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ZB Application & Supporting Docs
• to HEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 ® Fax 305-416-2035 www.miamigov.com PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ATLAS AND/OR OVERLAY DISTRICT • • Welcome to Hearing Boards! This application is intended to serve as a guide in acquainting you with our public hearing process. By any means, please feel free to contact us at the number above, should you have any questions. CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Copies of lobbyist documentation with proof of payment must be submitted with the complete application. The deadline to file the complete application with supporting documents is the first five working days (1-5) of each month from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. Please note that pursuant to Section 1304.2.2 of the Miami Zoning Ordinance, no application shall be deemed to have been fled unless and until the applications shall have been completed. All pertinent and accurate information/documentation; i.e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and all supporting materials. If you like, you could bring the materials to our office for staff review before the deadline to ensure the application is complete. Upon submittal, this application must be accompanied with a signed Zoning Referral. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney. will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. Copies of City Commission resolutions can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Applications for Zoning Change (Amendment to Zoning Atlas and/or Overlay District) and Land Use Change (Amend the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan) will not be accepted unless it is signed or initialed and dated by the Planning Department designee. Rev. 01-06-06 Javier F. Avino. on behalf of Citiscuare Group LLC as contract purchaser and Knight Ridder Newspapers Inc., owner , hereby apply to the Miami City Commission for approval in accordance with Article 22 of the Miami Zoning Ordinance, and in support of that request, furnish the following: Obtain signature or initial and date by the Planning Department designee prior to submittal. 2. Address(es) and folio(s) of property: 1 Herald Plaza 3. Two (2) 11x17" original surveys of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of the application. 4. Present zoning designation(s): C-2 Statement as to why the present zoning designation is inappropriate. The present zoning is inappropriate as it is the only site in the surrounding area zoned C-2. In addition, the intent of C-2 is to service other businesses and be almost that of an industrial area. This is not the present character of the surrounding area with the new performing arts center and the new residential and mixed -use developments being built. 5. Future zoning designation(s): SD-6 Statement as to why the proposed zoning designation is appropriate. The SD-6 category is most appropriate for this area because it captures the goal of the revitalization of this area. It is also appropriate as the properties that surround the site are presently zoned SD-6. 6. The property/location listed does not have any open code enforcement/lien violations. 7. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 8. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year that shows the present owner(s) and legal description of the property. 9. A dear and legible copy of the subject property address and legal description on a separate sheet of paper, labeled as "Exhibit A". 10. Affidavit and disclosure of ownership of the subject property (see pages 4 and 5). 11. Certified list of owners of real estate within 500 feet of the subject property (see pages 6 and 7). 12. What is the acreage of the project/property site? Approx. 4.58 acres • 13. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? No Please contact the Planning Department on the 3`d Floor for information. Rev. 01-O6-06 2 14.. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? No Please contact the Planning Department on the 3ra Floor for information. 15. For corporations and partnerships, the following documents are to be submitted: a) Articles of Incorporation b) Certificate from Tallahassee less than one (1) year old showing good standing c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so d) For non-profit organizations only: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old 16. Ail documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8 1/2 x11 ") or other materials to be submitted at the hearing shall be submitted with this application and will be kept as part of the record. 17. Cost of processing according to Section 62-156 of the Miami City Code: Change of zoning classification: CS, PR, R-1, R-2, per square foot of net lot area $ .15 Minimum $ 635.00 R-3, R-4, 0, G/!, HP per square foot of net lot area $ .20 $ 750.00 Minimum C-1, C-2, I, per square foot of net lot area Minimum CBD and all SD's, per square foot of net lot area Minimum Public hearing and public meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling and mailing per notice Signature Name Telephone 305-579-0703 Date Javier F. Avino E-mail Address avinoi otlaw.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAM1-DADE $ .25 $ 900.00 $ .30 $ 1,000.00 $ 3.50 Address 1221 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this _ r ' ^f 20 ' . by Javier F. Avino who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally.no tn..tgfrie or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Sigr0 Rev. 01-06-06 3 • • • AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, this day personally appeared Larry D. Marbert, who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That he is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Code attic City of Mann, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the foregoing pages of this affidavit and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, including or X not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing pages which are made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone number and legal descriptions for the real property of which he is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Larry D. Marbert Applicant Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me Larry D. Marbert who is an agent for the Owners of kn2r to me or who has produced take an oath. this o2 7 day of 2006 by the property. He is pe Wally as identification and who did oT;YAe., Deborah A. Carman ry^„ _° - Commissian #17D2 i7355 :1n` expires: Iran 27,2007 .F6F vta� Bonded Thru Atlantic .Bonding Co., Inc. AFFIDAVIT f Before me, the undersigned, this day personally appeared Javier F. Avino , who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That helshe is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the foregoing pages of this affidavit and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, ❑ including or 0 not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing pages are made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Javier F. Avino Applicant Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Applant Signature The foregoing was acknowledged before me this , F day of 20 -r , by Javier F. Avino who i i a(n)`\; individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take are oath:._. (Stamp) Rev. 01-06-06 4 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP 3. List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Owner's Name(es) Subject Property Address(es) Telephone Number E-mail Address Knight Ridder, Inc. a Florida Corporation approx. One Herald Plaza See attached Exhibit "A" Knight Ridder Newspapers, Inc., is owned by: The Miami Herald Publishing Company Richwood, Inc. Knight Ridder, Inc. all publicly owned companies 4. Street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property: a) Owned by any party listed in answer to question #1; and b) Located within 500 feet of the subject property. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Street Address 425 NE 13 Street 1431-1451 N. Bayshore Dr. Javier F. Avino Owner or Attorney Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Legal Description Tract A of Knight Ridder PB 151-78 Lots 1 and 3 of Por of Nelson Villa PB9,174 !Owner or Attorney Signature The.foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of L-_ 20 CI, , by Javier F. Avino who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personal_krlow._to me_or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Rev. 01-06-06 CONTRACT PURCHASER DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Owner's Name(es) Citisquare Group, LLC Subject Property Address(es) approx. One Herald Plaza See attached Exhibit "A" Telephone Number 305-416-4556 E-mail Address r7 i i C. 2. Street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property: a) Owned by any party listed in answer to question #1; and b) Located within 500 feet of the subject property. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Street Address Legal Description None Javier F. Avino Owner or Attorney Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Owner'pr Attorney Signature Tie foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of �-' 20 ; , by Javier F. Avino who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally... known to -me -or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Rev. 01-06-06 EXRIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL e;°,_ Tract A, HERALD PARK, according to the plot thereof as nacorded in Piot Book 121 of Page 4 of the Public Records of 1f3emi-Dodo County, florid°. LESS AND EXCEPT: A the bot ofRecordsTract of A", Moro Ni-Dade HERALD PARK, according to the plot thereof os recorded In Piat Book 121 crt Pogo 4 of County, F1o►id°, being mors porticulary dsscrtbtd as follows; Begin at the Northeast corner of Bold Tract "A"; thence S02'03'581s' along the East line of sold Tract `.e,, for 151.113 feet; thence S89'51'40111 far 157.55 feet; thence NOQ08'20)41 for 9.00 toot, thence S8g'51'4Abt for 36.00 feet; thermos S00'08'20"E for 9.00 feet; thence S89'5140'W for 127.18 feet to a point on the W of said Tract A'; the following three (3) courses being along the exterior line thence NOI1"OE'20"Y for 119.51 test to a boundary line of said Tract "Am', ( ) along a 25.00 foot for loadingpaint of curvature concave to the Southeast; (2) theme Northeasterly along test too to the right through a antral angle of 88'45'18` for on orc distance of lest to the Point of Beginning (3)thence N85 36'SE`E Wong the North rne of said Tract A` for 3(12 16 • • • • EXHIBIT "B" Citisquare Group Property, LLC List of Owners and Percentage Ownership Pedro A. Martin 20% Jorge Rosenblut 5.33% Raimundo Onetto 5.33% Patricio Kreutzberger 5.33% Manuel Grosskopf 6.5% Michael Fuchs 21.25% Aby Rosen 21.25% Hank 5opher 7.5% Shayla Boymelgreen 7.5% • a ► % R'% `i kx t; i i . � ;6�t i dti S ' v • 1 i r ' i .z i i tW s rur i i lQ�� CJxC C� • +� 4;� Q;4 iC7 ! %c 4134 OWiC.J� t . .pi lCJi:. X ! 'PO ifi i 1r7 i SDI !. n+! i r i s) ! o� ! x�r i. Sit n sx °V‘ I • r•• 0• • ti O • • nS t x r k ok' J' R o. S The document number of this limited liability company is M05000004408. •-Q •�• 1 further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office i! R through December 31, 2005, and its status is active. f k �Q• I further certify that said limited liability company has not filed a Certificate of y�w Withdrawal. t� • T 0 •sc• a k 3 -^•- K/y• N. •. •O• •• •zr• ••• •K• ,L • .• �0- s 0 ,e- •• © • . ••• • 7 `�R s •#• drOk ••• X0is y • -. SON :• CO; •R• •• • CIiC • - • • ap; • • ScO •x• tpk • ••w Y • • S�. • 0 • 5. • • a • e - - >O ! ; •.. ii + i i ze4i ;ice;' 'i nii ...! ' 111 1 ati; •ricks:;raien. lxsi:rti;rvli • p•�v-C? ©34G'> C:NxCJ C.�xCJ-C=-G= C:J#G> G.> Cr.)G >#C7pCJ.nC�•c cr.) c •Q•C'J Gx2c=,-C>#C7•CJ-• linaIv 111%4 of tirariwixai evei1a:ri%.111 Ilir+ IF•get rAlicalivoliv!RR-sift-4R!titi 'lR4i'xS%441 ,le:4RR0itr,;Vain 0 • • • ItE - GOO vC raUst j3e.portmpnl of *fate certify from the records of this office that CITISQUARE GROUP, LLC, is a Delaware limited liability company authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on August 9, 2005. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capitol, this the Twelfth day of January, 2006 C.661 LAlb Lcret�ir llf StZ1tC 0 CR2E022 (01-06) lr�fv. <...�.1. f i Ra.73247 de this 18th day of November, A..D D. 1971, by and 11, C0?4?a*tY OF P1;`N9YLyAstA, a corporation organized and exhaling virtue of the oE...ti Commonwealth of i"ynnsytvania, successor... Sun pil.0 a,i'cnnaylVanfe, herein fter called the. Grantor. ,r Cot+PA"Y, a Florid+..cor peration,. 1 SSeraid Plat , called the Grants+ * - tSSETNt... That the said Grantor; for as>d to consideration of the Rum of � 0O r lawful mcAey of the Lr%ttsd States, the lefty,'Chuuaan<i.Dollars:(S•iF.UOfI,: f altenedr... anted bargained, sold, receipt hereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, :. these presents cloth grants. car+iee8.: released, conveyed: an4 '.:fuhe med and by said Grantee arA+.ftt, salt, niter, rccstae«:ralease, convey and confirm unto The ani to its successors and assigns forever, all that CtrtAin'paTCel of land lying a:xd helm: in the County of Date and state of Florida, more particularly described as £ollos: Lot P-1o1.;WSVA' F,lii..a.ccordi, ; tc Plat thereof as :recorded in Plat Book.5 at Page 1:0 of te Public Records of Da4v County. Flortda,:.less the following dentribedpo Correoce at.:the .h+ariiwest corner of said l.ot. Q-l; thence run Sr -0,4!..-drt aloha :: the :Kest line of said:.i-ot Radistal of 7.19 feet to:the; Potnt.of:8eginning'and tothe:b of a curve, coneavr.,ts the northeast; thence.; run Southeasterl along said circular cuu"e, having p Ratline of:L4:,.Ftet and as Arc distance or 62.65,Feet through' aCentra3;angie,;of.. -:..,::. ot'-t1"..:.to.the `:end'o€:said curve0heoce run T87`:-54'-17"A. parallel to .tl* South line of said: lot P-1 for:44..02 2pY t.::' to.e'potnt ena.aurve; thence cur Sauthvestecly ,..:: circular curve, concave to tl l;orthveet:havi.n8,-a Aadfus' of 25Feet and a *antral ante of 78'-21'..27" forltanhaarc thence run.587-54.'"t7' .along: distance: of: 1707 feet to s Point of:Tangenc ...... the s lime of 4of la t P-1: the South ',too of said Lot. P-1 for112.16e t.°tbe Southwest corner Lot P-1, thence U32"14 1 along the ¶eit:ltne of: said totbP-1gfor 43.the ftSty t to the +. emi Point ' of Beginning'.Lying Dacia County, Florida.. remiseR.cvmeyed-to..5an.0i �. pie County, Florida, in:Ilop0379..of:.. BctnA A: * c by..deed•recordd; Otedar :Page . 42is bjeet: to: restrict rwey corporatl: 1508. valtnut .Street WAKE HERAID±, IITAT 4JC[i� '€NARY Lloco-tEttuovf .3 Moll* saenLsm+�� vlth all the. iIrprovse ath> tenements, hersdit sen ftic interest and estaee.xvtr i htk:s._,, " cvcry Prtvilege.' x & � �;: . apPu�ttienres����: c� "=tn taiei►+�.<��;<�: a went thereto. bciim In anywise appe vO RaaiD thmaic ether vtt the hersditame � tthtssuss and assigns, in refor ratirtor does hareby'evet with the Grantee. by through"or'. nde .the `Hhttiaslwfu Tclai �.W '=� � of xit pces�ta � . that �"��T#i rant . f ragtsr[!is lawfully,setsedwaftsose p tit Rt� �."< = it'scsd lawful encurh'ances 'SxcePt as aforesaid* thal the Grantor has Roadtt rsarrsnL tha title authority .t0.scil tie sasses and the Grantor"does hereby fully to that"will defend the sage against the lawful clef*, of sit persons I:="mod g whomsoever claiming or to claim by, through or under the Grantor. Ilk"�.tMESS WIIER4OFs the Grantor has caused this Deed to be sienrd in its nay " s i' .'ter, Karketing &eat Estate and Development and" its corporate day',arxi !€ +t #itit above written, Still OIL pptY i?Y V 17 eRi:-YDEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this day oL October, A. D. 1959 between JA?MES L. PASQUARELLO and MARIE P. FRISCH, as Trustasa for Paaquereilo Holding Company, a co -partnership and not a corporation, and JAMS L. PASQUARELLO, individually, and joined by his wife, FIANCES PASQUAKELLO, and MARIE P. FRISCH, individually, and Joined by her husband, FRED FRISCH, and C(4CETTA PASLtUARELW, an unrewarded widow, AUGUSTINE PASQUARELLO, a single man, FRED P. PASQUARELID, a single man, THERESA A. LORINO and JOHH LOR.IHO, her husband, RALPH 3.. PASQUARP1LI1, a single man, and ELSIE PASQUARELLO, a single woman, of Lit ;ounty of Dada and State of Florida, parties ai the iirat par:, and THE MIAMI H3$ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, a Florida corporation, having its principal place of businesa in the County 'L Dade and State of Florida, p :y of the second pert. (address.: WUU South 4iaan Avenue, Miami, Florida) 4STNESSETa: That the a parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEtLLARS 010.00) and other good end valuable considerations, to thew in ha7 ;id by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hareL, .,cgnowledgsd, have granted, bargained and sold co the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever, de g ,ollowin:.. the A ascribed land situate, lying and Doing in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to -wit: Lots P-2, P-3 and P-4 of CAUSEAAY FILL, according to the Plat thereof racordad in Plat Book 5, at Page 120, of the Public Records of ")ode County, Florida, with all iaiprovsmants thereon and all riparian rights appartainiug thereto; SUBJECT, however, to the rights of Dodo County, Florida in and to that portion thereof taken in those certain condemnation proceedings now pending in the Circuit Court of Bade County, Florida, Law No. 59L-2580, dsacribsd as follows: That part of Lots P-2 and P-3 of tbs Causeway Fill, according to the plat thereof racordad inFPlat Book5 at e5catbPaPage 1 0 o f tthe Public Reeorda of Dodo County, atd Beginning at chit northwest cornet of said Lot P-2 run S i' 48'23" I along the West lino of said Lot 10-2 for a distance of 20.2 foot to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the left; thanes run along the arc of aaid circular curve to the left, having the radius of 25 foot and a ceazral angle of 5.0', for an arc distance of 39.27 feet to the point of tangency with the South lime of said Lot P-2; thence run rib W11.37" S along tha South line of said Lots P-2 and P-3 for a distance of 175.40 fast to tha paint of curvature of a circular curve to the loft; theme's run along the arc of v 1 said circular curve to the left, having the radius of 25 fast and a central eagle of 71'43'20", for 8a'39dists* * of a 31.30 foot to a point; then** run S of curvature of f circular distant, of 1b.52 feat to thaw P fba are of sold ocrrcuis curve to the right; thence run along ular curv* to the right, having a radius of 1427.19 fast and a cantrai angle of 6'31'59", for as sr* dlrtancs of 162.74 feet to a point of compound curvatnrs with a circular curve to the right, bsvias a radius of 25 feet; thence runs along the arc of said circular curve to the right, having a central angle of 90', for an arc distance of 39.27 fast to the point of tangency with a lice that is 20 fret East of and p*rall*l to tha West lios of tbs aforesaid Lot P-2; chance run North 1'48'23" W, along the line tan:sat to the last described North curve, for a distance of 14.24 feat to a point on line of said Lot P-2; thence run S 88'11'37" W along the North line of said Lot P-2 for a distance of 20 foot to tbs Point of Beginning, AND Lot P-4 of the Causeway Fill, according to the plat tber*of rscordad in Plat book 5 at Pate 120 of tlof Public said Records of Dada County, Florida, LISS that p dascribsd as follows: beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot f-4 run East along the north line of said Lot Pf4r for a distance of 173.85 fast; thenon ha 33 *un81'9'8' of a itstance of 174.99 fest to a point said Lot P-4, said point losing 19.91 fast South of the afore- said Northwest corner of Lot P-4; thence run North along West line of Lot F-4 for a distance of 19.91 feet to th* Point of Beginning. AND That certain tract of land lying betwsen th, Easterly extensions of the North and South linos of the aforesaid beingLot P-4 t y e East ps of Lot P-4 andbounoh d•d onthelast*hh i bytha*xistiagbulkheadid line of Biscayne Day. This Dead also conveys all right, tills and interest of th aso undersigned as &encsrs iu inters to The Csusivay Cos,Qi4 in and to that curtain 99-Ysar Lease bstvaen Th* Cans*�+gY' Company, as Lessor, and Cilbaw, ion., as L.sssie, the isid Cilhw, Inc. having assigned its intsreat 1 said �:aaes to the said Thu Miami Harald p b1tid 3YifgaroU ass"bsl gs�uaent dated Saptasbsr 15, 1958, teid August 29, 195o. SUBJECT to taxes for the year 1958 and subisgvsot years, ' conditions, restrictions and limitatioi' of-rraora, ap- plicab1s coning ordinances, essaaantioi recorl for pub.l-i't utilities and other purposes, and to/Written-lsass;ri'n favor of Orkin Exteraiaatiag Company of $Guth Y,lvrlda;'Inc. and Peso D'OI Sales Corporation, wbosetatoreat-is now °woad by Plough, Inc. - And the said parties of the first part do hsraby fully Warrant z..a -_ a to -� said lend, and will defsod the easmm against the lawful claims of all persons 2- 1714 -?53 the foragoias dead, and Acenouladiad before me that they executed z meoe freely and voluntarily for the perposea therein empressed. WITNESS my aad official seal At and State, this day of OCAC , 1959. said the •' • - • C12111:',) t 1 Notar Public, State loridA at My Conmissaion expires 1.34r>tv ol Dade. tho tnstturnelir tecord ao fMy teurdin OfEW,Ikk. Pagt—t,..5741ie YR. •-/ , #S. 1—Esa 11-1C#4#.4.4#: C*11 Cncw! Cow/ -4- IN 11TNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto sat their bands and seals tha day and year above written. S ;nod, aeald and delivered in the presence !ff;J ': '✓ v� ' -James L. Pasquorsllo (SEAL) (SEAL) atie F. Frisch, AS TRUSTEES FOR PASQUARELLO HOLDING COMPANY, a co-partnerabip and not a corporation ;r , J,aaaa L. Pasquarailo Frances Paassguarello ?j/dir?tX4.4.4'6ia P. Frisch ""t.e (SEAL) Fred Frisch (SEAL) (SEAL) 41.0444., ere (SAL) (SEAL) a A. Lorin° E"-.1/6� (SEAL) John Torino � f /. !'...�'=�.r'r4.f(sEA' ) Ral�Psaquarajio .icti.0 t) (SEAL) Elsie Pasqua r 10 STATE OF IW tDA COUNTY OF DARE EEFORL NI, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared lo Company, s -pArtaarsbiy� Trustees a not A corporation, JAM L. ?A.SQUA/Z1ding LL and FIANCES PASQUAYILWO, his wits, MAUL t. FRIICH and no pUISC1i, her husband, CONCITTA ?ASQUARILLO, an unrema=rtsd widow, A1iGUSTI X PASQUA/IUD, s single rw, FRED P. PASQUAI,=0, a siasts w, = AEU A. LOIIMO and JOIN LOTtINO, her husband, PALPS A. ?A$QBA1ZL10, a single man, and ILSII PASQUARZUA, a single woman, to me well nova to be the parsons described in and who executed �aaaa,. rn oflo r.r So.�o.e..v.aar rACs a. O..Pco•4 PORK sib erica a•usa,rsarura CO00g188/e0ty !CAM 28. 81.0181-0.4 arrant Drat Jnliruiure, Arad, day of .4.Ja.fv`r4-1 ltk31; t:t;r WI,i.►.IAM C. 1LcXASTER , joined by hie wife isDIT`{ii O. McHASTk:RS of th.• ('.wnry of "� ;alsvy and silo.. of !`"- 4c) parrs ies "f the fir" part, awdTHE MANI HE .ALD PUBLISHING COMPANY . a rorprrrmrirrrQ (Address: 20 S0. M1a,ai Avanua, Masi, Florida) .:astintt um!,Ph - seine of thus 5rase ni Florid* . J,au:nii it. pr:.,ri p..t rd.,r< of rltfJinr•.x fn tJr.r (:Minty of Dade .,d s,.&. al Florida. and Thu fully authorised to tranaart business in the Suss* of Floras- Parr,' n( the wraad part. acil 11 f. Eth Th! i1,::; part eeVeolTiki USi P'¢r1.sfn I4 1dRLi.ratiois of ahr sum .r; TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOAD AND VALUABLE CGNSIDkhiAT1UNS 21tdLX ,.. that it an hand paid by the said party of th, wrrmd part. she re...ipr w"hrr.a,J r hereby u'it nro- t,.Ig..t. haws Frentrd, barha+n.d and *OW to th. •wad party of the a rrxad part. rag aurrrsaora and n.sisna l .rrw-air. th.- f.,Ft.neing rie�arrih d two aitwafe, lying arid b.ntrrt isr the (:,ntnty of Dade eyed State of Florida, de+ -aril: Lots E.-5.and 4`;oi:THECAUSEWAY FILL, according"tothe`Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 120 of the Pub- lic Records of Dade County, Florida. Together with all of the furniture, furnishings and fixtures located in the buildings situated on the above described property. This deed is given subject to that certain mortgage dated December. 19, 1952 given b by Robert Rosenberg ar d Anna Rosen erg i3";. er `,- wife to A. R. Dicgkenson in the:original prin- cipal amount of 444,�.00 which mortgage is recorded in Mtg. Book 2793 at aga'345 of the Public Records of Dade Count23 orida. This deed is also given subject to restrictions and limitations of record and taxes subsequent to the year 1955. 4n.t thr av-i part ies ai tltr first part do herwby )ally warrant the ribs rn mu/ fend. and n"ijJ d.• ea.t eh.- .ant.• aeainzt th.• 14.110i maims of 4I1 prra+arsa taltummr,.-err. J1 ii 17 E.' u•1l :REOF, a ir..i.1 parties of oho fires parr have h.•rruaP.. a -P their 1an.1 s and s+aie the day sand year abawr smitten. rignert. seat='11 snit It4.1t1Y'r+•.l in pr'et nee asf ws: i' • x{ �tta..� jc r !!'1 Fdith O. Mc.ilsatara s• 'a..,o. STAFF: OF t 0[) T•Y OF✓ - 3 3}trsbg atrttfil, rlat an skis dapper""" 'al)' `ft"r"f Wore meo, n4icar duly a7Jrharriar'd 1t> aftninirrrr wtha and take acknoaledirma;1t1. WILI.IAM Ca MCMk3TERa joined by q80 his wife EDITH O. 1{c14A5LER3 t„ rnr urll Lnrw. tan br Ihr person.* dry -Tiber! u and who a_xecu:rd:he foregoinll dyed. and achn.u,- 1.'tdxr l ta.+doer rnr rhar they e2oc'isto the rant (rf y and t2luntarily for the p.rrpJ+se'$ Jhrrr era r•, far rased. y� �•}f ,.Ft �t�T.f�U O. if ��rs� tl hn[wS46 to nW ..:0 3 )ttr1lii r t rr1ifji. That the said EDITH. O. McMASTER5 an ea sr ?/ i.rul pt oar ,, br• rhr wife of Ow raid WILL IAM C. KCl1 8TE apart fralm her said husLwrrt dui rrrnanr- retarfrenari.at !slurs and node by and before me, eepar y pa a,Wj nitro n o rrnonnring, ry nquishintt F •,that the made hdrartf a party to rater (df•.d (or chs purpose red orOff 7rparate property, uatutory or equitably. +lsug(ha�ht, hand; aru1 int rein, rr duuwr, hnmteu •: rn-+.W,ltla,tl)e danrli d,•srib<•d therein, arui that rhr rzecn:,d the rand deed' fr.•+�ly and voluntarily and ,: it . nit'fi;y�,sij/�Yrdaton a„natrainr, apprrhrhsion, or few Ora- from h.-r said husband. ' 3144 ,a _7 !7 ��.K,. Cautery o1 {,jx. •y , nil hand and oflirial real aJ (,�•- . A. 9. 10 S S �kk _ �^- ' day r,f 1�t,.e.L4 n:ud s '-", - this �i 4f / ...... ���,;' r.1 Awary l'nblrr. Stair al ° 6---&, ,6' Ai).rnmmilaton <expire's ( c.Y % / 6 11 ,,,,..., .-LJ11. rrF F'l.atd[11l#. <.nnra ,,T 3 1irttbii Trttifg. That on this slay perrarra:Ey appeared brfrtrr, mr. an nilftrr fifth our to mho inteel' oath t anti ta4r ar'' -- -ed%merits. rn rnr• u.•fd known tea be the pe•rrrsn r.lge-e1 !weary liar theca , prevuli ll[lt8% ins! o„ad .t(jiria! c ml at Ito of riot oto, tA trrnierd the (rrriguing deed, and nf,nou'. or frrr t re.l:rrsfanLi lot ihr• pea rinrsr•' thrr.=in day of ..9. 5 ock WARRANTY DICED tyn 7154101 . Z as ilia .3nbrniurr. rtiao LIAM 7? h day of tsar_ _.r'i a rs.e Pmwwa Aaru-,wi r01.9.1.4UO., MIMIC. ru.w. ! Aprii A. D. 19ri5 BETWEEN M. A. SMafH, an unmarried woman Suecn'1t and State of Uhl of the. Comity of party of the (iryt part, 4n0 THE 'MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING C01011-ANf a corporation (Addrsar; 200 So. 'Mimi Avttnue, Miami, Florida) ezi.ting under the laws of the Stare ofeta principal place of LS` ho.ir.eea in the County or Dade aatd °:.te at Florida and (awfully authurixrd to transact Marine's ire the Slate of Florida. piny of the second part. WITNESSETIi: That the said part_y_____ of the rir.t part, far and in consideration n( the Alan of Ten Dollars and other valuable considerations .... ih,flara, IQ here __ -.in hatt<i paid by the mid party of the accord part, lite receipt wl,rri-or i. hernial arktiow- lrtigrd. 13ii9 ._. _granted, l,irgrincti ml .ale] to the said party of the aecoad pert, its .o.',rA+„ra and a..eigne, forever, the following described }and, innate, lying anal being in the County of __... and State of Florida, to-v.it: trots E»3, ;E-f., 'E-4 and S-1O tie the. C�:II.:F<` _1 T„ ieror:iint to the plat thereof recorded in Pitt Book 5 ;It. pare 120 of the Pula is Recor ;; of `s-:de County, Florida. Together with the furnishinva, furnitures and fixtures contained in the building situated on the above described property according to the inventory which has been furnished. "uhject to taxes for the year 1954 and _:u', ly. And the said part_. . of the first part do P a hereby fully warrant this tit:. ' ^a .d laud, and will defend the same agaimi the lawful claims of ail perinea wbonteoeyer. lilt f14'iT?v kS.5 'w' [is s'tt.+"s i', the said partY— of the rust part d e i hareetato eel h e r hand_._, and seal the day and year shorn written Signed, sealed and d&Firered in presence of to: 42.7 ��dr° ag y`'�• .,sac„s: td s l�r'ra� (Seal) 4 a'rss• rl txY" s 3 43 ' STATE OF xDO.' Court; 1 iiEREBY CERTIFY, That an tide clay ®ersoraally trprerrd Mare mr.o, at officer itl. ontboriacd to adrolalassa aatha and 4&, SI-T—H- -a--ur twist woman __...-i sod saray.lrHerd before ®a to me wall known to Ito L3 a pnrs • drxaaiwd is and rho eamcvnrd dinfora8aatoa seed, chf. .aeeBMOCtrd the BMOC freely anti volt ntariiy far Mupurpt+aca therein rapeseed. that__ In .. _,..,....,.... MC a orparatc and prtsate to losm the wife at rite said ._ - - - , ..� id isu•br.d, did ockaewied€er that the outdo examination taken to and Made it, and Imeiura air, repot/arc lr., eV t !ilk and ihtrre,t, to said 1.-r fort the Ito • r. to i for i.bina tta, de.rrrt brr+rlf a part? wrvtsry rgimitaltlr, is tad to ikme fan.fa r ..i or front hrlhrr dower. h.,mr. parole t rily �d ai1).i axe} ramp�l.ie.n, cor•ttaint, spprrhrwian or tr• S�er deed fex•r3r and voluntarily ri!) • • .. _, [:oust of _ ._.._ _. s - - m.,�•r "- 'y My h.se1 and aflix:a! Mo3 at__...fi%rr`1' a—.—.. of r L { • A jl. 39iw:_.- i rr i aria _ '- �j ;Votary {'abl•ic. astate - My rnmrnim.ion r{ptn" (( __. ?`i`.4i/ OF FLORIDA. )3F:lO1KBY €:F tTIFY, Thst va this day prraaarily apprtre+i lief..r. our, an offirrr duty roil/m.1r..! to aJoini•irt .wtln nod t:ml.r tatta.lydgomrntm_ . ... _ _. to our writ known to l.r Elie prr.en. _ .. dr.rril•rd in anti who rxrrotrd ihr fot-raoina drrti, sod o/ltsor,lr dgr.! b.furr otr that _ rsrruttd the moor ftre)y anti voloo€oril} for the. pvrporran nlxrrio rxprr•.rd. u'fT1k':: e.+y hand and offu,_. ial mai at ....._ , ; rarity of tool Star . i1.1[01., ibis ....._._.._.—.tle. •if ht a LiDCS ,t, 11. 1'1 s • . ,+.--_.._ ... 40, , x '� ' lip '.' WARRANTY DEED Ira cry*mwAr,oao rtMoit YAK A,eEafcAK YW+MIM6 CGWWa9r10K s6>,swe. rLOn,pn Iht� 1nbrnittre, Made thiia.:/ Z ft day c# .. ..= /, A; the l.nunty of. i{{} stir] State p flate lse._�--- part:. _.. +rf till, firm part, .tsae!THF'... ValAif 1 _li.:.•�I..➢ F'211 .lING. COMI'.Atil corporation 200 :mouth Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida) e;ti+tiilg vndrr the lava of the State of_...__ Florida_.-_..—.- _ — --- --- having its principal plant of r i ri ti ��.+c+. .._._ ..._...._. ._._ 1„s+inrsa i¢c Rhr 4;4.1txnty of____ nPliva.---_-. _ .ter+<l !^tact of. _ _- 0„:1 Lawful]) anth+,ritrd 9n trart-a 1 hnaine¢w in the State e>f }loriela, pa.'r of thr r,-,'Doti part. N'S'(TN I-. S "1'11: That the said parL_Y. ... of the fir+.t part, for and its CVnaid.-ration of the :inn of �ts,Ft 'JAl,l�A' C..'P',S1')[HAi It`hS- - 1k:llarg in hand ilri+i by t1,r paid parts of th+ ,mewed part, tiro Jeceipt +.hcroot i. io•rr•h} .ee l t.s,es te, her granted. l,arjaine d and .old to 11e+• mai.1 party of the •e•+'neld hart- it. robe ---.or* and as-1_n tier.-- t`r- ihr Ie:lloririg dracribed. larbd, aiirtate•, lying asol hying in tit.,-£ on111r •If tf' e1 State of Florida, to -wit: ?.ntK,7 nr E .11 ;! 3;? 1'II•f., a 5uhiivi5ion In ',.rt ,,., `.144 's:':ir• 53 South, it••rtre 42 C:aait, accordinr nt. rereo. , recorded in Plat Took 5, at rrisrw never:is of Ii de County, Florida, et.herwi e KnOW% de5crit•ed a5 Apartment uiiOtt• - located nt '::.le N. Fay Mimi, Florida, 1r •ludinp furniture, I-urni ,1:1.71v3 anti enitinrnFnt now locce t- :tell the -aid part y of the first part do. .e _ herchy fully warrrnl the title• to laid land, anti will defend the *amc ngaitrat the lawful elaina of all persons whoraroever. IN WITNESS W'iiERE(W the amid part__ of the fins part `1oehe mu:. net . h"r hand -_ a nil seal_ . the day and year above written. ell, rcaled and delivered in prwcorc of tea: �ff J t Seal' ' U ,, f' c/ FrATls: of .etokm.. py 1 111:11E.BY CEJT1fl, Mai on Apia day prrtonally apprar..d "V.I.,. we., an <rfrrr.r dub auth<.rjarti tin ..minutes . j a titYDER a a $ir�.°-1.e y!rg._ ri.._--_ _. _______ .__.._._ _._. . aethr and Lake ac>Fata�kd��=aFa._. _______ nc +rr 90 eik llnowo to to the per.00....._...-_— derrrilrrd in wad vb., rzr.•atr € th, fotrxuints det-..., atr.l Are,.,owicdicd L.forr, ma she ..,_ .....,, a a.. oesare erely sod valuntaxlb- for elt-e purpaxa therein ralrresard. Fhat_�.__ . i`mm�n in �s ADti.L1 .rC1iiTITER {:FdRTW}Y, Thal Fhe .aid---- _ _ rtayporatr an Fa be the wife or Ow aai�—'� —. - 1 r r made and b and 17:1 c nee, ar art from i rant . R3iAN dr.poatiou token a� madr by 3c 1 mill her MIO'. $ill. and intrer„t, 1, 47, F0.4'. to mild Jr.d for the j,nry,� 01 nn...,e.. it r ` d Fhrrr in, and that baasr+Frail r 1 a oar, or rrusrel.ir, in and i e,r Tf.• apr' rrnai31'�.._ _ i i xet•,l M ti.J..r,,. �..a...rr1r Unt .a1,tnF=rt y art.i wither any rrnn>wi.i...t, r.rn•k, :inf. aliprrlrrnarnn nr rgr Fast 'Frral>ntrr.ri. = c. tiS Tit1i`tKJ'Illlarad and official ara9 aL_._.-„-. r /;. 17 ..rr ' ,.__.. ..—day of .+f..r ¢* .�..L-.r ......... ,b.. aanl State of {iaf1a1141iiFa -- i %�._ r.+ .. L t i c- N.tsrp i'ui>tir, State of ilq ronnni„i»n r.Frirrr/ .J._ s e s . 2 L- oqnts HEREBY 6.ERTii7, That an tide dal Arm rorFally apprarr.l Intf.trr on.. an ,.ft>rrr .Irtly antk, et.1 to arlr,rint,trr J. • .11,r.1 ut alJ wiu....r.to.<1 •iln. 6.rrp.,ma ,beet, an.1 a.ina*Sf=Sst•! b. L,.r n:e In ..xr >,rll iEn.*n Fa i.r tier ;..-r.rrn ..i that .,.. u:rri thr rats.. errrly and •uiontrt i. t:r ti.r lour;,•r-r, Ottrrtn r.prr-• „r u1i1t-" nor IsJ99:i a ,.fr<.ai M'aI Ai - __..,d.. nt an<t NSiI.' of Fi•rrk.ka.--- OCF tit ASK 3.4 • tr r{ zE z F6 ABSTRACT OF �.a�•.o.aa-ax- I t is. 1,rt WARRANTY DEW ,ro soasos.-nose yratal & L as rtaheaa. 01,19.00, Made / 4� day etf ors eta ry (JIlt3 3n ttt st i', ' 1954 R. R. ,.,,y a sin 2e ran A. D. ]WL. BETWEEN 5 [ark mad Stet* of of the Cooney af__..-.._ �._.._,_ -------. part Y _ of the first part. HERALD t" 8i.I5Ht3lta irilfdYk dY a aogoration (Address: 200 So. Miatst Months, Miami, flarida) rai-ling under :?se lab-s of else State af__._....------' 1orlda flaming, its principal place of r..l State af......— hnaina-� isa 6t,.. (;aouafy Uf..-.__..--"---_'' _.—....---. i lawfully autltaa ..'d to tran.aet business in the Seale of Florida. !,arty of the second part. W IT'FSSETti: 7 i at the sail part-- _ of the first part, for and in consideration of the aura of L in !sand paid by the said party of the .-rand part, iho receipt when•r,f is hereby- ackriow- grantee!, bargained and sold era the said party of the second part, its successors and ,,,otri,„ fur: Nee, the, folio. nit described land, situate. lying and bring in the County of. -. a and State of Florida, to -wit: r.��.Ions An _ ...a ii Awl the .aid part--- _ of the first pars da P.L_ hereby fully warrant the title to Laid land, and will akfend the same against the lawful claims of ail prisons Ylhontsoe.er. has 1N WITNESS WUEREOF, the said part— of the first part!--•-- Samuel*—_ hand_- and seal the day and year above tvririm Si scaled and dttiverad im.prcwence of us: IF ni Signed, I Seal) �=�,�m°p�~ -- f-==/='�~�---' _ ____u_--��*= x , ' : ' x ~» Al.a.~�^~^�~~^ ---��'----- — , ^=~a�.=~�*"r� ^~=��* "=° �~=^�.u�°=° � *°�. x� - .��.� � ^o,u°�"^=^~�n�a~*^ -' X--- ' _`,m . ~� St, * ^ WARRANTY DICED errs em.rn••rw.e soaitl w i sa d t..� terJac, r: w r y this Inirniurr, >.aae .a,rru h. it, '•'.:tY a single man _eta stag of the• tloonty i f. part_ _ of the first part and_ T '-'°_. ? 'Florida) ANY__, a eorlweraakaa (Address: 200 S. Miami Avenue, Miaair ] at'iLa a leaving its principal place of existing under the laws of ihr Siste eef_.._�.._.... ___.__.,.�.._.__.- . L3 "� "•� _� (''3 e _and stair ©f__...�.•, — ' __ >iaiinra. in Lite County af... _.__. _ ----- au,l €.iwulit ,aitl:„r=r.< if in tran.:.ca business in Stair of Florida, party of the arn,nri part. WITNl-,`}TII: riots the sold part. ... the _. of the first part, for and in vonxi.lerstiat: of the sum of . ,iT: mils tei ' •• cn hrool p.od h. floe ,rain] i.arts of the .r-rueeeE pars, fire rre+ipt uist-rruf iw herrlry s.Lnnor- =r.rrrted, i,argaine<l MEd .o J acs O ...kW ;cart) of the second part, itre ri3"'•"""rr and fore•'= r. lli i=,fie,cleset ',bed laud, aituso. ling :ui.i bring ist the County of t' and State of Florida, trwit: ;teed the .,del earl of the first part In .'.<5 herd,)fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the Kane :against the lawful Claims of all i.rrmo13a Bihormtet'ver. r W1Tti};SS V.'r_ll:R£t)F, the said parEr _. of the fired p a:t...-_.-C' ? —., hemmto met. hand., and semi_ _ the day and year shore written. Signed., sealed and urlaysrcel in presence of us: kr Ohio STA'f Of Country of — HEREBY s atCurs rh [) .atnar:srd a® eJminlaaa as this day perasnaHY appeared Wars ■rR a liEi<Efil' CERTIFY, llamaan }Z a MAY a sin '. x C' rum goads, and take, ar wkd ... _—_..--...W-.-. Eon ,t,a ___...a descr€ted la sad vase a,,aawed the fercloltte dead, and aciarrad died WoPn ass X 7C'lA i FURTHER Q.t3StEi"•:.'T�a � said 7c an s a sursrr se,.! rive.; to nos mrEi $a owe, is r•---^^^— a therein caprsi+r'd• }l „ csocutcd Ow Esor1Y sad voluntarily far Ilse purpoon �a= X to lacsn 1 wife of the, raid._ --e rstrly sod rt itvsLrr said �talrand, did sdearawleriaXakst alw, made eaaminsCir�'! takan and made by wad biters ma, aeparains, sad 7E++king And eono{yiv all her r€{hl. rick sod Una of n.rtly. itat rolingrajr {�e ff>�;11se c,7, +tarn=or7 aF-qq iuhia in and tra:ii, aawL rk.aei€,erl rEit or Lr�lit Apr lore ulaian, sane Rp r ves3GnlnYik7 w+d v:lhou, and V larvae -If a vogryy to astd .ic'r:7 E+.r wh:wlarr hrierr, htunr4rad or *d du' etKkte,1 }Z1r awful deed frorly lM'r raid I arlrond,( WITNESS tnr hand and official seal ant_-.:�•�-'�-' . this . _, ... _._de, of. and tiiatr uF� ....._ ..� _. _... Le. So of Notary f'�+6 41t'l;uKU)t, X 66 x X :outY�t n£ w _ _...._..x._..._._.... f11l ElfEHY CERTIFY, Thar oa all tiny personally aPlrrarrd hr.SorXu,r, xn „ffirer Jul). authartrr.V id adru:at•trr X •XX .rrtb ana tale arlao,.lydyn�uta.... -- X _X X X _ _.. .. ._ t Ye, i € n,e _ d.•ut i•rd :a sad wh•, err,.,rrJ the aia to a,r well �rrr ro �' H%e Penwt_..__. _, Ynr aeeed the =acne Er. rly and •nhmtarri, 1vr i1. parp,=xa th�ra rs;err-•-•i chat ._ x- County �£ x i4-iT1Y_`ir Iv hand and aESiciak weal s�.... -- , t It. Ins t and Stare ..f Flan,€!( 3hia_ _... _....�.--- _X__._�_i.s „f y, (,,,ants of,—x4,.�^,M.-...•.�_._� .ate ....._ -w'.;; My rammi.,tua r-.pirca .....*.r.. $� .. .. 4 # .:. the. Brit g rx granted, bat itir 'end will an the said party of tinsccoed part r�w.•r, the following a..rrabed laud, aituatr, lying SW i being in the County of Stitt, of Florian, tn,writ: - . },., +,, -n . i , •lt' �> °� Y FILL , r_,. • ti ?f :a...r k-1<`.�:" t` _ }'trip C,013T1x y) t/se:Cp1,_ "t j'; .a. -I F, 7 Or ..Y�... t. rl'tr raid part'`"_ of. iLe. that part ilu..._,__ hereby fully warrant the title to said load, and will delen4 swe as{aitwt the lawful elaims.e3E all persons whonz oerer, IN 'WITNESS NV -HEREOF, the .acid p '' of the rust part4L---- hereonW • 9494 yrAT OF *W G.unty .i '� Y:r f fisxr."s 11AW?SEBY i:EkrLr , That on tide day personally apprarsd } fore. me. an tlfdirrr daily ausi•,i.riara ¢u adrni»ietac BILL I C,,. 11;7," : T Tta jn� walla mica taka acitn..kd6ra"�•� a 7D-7-.. n. t C+•'1V•113 to soo moll known so be the y rson..,-._loll_ rtmsrrifrr3 En mod lobo sag need aAa lesevaing deed, end arhnoodatited @adore Ent t h n .aoeerecd am WAN, artily Ilia aalunaarily dot the pa:ryoars thersin eaprr•tsd. Wit— t- known is aua AND 1 FIJKiI?i3d Main,T'iaa9 the mid Fa < < WI L-I.I �1 1 Q, Cxq )T 1..ti _ .aa a ooparate and prianto to ba the akfo of the am�i mad sport from brr sad Ltn.hamd, add xAnovkdme atot oho mode immolrasmiaadkoo takes old mode r sad rp000hoforo of dulyl. rs.L quriolang and eonYlyins oil bee right, till. and Lttiaew• adorn a party to sand dread Ear of pp* I. p prat statutory or egailahle, in arrl to the toads drarribrd therein, mad that siu. ore thou, mid rea sr of ar valuotsrity laud maims any compalsie0. eormersiar. onprrhemion or arm .,f w from ally ...mated the said areal !roily ion laid hau►and. '' J _..._. --, County ad_.�. -.--ti Zt J4rrrf.-rt° _._._._— Yt-ETNG`i.'i my hand and offirtsl audio -L;</ 4 Stair..48larhi4 i}.ie_�., /.4-- —day ad._'..�.,4 tool A D. l4,_...± 4,4 Notary t'abiir, Star of 'e _ _-r"O- loll ...—`-"" My r.ma:iaatin r.pirns 'r - ' de'' i. . $f41111IAL4. t fAF.diEBY (:I:dt7LFY, TL.at w due day yrrvoetally app ar..i i»for. Ilse, as ,•Hirer ,€wi7 authott/..E to s.imam.:ar am n:r trrii kna.n au h the prnon. d��sitM+i is sad Irian rarrutrd the ion-x.:na okra, tool as�w,.,.1..€a.�l l.. .,rr nor that _ -. - rseruIrti the tank fart/ and volunt.rrity for the i><sri.n.r. Ihcn to rape •.-d WITNES.A no' bond and ,xi£iria3 teat a ._ loll.. , C.43111, of an.i t•I gee of ¢lnrida. thi.. _._ - �-�.. -.. do of ,\. tt, 141. tta WARRANTY DIVED f4fl.1. ---royZ00.717" • YOOM M. t. 3.4 ProN P1611.rme C9.1,21•Anam 140.014. flaigul&A Ofiis 3nbritturt. M141. thic_ 22nd cloy of December 9, x_53, 131,1'wEEN_ • I • SNIDER; a sir rrle woman of do. Coaqty of_ State or.. LhiO p„LY ,t th, tint 1-FiRALL 1.139LISHING COMP:JOT a corporation kAj,-.ress: 2 .7;0 South —Miami Avenue,- \iami, ut'der the lav, of the State of. having its principal place of _And State if.Florida t. tfl 4ml)- of I..wfully 411.th4rif...) t trato..aci business in the State Or Florida. party of the 'mond port, ITNE-.SSETii: flit the said iL4 o( the first part, for and in consideration ,), Sum of 7 4 -.1 • `" D ViklY:031:= CA.):L3IP,ERATIC- in hoild p-od the said party of the second part, the reeeipt whereof is hereby aelsnoss- 1.4r,tai4ted and e....1.14 to the ',aid party .r ther greomi port, ht141., aituttte. It mg And heing in the County of .ifd ',tate of ilorida, to -wit.: r .'- tt--1 i ' , -. -..: TA-• 1 , • : ..., , tl•..:. - - r i•!! L, .7. 1 .."! i( . t i ", :,:. ! , i..:......': v r',7;•r-r! And the -aid port of the first part do. L. hereby li11 vi.tcratil Ike title to raiil land. And will dcfri..1 the ..a.ole against the lawful claim* of ll persona whomrsis,er. iN W1fN VsliEREOF, the raid part„..Y._ of the first byre -italic, set haod aoci ilea& thr day arid year above writlen. Signed, t.e.aleil and tieirvere, prcarnce of us: , k' Sest) Litifif inLtras CERTIFY, Thai eo this day Yieo.aeily appeared Warr rna, a.X orator duly Not:F.444.d to adm X tiI7tEBY cExrl x samba a7d take .draa«kas—+ x _. X —� —_-- x --~— x and atarae.7.daed briars ems y „a, dr..rribai is who am -voted the forraaini desk.), to me wcli�svete 4a 6e th. e^-r-- ted the a.m. Emit aa'licelunierily Far the p"tpo'r- I Ffthenir sprrs•ed- 7r , !neon to ...aAND, THER maim mut6. told Y- -- X _ __4 on a arprale sad private , m ati ,rife of ma said rt frown Err said boaend, did a*w.++ledge that *he rn.de a rselt 1-lamination y to ail meads by •� brpose ( separately and ronrryiaJ ali her ri.ht. titfr and intrrr.t, her.rlf a party to sailorne deed [or e4 purpose property. rwsdwf r*•iiny t ^a ate Thal ahreear do rr, Mid dial ar f paratr taralyan autuieai .r itpuls n and t� th- Iand.M i 1f t f r from .he <arr+ttr.1 the said did fr, wad rduatxt y and wiiMr,t any eRmpnl.iam, roruir a+ Q.p n larr aai.F 6r• 1,......1 X X tf1TNESN say hands ttexl nftisiai .ea at -'_—..-.'• D. 1%.. X X X Notary Pahlir. Aatr of 7f My restiTrision r••pire -.. -- ---.- ...— . t:C:3TE OF X OE 1.0 t'aunty of. ._ .144 7rrrf e-- - }rron: {n .affirm d,'a .nth to a.Fminr.trr i iFF}t£f3Y l:EFtTFIY, Th. .n thi. dr . FSi'. N'X lii t.?. , 3 51ns. 1 e Wo"79x:• aaElla sad IA . artrowirderornis. •.. —. — .... .- _.. __ dr....a..d ire MIA also ra.rutrd tlrr F..r,p..ina •Teal, and s or . bsooabda,d ., rnr to enr ,.rli known to ix tiu prraam.. . -. - }78 rarruted the ears. Frrrfy end . INrdariiy far the s,urp....x thrrr.n aspra.,rd. that. - .... _. .. .. �. t-.w,Ay al ?7'L+-�sac�s^' .!-.-. u V.-IVIEttti my hard pawl ffieLd .ra3 .t �-1 y d y �� .-, 1, ly.li and »ate f 1I1[,]FflF. this, _... __._ '� ..�-�._ ,,{ h i.oExxy ic, Statt� of ie- Iii Cear..isaion axpirss:. _ .r.4r4Z, • 1 4 44 ` e T ' = .a 'a � flt 1 y j » o' K4 _ • T' G i' 1 � ° S vA. :fig 13 `� '1 E 4 : s � i s G .p 1j tr. t .t I _, i..t r. c 1 s . ' # 1 I ;aJ26 ! $ t Yr. E Ei S WARRANTY CREED to ap,,.,su,raMr T hi9 Anbrtdurt, ?lam 1953 N fib__ as a c ] rr >ssan "ORM R cL $a maw, tarstosss Pass sasirsocas ninon** 23$ day o Pteather of the County ofL'_._ _Stnfige1A.. _.—_.__ w.d State i`.;' Fri A1•:I Zt i :TI.J ?L LZ iliT tT' : r-li, * ca c rpnru p,rt..Y _ of the first pa usd._�..-: - fvRnus, iiiaai, fkorida} �Addnaa: 20fl Santh �ittttrC d paring its principal plants of eai■ring under the laws of the Seta of �`iC3rid8—..—�-----^•-- a e d Static of -----^ I, A...l en in thr, County of—.-. i.iami, Florida.) mid pail ,, ri to ran �:iami ;venue, da,part/ofthe r'."�.. t'8�5: :,tni l:e..F,tlly usat)3urixrd to transact busisteas in the tote of ?i of the aurae of w rr\E SE It That the said par1�_. _.. of the first part, for and in consideration OTHER COGkD- AND VALUABLE C(3hsiD RA T TIGh� NS -_._ a,. her. .I3nmm, Tin hand laird by Fite said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acls.tutw- L d., rl V has granted, h:argained anal wild to the said party of the strong' port. its sir,•,*w(1rw and .i,_nor. ;t,r,•s,•r. tltr f.l9,s*.ing dracribedd hand, situate, lying and being in the. County of_ J. e, and State of Florida, to•wit: ;;d -i.. of :a st�baieiaion known as Causeway rill, s. '+-ii , necorgs of :a e ..:s i•". i ls'. 'mock 7 3L Via' I�0 iubli� �r. na ir,clu tin, any 3 311 in4,rov<�: eras them' t %1- 'ect to zoninc ordinances of anu La oral :`v 5i:); restrictions; taxes fore th,1 yearr 1(453; u t or r,t_nt,--to-month 1ea:;es with ,perry s :fait :iliott Co. . j•.� and a _ py the :;ranter. and all ripariAn ri tn,l the .aid part- Y of the first part +b...._,_,., hereby fully warrant the title to said lot": and will defend the #ante againet the lawful claims of all parsons whumaoeru. of tree rind part y------ 3` Dui i1 WITNESS Wld£l1tOF. the aria part-Y-- hand_- _ and sealthe day and year abort written. Signed, scaled aizd deliratod ha presence of its: set_ her_ ISa4') __ ;dealt WARRANTY DIED r,o yaa ar:.na,rr 1'w 7 '�►s"s1a'� ISM rat, so POI .,„wG.. r,a.n.. cc..a.•r.ou alibi 310intart M do 195b k� BEiiT itENE MAY . a sin le man A. D. ----- __ Stark _...__and state of the County of_ -- _- TIlE i$IAMI liEHALU PUBLISHING CO,V.'ANY a corporstion e,f thr (first part {Rddrasa®tta: 200 South }if:ml•Arattxucas !{issri, Florida) tacec+f lOrida _ �_. having itsprincipalp e�.i.ting under the Sawa of the State pf..,».-r-'--µ----�...._ Dade Florida Itsurine:w in iise County __ -'- Of _.�.---„__prid C st# _rsul lawfully autiexiled to transact business in the :state of i'-iorr.lu, party of the second port - the paid part._y .._ of the first part, for anal in rott.iederation of the aunt of d V _ U,a1 J.f1.._fiUlai dftr'a,t,,LC i_ _ Dollars, t„ h 1'^. in Itan.l p.ti=1 by the said party of the ar•ctntd part, the receipt whereof is hrrri v ael.sasrvr- le Aged, „ranted, bargained and sold to the aoid party of the rn'rttnd p.trt. it+ t•urer•e.nnra and 1 or'..r, the follow itia rlr.teribed Ian+l, situate, lying .r•t,l being in the Crrartty atf- .siC15: tar an<d State of Fiorillo, to -wit: y , tr.�'e:r �. e u:... 1• . .. or tC eftr i.7. n• r... - ;Lh"t:l ri±tgr, _ r'1` r5 _ r Fr+:-:•!-+'f t r,.r .,.. _.. Lc Ut> •y n• r 'irr ..,r?' t.,„r•. r,i�. .. - { m .t• i:, . r• serscit inn" tn.!n. x' .t c Ar i the .aid party of the first part dd':5...__ hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend rhr name against tits law?ul rialto,* of all persons ealtonisoever. i� WITNESS IIi'IIEHEE}F, the said part-Y-- of the fir part_ 3s-..-- bero nnta art.. hand_.. and tool. the cloy and year above wtiiiett- j i}) .Signs i, swwled n delivered in ptcaect of tat; YA. i t (> f /:&7-42r S aIt • w4t.>tAMIT ENID This INDLitTBII, Made, thta 15th day of September, A. D. 1950, between 6ILM, IIC., a corporation existing .rude, tba lands of tba State of Florida, having its principal piaca'of }eeainsss in the County of Duda and State of Florida, and lawfully *labor/zed to transact Lusimsss in tha State of Florida, party of the first part, aid TNI mlA1I HRIALD Pi781.ISHINC COMP4$T, a corporation existing sender the laws of the Stets of Florida, having its principal plats of business in the County of Dads and Stara of Plorida (address: 200 South Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida), and lawfully .authorised to transact businase in the State of Florida, party of the second part, wiTNLSSXTR: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Tan Dollars ($10.00) and other Rood and valuable considerations to it in hand paid by the ssid party of the second part, :ha receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to its successors and assigns forever, the lying sad baiag in the County of Dada the algid party of the aecoi4 part, following descrr.bed land situate, and 5tAtt of Flori'a, to -wit: IARC81. MO, 1:. Lot:X-2, of CAOSLJAT FILL, a Subdivision according to tba Plat thsrsof. recorded in Plat gook 5, at Pala 120 of the Public Records of Dada County, Florida. PARCEL *3, 2_ tots S-1, S•2 •ed 8-3 of CAfSEWAT FILL, a Snhdlviaiva to Section 31, Township 53 South, Ionia 42 toot, according to the Plat tboraof rocordad in Plat look 5, page 120 of tba Public lacords of Dada County, Florida. PAYCSI. iID L'sta Y l ;kad li .2 Qf 3Hi 0AUSZWAT PLLL, azcordin to the Plat tharecf, recorded in Plalbook S at Fags 120 of the Ftiblic uacords of Dada County, Florida. vision of PARCEL!O: �' Lots 25, 265and p'lock u 70of11ILSOiNrVI1.LALSUIDiYISIOH, and Lot* 1 and 2, in block 1, of GAINS OF S➢Ebl SUBDIVISIOS, according to the Plat tbaraof, ra- corded in dlat book 9, at Page 174, of the Public 'acorns of t'ade County, Florida. ALSO All of Lot 6, and all of that portion of Lot 7, lying between Lot 6 and what is commonly known as SAT SMDII ?LAC', Sloth. 2, of the Amended Plat of Lots 4 to 16, Lnciusiva, is E1ock 1, and (Corporate disrol+stton - no Documentary Stamps rsquira4) Parcel no. 4 (sostiased)Y Lots 4 to 20 iutlusiva, block 2, of a rosebdivi- *ion of Lots 25, 26 and 70, of N1ILSO SiI1N^ VIVISI0A and Lots 1 andc2rdiabblock o the ?let0AIDEN 0? INLA 311 YISION, rags 20, of ere o f, recorded is ?tat k.k 30, at 7agsYlorid2 Public & coria of ludo Lots 4 and 5, is ley Serena, according to the Plat thereof recorded in ?lag bao Florida, 135 of the Public Records of Dada County, which is a rssubdivisios of lots 1 to 6 of )lock 2 of Pershin8 Coast. � lot 9 and North 48 feat of Lot 10, BAY MINA, f` according to the ?1st thereof, recorded io Plat 3obook7, Tager 135, of tha Public bwcozd* of pager County, ?brigs. The North Half (NI 1/2) of Lot 11 and ail Lot 12 of reaubdiVt*ban of block 2of gLINING nC U DaNT ds and Lot 7 of SALMIS COM' asubdivision of County, Florida, according o the Tipage 148 of the Public rscordsd in Plat book 4 at torida; E*cord* of Dada County, AND Aay and all littoral and riparian rights appertaining to any of the above eftscribsd parcels of land. And Os said party of the first part does baraby fully warrant tbs title to said load, and will defend that same ■faint the lowfnl claims of all parsons abosaoawr. IN WLTKUSS NNIIUOE, the said party of tba first part has caused chess presents to be sigood in its asses by its proper officers , and its corporate **el to ba affiud, attsatsd by its Sscratary, the day and yesr above written. grad, scaled and delivered in the prosenca of: �~ k 7, at pass / G1LBSW, INC. ATTU1. aidaot csl cratary.�� .a 4 -4• .a v 1003 STATE of IiAE1 COUNTY Of DADii I SHAzit c rz1FY, rhust on this 15tb ray of Septembers 1958,• before as psssonally appsare4. Cear a Y. Gilleland and Ernest ]. H:wait ?resident and Secretary ri.p*ctiss-y. ly of Ciliate', Inc., a corporation ender tha'lswa of tl►a State of rlorida, to at known to be the persons who aimed the forogoins instrawaat as such officers and serarally acknowledged the smscation thereof to be their fret act and daad'as sorb officers for the ass* sad parposas Iberian stationed and that they affixed thereto that official seat of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and dead of said corporation. W1t lSS my hand and official seal at %Ias►i, in the County of Dada and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid. **scary TaI1ic. State of Fio da at Large NI Commission expires November S 196U -- State of Florida, County of Dade. itu instrument r�zs ded for reed the,... 195$ at K.''..9 and duty recorded in OFFICIAL RLCt)RTJS Back..10 2 0n Page.4 . ile ,i 58R- L.. /-+GATHtRMAN Clerk Circuit Court • RE5 , 4ZU/, 70N z cc,e-,F G� pf,P,5-h/NG coaer WSTLOIN cr:Y;+er , -a • >;�.� �� = u-•ter �.�.�-ice :.. �� ..,. � ; �..+., �r.. ...✓ 6v 1nN'� F���Raee.�AMc `�Xn.w+N�Tfim J4� CSa'( �. a :-t.,.-.a•�rs�y.�.-v �r � _ • o3M.;�:v.y • v►wan DUD y IxD1rruIz, ltads, chi* 15th day of September, A. D, 1953. between CILEXN, INC., a corporation existing under the lads of the State of Florida, having its principal plsce'of baalnass in the County of Dada and State of Florida, and lawfully antboriasd to transact kusinass is the State of Florida, party of tbs first part, and THE MiAMI S1tiLD PUBLISHING COMP.1iT, a corporation 'misting Sadler Else laws of the State of Florida, having its principal placa of Snainess in that Cousty.nf Dads and State of ylorida (addraaa: 200 South Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida), and lawfully authorised to transact busiaesa in the State of Florida, party of the s«ono part, WITNESSNTA: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the suet of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good sad valuable considerations to it in band paid by the said party of the second part, :he receipt whereof 1a hereby acknowladgsd, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the following deacr'.bed laud situate., lyiab and being in the County of Dada and State of F1ori�'•a, to -wit: PAItCiL iq, 1: Lot I.2, of CLUSLiAT FILL, a Snbdiviaioa according to the Flat tbsrevt, recorded in Flat Book 5, at Fags 120 ot. the Public lacords of Dada County, Florida. P,tBC_ ii Nc7.?: Lots S-1, 3.2 and 3-3 of CAUSCWAT FILL, I 53 a Subdivtaios is Section 31, p South, Range 42 East, according to the Plat thereof rscordad in Plat Look 5, page 120 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARGI3, BID lots W-1 and Y-2 of TUI CAUSEWAY FILL, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in P1s93ook 5 at rage 120 of tbs Public locords of Dade Coaaty, Florida. P11 MD. 4; 4 and VILLA visioa of Lotnv, ands o and Lots 26and70of .11.S3 SUltITIa 1 and 2, in block 1, of GAUSS OF ED611 SUiDIVISIOrk, according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Flat look 9, at Page 174, of t e Public 2ecords of t+ada County, ALSO All of Lot 6, and all of that portion of Lot 7, lying betassa Lot 6 and what is commonly know as 111 MIS ?LACI, Hock 2, of the Amended Plat of lots 4 to 16, inclnaivs, in Block 1, and (Corporate diasolattos - no Docussatery Stamps required) N.*f.ff 041,,r; ixitNilT4�'� i n$ the Cxaery p:'. :a lazida eorpnrailu�,'' raid ?Iola, nieasi,.' itiOttaia ;a+tdrsssF '610[:1. p W the Slitsir of €krsrla. t'7 of Ow County of Dads .. ... of tii PM iota. tor sad is f0�1 1�t'!'!1'iSSE'I'N, Thai rhs laid port y id t a «..,.:r+.�+x and *that soc a awl winnable sons ara inn Ill 13G1 L+t: : {S1ti.Oti) :'::;..... diie":i* �- Ow rer.lj+....:.:,::.., so Dt% ]s i�.ad'"'d 1.y �'. scF�wst l: psa.. „s.d �rrry 'a„: „, glut said part y A awl snip:A $orrrrr. ale fetiwewr. ritirrilwil )sad. Mows_ kind its st c oimoy a/ sail Santa of 114wida..,-ia a: Done _.: 7 Stare a Curt That=FtisrL'.at� IC1e`Ia::I7'int` betvaaa°;Xa pint e s t�tiii4r awl ghat* (boulevard) Drive as pert pibdie itosi ad ,oaYttl Bltalicock Cpurr, and I.ot 7. of W:,DI . of flatk o of at to flat ?look 4 at rage Lail of the Public ai�.�tpQrtioa o! fioride; said property being also des Q 1ioat portion 'arbors Lot 7 of JALDIII C011iit 3UaDIVISIO$ lying baronial Court end aorta bayabora Drina* kalasi a lot $0 1 U1.3 fit wa sion cSolnaSolnais tootninoµa with and Solna of Lot i, Slott 2# eas ai c: g o f PtiielOG COURT and ,Lag :yof ;� a ll WIZ, a s corChi ':?� to theSio!...:' . Io to the tint; t6srwf saeordad is' flat , .' also commonly k°R`�; �,.; public.Yaa scards of Dada Cot7t itor1 Tparriia. 1.329-37 North kayabors Driss= MiAai3: Sobjaest to tazas for 1963 and ad►s t year *, to applicalsli",- mains ordinances and to .17astr4trlone#: roaditions and limitations, #f any. ... ...,..... peedof recoril, Ls doesnot rfor d unantary scamps as the Granter actte re solely arsnisnta of tba Grantee' sry fct Via purchase is the . ;.' supplied the money* s rantor. .. t ail), e: r,a;••t ,,.ie.--' tar an sr .trrt whol E a { f tbg , ttilf .;ltei an ti 144% uti iw rarrjj► . txkr axknsxl ;rw� 3�, latIIIT E0104 a stalls zasi j .rl. maxi nr i ar.0 f ; reiirllkwnw +aheth per saa.irtCfi$rejjitand aim r�ArKr-4irhrt'°r"S""�s. Herr 1 :. rtArClitN'd t t.sf Jr.. i and nui4fnit ray kw fit, ,er thrrria rmprrasarf �K.urvr to p1r ur r itrttif . 'iws thrwa >,.l�roir an." p�rfwadr ;% �i e:nt the aot a P *(trotatri. s.ai opal; jr+s... het paid hu,t001. Clad mirlcarrte+ mode .UIY bs nr thr t u !.2 tou.,aiming. ,.;larder>ahinF.v*d r•mi'Prix �trarmiu�t+ix t tv smi;d � / P" paw test pike mode Arr�rIts kc ps. sta+.+i3O) of r.iaitabli ge {srrrs;tlt4 tisfr arts! r,b,- Wit, � :ithal rtra:l :.a . j y.=l,dr/4 Ft . rtsd awl tY.i-.xniarsl * ae>d F. ctlk Anti u. i' rri.ta s. ,.h 2 ihi t , e�tsad' iMi hir �s�cat«r1 i . sai l da*r.i J ', arra or kar .al..r from i r sas.i f otbe :. e�� a .�::r+sust, .#��.�trreed Ultras tillirmit 1 Cam" rnas r=puaa• 2 asp Aasd amid official ',es) at h4J%aRP rOW, 4 'taco of Florida LeltZ'r WDCCrpa)t Ng 1 Street bet. W.E. wv..rded 34 '61 (Tilts 3itbrntur,t. 111ilr, P>i. 260140,./ ,7etarerl VIE MIA MI = L ftringI51I2C Coleiarf 200 South Miami Avemsie lit Fel1:1.4 rwsJl.g fender Pit Ia., a! As irMvsm. fd dl'. f•nr..A Prl s!drr rat Florida Made sal lan f.1ltr a.t's,rrzed 1.. Irons% t Jr.r.rirl4 la iEIA Via d ester resin e,, a sarf...sleM pre.ripal place .r1 hrel+rra• -lmi tad i •.teas of �Ea v,1.y.-rarc.s..x tis� Nat+ a�r�.►� Shore Dr. E. NriE, Bay Shore Ct. P pap. —br Iy: a carrte.wrer•rn fraa•d.j (tb prfasipol riots r,f grid Star of Florida fls itiIr of fi ,V4a. pm, a/ fhr bars ;sod In s fl Y elf. solesloterodes As leosof As {Mg, l.orPRof, PAPS ,lld flrle ,/ FLJrRffl,t. ...eh,. 1.11v OYfbvrtrl 1n IraK alto r ir.e•rr • r .. Ar ',Poi, ,• f r 1•,n/., prfrh f lh. a sepal seer, ar fl Af: i{i f 1t' i hni fhr .eM t r A, 40 Ad pilaf Nil% tare Oa d. ie.,allreatea. of 1>•r *In. ••1 rrtil, fares f ill rf1,0Pl0 'nod reefer r+aJ god a-ofrails a ear.Plraodv.t. >a 1f fa lord fail i, OF was/pd.-hi sr f►d .rer,.d I IK ts+,rear./wir.4r.r 11,fresh i.f.nelydysl.lei► xroste4 iira.lerla*I*old aoPis ►14f40t1 *llrfaae.,rl Port are earrdesorb sMl reaij.s fnhl-rl, t+.s Naos iettoerf+rl ts.l.11rilr, hire a•ehePert pas I rrr•!i 1+1/sl Wi ',Pole n1 1,iondo, Ir—rid Beginning at the northwest corner Of Lot 12 so shown on the FAT or RSBD1eecxdin� 2P0r trrzstio as couRTrecuric and Lot 7 ofB Book 42N COURT, according Of" Public Records of Dods reCordad in plat Soak 4 at �� direction slang the Coim yr Florida; thence run in a southwesterly arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 432.02 fet , through a central anglo of 30 57' )2'a fog a distance of 29.55 feet co a point; said curve being t#a easterly right of way line of N. t. toy Share Drive; thence run ssstwatdly along a line which is 27.O0 feat south of and persllal with the present south sins of N.E. 14 Street as shown on atvsaaantioatd nac tar a distance of 100.29 teat to a paint of curvature; thanes ru4 sartwa'cdly and southaast►eardly alone the arc of s curve to the right, having a radius of 25.00 feet, through s central angle of 103° 571 3or a distt ance bof 45 .36 the Net to a point of reverse curvature saidpa ntstrt as einshown n the westerly right of way lino of N. Say aforementioned Platt thence rat aorthwardly and said westerly dly stow said point of reverse curvature along11.n r aus of ?t.!. Bay Shore Court, which it an arc of a cur1 OS" for ve having _ of 60,455 fset�to thrQpoint of intersection withh35the present asouth it • of Zinc of M.S. 16 Street as shown on the 111oa�4tsCtertPtnrl*tdtstanc run westwardly aloe said mouth lies of 11. . of 124.11 tact more or lass to the Point of t egirnaing. It tS 11Naar aISToon AND AWNED 47 slit polar, Sense. Om Of I+•J oisostod..Mar ■aid *so hole, tail •r sidrr4si t•lpret o•h. ossi to W tHei dm artii{!w/ cosorood :a•U M seed •rd.sS'r dssrwsr.•*d eae IE*f alsto to odi ii 4 oioolt won to It Mfd,toaty o1 ida as Nit 1•r god iatslf t•/l•+ •tIr•eti per,++ . . 'Ott ,irie err sarrlrarrrlt fb states. *maw lit N#e ea aced Iva, sod siltd.•1r itea spire Asi sic ;sad 1r++R a f tie fire a pert does F tree} pity. Pi *K fit n.,d.4 , pyre... +r' r i a`t+. 6912998€V56 5O:EZ POOZ/721:; 60 /60 39V 311 I1 MS 6 61:EZ tr00ZIZZ/ZI ARED BY, 3 *writ Sita tiECi4't c DAYjS x , O .SOumEAsr EI1Ania cut i/9211 ;3 l fl� QUIT CLAIN DEED 85R400161 ZT4OK 3T5 THIS INDENTURE made this 23rd day of Dacaaber 1985, betveara ERNEST J. HEWETT, Trusts*, and Individually, party of the first part, and KNIGHT RIDDIR NEWSPAPERS, INC., a Florida corporation, Mhos* address is c/o The Miami Harald Publishing Company, One Herald Plass, Miami, Florida 33101, party of the *ecOnd part. 1ITNE88ETH: That the said party of the first part does hereby grant, bargain and quit claim to the party of the second part, its successors and assign* forever, the following described lands situsts, lying and being in the County of Dada, State of Florida, to -wit: Lot 10 and the South 1/2 of Lot 11 in Block 2 of RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCX 2 of PERSSHING COURT AND LOT 7 of WALDIN COURT, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 148 of the Public Records of Dad* County, Florida. Ili WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part bum caused these present* to be properly executed the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered in the prasance of: Trusts*, and Individually THIS INSTRUMENT NOT SUBJECT TO DOCUMENTARY TAX OR DOCUMENTARY SURTAX PURSUANT TO RULE 128-4.14(2) and 45), F.A.C. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ) "MOM el won MONO WIN %lima MIrt+uwt.littlra cum ppYfi mu Before me the underaignad authority, personally sppearsd EBNEST J. HEWETI', Trustee, and Individually. who after first being duly sworn acknOVlsdgad Wafers me that he *minuted this instrument, that the above described property is not his homestead and is non-contiguous thersto, that said abov ttascribed property is located at 1361 North Bay Shore Drive, Miami. Florid*, and that his homestead is at 1408 south*s$t.bty- Shore Drive, Nisei, Florida, €,`+''; WITNESS my band and official seal in the State last aforesaid this 23rd of Drceaber, 1985. Notary Pub c, State o t "- j 3ly Cossaiasiof Expires: Nato Putts. Simi a! Ragilie 3tt Cesei s:m (-Yi 1 Sat"il w �< 1- w i1T27 IN of 63R i 38665 ri..ard Baer t.°a'rn 'lYak t:,wersnIy Fed, OrleoeSe, Et.eide al 11803 rc 2E0 Warranty Deed fRAf>llfRr ft>RM_� O* .01 VS.) CObf8 3Inbrtfittrr. made tins ,.5 - day of k) tnttri neat x24 ;Ira -pared ,,, flvian if. 1{outer Esg .. r iaari3i i3each, F1n,,.33139 May 19 83 , LAUREL SCHILLER, a single person, PHELLXP KUSHNER, a single person and FLORENCE TAYLOR KUSHNER, a single person of the County of Dade • _ , State. of Florida KNIGHT- RIDDER NEWSPAPERS, Ltv'C., a Florida corporation 1 Herald Plaza, Hiami, Florida 33101, Attention: ,Fames A. Rengarger whose pint office address is of the Cotarrty- of Dade , State of Florida Nil osrj}l. "t11:rt said grantor. fair iitii# it) c»Hsidrratiou Or the .Sum of TEN ($10,00)---____ _ __ ._ - - .- lirittrrrn grantor*, nod , granges'', sad other good ant; i'.3tir:lbk orrusideristimis to Said g'r,iirior rl ilacrid paid lay said gr:tuFtel'- the rj'ti ipt whett'o( 15 3rr'Ti'ti1 acknowledged, has grdtitcd, bargained and Snlll to the xa id grantee. :Intl granters h'irs .ii€fi :ISSigIF5 former, the foi lowing drxcrilmi land, situate. )yurg and being in Dade Craw nay, Florida, to -wit: Lot 9, in Block 2, of Resubdivision of Block 2, of PERSHING COURT and Lot 7 of WALDEN COURT, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Hook 4, Page 148, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with the appurtenances and improvements thereon. SUBJECT TO: 1. Conditions, restrictions, limitations and o�•"""`° ate epuerA°� 1 I 44' e7 3. Zoning ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida. f� easements of record. Taxes for the year 1982 and subsequent years. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the tittt' to said land. and will defend the tame ag.tinst the tawfoi cl:ttrns of all persons whomsoever. ° ";Grantor" and -grantee" " are toed for singular rlr 11 #let.i#. .i, con trSt re'ciatire5• art Eitmile i{ E�errnff;ravtor has licrruntu set grantor's hand and seal the Stay and year fast above urines. Sigurd, sealed and defiyere,d in oar presence STATE OF TENNESSSEE COttN•TY C.tF SHELAY 1 11EltEi3Y CEttTil•'Y that an thta day Irfuer me, an olf err drily rina#iiesl to app .trt'd LAUREL SCHILLER, a single person to me known to br thr persntt deleribrd in and who (net:lord the fnreguiug Inttrutnrnt• slid ac ctitrtltr3l ear that she rxrcldrd the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in t 29 83 , tin cvtmmissirrn rxlliTri: l - Z 1) 47 S H1f.. lsi:dl PHILLEP SH R _ i(15.MCE TRY7� • 2� tsrci} STATE OF ;FLO1 A taltr etekrenwirdp:uti.,,[arrsanaiff lar County nod State last :lfntrsricl this ,ot 5 t1311 day before tar, an offlerr duly rinalifird totake aS•k,Hncirdyrrtrnta. person:dii' Ra a single man and FLORENCE TAYLOR KUSHNER, de i-ibcd-in and who elevated the for:Toni:4. ikon -Mona :uid ,,Feld: wI'cigc•t1 briar, 0 fkrac. - , • e8611 iral to the County and 5tt-to last ;dun -said thit•'-27 day of May r 1is: 'a.. �; sls_ dtiir t S0,0170 3Etid 4.1401, ...d..•r.•i F ~awl f.j.+. M .►• .>t..• +1 ilmamak. rre 44 .aw w fork - i TIrt *U4 UW. $ Ctitat► 10000 pot yeti» '►* is Coo i ratd rlasa► Xiod, 31�wa....� T1seiM - . ®.. ... - .+....t arrsrir.'► r. . _.:.••f+'4 — +.4 'Iwwa'n V rfe. from" v♦ bar ai Sr.. ,arias* 4.441.41+ lh 44.14n4,4 a. 444444401 L.d4..r 6. d. Spam. +f Tt ear.. maw .1 le. If SY11`$$iTif: Th. 11. +Ni4 part? 44 'f" P.m Iwo i"► 0"...." .4 A. mily t•F D.1lsn 010.00) Old.t r 'nrlliaal,s 11411illtitriettemi LIU 11. 1. m 4.c 0004 — for riir ►.+d I.** -1 .M •r.if port.. 4.4% ir,birl. ... I►+a4.1. iwystw .i red rd.r ae ia_ rH part, *i A. a.+.a rare. w 40.v.....+..d sides f,..,... rA, l- -r•1•t 1164111.4.4 fri :+..r•. h.. .+.i 11. Crwf .i NA* int I tsr (s), is IL4tZ TIC (3), or .s.r s.w#dl►i►L*a .r Ii*st Tos K 71 COW awl Lot Sono .f SOU OCT. scc.r4iag to Ur plat Hat tsrsssirs.nr�.4 lis fa at Usk 4, at vase Ids �Os )b1i*riir tdIlato Commix, r iiariMk It is rtsesty.d rat rbrssl tlrt Ibis pr*1s*'4 is t,.ia ..31 serf yrrsawd .s Jwt to tone for 1143 sot s.fs*rl *yams, ) U i"s limo*, r.strietil d sad tifiits:doss of roared, wsra+rt* tor p iti atititiaa, if ow,. sad .ppits4LL reamer srdirsa.ss sot st1►.r aFisi}a1 sot we sitrta1 mulati as. t,wt .ice Y•'h -i .A-' r y 0 rt i.+ 0.0+07 rl•io '+d'*'w° a+} ,» sewed 6..r. 0.4 - tt a-f' • «w..+ rf.. In. i.i .Aria.• .4 .2 alaial at ba, throve. or 4.0drr tte Fjrralor Immi t. 311I1 MS 60b0S8£ISS 60:SO San/20/TO %.; -- btatt Zauttiv ter Tan ' 3 Ierrbe Alt• aw — ay. J , r.. ro1. April . �, s •itta.t A. D. »43 . L.f+rr rwitlr .per VIC* ere. an! ,,,e..rii.ir ai Ta f�k.6�/ ibI ion sf iypaaprtiied !r>r.. - 1"s +Dii rm. 6110.141 is 44, twlf.a..irr 4 F+n`. AAA, inn, Iwo 4E1d rwso .r..1 ! am moth .,J 4..64.4106141140 FaM "1 a rfrrilr wrii jierri herOw mai - pro pawl .. a1y�"" y ...1 rw va. ssowit +W iwi of Palwrowsir, ar4 1Ar1 ii�.► r« ' . fr 1throi rj' siod oit srd ad liie YsTic s �! swd.+f Mrs York 1l..0 .. "d., r..rrr.f Mw tot /p!� �r eA. d r .a4 3•d i.ae af-rwasa4 1/srt assC7C t14 ese `$./M4: s0J50 3evd 311I1 MS 601,098£tS6 60:S0 90K/00/T0 SOle JEYJd i� i� Mir _'Mei 4,Snes:wf ,air PM iNr4 W .14 .,. vailabLa cnocsibssii3O* . . ; r_:y ,u►'P.iw.i . n.,e.ii!!�+ iii;4! +# dr. ara+mr1 R •io. «rexwwe mut ..+ice d s bst pontos of ant$ 1 Sod 2, Mock 2, "Ta..asOni Or EMSS". SexkltilfAt..to the Fiat thereof, rexardsd Is nat hook :., az trio 12, of the Public I,cords of De& .caumt.Y. Boat , ' ifw: %oat of hoyabors !late (ow: ilrossict Tlar.40 : 4:.s1Ac last 117,5(1 fact cheroot. �c i:est 2.50 ecx, ofc e Ease 13/.50 teat of the g.w•b 57.50 feat of tha combix►�d wi4tb of that pac- 'rfua of *aid Lots. 1 and 2, lyia8 KcYt of 64td as- Place. IOC L,"*' t +4FP A 1'• ictacdtsl, Cr sera rim Book 740 .t rc :1 e7e # o7 Drat i:ornot, Florida. V. W 5:2 RICTA .tr iA030 bl S n6reA 'E: tat rues k. rb Pib1J- • :• FLOP Ai:.3 at 4 S q,., 0.10,4 ,asav •# slr. f a+r 0.00r4 4.0-0 is-rebl, ¢«.th 0.,ueaw4 rAr rot, t.• #.$ Lout - ill d.'p- J ahv mama. .aarwv 11 10.0 !poi rirrwac 0.:1 yrra.aa. 040,41a.v sF TILI1 PS 613b058EV56 69:53 SOOZ/lO/t0 .M Rilitii ilitirtrat thei paw" +4 Ad. F.,o pad la* amend Amts, prsae*i+ . as ire „Tirs, mint esspesses swig ae 1}s r`s+altae.s+i b► aaa S.c+4- . dos(a! ar • , „t .':v... CeptC4 WO CO. eiki ciMEJ i.►16' ' LAZO rtor, i srrta i� lL.�... w b► ale ie + . &..Rs....r4n1141�+It' M. ..i! Jess g r�:vrk itJ�!i rot e� ../+r.d . w �++..liM. iip,► !* w/rw+ .1..d awl err +w+F sa.t arl .{ ... ! x'".l'' wnlL 1�f rrJ �a.e•s�r. i+ Ifr �'3 rl a%.,', u.. rs Aron rw• ?Bleat — ti.. i . :ars ..t a • Sias, . f lortdx r. � r F X C,051.3ssi430 rxpisrar inn stig,xx art" Larse It M Z4 y NI tr44 ..... i 71 Z. e VP L lip 311.11 MS -3 rit 60b058E1756 60;50 500Zfb0fTO 50/Ea 39Vd • " - .a4rAr.v• Awe: eAkerkaii..e.` .Adr .6.14.0nr:0176441+4Nz4.solrosmiorawohy .00 airgpr.! 40,4pragsm5 4,-.0,1nrazier.744,=1.14447Ve. .c.reare- MAW./ #-Zt= -74.-7",me.je vioe,'="..%Pdelo _eger ;47747:7,,e7=r4,te!riee-41'...., *Se -CY7Y Off AVIAN/. —.0110644,- AeopircrA I t ••121:0P1— MOWN oirA 41/4,4S • ..lowinle sese• emeer .:=Ixtr.der ••• • LoWeIMIW SAM." jeletheffitP:74 'w1,14iVilik,r, • oft. re enge.... AWAgrixez 41114e •1•1. 4P, ritV 81 =v-ye 6411.Mli°19(411f ,t 11 2/2_%21Efi C.A E.01 1.1.1 Wt® Qry0S111 YOKA/4 41am r.r.11,1s1311114111OU III'K rn -nArririV.— s 1 " iz a A wsf > '.ru r s+cv .g s...wasn nrmd.rr - r'.r 4 V %+rLa.iL..oJ1+a 4..4+.. ..Ir, •.� .4L4��1e'1{.. r .r' .a�C'.4.r'+fafJ° �.er+� .�f[Cc�! iiR.Ar� .1A6v'.or'..v �••Ar.YI- .fA - •^�J • L 79b 6: it ?fee-444, .4d1� B/F7C'' TO SiERCNA PARK ..seawr or a.r^,R s,41CPt 4..1. ?kW' w.a+y✓ ..• AA' 7 NACl/ A, .Wir Ys>W E.n.nrvrur........... ....... it.,........d`....r.,,i A........c .64.1s..wa as • • 61.01.1.+1 w11w1r-'.w A..aaJ .e.ra !AV PPP. v il.9i0Ald" .Yr. .Ye.-..a'r..H.:of •n.✓-wv..4sPe4.1 wlmr i...tru-reer 43110/..r:64I716•11, .r....w-i.++4xw.,,...�.� -( • ........Way......Wxlw4'tl.' ' /m.........N..V14yr...,c LYr7. 0....a4i.• .A..ACry1•Y•1•'R.Airi .e.af . W M..•V .' a7'..1104. IW A w414114.' 60.41fT. /..I..C..,j I{E- Ah.r .f..nM{pY-.Y/..i`!. c/rr to .01..OAri -- .4.42Af Ci$ 4v7Ve - AltPAV[ad rnr.A. - -i rz • ar �.rsr.4 44 - rq.r /.sr.wrr.•. 06.�.-auxec•1�..0...,..ue;• .vi,a,..a•pc._i_ .A.. ,.....,.,., „...a......, .4.,ww..4,w 4 ' .way- .44.a..v✓ m , a.r• .'i, ...x..r Ar1+y n .��ar! .,, . K d for .l�.I' of Ec'7 +auau.r ezr 4.1-..�...+ewJAr.mt�.~.nSR.+•`ra.ww.lo.u.�w..aACJ) w+a• ..C'ybc�.aa rj+z� .+ rF s� G, d!r AA .r* ..Pd nrs....�4,.. w•.,A..!` y..li.«If ...u• 44114 +HIE>..' .'rwf ar .:b.r..-a ...Pa w rF Jn p' ... 14. war maiv"� » D- �[� i wilr -�4r •�'•.791 ..�t.,.. Me....r ../.qp, ..K y Afr 4.4:rr .M.wnd .jor04.4- 6�e6v fbe..aw.' JEfswH .. .'-' w' lwc� M. X4...W i sxrwar•.+' - Mae c....re€ `' .�I•✓ , .a.. ..,�,r git. Al,y o-, ..r»✓.t...Y 4.....a.....4.141ao,. rrt'rrvf .14 .�u.� c+w� .a.-nc+ ▪ rop -usee .�.yes i am*.04, A"'o6 41.: 446: , - l- l. w�r.«vr1/...Ae'— » -'4 41.<�6.1.. Aic.ar mv. rape AL. of Aiar" .g...04,.., er-AM. al - A..i.m ...,.:..yAw. �7" yg- :'�'ly �r cd6r 14-. <I j..y .. wu.s d� yigneiF+d.� i ra• r rw - .�'.c4lM Aist ..e.e.. kxfAP,e eos aov . + M.' 4.4T5F..r....... sr Me *We .41., ..., 4, a a.i. •." .si../ .. 4 44 /.^r.r!' X.6. .•...4p' A.A. /Ad .r...i.madi.n, e JX..lm .i ^`Masan/ »— — ,.t<t,.... V roe—di.ALI n..le+.ni..ru oesapa er."pa'ans ..."A4".....d rss:, Mold" Ja.rr41..rme sw ..6•n a /4 Alil/ ...tW a..r .ay./f x+e 4/MIS .ad �. 3 .0.4rr-a.«.4...mair.c.a..d/M Air Aaakutral.. w...6w1G.w.w.. ,. swCtr d. . Ai .G...wi ., , ..Fs.rdi _Yfmr /.4d..i"11-:.s4y r, 44... ..-_..*:fit /AM 1 T.AAr Agar., X4...al .1.a..V.NrSG ,4Ar4PsWY .Y'-fK}: Lb-'�F�i M fs ..an7 .aOA..J' LF.afPr.Kli - e• .- - » .Vw' 1'J. ��.#��� f4 cr. mt`rTY 6r Ake A yfYy p�.6E.y. y��aroo . "'�'• '" .r[w..f'r1Gg...... ' .....r.�y� Y'Xr Ar: 'LL iq5 '•Car.�.'pl/ /4J" rM•aM'sntR ..dG'AGG.i. ei►.+4u."_m +w.r .14 PAY 494iw a ad � .444,1 I.s'..iwai..ire...'.1i- v- � •ft7 /,/Lf� ...}•as.+ .(a..ry✓.cr. Sra\h9 •mil .a.451 ..r . .r..,r ...✓ sr.. , me.r ..raw ..'•�'.�� r'`:€°:..s a ..ems ..11.. 4 414,- O . r r •dr• .90V.Rrdly.ylff.Y..6 ',vase .AY- 41+ .+eonsr. ,1d .>,.a, �r0.0.1. 14, -.lea.- .-.l, 4.,%...« .A ..y. :' wuxr-�'a-i�' 9r • • waswwrctY DO CO /sc. Ciiaroalltede )o pyeygpwTaw1 arc 508 ryC arrantu Urgb e ti tnturP, Moat, this 6 th ahoy °I lone tat l u l OMEGA LAM) CO. afkf a ORi£WA TAKD CO M. rfistutg ssaaalrr 1414• Lassa of !he State of bu..unrst is the Coranty of Bade the st ,rod laa jolly aarh<rri..+f to rran,ort btaine,s i1° Ilse tatir 4 Number party O4e lieral� P1po and THE.T431t?tI HERALD FL'F3LI5!lIPiC COMPANY (Address Florida . ha: inX hrs F a r/ pr,ratliran -6^-zi%IEPIA sander the Iax's of the GLte of Florida printripal plan of f.asiaras in the Craun7y wf Dade anti State 4 Florida and to fulls aasthearasrtd to rransnrt busuarss in the Staff of Florida. party of the serharul part. R iTl f S�l'Tdd: Thar the said path, of the first part, for turd in roosiulrratirva 4 Ow TFN DOLLARS (2.;1O.Oe) and othor p,00d and valuable consideration Ett-41= ern +t crs hand pawl hs ehr• gaol putt, of the serrara4 port, the t:renpt = hereof is ha•rrby prAnraa:ir.t�rl. ha, ➢:r,e"r..d. harinos ri and m.l.d t.. the said parry of th.• s.r.an.l parr. tit Nsrr,-ssora WWI as.fi /st f.�ra•s.-r. rh.- ➢oif....:of itatel ,.roan, l.In,c and beini an the (:,.only RAMCOS roam 90•h ,A.D.l968 rvarporatsa.t , haring it, principal ptase of and State of Florida n,l Stair /,f Firarida, tq•st'tt. ii�� 2 , "THE C;t1RDr:: OF ':li.••l S`t Lot:, 1 and 2, 910t.T 4;!71:;i", a..orUin. to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat i,00k ac Page 12, of the Public ft<•cords or Dade ore County, Florida,lying West tof Days�hfeutPlace (now: Herald Plw..a), and The West 2.50 feet of the East 137.50 i et o: the South 57.30 i.<t of the combined width oi that nor - ,aid j:3; 1 and, 2 1v'1nx I t said :,),hen I iu ' Place, and Lot 1, "SER A PA}1.", according CO th.. Plat thereof, recorded in Pint Book 76, at Page 86, of Ow Public Records of Dade County, Florida. v STATE GP FL©RI©I f O:"..0 YcENiRRY STAMP TAX 3 7 r , . FLOP;() . 3 4 t 4rvi the aand party 1 ehr A1.1 parr tie.. a hereby f tardy µmrraAt the till., t., 3414lan.d, Loci u.lt .4 fend th.- 59SS 68 311 Wituros Villrrtut ilwx.id party of the fug part imas caused ;hew presents to he sighed, on name by 6/$ proper ofbierra, 404 its corposte seed to be affixed* col.-sted bY itl Secretary, ihe,.d.yatut ts.b.C.P4' ./ W.71. 011?..1.;A 1...P....%71 CO, a/ it/ a UNICA .1rAN:O ..... — ;( 164 1. Awron.44••••42.reiten Scitne,4., anal stelsoeferi prelow-e 28.2 SYje *tar ifNtuna. County of LADE. 3 lirrebg Crrtifg, A., ,....ih. &th d...7,- .0./ jun. A. 1) 14 b P. . b.j"rr toe perm.rnaliN apprared DOCTOR BENJAMIN C . MEN . MS. DOROTtiV .". and DOCTOR MARTIN S. BELLE, Predent , Vice - l'resa,-ni an,1S•-creior* 0-..41,. `o<-1.• .-I . 61 r......itaara114.11 40-11-114.1 OMECA LAND CO. atik/a OMEGA LAND COMPANY Fh.- ...,tot,. 01 Florida ..r.. Mr irnao.rn t• i to, Jhr. p• 1-1.40-0. W h., A.tynrdi eh, 114,4 ,,.,..“4.1c,7 iiValLI{Mr-iii 114 414t-i. 4.4144 et s anti 1.14, ail+ erI r,,gPreivipolri ihr .t-let ni t.n.te titcr. 4 14. I.. 11,11 tr4., rte 1 anti L,..,, u, I It., h .dia.-r• E., the trie, anal inn. p4e.rx iher I. in na.-ninbtat,i and that dco-., nil :n.4 lir, r..in, ilea ,,.! ...,.•/ -I ...,..1 4. f.:7...1-af ....ra, 4smi these /A, wani Anti -.nstrent il the ola 1 4.44,1 ./..,41,,t .,,,,I ...., porn; is.ri ' 172it:It tiS rrs, harlot an,' •,11 I, :Fri ld- .1i ,si .., i Dade 1 Th. •141• ...Imp; 4. mi in,i ain.r,sneol. 14,444 4 1, 1".,41r• 'Ay Cuni s ion : M .11/14 'War ./ NOTARY F Lerida IC, State ot Flnrida L8r • 1003 p� .813 wAtuarr van TNIS IliliXNr7lia Made, this 15th day of September, A. D. 1954, between 61LADti, I.1IC., a corporation *slating undo: the lays of the 5tace of Florida, having its principal pleca'of business in tba Coanty of Dada and State of Florida, and lawfully authorised to traaaact business in f the State of Florida, party of the first part, and Thi MIAlCI RIIALD PUBLISHING COMPANY, a tarporatioa szieting Under the lava of the State of Florida, baying its principal place of humblest iv the County.of Dada and State of Florida (address: 200 South Miami Ivan**, Miami, Florida), and lawfully authorized to transact bneinsse in the State of Florida, party of the second part, NITNLSStTR: That the acid party of the first part, for and in Nzonsidaratian of the awe of Tan Dollar® (110.00) and other good and valuable ,00siderations to it in head paid by the said party of th• ascon4 part, :he receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has graored, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assist's forever, the follawiag descr'.bed land Moat', lying and being in the County of Dads mad Scats of F1ori!a, to -wit: • PARCEL NO, 1: Lot E-2, of CAU3LIiAT FILL, aSubdivision l according to the Plat thereof. in P1at,..,%ok 5, st Pogo 120 oc tbs Public Records of Dada County, Florida. PARCEL NO, 2: Lots S•1, 3-2 aped 3-3 of CAD3EItLT FILL, a Subdiviaioa in Section 31, Towuahip 53 South, Malaga 42 Taut, according to the Plat thereof recorded iu Plat book 5, page 120 of the Public Escords of Dada County. Florida, ?AIM MO, 3: Lots W-I and W-2 of MT CAUSEWAY FILL, according to the Flat thereof, recorded in P1a1Eoot 5 at ?age 120 of the Public 7tacords of Dada County, Florida. 3 PARCEL MU. 4: lots 4 and 5, in 'lock 2, A reatsbdivisioa of Lots 25, 26 and 70 of NILSON VILLA 3U'DIYIS10W mad Lots 1 and 2, in 'lock 1, of GAUDLU OF EDC SUEDIVISIOS, according to the Plat c,eraof, re- corded fe Plat look 9, at Tate 174, of the Public Lacords of Dada County, Florida. ALSO All of Lot 6, mad all of that portion of Lot 7, lying batweat Lot 6 and vhst is compely known as SAY MIX rucz, block 2, of the Aastndsd Flat of Lots 4 to 16, incivaiwe, is Bock 1, and A (Corporate dissoletioa - ea Documentary Strips required) 614 ?kraal ho. 4 (ca taoad): Lava 4o ye L 20s 25, 6 oat 70, ofock 2jILSON YILL.& SUB- DIVISION of i.. Sa DIVISION ash Lots 1 and 2, is block of Gart = - 07 MULN 3Tl1Ir1$IAK' iagto the 2li o f Cr e of, recorded is Plat book 30, at ?age : P.blic ?motto of lade Camay, Florida, in lay Sarea.a, according to the'rc PA3f.TI. M�s�: Lots and 3, Plat tharaof rocordad in Pine Doak 7, at p' ! 135cofitho Folic l t.cordios offiDate a elC Countto 6 y, 'Florida, lor1Bloc2 11` 1%l a1L of Pershing Court. Lot 9 and North 44 feat of let lit, SAY SLISSA,acco PA3Zt�9._� look 7, g to 135.FoftthasrPublicrSonora, of Dada Flat look 7, rage Goaat7a Florida. 'rho Mort' Ralf (V 1/2) of Lot 11 and all lot 12 of resubdivision of Block 2f FILSV Na0301 f Dada and Lot 7 of WALDid �' a feo the plat thoraof County, Florida, according t148 of the Public recordist is Plat book 4 at pogo b.scorda of Dads County, Florida; lay 1.oy and all littoral and riparian rights apl,arrainiag AID to any of the agora e4ecribed parcels of land. and the said party of the first part dues boraby fully warrant the title to iaid land, and vill defaad the same against the lawful claims of all persons vbassesver. IS ylpi=.SS YiL3ir, the said party of the first part has cauaad thaaa peasants to be signed is its tame by its propar officers, and Its corporate anal to be affixed. atta■ted h its SacrstarY, the day and year above vrittae. Signed. sealed and daliverad bra the prasance af: f Mad ATTEST ticrei3lRsT t '`J t', 'c"= t • 1 a°°3 'PICE: 815 STATE OP noluti OGUNTI OT DADS I EXAX3T CUTIFT, brat on tile 1958, before ma personally appeared and Ernest J. Hewett • v11:- . . - • 4, 14, 17 of Gilhew, Inc., s corporation under the lsms of the State of Florida, 15th at Y George T. Gilleland of September, k. D:. President sad Secretary respective,...„ known to he the Persona mho signed the foregoing instremsat as such to me officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to he their fras act and deed es such officers for the Iwo and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official seal of seid corporation, and • that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITXISS my hand and official feel at Miami, in the County of Dads and State ot Florida the dsy and year lest aforesaid. eatery Public, Stet* of Pinata.* at Lusa My Commission expires Novemner 196Q SusteofFlovdcCountloiCiade. This Insinment wasjled torreaxiithit_tror: 0513att!e..?!1A.inddullreagdedinOFFICIARLCORUS L R. 1...E.ATI-11ERMAN Ckei Cinuit Coat -3- Ba- 3. JE. WM* AS5OV1.A.174, Inc., , • I,* plroxi.:2 riBB1411 wider Ow loss if Ar Siar.r el Florida , hin 4.10 US prag. ipat phaa r0.1 FliJ is. gitrEowmay of Dadt Batujog/I-li saalssriasi sa. trossaes bat:mewl in tiar Fig...mtg. pans .4 :4, P-4.1 tl 74,ial4 l'142.a) • INK 113.111a HER AI R PUBLISHING GUKPA a bisrpssaugss atiougs Part the hog* of sEsSsiab s./ rio.r L44 • •priaavot piaga at hogioarg la the iTaggaga of Dadt. sad :SA., rd Flo; fda ' . 1 sioit Ube Nal aNtisio.szrod sr. tfaireoloa iiiiiiisi.e in Ow411 riaraia. parr al thr It tr4ESSF.711: T hat the said p.m ..1 asfr fi rot panel, .1,::::r sad TEN AND NO/100 DC,LAIS ($1.0.00) and othrr .KoG4 abd valuable cobsiderati,ibrAMLIWX. 4 . :.-,..1,',..: ., A. .ii pa imiikoi plaid tt,,i cf.- ..# parr, 4 pawl, der r.rreo iiiVer,of ra Arr.-B:: a.: I ft.to 1.4,a•-d. '' Boma riteliKi. tv.r)ratimPred 4,11d *Ad Po' ihr rata part, .. ..i....1 fro,. ..,• ....-• ......., Wash.,. ih inti ei,i4 he+, i g 4a Ike expagAfl Ol and .51., ....t 1 laraia. pgarg; flait16 at 1,11R, SIA-12.1% 451 ot : i3s.'1'wv and Vofictida Usy, rt.AToing East alooz the SssAlt O f Vbdsq;ats vay ivrt, rxt, ar assitcs Sb,th 44%11 von, ot LIWOCV, WIXOL 154.45 t«,t , er lasa, to apt EasE sid, ot Not6 ;iayaboit, Ea a 1),-.111.ca4t,'rt:y -dit.ertioa ataag ttii; Eaat.atd 6aysEbtb. litivb 04,0f foet, more- Cf Idss;:tti the 1.. LOES •2 and 1 slf....$10.4*: ▪ Lot ,c !kia•"7-e-•gasoii 1.0.. it :IL tAiii6 a E00.1.7VBDENtiON,...f0:1-ttY.1.0'' cars, lispiqvalissot cmsparly. accdtdtdi r,- , Tlat Eool, 'Ts at fragt 4-7.4 a:14e th, ot the elst.ult C.'' 1 Dad.- COUnty,..f1911dis. 61 DE14, S > , :4• p..4”,h pw,r ,I",•• • h•,• tex lsolli ron, F 828i f„ E 702 iN'S, IlIgrrri f, aar ar.td parry .f xkr - pen Asa c.ea zhere prrrearaa .ro 1441.4.4, air own, 144. +o iroMofirvia ad iao eap.rrHr herd to.64. 4.an . rt$raerd br :u.Serreuaryr rho.dry hold 4CaagatQL 3 it titbit OrrtifH;: sla<e ahu a+ 1w ,.1,4mte -. r trel.1l g pprare+d / r -� . '. tAnos A&5c7CtAT s. Febe.:ary tda , +-r kn..+.w or &. tb.- pr rr.,en w k...44..4 atrr Farr. .r,rt .a.cruu..v.e r..a.0 % w d ..v.sdi, .. A.+w9139Arad ikr «K„ rsiw. akror4 r.. 1..' Mr." (r er.nt tYp11�. 4 ,.f :-. ,»,! w94r.,. }«r do, Pi., xrr•i FA* •r pr... a tA..r.•eal 11..r161x.nmi .ml elmo A.., miss. •.1 Own** Oar, L. ,.,... ,-i m0$r...pw.34e+..33.1 sk.s r.6 ee..f 03a-r<........3 334 Ate S. .r.d.t.•.d art pond r.,rp.uainw. ?Vag ma hood owl .4.. I, ..wt ar ?iirari ... a.., . -..mg,. el tied +toed Stole w? A Ac,r 1 c a R.,o.,.mad Net ART Yl?kY.SC Wu/ rum, Mal TT TtairM aT TAMP 413 ia11M.T71ai WOO ICI. t *ITT IRCAadiaoftrr 9etgelifer a � 3i 3Ouly • Mob 9 6 !, i BETWEEN. Anima C a ?Teli®ii# Wl'i r of rot.", La,warljr `. Me ?Ojai i!,14 Pbbltah.ini lobes* idd*..s ias 200 South atj the l:aaw y.4 . Dada Wirt 4,SSETII. Theo aba Dail pal l' Ten dome and other good ant!' rel the sw )i d pw%d br tA. .4..4.4..4 4..4 have efeatt«at !w auteeetai RIM aaatipr:. Jams f' its t'wwrs of Dade Leta Teo (2), Three (3), ,Etg Bqy Serena, according. to TolA at page 2.35, Af the Public; together xlth riparian rime the ate ds.eribrd pity. tn4 rh..r4J pert ire of thy Prot part do dM aaArr ayo.ntr rhr La.. feral rl4irr.a of d1 1,0 A 1T,1.E& X tfkR '» the acid port hoses g a.cd ..nl i rj.r atnr end v.11r shot 4..hear.ed eex peraooPr NO,LSHM U ~ea t antlbatttmt eonmeo xrwn eatse aat asetdA rr da?" of H. Marta . A !). 195 ik tit.rs., husband and vireo wf &Loh& p.mr8 ies of Ow Ara? prtre, owl tOrperetiono flaridw3 pat7 14 thr awrnar.i parr, t. for s/Iid iao rummaid+rwb.ur es} Rik,. mnrdn rr) ire d rsYinno liwrue+. ' d pfrt, the r.rdipm rrlerryvf ra 1.. rr•lr1 ilhr eriti,par(7 .4 tkr oor, wal par,, m<A:.aftuodr, lairtX wwl %wing ens thr rrWld: A (i) of 2socrdd in Plait Hook 7, trarkf : norida; riiegse: appurtenant to } aiurrOot e.01r b.. +erd taevd, anal e..xd drjra.l 13arre h.re..nr,r .rd ts« +fa° ,LSTLTZtS6 xd ti:ST ti.E.L 0/iZ/ZT • • . - . : . areit th.• qfsvot Corm io, end ter mfd . riks -her has tit§ ' ' ' Siew.tbirly rfipry4ref in she Ark . 24 *V fitl AUG t6B mot c.1). retrAtttA • (11 - T • r7( s'iatetto'y trairiC • arrutitg Berh • root/ • Nilliss c, uotaster® ant 41.1th 0 $iinstere • • • . sat - ftraltt 'it3fil,temtni-COilpea7 • ".' • ' . . 58R/3321,6 C . ..I ..r ' 4,-:-.• .."'-'...r.rt--,',"-k_ f-'•- , ...r.- --..,-`,•:-'----..'""'"'-' -*---"`" - ' .!' r.,:, “-- , --,i .. • ^,st.: -,7- ' • , laiu., ,... , . , • 0..g.ttert t eV rlqiE • • tij rAlt, Is..t if C(:11 I hi* 61014,`Lii irhia t11.94:::* !,C.'-`°•°1 kt• • •f-', • .o !;;:i • • 4'1' "'"1' . s .tf;11.- D. IO • L 1.3' .1 •o, . - - " By .- -,• WA1RRANTr Dtta s+e e.aMtrti.ai 3abindium, thin. 1953 lrt#I.LI AM A. D. 19t , 1�li-t�llal'i his wife, - of the Cuiraty of /welt pare of ths tiros, pus, e:isdas tattler the Uwe of lb* Sewn bu.ine.. La the Ce aty .. (Addrr_sa; #200 South Miami Ay and lawfully autbctieed to traasaet bamboo ISITr+E SEEM 'That 40 said patt_1.a - T114 DOLLARS AND OTH!.R MOD AN t... L h etri - baud paid by Ilse said patty l+dKe,l , ., aYfd raatrd, barrairxd sand a.iipu., farrier, the (nligetiox &scribal hod, sl D ad C and Semi of Florida, 23 Lot €i in Ray Serena, accord in 'Flat Book 7 at pare 135 Florida, To.et era with any riparian r r r3 i1?•-ea appurtenant there This deed is -iven subject t covenants, it any, of record special assessments and lien crdin-incea and laws, rfit.l the .aid partiasof th. rust pert tie_ the wive opium the lawful elalsut of all pumas 11 14Tross 1'HEXF.OF. its add hend9 and aseL tba by tad year aho.s a desparati.ta baring be prkteipel place of Sit Plartel$ semi, Florida. ) at-..11 seida. party at the woad pars. 1 far anti le taatddeeatias of the wffi of LE ODNSID RATIONS I.,1ia:a, pest. die tea ipi whereat is hereby gelaoom- tId parer of the armed past, let iturcersots s d and being in the County of. he Plat thereof, recorded Public Records of bade County, -littoral rights and water vitro lied by the Grantor. 'nl in- easements and restrictive 34to ea snd subsequent trees, 011 applicable zoning' yt .metle w. 94,. et drat Pon hay* her i io try S,a18' total, sealed lad del:oared to prarnrul of net r st a ITOj N©LSHA iII'i IId t the title so said land, and will defend • tip r SL£TLTZi96 INA I'o:ST flWt tO/£Z/ZT R�1lw�o� y 5 9TOZ _ E • t•k-I Ivo - ]1).. • SLCILTZ 36 IVZ t0;3T NT.T tO/VZ/VE 'ji ; ;;;1 • WAR SANITY CI= rt. siossiimsow Pei. MIL WON, Pow Pliliampet pupwegairwo, ; I i • mem. Purim (0,414 19,53Jithrithat. Marla J. A BETWEEN_-----441M iknd urn( 0. xemAszaa. Ma wife, . of list Coseqty thameit ..mod Ohio 4. a dm first ,„,,21 Tat )(Lutz miutii. 'iljElLISHING COMPANY , a om•pc,,,Htia. • (Addresx: P. O. Box 1150 MIsOiiiPlerida) oxioting tattle the ines of the State et rx0muet. : , , having its prieetipel ph. of . , huoicates ;fa the County of Dada ..,,j ; and lawfully authorized to traoaatet bothaaim jg: 41,1 Sudo, VIVITNESSETH ; That the saki 'port-i14.—„ of the ' 1 'TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND laYALU hatici paid ilia *aid patty hits h4getL, !.11.11.r, . ..sreete-d, herredoeti ood 004ttii iVrevre, Ike followinx dr/seethed lewd. biate, g beingbi the Comm"' 44-• Dada .is Sotto or Florida, . • . Lot 7 and the South 4 feet o a subdivision Of Dade County. to the Plat thereof, record* page 135 of the Public /1141-Ctil Florida. 1 SUBJi..CT to restrict:lona,' Um texas a Ubsequent 'to the year Mec„,• Florida 117.Orido, party of tho mooed port. ror Nod ka teioaderedon of the war at SLE CONSIDERATIONS nova, id port. the receipt whereof fa hereby reirmay. dIparty of dye masted pen, its summon outil !Loit 10, HAI SMENA., 'Florida, according Plat Book 7, a Of Dade County, Patients of record and 119513. /tea ti, aaid part_ insai dir: first parr do- hereby' war* ot the title toad Lutti, and will l- the maw agatatat the lawful doisto of all Poroteo wrrsvgA WHEREOF, the said part...Lcof Iasi filet pert have berangsto ret the• r hqiiL aiaa ......1....Le day mad Tarr abase writleir. • Sitgoe4, WNW da411,strocyse prowetice fac -144¢441 • Ed: - C. (se.” 41111 °C 1.1c_ka5ters thi0. MoSasteri 4 TO NOISakk ku-mata 9.LCILTZVS6 Iird CO:ST 11EL t 0/CZ/ZI STATE OF TLO UM C.wry rf 1 HEREBY army, Ts.a on iLit i+! s.ibe and eria..S.dy.a.arb •yr•�t e �6 , M. 0.8 M dintO drtJ laa�.e:++i t, Arsdolow • !t 6b1 9tk[rnraod. wit }�, Mal a+t.tato lrif Mfir'lrl hem ha ✓ ftLtiai 40d r.trrgi.L /AU her risk, hat. lad uim lea' ==. ware be. tie Lir3e ilwaiLa4 d...++ rrt due *srCslnt. epe ondomiwihr few and w am tr . A.u11lL14�3 !.v saw. ads i ,t�� eL} t m.. %r-ati.yr dray mailwiar.1 ..dmini`tsr M as ..ru Lao*. lia Lr the trm+ dr.rrami - .IL .w..wla.t di. i.ert.iaq d.d ., ew.l 1rLa.ried!l.d factors ma _ ta.rrki tmfripar.71MaariJ r f.r ch.- W+Ta'r4 lisrre1w •xpre"sa. ' 'tS`iiNB In, S..,ii .a .tmM.i 1.11 I' Ii t .say .I_ _ __ _ _ •. _ _ _ . . . . .ai as..f f1.44dA ti ib.... hf or . A. D. !W,_—...... p . , soto CZ 5 " z r NOIS h1 A.LI'IaQ18 ti V • i 1 ' 1-1 : a ,. -;-;1' wn v 1 i r 9 C3 A S 1 i b ' _ ? s `•3 21CT11Z626 IVi CO: I 11 n'e' tO/ii[ /( F „014:•.t1:iikti' -,r1c6ta60 le0.I4tattiok 7 *VDair4P113%,4r4t)e,101.1., ;:- suBJ;fqr to leiniditi** ,•restrict.,ton limitatichts, • 2 if arty or -record . • -. • • - . . And Ur ask] piart_14141 the first part du-- hereby fully wart -ass the We to Kid laud. earl will defend the Renee agabtat the lawful clams a all potautw whasw0torte. LN WITNESS WHEREOF; tbs mid part4.13 of the finu Jimeaume Art. their and ftal—S- the day amid year shame written. Si FOWL Mated taut dellresed *preform 01 wa: 14 ,=t4 4 L_ NalSali Air -maid (Sea) • t•N 2LCILIgtS6 IVg TO:ST am. tO/CZ/gT OTOZ sr xtorltilF E! OHIO d I =ED{Y =Wt. Th.il e, *A 14/ ,�.,�t� ,�.� thaiwo ma. as sinew liare.tlr.tt..a e. e��:. made ra.i wka rda.r Wiliien+ C. Mct+ieaterss joined by 'his wire, • rdith O McMastere , I t41 le WI anti harm r, ire tie •i a ri►m1 Mr in.i 410 iiie r.i dl. foftwAsii Awl. rail t+wwi.:r.l grist. aaa .'( trs t hiY t de .rr. a..ir .aA eai r.r $. aier.la e - .tPit) IMMIX E £1[llEYtlfr �. a.ii EdiLb ©. '11.CJC 3ter8 kw.. to am r. la, be Or wit* torlir William: C.F:G�i3�Lat'e t. • .. gm 44 eelrtre .ad atingle sn at tiow�..rrl�lao aiad rrL 1� aril iamb boa,.i allot tams-6.rlea �.i.a.� i4d<. .r+1.dv rls ri* mat. ier.ri a rMIMr iwat4 .aid d..l the . /arpa+. fi a.daaecip. aalia�ialtaa eat earnarr I * lag rill rr. timid, •• 1 i■ate . i...e..`nrw w at opporom rrnrri .e 041. i• sal Y do Iasi :....ri..: l.errna, zed doe ardr NrfAk p�'>�e *WA iy t...ir ,wl rolwnrAp wed wklwe rat & 1444444e6114 apperliebeiba +s f.+e .: '.r h.rr t. 1-,S' �. , arl 1ri rid 40idd reel mg �-"'f . Corot, or 4',14 114 `A- • NV ITO • scA'LL AF PioxID.L x x x r...ei, er X X . x X13EREl7Y 07111111Y, ?Mil ea Ilia lv pm...m.11r my...Xil 6.41r. we, .. .fl`vre dvly ..k..i..A as a.1ra4esatrr .ali. ,mail IAA «tweskaPrwM.. X -X ,- - . _ ._ X .... - - - x k x .x . 1. I.. 4.4 414 44 In iie pns..- -- lr.. ..1 I. -- 4 ibe esteutely.to ietelp iaa lrrd, awl terkberleegb4 q+^rvrr w.t IFS .._ 'sward d..aaw ifrir erl t.l.tr.rils t.r,tisc Puce.+ IL..r.4e •'per'""=• x Wrr.44E P. ►mail aol eifitia6 e..i .L._ "r.-- ' , f]iwrr of— ....-- .-. x- - .. .- . .ad SRai..d }'iar{ldidda i 1lay of . X . . ._ ... A. a. 1®t_--a x i •. x x ;il.¢...� to 1►tC �i�354 ;� Ix.4n sir hiy sas..i.c.e .spier...:_,. alma . ia .. 11!4117! • ti 1 a r er: i,a1, .01 Nusu ILI1nII SL£ILTZ156 Yd ZO:SI flWT i'O/£Z/ZT t01103 na.61.3 W1 INDSMTUSS, blade, .this 15th day of September, A. 0. MI, batvara CILM. INC.. a corporation existing .oiler tie law of the state of Florida, having its principal place*oL bestows& is tka Cwrwty of Dad! and State of Florida, and lisfull7 aitthoriiad to Crossett bseinass in the State of Florida. party of the first part, and TM' MIA,lII .UALD PU1LISMI °Duran • corporotiea Relating 'owlet tba ley* of the State of Florida, baviag its principal place of bw bows is tks Cosaty,of Dada and Stitt• of Florida ,(address: 200 $osth Miami awake*, Miami, Florida), and lawfully authorised to traaasct I►uaiseaa in tie Stet* of Florida, party of the aer_ond part. WIT!!TL'sSTE: That the said party of the first pert, for and is cooatdaration of tho sum of Zan Dollar* ($LO.00) and other good tad voleabla con■id*ratioas to .ie in hood paid by the said Forty of the inroad part, tba :ecsipt whereof is beraby acknorlsdgsd, has granted, bar$aic►ed sod cold to tag acid party of the s*toad part, its secca•soru and assigns farsysr, the fallowing d*acr,.bed land sitoat*, Lying sad biting in the County of Dodo and State of rlori!a, to-ytt: FARM ma. 1: Lot 1-2, of CAWS/JAI Fill., a Sabdivision according to the Flat tharsof. recorded to Flat lock 5, at Page 120 of the Public Record* of Dade County. Florida. PARCEL. no. 2: Lot* 1-1, S-2 sad 1-3 of CA/MA/ FILL. a $ohdiviaion is Soctton 31. twitohlp 53 South, Aaugn 42 Seat. according to the Plat tkaraof recorded in Flat Rook 5, peg* 120 of the Pohltc Records of Dodo Count], Florida. Iota 111-1 and W-2 of 1I CAi1SLJA1 FELL. according to the Plot tksrso€, recorded to Fla.iooh 5 at Page 120 of the Public Ricardo of Dade County, Florida. PA3tCFS la. ;: Lots 4 Lots 25,�Zind70of d 5anBlock 2. A resubdivioion of fnaox VIVA SULIDZTISIOIi, and Lots 1 and 2, in flock i, of CARDIR or LD Sp1DLYIS10f, sccorditg to who Plat thereof, to - corded La Flat look $. st lags 174, of the Public tecorda of bode Comity. Florida„ ALSO All of Lot 6, sad all of that portion of Lot 7. lying b*LMesn Lot 6 and what in commonly known ■a IAS MIS macs, block 2, of the aweaded Plat of Lots 4 to 16, iociesive, in flock 1, and MOLL Ri (Cur or*t$ disselstioa - Am DoeuM+ntaCy Stamps rsqmirad) LOOC3 xO.isa:4t .LFi a1d 5LCTLTZi.V6 XV1 00:ST nE.i, 170,CZJZT B0018 1003 Fa:_615 sTATlt Dr TLDi1 * COW= of PAD: 1 mart maul, tut on this 155th day of iopcsolipor, A. D. 1958, befota no parentally appeared Cootie F. Gilleland and Ernest I. Hewett, Preatdaot, awd fserstary ra8Mecive-: ty of Gi1how, leo., a corporation ender the loco of the hate of Florida, to ea maws to be the persona who signed the foregoing iastrerent as awn officers and severally acicnorladbed the execution tbaraof to be Chair free etc and 4es,Cae ouch offtcara for the uses sod Parpaaa1 thoreio motioned and that they affixed thereto ®hs official tool of said corporation, and that the said iastruwaot is the act and deed of said corporation. v1Tt;ISS •y hand sad official sul aC Masi, in cha County of Dade and State of Florida the day and yeas last aforaaaid. Rotary Puiiic,*ce of Flo do at Laren M/ Commission expires November ). 1Nt 144re 9t Flctt'di, Countl of Dade, fth> rirstrument was +led tar retard the /.51a uf' .r 195Z at '?,.9/l1t, and duly reOftied ro OFFICIAL ftLCt1RUS BookG=s }'aaPage ..G./,Mite aSSA• i 6._�.1'„e10414.wss Corn Gres+u Court NQIS3k► A,I.I'ISIIId 9.LCTLTZ1 6 XV.1 TO;.T IZR.T t'O/iZ/ZT 13:39 ri 87 SETT-41.A/N DEED THI3 INDENTURE wade this -44:r of March, 1959 by and between the CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation or the State or Florida, County of Dade, of the first part, as *rantor, and a3 C:9 THE SlatE1RALD PtJ T,ISRIWG C0![F*$T, . a Florida corporation, of the second part, es Grantee (the word Granter moaning either the *maligns or sueeoaeors thereof where the context required or admata), UITWZSZEH That the said Grantor for and In aonsi1eretion of the sum or Ten Dollars (110000) and other good and valuable considerations in nand paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereot,IS hereby acknowledged, has remised, released and quit -claimed, and by these preeenta does remise, release and quit -claim unto the said Grantee, its legal representatives, seccceesors and assigns for.ver, all the estate, right, title, lien, equity, interest, claim, and demand which the said Grantor has in and to the following real estate situate, lying and being in the State of Florida, County of Dade, City or Miami, more particularly des- cribed as follower Commence at the southwesterly corner or BAY SERENA, 43 recorded In Plat Book 7 at Page 135 of the $ublle Records of Dade County, Florida; thence run northwerdly along the easterly property line of M.E. Bayehore Place, as shown on said plat of BAY SEREXA a distance or 135.88 ]feet to a point of curvature, said point being the Point of Beginning of the following d.asoribed Private Court; thence run northeardly and eastreardly along the arc of a curse to the right having a regius of 20.00 feet and a central angle or 90 2.1' 00* a diatanoe or 31,54 feet to a point at tangency; thence run seetwsardly a distance or 11O.O0 feet to a point of curvature; thence run eaetwardly and southeai'dly along the arc of a curve to the right having a raaiue or 2O.00 teat and a central angle or 69039,00" a distance of 31.29 Peet to a point of tangency; thence run avutbwardly a distance of 116.12 feet to a point; thence deflecting to the left 89c 39' 00* run eaetwardly a dis- tance of 2O.0O reet to a point; thence de- flecting to the lent 90° 21' 00'" rcn northwardly a distance or 260.00 feet to a' po•'_nt d thence SLSTLTZiSB INd O0:ST nal i70/CZ/ZT 1,00 E NO LSEAk xl l3QI3 ia3o w 88 dellectin$ to that left 89°' 39' 00 run west- wardly a distance or 20,00 feet to a point; then*• dsfl.otifd to the latrt 900 21' 00" ran soutbnar417 a distane* or 63.88 rest to a potttt 'ot "Oureatar•; then** ran southwardl7 sn4 wstxar+lly along the lira of a curve to the right a diatom* or 31.54 Poet to A point or tangency; thaws mei veitvar it J a distance of 110.00 feet to a point of curvature; there run westwardly and north- eardly along the arc or a curve to the right having a radius of 20.00ifoot And central one * or 890391 feet to a point of tsateoay on the easterly property line of t • a.Zorssentioo.4 M. E. sayatsort Pillow; thanes run *outhreardi7 a distance of 80.00 foot to the Point of Beginning; containing approximately 11,543 square fest, also known as, Private Court, BRAY 5t.1UA, s ResubdiYiaion according to Plat :Dolt 7, Page 135, of the Public Reaorda of Dade County, Florida; subject to the following:: 1. Taxes for the year 1959 and subsequent years. 2. Restrictions, condition* and limitations of record, if any. 3. Zoning Ordinances of the City of Miami. IN WITNESS WBERBOF, the City of lltam1, S rat nleiP&i orpor- ation of the State of Piorida, has caused thin if*tru*ent to be executed in its name and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto by its Ci%Ejana$er and its City Clerk, both thereunto duly author fi . .05 day of March, 1959. Si r►rcY,-d + led atr4d.liverad in. fliti ftr pence efi.. CITY. MCIAMI (SEAL) Br Attest! NOIS3M IIII34Id GLETLTZ1 6 d OO L 7H:L fiat/CZ/ZT oo EXz to ED pursuant to 11E:SOLt1TION NO. 30639 dated parch a. 1959 -4.133O wax STAIR OP FIORIDA1 55 Cowrry OF DAD* T, an officer duly Authorised to Wes eaUno.rledpe*nta, hereby certify that on this (,f 4sy of -harsh, 1959 personally appeared before ■e IRA F. WILLARD and P. L. COS. known to ere to be the City Manager and the City Clerk. respectively, or the City of Miami, a municipal corporation in and under the Laws of the state or Florida and knovn to sea to be the persona who executed the foregoing instrument, and that they severally acknowledged the exeeutioa thereof to be thole tree and voluntary act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purpaaca therein expressed, and that they affixed thereto the official seal of the said municipal corporation, all by and with the authority of the law and of the City Co*aiasion, and that the said ireatru- went is the free and forasi act of said municipal cOrf;rorattCt . wITRE33 ay hard and official seal at Miami, in said County and 33tate, the date and year .at aforesaid. tI o MOW, Owe r11 *POW ,. s +rtt v. Arrmwe D A3 TO PORN AND LEOALt ( -Assfatent city Attorney -2- S'wk a1 €Ief& faa.{y a! Dail.. f 1+,r Matroemtt was tiled let eaeor! 11u 1. Sel e 0 - e; MI a a -1e toy ncaie! se Omom. RECORDS l...,i la, peer Ns ZFid > -0,0. NOLS Al X1I1 IId SLCILIZtSB XVd 00:5T .111 nZ/ZT 9OOL )11 a corporation existing under the 1s place of business in :he kvunty lof to transact business in the State;o ------ _s-. Talk, RI I!! corporation existiab tzndor the d'a ltl place of business is the County of t4ds to transact business in Cie State of W1T TH: Tnst the said: p of the SUM of Tan Dollars And other ro'., paid by the said party of the second has granted, bargained andsold And assigns forever, the following clae�r: I f of made and State of Florida, A portion of t Range 42 iaet, Line ;Railroad, Florida, deicri 'Stasti,ng at t of Section 5-5 of the Seaboard along said 4igh feet to a point and 1250 feet triangle of ll Tract : 31, So'cti Florida Fruit in Look /2, rage ?areal It. IT County, Florida, Su Restrictiunei and Ris Parcel ill. Southeast QrserteT Two (2), 7oy*Ii East, laud. Civet Parcel 1's r Tract Thirty.ltwo Fifty-three 03) rtounty, Ylorhde, roe in Fiat Book 2, Paige. 1 Florida. 1 V tote 12 and 13 of�BA Flar.da, aCroi,ein t Soak 7 At pare 13 .,ey Florida. aTO I i3QIa 0.1 h Iangr to TVIIIKARAI K+ms fiwJavw faa"..or vy, . A... D.. , 1556, HIsi"macx E � hij $ m yr 4 ! a Florida, having its principal arida and lawfully authorized the first part, and NU CCH YAAT ofIPlorida, hating its principal rat rids", and lawfully authoriz* tsecond part♦ part, for and in coasidetati considerations, to it is hand Thereof is hereby aaknowled th* sCConrl part, its successors itgate, lying and being in the ion 5, Township 52 South;E short of the Seaboard Air Dada County, State of 'L raeotloa of the Teat lane' tjliao of the Right of Wny run 1450 feet Northeasterly e korthwaeterly soaue 1200 of Section 542.42 b ini g, being in all a s'-oxiiaate?,y 1T arras m +531 S, Vangc 40 E. Plat #1, recorded is Records of bade rglades Drainage 10 acres sure or less. azt Quarter (SV .) Section 3i South. Tanga Fartyr (40) Levies (11) Township y 40) (taste dads Plat thereof recorded Records of ?.lute County, -subdivision of Dade County, he#eCf recorded in Fla' gotoris of Dade County, 5L£TLTZI 28 LO: ST alit tO/CZ/ZT li Parcel I. Part of thereof" rs kecords'ef as falls Cogitating at Satan, atpres a distance D said south project led heretof nr edcasti tract wire of 57.51.14t of the t' Ct of N. E. ty to the north kaaL 'r9 Ifes 'newt; thane e ,1-o ale a ttrattia ,it# hereto"' Ice•• Begianih at III Parcel aII. That part d1 ,CCDrttn tB !lad* Co Loot 2, sleek the south ti I i a point OA d` intersectltae Place, which property here feet to a&t .i Biscayne BAY west parallel o Garden of II intereecti •:I i Platen; the ea '- •, of the coos I1_ Ueeinnirg; tob.t together v'th tower; it;be_ neat in the bu Parcel YII1. Lgt.Qne (1Y,n recorded in P1 Dade County,i° ALSO conveying to party ix: radio tower located on or in Connect And the sand p:e:'ty of the to said land, and will defend th 1N of rNeS5 WtR:sa:OF, the tlks isi presences to be signed in its name by i be afaizej, Attested by its Secretary!title er Ve . . ec tat; I i - t},a fjoe ki the beLi iv< 2'01 ion clad the uth' ces 1eat,'� :03S3i1 �IIIQI3 of $den, accordant to plat 'age 12, of the Public aoro particularly describe::" i er t aalpng ore ir t: L Of Lot 2, Kock 2, Garden or the south lima of said Lot 2 leas, to the iaterse:tien of of Northeast Beyshore Place the" ;Otthrest corner of tract of i-stele Block, Inc., to the :tiami Duttib along the west limit of said Broil�q'aating Comer y, a distance which is the Point of Beginning ;,thence north along the east lin.. ected north, a distance of 50 fact B1 Garden of talon thence AA iron pipe located on thin U1d to Shej aariheast corner of tract i f dtasting Co•':pan , ni arse. aOh* north Tina of the treet wtdeaatieg Co., to the Point el' Levi, Dade County, florid.. 2, at Garden of $den Subdivision 'al; of the Public decorus of ng tlthe srethvest corner of again ae easterly dir+:ctian al ag 2,Ia distance of 371.51 tett to mended, of said Lot x, that would theleast 1i:.e of Northeast 8aysho heipeint of beginning tor the thegca c.tst a distance of 2Ge.2 `earth along the western line of .5 re* to an iron pipe; thence am extended of Lot 2, Block 2, 261.2Ifeet more or 'Pea to the d +eeistr line of Tortheayt Bayshore Df} 5ti.5 feet alone the prologati aayahore "'l:cc to the point of an rights appurtenant theret t'ourudtjon only far radio t theiradio toyer and the equip- ncl:t1ed io this transfer, Iccurritig to the plat thereof ge 135, Public i:et.urds of all iiparian rights, et►seteents and re l desert bed preen i ses . Lr ebyi fully warrant the l i t le 'rue 'oldies of all uersons whoa- : i sk part has cause" these icersi ^anti ear above I Bia7A4CAST1 its coraorate seal. to written, Cr---- sC9•Ocof LSTLTZtS6 XV,3 fit" /ZT 6102 4 VOUNTT wlTNE&9} TL 1CIIlCd EAS,• 1a iiiriS hate of yrravieletta'+ Lade h,nlnaftar tioie ibed eoteM3.'la the *attended asd:ri.Arwared o aelEasala daa .f Floridai iY r 'ii'NEE H,.p.ereseet t'!, riOTIC RdWy •'referilal to li,r`.tb. r. 14*14*-hertioefti t;arnd b aqd be % hell i �aa$iI hat a i b rintt a� craoe Letu .a>lel MANTES hereinnrs� i NO3V;'#LLAI$NIfT THESH P4:FM9i -,lreteonsoaet ,F*ud"of; the :Stets *f Plot .het■ of ]9T; ~'foe; arid;>ia;:somaidaeatlaa :. ";+i 62'50._3 0/ thin 6 bind paid. the''reea€: .�+1d, aid h r these ►t esto do 1t!! t. b.rg*ta. }'l�.ri'l. arizsiritr .4e4 . f. id-11.otion 9 al t. ►s ri r;i Mq r+1: 0: n swlaui1in tad ttdte_Mhio�irLoi.droerib:ll:lili state of llurtcda,' y:referred to,' Id en Lifted 66769 in OP noxiDA. ORASTOS: 7 rrs Hof Florida, of 18S7=xltle Late o l41J Section of said ai tst or the1>aipre.raarsat plti I.bf#1 tiwe I.t.r.ad 1aPea e++t for.s1* lb t 7.af. mkT t)+e '1`1Iet$M:.b*►i °seeooted.'tk. thvt' tl►+ '1"twta+� "ar►r°i , 'a a--Subea, to a% Book") at Fual o it.aaorda of ti idek. I ERVIVi unto the State of ;Floras otreeistiat 648 iU ' trite wally ea seat side of the eater line oil` an* Stela oxtails* nt arty preen borsht deeeribaa ao: i with% �. Bestair I � '�) fret of w i6) To MAU AND TO HOLD Ile *bore tdd d rs nit Meta, tosteatana and amigos brow, s is, �! o II of :1,41 INvolt aprr WHELIEROP the';aaMd ?ovum at th4 :hereunto wl eOfi}d their wow sad affixed Om 40* tiettneat of Arlyottnee of the State of !'deride to be y�f.l fr[�a[.-• LZO 12I No.Lsam.. A3.I13(LId a ■, L! A? 4Pl. Cct 4 of V*Twev hrlan4 ^i901Wiae-«id1F the date at thb deei fib ss each easter lbw. aoaracoloraaa _a,V:v. ^ LCTLTZtli %4d T tc.T t1Ht i7O/CZ!ZT 59S8 : err UJ• MA►tW'3 001164 77ri w.swa...esrrgAlor...7,ove. ra xm.ra+awrtores arratttt Drib V (his 3nbrnturr. 6 th say,tune um Crie?ANY Jtr:rrr t:F:: ccn LAND CO. :a/kla OMEGA rsiasasF a'.drr Ow lawn of the Stase of Florida and Seat. of Florida lrr'senrar Sri the C�esu llo of Dade and laa ftrlh aaath.,ri_.'J to 'maw:: basiness in d'r State of Florida, parer 1'{ the friru part. and TM ttIAH1 t1EitALD PVaLISIIINi: COMPANY (Midi -ass: St -maser One Herald Plaza 'Miami, Florida Lowing eta r,rrp.watle.a eri.7tn$ Warr the tarn of tie State Of Florida prinnped favor of bussorsa in the (:..ante of Dade acd State of Florida and la. Jun, ar.thwre:e-d rn tranwut harmer= in die State of Florid*. parry of the serf.vd part. AJT\P:i`,ZF-Til: That the .wind parts of the first part, for avail in rr'nsielerntee'n of the 0.04 of TEN DOLLARS f$1O.00? and o th•: r coed and valuable consideration KiatiaX Ir' rl .,, hand pdi.f hs the said parse ..f she weer$ part, she receipt ..hereof .s hrrr$v arLru.0 {.:tAestl. has granfo.1. 1.arRarn.4 WW1 9r4.1 to .hr .airs party of the se+n.nd part• its socr.:w.rs and as.*ixnr J•r••+•y. n the C.,ssnIY nt 'tcEe .h.• l•.if,,9r •ns d,�vr,h,-=1 {and 9,f,rarr, JYiFlt andln•inA e Or..{ Nrat= of l'l.,rrd4 to-rnt: That i ! •'r1 o • Lot, 1 and � , 1 q•C IS "THE [;Al?Ilr :, O th. plat .hs.•s,i,t,sr>c..arde•d in Plat Book '•, at Pa%t' t'-. of th.' Puhlic ilecords o: Dade ote ounty, Florida, lying tthe East"137.5CthtectPlace threof, lirralt Flaaai, and The Waxt 2.50 i.et ut the Fast 137.50 :oat o; the South 57.50 feet et tier cornbin.•d width of that por- tion. 2, hint Wtat c: said Bay;l',c•r. [ 3 . •n s . said 1,,, c .' 1 P1act-, and Lot 1, "SERENA PART", according; to this Plat tho'ral, r.•ccrdid in Plat Book 7&, at Para Sb, of rho Pu61i: Records of Dade County, Florida. , A. D. 1968 • a aalept.rniiara STATE e» FLa 1R €7A tiOLlimENIARY $TAMP TAX 1 JAA.Prc 3i S'•irt-nly ?ri hazing in; principal pisrr Rf 3A 1 4a.1 sky arid parr? .f the first par! does h=•tetra falls =armor she tit:e ro sa.d Lana, and te tit def.-net the :" 59SS 3n Illitnrom 1114nrof. AP said pars of ihr frri pap has rarstrd thrs' prrarnes w br tiiwrd !9 srs namr hr as.e prnp.•r oj]irrrR and id! tr,rprraer tral po br OPUrcd, att,•ornl by in S*•rrrtmr^a, the tlwr ase.i OMEGA LANDCO, a/k/a €>?tkf_? ''''' ''' '/ reooirroC (Jf ,e•ale.l anei aji•lierd ireyce prrar•rarr ra} oas: J{g fJ EIIIIr of 3i»rida, COL/81V 9S DAD?: daa of ,]uCiu 3 }irrrbli Cirttifs . that toe sie,s 6t.h Ok£.�, 't�S, ti{7RfYtiiY f'I !"ti A. 1) NI!) )3 . i..'ja$rr me p.-raeaoails app•..a+o-a DOCTOR BENJAMIN C. President,, Vice-Prrs,rirns anti SeYrrsar, Felix .'aae•1a .,l sued DtX 1'UR "r1ARTIN 5. BELLE,. a e.r.r}.:ras:.,m snn+irr sh.- 1.ra....1 : k a OMEGA LAND cot4PA23k C3?:E£;A Is4i4 CO. % ra rn. 1E....gn.•i rh. ➢..r. ..•eli*:aO4,14 n .nr Florida i Vi,alltn,.rs E1.,re.�f e,. /.. ill. fr,..e.e .,n.i n .• .n,rrn.n• ni na +e,rh ,ijjo, a•r4 an.1 ar�r. tuFl1 ar irm.,�•1,-ri�.ri At' t�t�,,.,! rl,. r.s., ah, .'i� .•s 1h.1r, .n rra,Knts.,nr.1 an.1 ihut die, �(. ,.! C. ..,> >� �.1J at�..re !or eh.• eQ.r1 end pwri+..r .yi :_➢ ae..i .:.r p.,r n:...,� ,ri ..r ...tut t..riee,ratitoi. anti skins ihr• dnul ines•s,nerns i+ duw r an,1 t1.- tag „hanr➢and 4.0t•sat .',ii.rr .n r.�, s ,.,..r+ •,7 pad, r t,. •in, .vs,; n•=u 1a.r al••n saal. :Ay cxpires: -1 anal tisa$e E+l Florida NOTARY r LIC, Stag Jt Florida Larp' i • ram • • lz ...non .,y/ ,lvrw, Ay lgpv. µrrsevf 4,1/.0,436, al ?Or Cdy chi ry.w ! 4./.7 J.'f...J f, yps?..2 rr/r.+lrnw /kr*i .l rr#4,e ..ejl$rsro w+r.✓ de a.'j-I' og....-1_4-sr6 Ffr»csASW 4 /j. .1Vrr.Y9 w Ana.- ryi..' 404* [�,,��!2„,�, /,� w� ,rIW %A'd 5. ▪ '}! ie. '' -- - -.. d.*▪ Adr 6 / E M -—"— iq t x` J d. S ; 7 l0 u ; T2 ; /3 si 1/4 • l' tklF rr D 1 ERSt1 .\t GOURT AD1.11T101d TO111_ t1 Y OF: t\nll=.lt�tl p l= l__:C�i.tL3. BL1�5 W SCALE 3 AT.SO 'NGR5- ssRlJAR.Y.j9!S .Y.ver ..L., s.s. Br '.era .'.c "r^,.r "> rem Inu.c rur rw.srd ,k, 6r a,d.4 ,p4yw..-9 is IS ..d/+s a.' Mr rii/d w✓ ram I• La•C X ur hers' Mwxr [.sr — 4d A•mn rw�.ny Nre sny M. E+s/ dx.:- %4- .w� A. Awr ...*fir ,..a-t •d 4- -^r 4rt As is/ km rfid r or.ins h .eFseYv+`h a- ' ' h+/ r,� ll4W' drJN 15 ✓ee J' its9s,s, siecars arar al ....We' .n Eout 27 N *yr [.4 . Coss," efocasset Nr-xr serer Sirs, siesv �• Av. d,r d +t++^i N2 Ors, ,wad sw is& ..s+ r:rsr Is AM I.s/ troshoes7 •ne d Awry... O n A.e r ▪ ...▪ .Gk.., .IDY I eamenes t sn/mcasYl.T AfI se' t.. �+-nkk.w c b "c -9 .v. Arr1/4sddv dl.. , i FNA' Caw), Z.' d.w aac esw welAV ed .. ea.ac .g .r.wrsm . , a1s +sG�ai..lw..d+� %cr.'✓� ...4., s ,d 1.0.. a.• d+Kr olok r hrrrw✓ ,....y.s sat .rind .-�t.....' oiu /A /,f • AC'WI.. .. /nLq 4 'a/nl Ini i.+/ I/ ?ktmr f°m/A •�'a rf'l � •• { e 7 Ji. 0567 mf.300 str��LJ. aInuance Drr . iiiriiI e. .Wade, this rdi day sf August ..4. D. 19 69. iti7r fl 'i ::BAR S!CJRITI 3 COR3O9kTI . a raeparat�au ... a r xistus( ttnxl r the rasa of the State q. j y:_ D41aVg , hosing Obt,priercimi plot,.0 d.asfnr i, ttt tdtr C,us , ` of Pa1sa Rti3Ch and Sate of r 110r « acid lawfully aril h<tri rd ,r. trioxide' hu,,s,iis'iq clue Starr aif Florida. p rtr of ,Its fvs, part and THE YL1Mi HERALD PiU1.ISHTiG CCKP rurporanort rxtstinlp andrr the laces of the SW* of !Lurid: P,arir,e its, print � piar j and State o Florida t r u business in the County of Dade j a.a.l Pau fully authorised to tran,art business in the Stare of Florida. party of the s.caad part. (Address *to.:1 Herald Plaza, Mani, Florida) Pi dT tit.S. ETtir Than the mid party of the first port, for a,td u ransideratiaiq of ,he ,um nf' DOLLARS ($10.00) and other goad and valuable considerations -Minor r., t fn. hand paid br the _said parry of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby ackaoarlrdited. F. R. rcronr.-rl. haryaiorti and sold to the said party of the second part. its successors aid assigns forever, the f..ato,.inp described Lind a.tuar:. dying east,{ brine >n the County of Dade and Starr of Florida, to-seit: Lacs 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, GARDEN OF EDEN SUBDIVISION, as per Plat is Plat Book 4 at Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Sub}e,t to conditions, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, without attempting to reimpose same, to taxes for 1969, to applicable governmental regulations and to existing eat;&ents, if any. FLORI 1114511 r 1111 *ad the whdparty alas ®sore attaii.4,lam &Mini efiwass Grantor istrei . Tin htantsarni prporei: &NYof £UV 1t. .e, - Pttsideat a ttilSeteit a Paper ritele of , • s'ar.p. t1uR..Wdrr the taw, of tseres it ha vied the lore; the $tstr.f . ; ,., . , r7 ,��re�7/Jaacwcss , the yr jh,tt;gt,aterrt $, ,rich of it rt �lY aitt +s"" the rxerWiaw thereof to br tttriT free art and deedPis; th+rria asextcoewd and that they affitivf thrrrtu the rr - tidas Audi a�irets for rAr ma" sod P F""'s riot seat of said rat peratioa. anti that the said ir, -moment it the art nr rf drwf of maul nra ywai+r.4. it1llniS mY hasaal a.,4 ulootl Brat w lilatag r-i I ."4 f, intheCmayof WitK6ili t;tt-1 wtdtitsteof York '.`iec the day and rear tart of trrraatd j t . .1., <1 -r: 1, r t -1-r ..T_t-, (Seat) tiatarrPvblte Sian MR.11011 a ctstci sAA. .h2q, MI- Xy Ci. isaivt= " raat► w trrat+tcwasry t re 74 3a 273 ra � 7 Nov I U PN 4 : D7, I rd t +••grew Tittr rori.i. ihki Irsstrumeni was prepared by: riot is r. KALLiACK 16 !. rP• !Flog A.rsr. 3jrtfivecdHi2}I - 3if1gM 689-02 fS; n(mr, si.dr this 10th dsya{ Novt'mbr, 19 7 i iir€U7rrt3 1.1,31ERT SAY ii.ON rent U AHfi€F.T SAY RON, his "Artie, and LEO N. BROWN and LAURA A. DROWN, hiss wire .4 tf.• t..,,,t. f Dadc , State 4 1''"or.t3a 1'ltr "alAMI 13IRA1S) Plif3L.IS11['`tiG COMPANY, a Fl,arida r ,-por.tiun ,w&irs-,. is On Herald H137,:1, :aiamt, T .orrda 33132 i',,.,i,t. a Dad:. SLAW R$ F Iart3:r i[nraer14. :.:frrst,t.,£ of the s.£m ,s{ en snri RoiiOO , itesrrtm", and , gran.tsrt< On3tars. a 1 £a1r. r veal aced a ml.r.arfr e.1 ;s"£1risAr t.£r Iresnl psrr3 1.a Wad r ranEre" ghe tit rip*t esk.terf . L....L....irL.... b-fa.t_ has grs„te cl bargained. and u7e3 t+. ti„- sag! gr:titt as,d grantee's hen,. and arsxpiis #mrert, the 'kw k.k,vq 4.-cr*rrd krsasl .:a.— lying a£.d ix, -mg. E. Dade Count, mute, Lot .15,-'in Rlseie`1, ai PERSE1TVG'COURT according to the Ph• er.tcf, rec,rTed in Plat Hoak 4, .at Page 147, or th Public Retord.5 o. Dada County, Florida, together with slnprow'm 'ni ..it I.1te. thereon. THIS Ii .t:1.) t . "lade and gt:-en subleet to restrictivr,s, r.-eraatiorts, and limitatio:s, i£ arty, record: api^_1 cab.e xeua(rsg ardfrancea, taxes su:-Sequent to the year 1970. R+1%UM AR,Y .7U�TAX = i J. S D _= 4.142 i t'"-• £. '. PL tJt=<1✓:.n.` „r! ..,,.{ ;;£ „r.,,a wanted a title to said Iarss. sex! .ri11 Mend the to » agaasst the krrfrst cta+rns ,t eii t4--..r.. wirArerr.rr • i:e.; . x ,.ad '"Yswntte aee used tat surgr:L. nr plrxrl, as contrat trptitea" :t finis £:e n`531:frrr0f. (;saa,.x h;rx hest-4to srP prtntrn s has. ,npc! araitix day- asaf <. •i....b,d ..rr+t •k .',r.,.i tp $AE4 fi°`''ra`c ( slxs+r vets -den. _ t Seal 1 .� .+Yl _ try.. •r. ?xke 'sr...'.,-�'n=rtu.,t+. pC' rs4ii t ....,-- °--•-_...•..,-.r,..,s,rr. .nr' 0..,-i;an.+xr°xr:1 trrft�l., "AY _:afar.-.l r 3. , r r La • 62S� rh(��o1y aF t L t 3ubruturr, L' &n of Fehrudry J. A. CAKrol ASSOCIATES, INC., esi,tgj water dv Imes .f at" 3ry q Dade aaf .Baser „( Flo, 3,3 r tw.as.r :a ,hr 1'as.mes of sad S frlly art,arizrd an sresaara $0660.06* aw the .Scare Fat 1ltk tKIAlll 'KERA3A FUEL'SI1INC CONY/ l Flur kda hI„gyp r. avrpwrmr wr +.amrrrR midi+ rite tar, ofthe Sow, r p.ymrvpi "'"" nt tasarhla. iR eh. CmeWiv a$ Dade mod S.I.. of t • : .red dam iotis s..riasr1.4 w rrmsrarr hmse .sr .A+ Sr a:. rrt Ftarrata, peer of the �..:....f r•rr r aIraksNETBI• Tbso .Ar soof parry of ihr Pat p.m tar mmf ••...,,•.f...,,..., .s.• • TEN AND it.)l10-0 DG...i).AS ,$IU.s>VI and ether Y;•scd and v:,.:f5a r'=•'�. • rJOMItx is u is h....4 pal be .h. 0614 pars1 r,t rhr s,,..,a.{ Fora. the r...rpt «41.,.,.1 IS h, r•,b. <:. t•..,., 1. ,£,s•rt has pwsf.d. tamrpas.•d sod ...Id n• the said ptev ..1 rh. t..a...l its.. .r. ..r ..rid ....:,.., t••e•-• • the 1.11Ln, it", rt-arr.h. -B Blmd s.t.+m.r. I- n wi tr-,x •m ,h.• B'r.s.r.as .,eat'Sear. ..f f tend. rr.r.t. RA at,:,Q Florida 4 is hm..np; lt* Bent. psi {.tsar tat Ftmadt. part, •,t Eh, (ear parer, en.P (: ai.Z. 7's .... (Ht.rri.ri. r.r:a) I.rgtnaitsi, at the Sce.o.h%aai eorrrr ui the herlh Dr Is and Venetian W-sy, running Kos; along the South a„s. of Vcnetaan Way freet, mete or less; terrace Sort h. 127.17 trot, one, r.r Icst: thossa West 154.45 fret, or I.•sn. to the East bid,. of Ncrth ga yaiearr 13r£ [t�: in q sr, -=el asi.rly dncCtion son the Es:a std. '? fret, ',ere aL Irss, to th ins: •. r' 1:,int; ear sr•x Lrta t, 2 and 3 nI 81 oa 2 of the F:.v}' of Le s zia Z6 and 7C STISO:f VILLA si BDIVISIO'1, --: 1. -t 5 and 2, Gluc'I. I, t.laDE'. OF ETU 511S1111.15IOti, :s,r ttl• .sync 1rrps aver nl C',evgany, aceordtop; to Plat i'':. •.,:. c..•rJr.: in Plwt duuw y It rage 374, t'C tl.. 3tii.• of the i;irc:oit G•+ust ct l)" i:c•unty F14[4da_ c e.' rth1fl acer1,11, ds,L . :or�i.'t A'. f, .' I`ktiy.k...£ , •ilat th,r•c: .n:.i. r: to ?':at tt,,: aai Px.. s".hla. R.-cords of Dade s:,`rnty. tF•.,r:..e. — �fi,A"ta� �� FkcGR;C�• - 1>UC43MFH'hiiY ,`A A•S• 5f._F .. �'J,Mall7:lta �,i7 Ar„£ rh• .u..t pair :'i r.-ha !till. .a,, a no 4' 1 • .s , flg!—‘ ,gg1R,v7 gut G ritta 6281 (_ 702 dia '� 8[ZlEi 1.drrro , tow x.id perry , rJK p.rr Rao r.ya-ri to rer p.PVer, to b. aljn..d ea u. m.wt. 6„ ut prop., wfirrfa, ...1 itx trwp.rasr am, !m io of Lang, mrr. mrd ba YE S.`.Yrislt.: d.v ,awd • alnwr ariypc By S.rr-ra.v, ..s4si awd d.da viral ua tAr jr..dMro time mt iiurati, Cinntip of DADE 3irrrit3 1 rrtifg, eh., ta., • i. CiRT ASSOCIATES INC. A !• tv , 1.4,er m,. p. r,,,.,adle arp••ae.d . - . r /. A. EAiii)R ASS( iA1E:. 8'r. x..1. ......E 4.,1ern.a ,.... r,..-f..,; Janal v eA, d.,.r .4 Flos ivn . a.. e,,. M..da P. lb, rA.• p.v sew* x ,. h., ..l...d t$r }ear .r•,x ,n,ree.en•..t r. ,a.m. A ge.•rinilsed,A..•.., ure... rh.-r,.,# r.. F» {hr., frre ale. Mi1i ...,,# .... ..lr.ee I,.r ik...........i pi"p.n. a awe.., aar,.rmn.yf twd ,Aar rA., 4a,xr..1 &Ar.rw ti. ••.. - ••1 .srl a- rErraxa.. nn.f .h.r ak...ud ma•x.q.rtr a; tit. • . wad .R.,l .•1 maxi r vet.,so lose withros.n,. 4aw.f m,.1 ..k.. ,n1 ..aF cr !f 4 rxsi ..I DYad,. ,,se 6......., wed rt .1"1 "Ja awl: mad 3eaee rxr NOTARY Ti.'BLIC wrYsar P Ej Mtn M Rpfli Ha tT t,;/ to/Hulot,/ iiraat KZ r, 1017 .fi a i r Llft 110 311 81+1 esPli rC'"8 fit 44, 6 xr. 7.1 �a��x OENJANII PH 3:33 A 89R012424 NCC. J 8} t 35 �{ ' Docunent3ry Stamps Collected SflY�S' ('GURrNtDoc. Stamps Collected Tax Folio No: 01 3221 012 0050 4 class "C" ]ntarrzigla oar. Collected i Grantee{s} Social Security #(e) : Rlcriard � ur,l3kce, Clark, to Cots ty, fla. Tex 10 f1 38-0723b57 By 4-4-Q-4-[. WARRANTY DEEDfn�r TUTS INDENTURE, made this loth day of January, 1989, BETWEEN BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership, grantor*, and RICKW0OD, INC„ a Florida corporation, whose post office address is c/o David Kennin, Esq., Greenberg, Taurig, et. al., 1221 Florida, AvenUe,* , (*"Grantor" * Miami, Florida, of "grantethe e" of Dade, State of us d for singular Florida, grantee { or plural, as context requires.) WITNEBBETH, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and gold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: BEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED. This conveyance also includes all of Grantor's interest, if any, in the streets, alleys and public right of way adjoining such property. This conveyance is subject to taxes for the year 1989 and subsequent years: conditions, restrictions, limitations, easements and zoning ordinances of record, if any. Reference to the foregoing shall not serve to reimpose same. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. cr -A IN WITNESS VEERED?, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand w and weal the day and year first above written. 0 el to el ems' Signed, Sealed and delivered in our press ce: o N y ,may-, ,..1 a STATE y�LOROF A IDA) SS, aa o COUNTY OF DADE) tssorn oZ- N U U' BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florid Limited P rtnership ,X' $EAL) By: l a s Kdbrowsk i By; Rafael l(apueti Its Sole Genera' Partners a I HEREBY CERTIFY that an this day before me, an appeared officer ELuly y qualified to take acknowledgements, personally AS KOSROWSKI and RAFAEL KAPUSTIN as the sole general partners Biscayne Properties, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, to me , .,,,.,,, known to be the persons described in and who executed the } the forec3oirigttffq instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same.. y/� WITNBBB my hand and official seal in the County an State..i. ep. aforesaid this loth day of January, 1989. 1•.t My commission expires: ...-Sk ,NOTARY 'PUBLIC This instrument prepared by: Elliott Harris, Esq. LAW QIfiC25 Ei.U01-7 µ/, iiAiB. In 5 w 3RP STR£CT 6r., p LOOK. M3/.MI, 333ao • 7Et 1306i 360"0446 Biscayne Properties, •I.,td. to Rich400d, Inc. EC ! 395en 355 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 12, 13 and 14, and a portion of Lot 11, Block 1, PERSIHING COURT SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 147 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, Together with; Lots 7, 8, 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block 2, MAP OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Flat Hook 4 at Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of said Lot 14, Block 1, PERSHING COURT, run west along the south lines of said Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 for a distance of 186.54 feet to a point on the southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard; thence run North 4 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds East along the said southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard for a distance of 250.32 feet, to a point on the north line of said Lot 10, Block 2, NAP OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN, thence run South 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds East, along the north lines of said Lots 7. 8, 9 and 10, for a distance of 165.63 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 7; thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 25 seconds West, along the east line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 99.90 feet to the St corner of said Lot 7, thence run South 89 degrenorthes 59 linesmafutes said43 Lotsconds 12, 13ast anda14ng fthe ora distance of 5,00 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 14; thence run South 0 e degrees geeast 21 minutes 26 seconds West along the of said Lot 14, for a distance of contai9.82 ning feet to the Point of Beginning, 9 44,094.76 feet, or 1.012 acres, more or less, together with all improvements thereon and together with all rights of the Seller as the owner of the property, if any, in and to all streets, roads and alleys adjoining same, and all appurtenances thereto, »111.04011, tit 41,Ic,lt REctraDs Dom „ yal,l coia.I,, ,CORNEA. x 1,t ]i .3 R•, 3tD ... HiCHAAio P. BARS 0l1.10( CIRCUIT CEfllBB (98g JAN I( PH 3: 31 8 9 R 0 12 L 2 L Q, '- • becal /4-y Siamcs iAlicCt g / Y a) %' 4� �fEf. 1 3958 fi u 354 L 4liRTAX Dec, Stamps Wirt Tax Folio No: K. 3221 01; 0050 4 Ctass C' In:an2rala Tax G,Ilecica Grantee(s) Social Security 1 (s) ; Rictrarc P. iit.Ilkcr, Clerk, :,sac Fla. 'fax ID t 38-0723657 WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this 10th day of January, 1989, BETWEEN BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership, grantor*, and RICRWOOD, INc., a Florida corporation, whose post office address is c/o David Rennin, Esq., Greenberg, Taurig, et. al., 1221 Fira, Drene,la, of the "r ty of Dade, State of Florida, grantee*, (*"Grantor" * Gr ntor"and are used for singular or plural, as context requires.) WITNEBBETR, that said grantor, for and in Consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, and otheer good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid,by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assbiegns fing orever, the the following described land, situate, lying and Dade county, Florida, to -wit: BEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED. This l st, the streets, allleysand public rightl of Grantor's tofe ifany, inway adjoining such property. This conveyance is subject to taxes for the year 1989 and subsequent years; conditions, restrictions, limitations, easements and zoning ordinances of record, if any. Reference to the foregoing shall not serve to reimpose same. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons •` • whomsoever. 4 IN WITNESS WHER.EoP, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written - c• m ro O N ^3 ' Signed, Sealed and delivered in our presence: BISCAYNE PROPERTIES, LTD., a Florid Limited /P rtnership �ff4X 4/SEAL) By: Elias K browskii By: Rafael Kapustin Its Sole General Partners STATE OF FLORIDA) SS. COUNTY OF DADE) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an ens rally appearedrEL,IAS duly qualified to take acknowledgements, p KOBROWSKI and RAFAEL KAPUSTIN as the sole general partners of Biscayne Properties, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregpingitiVr ,• lI instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same., WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County an State.,iiats6f y��? aforesaid this 10th day of January, 1989. -s.. C._ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: This instrument prepared by Elliott Harris, Esq. LAW OFF lk: S3 Li.\t 11 lie Pill S. !IS 9 1V 3no 9Y ACC!' . FLOOD. MSAMI. FLA 93,•uO • TK;. L3OD3 3E9.0s.se Biscayne Properties Ltd. QF[, to Fichwood, Inc, 6t LEGAL DESCRIPTION 355 Lots 12, 13 and 14, and a portion of Lot 11, Block 1, PERSHING COURT SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 147 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, Together with; Lots 7, 8, 9 and a portion of Lot 10, Block 2, MAP OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4 at Page 12 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the SE corner of said Lot 14, Block 1, PERSHING COURT, run west along the south lines of said Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 for a distance of 106.54 feet to a point on the southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard; thence run North 4 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds East along the said southeasterly right of way line of Biscayne Boulevard for a distance of 250.32 feet, to a point on the north line of said Lot 10, Block 2, HA.F OF THE GARDEN OF EDEN, thence run South 09 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds East, along the north lines of said Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, for a distance of 165.63 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 7i thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 2$ seconds West,_ along the east line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 99.90 feet to the SE corner of said Lot 7, thence run South 89 degrees 59 minutes 43 seconds East along the north lines of said Lots 12, 13 and 14 for a distance of 5.00 feet, to the NE corner of said Lot 14; thence run South 0 degrees 21 minutes 26 seconds West along the east line of said Lot 14, for a distance of 149.82 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 44,094.76 fret, or 1.012 acres, more or less, together with all improvements thereon and together with all rights of the Seller as the owner of the property, if any, in and to all streets, roads and alleys adjoining same, and all appurtenances thereto, 10 ;WWI, 1, C, fi;. lei RMADO WON ib OK CnPh1Y. f4.14,1 % .� ifiCH RD P. BRFC .ram LURK Clkf,[li3 CLU t