HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinority Construction Employment PlanMDM DEVELOPMENT GROUP I. POLICY STATEMENT Our company Policy is to provide equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicapped condition or status as disabled and/or Vietnam era veteran and to affirmatively seek to advance the principles of equal employment opportunity. The company takes affirmative action to ensure that applicants and employees are not discriminated against because of their status as handicapped persons. We affirm that the above Policy and the Affirmative Action Program herewith reflect the company's attitude and its intention to: 1. Recruit, hire, train and promote for all job classifications without regard to handicapped condition. 2. Base decisions on employment so as to further the principles of equal employment opportunity for qualified handicapped persons. 3. Insure that all other personnel actions such as compensation, promotions, benefits, transfers, terminations, Company -sponsored training, education tuition assistance, social and recreation programs are administered without regard to handicapped condition. The Company, in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 maintains written Affirmative Action Program is made available to employees, upon request, in the Human Resources Department during working hours. Overall responsibility for directing and implementing the policy enunciated herein and the Company's Affirmative Action Program for qualified handicapped persons has been assigned to Madelaine Fumero, 9090 S. Dadeland Boulevard, Miami, FL 33156, 305-671-5021, who serves as the company's Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator. All personnel actions are analyzed to ensure that this Policy and the Affirmative Action Program are being properly implemented. The company is determined to be in full compliance with the provisions of the law and of the.Affirmative Action Program. 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 210, Miami, FL, 33156 (305) 671-5110 Fax (305) 60-5731 ~Fp—�=15—_1_1A4 15.37 NIOWLS BROSCH SANDi I)AL P . 02 612 NICHOLS BROSCH SANDOVAL & ASSOCIATEs, INC, Architecture & planning 161 AJmerio Ammo, Coral Gables, Florlda 33134 •-11305) 443-5206 15) 446-2872 .In13.c April 5, 2004 MEMORANDUM TO: Alt Employees FROM: Bruce Brosch RE: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLAN It is the policy of NICHOLS BROSCH SANDOVAL. & ASSOCIATES, INC. to base employment on merit, qualifications and competency and its personnel practices will not be influenced by an applicant's or employee's race, color, place of birth, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran or handicapped status. One of the management duties of all principals at NICHOLS BROSCH SANDOVAL & ASSOCIATES, INC. is to ensure that the following personnel practices are being satisfied: 1, Take every necessary affirmative action to attract and retain qualified employees. 2. Maintain equitable principles in the recruitment, hiring, training, compensation and promotion of employees. 3. Monitor and review personnel practice to guarantee that equal opportunities are being provided to all employees. NICHOLS BROSCH SANDOVAL . & ASSOCIATES, INC. iscommitted to take affirmative action and aggressively pursue activities that will serve to enhance our total participation, in good faith, and enable qualified employees and applicants the opportunities available throughout this organization. Clearly, the above actions cannot be accomplished as a secondary duty for any individual despite the full support Of management. And so, to scrutinize our efforts, NICHOLS BROSCH SANDOVAL & ASSOCIATES, INC. has assigned Bruce F. Brosch for the firm in charge of personnel, as the Affirmative Action director to monitor all activities of this program. NICHOLS BROSCH SANDOVAL & ASSOCIATES, INC. Affirmative Action Plan, as approved by Metropolitan Dade County, and established by the principals of the firm, is .the minimum effqrt that the principals of the firm, will expend in promoting the use of disadvantaged and minority business in this community, and providing economic opportunities. The firm is and will continue to exceed the plan goals and objectives. The Affirmative Action Plan is based on the principals' belief that our Dade County Community can only improve if the lifestyles of every single disadvantaged group in the community is advanced. A commitment exists from our firm that as it grows and matures, special emphasis will be sought to find and provide opportunities for fessional, managerial and partnership opportunities for all minorities. 1 Bruce F. Brosch TOTAL P.02