FILE ID: 0 6- ut (71
Date: 1/27/2006
Commission Meeting Date: 2/23/2006
Requesting Department: Cap Impvts & Transport
District Impacted: 2 2006 JAN 30 fif 9 14
Type: ® Resolution ❑ Ordinance n Emergency Ordinance n Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Authorization to accept funds in the estimated amount of $1,013,380.26 and to enter into an
agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (DEPARTMENT) for the implementation and
administration of lighting improvements to Brickell Avenue (State Road 5 . U.S.-1), from south of SE
25 Road to SE 4 Street.
Purpose of Item:
To secure future (FY08-09) funding from FDOT as a reimbursement for costs the City will incur in
FY06-07 for improvements to lighting on Brickell Avenue from south of SE 25 road to SE 4 Street, to
be completed by the Department of Capital Improvements and Transportation (CIT) on behalf of FDOT.
Background Information:
The DEPARTMENT has an existing design and construction project on Brickell Avenue (State Road 5/
U.S.-1) from south of SE 25 Road to SE 4 St., programmed under Financial Project Number 412473-1-
52-01. The DEPARTMENT asked the City to retain the services of an engineering firm with lighting
experience to conduct a photometric analysis to determine optimal illumination levels and to prepare a
new lighting design in accordance with the DEPARTMENT's design standards to provide improved
street and sidewalk illumination. The previously estimated cost for lighting was $458,252.59. However,
as a result of the photometric analysis, the new lighting estimate was $1,471,632.85, a difference of
$1,013,380.26. The DEPARTMENT has separated out the lighting portion of the PROJECT and
programmed the difference in funding between the two estimates under Financial Project Numbers
412473-2-58-01 (non -budgeted), and 412473-2-A8-01 (reimbursement phase). The DEPARTMENT
will reimburse the City for construction in the amount of $1,013.380.26 in FY 2008-09.
Budget Impact Analysis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
NO Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No: B-40666A 3 4' / 33 0
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: $1,013,380.26
Maintenance Cost: n/a
Total Fiscal Impact: $1,013,380.26
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Final Approvals (SIGN AND DATE)
isk Management
ept. Dir�c�tor
City Manager
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