HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlobal Price ListUpdated: I I-JAN•2001
E-Buslness Global Price List
January 11, 2002
Prices in USA (dollar)
Oracle Confidential i of II
Prices In USA (Dollar)
Oracle Database
Oracle Database
Standard Editions 300 15,000
Enterprise Edition' 800 40,000
Personal Edition 400
Lite 100
Enterprise Edition Options:
Real Application Clusters
Data Mining
Spatial '
Advanced Security
Label Security
Enterprise Managers: I
Diagnostics Pack 20 1.000
Tuning Pack 20 1,000
Charge Management Pack 20 1,000
Management Pack for SAP R/3 20 1.000.
Internet Application server
Standard Edition 200 10,000
Enterprise Edition 400 20,000
intermit Application Server Enterprise Edition Options: i 200 10,000
Personalization 200 10,000
Wireless Option'
400 20,000
200 10,000
400 20,000
400 20,000
200 10,000
200 10,000
200 10,000
Internet Developer Sulfa 6,000
Discoverer Desktop Edition 1,000
Programmer 1,000
Other Server Products
Message Broker' 200 10,000
Data Warehousing Product*
Pure Name & Address (North America) 20.000
Pura Name & Address (Latin America) 20,000
Pure Name & Address (EMEA) 20,000
Pure Name & Address (APAC) 20,000
Express Server 800 40,000
Express Analyser 800
Express Objects 5'000
a.Year Tenn License at 609E of Perpetual License; 2-Year Term Lion na9c1. 35% of Perpetual License
Product Support available at 7% of Perpetual Lionise (Pre requtsiletpdale Subscription); Update Subscription available el 15% 01 Perpetual licence
Available on All Products on this paps only.
1•Year Hosting Term License at 20% of Perpetual License (subject to Oracle management approval)
Oracle Canfldentlal
Updated; I 1-.IAN•2001
Prices in USA (Dollar)
Oracle Database
Open System Gateways - 15,000
Mainframe integration Gateways 95,000
Enterprise Integration Gateways 35,000
E)A1SQL Gateways 120,000
Each Additional EDAISQL Driver 60,000
InlerConnect Adapters' 30,000
If licensing by Named User, the minimum is 10 Named Users per Processor,
= Enterprise Edition Options & Enterprise Managers must match the number of licenses of the associated Oracle Database Enterpriss Edition.
3 Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition Options must match the number of licenses of the associated Internet Application Server,
` InterConnect Adapters are licensed per Adapter. The package contalna the following adapters: PeopleSoft, SAP, CICS, and FTP.
° Hosting available al 2% of Perpetual License per month for Computer Services and 3% of Perpetual License per month for
Administration Services, subjected to the Hosting Discount Schedule available on http:Neaource.oraClecarp.cam
`Oracle Database Standard Edition can only be licensed on servers !hat have a maximum capacity of 4 processors. If licensing by
Named User, the minimum Is 5 Named Users.
4-Year Tent Lloense et 60% of Perpetual License: 2•Year Tern License at 35% of Perpetual license
Product Support evsftable at 7% of Perpetual License (Prerequisite: Update Subscription): Update Subscription available al 15% or Perpetual license
Available an A11 Products on Oils page only:
1-Year Hasting Term License at 20% of Perpetual License (subject to Oracle management approval)
Oracle Confidential 3 of 1'
Pricers in USA (Dollar)
Oracle Rdb
Rdb Server Products'
Rdb Enterprise Edition 800 40,000
Rdb Server Options:
TRACE/Exped ra 100
Power Utilities t 200
Rdb Development, Query and Reporting Tools
Programmer for Rdb ` 1,000
RALLY 5,000
CM)/ Reposllory 5,000
RALLY Client 600
Enterprise Manager DEA Pack for Rdb
CDDIR Runtime s
if licensing by Named User, the minimum Is 40 Named Users per Processor,
1 Rdb Server Options must match the number of licenses of the associated database.
3 TRACE/Expert may also be licensed with CODASYL DBMS.
4 Oracle precompiiiers supported via 5QL'Net for Rdb for use across Oracle & Rdb Servers,
S CDD/R Runtime is an unlimited use license for applications requiring CDD/R deployment Ilcsnsee.
4-Year Term License el 60% of Perpehmi License; 2-Year Term Licence el 36% of Perpetual license
Product Support available al 7% of Perpetual License (Prerequiatle: Update Subscription); Update Subscription available at 15% of Perpetual License
Undated: 11-]AN-2001 Oracle Confidential
4 of 11
Oracle I -Business Suite
Marketing Online
Option: Advanced Marketing Online
Option: Trade Management
Marketing Intelligence
Sales Online
Option: Mobile Sales
Option: Wireless Option for Sales
Partners Online
Salsa Intelligence
incentive Compensation
Order Fulfillment 0.6000 Order Line 50,000
Order Management 3 0.2000 Order Lino 60,110D
Option: Release Management' 0.2000 Order Una 50,000
Advanced Pricing 3 150,600 Processor 1
SellIn gPoinl Mobile Contigurator uralor 4,500 Application User 10
sIIIn2,g95 Application User 6
Mobile Supply Chain Applications B 995 Application User 16
Warehouse Managemeni
Prices In USA (Dollar)
4,995 Application User
2,995 Application User
2,995 Application User
1.495 Application User
50,000 Processor 2
60,000 Processor 2
2,995 Application User 10
1,195 Application User 10
3,995 Application User 10
1,495 Application User 10
205 Application User 10
1.195 Application User 10
995 Partner User 10
1,495 Application User 10
495 Compensated Individual 10
Supply Chain Mewling 1,500 SM Cost of Goods Solo 60
Advanced Supply Chain Planning 500 $M Cost of Goods Sold 60
Option: Constraint Based Optimization 375 1M Cost of Goods Said 60
Order Promising
Optislh9 nation 300 SM Cost of Goods Sold 60
Global Planning
Promising 600 SM Cost of Goods Sold 60
Demand Planning E 500 SM Cost of Goods Said 60
Supply Chain intelligence 1,500 3M Cost of Goods Sold 60
Supply Chain Exchhanan ngeee •'10
Procurement 3,996 Application User 6
IProPurchasing 5 Purchase Line 6,000
Purchaasurc rn 3.00 Purchase Line 6,000
Psing intelligence n1,00 Purchase Line 6,000
5,000 aMAnrR,dTnn••asmvlum• 300
Exchange Marketplace 6 5,000 sM Arm" rr•ns•clon V•lum• 20
Sourcing 10
Manufacturing 3,g95 Application User 10
Discrete Manufacturing 2 995 Application User 10
Option: Flow Manufacturing r 2 2,995 Application User/ 10
Option: Manufacturing Scheduling 1 3,995 Application Use( 10
Process Manufecluring 2 995 Application User 10
Manufacturing Intelligence 4 995 SM Cost of c lion Said 30
Shop Floor Management
Maintenance Management 5.g95 Application User 10
Enterprise Asset Management (Price approved In advance or availability)
4-Year Term License at 60% al Perpetual License: 2 Year Yerrn Lk:ense at 35% of Perpetual License
Product Support available at 7% of Perpetual License (Prerequlelle: Updele Subscription); Update Subscription available at 15% of Perpetual License
Available on all e-BusInes* Sults products;
Hosting available at 2% of Perpetual L.imnsa per month for Computer Services and 3% of Perpetual License per month for
Administration Services. subjected to the Hosting Discount Schedule eve liable on httoJlesource.oradecarp.00m
„_._._ ... ,F►r tirvo, Oracle Confidential
Prices In USA (Dollar)
Undated: 11-JAN-2001
Oracle 5-Business Sulu
Service Online
Option; Depot Repair
Option: Spares Management
Opllon: Wkeleas Option for Service
Advanced Service Online (Price approved in advance of availability)
Advanced Scheduler
Mobile Field Service
Ooelity Online
Service Intelligence
Cuslorner Intelligence
CRM Dela Model
Saba Contracte (Price approved In advance of availability)
Service Contracts
Rights Contracts
Project Contracts
Contracts Intelligence (Price approved In advance of availability)
Project Costing 2
Project Billing
Intarnel Time
Project Resource Management
Product Development Exchange'
CADVtew•3D (Price approved in advance of availability)
Financals & Sales Analyzers
internal Expenses
Financials Intelligence
Activity Based Management
Balanced Scorecard
Human Resources
Human Resources
Self -Service Human Resources
Time and Labor
Advanced Benefits
11R Intelligence
Training Administration
Tutor for Appiicationa'(
Self -Service Tutor for Applications b
EDI Gateway
Applications Read-Onty User
(la Flnandal■, Piashsising, Prapet Costing, Salo* Coninsda, S,.rvia Conlr.Gs, Rights Contracts, PTolool Codroda, Dittos j o going.
_ _. 50,000
Processor 2
Application User 10
Application User 10
Application User 10
Application User 10
Application User 10
Application Uaer 10
Field Technician 10
Fleld Technician 10
Application User 10
Application User 10
Employee 100
Application User 10
5,995 Application User 10
5,995 Application Uw 10
5,996 Application User 10
6,995 Application User 10
1,495 Application Uaer 10
3,995 Application User 5
2,995 Application User 5
125 Application Use► 50
396 Person 25
1,995 Application User 250
995 Application User 100
3,995 Application User 5
24,995 Application Uaer 4
1,495 Application User 6
6 Expense Report 1,000
50 1K Invoice Line 20
50 Employee 100
95 Employee 500
95 Employee 500
60 Person 100
25 Person 100
60 Person 500
35 Person 100
40 Person 500
25 Person 100
34 Trainee 100
495 Application Uaer 5
20 Employee 5
29,996 Computer 1
1,495 PpptrationRoad-Only Us*r 1
andPruwIr m rofIcrwhp)
Trainee 5,000
4-Year Term License al 60% of Perpetual License: 2-Year Term License at 35% al Perpetual License
Subscription available at 15% o! Perpetual License
Product Support available at 7% or Perpetual License (Prerequisite: Update SubscrIptlon); Update
Available on all -Business Suite products:
Hosting available et 2% of Perpetual License per month for Computer Services end 3% of Perpetual License per month for
Administration Services, subjected to the Hosting Discount Schedule available on h11pJJesource.oracleoorp.com
Oracle Confidential 6 or 11
Oracle E-Business Suite
Interaction Center
Advanced Inbound
Advanced Outbound
eMail Center
Interaction Center Intelligence
IMeeUng (price approved In advance of availability)
CRL Financial Management °
Network Logistics (Network Asset Tracking)*
Telco Provisioning
Number Portability
Public Sector/University
Student System
Financial Services
Performance Analyzer
Transfer Pricing •
Transfer Pricing Online
Budgeting and Planning
Risk Manager
Financial Dela Manager
Financial Services Provisioning
Health Care
Option: Distributed Study Conduct 1
Remote Data Capture'
Thesaurus Management System r
Thesaurus Management System - Read -Only r
Prices In USA (Dollar)
249,095 Module
0.2600 Par Subscriber Thereafter
249,996 151 200.000 Subscribers
0.6000 Per Subscriber Thereafter
249,995 Module
1.50 Per Subscriber Thereafter
249,996 Module
10 Ported Number/Year
Application User
Application User
Application User
Service Order Line
Application User
Application User
CRF Page
Application User
Appllcaaon Rsed-Only user
N 0« O O 8
4.Year'Temm Ucensa at 60% of Perpetual License; 2-Year Tamil License at 35% of Perpetual License
Product Support available at 7% of Perpetual License (Prarequlstte: Update Subscription); Update Subscription available at 15% of Perpetual License
Available on all 0-Business Suite products.
Hosting available al 2% of Perpetual License per month for Computer Services end 3% at Perpetual License per month for
Administration Services, suttlecled to the Hosting Discount Schedule avallabie on http://esource.oraclecorp.com
Oracle Confidendai
Prices in USA (Dollar)
Oracle E•Buslness Sults
r An option must be licensed at the same level as its parent. Example: number•of.Flow-Manufacturing users number of Discrete
Manufacturing users,
2 Primary Usage: Is defined as each Application User of the following applications: Financials, Discrete Manufacturing, Process
Manufacturing, Project Costing and Purchasing. Each such User is counted only once based on primary usage. You mutt specify
how many Application Users you are licensing for each application. Primary Usage of one of the applications listed above
provides the Application User with the right to use any or ail of the other application programs listed above for which you are
licensed. Primary Usage does not provide you with the right to use other application programs including the extensions or
options to the application programs listed above.
s If the revenue per order tine (= company's annual revenue divided by the number of annual order lines) Is between
550.00 & $74,99, the price per order line Is 0.4000 for Order Management, 0.1400 for Release Management
and 0.1400 for Advanced Pricing. Between 525.00 & 649,99, i1 Is 0.2000 for OM, 0.0700 for RM and for AP.
Between $0.0001 & $24.09, it is 0.1000 for OM, 0.0300 for RM and for AP. II the revenue per order line Is
greater than $76, equal to $0 or unknown, the price per order llne Is 0.6000 for OM, 0.2000 for RM end for AP.
Must be hosted by Oracle, the hosting fee is 5% of Perpetual License per month (2% for Computer Services and 3%
for Administration Services), subjected to the Hosting Discount Schedule available on htlp;llesource.oraciecarp,cam
s The number of Applications Users for Tutor for Applications must match the number of Application Users of each Application
for which the customer Is using Tutor. If the application is licensed with a metric based on all the Individuels in an organization,
i.e., Parson, Employee, them everyone In the LOB or organization must be licensed using the Ssif Service Tutor for
Applications. If the application is licensed with any other metric, i.e., Purchase Line. Order Line, then the number of Application
Uwe tor Tutor for Applications must match the number of Application Users that the customer would have licensed for the
application, had this metric been available.
This product requires 1i0APP approval.
r If licensed with Clinical, the total number of application users and application read-only users of Thesaurus Management System
must match the number of application users of Clinical. If licensed separately, the minimum of application users for Thesaurus
Management Syalem is 1, the minimum of application read-only users Is 5.
r Customers must pay for both the module and the subscriber/workstation fee.
° Remote Data Capture can only be licensed for remota site users. In house entry users require a Clinical license,
10 Shared SeMcss hosting Is also available for this product at 1 % c1 Perpetual License per month, subjected to the Hosting Discount
Schedule available on http;llesource,craclecorp,com
11.40.4. i,.ur�aoot
Oracle Confidential
Learning Network
Learning 2
Prices In USA (Dollar)
Oracle Educstlon SubscrfpUon
349 Fatted Named User
99 Floated Named User
4 Hosted Named User
Yearly 1
3 Months 1
Monthly 6,000
' Terms of use are described In the online Professional Subscription Agreement.
At the minimum, the customer must license a number of Named Users and Months that are equal to USD $5,000 or the equivalent currency,
Oracle Confidential 9 °f 11
pain d Veer. Is defined 05 an lndhidusl suthCritsd by you to use rim programe ride+ are trtalad co s singlet server a maniple server. r0g0tin1 of moms the Indnidual is aetvsty using
the programs at any given dm*. A non human •p•rited dream MI be carded as a Nomad Uar In add4ban lo el Wheeler audwrfrad to use to programs, a meth Silos on ewes. the
pro2,15410. ry mu10y00111.2 hsrdwws or atetwera Mg., a TP monitor or a web saes product) la ut. daI mambo' must be misused et the muMpletdng front end.
Prosser: tall be donned es all processors mere the Ovid" provers are metaled orldlor running. Programs loomed Cel a Plocesw basil maybe 114Xaad by your Memel users
finds/darn agents and contndort) end by your tad Party Vaasa.
Ap►Ileatlan User, is Slimed as sn individual oulhort:od by you to use the 1pp0Cstion programs tdhidh Pi bottled cn a single sow or on multiple'wows ngwdao 0f Whether
dta Individual Is Idhrsiy using to programs 111 era gran ems,
ApplIe0fen Reed Only Use: b defined re an Individual euPrritd by you to nun only Owns or worts spplarion pogroms for which you have scqutrd Appll4lsn. Ups/ Swaps.
Adapts'. le synod as soh wises code:delau. helslld on seen Apparition Interomr lad hub, lh tit factibnea'i mmurniabort of 1040noabot barman third piny madam app4ketlone
end ride pogrom,
Amu sseffamsacbon volume: is dehud u the U.S. dolls denco*tatd 1041 yeas of a1 purchase orders Pommeled and at ructions oondueled through Om Oracle E.drrq+
Pletorm by You and others dining ere spplloeble year of the Conde Eacheng. Platform Icons 'stardom d %Mews 10 1110h.u0kn mass In a p,edhsas orderi pr.Mdsd
that in ■ giorn r.sulUrq in a purchase ado the onty be crowded Whit the knoll TraMaetlan VOtlrna omen.
Ca. R.parl Form jCRF) Page: is defined as the 'elecuaric equivManr el whit would be Ur 1M11 number 01 physical sow Pain W9af.d remasy by the Program lmueursd
spicily In the Program as Rece1.d Oita Coiecdon Ins►urnsnts) duare s 12 ponfn ported, You may rnet.aood the fumed rymbre of OAF imps durirg err y 12. norshh
pwt0dfunlses you scpube additional CRP pegs license from us.
C oip.nsld In&04000 : le craned as an Individual snow compwsrtlon or convener/on 00 &IsUr ors g.rnsrald by one programs. TM arm Compensated lndviduel trrdud..,
but is not {ruled 10, yore rnployslac, contractors, ribose, and ony other Person.
Computer a deennd as the Canceler on wlion Os programa ors installed. A Compeer turns •even you to pew 014 scanned prsgrem on a Mahe apeciftthd computer.
Coot of goods Sold: M d.ferd a the loud cost d'unsni0ry Vert a company hss odd during their hest year. itCoat ol Gorda Sold 4 rrtrmwn 10 you Pon Cost d Goods Sold'hal
be equal to 71% cf total company revenue.
Employes: M dined as to soave employs• of ran (note: The value of tole appriCerkna fa 4wer1Mved by Pm she ord.. sake Itpby,e pq*d0Uvr and not Me numbs a actual
Weft tT.redan►..9 of your sera .mploy.as must be Incanted h you &der when Aaenelap rues aypaaoont)
Entry: le d.ired ea a brigs ham ;e.g.. ogled, person, tricky or Kim of Mormstian) steed within Ps worsts. Repeal.d *ratios stored wink the pogrom winunp4 sewn
ens counted as a antis soy.
Eappnw sport. 4a donned .s der total number of aspens repast procesood by Me lames drain a 12 tuna period. You may not eau.d the noosed number of
espame reports during .ray 12 month prod.
Flat! T.cMtkirr: la darned s1 an engineer. technician, rot pre.anlotre, or otter pueaon NAM 4 d.palteted by you io tr M1e1d u* g the Pmgrem..
Hosted Named User. i. 4Nred as ■n indMdud aulhortted by you to toss' the kited s.Mc., regardless of whew the i.MSdu4 is .rudely aoc.ning dr. 11401.4..Mc. 04 any
riven Imo.
Invoice Lino: 1r defiled n 7hs later nwnber of Invoice lino Items pnoosemd by the program during a 12 month period. You retry not sawed the Ioenead Wombat of Invoke Luse
during any 12 month period unites you acquire.dd0onol Moire Urn Scares from ua.
Module: b 1104nd a each production Pietbsm; running to programs.
Order Use: b dead as the total number d order entry Ins lams processed by dip proven during a 12 moot, p.AOd, LAu}ipl* ode envy line Items nay bo eased as Part
04 an ndvidual customer order or qumte and msy oleo bi a uM1.tialy genratad by i he Oracle ConfipurMor. You may not exceed the !Wowed number or Ord' Linn during any 12
month pried to ss you wrarn. addtlan.l Order Ur* flu ern from ue.
Partner User to dared as an Ind4viMMM eu9ohsd by you 10 use the Credo Paws* Creme program which it 4nW Id on . singes sonar or en muliple earners r0Prd4a of
.,Meer th.Indh<dua1 le gaively using he grad. Parinrt Orin program al any divan Me.
P.nom: le defined as yam employes or contracts. who la KUluery working on b.MW ol your morstdon or a dorms employs who has en. of moor best pens managed by
dor ohos• line or labor (Mom
ma sy.1.m or o vet ea 10 be paid eeautyh the M am, F end . and laba.la � is iodised ss En employes Of n 40 eel who N scheduled on a project TM total numbs orlkaoes medd�b be
manned by the system. Fee Prdjed pourCm a+nagem
Need on ohm p'.E numhw of seem and MI -time poepit whom rec0rde are worded Et the maim,
Pond Nwnbsr: b der had.' the M.Phor. numbs Mal and user ra4in is ;ley chins horn one stoic* provide 10 anal:W. Ties 1s4phors writhes wignaly molds in a
te1.pMna ninth end le moved Into the responsibility of anonym Wephoe /001541,
Purchase Line: is d.Aned as the tots) number of pardon tins il.mi Prw104d by led app1uton der] 012 mash Period, f,1u41p4 PraCM1 ins may W ward on MUW .
requklbon or purchase order or may be immensity generated by other Ouch Appda.dam progress. For IProarsm.M, Purdtsw Linos are =wild se tit in.Items on M approved
rpulN1bn aasld In IProcuremonL For 48upp44r Portal and Purchasing Intelligent., Pureness Lines rm counted w Moline Mow 0n pathos* orders procnesd Irough oath o1 those
a pplutiom. Trio dwa 004 include communication or, is aerie P,0., For rack bpplicaton, you may not some t he Mowed ..lad number at Porches. Line" during any 12imonth period
wipe you .cquM e0ditieer Purth'm Lyns icmrnws from w, You may uquln a dy4.r.ri number d Phdrha.e Un.11carnar for..dh program liaanber or Purc h.s. Una for
',roc rernent cord ice a ern see number than for $$uppler Portal).
semis Order Una: la d.inad n the Iou1 numb.; of "sere asks and y 1401 items preawrd by Ise progsm dulrp a 12 month period. Multlpk s.MCo oidr wary Ins Emma may
be onlwd as Pert of on Indhadu.l a+etomr ewvk* order or quo1.. You may not owed the 4iconsed number of S'dyke Order Uo.i durirq sr y 12 mon0t fveMod urimas yob uquh
Mideast Sores 0004f Lyh0 hers es from us.
blw11k..plM Unit ISKU): Is d.Rnd as an imrentor1 Men a1 a pvrlicuir geographic loafan. For asampe, one product sr0tdtad el live Fran) and at ell d1fwnl dhtdbulion
contact would repewnnl seven SKUi.
Ilodellt te defined is any named sir srrdied In red University!"
S ubscriber: Is Mitredu (a) a ww4dng 4s4mp1hm1 rombac sal wnIne devices: fb) a porlabl* Weisel 01 PION] davitil that hat Min 0ctraled by Amu ion w1atcea commum)utiolo
connottod Witty meter Iola* whips of Subscribers
e sue I to Os
'md ewe ltl a p'* 04 4rl drop ". 41 pow
Suppp sdIs
embed by a primary
fr10oond S lh,+ r *bow, Suboolber is Mitred each U.S. $1,000 Il increment of your grope
'mews al d tors d S Wesib.rs. n Y'att burkra+. u not naiad fn the Prystery
annual rawnw es rowed to the SEC h you►ann4el report or hM trquMMn1 accoundrg or i.pol&19 dacumsnl.
841.: A d0Arnd 1a sit t,o functional eokwsrit components doeuibed In the product document/anon.
Trained hWood s an empiayss, mrt0ldw, .trW.N or other poison who *bet) recorded by 4M Picgrem,
YYorlulagon: is derma as ore client computer horn *rich the programa vs Wins; warmed, regards; of sitter* the program Is hstklW.
SS In Rows; Is Mined as one ration UMW Stales riders in al income liriwssl income and non Interest Income) before adju'lnnsnls fa awn**, and turn gensrsld
by You during 1 (dad you.
r ,...4,/.4. 1 1.1 a ah-7lY11
°rade Confidential 20 °(jx
If your Program License does not specify a term, the Program 11oen-81-11 D rP4ttlal and shall -continue unless terminated as otherwise provided In the
4 Year Term: A Program license specifying a 4 Year Term'hall commence on the Effective Date of the order and shall continue fore period of 4 years. Al
the end of the 4 Year Term the Program license shall terminate automatically.
2 Year Term: A Program ikoanse specifying a 2 Year Tsml shall commence on the Effective Dale of the order and shell continue for a period of 2 years. Al
the end of the 2 Year Term the Program license shall terminate automatically.
1 Year Term: A Program license specifying a 1 Year Term shad commence on the Effective Data of the order end shall continua for a period of 1 year. Al
the end of the 1 Year Term the program license shall terminate. A program license specifying a 1 Year Term may only be used for providing Internet
hosting services.
Orade Support Services LOSS) offers the following programs, Updates Subscription Service to provide customers with the right to Oracle product upgrades,
Orade Product Support tor 24x7 support of all Oracle products. and Oracle Premium Support for a menu of addltlonal services designed to provide an
enhanced level of support. Services may vary by country. For availability, contact your local Support Sales representative. For a complete dsscriptbn
of Oracle Support Services programs, refer to the Internal Sales Support webalte it htlpJlmarliapng.us.oreele.com and select Support Marketing,
Visitable Subacriolloe_Servkt
Updates Subscription Servlca is a serylce that provide' customers with rights to new Oracle releases Including product upgrades, maintenance release-:
and patches. This serlca may be purchased as a stand-alone annual subscription. Updates are 16% of Is1 Perpetual Ilcera, fees.
Product Sucoort
Product Support Is a 24x7 support service that provides dhtact access to Oracle experts for produclapeditc questions about installing
and operating Oracle software. Web based support is provided via OracleMetaLlnk. Features of Metalink include proec* s notifications, customized
home pages, technical libraries and forums. product life -cycle Information, a bug database, and the ability to log technical assistance rsquesla.
Product Support is art annual fee and la priced al 7% of list perpetual license less. Updates Subscription Service la a prerequisite.
premium Suuoert
Premium Support Is designed to provide an enhanced level of support to Oracle customers. Premium Support delivers tailored, flexible support solution.
built to meat the custorners' apeciliic business requirements. Premium Support customers have the flexibility to purchase standard or combine standard
services with specific offerings to provide a full solution.
Contact your local Support Sales representative for Premium Support information and pricing.
incidenteMiSupport la a web based Incident pack support model through which technical support Is available In packages of 10 Incidents eat
a cost of 1,800 USA {Dollar). Thls service Is available for the following products, across all p1aUorms:
• Oracle Database Standard Edition
• Oracle Database Personal Edition
• Oracle Database UM
With the purchase of incident Support, customers will receive access to OracleMerei.inh which provides access to 24x7 web.besed tsd,nIcel support an
Technical Assistance Request ec eat vie the web.
Customer $u000rt Services Policies and Definitions
The complete policy an be found In the Technical Support Policies at htlpJlwww,orade.cornrsupport
, •- 4 _1AI4.1.1rri!
Oracle Confidential 11 c