 0 0 44 960 792 2666 -395 NE 14 Street NB 59 3L 3L DPA - PM DPA - PM 1556 1134 0.99 0.99 1540 1123 2490 2490 746 498 1706 2486 0 0 53 44 960 960 551 722 3446 1988 NE 14 Street NE 15 Street NB SB 2LD 2LD DPA - PM DPA - PM 1335 1204 1.00 1.00 1335 1204 1660 1560 678 485 1028 1808 0 0 0 0 53 44 960 960 538 486 2768 2429 NE 15 Street NE 19 Street NE 19 Street NE 20 Street NB SB NB 58 2LD 2LD 2LD 2LD DPA - PM DPA- PM DPA - PM DPA - PM 1335 1204 1335 1204 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1335 1204 1335 1204 1660 1660 1660 1660 442 383 523 416 523 1469 2249 1472 2252 1472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 960 0 0 0 436 523 418 3 5523 3209 1472 2252 1472 NE 20 Street NE 29 Street NB SB 2LD 2113 DPA - PM DPA - PM 1509 1091 1.02 1.02 1539 1113 1660 1660 416 2252 1472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 523 2252 1472 NE 29 Street NE 36 Street NB 55 2LD 2LD DPA - PM DPA - PM 1619 1569 1.02 1.02 1651 1600 1660 1660 523 416 2252 0 0 0 0 523 2472 NE 36 STREET 1292 0 0 0 0 33 1292 Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB WO 2LU 2LU DPA - PM DPA - PM 502 460 1.06 1.06 532 488 1328 1328 33 52 1292 1292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 33 1292 1292 N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue EB WB 1LU 1 LU DPA- PM DPA - PM 545 477 1.06 1.06 578 506 780 780 33 52 33 1292 1292 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 33 1292 1292 NW 3 Avenue 1-95 EB WB 2LU 2LU DPA - PM DPA - PM 545 477 1.06 1.06 578 506 1328 1328 52 1292 0 0 0 0 52 1292 NE 20 STREET 780 27 195 0 0 0 0 227 7 195 Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB 1LU DPA - PM 284 1.02 290 18 195 0 0 0 0 195 WB 1LU DPA - PM 270 1.02 275 780 27 195 0 0 0 28 27 195 N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue NW 3 Avenue 1•35 EB WB EB WB 2LU 2LU 210 2LU DPA- PM DPA - PM DPA - PM DPA - PM 453 544 483 544 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 493 555 493 555 1328 1328 1328 1328 18 27 18 195 195 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 18 195 195 195 Notes: [1] Peak Hour Directional Maximum Service Volumes are obtained from FDOT's Quality/Level of Service Handbook [2] Transit and roadway information obtained from the Downtown Miami DR1 Increment it 8, Miami Dade Transit Authority e Lima Mt1SP Traffic Mpuca Study Available Person -Trip Capacity The available person -trip capacity for each corridor is shown in Exhibit 5 based on the following: Person -trip capacity — Person -trip volume - Available Person -trip capacity. A general level of service designation is provided for each study corridor based on the calculated available person -trip capacity. A person -trip level of service look -up table was developed based on the ratios derived from the FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C). Based upon the person -trip evaluation for existing traffic conditions, no study corridor operates below the acceptable "person -trip" level of service standards. 2.3 Intersection Capacity Analysis The intersection capacity analysis was performed using vehicular volumes and the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), based on the procedures of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Exhibit 6 shows the resulting LOS for existing conditions at the intersections under study, analysis worksheets are included in Appendix D. All four intersections operate within the standard adopted by the city. Exhibit 6 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Weekday PM Peak Hour Conditions Intersection S/U Existing LOS NE 29 Street / Biscayne Boulevard S B NE 30 Street / Biscayne Boulevard U* B/F NE 29 Street / NE 4 Avenue U* A/A NE 30 Street / NE 4 Avenue U* A/A Source: DPA U= unsignalized S= signalized *LOS reported for major/minor approaches at unsignalized intersections. Page 10 f IP!wPwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w.... , f Exhibit 5 Person -Trip Volume and Capacity Existing Conditions Matrix Roadway Mode Transit Mode Segment Total (a) Roadway (b) Pers-Trip (c) Roadway {d) Pers-Trip (e) Excess (f) Total (9) Total {h) Pers-Trip (1) Segment 9) Segment (k) Pers-Trip Excess (l) Segment Person Trip CORRIDOR Dir Vehicular Capacity Vehicular Volume Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Excess Pers-Trip Pers-Trip LOS Capacity @PPV=1.6 Volume @PPV-1.4 Capacity Capacity Volume Capacity Capacity Volume Capacity (i)- vlc i)I(Q FROM TO ' 1.6 )c) ` 1.4 (b) - (dam (?)-(9) (b)+(f) (d)÷(9)... . (a) ill [31 [41 15) [61 17] it) Biscayne Blvd 1-395 NE 14 Street NO SB 2490 2490 3984 3984 1540 1123 2157 1572 1827 2412 2666 3446 792 551 1874 2895 6650 7430 2949 2123 2591 3701 5307 2053 0.44 0.29 0.56 C D NE 14 Street NE 15 Street NB SB 1660 1660 2656 2656 1335 1204 1869 1686 787 970 1988 2768 722 538 1266 2230 4644 5424 2224 2355 3200 2730 0.41 0.46 D D NE 15 Street NE 19 Street NB 56 1660 1660 2656 2656 1335 1204 1869 1686 787 970 2429 3209 486 436 1943 2773 5085 5865 2122 2392 3743 1736 0.36 0.58 C D NE 19 Street NE 20 Street NB SB 1660 1660 2656 2656 1335 1204 1869 1686 787 970 1472 2252 523 416 949 1836 4128 4908 2102 2678 2806 1450 0.43 0.65 D D NE 20 Street NE 29 Street NB SB 1660 1660 2656 2656 1539 1113 2155 1558 501 1098 1472 2252 523 416 949 1836 4128 4908 1974 2934 0.40 D NE 29 Street NE 36 Street SB 1660 2656 1600 2241 415 2252 416 1836 4908 2657 2251 0.54 D NE 36 STREET Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB WB 1328 1328 2125 2125 532 488 745 683 1380 1442 1292 1292 33 52 1259 1240 3417 3417 778 735 2639 2682 0.23 0.22 C N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue ES WB 780780 1248 506 708 540 1292 52 1240 2540 760 1780 0.30 C NW 3 Avenue 1-95 WB 1328 2125 506 708 1417 1292 52 1240 3417 760 2657 0.22 C NE 20 STREET Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB WB 780 780 1248 1248 290 275 406 386 842 862 195 195 27 18 168 177 1443 1443 2320 433 404 717 1010 1039 1603 0.30 0.28 0.31 C C N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue EB WB 1328 1328 2125 2125 493 555 690 777 1435 1348 195 195 27 18 168 177 2320 2320 795 717 1525 1603 0.34 0.31 C C NW 3 Avenue 1.95 EB WB 1328 1328 2125 2125 493 555 690 777 1435 1348 195 195 27 18 168 177 2320 795 1525 0.34 C Notes: [1] The Roadway Vehicular Capacity is obtained from Exhibit 4. [21 Person -Trip capacity is derived by applying a 1.6 vehicle occupancy to the vehicular capacity. 13]) The Roadway Vehicular Volume is obtained from Exhibit 4. [4] Person -Trip Volume is derived by applying a 1.4 vehicle occupancy to the vehicular capacity. ]5] The Total Transit Person -Trip Capacity is obtained by adding bus, metrorail and metromover capacities (see Exhibit 4). [6] The Total Transit Person -Trip Volume is obtained by adding bus and metromover volumes (see Exhibit 4). (7] The Person Trip LOS is provided consistent with the FDOT's Duality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C). • r N 0 Lima USP Traffic Impact Study 3.0 PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The 2005 Miami -Dade County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the 2030 Metro - Dade Transportation Plan Long Range Element, were reviewed to identify any programmed or planned projects within the limits of the study area established. These documents show no officially programmed or planned capacity improvement projects within the study area prior to completion of the proposed project. Page 12 Lima MUSP Traffic Impact Study 1 1 E Consistent with other traffic studies performed in the area, a conservative one (1) percent growth I factor was applied to existing traffic volumes. This growth rate is intended to account for future growth due to additional developments that have not been identified at this time but occur within I the study period. 1 I I 4.2 Committed Developments 1 1 A list of projects was obtained from city staff, City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department 1 Report on Private Development From 1996 to Present (Updated through August 2005). These 1 projects are approved and are either under construction or about to break ground. Other projects 1 are approved by City Commission but with no building permits, or in the application stage, The MOprojects in the vicinity of Lima are shown in Exhibit 7. These projects size and trip generation 0 are included in Appendix E. Traffic generated by these developments was distributed using the 0 Cardinal Distribution from the appropriate TAZ. For estimating trip distribution from committed 10 projects, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network, roadway available 10 to travel in the desired direction and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway. This 10 II information and a matrix showing segment volumes from the committed developments are also included in Appendix E. Future traffic volumes were projected for the build -out year 2008. 1 1 Exhibit 8 shows the projected turning movement volumes without the project. 4.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4.1 Background Traffic 1 4.3 Project Traffic 1 4.3.1 Project Trip Generation 1 Project trip generation is based on the calculation of person -trips consistent with the City of ram'' Miami Comprehensive Plan. Person -trips generated by the project were established using the • Page 13 • • • 10 • P440 1 1 1 0 196 NW36ST 7 7 w z NE 30 ST NE 29 ST NE27ST 7 NE26ST NE205T PROJECT SITE NW 75 ;up- vt\ m LEGEND 1 - PAC 2 - BAYVIEW MARKET 3 BISCAYNE PARK 4 - DISTRICT LOFTS 5 - ELLIPSE 6 - SOLEIL NW Tt1 ST NE13ST I-395 PROJECT: LIMA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TITLE: COMMITTED DEVELOPMENT EXHIBIT No. 7 Page 14 AVE 42 1159 52 BISCAYN 22 14 13 NE4AVE 65 —i 7 44 t r` 21 48 —= 53 NE28 ST --=r in rn r NE 27 ST 9110.:ECTI LIMA MUSP MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TITLE FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT No. 8 ! Limn MUSP Traffic Impact Study following procedures consistent with Increment II of the Downtown DRI and the approved methodology: • The gross vehicular trip generation for each land use was determined using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation 7`h Edition rates or formulas. • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 16% based upon the use of the ITE trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. 1TE's 1.2 pers/veh). • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 14.9% to reflect transit usage based on projected modal splits from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • Gross vehicular trips were also reduced by 10% for pedestrian/bicycle based on estimates from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • The net external vehicle trips were converted to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The vehicular trips assigned to transit were converted back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The net external person -trips were obtained by adding together the project net external person -trips for the vehicle and transit modes. A trip generation summary for the project is provided in Exhibit 9. 4.3.2 Proiect Trip Assignment Project traffic was distributed and assigned to the study area using the Cardinal Distribution for TAZ 504, shown in Exhibit 10. The Cardinal Distribution gives a generalized distribution of trips from a TAZ to other parts of Miami -Dade County. For estimating the trip distribution for the project location, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network accessed by the project, roadways available to travel in the desired direction, and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway. Exhibit 11 shows the project vehicular trip assignment to the impacted roadway segments and intersections. Page 16 ••• Ili • •••••• W W W W W W W W W W V W W W W W W W W W W W w '^1 Exhibit 9 Lima MUSP PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips, Trips High -Rise Condominuim Specialty Retail 211 DU 8,244 SF 232 814 62% 44% 51 10 38% 56% 30 13 81 23 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS j 59% 61 1 41% 1 43 1 104 16.00% of Gross External Trips 14.90% of Gross External Trips 10.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 59% 59°10 59% _ 59% 10 9 6 36 41 % 41% 41% 41 % 7 6 4 26 17 15 16 57 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 Transit Trip Reduction @ Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction © NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 59% 59% 59% 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 59% 13 1 41 % 9 1 22 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 12 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miarni DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miarni DRI Increment II Lima MUSP Traffic Impact Study Exhibit 10 Cardinal Distribution of Trips TAZ 504 Cardinal Direction Distribution TAZ 504 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW Total 10.76% 4.25% 5.02% 4.48% 21.43% 23.62% 13.62% 16.82% 100 c7c Page 18 1 0% W uJ NE 30 5 329ST E27ST PROIECT NE26ST NF 20 ST PROJECT SITE NW 14 ET µST LIMA MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY -395 one: PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT No. 11 Page 19 Lima MUSP Traffic Impact Siudy 4.4 Future Corridor Capacity Analysis The existing person -trip volumes were combined with the committed development and background growth person -trips to obtain the total year 2008 person -trip volume without project. The net external project person -trips were then added to get the future person -trip volumes with project. These volumes were compared to the future person -trips capacities to determined future level of service. The future person -trip volume and capacity matrix is shown in Exhibit 12. All corridors analyzed are projected to operate within the established LOS E threshold. 4.5 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis Background growth and committed development trips were combined with the adjusted existing traffic to get the total year 2008 vehicular traffic without project on the study intersections. The Exhibit 13 shows the project trips were then added to obtain the future with traffic volumes. project PM peak hour vehicular volumes and Exhibit 14 shows hour vehicular traffic volumes at the intersections under study. the total (with project) PM peak Results of the future intersection analysis show that all intersections operate within the LOS E standard adopted by the city. Exhibit 15 shows the resulting LOS at the intersections under study. Intersection capacity analysis worksheets are provided in Appendix D. Exhibit 15 Peak Hour Conditions Intersecti©n S!U LOS Future Without Project LOS Future with Project NE 29 Street / Biscayne Boulevard S B B NE 30 Street / Biscayne Boulevard U* B/F B/F NE 29 Street / NE 4 Avenue U* A/A A/A NE 30 Street / NE 4 Avenue L1* A/A A/A Source: DPA U= unsignalized S. signalized *LOS reported for major/minor approaches at unsignalized intersections. Page 20 IIIPM11.4W WWwwwWWwWwww_wW wwwwwwwwwrwwwww wwir Exhibit 12 Person -Trip Volume and Capacity Future Conditions Matrix Without Project With Project {a) Existing (b) Future (o) Committed (d) Future (e) Projected (t) Future (9) Future wlout Proj (h) Project (i) Total (I) Future (k) Future with Proj Pers-Trip Corridor Dir Pers-Trip Volumes Bkg. Pers-Trip Development Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Volumes Transit Capacity Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Volume Pers-Trip Volumes Pere -Trip Capacity vlc LOS Capacity vie LOS 1.0% (i)!(1) To 3 (b),".t) (d)I(t) a , (d 4-(14........ From 111 . i21 - l31 l4) is) i61 (41 Is).. Biscayne Blvd 12 3351 6692 0.50 1-395 NE 14 Street NB 50 2949 2123 3038 2187 301 45 3339 2232 42 1494 6692 8924 0.50 0.25 D C 8 2241 8924 4798 0.25 0.58 C D NE 14 Street NE 15 Street NB SB 2591 2224 2670 2291 105 66 2774 2357 154 1606 4798 7030 0.58 0.34 0 C 12 8 2786 2365 7030 5166 0.34 0.50 C 0 NE 15 Street NE 19 Street NB SB 2355 2122 2426 2186 144.85 102.7 2571 2289 81 1533 5166 7398 0.50 0.31 D C 12 8 2583 2297 7398 4206 0.31 0.62 C 0 NE 19 Street NE 20 Street NB SB 2392 2102 2464 2165 144.85 102.7 2609 2268 78 1530 4206 6438 0.62 0.35 0 C 12 8 2621 2276 6438 4266 0.35 0.70 C D NE 20 Street NE 29 Street NB SB 2678 1974 2759 2034 183.45 196.35 2942 2230 78 1530 4206 6438 0.70 0.35 D C 12 8 2954 2239 6438 4206 0.35 0.74 C D NE 29 Street NE 36 Street NB SB 2835 2657 2921 2737 192.2 242.3 3113 2979 78 1530 4206 6438 0.74 0.46 D D 20 24 3133 3003 6438 0.47 D NE 36 STREET Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB WB 778 735 802 757 75 75 877 832 0 0 3417 3417 026 0.24 C C 3 2 880 834 3417 3417 2540 0.26 0.24 0.37 C D N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue EB WO 842 760 867 783 75.2 74.95 942 858 0 0 2540 2540 0.37 0.34 0 C 3 2 945 860 2540 3417 0.34 0.28 C C NW 3 Avenue 1.95 EB WB 842 760 867 783 75 75 942 858 0 0 3417 3417 0.28 0.25 C C 3 2 945 860 3417 0.25 C NE 20 STREET Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB WB 433 404 446 416 210 213 656 629 -9 -9 1434 1434 0.46 0.44 D D 6 4 662 633 954 1434 1434 2311 0.46 0.44 0.41 D D N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue EB WB 717 795 738 819 210.15 213.3 949 1032 -9 -9 2311 2311 0.41 0.45 D D 6 4 1036 2311 0.45 D NW 3 Avenue 1-95 WB 795 819 213 1032 45 2365 0.44 D 4 1036 2365 0.44 D Notes: [1] The Existing Person Trip Volume is obtained from Exhibit 5, column (j) [2) Year 2008 Background Person Trip Volume is derived by applying a 1°/ growth factor to the existing person -trip volume [3] Projected Transit Capacity was obtained from the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 and the projected transit capacityExhibit 12, column e) [41 The Total Future Peak Hour Person Trip Capacity is obtained by adding al€ modes of transportation (Exhibit 5, column (I)) p I [51 The Person Trip LOS is provided consistent with the FDOT's Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C) [61 Project Person Trip Volumes are derived from Trip Generation Analysis -NN„ • • 1 1 w W Z NE 32 ST NE 31 ST NE 30 ST NE 29 ST OULEVARE w z v T10 5 18 3 15— sn N.T.S. NE 28 ST 2 13 —} NE27 ST IN=36 OUT =2 PROJECT: LIMA MUSP MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TITLE: PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUMES EXHIBIT No. 13 Page 22 • 1 1 1 i 1 0 1 , 1 , 10 s 10 w N w z NE 31 ST BOULEVARD w N.T.5. NE30 ST z V ca 53 1 16 r —4-1 w U N W z NE 29 ST 14 16 01 CO •ct et 8 A 19 .�-- 48 67 7 28 21 m to ii 3 15 1Q 3 22 67 80 53 NE 28 ST 64 21 \N P9OJECT; LIMA MUSP MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY T,TILE: FUTURE WITH PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUMES EXHIBIT No. 14 Page 23 Lama MUSP Traffic Impact Study 5.0 CONCLUSIONS An assessment of the PM peak hour traffic associated with the development of Lima was performed. Analysis of future (2008) traffic conditions with the project during the PM peak hour shows that the City of Miami's adopted Level of Service standards will not be exceeded. Adequate capacity during the PM peak hour is available to accommodate the proposed project trips within the study area at the intersections and on the transportation corridors segments analyzed. oct 2005 musp report.doc Page 24 P 1 i i i i • Appendix A • • WO Approved Methodology i• Site Plan r • • r r I r r r r ID • DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 1 • TRANSPORTATION • CIVIL + STRUCTURAL • ENVIRONMENTAL To: Affiliation: From: RE: cc: Facsimile Transmission Mr. Raj Shanmugam, PE URS Corporation Sonia Shreffler-Bogart Lima MUSP #05203 Miranda Blogg, Lilia Medina, Jennifer McConney, file Fax #: Phone #: Date: Pages: (954) 739-1789 (954) 739-1881 September 21, 2005 3 page(s), including cover Per your conversation with Juan Espinosa, Kobi Karp Architecture and Interior Design is pursuing City of Miami approvals for a residential project located on Biscayne Boulevard between NE 29th and 30th Streets in Miami, Florida. The plan includes 188 residential dwelling units and 8,244 SF of retail space (see Attachment A). Vehicular access to the project will be provided on NE 30th Street. The subject site is located outside the limits of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. The study area has been defined as 1-195 to the north, 1-395 to the south, Biscayne Boulevard the east and 1-95 to the west. This will serve as our methodology for the subject MUSP traffic impact study. Turning movement traffic counts will be collected during the PM (4:00-6:00) peak period at four major intersections in the immediate project vicinity. 1. NE 29th Street / Biscayne Boulevard (signalized) 2. NE 30th Street / Biscayne Boulevard 3. NE 29th Street / NE 4th Avenue 4. NE 30th Street / NE 4th Avenue In addition to these intersections, we will analyze the project driveway(s). 111 1 10 1 • • • X Segment traffic volumes will be collected as 24 hour machine counts at the following locations: 1. Biscayne Boulevard between 1-395 to NE 13th Street 2. Biscayne Boulevard between NE 13th Street and NE 20th Street 3. Biscayne Boulevard between NE 20th Street and NE 1-195 4. NE 20th Street between NE 2nd Avenue and Miami Avenue 5. NE 20th Street between Miami Avenue and I-95 X Available Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) counts will be consulted where appropriate. X Raw traffic counts will be adjusted to peak season (for the peak hour period). X The signal timing and phasing at the study signalized intersections will be obtained from Miami -Dade County. 1750 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TELEPHONE: 305 447-090Q, FAX: 305 444-4986 1 X Existing and future traffic conditions for the project area corridors will be established using the person -trip method. The methodology for this method is outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. X Corridor capacity will be estimated using generalized vehicular capacities (converted to person -trips) from the i FDOT LOS Manual, or other acceptable equivalent. X Project Traffic -.. project trip generation will be based on the calculation of person --trips consistent with the city of Miami Comprehensive Plan. Person -trips generated by the project will be established using the following procedure: 1. Determine the gross vehicular trip generation for each land use using the Institute of r Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation rates or formulas. 1 2. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a vehicle occupancy adjustment based upon the use of then E trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh). 3. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a transit reduction based on projected modal splits. 4. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a pedestrian/bicycle reduction. ' 5. Establish the net external vehicle trips. ' 6. Convert the net external vehicle trips to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to i City standards. 7. Convert the vehicular trips assigned to transit back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. 1 8. Add together the project net external person -trips for the vehicle and transit modes. ' X Background Traffic. A growth factor consistent with historical annual growth in the area will be applied to the I. existing traffic volumes. X Committed Developments. Will be based on the August 2005 list of relevant projects provided by the city. 1 Only projects that are approved and are either under construction or about to break ground will be included. Committed development trips will also be converted to person -trips based on the methodology described 1 above. X Highway Capacity Software (HCS) based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) will be used for existing and future intersection capacity analysis. Project and committed development net external vehicle 0 trips (adjusted for transit, pedestrian and occupancy as described above) will be used for the intersection capacity analysis. Intersection capacity analyses will be performed at the three study intersections and the 0 proposed project driveway(s). r X Trip Assignment. Net new external project traffic will be assigned to the adjacent street network using the appropriate cardinal distribution from the Metro -Dade Long Range Transportation Plan Update, published by the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Normal traffic patterns will also be considered when assigning r project trips. X Per Section 14.182d of the City of Miami Code, a Transportation Control Measures Plan will be included in the report. 0 If you have any questions you can contact me at (305) 447-0900. • traffic_meth_fax.doc 1750 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TELEPHONE: 305 447-0900, FAX: 305 444-4986 E-MAIL: dpadplurtmer-eom • mw mow m my morw w ww wr w wwwMir wwwwwwwww111PwwwVIP 1111 169'-1' N.E 3OTH STREET ECESCAM3su. FACE PM9(NG LOT DSITPLAN PROPOSED 39 STORY TOWER N.E. 29TH TERRACE SCALE:1"s Iif4" TOTAL SPACES EB COMMERCIAL I RETAIL SERVICE CIRCULATION RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL BALCONIES RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES PARKING{ DROP OFF AREAS MANAGEMENT!LOBBIES Vt. ARGHFTECTURE 8 INTERIOR DESIGN KOB1 KARP V 1 141 o • r 0 r r r le r Appendix B Traffic Counts & Signal Timings r r i 1. 1 1 1 1 1 M f 1 0 1 I I ►. • Raw Traffic Counts 1 1 1 11111lik 29TH STREET & BISCAYNE BLVD/US 1 NI, FLORIDA 1 OUNTED BY: I. GONZALEZ & 0. GONZALEZ i SIGNALIZED 1 1 10 TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PBS Site Code : 00050237 Start Date: 09/06/05 File I.D. 29S RISC Page : 1 BISCAYNE BLVD/US 1 From North Peds Right Thru Left 1 Date 09/06/05 1 16:00 3 12 215 4 16:15 3 9 219 9 lo 16:30 0 15 202 6 1i 45 3 14 185 6 11 Er Total 9 50 821 25 17:00 1 16 251 6 11 17:15 4 5 266 9 17:30 0 12 232 11 IP 17:45 2 4 243 6 11 Hr Total 7 37 992 32 • • • • • NE 29 STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BISCAYNE BLVD/US 1 From South Peds Right Thru Left NB 29 STQERT From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total 8 2 16 11 7 5 5 9 1 4 11 14 8 2 3 17 24 13 35 51 10 4 4 9 9 5 12 18 13 8 6 18 7 3 12 16 39 20 34 61 2 8 283 13 2 6 254 11 1 4 49 4 5 15 259 5 10 33 845 33 4 7 303 2 9 5 283 10 2 4 244 11 2 2 261 8 17 18 1091 31 4 8 9 17 598 4 4 9 10 550 0 4 2 7 322 0 2 7 12 527 8 18 27 46 1997 1 14 6 22 644 4 6 6 19 644 3 11 13 14 584 5 8 8 15 5$ 13 39 33 70 2458 *TOTALt 16 87 1813 57 63 33 69 112 27 51 1936 64 I 21 57 60 116 I 4455 411! 29TR STREET & BISCAYNE BLVD/US 1 ANL FLORIDA COUNTED BY: I. GONZALBZ & O. GONZALEZ ! SIGNALIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (5611 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050237 Start Date: 09/06/05 File I.D. : 29S_BISC Page : 2 BISCAYNE BLVD/U5 1 From North Peds Right Thru Date 09/06/05 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Peak start 17:00 Volume - 37 992 Percent 31 931 3% Pk total 1061 Highest 17:15 Volume 5 266 9 Left NE 29 STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BISCAYNE BLVDIUS 1 From South Peds Right Thru Left NE 29 STREET From Best Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total Hi total 280 PHF .95 Intersection for 17:00 7 7 32 NE 29 STQEET 31 34 102 37 70 70 33 33 39 39 13 13 115 17:15 35 .82 37 the Period: 20 34 17% 30% 5 12 16:00 to 18:00 on 09/06/05 17:00 61 53% 18 1140 17:00 312 .91 BISCAYNE BLVD/US 1 37 992 992 1,061 44 42 32 32 2,242 18 1091 2t 96% 7 303 70 1,091 20 1,181 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 2,458 2,232 r 61 31 992 39 1,092 31 19 31 3% 2 11 1,140 1,091 BISCAYNE BLVD/US 1 1,091 17:00 - 39 33 70 - 27% 23% 491 142 17:00 14 6 22 42 .85 39 39 1 8 18 20 20 34 34 61 61 83 NE 29 STREET 32 33 18 Igh tie 7,q T• r 1• 1 ► PI° 1 i or-th NE 2q st. Y MiAJ41 , 1Lio V A 36PTEi 1 ti , was 51 WAAL 17 .t millk30TH STREET R BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 1iI, FLORIDA 0 COUNTED BY: LUIS PALOMINO NOT SIGNALIZED, B/W STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC, 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BRACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX [5611 272-4381 ALL VESICLES S PBDS Site Code : 00050263 Start Date: 09/22/05 File T.D. : 3OSTBISC Page : 1 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 0 From North ' Peds Right Thru Left i Date 09/22/05 r i i 0 tTO1AL* 23 78 1938 97 I 96 95 2 30 9 46 2382 16 44 30 8 26 I 4748 NE 30TH STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BISCAYNE BOULEVARD From South Peds Right Thru Left NE 30TH STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 Hr Total 17:00 17:15 17:30 11:45 Er Total 10 41 1 13 229 11 5 13 222 7 3 7 208 11 6 8 237 13 15 41 896 42 0 10 284 14 2 12 250 16 5 5 251 13 1 10 251 12 8 37 1042 55 9 10 I 6 3 11 0 2 20 9 0 2 15 13 0 2 47 43 1 12 11 14 1 2 15 16 0 5 11 12 0 2 12 10 0 9 49 52 1 18 0 6 261 1 0 4 289 4 6 3 281 1 1 7 306 3 7 20 1137 9 1 8 317 1 0 6 299 2 0 5 328 0 1 7 301 4 2 26 1245 7 6 3 0 7 8 3 0 3 11 2 0 1 3 2 2 4 28 10 2 15 10 8 2 3 3 2 2 6 2 7 0 1 1 3 2 1 16 20 6 11 548 558 525 597 2228 664 616 624 616 2520 1 130TB STREET & BISCAYNE BOULEVARD �gl, FLORIDA IF COUNTED BY: LUIS PALOMINO 0 NOT SIGNALIZED, EJN STOP p 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 45 37 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PHDS Site Code : 00050263 Start Date; 09/22/05 File I.D. 30STBISC Page : 2 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 09/22/05 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Peak start 17:00 Volume 37 1042 Percent 31 921 Pk total 1134 Highest 17:00 Volume 10 284 Hi total 308 PHF .92 NE 30TH STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BISCAYNE BOULEVARD From South Peds Right Thru Left NE 30TH STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total Intersection for 17:00 51 - 71 17:15 14 - 21 .85 8 8 NE 30TH STREET 11 6 6 16 20 16 55 37 37 the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 09/22/05 17:00 52 1 18 731 11 251 16 0 5 26 1245 21 971 1278 17:30 5 328 333 .96 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD • 1,042 1,042 1,134 55 55 2 37 1 2,442 J 11 1,245 52 1,308 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 2,520 r 18 1,042 20 1,080 2,358 15 7 11 7 1,278 • 7 • 1,245 7 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 1,245 17:00 - 20 6 11 - 541 161 301 37 17:00 13 .71 8 2 3 49 49 52 52 1 1 18 18 87 NE 30TH STREET I 26 26 2 2 55 6 26 Dia Dw Oak Igh 41 I VI I V iOi&Li FL.v icA MYkewJae r,t21 ZOO 5- Jr&too. Lu.\s.P. ..owA.i y.o • NEW _ _ LIMA MUSP Pedestrian and Vehicle Turning Movement September 22, 2005 NE 4th Ave and 29th St NE 4th Ave From North NE 29th St From East NE 29th St From West Time Peds Right Left Peds Right Thru Peds Thru Left 4:00 PM to 4:15 PM 1 18 3 6 2 5 15 4 15 4:15 PM to 4:30 PM 3 7 1 3 0 5 2 3 10 4:30 PM to 4:45 PM 3 12 2 2 0 4 3 7 5 4:45 PM to 5:00 PM 2 2 2 0 1 4 6 4 9 5:00 PM to 5:15 PM 3 10 1 6 1 3 13 3 10 5:15 PM to 5:30 PM 2 3 7 13 4 4 2 5 1 0 5 6 4 13 3 5 5 19 5:30 PM to 5:45 PM 5:45PMto6:00PM 5 12 2 4 1 6 5 8 6 #05203 - 4 ave ,29 st ped_veh_count2.xis ■ IP 41, 11. III IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP! IP IF MP w M w w w w w LIMA MUSP Pedestrian and Vehicle Turning Movement September 22, 2005 NE 4th Ave and 30th St NE 4th Ave From North NE 4th Ave From South NE 30th St From East NE 30th St From West Time Peds -- Right Thru Left Peds mm Right Thru Left ' Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left 4:00 PM to 4:15 PM 2 9 3 3 2 3 8 1 2 7 8 2 1 2 6 1 4:15 PM to 4:30 PM 2 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 4 7 0 2 1 4 0 2 5 7 2 5 3 3 1 1 4 6 1 2 4:30PMto4:45PM 4:45 PM to 5:00 PM 1 5 2 2 0 1 4 4 1 3 9 7 1 0 5 3 5:00PMto5:15PM _ _ 3 5 4 5 3 — 4 4 1 3 1 1 1 4 0 3 3 6 2 1 13 9 8 5 3 4 2 0 8 9 0 3 5:15 PM to 5:30 PM 1 5:30PMto5:45PM 3 6 6 2 0 3 7 1 3 7 8 1 18 2 6 1 5:45 PM to 6:00 PM 1 2 4 7 _ 1 2 2 4 3 8 10 0 7 2 6 2 ` # 05203 - 4 ave _30 st ped_veh_count2xis 410 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D0309028.PRN 1 Station : 000000030708 Interval 15 minutes Start time : 15: Identification : 000058410067 Int Int I Start date : Mar 9, 04 Stoptime : 24:00 00 Stop date Mar 9, 04 County : Dade I City/Town : Miami, FL I Location : Biscayne Boulevard Btwn NE 13 & 14 Sts ' Mar 9 Southbound Volume for Lane 1 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 79 41 32 42 33 49 T102 T227 T361 355 298 274 ' 30 74 39 41 31 27 39 118 240 328 355 269 279 45 65 39 35 31 31 73 181 296 368 312 239 268 00 65 54 32 31 40 __82 _195 355 �347 300 �252 �263 1 Hr Total 283 A173 'T_ 140 135 131 243 596 1118 1404 1322 1058 1084 • • End Time 12 15 276 30 277 45 313 41111 00 254 r Hr Total 1120 1 13 313 306 282 284 14 276 261 251 269 1185 1057 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 247 243 R300 �245 '261 189 147 146 128 264 259 316 274 255 139 146 110 112 237 230 279 273 203 189 173 140 93 237 313 306 318 180 144 142 96 101 985 1045 1201 1110 899 661 608 492 434 24 Hour Total : 18484 P AM peak hour begins : 08:30 AM peak volume : 1425 Peak hour factor : 0.97 k PM peak hour begins : 16:45 PM peak volume : 1208 Peak hour factor : 0.96 ******************************************************************************* Northbound Volume for Lane 2 10 Mar 9 1 1 10 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 15 105 61 40 36 35 42 98 30 122 61 39 38 27 55 143 45 92 41 34 44 42 72 180 00 82 44 42 38 41 91 222 Hr Total 401 207 155 156 145 260 643 07 08 09 10 11 207 252 319 276 306 204 289 277 261 310 290 300 312 265 332 296 292 285 294 332 997 1133 1193 1096 1280 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 T__T 15 349 290 308 319 �383 363 373 325 244 153 233 173 30 305 331 294 312 391 388 405 331 241 189 240 142 45 297 287 315 395 388 407 391 275 243 207 228 118 00 374 346 280 359 355 404 345 266 237 209 �179 117 _ Hr Total 1325 1254 1197 1385 1517 1562 1514 1197 965 758 880 550 24 Hour Total : 21770 ► peak hour begins : 11:15 AM peak volume : 1323 Peak hour factor : 0.95 . ******************************************************************************* peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1589 Peak hour factor : 0.98 10 • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ************************************************** ******************** ******** Data File : D0309028.PRN Station : 000000030708 Identification : 000058410067 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Mar 9, 04 Start time : 00:00 Stopdate : Mar 9, 04 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Biscayne Boulevard Btwn NE 13 & 14 Sts ******************************************************************************* Mar 9 Total Volume for All Lanes ► End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 W 1 15 184 102 72 78 68 91 200 434 613 674 574 580 30 196 100 80 69 54 94 261 444 617 632 530 589 45 157 80 69 75 73 145 361 586 668 624 504 600 ( 00 147 98 74 69 81 173 _417 �651 T639 _585 �546 _595 Hr Total 684 380 295 291 276 503 1239 2115 2537 2515 2154 2364 0 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 '_22 _ 23 15 625 603 584 566 626 663 -618 586 433 M300 379 301 30 582 637 555 576 650 704 679 586 380 335 350 254 45 610 569 566 632 618 686 664 478 432 380 368 211 411111 00 628 630 549 596 668 710 663 446 381 _351 �275 218 1 Hr Total 2445 2439 2254 2370 2562 2763 2624 2096 1626 1366 1372 984 24 Hour Total : 40254 I AM peak hour begins : 08:30 AM peak volume : 2613 Peak hour factor : 0.97 p PM peak hourins : 17:00 k 3 hour My Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 ` Volume Repot with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D0316005.PRN F Station : 000000031402 Interval 15 minutes Identification : 009601150098 iSntart time : 15 0 j Start date : Mar 16, 04 Stop time : 24:00 Stop date : Mar 16, 04 County Dade City/Town : Miami, FL ' Location : Biscayne Boulevard Btwn NE 18 St & 17 Tr ******************************************************************************* Mar 16 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 0 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 15 95 53 30 23 r16 22 52 30 72 54 26 18 28 31 61 45 93 37 26 23 21 31 118 ` 00 60 52 120 --33 --24 --17 --17 -- 06 0 Hr Total 320 177 106 81 82 136 351 07 08 09 10 11 117 123 148 170 166 199 245 180 210 195 196 199 229 230 199 246 252 269 230 267 558 772 807 915 1018 1 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 --- 0 15 272 251 309 -282 -331 355 -259 -245 -201 154 189 130 0 30 271 294 299 309 324 350 308 255 197 161 188 111 45 270 248 264 296 314 331 262 231 148 154 178 137 41 00 287 247 266 -281 -307 -332 -258 -202 -141 -156 -146 --88 Hr Total 1100 1040 1138 1168 1276 1368 1087 933 687 625 701 466 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour Total : 16912 1 AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1040 Peak hour factor : 0.96 1 PM peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 1368 Peak hour factor : 0.96 ******************************************************************************* Mar 16 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 --10 --11 ---- ---- -- ---- -- -15 --77 -40 24 18 23 44 110 267 441 378 288 259 30 63 48 26 24 30 41 172 327 404 370 303 283 45 56 36 23 24 23 54 215 343 391 336 275 284 00 37 36 26 22 31 109 270 419 425 282 -279 325 T - Hr Total 233 160 99 88 -107 -248 767 1356 1661 1366 1145 1151 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 270 300 236 ^268 -303 341 ----- 340 -275 177 134 137 111 30 286 298 264 300 248 267 256 232 170 129 129 82 45 311 300 291 307 272 348 269 209 140 132 129 100 00 286 263 295 273 252 352 263 190 152 143 -112 86 -T- Hr Total 1153 1161 1086 1148 1075 1308 1128 906 639 538 507 379 24 Hour Total : 19409 popeak hour begins 08:00 AM peak volume : 1661 Peak hour factor : 0.94 peak hour begins 17:00 PM peak volume 1308 Peak hour factor : 0.93 ******************************************************************************* 1 ■ r/ Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 *********** ******************************************************************* 1 Data File : D0316005.PRN Station : 000000031402 10 Identification : 009601150098 Interval. : 15 minutes 11 Start date : Mar 16, 04 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Mar 16, 04 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade mik Location : Biscayne Boulevard Btwn NE 18 St & 17 Tr IV ******************************************************************************* 111, Mar 16 Total Volume for All Lanes • End Time 00 01 02 10 15 172 93 54 30 135 102 52 45 149 73 49 i 00 97 69 50 - 10 Hr Total 553 337 205 169 03 41 42 47 39 39 58 44 48 189 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 66 162 384 607 577 533 511 72 233 450 584 580 498 552 85 333 491 587 535 504 514 161 390 589 655 481 525 592 384 1118 1914 2433 2173 2060 2169 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 II 15 542 551 R545 550 r634 �696 �599 520 378 288 326 241 30 557 592 563 609 572 617 564 487 367 290 317 193 45 581 548 555 603 586 679 531 440 288 286 307 237 D. 00 573 510 561 554 559 684 _521 _392 �293 T299 _258 _174 0 Hr Total 2253 2201 2224 2316 2351 2676 2215 1839 1326 1163 1208 845 24 Hour Total : 36321 AM peak hour begins : 08:00 AM peak volume : 2433 Peak hour factor : 0.93 PM peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 2676 Peak hour factor : 0.96 ******************************************************************************* 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 110 11) 10 ., . Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 11 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D0713006.PRN "Station : 000000071202 Identification : 000058410082 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jul 13, 04 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jul 13, 04 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade ',Location : Biscayne Blvd South of NE 24th Street ',Jul 13 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 i 15 110 52 35 30 15 30 59 -109 ^175 212 208 222 11 30 103 64 25 20 19 22 61 131 177 207 237 265 45 73 48 30 22 22 45 57 139 196 196 205 289 10 00 80 39 24 24 22 43 96 153 205 218 204 301 Hr Total 366 203 114 96 78 140 273 532 753 833 854 1077 11 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 285 280 294 312 398 375 367 236 190 192 182 141 • 30 315 288 245 298 339 407 366 235 212 162 159 135 r 45 301 289 273 345 382 363 297 228 189 188 135 129 00 336 276 301 303 374 349 318 209 178 184 139 101 Hr Total 1237 1133 1113 1258 1493 1494 1348 908 769 -726 615 507 0 24 Hour Total : 17920 AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1190 Peak hour factor : 0.94 iiir PM peak hour begins : 16:30 PM peak volume : 1538 Peak hour factor : 0.94 III Jul 13 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 "End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 T-_15_-- --84 _-48 -32 10 26 - 34 -104 -238 -369 -376 -286 M276 I 30 44 42 30 19 28 46 129 298 355 333 248 279 1145 56 35 21 14 26 70 180 328 358 328 252 267 00 55 29 34 25 35 92 223 388 40.2 295 252 271 TTT- Hr Total 239 154 117 68 115 -242 -636 1252 1484 1332 1038 1093 il End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 251 -281 -285 238 �244 -287 -235 216 -177 135 152 107 111 30 267 223 296 234 241 297 223 180 153 136 126 117 45 292 280 260 240 276 302 253 190 161 138 119 94 00 311 275 276 246 254 259 232 159 168 130 125 77 r T Hr Total 1121 1059 1117 958 1015 1145 J943 �745 659 539 T522 395 r 24 Hour Total : 17988 peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1491 Peak hour factor : 0.93 peak hour begins : 12:15 PM peak volume : 1151 Peak hour factor : 0.93 0******************************************************************************* • 1 1 1 i Nei IMF Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace 10 Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 10 ******************************************************************************* Data File : D0713006.PRN lb Station : 000000071202 Identification : 000058410082 Interval : 15 minutes IP Start date : Jul 13, 04 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jul 13, 04 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade 1 Location : Biscayne Blvd South of NE 24th Street ******************************************************************************* 110 Jul 13 Total Volume for All Lanes 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 1 15 194 100 67 40 41 WW64 �163 �347 �544 �588 494 498 1 30 147 106 55 39 47 68 190 429 532 540 485 544 45 129 83 51 36 48 115 237 467 554 524 457 556 1 00 135 68 58 49 57 135 319 541 607 513 456 572 0 Hr Total 605 357 231 164 193 382 909 1784 2237 2165 1892 2170 1 End Tirne 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 536 561 579 550 642 662 602 452 367 327 334 248 i 30 582 511 541 532 580 704 589 415 365 298 285 253 45 593 569 533 585 658 665 550 418 350 326 254 223 lAlli 00 647 551 577 549 628 608 550 368 346 314 264 178 Hr Total 2358 2192 2230 2216 2508 2639 2291 1653 1428 1265 1137 902 P 24 Hour Total : 35908 AM peak hour begins : 08:30 AM peak volume : 2289 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 16:45 PM peak volume : 2659 Peak hour factor : 0.94 10 • ••10 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 10 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 an ******************************************************************************** SI/Data File : D0713005.PRN Station : 000000071201 Identification : 000110252090 Interval : 15 minutes IIStart date : Jul 13, 04 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jul 13, 04 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade ,Location : Biscayne Blvd South of NE 32nd Street ******************************************************************************* Jul 13 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 0 15 130 55 47 --29 16 29 71 122 -189 220 208 -239 30 106 65 24 21 22 30 76 138 187 207 236 264 45 76 52 32 26 28 46 85 157 192 193 230 318 ' 00 90 38 27 27 26 55 99 176 218 225 197 321 Hr Total 402 210 130 103 92 -160 331 �593 -786 845 -871 1142 0 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 320 326 304 345 392 330 454 271 197 223 174 143 0 30 323 300 267 328 395 397 375 250 206 186 168 149 45 308 344 296 368 421 407 304 229 188 207 139 114 041) 00 354 318 312 355 430 434 320 222 183 199 157 109 ' Hr Total 1305 1288 1179 1396 1638 1568 1453 972 774 -815 638 515 : 19206 i AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1282 Peak hour factor : 0.99 r PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume : 1692 Peak hour factor : 0.93 ********x********************************************************************** 1 Jul 13 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 24 Hour Total End Time 00 01 02 03 15 30 45 00 85 58 38 14 63 47 39 22 77 44 28 17 54 24 29 26 04 05 27 38 26 56 32 62 37 101 06 07 08 09 10 11 113 296 386 462 324 311 144 286 427 337 307 292 208 389 416 384 288 323 305 449 457 330 301 298 Hr Total 279 173 134 79 122 257 770 1420 1686 1513 1220 1224 / End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 - 15 308 308 331 279 309 -378 T�-- 386 240 178 158 174 132 30 288 295 299 259 364 408 265 201 201 141 163 126 45 333 326 304 295 396 448 241 216 164 188 130 96 00 388 331 317 333 419 384 256 172 201 153 145 89 - Hr Total 1317 1260 1251 1166 1488 1618 1148 829 744 640 612 443 24 Hour Total : 21393 010 peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1762 Peak hour factor : 0.95 peak hour begins : 16:45 PM peak volume : 1653 Peak hour factor : 0.92 ******;tic***************************************fir**k**'+l :e************************ lo lo .A Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 1111 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ******************************************************************************** IP Data File : D0713005.PRN ii Station : 000000071201 Identification : 000110252090 Interval : 15 minutes 111 Start date : Jul 13, 04 Start time : 00:00 Ili Stop date : Jul 13, 04 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Biscayne Blvd South of NE 32nd Street ******************************************************************************* Jul 13 Total Volume for All Lanes i End Time 00 __01 _-02 -l03 --04 -_05 _T06 -�07 Y�08 ��09 --10 --11 15 215 113 85 43 43 67 184 418 575 682 532 550 30 169 112 63 43 48 86 220 424 614 544 543 556 45 153 96 60 43 60 108 293 546 608 577 518 641 00 144 62 56 53 63 156 404 625 675 555 498 619 i Hr Total 681 383 264 182 214 -417 1101 2013 2472 2358 2091 2366 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 15 628 634 635 624 701 -708 �840 -511 -375 381 348 275 30 611 595 566 587 759 805 640 451 407 327 331 275 i 45 641 670 600 663 817 855 545 445 352 395 269 210 00 742 649 629 688 849 818 576 394 384 352 302 198 Hr Total 2622 2548 2430 2562 3126 3186 2601 1801 1518 1455 1250 958 24 Hour Total : 40599 LAM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2579 Peak hour factor : 0.95 PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume : 3318 Peak hour factor 0.97 '******************************************************************************* 1 PROJECT NAME: Traffic Data Collection e to Proceed : EASTBOUND TIME 1st/a 2 2:00 AM 20 :00 AM 13 02:00 AMA 14 03:00 AM 8 04:00AM 5 MECHANICAL COUNTS LOCATION: COUNT DATE: NW 36 ST BTWN NE 2 AVE & N MIAMI AVE WESTBOUND I BOTHWAY nd f/a. 3rd �/a 4#h �/a TOTAL! TIME 1st'/a 2nd Val 3rd Ya� 4i[�'/a�° TOTAL:' i TOTAL 12 ' -13 18 i 63 H H ,2:o0 AM 181 19 j 15 r 20' 72 135 101 10 5 38�nl:ooAM 1QI 11_13 91 43I 81 7 5 27 { o2:0a AM 9 8 ; 5 5 ` 27' 54 4 3 5 20 03:00 Aran 12 3 5 7 ] _ __ 27 '. 47 9 12 11 J 37 ; f a4:0o AM 3 5 101 2411_ 1 61 35 31 54 138 I' 1 6 -. -- ..... • -- , ; Ub:00 AM 13 14 16 ; 19 j 62 f 200 88 l 120 ' 06:00 AM ; 152 120 480 II 06:00 AM ! 321 40 f 62 r_ 59 193 1 142 ' . 673 07:00 AM 165 1651 149 j 621 07:00 AAA 1 70 81 101 101 r 35311 ! 974 08:00 AM 171 159 , 185E 206 1 722 ' 108:oo AM i 118 112 ` 105 ` 112 447 1,169 141 ! 09:00 AM j ( 140 134 127 542 09:00 AM 114 f 92 80 130 —416 ; 958 10.00 AM 133 103 } 103 100E 439 1o:E10 AM 86 108 83 99 E 3761 815 11:00 102 127 I111:00 ' AM ; 111 127 467 AM F 83 ! 104 112 95 394 861 0 12:00PMh 118 136 117 120 491 ;12:00 PM ; 117 103 98 f 1201 438 ' � 929 123 01:00 PM : ; 114 107 109 ! 4531 [01:00 PM I114 95 ` 119 ! 104 432 . r 885 02:00 PM 109 ! 136 125 ' 124 j 494 02:00 PM ] 99 € 91 ; 107 121 418 ' 912 03:00 PM 1118 � 136 134 126 514 ' 03:00 PM ' 114 f 105 171 ` 139 529 1,043 � ! ; �; mil 1231 126 ( 128 = 138 ' 5151 04:00 PM 1 123 143 143 : 1121`. 521 ;1 1,036 05:00 PM 128 ! 122 I 104 134 488 05:00 PM 122 83 97 96 ! 398 ! 886 moo PM I 95 ' 110 103 81 3891 l 06:00 PM f 77 75 ! 90 ` 91 I 33311 722 07:00 PM88 75 ' 66 I 69 298 ` 07:00 PM �] 61 52 47 63 223 521 �` 08:00 PM 67 75 58 49 , 24911 o8 oo PM 1 71 f 49 j 58 E 45 223 ` 472 09:00 PM 1 34 . 51 48 51 I 184 ] ' 09:00 PM -I'-- 41 34 47 43 1 165 1 349 10:00 PM 58 42 34 ` 331 167 !, 10:00 PM 45 ! 36 34 25 140 ] 307 11:00 PM 42 41 35 j 271 145 l L moo Pm! 38 25 29 20 112 ! I 257 24 Hour Total 7,981 24 Hour Total 6,366j L 14,347. DAfLY TRAFFIC COU NT SUMMARY EASTBOUND A.M. Peak Hour, Time: A.M. "K" Factor: A M. "D" Factor: P.M. Peak Hour, Time: P.M. "K" Factor: P.M. "D" Factor: 08:00 AM Volume: 722 9.0% P.H.P.: 0.88 61.8% 04:15 PM Volume: 520 6.5% P.H.F.: 0.94 50.0% WESTBOUND A.M. Peak Hour, Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 447 A.M. "K" Factor: 7.0% P.H.F.: 0.95 A.M. "D" Factor: 38.2% P.M. Peak Hour, Time: 03:30 PM Volume: 576 _ P.M. "K" Factor: 9.0% P.H.F.: 0.84 P.M. "D" Factor: 3OTHWAY: EASTBOUND and WESTBOUND A.M. Peak Hour, Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 1,169 A.M. "K" Factor: 8.1% P,H.F.: 0.92 A.M. Hour "D" Factor: 61.8%a P.M. Peak Hour, Time: 03:30 PM Volume: 1,085 P.M. "K" Factor: 7.6% P.H.F.: 0.89 P.M. Hour "D" Factor: 53.1 % MECHANICAL COUNTS r PROJECT NAME: Traffic Data Collection LOCATION: (be to Proceed : COUNT DATE: NW 36 ST BTWN 1-95 & N MIAMI AVE EASTBOUND WESTBOUND BOTHWAY TIME 1st /a1 2nd /4L 3rd /a kth /af TOTAL TIME ist'fal, 1 i —__ i 2nd /a, 3rd /4I 4th !4 TOTAL 1 TOTAL 12:00 AM ! 25 r mm 19 141 188 _ 76 H 112:00 AM l 201 7 13 121 52 128 0100AM,1 11 15j 13- 7i' 46,1:ooAM' 12' 11 91 8' 40 86_ 02:00 AI 1 Jr — i-- 6! 3 26 L o2:00 AM 7 5 4, 4+ 20 I 46 03:00 AM 1 41 6 7, 28 I' 03:00 ANE 7 ' 21 50 6; 7 221 04:00 AM 7 12 - _10 ;' 91 ... 38 j 10a:oo AM ! 81 31 13 ! 9T 331 ! 71 05:00 AM 191; 22 ` 29T 31 ! 101 1 5:Q0 AM 11 _�..30 , 261 181 851 r 186 —I os:00 AM 48 �831 1 6 T 119 1 36fi i , 06:oo Ann i 46 511 781 701 245 il 61 07:00 AM 111 134 144! 152 j` 541 I r o7:00 AM ! 851 1121 97 841 378 I 919 08:00 AM 1791 133 i 1341 1791 625110$:00 AM ;1 118 1201 1171 115 1 470 j 1,095 0s:0o AM125 5 1101 113 122 47011 09:00 AM 1 97' 80 94 114 385 ! 855 -10:©0 AM ' 116 I 1041 12211261 468 ;10:00 AM 1 85, 881 80 751 3281 796 11:00 AM 1 119 1021 118 ! 118 ` 45711 11:0o AM 1 93W 1 100 ? 981 82 ! 373 830 12:00 PM 1231 120 - 120 1141 4771 r 12:0o PM 1181 82 103 ' 1031 406 ' 1 883 01:00 PM j 1031 114 , 108,1105 430 r01:00 PM 1171 99! 921 88 396 1 826 02:00 PM 101 1 1091 1361 128 4741 102•00 PM ' 99 94 J 1161901 399�' 873 03:00 PM 1 136 108 ! 141 1 1W 19 ` 504 1103:0o PM 1113 o PM 152 ! 144 135 ! 140. 571 04:00 PM 1 19j 50 :00PM1 139 C 1261 127 127 5191105:ooPM1 122 06:00 Per j 141 ! - 111 1 130 T 741 456 106:00mP 1051 07:00 PM I 97 951 97! 83 ' 372 107:00 PM j 82 08:00 PM I 75 ! 67 I` 921 65 2991108:00 PM 1 68 09:00 PM I 74 ;f 55 I 581 56 ] 243 j10900 PM 1 44! 10:00 PM 1 551 36 351 51 i 1771 10:00 PM 35 1121 125 142] 4921T 996 125 121 1 119T 484 1,055 1131 122[1121 469! 988 82 81 73 I 341 j r 797 82 _. 70 58I 292r,r 664 61' 471 36 212' 511 45 461 381 1731 416 46� 22 221 1251302 21 , 281 221 111 1 233 24 Hour Total 6,331 j ; 14,217 11:ooPM1 381 24, 351 251 1221 11:00PM1 40! 24 Hour Total 7,886 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY EASTBOUND A.M. Peak Hour, Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 625 A.M. "K" Factor: 7.9% P.H.F.: 0.87 A M. "D" Factor: 57.1% P.M. Peak Hour, Time: 04:00 PM Volume: 571 P.M. "K" Factor: 7.2% P.H.F.: 0.94 P.M. "D" Factor: 54.1% WESTBOUND A.M. Peak Hour, Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 470 A.M. "K" Factor: 7.4% P.H.F.: 0.98 A.M. "D" Factor: 42.9% P.M. Peak Hour, Time: 03:30 PM Volume: 511 P.M. "K" Factor: 8.1% P.H.F.: 0.90 P.M. "D" Factor: 47.9% 3OTHWAY: EASTBOUND and WESTBOUND A.M. Peak Hour, Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 1,095 A.M. "K" Factor: 7.7% P.H.F.: 0.92 A.M. Hour "D" Factor: 57.1% P.M. Peak Hour, Time: 03:30 PM Volume: 1,067 111 P.M. "K" Factor: 7.5% P.H.F.: 0.98 P.M. Hour "D" Factor: 7 T% • • low Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 Data File : D0907002.PRN Station : 000000090601 Identification : 000110252043 Start date : Sep 7, 05 Stop date : Sep 7, 05 City/Town : Miami, Florida Location : NE 20 Street East ******************************************************************************* Volume for Lane 1 Sep 7 Westbound Interval Start time Stop time County of N. Miami Court : 15 minutes 00:00 . 24:00 : Dade End Time 15 30 45 00 00 01 02 03 7 2 0 2 5 7 3 4 7 3 1 4 4 4 1 0 - Hr Total 23 16 -_-5 10 04 05 06 07 2 3 4 4 0 11 3 12 9 30 13 21 29 26 89 43 41 53 68 205 08 82 56 60 62 260 09 59 49 43 49 200 10 11 67 59 52 56 234 54 50 61 73 238 End Time 12 15 30 45 00 OW Total 64 45 52 68 13 61 57 55 61 14 52 48 48 59 15 71 68 88 64 229 234 207 291 16 17 18 19 59 69 76 61 85 66 64 60 47 51 30 27 37 30 36 29 284 256 155 132 20 21 24 16 23 20 20 16 19 14 22 23 18 24 16 16 5 14 14 11 86 66 74 44 i 24 Hour Total : 3377 AM peak hour begins : 07:45 AM peak volume : 266 Peak hour factor : 0.81 PM peak hour begins : 16:15 PM peak volume : 294 Peak hour factor : 0.86 Sep 7 Eastbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 15 5 5 6 1 30 6 8 4 3 45 7 3 3 4 00 6 5 7 2 Hr Total 24 21 20 10 04 05 06 07 W 1 5 22 55 2 3 27 54 3 8 51 70 5 17 43 72 11 33 143 251 08 61 60 71 64 256 244 09 67 52 66 59 10 83 58 66 63 270 11 65 67 69 56 257 End Time 12 13 14 15 15 69 52 30 72 65 45 56 75 00 66 64 Hr Total 263 256 66 72 62 73 51 58 71 80 16 17 18 19 66 72 74 74 88 61 74 59 59 50 56 48 41 40 41 37 250 283 286 282 213 159 20 21 33 31 34 27 125 25 27 20 20 92 22 23 17 10 13 10 17 7 15 7 62 34 24 Hour Total : 3845 AM orpeak hour begins : 10:00 AM peak volume : 270 Peak hour factor : 0.81 peak hour **********beg******************************************a****************** *** 10 10 Imp Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 10 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 11, Data File : D0907002.PRN i Station : 000000090601 Identification : 000110252043 Interval : 15 minutes 10 Start date : Sep 7, 05 Start time : 00:00 ft Stop date : Sep 7, 05 Stop time : 24:00 IP City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : NE 20 Street East of N. Miami Court ******************************************************************************* 0 Sep 7 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 10 15 12 7 --r6 ---3 -T-3 8 - 35 --98 1.43 126 150 119 10 30 11 15 7 7 6 7 48 95 116 101 117 117 45 14 6 4 8 3 19 80 123 131 109 118 130 0 00 10 9 8 2 8 29 69 140 126 108 119 129 0 Hr Total 47 37 25 20 -W20 - 63 232 -456 -516 444 -504 495 i End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 133 113 118 143 125 157 106 78 57 41 i 30 117 122 110 141 148 122 101 70 54 47 ` 45 108 130 99 146 159 140 86 77 54 36 00 134 125 130 144 138 119 75 66 46 34 Hr Total 492 490 -457 -574 570 538 -368 -291 211 --- 0 24 Hour Total : 7222 AM peak hour begins : 07:45 AM peak volume : 530 Peak hour factor : 0.93 PM peak hour begins : 16:15 PM peak volume : 602 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* 35 37 33 31 158 136 15 24 21 18 78 s 1 i 0140 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 IMMWr Total Data File : D0913001.PRN Station : 000000091218 Identification : 000110252041 Start date : Sep 13, 05 Stop date : Sep 13, 05 City/Town : Miami, Florida Location : NW 20 Street East of NW 3 Avenue ******************************************************************************* Sep 13 Interval : 15 minutes Start time : 00:00 Stop time : 24:00 County : Dade Eastbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 15 15 9 30 12 13 45 9 7 00 10 11 Hr Total 46 40 02 03 4 9 6 3 5 8 4 6 19 26 04 05 06 07 9 6 38 79 7 10 40 100 1 12 71 113 9 21 90 133 08 09 10 11 ____ ____ ____ ____ 131 95 86 87 121 104 76 93 117 92 93 92 102 97 89 95 26 49 239 425 471 388 344 367 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 30 45 00 96 108 84 117 102 128 94 103 96 80 102 116 106 90 88 104 98 134 148 131 83 116 96 103 104 118 116 72 403 404 365 457 484 481 19 20 21 22 23 69 64 60 60 71 54 44 46 32 44 23 36 36 28 34 21 16 29 31 25 339 253 215 131 132 92 24 Hour Total : 6196 AM peak hour begins : 07:45 AM peak volume : 502 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 16:15 PM peak volume : 510 Peak hour factor : 0.86 Sep 13 Westbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 15 11 11 6 5 30 18 12 5 1 45 18 14 8 6 00 12 6 9 11 Hr Total 59 43 28 04 05 06 7 11 10 7 23 35 6 7 27 22 07 08 09 44 92 120 114 64 88 112 88 89 110 124 93 82 131 123 98 10 11 92 98 91 138 100 101 97 116 62 279 421 479 393 380 453 1 End Time 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 A - 15 111 114 126 98 111 148 -109 80 --68 49 -�36 32 30 115 97 107 132 139 134 87 71 52 42 29 25 I 45 102 94 118 156 143 144 74 72 48 35 36 31 k 00 107 83 113 161 150 118 78 62 44 44 17 18 Hr Total 435 388 464 547 543 W544 348 -285 212 170 �118 106 13 24 Hour Total : 6815 AM peak hour begins : 07:45 AM peak volume : 487 Peak hour factor : 0.93 iliM peak hour begins : 16:15 PM peak volume : 580 Peak hour factor : 0.97 ***************************************,************************************** Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia. Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D0913001.PRN Station : 000000091218 Identification : 000110252041 Interval : 15 minutes p Start date : Sep 13, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Sep 13, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade , Location : NW 20 Street East of NW 3 Avenue ******************************************************************************* 1 Sep 13 i End Time 00 01 02 03 04 0 0 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Total Volume for All Lanes 15 26 20 10 14 16 30 30 25 11 4 18 45 27 21 13 14 11 00 22 17 13 17 16 Hr Total 105 83 47 49 61 05 06 07 12 82 171 17 104 188 39 160 223 43 172 264 111 08 09 10 11 251 209 178 185 233 192 167 231 241 185 193 193 225 195 186 211 518 846 950 781 724 820 15 207 222 210 215 213 276 203 149 139 81 30 218 193 187 234 255 240 177 135 106 78 45 190 198 216 290 291 275 157 132 92 69 lift 1111, 00 223 179 216 265 268 234 150 122 90 73 Hr Total 838 792 829 1004 1027 1025 687 y538 -427 301 I 22 80 65 57 48 23 55 53 47 43 250 198 24 Hour Total : 13011 AM peak hour begins : 07:45 AM peak volume : 989 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 16:15 PM peak volume : 1090 Peak hour factor : 0.94 *****************************************-************************************** i 1 0 i I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ir Adjusted Traffic Counts • A W W W W W W W W W DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project Name: Location: Observer: TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS LIMA NE 29 Street and Biscayne Boulevard Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. Project Number: Count Date: Day of Week: 05203 9/6/2005 Tuesday Biscayne Boulevard US 1 --NORTHBOUND NE TIM INTERVAL SOUTIBOUN EAS f'B�UNi3 29 Street �/ESTBOUN[5 i� _ T R 8 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 11 254 6 271 9 219 9 237 10 9 4 23 9 4 49 4 57 6 202 15 5 19 550 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 5 259 ' 223 7 2 4 13 14 11 4 2...., 15 279 6 185 14 205 12 7 2 21 17 3 29 322 303 7 312 6 251 16 273 22 6 14 42 2 22 527 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 10 283 5 298 9 266 5 280 19 6 6 31 9 18 4 12 4 177 644 05:45 PM PM 06:00 PM 11 244 4 259 11 232 12 255 14 13 11 38 18 5 35 644 8 261 2 1 271 L 6 243 4 253 15 8 8 31 16 6 12 8 3 32 584 - 31 586 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS TIME INTERVAL 04:00 PM 06:00 PM PEAK HOUR FACTOR Biscayne Boulevard/US 1 NORTHBOUND L T - R TOTAL 35 1045 28 1,108 0.82 31 SOUTHBOUND T R TOTAL 979 47 Note: 2004 FDOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor = 1.08 1,057 0.87 63 NE 29 Street EASTBOUND T R 7 TOTAL 32 31 126 0.69 y WESTBOUND L T R TOTAL 60 37 18 116 0.76 GRAND TOTAL 2,406 0.95 NE 29 St__Siscayne Blvd.xis W_ W W W W W W W W W W W W 1r WI OAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project Name: Location: Observer: T INTERVAL 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 05:45 PM 06:00 PM TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS LIMA NE 30 Street and Biscayne Boulevard Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 4 3 2 0 OAT 261 289 281 306 317 299 328 301 Biscayne Boulevard/US 1 �OIT -BOON 6 3 7 8 6 5 7 A 268 297 285 316 326 307 333 312 1 229 222 11 208 13 237 14 284 R Project Number: 05203 Count Date: 9/22/2005 Day of Week: Thursday EAST>9OUND NE 30 Street 13 3 7 16 250 12 13 251 5 2 257 10 OTAL 253 242 226 258 308 278 269 279 7 0 3 0 1 0 4 2 3 2 6 2 1 0 2 R 3 3 2 2 2 7 3 TOTAL 10 6 3 10 8 6 WESTBOUND T TOTAL 6 1 10 17 2 0 11 13 2 2 2 2 9 TIME INTERVAL El AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Biscayne Boulevard/US 1 NORTHBOUND 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 8 1239 24 PEAK HOUR FACTOR TOTAL SOUTHBOUND 50 1008 41 Note: 2004 FDOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor = 1.04 TOTAL 1,099 O 9 11 0 13 14 15 7 O 16 21 O 12 14 0 10 19 NE 30 Street EASTBOUND WESTBOUND L T R J TOTAL L T R TOTAL 14 4 16 33 16 1 49 66 0.62 0.76 GRAND TOTAL 548 558 525 597 664 616 624 616 GRAND TOTAL 2,469 0.95 NE 30 St_Biscayne Blvd.xls wwwwwwwwwwwIP••,ii••I DAVID PLUMMER S. ASS0CtATES, INC. Project Name: Location: Observer: 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 04:30 PM ; 0 0 04:45 PM 0 0 05:00 PM 0 0 05:15PM 0 0 05:30 PM 0 0 05:45 PM 0 0 05:45 PM 06:00 PM 0 TIME INTERVAL TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS LIMA NE 29 Street and NE 4 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 12 2 10 7 13 12 8 14 4 11 11 17 14 10 5 9 10 5 19 6 3 7 4 3 3 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Project Number: Count Date: Day of Week: NE 29 Street 19 13 0 12 0 13 0 13 0 5 05203 9/22/2005 Thursday 0 4 0 4 1 3 1 OTAL TOTAL 7 47 5 4 26 30 5 22 4 28 8 0 24 0 14 0 5 1 6 0 6 1 6 25 6 47 7 , 35 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS NE 4 Avenue NORTHBOUND L T R TOTAL NE 29 Street SOUTHBOUND L T R TOTAL EASTBOUND WESTBOUND L T R TOTAL 04:00 PM 06:00 PM PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0 0 0 0 N/A 10 0 44 54 0.60 43 20 0 63 0.60 L T R TOTAL 0 21 3 24 0,79 GRAND TOTAL 140 0.72 Note: 2004 FOOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor = 1.08 NE 29 5t_NE 4 Ave.xls Nov Noir W..WWWfWIPW bW I DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC_ ProjectName: Location: Observer: TIME INTERVAL 04:00 PM 04;15 PM 1 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 0 04:30 PM 04:45 PM • 2 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 4 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 0 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 3 06:00 PM 4 TIME INTERVAL 04:00 PM 06:00 PM TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS LIMA NE 30 Street and NE 4 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. NE 4 Avenue WORT ABOUND R TO1AL 8 3 12 4 7 4 1 4 7 2 1 3 2 5 8 11 L 3 1 1 2 4 4 2 7 OOTHBOtJI ) 1 2 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 5 4 6 2 TOTAL 15 4 9 14 11 14 13 2 3 0 3 2 6 2 4 1 6 1 5 0 8 2 9 0 6 2 6 2 Project Number: Count Date: Day of Week: TOTAL 9 9 8 10 12 9 10 2 2 5 0 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 05203 9/22/2005 Thursday R T6rAr TOTAL 8 7 17 53 0 7 27 7 2 14 37 9 13 23 49 15 46 16 50 10 18 49 5 9 8 NE 4 Avenue PEAK HOUR FACTOR a NORTHBOUND — L T R TOTAL 8 20 7 35 0.68 L 13 SOUTHBOUND T R TOTAL 14 Note: 2004 FDOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor - 1.08 21 48 0.74 NE 30 Street EASTBOUND WESTBOUND L 7 T 27 Fi 5 TOTAL 39 0.76 L T R TOTAL 16 37 16 70 0.70 GRAND TOTAL 192 0.97 NE 30 St_ NE 4 Ave.xls kik DIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 DAVID PLUMMER 4 ASSOCIATES, INC. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: Lima Location: Biscayne Blvd between NE 13 Street and 14 Street Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN TIME NORTH9OUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/43rd 1/4 Ath 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 106 123 93 83 405 , 01:00 AM 62 62 41 44 209 02:00 AM 40 39 34 42 155 03:00 AM ? 36 38 44 38 156 04:00 AM 35 27 42 41 145 05:00 AM 42 56 73 92 263 06:00 AM 99 144 182 224 649 07:00 AM 209 206 293 299 1,007 1 08:00 AM ' 255 292 303 295 1,145 09:00 AM 322 280 315 288 1,205 10:00 AM 279 264 268 297 1,108 11:OOAM 309 313 335 335 1,292 ,,. 12:00 PM 352 308 300 378 1,338 01:00 PM 293 334 290 349 1,266 02:00 PM 311 297 318 283 1,209 C 03:00 PM 322 315 399 363 1,399 04:00 PM 387 395 392 359 1,533 05:00 Pm g 367 392 411 408 1,578 06:00 PM I 377 409 395 348 1,529 07:00 PM 328 334 278 269 1,209 06:00 PM 246 243 245 239 973 09:00 PM 155 191 209 211 766 10:00 PM 235 242 230 181 888 D 11:00 PM 175 143 119 118 555 24-HOUR TOTAL 1 21,982 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND Project No.: 05203 Count Date: 3/9/2004 BEGIN TIME_ SOUTHBOUND lst 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 11200 AM 80 75 66 66 287 01:00 AM 41 39 39 55 174 02:00 AM 32 41 35 32 140 03:00 AM 42 31 31 31 135 04:00 AM 33 27 31 40 131 05:00 AM 49 39 74 83 245 06:00 AM 103 119 183 197 602 07,00 AM 229 242 299 359 1,129 08:00 AM 365 331 372 350 1,418 09:00 AM 359 359 315 303 1,336 10:00 AM 301 272 241 255 1,069 11:00 AM 277 282 271 266 1,096 12,00 PM 279 280 316 257 1,132 01:00 PM 316 309 285 287 1,197 02:00 PM 279 264 254 272 1,069 03:00 PM 249 267 239 239 994 04:00 PM 245 262 232 316 1,055 05:00 PM 303 319 282 309 1,213 06:00 PM 247 277 276 321 1,121 07:00 PM 264 258 205 182 909 08:00 PM 191 140 191 145 667 09:00 PM 148 147 175 143 613 10:00 PM 147 111 141 97 496 11:00 PM i 129 113 94 102 438 24-HOUR TOTAL DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 11:15 AM Volume: 1,335 Time: 05:30 PM Volume: 1,605 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Time: K•factor: D-factor: Time: K-factor: D-actor: 08:30 AM 6.5% 54.5% SB 05:00 PM 6.9% 56.5 % NB W O•WA TOTAL 692 383 295 291 276 508 1,251 2,136 2,563 2,541 2,177 2,388 2,470 2,463 2,278 2,393 2,588 2,791 2,650 2.118 1.640 1,379 1,384 993 40,648 Time: 08:30 AM Volume: 1,440 Time: 04:45 PM Volume: 1.220 Volume: 2,640 PHF: 0.97 Volume: 2,791 PHF: 0,97 Existing 2004 traffic counts were adjusted by a 1 % growth factor to obtain 2005 existing counts • DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: Lima Location: Biscayne Blvd Between NB 18 Street and 17 Terrace Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN TIME NORTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 114 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 96 73 94 61 324 01:00 AM 54 55 37 33 179 02:00 AM 30 26 26 24 106 03:00 AM 23 18 23 17 81 04:00 AM 16 28 21 17 82 05:00 AM 22 31 31 53 137 06:00 AM 53 62 119 121 355 07:00 AM 118 124 149 172 563 08:00 AM 168 182 198 232 780 09:00 AM 201 212 201 201 815 10:00 AM 247 197 231 248 923 11:00 AM 255 272 232 270 1,029 12:OOPM . 275 274 273 290 1,112 01:00 PM '. 254 297 250 249 1,050 02:00 PM 312 302 267 269 1,150 03:OOPM 285 312 299 284 1,180 04:00 PM 334 327 317 310 1,288 05:00 PM 359 354 334 335 1,382 06:00 PM 262 311 265 261 1,099 07:00 PM 247 258 233 204 942 08:00 PM 203 199 149 142 693 09:00 PM 156 163 156 158 633 10:00 PM 191 190 180 147 708 11:00 PM 131 112 138 89 470 1,24-HOUR TOTAL 17,081 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND Project No.: Count Date: BEGIN TIME SOLITHBOUND 11st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM � 78 64 57 37 236 01:00 AM 40 48 36 36 160 02:00 AM 24 26 23 26 99 03:00 AM 18 24 24 22 , 88 04:00 AM 23 30 23 31 107 05:00 AM 44 41 55 110 250 06:00 AM _ 111 174 217 273 775 07:00 AM 270 330 346 423 1,369 08:00 AM 445 408 395 429 ! 1,677 09:00 AM 382 374 339 285 1,380 10:00 AM 291 306 278 282 1,157 11:00 AM 262 286 267 328 1,163 12:00 PM 273 289 314 289 L 1,165 01:00 PM 303 301 303 266 1,173 02:00PM 238 267 294 298 1,097 03:00 PM 271 303 310 276 1,160 04:00PM 306 250 275 255 1,086 05100 PM 344 270 351 356 1,321 1 06:00PM 343 259 272 266 1,140 , 07:00 PM 278 234 211 192 915 08:00 PM 179 172 141 154 646 09:00 PM 135 130 133 144 542 10:00 PM 138 130 130 113 511 11:00 PM 112 83 101 87 383 24-HOUR TOTAL 19,600 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 11:A5 AM Volume: 1,092 Time: 05:00 PM Volume: 1,382 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Time: K-factor: D-factor: Time: K-factor: 0-factor: 08:00 AM 6.7% 66.3% S8 05:00 PM 7.4% 51.1% NB 05203 3/16/2004 TWO-WAY TOTAL, 560 339 205 169 189 387 1,130 1,932 2,457 2,195 2,080 2,192 2,277 2,223 2,247 2,340 2,374 2,703 2,239 1,857 1,339 1,175 1,219 853 36,681 Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 1,677 Time: 05:00 PM Volume: 1.321 Volume: 2,457 PHF: 0.93 Volume: 2,703 PHP: 0,96 Existing 2004 traffic counts were adjusted by a 1 % growth factor to obtain 2005 exisitng counts DAVI6 PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: Lima Project No.: 05203 Location: Biscayne Boulevard between NE 29 Street and NE 20 Street Count Date: 7/13/2004 Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, inc. BEGIN TIME NORTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 111 104 74 81 370 01:00 AM 53 65 48 39 , 205 02:00 AM 35 25 30 24 114 03:00 AM 30 20 22 24 96 04:00 AM 15 19 22 22 78 05:00 AM 30 22 45 43 140 06:00 AM 60 62 58 97 277 07:00 AM 110 132 140 155 537 08:00 AM 177 179 198 207 761 09:00 AM 214 209 198 220 841 10:00 AM 210 239 207 206 862 11:00 AM 224 268 292 304 1,088 12:09 PM 288 318 304 339 1,249 01:00 PM 283 291 292 279 1,145 02:00 PM ' 297 247 276 304 1,124 03:00PM 315 301 348 306 1,270 04:00 PM 402 342 386 378 1,508 05:Oo PM 379 411 367 352 1,509 06:00 PM 371 370 300 321 1,362 07:00 PM 238 237 230 211 916 08:00 PM 192 214 191 180 777 09:00 PM 194 164 190 186 734 10:D0 PM 184 161 136 140 621 11:00PM , 142 137 130 102 511 24-HOUR TOTAL 18.095 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND BEGIN TIME 1..., SOUTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 -3rd 1/4 4th 1/41 TOTAL 12:00 AM 85 44 57 56 242 01:00 AM 48 42 35 29 154 02:00 AM 32 30 21 34 117 03:00 AM 10 19 14 25 I 68 04:00 AM 26 28 26 35 115 05:00 AM 34 46 71 93 I 244 06:00 AM 105 130 182 225 i 642 07:00AM - 240 301 331 392 I 1,264 : 08:00AM 373 359 362 406 r 1,500 09:OOAM 380 336 331 298 1,345 10:00 AM 289 250 255 255 1.049 11.00 AM 279 282 270 274 1,105 12:00 PM 254 270 295 314 1,133 01:00PM 284 225 283 278 1,070 . 02:00 PM 288 299 263 279 1.129 03:00 PM 240 236 242 248 966 04:00 PM 246 243 279 257 1,025 05:00 PM 290 300 305 262 1,157 06:00 PM 237 225 256 234 952 07:00 PM 218 182 192 161 753 08:00 PM 179 155 163 170 667 09:00 PM 136 137 139 131 543 10:00 PM 154 127 120 126 527 11:0o PM 108 118 95 78 399 24-HOUR TOTAL 18,166 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 11:45 AM Volume: 1,214 Time: 04:30 PM Volume: 1,554 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Time: K-factor: 0-factor: Time: K-factor: D-factor: 08:30 AM 6.4 % 64.2% S6 04:45 PM 7,4% 57-1% NB TWO-WAY TOTAL 612 359 231 164 193 384 919 1,801 2,261 2,186 1,911 2,193 2,382 2,215 2,253 2,236 2,533 2,666 2,314 1,669 1,444 1,277 1,148 910 36,261 Time: 08:15 AM Volume: 1,507 Time: 12:15 PM Volume: 1,163 Volume: 2,312 PHF: 0,94 Volume: 2,687 PHF: 0,94 * Existing 2004 traffic counts were adjusted by a 1 % growth factor to obtain 2005 existing counts DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOC/ATES, INC, 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: Lima Project No.: 05203 Location: Biscayne Boulevard between NE 36 Street and NE 29 Street Count Date: 7/13/2004 Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc, BEGIN TIME r NORTHBOUND f 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 114 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 131 107 77 91 406 01:00 AM 56 66 53 38 213 i 02:00 AM . 47 24 32 27 130 03:00 AM ' 29 21 26 27 103 04:00AM 16 22 28 26 92 mi 05:00 AM 29 30 46 56 161 06:00 AM 72 77 86 100 335 07:00 AM 123 139 159 178 599 09:00 AM 1 191 189 194 220 794 09:00 AM 222 209 195 227 853 110:00 AM 210 238 232 199 879 , 11:06 AM 241 267 321 324 1,153 12:Go PM i 323 326 311 358 1,318 01:00 PM 329 303 347 321 1,300 i 02:00 PM € 307 270 299 315 1,191 03:00 PM 348 331 372 359 1,410 04:00 PM 396 399 425 434 1,654 05:00 PM 333 401 411 438 1,583 05:00 PM 459 379 307 323 1,468 ' 07:00 PM 274 253 231 224 982 08:00 PM 199 208 190 185 782 09:00 PM i 225 188 209 201 823 10:00 PM 176 170 140 159 645 11:00 PM 144 150 115 110 519 24-HOUR TOTAL 19,393 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND BEGIN TIME SOUTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 86 64 78 55 283 01:00 AM 59 47 44 24 174 02:00 AM 38 39 28 29 134 03:00 AM 14 22 17 26 79 04:00 AM 27 26 32 37 122 05:00 AM 38 57 63 102 260 06:00 AM 114 145 210 308 777 07:00 AM 299 289 393 453 1,434 moo AM 390 431 420 462 1,703 09:00AM € 467 340 388 333 1,528 10:00 AM 327 310 291 304 1,232 11:00 AM 314 295 326 301 1,236 12:00 PM 311 291 336 392 i 1,330 01:00 PM 311 298 329 334 1,272 02:00 PM 334 302 307 320 1,263 03.00 PM 282 262 298 336 1,178 04:00 PM 312 368 400 423 1,503 05:00PM 382 412 452 388 1,634 06:00 PM 390 268 243 259 1,160 07:00 PM 242 203 218 174 837 Damon PM 180 203 166 203 752 09:00 PM 160 142 190 155 647 10:00 PM 176 165 131 146 618 L 11:Oo PM 133 127 97 90 447 24-HOUR TOTAL j 21,603 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 11:30 AM Volume: 1,294 Time: 05715 PM Volume: 1.709 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Time: K-factor: D-factor: Time: K-factor: D-factor: 0615 AM 6,4 % 68.3% SB 05:15 PM 8,2% 51.0% NB Time: 08:15 AM Volume: WO -WA TOTAL 689 387 264 182 214 421 1,112 2,033 2,497 2,381 2,111 2,389 2,648 2,572 2,454 2,588 3,157 3,217 2,628 1,819 1,534 1,470 1,263 966 40,996 1 1,780 Time: 04:45 PM Volume: 1,669 Volume: 2,605 PHF: 0.95 Volume: 3,351 PHF: 0.97 * Existing 2004 traffic counts were adjusted by a 1 % growth factor to obtain 2005 existing counts DAVI° PLLIMME8 & ASSOCIATES, INC. 24—HOUR COUNTS Project Name: Lima Location: NW 36 Street between NE 2 Avenue and N Miami Avenue Observer: Joe Rice BEGIN TIME EASTBOUND 1151 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4'41h 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 20 12 13 18 63 01:00 AM 13 10 10 5 38 02:00 AM 14 7 1 5 27 03:00 AM 8 4 3 5 20 04:00 AM 5 9 12 11 37 05:00 AM 1 18 35 31 54 138 06:00 AM 88 120 152 120 480 07:00 AM 142 165 165 149 621 08:00 AM 171 159 186 206 =. 722 09:00 AM . 141 140 134 127 542 10:00 AM 133 103 103 100 439 11:00 AM 102 127 111 127 467 12:00PM 1 118 136 117 120 , 491 01:00 PM . 123 114 107 109 453 02:00 PM 1 109 136 125 124 494 03:00 PM 118 136 134 126 514 04:00 PM 123 126 128 138 515 05:00 PM 128 122 104 134 488 06:60 PM 1 95 110 103 81 389 07:00 PM ' 88 75 66 69 I 298 08:00 PM 67 75 58 49 249 09:00 PM 34 51 48 51 184 1000 PM 58 42 34 33 167 11,00 PM L 42 41 35 27 145 I24-HOUR TOTAL 7,981 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: EASTBOUND Project No.: 05203 Count Date: 09/28/05 BEGIN TIME WESTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM e 18 19 15 20 72 01:00 AM 10 11 13 9 43 02:00 AM 9 8 5 5 27 03:00 AM 12 3 5 7 27 04:00 AM 3 6 5 10 24 05:04 AM 13 14 16 19 62 06:00 AM 32 40 62 59 193 07:00 AM 70 81 101 101 353 08:00 AM 118 112 105 112 447 09:00 AM 114 92 80 130 416 10:40 AM 86 108 83 99 376 11:00 AM 83 104 112 95 394 12:00 PM 117 103 98 120 438 01:00 PM 114 95 119 104 432 02:00 PM 99 91 107 121 418 03:00 PM , 114 105 171 139 529 04:00 PM W 123 143 143 112 521 05:00 PM 122 83 97 96 398 06:00 PM 77 75 90 91 333 07:00 PM 61 52 47 63 223 08:00 PM i 71 49 58 45 223 09:00 PM 41 34 47 43 165 10:00 PM 45 36 34 25 140 11:00 PM ,, 38 25 29 20 112 �24-HOUR TOTAL 6,366 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 722 Time: 04:15 PM Volume: 520 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: TWO-WAY TOTAL 135 81 54 47 61 200 673 974 1.169 958 815 861 929 885 912 1,043 1,036 886 722 521 472 349 307 257 It 14,347 AM Peak Hour: Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 447 PM Peak Hour: Time: 03:30 PM Volume: 576 EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time: K-factor: D-factor: Time: K-lactor: D•tactor: 08:00 AM 8.1% 61.8% EB 03:30 PM 7.6% 53.1% WB Volume: 1,169 PHF: 0.92 Volume: 1,085 PHF: 0,89 • • DAVID PLUJMMER 8 ASSOCIATES, iNC 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: Lima Location: NW 36 Street between 1-95 and N Miami Avenue Observer: Joe Rice BEGIN TIME EASTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 25 19 14 18 76 o1:oa AM 11 15 13 7 46 02:00 AM 12 5 6 3 26 03:00 AM 11 4 6 7 28 04:00 AM 7 12 10 9 38 05:00 AM 19 22 29 31 101 06:00 AM 48 83 116 119 366 07:00 AM 111 134 144 152 541 06:00 AM 179 133 134 179 625 09:00 AM 125 110 113 122 470 10:00 AM 116 104 122 126 468 11:00 AM 119 102 118 118 457 - 12:00 PM 123 120 120 114 477 01:00 PM 103 114 108 105 430 02:00 PM 101 109 136 128 474 03:00 PM 136 108 141 119 504 04:00 PM 152 144 135 140 571 05:00PM 139 126 127 127 519 06:00 PM 141 111 130 74 456 07:00 PM 97 95 97 83 372 08:00 PM 75 67 92 65 299 r 09;00 PM 74 55 58 56 243 10:00 PM 55 36 35 51 177 11:0o PM 38 24 35 25 122 24-HOUR TOTAL 7,886 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: EASTBOUND Project No.: 05203 Count Date: 09/28/05 BEGIN TIME WESTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 20 7 13 12 52 01:00 AM 12 11 9 8 40 02:00 AM 7 5 4 4 20 03:00 AM 7 2 6 7 22 04:00 AM 8 3 13 9 33 05:00 AM 11 30 26 18 85 06:00 AM 46 51 78 70 245 07:00 AM 85 112 97 84 378 O8:00 AM 118 120 117 115 470 09:00 AM 97 80 94 114 385 10:00 AM 85 88 80 75 326 11:00 AM 93 100 98 82 373 12:00 PM 118 82 103 103 406 01:00 PM 117 99 92 88 396 02:00 PM 99 94 116 90 399 03:Om PM 113 112 125 142 492 04:00 PM 119 125 121 119 484 05100 PM 122 113 122 112 469 06:00 PM 105 82 81 73 341 07:00 PM 82 82 70 58 292 06:00 PM 68 61 47 36 212 09:00 PM 44 45 46 38 173 10:00 PM 35 46 22 22 125 11:00 PM t 40 21 28 22 111 24-HOUR TOTAL 6,331 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 08:00 AM Volume: 625 Time: 04:00 PM Volume: 571 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: `TWO-WAY TOTAL 28 86 46 50 7 186 611 919 1,095 855 796 830 883 826 873 996 ,055 988 797 664 51 416 302 233 14,217 AM Peak Hour: Time: 06:00 AM Volume: 470 PM Peak Hour: Time: 03:30 PM Volume: 511 EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time: K-factor: D-factor: Time: K-factor: D-factor: 08:00 AM 7-7% 57-1% EB 03:30 PM 7.5% 52.1% EB Volume: 1,095 PHF; 0.92 Volume: 1,067 PHF: 0.98 • OAVIO PLUMME1 8 ASSOC11 75S, INC. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: LIMA Location: NE 20 Street East of North Miami Court Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN EASTBOUND TIME i 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 2:00AM 5 6 7 6 24 01:00AM 5 8 3 5 21 02:00 AM 6 4 3 7 20 03:00 AM 1 3 4 2 10 04:00 AM 1 2 3 5 r 11 05:00 AM 5 3 8 17 33 06:00 AM i 22 27 51 43 143 07:00 AM 55 54 70 72 251 08:00 AM 61 60 71 64 256 09:00 AM.. 67 52 66 59 244 10:00 AM 83 58 66 63 270 11:00 AM 65 67 69 56 257 12:00 PM 69 72 56 66 263 01:00 PM 52 65 75 64 { 256 02:00 PM 66 62 51 71 250 03:00 PM 72 73 58 80 283 04:00 PM 66 72 74 74 [[ 286 05:00 PM 88 61 74 59 282 06:00 PM 59 50 56 48 f 213 07:00 PM 41 40 41 37 159 08:00 PM 33 31 34 27 125 09:00 PM 25 27 20 20 92 10:00 PM 17 13 17 15 62 11:00 PM 10 10 7 7 34 24-HOUR TOTAL 3,845 EASTBOUND Project No.: 05203 Count Date: 09/07/05 BEGIN TIME ] WESTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/44th 1/4 TOTA! 12:00 AM 7 5 7 4 23 01:00 AM 2 7 3 4 16 02:00 AM 0 3 1 1 5 03:00 AM 2 4 4 0 10 04:00 AM 2 4 0 3 9 05:00 AM 3 4 11 12 30 06:00 AM 13 21 29 26 89 07:00 AM 43 41 53 68 205 08:00 AM , 82 56 60 62 ' 260 09:00 AM 59 49 43 49 200 10:00 AM 67 59 52 56 234 t 1:00 AM 54 50 61 73 238 12:90 PM , 64 45 52 68 229 01:00 PM 61 57 55 61 234 02:00 PM 52 48 48 59 ' 207 03:00 PM 71 68 88 64 291 04:00 PM 59 76 85 64 284 0500 PM 69 61 66 60 256 06:00 PM 47 Si 30 27 155 07:00 PM 37 30 36 29 132 08:00 PM 24 23 20 19 86 09:00 PM 16 20 16 14 66 1n:00 PM 18 24 16 16 74 11:00 PM 5 14 14 11 44 24-HOUR TOTAL ( 3,377 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY TWO -WA TOTAL 47 37 25 20 20 63 232 456 516 444 504 495 492 490 457 574 570 538 368 291 211 158 136 78 7,222 AM Peak Hour: Time: 1000 AM Volume: 270 AM Peak Hour: Time: 07:45 AM Volume: 266 PM Peak Hour: Time: 04:15 PM Volume: 308 PM Peak Hour: Time: 04:15 PM Volume: 294 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Tirne: K-factor: D-factor: Time: K-factor: D•factor: 07:45 AM 7.3% 50.2% WB 04:15 PM 8,3 % 51.2% EB Volume: 530 PHF: 0.93 Volume: 602 PHF: 0.95 0AV4 PLOWER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: LIMA Location: NW 20 Street East of NW 3 Avenue Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN ' TIME EASTBOUND 1st 1/4 aid 1/4 3rd 1/4 41h 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 15 12 9 10 46 01:00 AM 9 13 7 11 40 02:00 AM 4 6 5 4 19 03:00 AM 9 3 8 6 26 04:00 AM 9 7 1 9 26 05:00 AM 6 10 12 21 49 06:DO AM 38 40 71 90 239 0700 AM 79 100 113 133 425 06:00 AM 131 121 117 102 471 09:00 AM ! 95 104 92 97 388 10:00 AM 86 76 93 89 344 11:o0 AM 87 93 92 95 367 12:00 PM 96 103 88 116 403 01:00 PM 108 96 104 96 404 02:00 PM 84 80 98 103 365 03:00 PM 117 102 134 104 457 04:00 PM 1 102 116 148 118 484 05:OOPM 128 106 131 116 481 06:00 PM 94 90 83 72 339 07:00 PM 69 64 60 60 253 08:00 PM 71 54 44 46 215 09:00 PM 32 36 34 29 131 10:00 PM 44 36 21 31 132 1114 PM 1 23 28 16 25 92 ,24-HOUR TOTAL 6,196 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour. EASTBOUND Project No.: 05203 Count Date: 09/13/05 BEGIN TIME WESTBOUND 1s1 1/4'2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 41h 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 11 18 18 12 59 01:00 AM 11 12 14 6 43 02:00 AM 6 5 8 9 28 03:00 AM j 5 1 6 11 23 04:00 AM 7 11 10 7 35 05:00 AM 6 7 27 22 62 3 06:00 AM 44 64 89 82 279 07:00 AM 92 88 110 131 421 08:00 AM 120 112 124 123 479 09:00 AM 114 88 93 98 393 10:00 AM 92 91 100 97 380 11:00 AM 98 138 101 116 453 12:00 PM 111 115 102 107 , 435 01:00 PM € 114 97 94 83 i 388 02:00 PM 126 107 118 113 I 464 03:00 PM 98 132 156 161 547 04:00PM 111 139 143 150 543 05:00 PM 148 134 144 118 544 06:00 PM 109 87 74 78 348 07:00 PM 80 71 72 62 285 08:00 PM 68 52 48 44 212 1 09:00 PM 49 42 35 44 170 10:00 PM ; 36 29 36 17 118 11:00 PM 32 25 31 18 106 24-HOUR TOTAL 6,815 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 07:45 AM Volume: 502 Time: 04:15 PM Volume: 510 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour; WO -WAY TOTAL 105 83 47 49 61 111 518 846 950 781 724 820 838 792 829 1,004 1,027 1,025 687 538 427 301 250 198 13.011 AM Peak Hour: Time: 07:45 AM Volume: 487 PM Peak Hour: Time: 04:15 PM Volume: 580 EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time: K-factor: D•factor: Time: K-factor: D-tactor: 07:45 AM 7.6 50.8% EB 04:15 PM 8.4% 53.2% WB Volume: 989 PHF: 0.94 Volume: 1,090 PHF: 0.94 • Rah • s 1 r • • • • r r r r • • • 1 Signal Timings 10. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 I� • PATTERN SCHEDULE FOR 2417 US 1 & NE 29 ST FOR DAY # 4 (SECTION 3) TIME PT OFF NSG G Y R EWP Y R S Y M CYC MIN: 20 14 0 11 75 61 1 4 1 18 4 1 90EARLY NI 15 21 0 30 1 4 1 14 4 1 6 55NITE M2 115 23 0 30 1 4 1 14 4 1 6 55LATE NIG 500 19 0 30 1 4 1 14 4 1 6 55BAWN M2 545 1 75 61 1 4 1 18 4 1 90AVG M2 0 615 2 70 63 1 4 1 16 4 1 90PRE AM M 745 12 86 59 1 4 1 20 4 1 90AM PEAK 845 16 98 84 1 4 1 15 4 1 11OMIB MORN 1200 17 103 82 1 4 1 17 4 1 110NOON M2 1345 10 103 82 1 4 1 17 4 1 110AFT M1 0 1545 9 101 90 1 4 1 14 4 1 115PRE PM P 1630 18 101 90 1 4 1 14 4 1 115PM PEAK 1800 3 76 61 1 4 1 18 4 1 90POST PM 1900 1 75 61 1 4 1 18 4 1 90AVG M2 0 2130 11 75 61 1 4 1 18 4 1 90EARLY NI IA • • • Appendix C FDOT's Quality/LOS Handbook Generalized Tables Downtown Miami DR1 Increment II Transit Ridership • • Ow • • Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided TABLE 4 - 7 GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS* UNINTERRUPTED FLOW HIGHWAYS Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided Level of Service A 13 C D 100 340 670 950 1.060 1,720 2.500 3,230 1,600 2,590 3,740 4,840 STATE TWO-WAY ARTERIALS Class 1 (>0.00 to 1.99 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service Lanes Divided A B C D 1 Undivided ** 220 720 2 Divided 250 1,530 1,810 3 Divided 380 2,330 2,720 4 Divided 490 3,030 3,460 Class II (2.00 to 4.50 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service B C D 13 A ** ** ** *, 860 1,860 2,790 3,540 E 1,300 3,670 5,500 E 890 *** *** *** 100 590 810 220 €,360 1,710 340 2,110 2,570 440 2,790 3,330 850 1,800 2,710 3,500 Class III (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and not within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Level of Service B C D 280 660 650 1,510 1,020 2,330 1,350 3,070 E 810 1, 720 2,580 3,330 Class IV (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A ** ** ** ** Level of Service 9 C D ** ** ** ** 270 650 1,000 1,350 720 1,580 2,390 3,130 E 780 1,660 2,490 3,250 NON -STATE ROADWAYS Major City/County Roadways Level of Service Lanes Divided A B C D I Undivided ** ** 480 760 2 Divided ** ** 1,120 1,620 3 Divided ** ** 1,740 2,450 Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided Other Signalized Roadways (signalized intersection analysis) Level of Service C D F 250 530 580 1,140 A ** ** 13 ** ** E 810 1.720 2,580 Source: Florida Department of Transportation Systems Planning Office 605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 http'//wwwl l myflorida com/planning/systetn ' m/l 'd f I h 660 1,320 02/22/02 FREEWAYS interchange spacing > 2 mi. apart Level of Service Lanes A B C D E 2 1,270 2,110 2,940 3,580 3,980 3 1,970 3.260 4,550 5,530 6,150 4 5 6 2,660 3,360 4,050 4,410 6,150 7,480 5,560 7,760 9,440 6,710 9,360 11,390 Interchange spacing < 2 !ni. apart 8,320 10,480 12,650 Level of Service Lanes A 13 C D E 2 1,130 1,840 2,660 3.440 3,910 3 1,780 2,890 4,180 5,410 6,150 4 2,340 3,940 5,700 7,380 8,380 5 3,080 4,990 7,220 9,340 10,620 6 3,730 6,040 8,740 11,310 12,850 BICYCLE MODE (Note: Level of service for the bicycle mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of bicyclists using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service volumes.) Paved Shoulder/ Bicycle Lane Coverage 0-49% 50-84% 85-100% Level of Service B C ** 130 160 380 A ** 170 210 >380 D 720 >210 * * * E >720 *** *** PEDESTRIAN MODE (Note: Level of service for the pedestrian mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not the number of pedestrians using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service volumes.) Sidewalk Coverage 0.49% 50-84% 85-100% Sidewalk Coverage 0-84% 85-100% A ** ** ** B ** ** 120 Level of Service C D ** 330 ** 520 590 >590 BUS MODE (Scheduled Fixed Route) (Buses per hour) Level of Service A B C ** >5 >4 >6 >4 >3 D >3 >2 E 810 990 *** Lanes 1 Multi Multi ARTERIAL/NON-STATE ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS DIVIDED/UNDIVIDED (alter corresponding volumes by the indicated percent) Median Divided Undivided Undivided Undivided Left Turns Lanes Yes No Yes No Adjustment Factors ;.Salo -20% -5 % -25% srs osr eau t. tm ONE WAY FACILITIES Increase corresponding volume 20% *This table does out constitute a standard and should be used only for general panning applications. The computer models from which this table is derived should be used for more specific planning applications. The table and deriving computer models should not be used for corridor or intersection design, where more refined techniques exist_ Values shown are hourly directional voluo es for levels of service and aro for the automobile:rock modes unless specifically stated. Level of service ?met grade thresholds are probably not comparable across modes and, therefore, crass modal comparisons should be made with caution. Furthermare, combining levels of service of different modes into one overall roadway level al -service is not recommended To convert to annual average daily traffic volumes, these_ volumes must be divided by appropriate 0 and K factors. The table's input value defaults and level of service criteria appear on the following page. Calculations are based on planning applications of the Highway Capacity Manual, Bicycle LOS Mode!, Pedestrian LOS Mode! and Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, respectively for she automobile/truck, bicycle, pedestrian and bus modes. ”Cannot be achieved using table input value defaults. *'*Not applicable for that :eve! of service letter grade. For automobile/truck modes, volumes greater :_ban levet of service D became 5 because intersection capacities have been reached. Far bicycle and pedestrian modes, the Level of service letter grade (including P) is not achievable, because there is so mex!mum vehicle volume threshc!d using rabic input value defaults. 97 • �...,.wwwwwWWwVWWV WIIIP •-1 LEVEL OF SERVICE TABLE CLASSIFICATION TYPE FDOT'S 2002 QUALITY 1 LEVEL OF SERVICE 1] PERSON TRIP LEVEL. OF SERVICE A B C D E A B C D E CLASS 4 ARTERIAL 1LU 0 0 270 720 780 0 0 0.35 0.92 1.00 2LD 0 0 650 1580 1660 0 0 0.39 0.95 1.00 3LD 0 0 1000 2390 2490 0 0 0.40 0.96 1.00 4LD 0 0 1350 3130 3250 0 0 0.42 0.96 1.00 CLASS 4 ARTERIAL [2] 1 LU 0 0 270 720 780 0 0 0.35 0.92 1.00 2LU 0 0 520 1264 1328 0 0 0.39 0.95 1.00 3LU 0 0 800 1912 1992 0 0 0.40 0.96 1.00 4LU 0 0 1080 2504 2600 0 0 0.42 0.96 1.00 CLASS 4 ARTERIAL [3] 1L 0 0 324 864 936 0 0 0.35 0.92 1.00 2L 0 0 780 1896 1992 0 0 0.39 0.95 1.00 3L 0 0 1200 2868 2988 0 0 0.40 0.96 1.00 4L 0 0 1620 3756 3900 0 0 0.42 0.96 1.00 Source. MC -Mc 7nn9 n.r+„n n„o3 of c,,...,.,., u,,...,t.....i. NOTES: [1] THE PERSON TRIP LEVEL OF SERVICE IS DERIVED BY DIVIDING THE FDOT'S 2002 LEVEL OF SERVICE BY THE LOS E FOR EACH TYPE OF ROADWAY. [2] FOR UNDIVIDED ROADWAYS, THE CORRESPONDING VOLUME HAS BEEN DECREASED BY 20Q/0. [3] FOR ONE-WAY FACILITIES, THE CORRESPONDING VOLUME HAS BEEN INCREASED BY 20%, 1 o9 20-Nov-2001 ROADWAY __- FROM ._ BISCAYNE BLVD NE 54 STREET NE 46 STREET 1-195 NE 36 STREET ' NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NE. 13 STREET 1-395 NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET TO NE 46 STRET I-195 NE 36 STREET NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1-395 NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET NE 2 AVENUFJBRICKELL AVENUE NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1-395 NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1-395 NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET FLAGLER STREET DIR TABLE 21.A2 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI UPDATE EXISTING VEHICLE ROADWAY CONDITIONS 111 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION FACILITY TYPE EXISTING COUNT LANES STATION NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4LD SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4LD SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 6LD SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 6LD SS NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 4L SB 3L NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 8L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 8LD SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 8L0 SB N8 PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 8L0 SB NB PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL 2LOW NB SB NB SB N8 SB SB SB 5B SB MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL 4LU 4LU 4LU 3L 3L 3L 3L I2] RAW �_ - �.�. COUNT PEAK j3j PEAT( SOURCE HOUR PEAK PEAK HOUR HOUR DIR MAX AND PERIOD SEASON AXLE COUNT PERIOD SERVICE PERIOD VOLUME FACTOR FACTOR DATE VOLUME VOL 5060 FOOT -AM 5059 FDOT-AM 143 FOOT -PM 143 FOOT -PM N/A OTMP-PM 5056 FDOT-PM N/A MUSP-PM 5053 FDOT-PM 5053 FOOT -PM 5052 FOOT -PM 5049 FOOT -AM N/A X&S-PM N/A K&S-PM 5047 FOOT -PM 5047 FDOT-PM 5045 FDOT-AM 276 276 276 N/A N/A N/A wA MD -PM MD -PM MD -PM K&S-AM K&S-AM K&,S-AM K&S-AM 963 1.745 1,377 1,968 1,271 1,514 1,271 1,514 1,934 899 1,558 942 1.692 1,204 1,674 919 1,674 919 1,681 1,648 1,447 1.522 1,731 761 1,731 761 1.866 870 1,866 870 1,808 717 502 717 502 717 502 1,127 671 671 671 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0,98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 07/18/00 09/12/00 08/29/00 08/29/00 05/01/01 08/03/99 09/07/00 04/13/99 04/13/99 08/17/99 05/11/99 04/25/01 04/25/01 05/18/99 05/18/99 06/29/99 07/06/00 07/06/00 07/06/00 04/25/01 04/25/01 04/25/01 04/25/01 1,021 1,850 1,431 2,046 1,334 1,589 1,334 1,589 1,915 890 1,605 970 1,759 1,252 1,674 919 1,674 919 1,731 1,697 1,432 1,506 1,696 746 1,696 746 1,847 861 1,847 861 1,807 731 512 731 512 731 512 1,127 671 671 671 1,810 1,810 1.810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,810 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 1,750 2,560 2,560 2.560 2,560 3,140 2,560 3,140 3,140 3,140 3,140 3,140 3,140 3,140 3,140 2,040 1,615 1,615 1,615 1,615 1,615 1,015 3,077) 3,070 3,070 3,070 MIAMI ADOP- TED LOS E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E-1W E E E E_ E E E-1 W E-1W E-1 W E-IW PEAK HOUR DIR LOS C F 0 F O 0 0 0 F 0 E 0 F D E 0 O D 0 0 O 0 D C 0 C 0 C 0 C E D 0 0 0 D 0 E E ZCE: KEITH AND SCHNARS, P.A. N:iTRANPLANIPROJECTS120011167161TABLES1I1MATRIX WI(4 A- wwwwwwwwwwWWWW,WWWW 1 of 9 20-Nov-2001 ROADWAY L� FROM TO .. NE 2 AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 NE 15 STREET/VENETIAN CSWY BISCAYNE ISLAND BAYSHORE DRIVE BAYSHORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD BISCAYNE BLVD N. MIAMI AVENUE 14 STREET BAYSHORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD BISCAYNE BLVD NE 1 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 NE 11 STREET NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 NE 10 STREET NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 TABLE 21.A2 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI UPDATE EXISTING VEHICLE ROADWAY CONDITIONS - Ili RAW 131 PEAK MIAMI ADOP- TED LOS -. __ PEAK HOUR DIR LOS DER C77 FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION FACILITY TYPE EXISTING LANES COUNT STATION COUNT SOURCE AND PERIOD PEAK HOUR PER OD VOLUME PEAK SEASON FACTOR AXLE FACTOR COUNT DATE PEAK HOUR PERIOD VOLUME HOUR DIR MAX SERVICE VOL EB WB MINOR ARTERIAL 2LU N/A DTMP-AM 600 491 1.00 1.00 04/24/00 600 800 E 0 EB WB EB WB MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL 4LU 4LD N/A N/A DTMP-AM DTMP-AM 600 491 600 491 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 04/24/00 04/24/00 491 600 491 600 491 16 5 1,615 1,700 1,700 E E E E D D 0 0 EB WB EB WB EB WB MINOR ARTERIAL MINOR ARTERIAL COLLECTOR 2L0 2LD 2LU N/A N/A NIA MUSP-PM MUSP-PM MUSP-PM 287 304 321 325 172 241 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 09/12/00 09/12/00 09/12/00 304 322 340 345 182 255 840 840 840 840 800 800 E E E E E E 0 D D 0 C D EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB LOCAL ROAD COLLECTOR COLLECTOR COLLECTOR COLLECTOR COLLECTOR 4LU 2L 11 2L 1L 2LU 2LU 2LU N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MUSP-PM MUSP-PM MUSP-PM MUSP-PM DTMP-PM DTMP-PM 200 99 151 164 151 164 151 164 151 164 172 196 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 09/07/00 09/07/00 09/07/00 09/07/00 09107/00 04/24/00 212 105 160 174 160 174 160 174 160 174 172 196 1,615 1,615 1.615 800 1,815 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 E E E E E E E E E E E E C C C C C C C C C C C D WB COLLECTOR 3L 9352 DTMP-PM 180 1.00 1.00 04/24100 180 2,040 E-1W E EB COLLECTOR 21 N/A DTMP-PM 133 , 1.00 1.00 04/24/99 133 2,040 E•1W E GE: KETH AND SCHNARS, P.A. NATRANPLANIPROJECTS120011167161TABLES111 MATRIX. WK4 ...r wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwww•IIPwIPIPtlp•.1w..,.,. • t of 5 20-Nou-2001 ROADWAY FROM 0 !I BISCAYNE 91V0 EI NE 54 STREET 091 NE 46 STRET NB SB NE 49 STREET IA95 NB SE 1-195 NE 36 STREET NB SB NE 36 STREET N£ 29 STREET NB Se NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NB se NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NB SB NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NB SS NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NB SB NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET NS 58 NE 13 STREET 1-395 NB SB 1395 NE 6 STREET NB 50 NE 6 SIREET NE 3 STREET NB SB NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET NB SR NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET NB SB SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET N8 s8 SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET NB NE 2 AVENUWORICKELL AVENUE NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NB SB NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET NB Se NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET NB 3B NE 13 STREET 1.385 50 1.395 NE 3 STREET NE 3 STREET NE I STREET SB NE 1 STREET FLAGLER STREET SB FLAGLER STREET SE 1 STREET SB SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SB SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET Se 5E 4 STREET SE 8 STREET SE 8 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 13 STREET SW IS ROAD SW 15 ROAD RICKENBACKER CSWY NE 1 AVENUE NE 17 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 14 STREET 1-395 1-395 NE 6 STREET i NE 6 STREET FLAGLER STREET FLAGLER STREET SE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET FACIIM'V TYPE EMefTINO LANES 4L0 41,0 41.13 4LO 41,0 4L0 4L0 410 OLD 61.0 3L 8LD 810 DLO 8LO 2LOW 4LU 4LU 4LU 31 3L 3L 3L 31 3L 41 NB 21 56 31 4LO NB 410 SB NB 4L0 58 se aau 31 NB 34, 3L B 31 NB 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 46 95 9$ 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 K 24 24 24 24 24 24 48 48 48 4e a 2 2 18 16 16 18 16 10 16 18 18 18 16 16 32 32 48 48 16 18 16 18 18 16 16 16 16 18 11 93 95 95 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 T 0 48 46 46 4e 48 B 8 e B 9 9 8 6 e 82 62 62 82 62 62 36 36 36 36 36 38 36 36 62 82 46 46 46 46 46 48 48 48 48 48 16 95 95 32 32 K K K 51 0 95 B B B 10 10 10 7 7 93 93 93 93 93 93 82 62 62 62 62 62 62 82 93 93 51 $1 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 93 48 T T 7 K 95 M X 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 T 95 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 83 93 95 77 7 95 T T 9 9 TABLE 21,A5 0096RT0N81 IMIAYI OW UPDATE EXISTING P44 BUS RICER61MP AND PERSON -TRIP CAPACITY 499101 uENT6 T 95 T 95 95 T 95 95 C 95 C 95 C 95 C 86 95 95 51 B 10 10 95 9$ 95 95 95 S 95 S 95 S 95 S 95 95 95 93 M 1c Bub ROUTES BERV010 ROADWAY eaaess9NT6 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 C 95 T T 0 G C C C S 95 S 5 S S 5 95 C 3 111 se 111 66 111 66 111 68 111 e6 111 66 111 64 111 45 111 45 111 45 111 45 84 45 84 30 84 9 132 72 86 66 138 66 48 2 8a 40 11 240 10 48 20 18 16 18 18 12 6 4 4 4 2 2 16 99 69 99 69 99 69 99 69 99 69 99 69 99 42 99 42 99 42 75 42 75 75 24 76 78 92 88 88 92 1 78 33 32 18 10 32 18 27 6 48 66 66 36 NidROSNM 44 8 3 8 3 8 2 6 6 9 132 132 138 114 60 48 a 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 61 52 10 48 48 48 46 46 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 48 52 48 93 187 K 156 112 78 76 017E ROUTES RWER2949. PER 6E 62 21 13 21 13 21 13 21 13 21 13 21 13 21 13 21 13 8 12 12 10 24 144 24 148 24 132 16 T 128 132 124 76 77 42 K 96 98 96 64 84 93 108 100 106 100 108 100 108 100 108 100 108 100 106 100 104 76 104 76 100 68 100 86 80 66 6a 60 6a 80 T 126 123 128 108 108 OEB TOTAL -'1 BUS Bus Ita R83EABNIP CAPACITY ERT PERSONS WC 95 C 8 T 339 920 0.368 244 920 0.270 33E 920 0.368 24a 920 0.270 332 920 0.368 248 920 0 270 152 523 1,472 0,355 0 148 416 2252 0,185 152 523 1.472 0,355 0 148 418 2.252 0.165 152 523 1,472 0.355 0 148 416 2252 0.186 152 442 1,469 0.30€ 16 148 363 2,249 0.170 280 162 678 1,028 0.860 10 200 132 485 1,808 0.266 98 290 752 1,706 0.441 16 72 200 605 2,486 0,204 98 290 748 1,706 0.438 16 72 200 498 2,488 0200 96 290 748 1,70E 0.438 re 72 200 498 2.486 0200 96 2913 677 1,706 0.397 18 63 200 489 2.466 0.197 75 295 657 2,466 0.284 16 63 170 394 2,228 0.177 167 75 275 1.106 3,434 0.322 61 306 0.199 187 187 780 0.240 187 197 780 0.240 199 713 0.27E 119 713 0.187 64 518 0.162 306 1,070 0.266 308 1,070 0.268 306 1,070 0.268 304 1.330 0.229 192 552 0.348 e6 536 0164 94 566 0.166 365 1.348 0271 116 566 0.203 240 568 0.424 1€9 556 0.210 166 306 0.510 20 306 0.065 130 306 0.451 22 306 0.072 184 e74 0.273 46a 1,226 0.382 434 1,228 0.354 578 2,114 0.273 405 2,114 0.192 68 534 0.127 . K£ITH AND SCHNARS. P.A. NITRANPLANWROJECTSI200111671S1TABLES511NL4TRIM, 44 if w w wwwwwwrwrwsw w7wwwwww•iw•W•IPW•IP•11109011 • ) •3015 20-N0,22901 ROADWAY FROM _ 70 ..... MR 20 STREET NW 17 STREET NB SB NW 17 STREET NW 14 STREET NB 58 NW 14 STREET NW 9 STREET NB 50 NW 9 STREET NW S STREET NB NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET NB , NE 20 STREET NE 2 AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE I.95 NE 15 BTREETNENE1MN CSWY BISCAYNE ISLAND BAYSIIORE DRWE SAYSHORE ORNE BISCAYNE BLVD 61SCAYNE BLVD N_ MIAMI AVENUE EB WB EB WB EB WB EB WB EB W8 W ,': NE 14 STREET SAYSIIOORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD EB 1EO BISCAYNE BLVD NE 1 AVENUE EB WB NE 1 AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE EB W8 N MIAMI AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE EB WB NW 2 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE E8 WB NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 EB W9 NE 11 STREET NW 3AVENUE 1-95 NE 10 STREET NW 3AVENUE 1-95 NE 5 STRIEE?AORT BOULEVARD E. OF PORT BRIDGE BISCAYNE BLVD BISCAYNE BLVD NE 1 AVENUE NE I AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE NW 1 AVENUE NW 1 AVENUE NW 1 CT NW 1CT NW2AVENUE NW2AVENUE NW3AVENUE MN 3AVENUE i-06 B EB WB WB W6 WB WB WB FACILITY TYPE EXISTING LANES 2111 2LU 20.1 31 2L 2LU 4LU 41.0 210 21U 4LU 2L 14 2L 1L 2LU 2LU 2LU 3L 21 6L0 3L 2L 2L 21 21 2L 3L 2 2 21 21 32 32 32 32 32 32 A A 32 32 3 M M 1A 2 2 2 2 7 7 1 21 21 L1 M 36 46 A 48 A 15 51 82 16 51 62 M T M T M M 7 6 7 21 G c K K M M TABLE 21A6 DOWNTOWN MUM DRI UPDATE EXISTING PM BUS RIDERSHIP AND PERSON TRIP CAPACITY ASSIGNMENTS SUS ROUTES SSRYINO ROADWAY SEGMENTS S 5 T T 32 93 3 21 126 58 72 22 56 16 32 27 18 27 18 27 18 14 46 32 35 46 A 24 18 18 32 0 24 16 5 19 a 3 16 32 99 45 46 15 88 126 21 15 21 54 2 7 75 68 75 66 75 7'6 6 40 21 51 52 52 243 52 13 21 83 76 BUS ROUTE* AND .RIOERSHW PER SE0ELIE c 75 72 K 112 96 112 90 M S 7 68 275 152 14 200 132 48 128 14 128 46 14 40 14 46 14 TOTAL BUS CAP 196 559 140 659 56 114 18 114 WC 0.354 0.250 0.509 0.158 27 195 0.138 18 195 0.092 27 195 0.138 18 195 0.092 27 195 0,136 18 195 0 092 24 45 0.533 18 45 0.400 74 546 0.136 37 270 9,137 840 2.006 0421 774 2.739 0283 286 862 0.419 238 852 0.349 48 130 0.354 14 130 0,106 46 130 0-354 14 130 0.106 114 445 0256 142 445 0.316 16 114 0.140 114 0.474 169 868 0.213 141 510 0276 76 315 0235 132 008 0.427 132 3108 0427 14.3 ie2 KEIT1I AND SCHNARS. P A. NITRANPLAMPROJECTS12001116718iTABLES411 MAIMX.WK4 ,swwwwwwww•WWWWWWW-wIP1 • ) Saf7 SE 1 STREET 20'Nov-2001 ROADWAY FROM BISCAYNE BLVD NE 54 STREET NE 46 STREET 1.195 NE 36 STREET NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET TO NE 48 STRET I-195 NE 36 STREET NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET NE 13 STREET 1.395 4.395 NE 6 STREET NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET NE 2 AVENUE/ERICKELL AVENUE NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET (.395 1-395 , NE 3 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET NE 1 STREET NE 13 STREET FLAGLER STREET FLAGLER STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET $6 4 STREET SE 8 STREET 5E 8 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 15 ROAD SW 15 ROAD RICKENBACKER CSWY TABLE 21,AI DOWNTOWN MIAMI 0141 UPDATE EXISTING AM AND PM METRORAIL AND METROMOVER RIDERSHIP AND PERSON -TRIP CAPACITY ASSIGNMENT IR FACILITY TYPE EXISTING LANES NB 4L0 .98 ND 4L0 SB NB 4L0 SB NB 4L0 58 N8 4LD SB NB 4L0 SB NB 4L0 SB NB 4LD SB NB 61.0 S8 NB 6LD 58 NB 4L SB 3L NB RLD SB N9 OLD SB NB BLO SB N8 EL0 56 NB 2LOW N8 se NB S8 NB 58 58 SR SB sB S 56 SB NB SB NB so NE S8 NB SB 9LU 4LU 4LU 3L 3L 3L 3L 3L 3L METRO - RAIL 41 2L 3I. 4L0 MR4 4LD MR4 4LD 25% 2274 25%i 25% MASS TRANSIT - METRORA1E 121 PEAK CAPACITY IPERSORS) 1,463 1,463 1,463 PM PEAK TOTAL RIDERSHIP PM /PERSONS) WC 276 092 276 692 0.189 0.4ra a189 0.473 AM PEAK TOTAL RIDERSHIP (PERSONS) 813 256 813 256 AM WC 0.556 0.175 OMB 0.175 METRO - MOVER 6942 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM2 MM1 MM1 MM1 MM1 MM2 MM2 MM1 MM1 MM1 54541 MM2 MM2 MM2 12] PEAK CAPACITY (PERSONS) 50% so% 50% so% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 56% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 100% 25% 25% 25% 25% 50% 50% 50% so% 50% 50% 100% 50% 1004 509. 1��0t0p1%� 50% 960 960 960 960 960 960 060 960 960 960 960 960 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1.440 1,440 2,880 480 400 480 480 960 se0 %MO 1,440 1,440 1,440 2,880 960 1,020 960 1.920 960 960 PM PEAT( -SAL RIDERSHIP PM RRiERSHIP AM (PERSONS) WC WC 44 0.046 57 0.059 53 0.055 50 0,052 44 0.046 57 0,059 53 0.055 90 0.052 44 0.046 57 0.059 53 0.055 50 0.052 44 0.046 57 0.059 53 0.055 50 0.052 47 0.049 61 0.064 89 0.093 53 0.0551 91 0.095 88 0.092 70 0.073 68 0.071 83 0.058 81 0.056 56 0.039 66 0.039 74 0.051 00 0,056 80 0.056 57 0.040 106 0.074 102 0A71 73 0.051 76 0.053 241 0.073 203 0.070 22 26 22 26 53 70 0.046 0.054 0.046 0.054 0.055 0.073 113 100 113 100 100 136 56 0.039 111 60 80 73 0.054 0.056 0.051 114 114 151 146 0.051 151 164 0.171 316 360 0.198 344 316 344 164 0.171 360 0.788 85 0. 163 97 0.101 185 4 0.235 0206 0.235 0.206 0.104 0.142 0077 0.079 0.079 0.105 0.052 0.329 0.170 0,329 0.779 0.170 0.193 E. KE1TH AND SCI4NARS, P,A. N:ORANPLA 4PROJECTS120011167161TABLE5111MATRA.WK4 - -- - - - - W W W�..�wwwww111, 111IPsIP 1111P1111IP••1 • of _,,.. 20-Nov-2001 ROADWAY GRIM '`NW 2 AVENUE NW 11 STREET NW 8 STREET NW 6 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 3 STREET NW 1 STREET SW 1 STREET SW 2 STREET SW 7 STREET SW 8 STREET SW 11 STREET SW 13 STREET NW 3 AVENUE NW 20 STREET NW 17 STREET NW 14 STREET NW 9 STREET NW 5 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 2 AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NE 15 STREETNENETIAN BISCAYNE ISLAND BAYSHORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD NW 8 STREET NW 6 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 3 STREET NW 1 STREET SW 1 STREET SW 2 STREET SW 7 STREET SW 8 STREET SW 11 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 15 ROAD NW 17 STREET NW 14 STREET NW 9 STREET NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET N. MIAMI AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1.95 cSwY BAYSHORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD N. MAW AVENUE TABLE 21.Ai DOWNTOWN MIAMI DRI UPDATE EXISTING AM AND PM MEIRORAIL AND MET'ROMoVER RIDERSHIP AND PERSON TRIP CAPACITY ASSIGNMENT .... - ..u- ._. MASS TRANSIT .MEi IL . ... DIR NS 58 NB SB NB S8 NB SB NB NB S8 NB 58 NB 58 N8 SB NB SB N8 58 NB SB NB SB NB S8 NB S8 NB N8 ES WB Ell WB Eft WB E8 W8 E8 WB WB FACILITY TYPE EIISTING LANES 21.1.1 2LU 21D 2LD 2L IL 2L IL 4LU 2LU 411.1 2LU 2111 4LU 2LU 2LU 2LU 31 2L 2LU 4LU 4LD 21,0 210 21,11 METRO - RAIL MR1 MR1 MR2 MR2 MR3 MR3 MR4 MR4 MASS TRANSFT .TETIMIN [2) PM PEAK AM PEAK I 121 PM PEAK PEAK I1] CAPACITY R DERSSHHIP PM TOTALPEAK AM METRO. PEAR TOTAL T1Ru 116._ (PERSONS) (PERSONS} we (PERSONS} VIC MOVER i, CERSOITY RIDERSHIP RIDERSHIP A _ (PERSONS)... tPaRsoNal WC JPERaGNB} 50% 2,925 684 0.234 1,266 0.433 25% 1,463 692 0.473 256 0.175 50% 2,925 684 0.234 1,266 0.433 25% 1,463 692 0.473 256 0.175 5016 2.925 686 0.235 1,258 0.430 25% 1.463 692 0.473 256 0.175 50% 2,925 686 0.235 1,258 0.430 25% 1,463 692 0.473 256 0.175 AM PEAK 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 1,463 1,463 1,463 1.463 1,463 1,463 1,453 1,463 281 692 281 692 276 692 276 692 0.192 0.473 0.192 0.473 0.189 0.473 0.189 0.473 776 0.530 256 0.175 776 0.530 256 0.175 813 0.556 256 0.175 813 0.556 256 0.175 VIC KEIT H AND SCHNARS. P.A. NATRANPLAMPROJECTSY20011167161TABLESi11MATRIX. WK4 - 0 w w w w w\ 5f 5 hj it 20-thay.2ridt ROADWAY 1 i 819CAVNE BLVO NE 54 STREET NE 48 STREET 1-195 NE 38 STREET NE 29 S TREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET N(_ 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1-395 NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET NE 2 AV61AtEJBRICKELL NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1.395 NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET RACIER STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET SE 6 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 1S ROAD k:• KE17t1 8163 $CIINATIS. P A NE 46 STRET 1-195 NE 36 STREET NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET t-395 NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET AVENU9 NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1-395 NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET H AGLER STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SO4 STREET SE 6 STREET SW 13 STREET BW 15 ROAD 111e4409ER C1300 Na sB NB E E S0I E N$ E S8 E NB E SB E NB E SS E N8 E 58 E NS E S8 E NB E S6 E NB E SS E NB E s9 E NS E SB E NB E S9 E NB E 58 N9 E 3B E N8 E•IW ROADWAY TABLE 21.A7 PERSON -TRIP YOLU AND Ej PAC EX*TING CONDITIONS MATRIX IM 'ER TRIP 1 IN ROADWAY 401.4156 1.6r EXCESS PER10N TRIP CAPACITY ROADWAY P6R6011 TRIP V29 L06 1.610 (2 . - °- 1.021 1.810 2806 1.50 1,00.49 1,810 2,38 043 32.0036 0 • 0.89 1,610 1, 2,002 099 2,698 2,040 2,a64 932 0.99 1310 2,896 1.334 1,668 1,026 0.65 1,810 2,896 €,589 2,225 671 0.77 1,010 2,006 1,334 1.986 1,026 0.65 1,010 2.896 1,569 2.225 • 671 0.77 1,750 2,800 1,915 2,897 1,750 7,600 554 0.45 1,750 2,000 1,605 2• 2247 F.553 0.450 1,750 2,8080357 442 0.40 1,750 970 1,403 1,442 0.48 2,800 1,T59 2,489 337 0.88 1,750 2,000 1,252 1,753 1,047 0.13 1,750 2,800 1,674 2,344 456 0.54 1,750 2,000 919 1,2437 1,513 0.46 2.560 4,006 1,674 2,344 1,752 0.57 2,560 4,096 919 1,287 2,560 4,096 1,731 2.376 1,773 2,60.39 0 2,560 4,096 0.50 3,140 5,024 1.432 2,005 32376 ,059720 0.40 0 3,988 040 A 3,140 5,024 1,696 2,374 1,� 0.47 0 3,140 5,024 746 3,900 0.21 0 3,140 1'� 2,650 0.7 0 5,024 3,698 2.374 2,650 0.47 0 3,140 5,024 748 1,044 3,060 0.21 C 3,140 5,024 1,647 3,140 5,024,205 3,0.21 0 3,€46 5,024 847 1,205 2,816 9 0.24 C 1,64761 2,588 2,438 0,5C 3•140 5,024 881 HS 1.205 3,819 0.24 C j 2,040 3,264 1,807 2,530 734 0.70 0 LS LS 1S LS LS LS HS HS HS HS HS HS H5 NB E LS SB E NB E HS S8 E NB E HS SB E SB E•1W HE SB E•1W HS SB E-lW H5 SB E-1 W HS SB E-1W HS -1W HS SB E-1W HS • E HS SB E 548 E HS SB E NB E 68 3B E NS E Ia 86 E SB 1,815 2,584 1,615 2,564 1,615 2,564 1,815 2,584 1,815 2.584 1,015 2.584 3,070 4,912 3,070 4,912 3,070 4,912 3,070 4,912 3.070 4,912 3.070 4,932 3,770 6,032 1,700 2,720 2,550 4,096 1.700 2,720 1,700 2726 1,700 2,720 1,700 2,720 1.700 2,720 1.700 2,720 512 1,023 717 1.5618880 29 6 731 1,023 0561 040 0 512 717 1387 0.26 C 731 1,023 7,501 0.40 0 512 717 1,867 0.28 C 0127 1,570 3,334 0.32 0 671 930 3,973 0.19 C 871 939 3,973 0.19 C 671 939 3,973 0.19 C 671 030 3,973 0.19 C 671 930 3,973 0.19 C 671 939 5,003 0.16 C 1,107 1,340 791 1,345 603 1,476 110 1,364 1,876 1,676 7,114 1,03 144 2,000 1,134 1,910 1,044 2,220 1,606 837 1,874 064 1.516 410 0.62 0 0.46 0 0.41 0 0.69 0 0.31 D 0.76 0 0.42 0 0.70 D C D 0 E C 0 G 0 0 0 E 0 E 0 0 1US P8R-TRIP CAPACITY 970 920 020 920 920 920 1,472 2,252 1,472 2,252 1,472 2,252 1,469 2,249 1,026 1,608 1,706 2.488 1,706 2.486 2,486 1,706 1,706 2,4$6 2.406 2.226 3.434 300 780 713 713 510 4,070 1,070 1,070 1,330 552 1,316 1,346 1,346 568 586 566 301 306 306 301 tor 1404611 PER►:RM CAPACITY LOAD. 969 960 000 060 960 960 960 960 960 990 060 960 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,440 2,880 480 480 480 480 960 960 1,440 1,440 1.440 1.440 2.660 960 1,020 060 1,9220 960 960 �101 NAIL PERT-1110 CAPA977Y L0A0+ 1,463 1,463 1,483 1,463 T0T/�1L TRANSIT Tumor: P9RBN•TRw OVOLUME 921414212 CAPACITY 929 420 920 02a 020 920 1.472 2,262 1,472 2,252 1,472 2,252 2.429 3,209 1,988 2,768 2,668 3,446 2,604 3,446 3446 2,666 2.066 3,446 3,926 3,646 4,874 1,748 2,720 1,440 2,480 713 713 480 99$ 480 1,550 2030 2,030 2.770 1992 1,440 2,750 4,226 2.306 2,486 2666 2046 2,729 2.726 306 306 169 243 169 243 339 246 623 418 523 410 523 41$ 442 383 678 405 752 506 748 496 367 390 677 489 657 394 1,108 61 187 196 110 44 53 44 53 44 53 44 53 61 53 91 70 83 56 74 80 106 73 203 22 84 26 22 308 2s 264 100 204 136 234j 131 114 114 351 151 370 151 365 115 240 150 156 98 138 22 184 360 164 340 68 97 271 692 271 662 1 TOTAL TRANSIT PER/ 906185E 160 243 169 243 339 248 523 416 712-3 523 416 486 436 722 538 796 559 792 551 428 451 766 559 740 450 1.100 141 293 73 203 198 119 22 110 22 334 394 420 345 202 114 502 521 529 475 660 1,171 617 915 131 22 TRANSIT 9898•TRIP EXCESS AAPACFTY 751 877 751 677 501 072 949 1,636 940 1,836 949 1,838 1,943 2,773 1,266 2,230 1,070 2,087 1,874 2,895 3,018 2,215 1,896 2,887 3,186 3,214 3,664 1,805 1,927 1,367- 2 0/7 515 594 456 880 456 12fa 1,846 1,810 2,425 1,700 1,328 2,254 3.705 1,777 2,011 2,309 2.778 2.292 1,914 1111 Pff11iON TRM CAPACITY 0001697 3,618 3;9ie 3,816 3,816 3,018 3,616 4.366 5,148 4272 5,052 4,272 5,052 5,220 6,009 0,788 5,508 6,762 7,642 6,782 7,542 8,470 6.792 7,690 8,470 8.050 6,590 9,696 9,770 7,244 6,464 6,144 3,297 3,297 3,004 3,582 3,084 4.134 8,942 6,042 7.892 6,904 6,352 7648 10,254 5,026 8,562 6,700 6,689 6,449 6,441 3.071 3,021 6 PERSON 661-YWP 431EM 1 TRIP 17(0861 TRIP PERSON VOLUMB CAPACITY Y7F,.t31 1,596 2,833 2,172 3,107 2207 2,473 2,301 2,641 3,204 1,662 2,770 1,774 2,949 2,16 3,066 1.825 3,140 1,046 3,215 2,927 2,433 2,550 3.142 1,603 3,114 1,444 3,766 1,346 2,879 1,278 2.733 1,221 636 1,045 827 1,045 1,051 1,982 1,359 1,284 1,141 1,053 1,441 1,480 2,209 2,35s 1,714 3,064 1201 2.661 1,272 1,932 2,216 983 1,644 709 1,600 1,343 1.977 2.507 1.060 3,390 1,502 3,278 2,200 3,820 1,722 3,743 3,822 5,096 3,647 4,615 6,037 4,203 4,548 8,067 5.836 7,196 6,132 5,424 4,365 5,188 3,411 2,076 2,481 2.018 2.751 2,019 3,083 4,980 5.589 6.396 5,783 6,299 6,227 8.70a 2.021 4,231 3,916 3,115 4,056 2,886 1.764 1,OS4 0.41s 0.742 A,589 0.814 a.570 0.846 0-547 0513 0750 0-329 0.648 0.351 0.564 0.364 0.640 0.328 0464 0.245 0475 0.38a 0207 0378 0.409 0.199 0.348 0.172 0,330 0.199 0,397 0.198 0.445 0.370 0254 0-341 0.23f 0.341 0.254 0263 0-196 0.167 0.165 0,166 0.16a 0-142 0430 0.167 0.31E 0.456 0.260 0.520 0.420 0899 C 4: 0 D 0 0 C 0 D 0 a 0 C 0 C C C C 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O 0 c 0 0 c 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 0 N,ITRANRLAHyROJECTSI200411671SYMILES111MATRIX. WK4 __2RNn -2Gp1 ROADWAY _ FR1381 .-- �.7..ApEAIIE�_-.-. NW 20 STREET NW 17STREET NW 14 STREET MN 9 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 17 STREET NW 14 STREET NW 9 STREET NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET II NE20STREET NE 2 AVENUE N_MIAMI AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NW AVENUE 1,95 11 NETS BTREETNENETW4 COW ( BISCAYNE ISLAND BAYSNORE DRIVE BAYSH0RE °RIVE BISCAYNE BLVD BISCAYNE 81V0 N. MIAMI AVENUE NE 14 STREET BAYSHORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD NE 1 AVENUE N 44AMI AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE ;(NE 11 STREET NW 3AVENUE 195 NE 10 STREET f NW 3 AVENUE f-95 14E 8 STREET/PORT BOULEVARD E Of 100T BRIDGE BISCAYNE BLVD I BISCAYNE BLVD NE 1 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUE N 131AMI AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE NW 1 AVENUE N75 1 AVENUE NW 1 CT NW 1 CT NW 2 AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE MN3AVENUE 145 BISCAYNE 8LV0 NE 1 AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 HE€TH AND SCHWAS, P A. MIAMI A00P- TED 01R LOS NB 58 N8 S8 N9 5B NB NB EB W8 E8 WB EB WB EB W8 EB W8 EB WB W8 EB W8 E8 WE CO WB ES wB E8 WB fWB E E E E E E E-1 W E-1 W nr r21rn PERBTRIP ROADWAY CAPACITY OPPV4 TYPE CAPACITY 1.6 LS LS E t5 E E LS E E LS E l5 E E L5 E LS E E E E E E E E E E LS LB LS LS LS -1W I LS 8 E-1 W E E 61W E-1W E-1 W E-1 W E-1W E-1W E•1 W LS 800 800 800 800 800 000 3,070 TABLE 21A7 DOwNTOWN ~ OW UPDATE PERSON -WW1 VOLUME 0 CAPACITY1 EMOTING CONDI TIONS MATRIX i4J !�l ROADWAY VOLUME 'V. TRw 1.1 GAYAn_n1r 1260 1,280 1,260 1,280 1.250 1,280 4,912 200 204 200 204 200 204 1.102 1,543 2.040 3,264 1.102 800 500 1.615 1,615 1.700 1.700 040 840 840 840 800 800 1,515 1.515 1,615 800 1,915 BOO 800 600 800 800 800 800 1,280 1,200 2,554 2,504 2,720 2,720 1,344 1,344 1,344 1.344 1,280 1,280 2,584 2,584 2,584 1,290 2,584 1,250 1.290 1,250 1,260 7,260 1,280 1,200 600 491 600 491 000 491. 304 322 340 345 192 255 212 105 1130 174 160' 174 160 174 160 €74 172 158 1,000 994 1,600 9134 1,000 994 3,369 ROADWAY t151 Mr- f MOON RAIL TOTAL TRW PERT -TRIP - CAPACITY 1040.4 0.22 0-22 0.22 0.22 0,22 0.22 0.31 C C C C C C 0 1,543 1,721 0.47 0 840 867 640 607 840 667 426 451 478 483 255 357 297 147 224 244 224 244 224 244 224 244 241 274 440 693 1,744 1,807 1,880 2,033 918 893 968 861 1.025 923 2.287 2,437 2,360 1,036 2,360 1,036 1.056 1,036 1,056 1.036 1,039 £,006 0.86 0.54 033 0-27 031 025 0.32 0.34 0.35 0.36 020 0.28 011 0.06 0.09 0.15 0.09 0.19 0.18 0.10 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.21 2,640 3,264 180 252 3,012 0.06 2,040 3 2,500 4,006 2,560 4,096 HS 3,070 4,972 2,040 3,264 2,640 3,264 2,640 3,264 2,040 3,264 29040 3,284 LS 3,070 4,912 31S HS LS LS 280 286 280 286 133f 186 3.078 0,06 1,278 1,789 564 832 614 060 614 050 060 880 860 550 614 014 014 614 314 2,307 3,264 4,052 2,404 2,404 2.404 2,404 2,404 4,062 0 0 0 c C 0 0 0 n C 0 C C C C C C c C C c c C 0.44 0 0.20 c 0.18 C 0.25 C 025 C 0.26 c 0.26 C 0.28 C 0.15 C au5 PER -TRW CAPACITY 559 559 114 114 185 195 195 195 195 195 45 45 546 270 2,008 2,739 882 682 130 130 130 130 445 445 114 114 MOVER PERO-TRIP CAPAMTY 2.880 680 2,910 510 2.980 2,850 315 309 309 TnUd5iT P 454537 PENS0WTiuP VO4.1} CAPACITY MA .. 560 198 559 140 114 114 10 195 195 135 195 195 195 58 36 29 36 29 36 28 45 24 45 16 548 74 270 37 2,006 546 2,739 774 852 286 602 238 130 46 130 14 130 49 130 14 445 114 445 142 114 16 114 54 2,680 3,768 3,390 2.860 315 300 309 160 141 75 132 132 214 214 214 214 41 TOTAL tTRA1Nlt THAW' P&RB-TRM PINS EXCESS VOLUME CAPACITY 1011 140 56 18 36 28 36 28 36 70 24 18 74 37 846 774 286 238 48 14 46 14 114 142 361 419 56 96 150 067 159 167 15S 167 21 27 472 239 1,162 1,986 396 444 54 116 64 116 333 303 16 96 54 60 214 2,866 403 3,365 355 3,035 214 2,666 75 240 132 177 132 177 litingENT P41:SOM TRI CAPACITY 1,280 1,280 1,038 1,839 1,794 1,394 4,912 3,264 1,475 1,475 2,779 2,778 2.915 2,015 1,389 1,359 1,890 1,614 1,250 1,280 4,592 5,323 3,268 1,962 2,714 1,410 1,410 1,410 1,725 1,725 1200 1,280 3,378 3,378 4,096 4,098 7,792 7,032 6.654 6,144 3,579 3,573 5,221 7 S 40 ms.. PERSON TRH ,C LfJr aE IMEMT rid ampa PERSON 136834MPTITIP mass -TI VOLUME CAPACrtr Y 290 280 478 426 338 304 1,543 1,543 876 715 078 735 876 715 450 489 550 520 255 357 1,143 92€ 510 482 270 258 270 258 336 388 241 274 1,000 994 1.361 1,413 1956 1,090 3,369 021D 0.223 0.2130 0232 00242 0,216 0.314 1.721 0.473 599 780 1,903 2.064 2,036 2,200 930 920 1,340 1,084 1,025 823 3,449 4,402 2.758 1,460 2,444 1,152 1,140 1,152 1,387 1,339 1,039 1,008 0.594 0.405 0.315 0-257 0.301 0.246 0.324 0.338 0.291 0.322 0.190 0279 0240 0,173 0.156 0246 0.009 0.183 0.191 0.163 0.106 0.224 0.186 0214 288 3,110 0.079 240 3,136 0.071 7,799 432 1,074 1,269 1215 1.074 935 2.307 3,294 6,718 5,700 6,439 5,070 2.044 2,581 4,220 0.437 0.203 0.138 0.180 0.1E3 0.175 0.261 0.279 0.190 C C 0 C C c C c c C C C C 0 C 0 C 0 0 0 0 c 0 c 0 D 0 C 0 N:ITRA,NPLAMpR01ECTS12001416716}TABLE54T 1 MATRIX y91{4 w W 1 IP SV 20-Na.-2001 ROADWAY FROM !!f� li II NE 2 AVENUEMRICNELL NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET 1NE 14 STREET if NE 13 STREET II i-395 NE 3 STREET NE f STREET �I! 1! FLAGLER STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET SE 8 STREET sw 13 STREET SW 15 ROAD B/SCAYNE 8LVD NE 54 STREET NE 46 STREET I-195 NE 36 STREET NE29STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET I-395 NE B STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET WE: KEITH AND SCHNARS, P,A. TO NE 46 STRET I.195 NE 36 STREET NE 29 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 1-395 NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET 5E 2 STREET SE 4 STREET AVENUE NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET /•395 NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET FLAGLER STREET SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET SE 8 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 15 ROAD RICKENBACKER CSWY WARN jFITY MOP- TYPE TEDX15T1N D1R EG AM/ L LANES PMJ N8 E SB E NB E SB E NB E SB E N8 E SB E NB E SB E NB E S8 E NB E SB E NB E SB E NB € 5B E NB € SB E N8 E SB E NO E SB E N8 E SB E Na E 8LD SB E Ne E BLD Se E NB E+20 2LOW NB 513 IN8 SB NB SB Se Se SB S8 1 SSB8 Se N9 58 NB S8 N8 SB N8 58 E € E E E E E+20 E+20 E+20 E*20 E+20 E+20 E+20 E E € E E E E E 4LD 4LD COUNT _DATE AM 07/18/00 AM 09/12/00 4L0 PM 08,2960 4L0 PM 08/29/00 PM 05/01/01 PM 094/3/99 PM 09/07io PM 04/13/99 PM 04/13/99 Pµ 08/17/93 Ij 4L IAM 05111199 34. 8LD BED 410 4LD 4LD 41.0 6L0 6LO PM 04/25101 PM 04/25/01 PM 05,1699 PA4 05f8/99 AM 06/29'99 4LU PM 07,06/00 4L0 PM 07/0600 4LL1 PM 07/06/00 3E AM 04125I01 3E AM 04/25/01 34 AM 0425/Of 3L AM 0425/01 3L AM 04/25/01 3L AM 0425 11 41 AM 04/25/01 2L PM 0612969 3L 4LD PM OS/25199 CD PM 06/29/99 410 PM 06/2999 TABLE 21.010 UPDATE YEAR 2001f PERSON OWN MIAMI RTRIP CONDITIONS 111 EXISTING PERSON TRIP voLUME 1,568 2.833 2.172 3,107 2,207 2,473 2,391 2,641 3,204 1,662 2,770 1,774 2,949 2,189 3.066 1.825 3.140 1,846 3.215 2.927 2,433 2.559 3.142 1,603 3.114 1,494 3.766 1,346 2,879 1,278 2,733 1,227 836 1.045 827 1,045 1,051 1,962 1,359 1,284 1,141 1,053 1,441 1,460 2,205 2.351 1.794 3,054 1,361 2,861 1.272 1,932 YR 2009 ENG PERSON TRIP VOLUME 1,683 2,984 2,288 3,273 2,325 2.605 2,519 2.782 3.356 1,741 2,935 1,860 3.107 2,306 3,249 1,934 3.327 1,956 3,406 3,101 2,57e 2,711 3,291 1,679 3,261 1.565 3,990 1,426 3,050 1.354 2,896 1,28E 881 1,101 871 1,101 1,107 2,055 1,423 1,345 1,195 1,103 1.509 1,529 2,33E 2,491 1,901 3,236 1.442 3,053 1.348 2,047 131 CGMAR_ TTEO CEV. YR 2095 TOTAL EKG PERSON TRIP 119 163 136 195 325 256 519 410 682 529 773 590 620 484 845 648 1,099 1134 1.313 990 842 1,263 1,138 861 1,220 920 965 734 547 429 479 636 529 847 537 524 447 493 398 438 461 474 347 713 865 1,153 486 643 101 225 174 215 FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL 1.802 3,147 2.426 3,468 2,650 2,881 3.038 3.192 4.038 2,270 3,708 2.476 3,727 2,790 4,094 2.582 4.426 2,790 4,719 4,091 3,420 3,974 4,429 2.540 4,481 2,485 4,965 2,160 3,597 1.783 3,075 1,922 1,410 1,748 1,408 1,625 1,554 2,548 1.821 1,783 1,656 1,577 1,856 2.242 3.201 3.644 2,387 3,879 1,823 3.278 1,522 2,262 151 EKG PERSON _ TRIP WC�g 3,950 0.456 C 3,950 0.797 D 3.950 0.814 C 3.950 0.878 D 3,950 0,671 0 3,950 0.724 D 4,446 0.863 E 6,678 0.478 C 4,350 0.928 E 6,582 0.345 0 4.350 0.852 E 5.582 0.376 D 5.310 0.702 D 7,542 0.370 D 4,942 0.828 0 7.174 0.360 O 6,804 0.850 D 9.036 0.309 D 6.804 0.894 0 9.036 0.453 0 9.964 0.343 0 8,804 0.584 D 7,732 0.573 0 9964 0.255 C 10,924 0.410 D 10,678 0.233 C 11,764 0-427 D 7,256 0.298 0 9,17E 0.392 0 6,944 0.257 C 7,104 0.433 D 3,111 0.618 0 3,111 0.453 D 3,064 0.570 D 3,405 0.414 D 3,064 0.530 D 3,901 0.398 D 6.709 0.380 D 6,709 0.271 C 7,917 7.328 6.832 9,560 0.225 C 0,226 c 0.231 c 0.194 C 12.666 0.177 C 6,474 6,578 5,705 6,665 5,457 5,457 3,034 3,034 0.494 0.554 0.418 0.582 0.297 0.601 0.502 0.746 0 0 D D 0 0 161 1NC41 PERSON TRIP 56 93 TO 116 160 156 240 208 300 280 292 254 315 273 240 206 412 358 749 651 457 760 495 429 532 462 390 338 292 254 9f 350 312 397 345 345 299 267 197 244 244 302 180 441 618 712 345 397 98 112 96 112 YR 20011 TOTAL PERSON TRIP VOLumE [ 1,858 3.240 2,498 3,584 2,830 3.017 3.278 3,400 4.338 2,530 4.000 2,730 4.042 3,063 4.334 2,790 4,838 3,148 5.468 4,742 3,877 4,734 4.924 2,969 5,013 2,947 5.345 2,498 3,889 2,037 3,166 2,262 1,722 2.145 1,753 1,970 1,653 2,675 2,018 2,027 1,900 1979 2,036 2,683 3,819 4,356 2,732 4,276 1,721 3.390 1,620 2,374 FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL 3.950.1 3.950 TOTAL PERSON TRW 0.470 0.820 3,950 0.632 3,950 0.907 3•950 0.716 3•950 0.764 4.446 0.737 6,678 0,508 4,350 0.997 6.582 0.384 4,350 0.920 6,582 0.415 5,310 0.761 7.542 0.406 4.942 0.877 7,174 0,3Q9 6•804 0.711 9,036 0.34E 6.804 0.804 9,03E 0.525 9,964 0.369 6,804 0.696 7.732 0.637 10,924964 0.290 0.459 10,678 0276 11,784 0.454 7,258 0.344 9,176 0.424 6,944 0.293 7,104 0.446 3,111 0.734 3.111 0.554 3,064 0.700 3,405 0.515 3,064 0.843 3,961 0.475 6.709 0.420 6,709 0.301 7,917 0,256 7,328 0.259 8,832 0.275 9.560 0.213 12,66E 0.212 6,474 8.578 5,705 5.665 5,457 5,457 3,034 3,034 0.59Q 0.662 0.479 0.642 0.315 0.621 0.534 0.782 PRO1. AS A%pF MAX SERVICE VQLUM@ C 1.42% D 2.36% C 1,77% O 2.94% O 4.56% D 3.95% O 5.40% C 3.11% E 6.90% O 3.95% E 8.71% D 3.86% O 5.93% D 3.82% E 4.88% O 2.90% D 8.06% O 3.96% D 11.01% D 7.20% O 4,59% O 11.17% D 6,40% D 4,31% O 4.87% C 4.33% D 3.32% O 4.66% D 3.18% O 3.66% O 1.28% 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 C C C 11.57% 10.03% 12.96% 10.13% 11.26% 7.66% 3.98% 2.94% 3.06% 3.33% 4.42% 1.88% C 3.48% 0 D D, D D 0 9.55% 10.82% 6.05% 5.96% 1.60% 2.05% 3.23% 3.69% PROD, TRIP THAN 5% MAKI NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO NO NO YES NO YES YES NO YES YES ND NO NO NO N0 NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO N0 NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO N:ITRMIP1 NIPROJECTS120015187161TABLEA S111MATRIX,WK4 • NIP Nor wwwww sir WWWW TiW I 3af7 20-Nov-2001 ROADWAY FROM - TO HW2AVENUE .._ NW 11 STREET NW 8 STREET NW 8 STREET NW 6 STREET NW 6 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 3 STREET NW 3 STREET NW 1 STREET NW 1 STREET SW 1 STREET SW 1 STREET SW 2 STREET SW 2 STREET SW 7 STREET SW 7 STREET SW 8 STREET SW 8 STREET SW 11 STREET SW 11 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 15 ROAD NW 3AVENUE NW 20 STREET NW 17 STREET NW 17 STREET NW 14 STREET NW 14 STREET NW 9 STREET NW 9 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 2 AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE N. MIAMI AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 NE 15 STREETNENETIAN CBWY BISCAYNE ISLAND BAYSHORE DRIVE BAYSHORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVO BISCAYNE BLVD N. MINIM AVENUE DIR NB S8 NB SS NB S8 NB S8 1.48 S8 NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB 56 NB 58 NB SB NB SB NB S8 NB NB EB WB EB WB EB WB E6 WB EB WB EB WB MIAMI ADOP- TED LOS_ E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E £•20 Er20 E E E E E E E E E E E 6 FACIUTY TYPE EXISTING LANES au 2LU 2L0 2L0 2L 1L 2L 1L 4LU 2LU 4LU 2LU 2LU 41U 2LU 2LU 2LU 3L 2L 2LU 4LU 4L0 2L0 2L0 ZIP AM/ PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM AM AM AM PM PM PM TABLE 21.010 DOWNTOWN IYAW DRI UPDATE YEAR 2009 PERSON TRIP CONDITIONS Ix1 I11 YR EXISTING BKG PERSON COUNT TRIP TRIP DATE VOLUME ,volt . 0624/01 1.173 1,229 1.050 1,100 04/25/01 2.528 2.648 1,196 1,255 04125/01 2,440 2,564 1,055 1.105 04/25101 2,448 2,564 1,150 1.204 04125/01 1,399 1,465 455 478 04/25/01 1,026 1,075 456 478 04/2501 967 1,013 913 956 04125101 1,248 1,307 1,605 1,681 04/25/01 1,248 1,307 1,611 1,687 04/25701 1.243 1.302 1,611 1,687 04/25/01 1,243 1,302 1.605 1.661 04/17/01 302 316 396 414 07/06100 071116/00 0710/00 04/25101 04/25101 04/24/00 04/24/00 04/2463 09112/00 09/12/00 09/12/00 280 286 478 426 338 304 1,543 1,543 876 715 876 715 876 715 450 469 550 520 255 357 295 301 504 449 356 320 1,616 1,616 923 753 923 753 923 753 474 494 579 548 289 376 _ 21119 I31 PERSON COM O- TTED UIiE OOEV__ __._ — -..-- YR 2008 TOTAL BK0 PERSON TRIP -14 FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL_ f51 BKD PERSON TRIP V1 LQs PR INC'S PRO,). PERSON . TRIP YR 2009 TOTAL PERSON TRIP VOLUME FUTUREPRO.). PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL 151 TOTAL PERSON TRIP lit— AS A%OF MAX SERVICE VOLUME PROD. TRIPS THAN 5% YESMO_ 435 376 1,664 4,515 0.369 0 202 1,866 4,515 0.413 0 4.47% 140 1,476 3.0V 3,053 0.483 0 176 1.652 3,053 0.541 D 5.76% YES 374 8,979 0.337 0 112 3,134 8.979 0.349 D 1.25% 140 332 1,587 3,239 0.490 0 96 1,685 3.239 0.520 0 3.03% NO 364 2,928 8,057 0.331 D 97 3,025 8.857 0.342 0 1.10% NO 324 1,429 2,907 0.509 0 05 1,514 2,807 0.539 0 3.03% NO 374 2,93E 8.857 0.332 0 112 3650 6.057 0.344 0 1.26% NO 332 1,536 3,427 0.448 0 90 1,634 3,427 0.477 0 2.86% NO 435 1,900 7,172 0,265 C 187 2,087 7,172 0.291 D 2.61% NO 376 854 1,900 0.449 0 163 1.017 1,900 0.535 D 8.58% YES 506 1,581 2.708 0.584 0 172 1,753 2,706 0.647 D 6.35% YES 428 906 1,900 0.477 0 150 1.056 1,900 0.556 D 7.6911. YES 294 1,307 2,584 0.506 D 150 1,457 2,584 0.564 D 5.80% YES 223 1.179 2,584 0.456 D 130 1,309 2,584 0.507 0 5.03% YES 396 1,703 2,743 0.621 0 247 1,950 2,743 0.711 0 9.00% YES 297 1,978 2,743 0.721 0 215 2,193 2,743 0.799 0 7.84% YES 230 1,537 4,047 0.380 0 150 1,687 4,047 0.417 0 3.71% NO 304 1,991 4,179 0.476 D 172 2,163 4,179 0.510 0 4.12% NO 163 1,465 2.743 0.534 D 96 1,563 2,743 0.570 0 3.57% NO 212 1,899 2.875 0.681 0 112 2,011 2,875 0.699 0 3.90% NO 156 1.458 2,743 0.532 0 91 1,549 2,743 0.565 D 3.3214 140 202 1,883 2,743 0.686 0 105 1,988 2,743 0.725 0 3.83% NO 74 390 2,584 0.151 C 20 416 2,584 0.161 C 1.0114 NO 90 504 2.504 0.195 C 30 534 2.584 0.207 C 1.18% NO 20 315 1.280 0.246 0 22 337 1200 0.263 0 1.72% NO 15 316 1,260 0.247 0 20 336 1,280 0.263 0 1.56% NO 51 555 1,838 0.302 0 30 585 1,838 0.310 0 1.639. NO 37 486 1,838 0.264 D 26 512 1.838 0279 0 1.41% NO 62 438 1,404 0.312 0 52 490 1,404 0.349 0 3.70% NO 60 380 1.404 0.271 D 46 426 1,404 0.303 D 3.28% NO 122 1,738 4.912 0.354 0 97 1,835 4,912 0.374 0 1.979. NO 254 1,870 3,264 0.573 D 480 2.350 3,264 0.720 0 14.71% YES 148 1.071 1,466 0.731 0 46 1,117 1,466 0.762 0 3.14% NO 98 851 1.468 0.580 0 28 879 1,466 0.600 D 1.91% NO 219 1.142 2,770 0.412 0 99 1,241 2,770 0.448 0 3.57% NO 141 894 2,770 0.323 0 59 953 2,770 0.344 D 2.13% NO 175 1.098 2,906 0-378 0 104 1,202 2,906 0.414 0 3.56% NO 134 887 2,906 0.305 0 63 950 2,906 0.327 0 2.179. NO 60 534 1.443 0.370 0 52 586 1,443 0.406 0 3.60% NO 82 576 1,443 0.399 0 80 636 1,443 0.441 D 4.18% NO 186 765 1,943 0.394 0 104 869 1,943 0.447 D 5.35% YES 255 603 1.685 0.474 0 120 923 1,695 0.545 D 7.00% YES 112 381 1.280 0.298 0 124 505 1280 0.366 0 9.89% YES 153 52$ 1,280 0.413 0 142 671 1.260 0.524 0 11,099. YES 5; KEITH ANTI SCNNARS, P.A. NAT RAN PLAN IPRO J E C TS12f 1011167161TAB L E SL 11 MAT RIX. WN4 DD. 1 1 1 1 0 i 0 Lima Bus Ridership Information' Bus Route 9 10 PM Peak Headways 12 min 40 min PM Peak Vehicles 18 6 Bus Capacity 38 42 Average PM Peak Ridership PM Peak Capacity3 NB 31 NB 29 SB 11 SB 7 684 252 Notes: 1 - Bus ridership and capacity information was based on information provided by MDTA. 2 - Average PM Peak ridership was calculated from ridership information obtained from drivers log. 3 - Calculated based on number of PM Peak vehicles times bus capacity. BUS OCCUPANCY INFORMATION ROUTE DIRECTION LOCATION BUS # RUN # 1 DATE TIME PASSENGERS 9 NB NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 9909 5067 5/25/2005 17:57 13 NB NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 4113 5067 1/3/2005 17:17 43 NB NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 9736 5065/5073 6/1/2004 15:37 37 SB NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 9909 5067 5/25/2005 17:19 6 SB NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 4113 5067 1/3/2005 16:43 24 SB NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 9736 5065/5073 6/1/2004 18:41 3 10 NB NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 9972 5077 6/21/2005 16:29 20 NB NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 9351 5080 12/30/2004 18:30 26 NB NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 9411 5079 4/14/2003 16:37 40 SB NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 9972 5077 6/21/2005 18:42 8 SB NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 9351 5080 12/30/2004 18:02 8 C".t.n..• AA!'lTA SB NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 9411 5079 4/14/2003 18:38 6 s MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION Lima i PK Period: PM Project # 05203 • ROUTE: 9 BUS: 9909 RUN: 5067 SEATS: 38 110 . DATE: 5/25/2005 DAY: Wednesday TIME: Start: 15:59 110 1 1 1 1 ID 1 1 II Aft 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 • 1 End: 19:14 NORTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 17:49 11 0 1 12 0 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 17:52 12 0 1 13 1 0 NE2Avenue /NE36Street 17:55 12 0 2 14 0 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 17:57 14 2 1 13 0 0 SOUTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 17:13 8 1 0 7 0 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street 17:15 7 1 0 6 1 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 17:16 5 0 1 6 0 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 17:19 6 0 0 6 0 0 1 r 1 1 10 r 0 0 10 1 1 • MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION Lima PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 9 BUS: 4113 RUN: 5067 SEATS: 38 DATE: 1/3/2005 DAY: Monday TIME: Start: 15:54 End: NORTHBOUND 18:47 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 17:08 44 2 1 43 1 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 17:10 42 1 0 41 0 1 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street 17:15 42 2 7 47 4 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 17:17 43 0 0 43 4 0 SOUTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 16:32 28 0 1 29 4 1 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street 16:37 26 4 2 24 0 2 NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 16:41 26 2 0 24 2 4 NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 16:43 26 2 0 24 1 3 sDim i 1 1 • • MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION Lima PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 9 BUS: 9736 RUN: 5465/5073 SEATS: 42 DATE: 6/1/2004 DAY: Tuesday TIME: Start: 15:11 End: NORTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street SOUTHBOUND Time In 15:24 15:26 15:34 15:37 Arry 30 28 28 38 At Points Off On O 0 O 0 O 7 1 0 18:48 Lv 30 28 35 37 Between Points Off 2 0 1 4 On 0 0 4 6 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Arne Off NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 18:33 Arne 1 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 18:35 ( 8 18:39 18:41 4 3 5 On 0 1 Lv 9 4 4 3 Between Points Off On 1 0 O 0 1 0 O 0 • • MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION Lima PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 10 BUS: 9972 RUN: 5077 SEATS: 38 DATE: 6/21/2005 DAY: Tuesday TIME: Start: 16:11 End: 18:51 NORTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street Time In 16:23 16:25 Arry 13 15 At Poin Off 0 0 is NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street 16:28 15 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 16:29 19 1 SOUTHBOUND Between Points On Lv Off On 2 15 0 0 0 15 0 0 3 18 0 1 2 20 0 0 LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street Time In 18:36 Arry 5 At Points Off on 0 Lv 4 Between Points off 0 On 4 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street 18:37 8 0 0 8 0 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 18:40 8 0 0 8 1 NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 18:42 8 0 0 8 0 0 MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION Lima PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 10 BUS: 9351 RUN; 5080 SEATS: 42 DATE: 12/30/2004 DAY: Thursday TIME: Start: 17:08 End: NORTHBOUND 19:15 LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street Time In 18:25 18:26 18:29 18:30 Arry 20 19 19 26 At Points Off 0 1 1 0 On 0 0 8 0 Lv 20 18 26 26 Between Points Off 1 1 0 0 On 0 2 0 1 SOUTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street Time In Arry 17:56 8 17:58 18:00 18:02 8 6 6 At Points Off 1 On 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 Lv 9 6 6 8 Between Points Off 1 0 0 1 On 0 0 0 0 • MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION Lima PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 10 BUS: 9411 RUN: 5079 SEATS: 43 DATE: 4/14/2003 DAY: Monday TIME: Start: 16:11 End: NORTHBOUND 18:45 LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street Time In 16:26 Arry 39 At Points Off 1 On 0 Lv 38 Between Points Off 4 On 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 16:29 34 0 1 35 1 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street 16:34 34 0 7 41 2 NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street 16:37 40 2 2 40 2 0 SOUTHBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT NE 2 Avenue / NE 46 Street Time In 18:34 Arry 6 Off 1 At Points On 0 Lv 5 Between Points Off 0 On 1 NE 2 Avenue / NE 36 Street NE 2 Avenue / NE 29 Street 18:35 18:37 6 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 NE 2 Avenue / NE 20 Street 18:38 6 0 0 6 2 0 1 1 1 1 • LIMA Bus Ridership Information Bus Route 36 J PM Peak Headways 17 min 15 min PM Peak Vehicles 16 18 Bus Capacity 38 38 Average PM Peak Ridership PM Peak Capacity3 EB 20 EB 13 WB 30 WB 22 608 684 Notes: 1 - Bus ridership and capacity information was based on information provided by MDTA. 2 - Average PM Peak ridership was calculated from ridership information obtained from drivers log. 3 - Calculated based on number of PM Peak vehicles times bus capacity. r r BUS OCCUPANCY INFORMATION ROUTE DIRECTION LOCATION BUS # RUN # DATE TIME PASSENGERS 36 EB NW 36 Street! Biscayne Blvd 9715 1183 4/25/2005 17:03 12 EB NW 36 Street! Biscayne Blvd 2170 1064 10/15/2004 16:31 34 EB NW 36 Street / Biscayne Bfvd 2025 1064 10/14/2004 16:15 13 WB NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 9715 1183 4/25/2005 17:40 37 WB NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 2170 1064 10/15/2004 16:53 33 WB NW 36 Street! NW 7 Avenue 2025 1064 10/14/2004 16:49 19 J EB NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 3191 1223-5 6/9/2005 16:43 17 EB NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 4205 1227 4/28/2005 16:56 7 EB NW 36 Street! Biscayne Blvd 3198 1218/1228 12/6/2004 18:34 16 WB NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 3191 1223-5 6/9/2005 17:49 9 W WB NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 4205 1227 4/28/2005 18:03 40 WB NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 3198 , 1218/1228 12/6/2004 16:16 17 Source: MDTA Dw I 1 1 1• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0* i 1 0 MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION LIMA PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 36 BUS: 9715 RUN: 1183 SEATS: 42 DATE: 4/25/2005 DAY: Monday TIME: Start: 16:16 End: 18:23 EASTBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:56 19 3 4 20 0 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:58 20 8 2 14 2 0 NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 17:03 12 10 0 2 0 0 WESTBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street I Biscayne Blvd 17:33 14 0 21 35 0 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 17:36 35 5 7 37 0 0 NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 17:40 37 4 7 40 2 6 • 1. 1 1 1 1 1• MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION LIMA PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: 36 BUS: 2170 RUN: 1064 SEATS: 38 DATE: 10/15/2004 DAY: Friday TIME: Start: 16:30 End: EASTBOUN D 18:36 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time ]n w At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:24 38 1 2 39 1 4 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:26 42 11 5 36 2 0 NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:31 34 17 0 17 5 0 WESTBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:46 9 0 14 23 _ 0 4 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:49 27 0 3 30 0 3 NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:53 33 5 2 30 0 0 10 1 1 1 1 PK Period: PM Project # 05203 1 ROUTE; 36 BUS: 2025 RUN: 1064 SEATS: 38 1 DATE: 10/14/2004 DAY: Thursday TIME: Start: 15:27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION LIMA End: EASTBOUND 17:26 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:07 21 0 2 23 2 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:10 21 9 1 13 1 1 NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:15 13 9 0 4 1 0 WESTBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:40 5 1 5 9 0 9 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:46 18 0 1 19 1 1 NW 36 Street! NW 7 Avenue 16:49 19 3 3 19 4 1 1 1• 1 1 1 1 i lur • MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION LIMA PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: J BUS: 3191 RUN: 1223-5 SEATS: 38 DATE: 6/9/2005 DAY: Thursday TIME: Start: 15:35 EASTBOUND End: 18:41 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:36 21 1 0 20 2 1 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:39 19 0 0 19 1 0 NE 36 Street / NE 2 Avenue 16:42 18 1 0 17 0 0 NE 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:43 17 7 1 11 0 0 WESTBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv .... Off . .. On NE 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 17:42 9 0 0 9 0 0 NE 36 Street / NE 2 Avenue 17:44 9 2 3 10 0 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 17:47 10 1 0 9 0 0 NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 17:49 9 0 2 11 0 0 1 . MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION LIMA PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: J BUS: 4205 RUN: 1227 SEATS: 38 DATE: 4/28/2005 DAY: Thursday TIME: Start: 15:50 End: EASTBOUND 18:56 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:51 22 7 0 15 2 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:54 13 3 0 10 0 0 NE 36 Street / NE 2 Avenue 16:55 10 3 0 7 0 0 NE 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:56 7 3 0 4 0 0 WESTBOUND LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NE 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 17:57 20 0 20 40 0 0 NE 36 Street / NE 2 Avenue 17:59 40 0 4 44 1 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 18:01 43 4 1 40 1 1 NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 18:03 40 0 2 42 2 0 1• 1 Pgik Ow 10 10 MDTA BUS ROUTE PASSENGER INFORMATION LIMA PK Period: PM Project # 05203 ROUTE: J BUS: 3198 RUN: 1218/1228 SEATS: 38 DATE: 12/6/2004 DAY: Monday TIME: Start: 15:45 End: 19:03 LOCATION/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 18:30 17 1 0 16 0 0 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 18:32 16 0 0 16 0 0 NE 36 Street / NE 2 Avenue 18:33 16 0 0 16 0 0 NE 36 Street! Biscayne Blvd 18:34 16 4 1 13 0 0 LOCAT[ON/SEGMENT Time In At Points Between Points Arry Off On Lv Off On NE 36 Street / Biscayne Blvd 16:11 19 0 0 19 0 0 NE36Street !NE2Avenue 16:12 19 0 0 19 1 1 NW 36 Street / NW 2 Avenue 16:14 19 3 0 16 0 1 NW 36 Street / NW 7 Avenue 16:16 17 0 0 17 5 3 1 1 110 • 1 • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 • • Appendix D • • Intersection Capacity Analysis ;. Worksheets • 10 • • • • • • • 1• 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 i Dak • INTERSECTION NE 29 Street / Biscayne Blvd MOVEMENT TOTAL NE 30 Street / Biscayne Blvd TOTAL NE 29 Street / NE 4 Avenue NBL NET NOR SBL SBT SBR EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NET NBR SBL SBT SBR EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR EXISTING PM PEAK HR 1;11045._. 28 31 47: 31 so- TOTAL NE 30 Street 7 NE 4 Avenue TOTAL Biscayne Blvd Driveway TOTAL NE 4Avenue/ Driveway TOTAL NBL NOT NBR SBL SBT SER EBL EBT EBR WBL WET WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR ESL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NET NBR SEL SOT SBR EBL EBT EBR WSL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR :24061.: 1239 2 50 1108: 411I:: 2470:".'. S 29'ii'' 17 14 121:ICIi 27 5 =' 16 37:.; 6 51 BACKGROUND GROWTH Growth rate: No, of ears: 36 1077 29 32 1009 48 65 33 32 62 38 19 2479 6 1277 25 52 1039 42 14 4 16 16 1 50 2545 145 8 21 7 13 14 22 7 28 5 16 38 16 197 0 0 1183-. 1219 0 0 1041 4 0 0 41':::: 0 4 10101:1?: 2507:•..: 2259 33::::: a: 0 34 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 1.0% 3 Soleil Total 93 0 15 0 0 5 15 0 15 0 0 0 50 0 29 0 20 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 District Lofts Total 76 7 13 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 C 0 48 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 Biscayne Park Total 70 5 12 13 0 0 0 6 Q 0 0 35 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAZ 506 Total 1343 69 0 0 65 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 134 69 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PAC Total 5S 1 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMITTED DEVELOPMEN TS 14 115 0 0 105 15 0 15 21 0 284 0 130 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUTURE PROJECT :1192 128..• ... 5 62..--:. 9 276 Project Trips 42 2795 011 0 45 44 0.. 0: 22 7 3 14 22..: 7 28 1041. 0 6 . 2259 Total 61 0 2 5 2 0 2 13 0 10 0 38 0 8 4 13 2 0 0 0 3 28 0 0 0 0 0 15 20 0 0 0 35 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 20 0 0 0 0 16 3 15 0 0 0 54 FUTURE WITH PROJECT 1513 34:: 3s 1113 1` iQ :III2802 8 64 "11160. 14'.'�'. 16 53 �'.1.2823.: 2 5 124:. 805203 PM Intersection analysis.4s Existing Conditions Analyst: DPA litency: te: 9/15/2005 Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 E/W St: NE 29 STREET No. Lanes LGConfig Volume Lane Width RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Inter.: NE 29 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD Area Type: All other areas Jurisd: MIAMI, FL Year : 2005 N/S St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Westbound Northbound L T R L T R 0 1 0 LTR 63 32 31 12.0 0 0 1 0 LTR 60 37 18 12.0 0 1 2 0 TR 35 1045 28 12.0 12.0 0 Southbound L T R 1 2 0 L TR 31 979 47 12.0 12.0 0 Duration 0.25 Phase Combination EB Left Thru Right Peds WB Left Thru Right Peds 1111rB Right SB Right Green Yellow All Red 1 1 1 0 • 1 1 1 1 A A A A A A 14.0 4.0 1.0 Appr/ Lane Grp Lane Group Capacity Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations_ 2 3 4 NB Left Thru Right Peds SE Left Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 A A A A A A 91.0 4.0 1.0 6 7 8 Cycle Length: 115.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LTR 160 Westbound LTR 1318 0.93 0.12 99.6 F 157 1287 0.89 Northbound L 365 TR 2796 Southbound 324 2788 461 0.10 3533 0.42 410 0.10 3523 0.39 0.12 91.9 F 0.79 2.9 A 0.79 3.9 A 0.79 2.9 A 0.79 3.7 A 99.6 F 91.9 F 3.8 A 3.7 A Intersection Delay = 13.9 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS B HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Walyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD ,jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: LIMA -- # 05203 East/West Street: NE 30 STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD Intersection Orientation: NS Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Movement 1 2 3 L T Volume Peak -Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelized? anes nfiguration I pstream Signal? 8 1239 0.96 0.96 8 1290 2 Undivided Minor Street: Approach Movement 24 0.96 25 4 50 0.92 54 2 Study period (hrs): 0.25 Sorthbound 5 6 T R 1008 41 0.92 0.92 1095 44 1 2 0 1 2 0 L T TR L T TR No No Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Lanes Configuration 16 1 49 14 4 16 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.71 0.71 0.71 18 1 57 19 5 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 Exists?/Storage No / No 0 1 0 0 1 0 LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Eastbound Approach NB SB Westbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 Lane Config L L I LTR LTR 0 v (vph) 8 54 C(m) (vph) 609 522 P v/c 0.01 0.10 i % queue length 0.04 0.34 ntrol Delay 11.0 12.7 1 LOS B B 1 Approach Delay Approach LOS 1 1 76 89 0.85 4.59 141.5 F 141.5 F 46 55 0.84 3.63 194.9 F 194.9 F HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY likalyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 29 STREET / NE 4 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL 1 Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: LIMA - it 05203 1 East/West Street: NE 29 STREET North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE 1 Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments 1 Major Street: Approach Eastbound Westbound i Movement 1 2 3 14 5 6 L T R i L T R Volume 43 20 21 3 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 59 27 29 4 'Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? anes 0 1 1 0 *nfiguration LT TR 0 pstream Signal? No No ' Minor Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R---- 1 L --�-_ T ---R --- 0 Volume — -- 10 44 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.72 0.72 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 13 61 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage 0 0 / No 0 Lanes 0 0 Configuration LR 1 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service 1 Approach EB WE Northbound Southbound 1 Movement 1 4 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LT I I LR v (vph) 59 74 ▪ C(m) (vph) 1579 9 986 ▪ v/c 0.04 .08 Ditikk5% queue length 0.12 0.24 ntrol Delay 7.4 8.9 1 LOS A A 1 Approach Delay 8.9 Approach LOS _._._....__— ■ HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY 4101nalyst: IPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30 STREET / NE 4 AVENUE I Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary f Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 East/West Street: NE 30 STREET North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Eastbound 2 3 T R Movement 1 L Westbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume 7 27 5 16 37 16 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 7 27 5 16 38 16 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- 0 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes Illtnfiguration stream Signa l? 0 1 0 0 1 0 LTR LTR No No r Minor Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 T., T R I L T R ' Volume 8 20 7 13 14 21 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 20 7 13 14 21 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 2 0 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 1 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / 110 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service II Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LTR LTR I LTR I LTR II _-- -- 7 16 35 48 1 v (vph) C(m) (vph) 1551 1593 809 870 110 v/c 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.06 5% queue length 0.01 0.03 0.14 0.17 ntrol Delay 7.3 7.3 9.7 9.4 rOS A A A A 9.7 9.4 A A Approach Delay Approach LOS • Future without Project 1 1 1 1 1 i • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1• 1 • I II Analyst: DPA gency: te: 9/15/2005 Period: FUTURE W/O PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 E/W St: NE 29 STREET No. Lanes LGConfig Volume Lane Width RTOR Vol Eastbound L T R HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Inter.: NE 29 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD Area Type: All other areas Jurisd: MIAMI, FL Year : 2008 N/S St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Westbound Northbound 0 1 0 LTR 65 48 53 12.0 0 0 1 0 LTR 62 38 19 12.0 0 Southbound L T R 1 2 0 TR 50 1192 29 12.0 12.0 0 1 2 0 L TR 32 1113 64 12.0 12.0 0 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations_ Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 EB Left A Thru A Right A Peds WE Left A Thru A Right A • Peds Right SB Right Green 14.0 91.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 1.0 1.0 Appr/ Lane Grp Lane Group Capacity NB Left Thru Right Peds SB Left Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 5 A A A A A A 6 7 8 Cycle Length: 115.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Flow Rate (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LTR 171 Westbound LTR 140 Northbound L 302 TR 2796 Southbound 04. 285 2784 M r 1 1408 1.02 1152 0.12 125.6 F 125.6 F 0.89 0.12 95.5 F 382 0.18 0.79 3.2 A 3534 0.46 0.79 4.1 A 360 0.12 0.79 3.0 A 3518 0.45 0.79 4.0 A Intersection Delay = 15.2 (sec/veh) 95.5 F 4.0 A 4.0 A Intersection LOS = B HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Italyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/O PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 East/West Street: NE 30 STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street: Approach Movement Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Northbound Southbound 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 8 1406 25 52 1159 42 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 1480 26 54 1220 44 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? likanes nfiguration E upstream Signal? Minor Street: Approach Westbound Movement 7 8 9 I L T R I 1 2 0 1 2 0 L T TR L T TR No No Eastbound 10 11 12 L T R 0 Volume 16 1 50 14 4 16 ` Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 16 1 52 14 4 16 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 l Configuration LTR LTR ' Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound r Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config L L I LTR i LTR 0 v (vph) 8 54 69 34 C(m) (vph) 546 441 57 34 ' v/c 0.01 0.12 1.21 1.00 t4115% queue length 0.04 0.42 5.89 3.57 antrol Delay 11.7B14.3 307.0 329.2 LOS F 0 Approach Delay 307.0 329.2 Approach LOS F F r M 0 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY :41/nalyst: DPA ii Agency/Co.: P Date Performed: 9/26/2005 r Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/O PROD PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 29 STREET / NE 4 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL 111 Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 i Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 1 East/West Street: NE 29 STREET North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE 0 Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 1 _ Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments ! Major Street: Approach Eastbound Westbound 1 Movement 1 2 3 ( 4 5 6 L T R ! L T R 1 1 Volume 44 21 22 3 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 1 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 46 22 23 3 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 - Median Type/Storage Undivided / 1 RT Channelized? 1 ernes 0 1 1 0 nfiguration LT TR 1 pstream Signal? No No 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound 1 Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 Lane Config LT 1 1 LR Minor Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Lanes Configuration Exists?/Storage 0 10 45 0.95 0.95 10 47 2 2 0 No 0 0 LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service 0 v (vph) 46 0 C(m) (vph) 1588 v/c 0.03 `�5% queue length 0.09 k Dntrol Delay 7.3 LOS A Approach Delay ' Approach LOS 57 1005 0.06 0.18 8.8 A 8.8 A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY talyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/O PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30 STREET / NE 4 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. 5. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 East/West Street: NE30 STREET North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: EW DPA Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments_,,. Major Street: Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L R 1 L T R Volume 7 28 5 16 38 16 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 00.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 7 29 5 16 2 0 16 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -_ / Median Type/Storage Undivided RT Channelized? 0 1 0 anes 0 1 0 nfiguration LTR LTR 1 pstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Northbound 7 8 9 L T R Southbound 10 11 12 L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Lanes Configuration 8 21 7 13 14 22 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 8 22 7 13 14 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 Exists?/Storage No / No / 0 1 0 0 1 0 LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach EB WE Northbound Southbound 1 10 11 12 Movement 1 4 7 8 9 1 LTRLane Config LTR LTR LTR 0 v (vph) 7 16 37 50 870 C(m) (vph) 1549 1578 798 F v/c 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.06 5% queue length 0.01 0.03 7.3 7.3 0.15 9.7 0.18 9.4 I ntrol Delay A A A LOS 9.7 9.4 1 Approach Delay A A Approach LOS 1 elk Future with Project ow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Analyst: DPA Inter.: NE 29 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD 1 agency: Area Type: All other areas ate: 9/15/2005 Jurisd: MIAMI, FL Period: FUTURE WITH PROJ PM PEAR. HOUR Year : 2008 1 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 1 E/W St: NE 29 STREET 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N/S St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Eastbound Westbound Northbound i Southbound L T R No. Lanes LGConfig Volume 67 Lane Width RTOR Vol 1 LTR 60 53 12.0 0 L T R L T R I L T R 0 1 0 LTR 67 48 19 12.0 0 1 2 0 L TR 50 1193 34 12.0 12.0 1 2 0 TR 134 1113 64 112.0 12.0 0 1 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas _ Signal Operations 1 Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 EB Left A NB Left A Thru A Thru A 1 Right A Right A 1 Peds Peds WE Left A SB Left A 1 Thru A Thru A 1 Right A Right A 014, Peds Peds Right EB Right 1 SB Right WB Right Green 14.0 91.0 1 Yellow 4.0 4.0 1 All Red 1.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 115.0 secs 1 Intersection Performance Summary 1 Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate 1 Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound 1 LTR 169 1386 1.12 0.12 157.0 F 157.0 F 1 1 1 Westbound LTR 140 1153 1.01 0.12 130.4 F 130.4 F ,Northbound L 302 382 0.18 0.79 3.2 A TR 2795 3532 0.46 0.79 4.1 A 4.0 A 1 Southbound 1 L 283 358 0.13 0.79 3.0 A /41!" 2784 3518 0.45 0.79 4.0 A 4.0 A • • M Intersection Delay 19.9 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = E Analyst: DPA agency : ate: 9/15/2005 Period: FUT W/ PROJ W/IMP PM Project ID: LIMA - 4 05203 E/W St: NE 29 STREET L No. Lanes j 0 LGConfig Volume !67 Lane Width RTOR Vol HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Inter.: NE 29 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD Area Type: All other areas Jurisd: MIAMI, FL PEAK DOUR Year : 2008 N/S St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Eastbound Westbound Northbound T R L T R L T R LTR 60 53 12.0 0 0 1 0 LTR 67 48 19 12.0 0 2 0 L TR 50 1193 34 12.0 12.0 0 Southbound L T R 2 0 L TR 34 1113 64 12.0 12.0 0 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 EB Left Thru Right F Peds WB Left Thru Right Peds Right SE Right Green 0 Yellow ' All Red 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 A A A A A A NB Left Thru Right Peds SE Left Thru Right Peds EB Right WE Right 5 A A A A A A 20.0 85.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 Cycle Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) Eastbound LTR 247 1419 Westbound LTR 208 1194 Northbound L 268 TR 2611 Southbound 250 338 0111i- 2600 3518 Length: 8 115.0 secs Approach v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS 0.77 0.17 59.0 E 59.0 E 0.68 0.17 53.4 D 53.4 D 362 0.20 0.74 4.9 A 3532 0.49 0.74 6.3 A 6.3 A 1 1� 0.14 0.74 4.6 A 0.48 0.74 6.2 A 6.1 A Intersection Delay = 11.9 (sec/veh) Intersection. LOS = B HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Pnalyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE WITH PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30 STREET / BISCAYNE BLVD Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 East/West Street: NE 30 STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 0.25 Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume Peak -Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelized? 1 Lanes Allnfiguration stream Signal? Minor Street: Approach Movement Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHI" Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Lanes Configuration 8 1414 28 64 1160 42 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 8 14$8 29 67 1221 44 2 -- 2 -- Undivided 1 2 0 1 2 0 L T TR L T TR No No Westbound 7 8 L T Eastbound 9 1 10 11 12 R 1 L T R 16 1 53 14 4 16 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 16 1 55 14 4 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 Exists?/Storage No / No / 0 1 0 0 1 0 LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 Lane Config L L LTR 1 LTR 0 v (vph) 8 67 72 34 C(m) (vph) 545 436 52 31 1 v/c 0.01 0.15 1.38 1.10 r 95% queue length 0.04 0.54 6.59 3.76 rtS ntrol Delay 11.7 14.8 385.8 383.3 B B F F r Approach Delay 385.8 383.3 10Approach LOS F F IP HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d 10 10TWO-WAYSTOP CONTROL SUMMARY •flalySt: DPA Agency/Co.: 11/ Date Performed: 9/26/2005 10 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE WITH PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 29 STREET / NE 4 AVENUE 11 Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL IP Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 ID Project ID: LIMA -- # 05203 III East/West Street: NE 29 STREET. North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE IP Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 II Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments II Major Street: Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R , Volume 64 21 22 3 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 p Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 67 22 23 3 ' Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / P RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 1 0 onfiguration LT TR stream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes Configuration 0 10 60 0.95 0.95 10 63 2 2 0 No 0 0 LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach Movement Lane Config EB WE 1 4 LT Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 LR v (vph) 67 73 it C(m) (vph) 1588 1003 v/c 0.04 0.07 r 95% queue length 0.13 0.24 ntrol Delay 7.4 8.9 .,OS A A ' Approach Delay 8.9 Approach LOS A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d • TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY 1 'analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: 10 Date Performed: 9/26/2005 110 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE WITH PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30 STREET / NE 4 AVENUE 1 Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 10 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 , East/West Street: NE30 STREET North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE r Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 _ Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 ( 4 5 6 L T R L T R 0 , Volume 7 28 21 16 38 16 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 , Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 7 29 22 16 40 16 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? , Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Woonfiguration LTR LTR stream Signal? No No 0 Minor Street: Approach Northbound Southbound 0 Movement 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 L T R 1 L T R 1 Volume 11 21 7 13 14 22 r Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 11 22 7 13 14 23 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / ' Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 • Configuration LTR. LTR 10. Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach EB WE Northbound Southbound r Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 ' Lane Config LTR LTR 1 LTR I LTR v (vph) 7 16 40 50 • C(m) (vph) 1549 1555 788 861 v/c 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.06 1 95% queue length 0.01 0.03 0.16 0.18 AlikS A A A Antrol Delay 7.3 7.3 9.8 9.4 OS A A A A ` Approach Delay 9.8 9.4 Approach LOS A A 1 1 Project Driveway HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d •nalyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY DPA 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE WITH Intersection: Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 East/West Street: North/South Street: DRIVEWAY BISCAYNE Intersection Orientation: NS Major Street: Vehicle Approach Movement 1 L PROJ PM PEAK HOUR BISCAYNE BLVD / DRIVEWAY BOULEVARD Study period (hrs): 0.25 Volumes and Adjustments Northbound Southbound 2 3 I 4 5 6 T R I L T R Volume Peak -Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelized? Lanes _onfiguration stream Signal? 1 1 1279 0.95 1346 Undivided 2 T No 1192 0.95 1254 2 T No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 L T Eastbound 9 I 10 11 12 R I L / Volume 1 • • • • Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Lanes Configuration Exists?/Storage 0 1 8 0.95 8 2 0 Delay, Approach NB Movement 1 Lane Config Queue SB 4 Length, and Level of Service Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 R v (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 1 95% queue length ` ntrol Delay OS 1 Approach Delay Approach LOS 14.2 8 398 0.02 0.06 14.2 IP 10 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d • TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY I/nalyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 9/26/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE WITH PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 4 AVENUE / DRIVEWAY Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: LIMA - # 05203 East/West Street: DRIVEWAY North/South Street: NE 4 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments_ Major Street: Approach Eastbound Movement 1 2 3 L T R Westbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume Peak -Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelized? Lanes 1410(nfiguration stream Signal? 3 0.95 3 2 -- Undivided 0 15 0.95 0.95 0 15 0 0 0 LTRLR No No Minor Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 } 10 11 12 L T R 1 L T R Volume 20 47 35 16 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 21 49 36 16 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage / No / Lanes 0 1 1 0 Configuration LT TR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 i 10 11 12 Lane Config LTR 1 LT 1 TR M v (vph) 3 70 52 t C(m) (vph) 1623 890 927 v/c 0.00 0.08 0.06 ' 95% queue length 0.01 0.26 0.18 ntrol Delay 7.2 9.4 9.1 041,S A A A i Approach Delay 9.4 9.1 Approach LOS A A Appendix E Committed Development Information 1 o o 0 1 1 1 1 1 r DO 1 1 Lima MUSP Committed Develoment Person -Trip Assignment CORRIDOR FROM TO Direction Project Saieil District Lofts Biscayne Park TAZ 506 PAC TOTAL Biscayne Blvd 1-395 NE 14 Street NB 13 11 13 229 36 301 SB 9 9 12 0 15 45 NE 14 Street NE 15 Street NB 26 21 22 0 36 105 SB 9 9 12 0 36 66 NE 15 Street NE 19 Street NB 26 21 22 60 15 145 SB 9 9 12 57 15 103 NE 19 Street NE 20 Street NB 26 21 22 60 15 145 SB 9 9 12 57 15 103 NE 20 Street NE 29 Street NB 26 21 61 60 15 183 SB 9 28 29 115 15 196 NE 29 Street NE 36 Street NB 52 39 29 60 13 192 SB 70 22 22 115 13 242 NE 36 STREET Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB 9 4 3 57 3 75 WB 6 3 3 60 3 75 N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue EB 9 4 3 57 3 75 WB 6 3 3 60 3 75 NW 3 Avenue 1-95 EB 9 4 3 57 3 75 WB 6 3 3 60 3 75 NE 20 STREET Biscayne Blvd N. Miami Avenue EB 13 11 10 172 5 210 WB 9 9 9 181 5 213 N. Miami Avenue NW 3 Avenue EB 13 11 10 172 5 210 WB 9 9 9 181 5 213 NW 3 Avenue 1-95 EB 13 11 10 172 5 210 WB 9 t 9 9 181 5 213 w w w® w w w w w VP IF w IP IP IP IP w IP MP yr wily l MI yr• l IP Mr I W i w IV IP IN MOw w IV' ill Lima MUSP Soleil - TAZ 500 Locational information Units Sq Pt. Name Tye of Permit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail Soleil MUSP 3100 Biscayne Boulevard Mixed use, Residential, retail, Restaurant & office Wynwood/ Edgewater 288 0 0 12,095 Total 288 0 0 12 ,0951 # 05203 -Soleil Comm_ Developments2.xls Inv mar ww wwMI/ wwwwwwwwwwww111► WIPPwwwwwwwww wwIPSW wIw- Soleil TAZ 500 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail 288 DU 12,095 SF 232 814 62% 44% 69 14 38% 56% 40 18 109 32 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 1 59% 83 1 41% 58 141 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment Q Transit Trip Reduction 0 Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction 0 16.00% of Gross External Trips 14.90% of Gross External Trips 10.00% of Gross External Trips (2) (3) (4) 59% 59% 59% 13 12 8 41% 41% 41 % 9 9 6 23 21 14 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS (1) 59% 49 41% 34 83 C I Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 59% 59% 69 17 41 °/a 41 % 48 12 117 29 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 59% 86 41 % 60 146 1 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle I 59% 12 ' 41% 8 20 Notes (1) Based on Traffic Impact Study provided by City of Miami (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II # 05203 - Soleil T-gen_PM.xls 1 • • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 40 1 1 1 #05203 - TAZ 500 TAZ 500 2005 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 500 NNE 14.12% ENE 3.38% ESE 5.46% SSE 15.25% SSW 15.66% WSW 19.79% WNW 12.18% NNW 14.16% TOTAL 100.00% 26.34% 17.50% 35.45% 20.71 TAZ.xls wwww wwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWFIFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.WWw■ Lima MUSP District Lofts - TAZ 503 Locational Information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Cantle Hotel Office Retail District Lofts (Biscayne Condos) MUSP 2751 Biscayne Boulevard Mixed Use; Residential, Retail & Office Wynwood/ Edgewater 89 8,838 2,939 Total 89 0 8,838 2,939 # 05203 -District Lofts Comm_ DeveIopments2.xis w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w ill District Lofts TAZ 503 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % : Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 253 DU 17,745 SF 2,939 SF 232 710 814 62% 17% 44% 61 4 3 38% 83% 56% 35 22 4 96 26 7 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS I 53% 68 1 47% 61 129 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.90% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 10.00% of Gross External Trips (2) (3) (4) 53% 53% 53% 11 10 7 47% 47% 47% 10 9 6 21 19 13 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS (1) 53% 40 47% 36 76 1 1 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 53% 53% 56 14 47% 47% 50 13 107 27 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 53% 70 47% 63 134 1 1 1 Net External Person trips walking f using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 53% 10 1 47% 9 1 18 Notes (1) Based on Traffic Impact Study provided by City of Miami (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1,4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 # 05203- District Lofts T-gen_PM.xls 1 i r r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • i • rip TAZ 503 2005 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 503 NNE 13.58% ENE 4.53% ESE 5.30% SSE 9.67% SSW 12.94% WSW 21.33% WNW 15.29% NNW 17.36% TOTAL 100.00% 32.65% 18.11% 34.27% 14.97% #05203 - TAZ 503 TAZ.xfs w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w Ow w w w Lima MUSP Biscayne Park - TAZ 505 Locational Information Units - Sq Et. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail Biscayne Park MUSP 2450 Biscayne Boulevard Mixed use: Residential, retail & office Wynwood! Edgewater 214 0 12,502 6,843 Total 214 0 12,502 6,843 # 05203 -Biscayne Park Comm_ Developments2.xls -i w w M w ' w w wr w w w ww w IV• IPIP MP w IP Biscayne Park TAZ 505 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 214 DU 12,502 SF 6,843 SF 232 710 814 62% 17% 44% 51 3 8 38% 83% 56% 30 16 10 81 19 18 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS I 53% 62 147% 56 1 118 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips (2) Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.90% of Gross External Trips (3) Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 10.00% of Gross External Trips (4) 53% 53% 53% 10 9 6 47% 47% 47% 9 8 6 19 18 12 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS (1) 53% 37 47% 33 70 I 1 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles © 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit © 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 53% 53°10 51 13 47% 47% 46 12 98 25 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 53% 64 47% 58 122 I Z Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 53% 9 47% 8 I 17 Notes (1) Based on Traffic Impact Study provided by City of Miami (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 # 05203 - Biscayne Park T-gen_PM.x1s TAZ 505 2005 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 505 zzCQ)O)zz *mmmm 10.06% 3.67% 4.79% 3.75% 20.88% 22.71% 17.12% 17.02% TOTAL 100.00% 34.14% 13.73% 43.59% 8.54% #05203 - TAZ 505 TAZ.xls lwwwlwwwwwwwwwwwwwww�wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Lima MUSP Commited Developments - TAZ 506 Locational Information Units Sq Et. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res 1 Condo Hotel Office Retail Bayview Market MUSP 1700 NE 2 Avenue Mixed Use: Big Box Retail with residential liner Wynwond / Edgewater 24 0 0 663,659 Ellipse MUSP 1776 Biscayne Boulevard Mixed Use: Residential & Retail WYnwood / Edgewater 267 0 0 0 b Total 291 0 0 653,659 # 05203 - TAZ 506 Comm_ Developments2.xls wwww wIOW wwwwwlow mi. wwwwIMF ww�wwwMir wwwwIII IMF www-ww�wwww TAZ 506 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Shopping Center 291 DU 653,659 SF 232 820 62% 48% 70 1037 38% 52% 41 1124 k 111 2161 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS I 49% 1107 151% 1165 1 2272 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.90% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction © 10.00% of Gross External Trips (2) (3) (4) 49% 49% 49% 177 165 111 51% 51% 51% 186 174 117 364 339 227 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS (1) 49% 654 51% 6 689 1343 [ 1 1 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit © 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 49% 49% 916 231 51% 51% 964 243 1880 474 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 49% 1147 51% 1207 2354 1 1 I Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 49% 155 51 % 163 f 318 Notes (1) Based on Traffic Impact Study provided by City of Miami (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (5) TAZ 506 included Bayview Market and Ellipse #05203 - TAZ 506 T-gen_PM.xis 1 1 11' 1 1 1 44' TAZ 506 2005 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 506 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 12.89% 4.94% 4.43% 6.84% 12.34% 22.99% 17.31% 18.26% TOTAL 1 oa.00% #05203 - TAZ 506 TAZ.xis w w w w w w w i wl w w w< s w w► b i Lima MUSP Performing Arts Center - TAZ 512 Locational Information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res ! Condo Hotel office Retail The Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami MUSP 1300 and 1301 Biscayne Blvd. Entertainment complex with 4,595 seats Downtown 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 # 05203 - PAC Comm_ Developments2.xis _iW W IV W IF _ IIP WIIIVWW11. 1101111, W W WWWWWWWWWw_ ____ PAC - PERFORMING ARTS CENTER TAZ 512 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips Live Theatre 4900 seats 441 50% 49 50% 49 98 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS (1) 50% 49 50% 49 1 98 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.90% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 10.00% of Gross External Trips (2) (3) (4) 50% 50% 50% 8 7 5 50% 50% 50% 8 7 5 16 15 10 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 50% 29 50% 29 58 1 1 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 50% 50% 41 10 50% 50% 41 10 81 20 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 50% 51 50% 51 138 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle I 50°/0 I 7 50% I 7 I 14 Notes (1) Based on Traffic Impact Study provided by City of Miami (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment Il #05203 -PAC T-gen_PM.xls TAZ 512 2005 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 512 NNE 11.01% ENE 4.70% ESE 4.80% SSE 9.31% SSW 15.24% WSW 20.32% WNW 19.19% NNW 15.43% TOTAL 100.00% TAZ.xIs Appendix F Transportation Control Measures Lima MUSP TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES PLAN The project's design and location will reduce the project vehicular traffic volumes as follows: • The project is a proposed residential development which includes retail. This type of development will result in a portion of the trips being captured within the development, or internal to the site. • The project will also provide residential units with accessibility to mass transit. This feature will allow residents to use mass transit for their trip to work. The development will also do the following to further reduce peak hour vehicle trips: • Will encourage employers/landlords to participate in ridesharing programs through South Florida Commuter Services. Available information will be obtained and distributed to all employers/landlords in the development. • Miami -Dade County Transportation Agency current local and regional mass transit route and schedule information will be provided to potential transit users in a prominent public area of the development. The information provided and maintained on the premises will be updated, when necessary, at no less than six month intervals. • Promote mass transit use by encouraging employers/landlords to purchase transit passes and make them available to employees and residents at discounted prices or no charge, or in lieu of subsidized parking. • Encourage employers to implement staggered work hours. Implementation of these items will result in a minimum of ten percent (10%) reduction of peak hour vehicle trips. The performance of the plan will be monitored by measuring actual afternoon peak hour volumes at the project driveways and comparing the counts against total project trips based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates. #05195liVTRAFFICCONTROL. DOC