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URS Sufficiency Letter
01 r 10 2 0 0 6 19:17 F.A. URS 1002 012 January 10, 2006 Ms. t_ilia I. Medina, MCP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City MaragerfTransportation 444 SW 2 Avenue (1 Dt Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re.; Met Two (WO # 130 Sufficiency Letter Vial Faz, and US Mail Dear M. Medina: We have received a letter from Transport Analysis Professionals, Inc. (TAP) on November 15L1 , 2005 showing the ccm©arison of the traffic generation for the One Miami (Tract A, B, C end D) project as oppose to the currently proposed developments. Please note that the One. Miami development was approved by the City of Miami Commission in the year 1998 under Resolution No. 88-1151. According to the attached trip generation analysis, the net PM peak hour trips has decreased by 717 vehicle per hour as oppose to that which was approved by Commission in 199B. Photocopy of the response letter from TAP is attached herewith. At this time, we conclude that the attached trip generation analysis meets all the traffic requirements and it is found to be sufficient - Should you have any questions, please call me or Khant Myat at 954-739.1881. Sincerely, U •;; rpor tion Southern Ra Shanm'', P.E. Se. for Traffic Engineer Atta'hmen? cc Mr. Kevin Waiford, Planner It City of Miami (Fax: 205,416.1443) Mr. Richard P. Eichinger, PE, Transport Analysis Profeasionals, Inc. (Fax: 305 385.9.&P7) UPS Corpotation Lakeshore Complex 5100 NW '23rd Aver-, Sulu 150 Fort La4dardale, FL 33309-6275 Ti; 554,739, 381 Fax: 954,739.1789