HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 2EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH 71AIIMENINT LEGAL DIIIIICRIVIPICON EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Utility footprint (Water Line) A portion of tie Southwest one -quarter of Section 22, Township 54 South. Range 41 East. Mimi -Dods County, Florida, being mon particularly desalbod ae follows, Carmnencing al the intireicUon of the City monument line* of S. W 27th. Are. with South Boohoo Drive as shoat on that certain plat of 1D04I01 KEY. G. r corded in Plat Boost 34, at Pogo 2 of the Pubtk Roo:rdl of Meths -Dodo County, Florida thenoe rem, along the City monument line of said South 8ayailers drive, N38'30'03'E for a diatom* of 1131.38 feet to a path, Ming 2.27 feet Southwe*tert► from the intimation of the City immanent lima of Darwin Street with said South &oyshors 00ve; thence continue along the C1ly monument Tins of fold South B311110(e Drive N61'12'03'E for a &dance of 33.42 foot to a point; thence run S76'25'571 for o distance of 98.12 fat to a point; throe continue S76'26'57'E fig a dlstone. of 194.56 feet 10 the Point of Beginning of the c.nterllns of a 12.00 foot utility .oasm.ntl thence run S13'43'13 W for a distance of 143.64 fat to point k thence continue S13'43'10V far o ditonos of 2.9 feet to point 8; themes continue S13'43'18‘d for o delonae of 3.2 foot to point C; theses oontinus S13'43'IS W for a dbtona of 25,5 feel to point 0; then oonUnus S13'43'161, for a detane. of 3,1 fat to point E thence oontknus S13'43'1619 for a distance of 14.1 foot to point F; thence continua 513'43'16'W far o dittanos of 10.3 fat la the point C: Owner continue S13'43'1819 for a dietenor of 169,E fist to point if; thence continue S13'43'16111 for a distena of 19.8 fat to thf Point of Termination of the centerline of void 12.00 foot utity .oamenl. ANO Bsgln at the above mentioned Point A. sold point A being the anteriino of a 12.00 foot utility sowminl; thence run S78'16'44'E for a dietosos of 20.0 foot to tho point of lamination of the centcdlna of wild 12.00 fool utility .aamcnl. AHD Begin at the abort mentioned Point B, said point 8 being the cordoning' of a 12,00 foot ulpMy aaumsnt; thoncs run S7696.44 t for a dhtance of 20.0 tett to the point al I.rminaUon of the center** of sold 12.00 foot utility eoan*nt AND Begin at tho obowe mentioned Point C, all point C being the centerline of a 12,00 foot utillly oeanunt; then. run S76•16'44'E for o distance of 20.0 fart to the point of Wrmination of the eenta9ne of sold 12,00 foot utll4y a,amsnt. AND Begin at Iha above mentioned Point 0, aid point 0 being the centerline of a 12.00 foot utility a.enent; themes run S76'10'441 for o diatom, of 20.0 fat Ice the point of t.rminotlon of lit asmterlin* of said 12.00 foot utility easement. AND Begin at the above mentioned Point E. said point E being the centerline of o 12.00 foot utility eaement; thence run S76'16'44 E fora distance of 20.0 lest to the point of lamination of the eentsrlino of rota 12.00 foal uWty pamsnt. ANO Bpin at the above mentioned Point F. aid point F b*i o the centerline of a 12.00 foot utility saa.me nt: thanes run S76'18'441 for a dietaries of 11.0 fat to ins point of termination of the c.ntrlte of aid 12.00 foal utility .o.srnsnt, ANO Begin at the above mentioned Paint G, said point G being the anticline of o 12.00 loot rtlllty sc..mml.' lheria. run S76'18'44T for a dhtanc. of 16.5 foot Go the point of I rmInct1cn of the contains of said 12,00 foot utility soamant. AHD Begin at the obis mentioned Point H, and point H being the c.nt.rllno of c 12.00 foot utility minute; thane. run S76'19'44E for a distance o1 17.4 feel to the point of termination of the contorting of said 12.00 foot utility assnwnl. J013,N4..: 404-05 F.B. No.: Ear F.Umo ORA$l BY: J.RA FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 8300 NW. 53rd, Strut, Saiv 300-A WWI, FLORIDA 33166 PH,305-468-9850 FAX: 300-416-9670 DATE 1-24-06 REVIS10N: I HERESY CERTIFY: That the attach.d 'SKETCH TO ACOOMPNff A LEGS& 013C10PfCN' al the ahem deathbed property is oorrect to the boat of my knowledge and billet a raentf' surveyed order my dkyctbn, anal matte the infant of the ►Ihemum T.ohnieat Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Proleesionol Land Surveyor and Mapper In Chapter 61G17�6, Florida Adminletratlw Code, pursuant to Seaton 472.027 of flortda Statutes SURVEYOR'S NOTES: Thi la not a land Serrvsy, . Not valid omits, wind with an embossed .urreya►a seal. Eassm,nt Ines are to be I.ngthosd or thorl.n,d at n.caory to mainl.Nn a continua 12.00 foot wide as.n.nl o,t the aforementioned centerline Wring if any, shown herein ors booed upon on oseurr*d aatus 436'30'03"E for monument 8r* Boyelari Drive no shown an the eartrey prepared by Biscayne Inginnoing Company dated 8/11/95 (Rai..d 5/3/95) Thee Centerline of the ,osem,nt Is oprosimately coincident with the centerline of the water lino, shown on the A. 8*IK Surety, FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. BY; VICENTE A. that R Land Surveyor Na, 3103 Stole of Florida. SHEET 1 OF 2 SCALE VP = 60' IIKETCUERHO £CCOP*IT A LEO&L DECZP'PIO1I SW 27th. A SHEET 2 OF 2 Ilwiumsnl Uns Darwin Street 4f4 Ned //s e /4' 4 o EXHIBIT "A" PALO nr�rite ' ) Flirt 'A' 1.r nr rwr 11rsrlr. 3J 1 r p{91'44t t1i Il, PAM4 '►' PAPA 'd 1 ma ui