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Article III Tab 4 - Site Utility Study
November 2005 Oak Garden Homes MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT SITE UTILITY STUDY Prepared for: Terra West Corp. 3663 SW 8th St. #205 Miami, FL. 33135 Prepared by: KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 9130 South Dadeland Blvd. #102 Miami, FL. 33156 Tel: 305.670.9120 Fax: 305.670.9360 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Introduction Page 1 I. Drainage Page 1 II. Floodplain Management Page 2 III. Water Distribution System Page 3 IV. Sanitary Sewage System Page 5 V. Solid Waste Generation Page 6 VI. Over -head Wires Page 6 Attachments: Attachment A - Site Location Map Attachment B - Topographic Survey Attachment C - Site Plan Attachment D - Preliminary Drainage Calculations Attachment E - MDWASD Water and Sewer Atlases Attachment F - Pump Station Monthly Information Attachment G-1i'hMA FIRM Map, Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria Map, Average October Water Table Map Site Utility Study Site Utility Study Introduction Oaks Garden Homes is a proposed twin -home residential development in the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida. The project is to be located on a 0.92±-acre property comprised of two lots, presently known as 3129 and 3159 NW 11t Street. The two -lot site is zoned R-2 (Two Family Residential), and is mostly vacant, containing only one two-story duplex building of 1,953 SF. The Northern end of the property abuts the south right-of-way line of State Road 836 (See Attachment "A", Site Location Map and Attachment "B", Topographic Survey). The proposed development will consist of 17, 2-story twin home buildings with garages, totaling 25,834.5 SF of floor area. 35 parking spaces will be provided from the required 34 (See Attachment "C" Site Plan). I. Drainage Existing Drainage Based on site observations and available information, there is no existing drainage system in place at this site. A new storm -water management system will be constructed to retain the runoff generated by the proposed development, as required by code (see below). Proposed Drainage System The drainage system for the proposed development will consist of drainage wells and/or exfiltration trench, if possible, to facilitate on -site disposal -of storm water runoff. A design storm event of 5-year frequency and 24-hour duration will be used to design the storm water management system, in accordance with Section D-4, "Water Control", of Part 2 of the Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual. Based on preliminary calculations, it is anticipated that at least five (5) 24"-diameter gravity drainage wells will berequired todispose of the storm runoff generated by the proposed development from the design storm event with a safety factor of 2.0. This is also based on an average drainage well drain -down of 400 GPM/Ft. of Head, and a total head of 1.8 feet. It would be difficult to locate five gravity wells with this property and Oak Garden Homes Page meet the minimum 100-foot spacing required by the IDEP. Other alternatives would be to use exfiltration trenches (french drain), or injection wells where mechanical pumps are used to increase hydraulic head and pump runoff into the wells. In order to determine the actual required capacity of the proposed drainage system, percolation tests and/or well draw down tests should be performed within the property. Preliminary drainage computations for the project areas are provided in Attachment "D," Preliminary Drainage Calculations, which includes the basis for design. Since the north end of the project abuts -DOT right-of-way (S.R. 836), a Drainage Connection Permit will need to be filed with the FDOT District 6 Permits Office in accordance with FAC Rule 14-86. This may require that the north end of the property be bermed in order to prevent discharge of runoff to the right-of-way. The final drainage design for the project should be in conformance with the requirements of the Miami -Dade County DERM Water Control Section, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and other local, state and federal regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. II. Floodplain Management Proposed site grades and finished floor elevations (FEL) for the project must comply with all local, State and Federal floodplain management criteria. The lowest rN'E for proposed buildings shall be set at or above the highest of the following: 1) Base flood elevation for the respective Flood Zone based on NLMA FIRM maps. The proposed project in located on Panel 180, Map No. 12025C0180 J of the F.EMA FIRM map. The project lies within Flood Zones X and AE8.0. Zone X does not have an established floodplain elevation, and Zone AE8.0 has a floodplain elevation of 8.0 NGVD. A copy of the FIRM map is included in Attachment "G". 2) Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria elevation plus 11 inches (for residential with garage). The flood criteria elevation for the project is 5.0, so the r'N'E would be 5.92 NGVD. Please refer to the Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria Map in Attachment "G„ 3) City of Miami floodplain management criteria requiresthat the lowest F1-E for residential buildings with garage be at least 11 inches above the highest back -of - sidewalk or road crown elevation fronting the property. Based on the topographic survey. (see Attachment "D") the highest elevation is 9.13 NGVD, and occurs at the Oak Garden Homes Site Utility Study Page 2 road crown of NW 11th Street fronting the SE corner of the property. Based on this criteria, the lowest 11-±, should be 10.05 NGVD. The City may grant a waiver from this requirement, allowing the use of the average (rather than the highest) road crown or back -of -sidewalk elevation fronting the property, in which case the lowest FFh would be 8.99 NGVD. 4). The lowest proposed li'FL shall be at or above the maximum stage for a design storm event of 100-year frequency and 72-hour duration with no off -site discharge. Miami -Dade County requires that the minimum proposed site grades or catch basin rim elevations be at or above the County Flood Criteria elevation, which is 5.00 NGVD for - the proposed project. III. Water Distribution System Water Supply The existing public water supply and distribution system within the project area is owned and maintained by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD). Existing public water distribution mains in the vicinity of the project are shown in the Table 3. Table 3: Existing Water Mains (Per MDWASD Water Atlas Sheet) Location Between Water Main(s) NW 11`h St. NW 32nd Ave. & NW 31' Ave. 4" NW 32nd Ave. SR 836 & NW 11`h St. 6" NE 31st Ave. SR 836 & NW 11t St. 6>, In accordance with Section D8.03.d.5 of Part 11 of the Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual, a minimum of 8-inch diameter pipe will be required of mains requiring fire hydrants. According to the water atlas provided by MDWASD, the only existing water main fronting the property on NW 11th Street is 4-inches in diameter. The nearest 8-inch diameter main is located on NW 31st Avenue, south of NW 11th Street. As a condition to Oak Garden Homes Site Utility Study Page 3 Site Utility Study providing water service to the development, MDWASD may require that the developer construct a new 8-inch diameter water main along NW 11th Street, connecting to the existing 8-inch main on NW 31St Street, and connecting to the existing 4-inch main at the SW corner of the property (approximately 260 linear feet). This is provided the existing 8-inch main has sufficient pressure to supply the flow and pressure required for fire hydrants. The construction of any proposed water distribution system components must be in accordance with MDWASD Standards and Specifications. A final determination regarding public utility upgrades and points of connection will be provided by MDWASD when the project is submitted to their New Business Office for review. Water service lines for potable water and irrigation could be connected to the proposed 8- inch main on NW 11th Street, as required by MDWASD, and extended into the property to serve the homes. Typically, water meters are placed within public right-of-way. Otherwise, easements will need to be dedicated by the developer to MDWASD if meters are placed within the property. Water service meters for each residence would be installed by MDWASD forces at the owner's expense once all impact (connection) fees are paid by the developer. All proposed water service improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the Standards and Specifications established by MDWASD and the City of Miami Department of Public Works. See Attachment "E" for a copy of the MDWASD water atlas sheet for the project area. Fire Protection According to Section D8.04.a.2(a) of Part It of the Miami -Dade County Public Works Manual, fire hydrants within single -story residential areas shall be located no further than 500 feet from the structures being protected. Based on the MDWASD water atlas (see Attachment "E"), there is an existing fire hydrant located at the SW corner of the intersection of NW 1 lth Street and 32nd Avenue, and another at the SW corner of the intersection of NW l lth Street and 31st Avenue. It appears from the proposed site plan (Attachment "C") that the proposed homes near the north end of the project are beyond the maximum distance requirement from the nearest existing fire hydrants. The Fire Department may request that a new hydrant be installed on NW 11th Street, directly in front of the proposed development, A final deteiinination regarding fire hydrant improvements will be provided by MDWASD when the project is submitted to their New Business Office for review. Oak Garden Homes Page 4 IV. Sanitary Sewage System The existing sanitary sewage collection, transmission and pumping system within the project area is owned, operated and maintained by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MDWASD). Existing public sanitary sewer mains in the vicinity of the project are shown in the Table 4. Table 4: Existing Sanitary Sewer Mains (Per MDWASD Sewer Atlas Sheet) Location Between Sanitary_Sewer Main(s) NW 32nd Ave. SR 836 & NW 11`h St. 8" Gravity Main NW 315` Ave. SR 836 & NW 11th St 8" Gravity Main NW 11"' St. NW 32nd Ave. and NW 31' Ave. 20" Gravity Main and 42" Force Main The proposed on -site sanitary sewer service laterals for the property may be connected to the existing 20" gravity main abutting the property along NW 11`h Street, provided the main has enough capacity and depth to handle the existing flows plus the additional flows generated by the proposed project. The construction of any proposed sanitary sewage system components must be in accordance with MDWASD Standards and Specifications. A final determination regarding public utility upgrades and points of connection will not be provided by MDWASD until the project is submitted to their New Business Office for review. A copy of the MDWASD Sewer Atlas sheet has been attached (See Attachment «E„ The sewage flows from the existing 20-inch diameter sanitary sewage main on NW 1lth Street are received by MDWASD Regional Pump Station 30-0117, located at 1090 NW 35th Court. As of September 2005, the national average pump operating time (NAPOT) for this pump station is 6.49 hr/day, and it has a projected NAPOT of 6.71 hr/day, which is 67.1% of the 10.0. hr/day maximum established by the USEPA (see Attachment "F", Pump Station Monthly Information). As of September 2005, the system was not under Oak Garden Homes Page 5 Site Utility Study Site Utility Study any type of moratorium. At this time, it is not anticipated that any improvements to the regional pumping and/or transmission systems will be required to connect the proposed project. However, a final determination regarding the status of the existing transmission system and the need for possible improvements will only be obtained when construction plans are submitted to the Miami -Dade County DERM Wastewater Section, and a Sanitary Sewage System Capacity Certification Letter is issued. The anticipated sanitary sewage flows from the proposed project are shown in Table 5. Twin Homes Table 5: Water & Sewer Flow Generation 17 250 GPD/unit 4,250 GPD V. Solid Waste Generation The solid waste generated by this development will be collected in standard on -site containers for refuse and recyclables. Regular pick-up service will be provided either by private hauling companies and/or by the City of Miami Solid Waste Department, who will transport the waste to Miami -Dade County facilities or to private disposal and recycling facilities. The volume of solid waste projected to be generated by the proposed development is 90.27 lbs/day. This is considering that each of the 17 units generates an estimated 5.31 lbs/unit/day. VI. Over -head Wires The topographic survey (see Attachment "B") shows an existing over -head electrical wire entering the property from NW 11th Street and connecting to the existing building. There is no easement shown on the survey, but there is a possibility that an easement by instrument exists. Further research by the surveyor is recommended to determine if an easement exists. These wires will have to be relocated to facilitate the proposed project. Coordination with the respective agencies will be necessary. Oak Garden Homes Page 6 Attachment A Site Location Map \ VV I LI- 11-1 I E_ W 1 /IT �W 13 1TH ST TE 7 N \W 13TH ST 2TH T NW '11TH >. Q n • hn 7 ST \W 9T ST n n N U 0 7 7 PROJECT LOCATION n 0 -T- U 0 0 K) Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 9130 S. DADELAND BLVD. Suite 102 Miami, Florida 33156 Phone: 305 670-9120 Fax: 305 670-9360 OAKS GARDEN HOMES 3129-3165 NW 11 ST SITE LOCATION MAP Th 25' 25' 20' 1I1— Iw II IZ 25' r, 20' II 13 N 1 1 12 11 HIGH VIEW (PB 13— PG 7 10 O9 N.W. 32nd AVENUE MI HA ANA SUBDI 'I ION PB 89 PG 6,3}S 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 EAST 1/2, LOT 37 BLOCK 7/ 1 %/It//t//j 1 ALDIN ACRE PB 5— PG 67/ 7ll»Tlll�T/, ALDIN ACRE PB 5— PG 6 POLESKI SUBDIVISION (PB 78— Pt 3) 2 3 4 5 _ J— - N N.W. 31t AVENUE S n LOCATION MAP Scale: 1 "=100' 6 7 Is 5 4/ 38 c0 co 37 0 0 36 r ti 0) 7 8 / 15 1 J Attachment B Topographic Survey . rase DMI SKETCH OF QOU\3AY SUPVIY ,~ ��► • N9i01'39W 417.5Y(f) 417.5 IC) 417 74(D) g d k =! • _� NCp'01' 39(„ W 4,•11. 3'ba 0 .p 020939'W BB.BB'(C) 203.38'(C) NO2°O1'39" w 5.0 2005 ,9 II CO CO • St sew ld y. orm UR•al .W. ]Val A4[NUE k 10GA110N 447 Slide: :TR. 1(30 ICCENO -•—•—._ MnAwd Wrn Ibnlled Accen 4407 of Nay 1Ye y a IwnDINc kor S J6 37 vN N OA{ N039.74e5) 397.25'(C) 397'1.(0) dwa �I RJ7ABQ 110E90 a NO Sion Sup9a1 O Nand Pole 4 ua -9 Puy Mda ' LJ Oka Pad Pow * Pdm O km Mos CmIsdks • M Vmum,l lam ABBRENARO.NS Cmc Cmael, PM rand 9. 0w P boo Poe (C) Update (R) Ri4A3 of May Yap PO Rat Rod PC Pop, (n0.edn rfdd mown (0) 0.1 50201'39'E 67.I7'(R) S02°O1'39 87,1F' / r' a / PAR( ti / SURVEYOR'S ROES' asodus cm booed an. 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DRUMM M ASioaerts. roc IAonas P (m.. Veda Preidnl Prof.. Lend s..ka pew Slate of Mira l01 15 Attachment C Site Plan / 111E8 5f1 \-6ELLOW '— 7i" I_I X 8,6` , 0..6" 511;IPPING 17EfAJL Nf5 .ro 7660 ELEV. thcl -1 I W EEL 5107 MAL Nf5 R-2 MA MIME rx 1N rLKE CONf. €�se"c`sire ' CONC. C1113 LEfRL Nf5 2,905 5r LOCA11ON p1-AN XHI:NfS. DI2G-8 EV- "O' Si ID," A/CIWf11PIGL 10' EEOMrECPEEIYLPE DLDG-9 ELEV- "0" 917.981 CLOG -I LEV-"A• 51-r PLAN LEGAL t7E50EIPfION RE EA5f 1/20F l0f 6/, 0JXX 16f "WON A%5" /CO48714 100ERLAf RER(X A5reC6M1,15.N VOX 55 Pia 68Of OE ROLEPiC25 Cf 101717/EE MAY. RCRAA LE% 0 W PGRRON LIAG WAN SATE POI U 856 8905-WAYA5917461 W OE 5AIE R RGRDAGEP8INPNf OIR 17051W0.209-WAYMNFOR WCOWNa 672052604 MUGE5RM lVOE RRNIOf WAYGEED 8CGQf9 N Cf flaklf(616.130a 516061'1a 1655OE ME UM Cr AWW4Mh CANIY,11037A MA 587OROW OL0f56,0.00K7 CV "6687W 95" ICC63744 f0 Of RM OE8' A5ITC670 NNAfEIXM 5 Af PACE68 Of OE962 60975 Cf NU1N97/EE MM. RORDA M511.6551015 561E ROW866 GRIf-Of-WAYAS 917AN W or war Cr WM ra'A R/EN(Of 17,711 TAIIONRY411-5-WAYWfOR9.COWN1. 87203-2504 MD GE%RGt0 NOR 801f O WAY DEEP RECOWEDN Off671. F9COf95, POCK 1179Af PKE 1520 OE FlR C RECOfl719' NAME COR Y, ROWA 54' TO' qAG-9 ELEV- 20' DRIVEWAY 00 9 9 90 1 XILE: 1/I6".I'.O" D1.DG-II q ELEV-"0" SR 90211 DLNG-12 ELEV- "C: DING-5 ELEV-"I" so' DLPG-15 ZONING LELiENI7 Sire ZONING LCf LPN9 ?MA C8055 PfRA E t1711, 61, 2, 6, 8, 9,10, II, 12 PN716 F7251FLOOR A/ C %caw FLOOR A/C FOROI WI& 711621NGS5, 9, 5/ND7 FR5f FLOOR A/ C SECOND MOOR A/C PGOf5 10171. R-2 95,216 9' 52,805 ' 598.5 707.19' 229,5 9' 95.5 9' 1,52828 9' 1,090 9` 1,696 k 446.5 9' 81I 5,017.5 5 LO1COVRRPLE (I'801PRIN0 NA.OW MAX 40% Or CR095 AREA 21,122 PROP05E6 262% 15678,7 PROP07171'ERW1f 26,2% arnra','' 816.999' FLOOR NU RAf10 PLLOVMA MAX60/. OFLROf5 AMA 51,685X PR01'092 98.99 25,854.5 9' PROP09:DPERW1248.99 aaaa,.aa„ 1,519675 CHEN 9'POE MINIMUM PROURRP MIN.15% CV 17055/4EA 7,920`f 7801'0%21867E 10,9562 PARKING 99CE5 MANED PR01'0812 FWJNICMPEN 69 TALES 55 TALES NOW 8'65 �n�.nnyrw NN oa 0 rtvl 01 59/01/05 Attachment D Preliminary Drainage Calculations Oaks Garden Homes: 3129-3165 NW 11 St. City of Miami. Florida DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: DRAINAGE WELLS (MASS DIAGRAM — DERM CRITERIA) 1. Site Data: A. Average October Water Table Elevation = 2.00 NGVD M-DCPW Manual Part 2 - Section D-, Design Standard WC 2.2 B. County Flood Criteria Elevation = 5.00 NGVD (County Flood Criteria Map, see Appendix A) C. F.I.R.M. or r±MA Base Flood Elevation = 8.00 Zone AE (Map No. 12025C0180J, see Appendix A) D. Lowest existing perimeter grade elevation = 3.80 NGVD (abutting S.R. 836) E. Highest existing perimeter grade elevation = 9.18 NGVD (along SW llth St.) F. Average existing perimeter grade elevation = 6.50 NGVD 2. Total Contributing Drainage Area (A): 0.99 Acres A. Impervious Areas: a) Asphalt and concrete pavement = b) Roof areas = 0.45. Acres 0.32 Acres Total Impervious Area (Al) = 0.77 Acres (77%) B. Pervious areas: a) Green Areas = 0.23 Acres (23%) 3. Weighted Runoff Coefficient (C): Runoff Coefficient Impervious (C1) = Runoff Coefficient Pervious (C2) = C=[(A1xC1)+(A2xC2)]/A; C C x A = Total Contributing Area; C x A = 0.90 0.30 0.76 0.76 Acres 4. Time required to generate one inch of runoff (per DERM Water Control Section D-4) Rainfall Intensity (I) = 308.5 / [(48.6 x F(1.11) + t (0.5895 + F2/3)] Frequency (F) = 5 years - Frequency Curve Q = CIA, V = Qt; V(I in.) = Qt(1 in.), to in.) = Time to generate 1 inch of runoff V(lin.)=CTAt(Iin.) 1" x A = CIAt(1 Solving for t(1 in.), t(1 in.) = 1" / (IC) Time to Generate one inch of run-off t(in) = 13.61 Min. Time to reach the inlet (tc.) = 10.00 Min. Total Time required to generate 1 in of runoff: = 23.61 Min. DRAINAGE CALCSJerra.xls BASIN 5. Cumulative Runoff (Inflow Mass Diagram) Time CxA (acres) I (inches) Q (CFS) Accumulated Storm Runoff (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 0.757 6.405 4.85 2,328 10 600 0.757 6.166 4.67 2,801 15 900 0.757 5.641 4.27 3.844 23.61 1416 0.757 4.920 3.73 5,276 30 1800 0.757 4.493 3.40 6,123 40 2400 0.757 3.956 3.00 7,189 50 3000 0.757 3.534 2.68 8,028 60 3600 0.757 3.193 2.42 8,704 90 5400 0.757 2.477 1.88 10,127 120 7200 0.757 2.023 1.53 11,028 180 10800 0.757 1.480 1.12 12,106 6. Drainage Well Design Discharge Rate: Based on well discharge rate of: 400 GPM/ft. Head Well No. *Proposed Inlet Grate Elev. (NGVD) , ` Oct. Water Table elev. (NGVD) **Headloss in well due to Higher SG of Salt Water (ft.) Head Acting on Well (ft.) Well Discharge Rate (CFS) Well Structure Dimensions Well Structure Storage Volume (CF) Width (ft.) Length (ft.) DW-1 6.00 2.00 2.20 1.80 1.60 4.0 = 6.5 46.8 DW-2 6.00 2.00 2.20 1.80 1.60 4.0 6.5 46.8 DW-3 6.00 2.00 2.20 1.80 1.60 4.0 6.5 46.8 DW-4 6.00 2.00 2.20 1.80 -1.60 • - 4.0 6.5 46.8 DW-5 6.00 2.00 2.20 1.80 1.60 4.0 6.5 46.8 Well Discharge Rate (CFS) 8.02 *Based on average existing perimeter grade elevation. **Assuming 100-foot casing length and headloss of 0.022 feet per foot of casing. Total Storage (CF)-234.00 7. Detention Time: The drainage well structure must be designed to detain runoff for a minimum of 90 seconds prior to discharge. Qd = Design Runoff Rate (CFS) = Vd = Detention Volume (CF) = Qd x 90 sec. = Vdi = Detention Volume Per Well (CF) = W = Width of Well Structure (ft.) =' L = Length of Well Structure (ft.) = 3.73 CFS 335.26 CF 67.05 CF 4.0 ft. 6.5 ft. Ham. is the minimum depth required from the top of well casing to the floor of the well box to achieve 90 second detention time: Rini.. (ft.) = Vdl / (W x L) = 2.60 ft. 8. Excess storm water runoff excluding well structure storage: Time Well Discharge : Rate (CFS) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Accumulated. Storm Runoff (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 8.02 3,850 2,328 -1,523 10 600 8.02 4,813 2,801 -2,012 15 900 8.02 7,219' 3,844 -3,375 23.61 1,416.36 8.02 11,361 5,276 -6,085 30 1800 8.02 14,439 6,123 -8,315 40 2400 8.02 19,251 7,189 -12,062 50 3000 8.02 24,064 8,028 -16,037 60 3600 8.02 28,877 8,704 -20,173 90 5400 8.02 43,316 10,127 -33,189 120 7200 8.02 57,754 11,028 -46,726 180 10800 8.02 86,631 12,106 -74,525 9. Excess storm water runoff including well structure storage: Time Accumulated StonnRunoff (CF) Storage in Well Structure (CF) Accumulated Well Discharge Volume (CF) Total Overflow Volume (CF) (Min.) (Sec.) 8 480 2,328 234 3,850 -1.756.59 10 600 2,801 234 4,813 -2,245.58 15 900 3,844 234 7,219 -3,609.23 23.61 1,416.36 5,276 234 11,361 -6,319.09 30 1800 6,123 234 14,439 -8,549.01 40 2400 7,189 234 19,251 -12 296.04 50 3000 8,028 234 24,064 -16,270.55 60 3600 8,704 234 28,877 -20,406.72 90 5400 10,127 234 43,316 -33.422.53 120 7200 11,028 234 57,754 -46,959.76 180 10800 12,106 234 86,631 -74,759.40 Safety Factor Safety Factor 2.15% 2.25% SITE UTILITY STUDY for Oaks Garden Homes: 3129-3165 NW 11 St. I. F.I.R.M. FLOOD ZONE AE 8.0 = 8.00 NGVD II. EXISTING ADJACENT ROAD CROWN and BACK -of -SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS: C.O.R. = Crown of Road B.O.S. = Back of Sidewalk Highest = Highest between C.O.R. and B.O.S. NW 11th Street Exist. elev. (NGVD) C.O.R. B.O.S. Highest East 9.13 8.61 9.13 West 8.84 8.43 8.84 average 8.98 8.52 8.98 III. CITY of MIAMI FLOODPLAIN CRITERIA: 9.13 = Highest adjacent road crown or back -of -sidewalk elevation at any point along frontage. 10.04 = Lowest allowable FFE per City Floodplain Criteria IV. LOWEST FFE ALLOWED by CITY of MIAMI WITH WAIVER: Average adjacent elevation across RAN frontage. Lowest allowable FFE (avg. adjacent + 11 inches) NW 11 St. 8.98 9.90 V. AVERAGE PERIMETER GRADE ELEVATION: Average perimeter grade elevation = Average B.O.S. = 8.5 NGVD Attachment E MDWASD Water and Sewer Atlases (7270 '•� 4 i (7270 \ • 5! i 727p ) 0 (8424 \I ►788 1 i co 4" NW12ST _81so`) \. 7 70) (7577 a 1 (7270 (7788• \. (7386 ll` 2 • 7370 � \ 1 �' a o. Jy ,991 1 • •' / '\ NW 11 M K oI z'i I (7788 12 N (7894 ,l 1 ✓ram (17547ks ; t1 • N. .17270 \ 4 I .270 5 y , ST (8114 ) so , 1 y 8424 ) • 7397 1 / (7983 1 2 NW 12ST (8180 1 5- /7'4-386)7 2 NW 13 61" ...... 981' • • 1 2 79 1 F-- L.) 1=11 T " 4- 5- 1— ( (7386 2 / (7386 ‘) 1 759 \ _ 56 I r I r r �y yl \ -ff•. 1565 1,,, 19 0 161 --- _ 183 182 HOP +OVEOVE HOP 17 yx''----y^ 6 ..... 1 V> 184 185 18 15 Lu 1- z 56 `, 5 6 14 NW 12 ST / -----, � 5-__ 1 \`�� HOP 0. '204 Attachment F Pump Station Monthly Information Pump Station Monthly Information: Pump Station: 30-0117 Atlas Page: IPIPILI Moratorium: MIAMI DADE WATER 5 EWER DEPARTMENT . . . - — Address: 11090 NW 35 CT User: neunar Moratorium in effect swim lit/maw • Dec Fame 1111,10-1,, Section-TownshifsRanS.P 6e,eaIo 5j• Telemetry 1K...A Type: E3 Clan: Speed: H.P.: Number of Pumps: 2 Yearly NAPOT (hist 6.49 Res flovefgpdr 45,817 Proi Napot 6.71 hrs Cap: 67.1 ET clock 417.73..., Stn Gross Capacity{gpd] 4.896.11011 Station Reduction Factor 1 Stn Net Cap CertifIgpd) cr"--7 Stn Net Capacity(gsdi 4.896.0101 Indicated Fkii•sigpdt 1.323,960 D-.4*-NwiN77.66.1Asiiowno#5.060$14,0*,,,hco.iiii*ikifi*..zatmaggernw-01-4%444n-4 9/9/2116 . 6111 • !. 6.11 Y 2..• ; • • " !BRODSR • 14 EV10/2005 '5.92 5t92 !Y [2 BRODSR 6110/2006 16.91 16..91 11 12 I BNObiN '1411 4/12/2005 7.54 7.54 ly 12 1BR1:69R 41,1 40,7,1440: , Dat.e: 41-41,11 WRZ PiT4414 Mo.NAPDT Avg Daily: Rdg Flg: Pump: Comments: IMP:t1 0.813 99,9MI P.7.7J Rattan teReinitif ireeziwsivIK1 'Update R cadre Export Data fr? S.tatiosyMark--k,C=6,1-144-4Clitit -41f4:4VM Attachment G FEMA FIRM Map Miami -Dade County Flood Criteria Map AverageOctober Water Table Map 9130 S. DADELAND BLVD. ® Suite 102 -:• Miami, Florida 33156' Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Phone: 305 670-9120 Fax: 305 670-9360 OAKS GARDEN HOMES FEMA FLOOD MAP • Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 9130 S. DADELAND BLVD. Suite 102. Miami, Florida 33156 Phone: 305 670-9120 Fax: 305 670-9360 OAKS GARDEN HOMES FLOOD CRITERIA MAP t5 - DROWARD 3, ritirA;t, 4 C4k4t s Isoz M043 kOtttCi ttTr 6St4 • /It NC �t r, I s e43r iQ 724 • 4 470 ISO ti its ♦ 610 N Tama t RAT r4 4 trtr •.} gr'vt 1# i PROJECT SITE ias i•t� at• LEGEND: � 2-- (ESTIMATED) =NOTES : .1. CONTOUR INTERVAL 1.0 FOOT. (Except at indicated) Kimley-Horn and Associates,1' 9130 S. DADELAND BLVD. Suite 102 Miami, Florida 33156 Phone: 305 670-9120 Fax: 305 670-9360 OAKS GARDEN HOMES AVERAGE OCTOBER GROUND WATER LEVEL 1960-75 10/17/2005 MON 1.5:58 FAA 3055077005 EAST USI !&1 WJUU I UZ © BELLSOUTH BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. Fax 3056677005 Planning & Provisioning 7325 S.W. 48th Strost Second Floor Miami, FL 33155 Carlos U. Garcia, F.E. Area Manager - Engineering and Construction Network Department October. 17, 2005 City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Ave. Suite 412 Miami, Florida. 33130 Dear Mr. McMahon: Ref.: New Development at 3129-3165 N.W. 11 ST. Miami, Fl. TEL. (305) 663-8220 FAX (305) 667-7005 This is in response to your request as to the availability of telephone service for the above reference project. BellSouth Telecommunications will make telephone service available coincident with the needs of your tenants.. The installation of our equipment will depend upon the completeness and suitability of the entrance conduit, equipment space, riser conduit, sleeves and other distribution facilities to be provided by the building owner. Office/Commercial space buildings usually require that telephone service be brought to the building at a common point, near the electric meters. The BellSouth Building Industry Consultants service will work with you and your design team to plan for the efficient distribution of service•to all occupants. The Building Industry Consultant for the reference project is Harold Elosegui (305 260-8241).He will provide all the information about service distribution on your property. You, or your Architect, should contact him now to avoid service delays. Please, feel free to contact me, or Mr. Gustavo Hernandez at (305). 663-8228, if you have any questions, or if we could be of further assistance. Sincerely yours, C. O. Garcia, P.E. Area Manager MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA August 16, 2004 Mr. Alberto de Armas Premium Construction 3663 SW 8 St. # 205 Miami, Florida 33135 RE: Oaks Twin Homes 3129&3159NW11St. Miami, Florida 17 Twin Homes FOLIO: 01-3133-022-0710 & 01-3133-022-0730 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT WATER AND WASTEWATER DIVISION 33 S.W. 2nd AVENUE SUITE 500 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1540 Dear Mr. Alberto de Armas: This letter is to acknowledge your request to this office regarding sewer certification for the above -mentioned project. The closest public sanitary sewer line is an existing 20" gravity main abutting the property at NW 11 Street and directs the flow to pump station 30-0117 and a 42" force main, both of these mains direct the flow to pump station 30-0001 and then downstream to the Central District Treatment Plant. Please be advised that pump station 30-0117 is currently operating at 7.02 hours/day and has a 7.18 hours/day projected NAPOT that is within the mandated criteria set forth in -the First Partial Consent Decree and all these gravity and force main systems are owned and operated by Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department. After evaluating the proposed subject property for connection to the sanitary sewer system, at this time the sewer system does have adequate capacity for the proposed development. Finally, please note that this determination does not constitute an allocation or certification of adequate transmission system capacity. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact our office at 372-6899. Sin Fr Lezcand Engineer III Office of Municipality Plan Review Services Department of Environmental Resources Management Cc: File