HomeMy WebLinkAboutTAB O - Site Utility StudyNovember 2005 1101 BRICKELL AVENUE MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SITE UTILITY STUDY PREPARED FOR: WALL STREET COMMERCIAL OWNERS, L.L.C. KHA Project No.: 042703000 Prepared by: KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1691 Michigan Ave. Suite 400 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Site Utility Study Introduction "1101 Brickell Avenue is a proposed mixed -use development located on a 3.22± acre property in the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida. The property is bordered by Brickell Ave to the west, South Bayshore Drive to the east, and is north of NE 1 lth Street (See Attachment "A" Maps). Currently, the site is occupied by an existing multi -story commercial building, a 11 story building, a 1 story building and a 10 story parking garage. All existing on -site facilities will be demolished except the existing bank. The proposed "1101 Brickell Avenue" project will include one residential tower housing 650 apartment units, 20,898 SF of retail space, 9,109 SF of restaurants, 269,000 SF of office space and a parking garage. A tabular breakdown of the project details was obtained from the Site Data and Development Program prepared by the Architect and is depicted in Table 1- "Project Summary" below. Table 1: Project Summary Residential 650 apt. units Retail 20,898 Restaurant *456 seats 9,109 Parking 1,513 spaces *Assuming 1 seat per 20 SF of area. 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study Page 1 I. Drainage Relative to the aforementioned project, the following information shall be used during the storm water management design and site grading. Flood Criteria: The proposed project site grade elevations will be designed to meet floodplain management criteria according to Federal, State, Miami -Dade County and City of Miami standards as follows: 1. The subject property is located in PANEL 191 of COMMUNITY -PANEL NUMBER 12025C0191 J of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). According to the National Flood Insurance Program, the property is located within Flood Zone VE 14, which has an established flood plain elevation of 14.00 NGVD. 2. Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria elevation is estimated to be 5.0 ft. NGVD. This will be used to determine proposed minimum site grade elevations. 3. The average October ground water table elevation is estimated to be 2.0 ft. NGVD. This will be used as the control water elevation for stormwater management calculations (Source: Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual, Volume 11- Design Standard Detail WC 2-2). Existing Drainage: Based on site observations and other available information, there is an existing drainage system within the property. It is assumed that all existing on -site drainage will be demolished, and a new stormwater management system will be constructed to retain the runoff generated by the proposed development. 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study Proposed Drainage System: The proposed drainage system will consist of drainage wells in order to collect the required volume of storm runoff from the specified design storm event. In accordance with the requirements of the Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resources (DERM), the proposed drainage system will need to collect and dispose of the storm runoff generated by a design storm event of 5-year frequency and 24-hour duration. (Source: Section D-4, "Water Control", of Part 2 of the Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual). No direct or indirect drainage connections or discharge of storm runoff from the property to adjacent properties or rights -of -way will be permitted. Based on preliminary calculations, it is anticipated that at least nine (9) - 24" diameter gravity drainage wells would be required to collect and dispose of the design storm runoff generated by the proposed development. Gravity wells function on the basis of hydraulic head. The reason for the large number of gravity wells is that existing perimeter grades along the east and west side of the site are approximately three feet above the ground water table, so the available hydraulic head is relatively low. Because of the large difference in grades between the east/west (5.5± NGVD) perimeter and the base flood elevation (14.0 NGVD) of the property, an average proposed site grade of 8.0 NGVD across the entire site was assumed in order to calculate hydraulic head. A grading plan and well layout plan for the proposed project would need to be prepared before making a final determination of the number of gravity wells required. An alternative to reduce the number of wells would be to use injection wells, whereby storm runoff is injected into the wells by mechanical pumps, and the head is created by the pump rather than gravity. The final drainage design for the project shall be in conformance with the requirements of DERM, N'DEP, the City of Miami Department of Public Works, and all other local, state and federal regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study II. Water Distribution System The property is located within the water service area of the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD). Information on existing and proposed public water distribution mains owned and operated by MDWASD and abutting the property was obtained from the MDWASD Water Atlas. These are shown in Table 2 below. Table 2: Existing Water Mains (Per MDWASD Water Atlas Sheet) South Bayshore Dr. Between North and South side of the property Water Mains) Existing 12-inch diameter main Brickell Ave North and South side of the property Existing 6-inch and 20-inch diameter mains Typically, MDWASD requires that any water services from proposed projects containing retail or commercial uses be connected to water mains of at least 12-inch diameter. Based on the MDWASD Water Atlas, there are existing 12-inch diameter and 20-inch diameter mains abutting the property along South Bayshore Dr. and Brickell Ave, respectively. There is a small possibility MDWASD will require that the developer upgrade some of the existing abutting public water mains, but a final determination will not be provided by MDWASD until a Water and Sewer Agreement, or request for water service, is submitted to the MDWASD New Business Office by the developer. Water service meters will be installed by MDWASD forces at the developer's expense. A copy of MDWASD Water Atlas sheet has been included in Attachment "C". III. Sanitary Sewer Collection System The property is also located within the sanitary sewer service area of the MDWASD. Information on existing and proposed public sanitary sewage mains owned and operated 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study Page 4 by MDWASD and abutting the property was obtained from the MDWASD Sewer Atlas. These are shown in Table 3 below. Table 3: Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains (Per MDWASD Sewer Atlas Sheet) South Bayshore Dr. Brickell Ave. Between North and South side of the property North and South side of the property Water Main(s) Existing 12-inch diameter gravity main Existing 12-inch diameter force main. Existing 10-inch diameter gravity main. Sanitary sewer service laterals from the proposed project may be connected to either of the existing 10-inch diameter gravity sanitary sewage main running along Brickell Ave. or the 12-inch diameter gravity sanitary sewage main along South Bayshore Dr., provided the existing mains have sufficient depth, and provided MDWASD determined that the existing mains have sufficient reserve flow capacity to handle the anticipated sewage flows from the development. MDWASD may also require upgrades to the sanitary sewer system, but a final determination will not be provided by MDWASD until a Water and Sewer Agreement, or request for sewer service, is submitted to the MDWASD New Business Office by the developer. Sewage flows within the area of the project are collected by a system of gravity mains and conveyed to Pump Station #8 which is connected to a 12-inch force main running north - south along Brickell Ave. to an MDWASD regional pump station. At the time this Site Utility Study was performed, a Pump Station Monthly Information report (PSMI) for Pump Station No. 8 was obtained from Miami -Dade County DERM (see Attachment "D"). The PSMI shows that Pump Station No. 8 is operating at an average yearly NAPOT of 3.71 hours/day, and is not under any type of moratorium. Based on this information, is not anticipated that any improvements to the regional pumping and/or transmission systems will be required to connect the proposed project. However, a final determination regarding the status of the existing transmission and pumping system and the need for possible improvements will not be made until construction plans are submitted to the Miami -Dade County DERM Wastewater Section, and a Sanitary Sewage System Capacity Certification 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study Page 5 Letter is issued by DERM. The anticipated sewage flows from the project are shown in Table 4 below. Table 4: Water & Sewer Flow Generation Apartment 650 units 200 GPD/unit 130,000 Retail 20,898 SF 5 GPD/100 SF 1,045 Restaurant *456 seats 50 GPD/seat 22,800 Total Anticipated Flow 153,845 GPD *Based on 9,109 SF and an assumption of 1 restaurant seat per 20 SF of area. IV. Solid Waste Generation Solid waste generated by this project will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up services will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade County's or private disposal and recycling facilities. The volumes of solid waste projected to be generated by the project are shown in Table 5. Table 5: Solid Waste Generation Type of Occupancy Apartment 650 units 5 lb./unit/day Total Solid Waste Generated (Tons/Day) 1.62 Retail 20,898 SF 6 lb./1000 SF/day 0.06 Restaurant 456 seats 1 lbs/seat/day 0.23 Total Anticipated Solid Waste Generated 1.91 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study Page 6 Attachment A Maps 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study `--� PROJECT SITE • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 1101 BRICKELL AVENUE FLOOD CRITERIA MAP L15) -- PROJECT LOCATION E _VE APPROXIMATE SCALE 500 0 500 FEET I! 11111 !I Ill�ll NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND INCORPORATED AREAS PANEL 191 OF 625 (SE AP INDEX FOR PANELS NOT Pavr.) CONK: (OLM IT AMER PANEL UM :a .1 ... ......:ra .?:57V fA .1 MAP NUMBER 12025C0191 J MAP REVISED: M;0C1 2,1994 BEST AVAILABLE COPY AT THIS TIME Feleral Erergencf N1enegr:r.eet Agency This Is an official copy of a portion of the above referenced hood map. It was extracted using F-MIT On-line. This map does not reflect changes or endments which may have been made subsequent to the date on the tide dock. For the latest product Information about National Flood Insurance Program flood maps check the FEMA Flood Map Store at www..msc.fema.gov Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Ave Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 1101 BRICKELL AVE F.I.R.M. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SE 5TH ST SE 6TH ST U) 12TH ST ' 13TH ST Al 14TH ST PROJECT LOCATION IGmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 1691 Michigan Avenue Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 1101 BRICKELL AVENUE SITE LOCATION MAP F3ROWARD r r 1 CAUTYK' PROJECT SITE Att 1.0 FOOT Kimley-Horn and Associates, i 1691 Michigan Ave Suite 400 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Phone: 305-673-2025 Fax: 305-673-4882 1101 BRICKELL AVENUE AVERAGE OCTOBER GROUND WATER LEVEL 1960-75 Attachment B Preliminary Drainage Well Calculations 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study 1101 B1tICKELL City of Miami, Florida )RAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS (MASS DIAGRAM — DERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation = B. County Flood Criteria Elevation = C. F.I.R.M. or FEMA Base Flood Elevation D. Average existing perimeter grade elevation = 2. Total Contributing Drainage Area (A): A. Impervious Areas: a) Asphalt and concrete pavement = b) Roof areas = Total Impervious Area (Al) = B. Pervious areas: a) Green Areas = 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C1) _ Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C = [(Al x C1) + (A2 x C2)] / A; C x A = Total Contributing Area; 200tNGVD 5.00 NGVD Zone AE NGVD C= CxA= M DCPW Manual?ait 2 Sec (County Flood'Critena Map (Map No-12025CO1IJ se 3.22 Acres Acres Acres 3.01 Acres (94%) 21 Acres (6%) 0.86 2.77 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x Fall) + t (0.5895 + F213)] Frequency (F) = years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; V(1 in) = Qt(1 in.), t(1 in.) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff V(1 in.) = CIAt(1 in.) 1" x A = CIAt(1 in.) ; Solving for t(1 in.), t(1 in,) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) Time to reach the inlet (tc.) Total Time required to generate 1 in of runoff: = 11.64 Min. ;10.00 ? Min. = 21.64 Min. DRAINAGE CALCS_1101 Brickell.xls BASIN 5. Cumulative Runoff (Inflow Mass Diagram) (Min.) (Sec.) I (inches) 4 (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) 8 10 15 21.64 30 40 50 60 90 120 180 480 600 900 1298 1800 2400 3000 3600 5400 7200 10800 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 2.771 6.405 6.166 5.641 5.068 4.493 3.956 3.534 3.193 2.477 2.023 1.480 17.75 17.09 15.63 14.04 12.45 10.96 9.79 8.85 6.86 5.61 4.10 8,519 10,253 14,069 18,235 22,412 26,313 29,381 31,858 37,065 40,363 44,306 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of: DW-1 DW-2 DW-3 DW-4 *Proposed' Inlet Grate' Elev. (NGVD) 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 DW-5 DW-6 DW-7 DW-8 DW-9 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Oct. Table elev. :(NGVD) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 400 GPM/ft. Head **Headloss well due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) 2.20 2.20 Head Acting on Well"(ft.) We11 Discharge Rate (CFS) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 30.48 *Based on average existing perimeter grade elevation. **Assuming 100-foot casing length and headloss of 0.022 feet per foot of casing. Well Structure Dimensions 6. 6.5 6,5 Well Structure Storage Volume (CF) 98.8 98.8 98.8 Total Storage (CF) 889.20 7. Detention Time: The drainage well structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior to discharge. Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) = Vd = Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. = Vdl = Detention Volume Per Well (CF) = W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) = L = Length of Well Structure (ft.) = 14.04 CFS 1263.93 CF 140.44 CF 4.0 ft. 6.5 ft. Kum is the minimum depth required from the top of well casing to the floor of the well box to achieve 90 second detention time: Hn • (ft.) = Vdl / (W x L) = 5.50 ft. 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: (Min) Time (Sec.) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume! (CF) Accumulated• Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) . 8 10 15 21.64 30 40 50 60 90 120 180 480 600 900 1,298.46 1800 2400 3000 3600 5400 7200 10800 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 30.48 14,631 18,289 27,433 39,579 54,866 73,155 91,444 109,733 164,599 219,465 329,198 8,519 10,253 14,069 18,235 22,412 26,313 29,381 31,858 37,065 40,363 44,306 -6,112 -8,036 -13,364 -21,344 -32,454 -46,842 -62,063 -77,875 -127,534 - 179,102 - 284,891 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: Sec.) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated Well DischargeVolume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) 8 10 15 21.64 30 40 50 60 90 120 180 480 600 900 1,298.46 1800 2400 3000 3600 5400 7200 10800 8,519 10,253 14,069 18,235 22,412 26,313 29,381 31,858 37,065 40,363 44,306 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 14,631 18,289 27,433 39,579 54,866 73,155 91,444 109,733 164,599 219,465 329,198 -7,000.92 -8,925.41 -14,253.27 -22,232.77 -33,343.55 -47,731.49 - 62,951.98 - 78,764.18 -128,423.43 -179,991.09 -285,780.56 Safety Factor Safety Factor 2.17% 2.28% Attachment C Existing Utility Records 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study 574 ST 002-557 .3/04/04 DS2005-534 R. A. 5/31 /05 AXIS SI 797 795 79 5957 1 7982 2 > 788 789A /790 ;/ \ 792 6561 1 / 791 or E OSE81 241 NT 1 �7982 1 2 f �r v f 6906 l 1 J 5957 \ 1 i 7523 1 4 1-` 4 815 960 1 ��gg L_4` 3 7 4 5 `7494 3 // 5931 1 i _ ` 7 543 17494 24 s ;+ ( 4 5957 15) 1 146 147 �. act t3VF R / 1 57 , 1 3082 7 •. VILLAGE DW2000-170 R.A.3/03/03 2003-114 R.A.7/24/03 DW2005-073 R.A.5/31/05 AXIS VinnigriF 7B8$ 1 — — i BRICKEL DW2002-119 Y.F.8-14-02 880,0 1 u t7._. E 1 LJ (. -tom) 1101 Wit4w4" 1I' 8385 1 ovElt O NV.11 /04/04 .A.11/29/04 9582 1 8582 1, 0702 2 NN:Lf 23 0882 1 V Attachment D Pump Station Monthly Information 1101 Brickell Ave Site Utility Study ;. Pump Station Monthly Information: User: nerxnar Pump Station: 30-0008 Atlas Page: ;Gt! Moratorivar: 10K,.,� MIAMI DARE WATER SEWER DEPARTMENT _......................__.. Address I11098f ICKELL,-, ^_AVBr r,n Mmatonomineffectstmm-ISfY7}Jg97 �� � Cxe iumx NM:WY Section-TownshipBangc 1 ^ 54t • 41 Genemlor Telemetry ETcbck IY Type: IC � Class LIS Speed: I' :; J H P.: Number of Pumps: 2 Yearly NAPOT (hrsJ: 3.71 Res Ilow(gpd0 834.774 ProjNapot: 6.39 hrs X Cap: 63.9 Stn Net Capacity[pdf 7.400,000 Indicated Flows(pol 1-157.520 ". M 9122/2005 6;03___ 8/23/2005 1333 r, 7125Y2005 '4:02.. 6/23/2005 5.05 5t24/2005 303- 4/25/2005 2.08 1208,, Date: Mo.NAPOT Ave Daily- Rdg Flg: N Pump: Comments: swi