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"U Vv" swit,a iexwotwirAkvo'NJrenVv"Vre"VreA'Vre" • - wolwvweAlwv",ww Awimwr�" ' woolVr�w5a •. nwa> an=anc:-.> a)-aacapnca.©nG'na'na)n(n •a'nc>a)- n )a-ac>-c:DA >,a)<` .7 -s i 4„ v nr rnti iWig Brpartmmrnt of #tatr I certify from the records of this office that MDM RESIDENCES, LTD., is a Limited Partnership organized under the laws of the state of Florida, filed on March 26, 2003. The document number of this Limited Partnership is A03000000480. further certify said Limited Partnership has paid all filing fees due this office through December 31, 2005, and its status is active. CR2E022 (2-03) Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 (Slertha _ Enn b o5trefarir of tatE an�n�n'n'nncncncncn�nn)n�nn�nn�n�n.n�n�n�n�n� o L i &Y nC ©WaV�I�J©QUa ©U©�i/©Urr� aVpV©lfl©V»V�,�JG�^�i«VQV©V©V© Up xnnwn.xn,nk,n,xn��� Q nwMnn�rn�n,-,n�,n4,n Y n�nwnr�rn�n �nk-x-,1(1„ iirpartmntt of ttatr I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Certificate of Limited Partnership, as amended to date, of MDM RESIDENCES, LTD., a limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of Florida, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this limited partnership is A03000000480. CR2E022 (2-03) Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 $ rrst2rg uf$taf$ K.), C� ++VC�UCJ=k -V.2.= « «« « «, «UMU« « • MAR. -26' 03(I EU1 10:32 BUN, SUh18ERG, ET. AL TEL:305-374-7593 F. 002 F1L-CD H03000089143 CERTEFLCATE or QED PARTIEftSB IVI RESWEhCCS, 03 MAR 25 P14 1F: 15 SEC:;: i ;;Ril Or STATE T ALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA The undersigned, desiring to form a iirnited partnership in aceorrlante with the provisions of the Florida Revised Uniform i.imited Par-tnersbip Act of 1986, as set forth in Sections 620.101 to 620.192, Florida Statute, as amended, hereby states as follows: • 1. The same of the limited parLnerab p is MDM Residences, Ltd., a Florida himited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), 2. The address ofthe registered office of the Limited Partnership is: 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156. 3. The name and address of the agent far sat -vial of process required to be maintain' ed by Section 620.105, Florida Statutes, as amended., is: Marshall R. PntArnwck, P.A. 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2500 .I ATM , Florida 33131. 4. The name and business address of the sole general partner of the Limited Psrtaera ip is: MDNI II, LLC L03_ 1 at'( ? 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Fittridn 33156. 5. The mailing Maass far ate Limited Parklexship is; 9090 South Midrbr,d Boulevard M xni, Flotids 33156. 6. The latest date upon which the Limited partnership is to dissolve is December 31, 2053, The execution of this Certificate of limited. Partnerahip on behalf of the undersigned sole general partner constitutes an affirmation that the facts stated herein are true. H030O0089143 MAR. -26' 03(WED) 20:32. BILZIN, SUMBERG, ET. AL TEL:305-374-7543 P. 003 FLED 03 MAR 25 Pl;l ! : ] 5 rRECiil_ ,N* 1" OFSTATE {LLAH. SSEE FLORIDA t+ -'�4 5,tk'�,'r; - EIL&EBB,-�tixis- ti fcatt-a T to uertl ip-�1beerr.... .. _ . executed in the name and on behalf of the sole general partner of the T smited Partnership as of the S. chit ofMate, 2001 H03000089143 MDM IL LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Representative AccePTANCE OP APDXNTMEN AS REGLS'I`EBED AGENT The undersigned, es President and. on behalf of Marsha-1 R Paat1mark, RA., a Pl tida professional service corporation (the "Corporation"), which has been designated Eli registered agent for. MDM Residences, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), in the foregoing Cetiiacate of Limited Partnership, hereby agrees that the Corporation will accept service of process for and on behalf of thus 7 iaaited Partnership. and that the Corporation will comply witl3 any and all laws, including, without limitation, Section 620.192, Florida Statutes, as amended, relating to the complete and proper performance of tlic duties and obligations of a registered agent of a Florida limited partnership. Dated; March 2.3 , 2003. MARSHALL R.. PASTBRINTACK, P.A., a Florida. professional service corporation, as Registered Agent By; Marshall R. Pasternack, Fresideat f103000089143 MAR. -26' 03 MD) 10:32 B[LZiN, SUMBERG, ET. AL H03000089143 `i'EL:305-374-7593 P. 004 FILED 03 MAR 25 PM Li: 15 Wit-" GRE I Ak"ii OF STATE AFFEDAVIT CAPITAL CONPIBUTIONsT ALLA4iASSEE, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: Cl7i3NTY OF WA-IVADA.1.DE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a notary public authorized to administer oaths and to take acknowledgements in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Ricardo Glas, as Authorized Representative of the member of NIDM iI, LLC, a Florida limited liability compea (the "CotnpanY'), which Company i6 the sole general partner of MDM residences, Ltd, a Florida limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), who, after first being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says EIS follows on bell sty ofthe Company: 1. MELVA is the President and duly authorized to act on behalf of the Company, which is the sole general partner o£ the Limited. partnership. 2, As of the date herreof, the limited partners of the 1':imited Partnership have actually contributed to the Limited Partnership fzti aggregate of $1,000.0.0 of the total amount of $1,000.00 in capital contributions anti ipatted to be contributed to the Limited Partnership by its limited partners. 3. Affiant is fsmiiier with the nature of an oath and, with the penalties as provided by the laws of the State of Florida for falsely sweating to statements made in an ivatsumeW of this nature. Afant has react and understands the contents of this Affidavit and the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of Afflant's knowledge and belief. Ft RTh t AFFIANT SAYS NAUGHT. Ricardo Glas, as Authorized Representative of MDM 3i LLC r. THE FORBGalAiO INSTRUMENT was sworn to anc1 subsoribed. before me this day of March, 2003, by Ricardo alas, as Authorized Representative of the member of MDM 3'i, LLC, a Florida limited liability compr ay, on behalf of such company. Such individual is personally known to me and did take an oath. My Commission expires: 174746t112711 L 612589 v 2 Prin'Tame NOTARY PU.&L'1C, State of Florida Serial No., if any: CC.4/ c.J6 &ND I103000089143 itl SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT OF CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The undersigned general partners of MDM RESIDENCE, LTD -a Florida Limited Partnership, executed this supplemental affidavit filed pursuant to section 620.112, Florida Statutes. The total amount of the capital contributions of the limited partners is: $ 22, 770 t 000.,:00 This 29 t:h day of APRIL Y FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. 2004 7' r- D� P Under penalties of perjury I declare that 1 have read the foregoing and that the fftts are true, ta-rire best of my knowledge and belief -'l INHS20(1/00) . Fees: $7 per $1000, based on additional contributions Minimum $ 52.50 Maximum $1750.00 Make checks payable to Florida Department of State and mail to: Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 323]4 • l!JolwA "V ieAlk e"U:vp4Vo"C m ikyleAwe'lrl askwi re oweA Vte"l+ "1t7�'V�"Vr�"1+ eArmrow CJc>c�-O-000.Oc�cac,p©c�c�©c�ac�c.; � n n -, n .� n ,.�, nn.�, n�lrinr�rL-; nt-4, n\,r, iN GOD WE T9U51 ElpiaartmPnt of #tatr I certify from the records of this office that MDM RETAIL, LTD., is a Limited Partnership organized under the laws of the state of Florida, filed on March 26, 2003. The document number of this Limited Partnership is A03000000479. I further certify said Limited Partnership has paid all filing fees due this office through December 31, 2005, and its status is active. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 Ate/ (1_cn rn _ nnb $ztrEtIrg.nf$fat2 ©-cam ©gip pv©vc��C>C>C>C>C>C>C>C>C O{ .; ,�rnvan . wn�,n�. �non�,n . ,n ,n n�,nwAvot < n, nvn, n ,n,�n,�n . �,n n n nw #V V ®l�7®l�pl�I©V�V®Val!J©1�7�V©V®iI©VaVpVQ NI©V©V©N arftre �i � _ r-l_ _ n , #n n n n-rn . n. - n n n nnn�n , n # ,,-rn, rparto nt of tat I certify the attached is a true and correct copy. of the Certificate of Limited Partnership, as amended to date, of MDM RETAIL, LTD., a limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of Florida, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this limited partnership is A03000000479. CR2EO22 (2-03) -U °v-vVV Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 :,5.etretxrg uf$Stats �V V' V^V'" V^V V^V^ n�~ ncn nAnfn© nN'n'nWnWnNn�rn 'n 'n non AWiliW �(:1W n�n�rn�: an�:. :' MAR. -26' 03(WED) 10:43 BILZIN, SUMBERG, ET. AL H03000089176 TEL:3057374-7593 P.-002 FILED 0,3 MAR 25 PM 4: 12 :icL;i;E ARY CF STATE ALL AH ASSES, FLORIDA CERTlFICA.T1 aFLTMITEDPARTN-BriSHIP e MIMI RETAIL, LTD, Theundersigned, desiring to forma limited partnership in accordance with the provisions of the Florida Revised Unitbnn Lirrzited Partnership Act of 1986, as set forth in Sec'dons 620.101 to 620.192, Florida Statutes, as amended, hereby states as follows: 1. The name of the limited partnership is MDIviF.etrail, Ltd,, a Florida limited parts rship (the "Limited Partnership"), 2. The address of the registered office of the Limited Partnership is: 9090 South. 73adeland Boulevard A+iiiami, Florida 33156. 3. The name and address of the agent for service of process required to be maintained by Section 620.105, Florida Statutes, es amended, is: Marshall R. Pastern:a, P.A. 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suitt 2500 Miami, Florida 33131. 4. The name and business address of the sole general partner of the Limited Partisanship is: MDMD LLC L03 — b Li 74.1/ 9090 South Dade] nd Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156. 5. The mailing address fbr the Limited Partnership is: 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Mianu, Florida 33156, 6. The latest date upon which the Limited ited Paxtaersbxp is to dissolve is December 31, 2053. The exevution of this Certificate of Limited Partnership on behalf of the tzndersigued sole general partner constitutes an offlrmation that the facts stated herein are true. H03000089176 MAR. -26' 03 (WED) 10:43 B i LZ 1 N, SUMBERG, ET. AL H03000089176 TEL:303-374-7593 P.003 FILED 03 MAR 25 PM If: 12 OF STATE f ALLAY {SSEE, FLORIDA d-- ership-hae -bed' . . executed hi the name and on behalf of the sole general partner of the Limited Partnership as of the '� .day of March, 2003. MDM 11, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Ricardo Glas„ as Authorized Representative A E Ar10Eoo Pa rrlv�Eirr�!siR • The undersigned, as President and on behalf of Marshall R. Pasternaek, P.A., a Florida professional service -corporation (the "Corporation"), which has been designated as registered agent for MDM Retail, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), in the foregoing Certificate of Limited Partnership, hereby agrees that the Corporation will accept sexvico of process far and on behalf of the Limited Partnership. and that the Corporation will comply with any and all laws, MolTrrling, without limitation, Section 620.1.92., Florida Statutes, as amended, staring to the complere and proper performance of the dutiee and obligations of a regjatered agent of a Florida Iiraited pannership, Dated: March , 2003. MARSHALL R. PASTERNACK, P.A, a Fica ria. professional service corporation, as Registered Agent By: /1/264*- Marshall R. Passtcrn.ack, President T303000089176 MAR. -26' 03[\ED) 10:43 BILZIN, SUMBERG, ET. AL 1-103000089176 TEL:305-374-7593 P. 004 A 'F1DA dF CAPITAL C+DI�TTAI$ Ibl*TS STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MIAiWII-DADE ) FILED 03 MAR 25 PM 4: I i Ala OF STAI l i ALLAHASSEE, FLORID BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a notary public authorized to administer oaths and to take acknowledgements in and for the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Ricardo Gies, as Authorized Representative of the member of MDM U, TALC, a Florida. limited liability company (the "Company"), which Company is the gate general partner of MDM Retail, Ltd., a Florida, limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), who, afterfirst being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says as follows on behalf of the Company I. Affiant is the President end duly atttlmrized to act on. behalf of the Company, which is the sole general partner of the Limited. Partnership, 2. As of the date hereof, the limited partners of the limited Partnership have actually contributed to the Limited Partnership ac aggregate of $1,000.00 a£ the total amount of $I,000.O0 in. capital contributions anticipated to be contributed ro the Limited Partnershp by its limited partners. 3. Aflaut is familiar with the nature of an oath and with the penalties as provided by the laws of the State of Florida for falsely swearisag''to statements made in an instrument of this nature. Aifiant has read and understands the contents of this Affidavit and the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of Affia is knowledge; end belief FURTHER AP'PIANT SAYS NAUGET. Ricardo Glas, as Authorized Representative of MDM U LLC TF FOREGOThTG INSTRUMENT was sworn to and subscribed before me this 'Zll day of March, 2003, by Ricardo Glas, as Authorized Representative nib! member of MDM II, LLC, a Florida Bruited liability company, on behalf of such company, Such individual is personally lmown to me and did take an oath. My Comrxeinsion Expires: 1747461172711 # 611041 v2 Nana: 1P cr , --rK NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Plorida Serial No,, if any:,C'.G4 er 6 b H03000089176 SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT OF CAPITAL CONTRIBU TIONS FOR A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The undersigned general partners of MDM RETAIL LTD r. ,a Florida Limited Partnership, executed this supplemental affidavit filed pursuant to section 620.112, Florida Statutes. The total amount of the capital contributions of the limited partners is: $ I1, 880, 000.00 This 2 9 t:h day of April FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. - 2004 c, Under penalties of perjury I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the fr best of my knowledge and belief ^� Fees: $7 per $1000, based on additional contributions Minimum S 52.50 Maximum $1750.00 Make checks payable to Florida Department of State and mail to: Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314 rNHS20(uo0) 0 zrn . zreMie, to.trhe cn - r—--r >u m !ram i^ CP (17-4 0' 0 'i' +lppartnu of of *tafr I certify from the records of this office that P&G TRACT C DEVELOPMENT, LTD., is a Limited Partnership organized under the laws of the state of Florida, filed on July 22, 2004. The document number of this Limited Partnership is A04000001209. I further certify said Limited Partnership has paid all filing fees due this office through December 31, 2005,. and its status is active. 4 ..�� yr% �R = �3 'fry _ VA F f. tyjf t,,,,,- V', CR2E022 (2-03) rIA GpD WE tgv Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 c$2rr$farg nfStats V^'V J^^V V^V V^ V�V V i i!• • - „�ca pp 1W c� c� • p•p•p p p•p-pn•O.O•o VO• ��_,�- .. � . n,- . �,n�n�n�nn�n,�n�,n�,nn n�n,�n�,n�n�n�n,�n�,. �,n�nn� • +v®v©v®v�U©v�v�v�U�U©�QvQU© ©vG U©i,V ®i©vQi M'�vQ�'G nnn,�n�n,�n�nn�_�n Brpttrtm>ent of tttatr I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Certificate of Limited Partnership of P&G TRACT C DEVELOPMENT, LTD., a limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on July 22, 2004, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this limited partnership is A04000001209. CR2E022 (2-03) Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 errtfirg fState vy V),'V^V^V'V^V^ ^V^V�V V^V V^V^V V^V^V°'V�V V V V ilrali i i• . + ©nvnQ: ihwMwn'n ninai :\Wn1Wn�nWn�n-WAW(g%V n©nWnWWn�n�n�nWn ri1 H04000151686 FILED Zhu JUL 22 A q: 23 CE,11401.CATE OF LIM1TED PARTNERSIft.P -TAXI OF STATE OF i- I.!. AHASSEE, FLORIDA ,}.'&G T& C '_r DEVELOPMENT. LTj3; The undeceived, desiring to foam a limited parinareehip in accordance with The provisions oftbe Florida Revised Uniform Limited Partnership hat of 1986, as sot forth in Sections 620.101 to 620.192, Florida Statutes, as amended, hereby states as followa: 1. They tame of the limited partnership is P&G Tract C 1]eveiapnnent, ttd., a Florida limited partnership (the ",listened Partnership"). 2. The address of the registered office of the Limited Partnership is: 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard NEsmi, Florida 33156. 3. The name and address of the agent For service of process required to be maintained. by Section 620.105, Florida Statutes, as amended, Luis �i. Pulcntu 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156, 4. The name and business address of the sole general partner of the Limited Partnership is: P&Q Tract C, LLC 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami„ Florida 33156. Lognooc>5qA13 5. The mailing address for the Limited Partnership is: 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard iviaami, Florida 33156. 6. Tim latest data upon which the Limited Partnership is to dissolve in December 31, 2054. The execution of this Cartificate of Limited Partnership hip on behalf' of the undersigned sole general partner constitutes ten affirmation that the facts stated herein are true. H04000151686 .H040001.5I685 FILED 1u�U JUL 22 A 23 111 W1TNBSS WBEREOP, this Certificate of Limited Partnersh $A„ b , , ; OE STATE executed in d name cud on behalf of the sole general partner of the Limit t�P p-" FLOR(DA as of the 72 " day ofJuly, 20&4. P&G Tract C, LLC, a Floridan limited liability cop By. Line A, Pulent, as Manager ,,CC PT„ E oP' ,�'�'�__ ��',NT R T '' R�13 A+GP�N'T The undersigned, graving been designated es registered agent for P&G Tract C Development, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Limited Partaerahipn) in the foregoing Certificate of limited Partnership of the Limited Partnership, hereby agrees that he will accept service of process fix' and on behalf of the Lwrited Partnership and that he will comply with any and all laws, including, without limitation, Section 620.192, Florida Sthtut36, as mended, relating to the complete and proper perf mimeo of the duties and obligations of a registered agent of a Florida limited partnership - Dated: July 2- , 2004. Luis A. Pulemts, Registered Agcrrt H04000151686 By: 1104000151686 FILED 2figli JUL 22 A 23 APVTDAVIT OF cAprrAL CONTRMITTIONS FOR FLORIDA =MD PARTNERS/11P SECRETARY OF STATE - TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA The undersired acntsratutkg the eerie ,general partner of P&G Tract C Developmen4 Ltd, a Florida Limited Parmershtp, certtiet; The amount of capita contributions to date of tho limitod pan:at:Ts is S 970.111,65. 'Ilto total amount contributed and anticipated to bo contributed by the limited partners at this time totals $ 20,000,000,00. FORMER AFFIANT SA:YETI:1mm • Under the penalties of perjury I (we) declare that 1" (we) have read the foregoing and now the contents, thereof and that the filets statad herein ant but and carnet GENERAL PARTNER: P&G Tract C. 1-LC, a Florida Limited liability oompany ..arainkantin .11' .4470415 Luis A. Putouts,. Manager W4746\ 17271S 6547411 v T H04000151686 "k.Pa itugl)v-ske" it"Wima Vte lkp "Vw4Wolkyy 'Vhe" "kyhmwe"vrx"ve"vr wefav�"ve" • • • CAL- ����.c�-��..c�QQc�Q©t�C�G�Q� r=![rz,z1. �r?f�^?{?-7r� n� 1 �- lf� �- i .1--�r1\-?N(/• [) 5r1 1 -/• dye Br iartmrnt of #tatt I certify from the records of this office that P&G DEVELOPMENT, LTD., is a Limited Partnership organized under the laws of the state of Florida, filed on March 21, 2003. The document number of this Limited Partnership is A03000000453. I further certify said Limited Partnership has paid all filing fees due this office through December 31, 2005, and its status is active. CR2E022 (2-03) Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 E . moo/ ( 1en; a cE-;flacks Brretarg .af$fitc VOV^V^V V^ V V^V^V V^V V^V sews n©nwn raver. n ncin nc: niaQQ/n0472(Qiilicact.�n Indic �taLig ^ • U04V-"Vi_4k.10 r�"e"�- • • rr�U:764WrrUr51/04 s s "'W Wm i ©©O�n nn nn nMn rnrrn�,n�rn n;Srn, �-inr�n �3 ;� _it Department of *ter I certify the attached is a true and correct copy of the Certificate of Limited Partnership, as amended to date, of P&G DEVELOPMENT, LTD., a limited partnership organized under the laws of the State of Florida, as shown by the records of this office. The document number of this limited partnership is A03000000453. CR2E022 (2-03) Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twenty-first day of November, 2005 (Si.EYC.>'.tCX _ Proabb a ErrEt r r nf$tttE V^V^V^ V ,V V V V V V V •- irr�U• • AP =M5M©n5 •©M5n a .©non n M;Mi �: waMiMiMi iMiMik�n�n�ncn�n n MAR. -21' 03 (FRI) 10 : 40 _ B I LZ IN, SUMBERG, ET. AL H03000087252 TEL; 305-374--7593 P. 002 CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP OF- r&Q DEVELOPMENT, LTD. The undersigned, desiring to foam a limited partnership in. accordance vrith the provisions of to Florida Revised Uniform Lirntred Partnership Act of 1986, as set forth in Sections 620.101 to 6.20.192, Florida. Statutes, as amended, hereby states as fbllows: 1. The name of tho limited partnership is P&G Development, Ltd.., a ''loridn limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"). 2. The address ofthe registered office ofthe Liruited. Partnership is: 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156. 3. The name and address of the agent for service of process required to be maintained by Seotion 620.105, Florida Statutes, as amended, is: Marshall R. Pastcrnack, P.A. 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2500 hriiam.i, Florida 33131. 4. The name and business address of the sole general partner of the Limited Partnership is: ?> LLC L_b 31. 0 9090 South Dadelanci Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156. 5. The mailir►g address for the Limited Partnership is: 9090 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida.. 33156, 6. Thus latest date upon which the Limited Partnership is to dissolva is December 31, 2053. The execution of this Certificate of Limited Partnership on behalf of the undersigned sole general partner constitutes an -affirmation that the facts stated herein are true. 1103000087252 !1AR. -21' 03 (FRI) 10:41 B I LZ IN, SUI<IBERG, ET. AL H03000087252 TEL:305-374-7593 P.003 executed in the name and on behalf of the sole general partner of the Limited Partnership as of tha 70 day of march, 2003, - F& , LLC, a Florida limited liability company Ricardo elas, as Authorized Representative ACCEPTANCE OF AnOINTMENT AS REGISTERED AGENT The undersigned, as President and on behalf of Marshall R. Pasternack, P.A., ft Florida professional service corporation (the "Corporation"), which has been designated as registered agent for P&G Development, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), in the foregoing Certificate of T amited Partnership, hereby agrees trot the Corporation will accept service of mans for and on behalf of the Litnited Partnership and that the Corporation will comply with any and all laws, including, without limitation, Section 620.192, Florida Statutes, as amended, relating to the complete and proper performance of the duties and obligations of a registered agent of a. Florida limited partnership. Dated: March 2.t 2003, MA't SFIALL R. PAST13RNAC1(, P.A., a Florida professional service corporation By; AL/6A— Marshall R. Pasternark, President 1-103000087252 MAR. -21' 03(FRI) 10:41 BILZIN, SUMBERG, ET, AL H03000087252 AFFIDAVIT OF CAPITAL CONTRETYTTONS STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: COUNTS.'' OF MIAMI DADE TEL:305-374-7593 1'.004 13)✓TORE MF, the undersigned authority, a notary public authorized to administer oaths and to take acknowledgements it and fn. the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared Ricardo G1as, as Authorized Representative of the member of P&G, LLC. a Florida. limited liability company (rho "Company"), which Company iu tho cola General partner of P&G Development, Ltd, a Florida. limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership"), who, alter first being duly sworn on oath, deposes and says as follows on behatfof the Company: 1. Avant is the President and duly authorized to act OM behalf of the Company, which is the sole general partner of the r„r,ited Partnership. 2, As of the date hereo& the limited partners of the Limited Partnership have actually contributed to the Limited Partnership au aggregate of $1,000.00 of the total amotmt of $1,000,00 it1 capital contributions anticipated to be contributed to the Limited Partnership by its limited partners. 3, Affiant is familiar with the nature of an. oath and with the penalties as provided by the laws of the State of Florida for i'alsely swearing to statements made in an instrument of thia nature.. A: ant has read and understands the ctmtenta of this Affidavit and the facts stated heroin are true and correct to the boat of M ant's knowledge and belief. FURTS ER AFFIANT SAYS NAUGHT. Representative of P&G, LLC THE FOREGOING INSTRUCT was sworn to and afbsorlbed before me this +o day of March, 2003, by Ricardo Gas, as Antl2erizerl Representative of the member of P&O, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of such company. Such individual is personally known to me and did take an oath. My Commission Expires: t7474b11727dt # 613403 v 1 fiag 6.4 • :tin Name: __[4 NOTARY PUBLI , State of Florida Serial No., if any, 4C la6zo H03000087252 • v SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT OF CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP The undersigned general partners of P & G DEVELOPMENT, LTD. ,a Florida Limited Partnership, executed this supplemental affidavit filed pursuant to section 620.112, Florida Statutes. The total amount of the capital contributions of the limited partners is: $ 24, 790 , non 00 I • This 29th day of APRTL FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. 2004 n CO Under penalties ofperjury I declare that I have read the foregoing and that�aca re trtref.to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1.7 -< r—� INHS20(1/00) ,O .yam •: . Fees: S7 per $1000, based on additional contributions Minimum $ 52.50. Maximum S1750,00 Make checks payable to Florida Department of State and mail to: Division of Corporations P.O. Box 6327 Tallahassee, FL 32314