HomeMy WebLinkAboutUASI Budget 2003 by Depti UASI 2003 City of Miami By Department Sea 8 Sea DX-50003 Camera n O Q >- a City of Mural 2003 UASI Budgets by Dept. Original 2003 UASI Budget 41 03 $ Lttesav,ng systems r+406 Medevac LOler great,. 4 1 apart 03 $ SSB-2910 CDK-6 Supentre 1? Helmet5 wfcdia, Buddy Pnones for AGA mask Latex Gtoves and cut/ nags 10r dry sue MK2DC1 Comnlor14at,on Box 200 Corn -Rope ...Connectors r• % 41 03 S 4 03 $ 41 03 $ 4.1 03 $ 41 03 S 4.1 03 $ 41 03 $ 4 1 03 S PCSSTactrral Wireless Pole Ca mera System {2)(SWAT)`' 4.1 03 $ UDC Wireless Under Door Carnera System (2) 4.1 03 $ (SWAT) vFS W reless. V tdeo Frherscgpe System.(2) (SWAT) 4.1 03 s.. ROR Arnrulue Tamen' Ballistic Helmets (30) 4 03 $ (SWAT) - Bau,stc Plates for Tacicai vest(30t.tSWATt. 4.1 0.3 j..- 3M Power Air PunfyingSystem. iFiAPRS) Part 4 1 03 $ 40A4630(30)(SWAT) - Revised 2003 UASI Budget as of •105 $ 9.108 5 6,120 1,700 812 $ 49.920 - $ 4.400 - S . 1,020 - $ 2.240 $ 5.400 $ 4.400 100 / Status Comments as of 4105 lead .tuns (Does not mean dept has discret,an aver funds). 0% Manne Patrol Pon Security Item Ongtnally in MPD 2005, moved forward l0 2003 per amendment 3I05 100 /. 0! Manne Patrol Fort Secunty Item Originally ,n MPD 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3105 100'/. 100•/. • T00 1 100 1009. 1005'. 100 10 0% 17,000 1007. 11 B00 1GeV 38,000 6,720 MGM; Miami 05'. Manna' Patrol Port Secunty Item: Ongtnally to MPD Mamt 2005. moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3ro5 0% Manne Patrol Pan Security Item. Orlgtnalfy in M 2005, moved forward 10 2003per PD Miami amendment 0'/. Marine Patrol Port Secunty Item. Originally ,n 2005. moved forward to 2003perMPD Mtam, amendment 3/05 05 Marine Patrol Pon Security item Ongtnaily in MPD 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 Mar., 0Y. Marine Patrol Pon Security Item Ong,nal)y ,n MPD Miam' 2005, moved forward td 2003 per amendment 3/05 0% Manne Patrol Port Secunty item. Originally in 2005. moved forward 10 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD 0% Manne Patrol Port Secunty Item Originally to MPD 2005. moved forward 10 2003 per amendment 3/05 Miami Mtam, 0% Manne Patrol Pon Secunty Item O(iginaly in 2005. moved forward to 2003per MPD M,amt amendment 3105 -. 0'1L Tactical Response to•Terrarism::Originally in ..: 2005: rre,'ved forward to 2003.per amendment .3r'0', 0'%. Tactical Re_Sponse to Terrorism- Or.tg,nally In 2005; moved. forward to 2003 Per amendment 310 100% 0% Tactical Response to Terronsrrl:: Onglnatly rn 2005; moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05f . 100 113,050. --:;-7 36.690 100:/. aa!15.1,0•04d, skirl&Mr.lenco armored torch bti6C'Y1Rlf1r1�►4plDuidQrp�gG?-1rs' SRx'i tesrrarmored trucks maraljneed I ryF,$:;atif irre personnel rp and from calls.-(2). (SWAT}: 41 03 s 6.000 100 eve( C-Sues (view item -need to verfy) .• UASI G3-Mta byDept 03 nee amount) (15 Tactical Response to Terronsm Origrnalty to 2005, moved forward l0 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD MPD MPD MPD Mama Marna 07G Tactca1 Response to Terno isrer Originally rn MPD,.,. f.fiamt 2005: movedfoVrdrd.b'2003 peramerdmerrt3/65 0% Tactical Response to Terrorism: Onginatly in. 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/0 0% Taclical Response toTerronsmy Onginally m. 2005, moved foraraed.to 2003 per amendment 3/0 MPD Miami MPD New Item per .4RF for 1100 Level .Csuits for PD need to verify and get dollar. amount: MPD Mpamt y { y Ile 3 or 9 As of 4/20705 J J UAS1 03. MG nypepo UA51 2003 City of Miami By Department Sea S. Sea DK-5000G Camera 2 n 0 4 rn m 03 Lifesaving systems 11406 Medevac Liter bleak- 4.1 03 apart 5513 2010 CDK-6 S„perNte 17 Helmets ..lcoaar Burldy Phones la AGA mask Latex Gloves n ruff rings for Cry sun MK2O01 Communrcal,on Bo. 200' Cam -Rope wICmneciors 13u0ay Pnenes X7.100 4 1 03 4.1 03 4.1 03 4i 03 4.1 03 4 1 03 4.1 03 4.1 03 PC SS Taargl Wrreress Pore Camera Search System (2) (SWAT).,; 1 03 UDC wireless Under Door (,dines (SWAT). System (2) 4.1 03 VF5 Wuetess Video F thersmpe5ystem(z).. 4.1 03 PER At -marine Tactical Ballistic Helmets (30) 4.1 03 (SWAT),. Bau sttc Plates for Tactrcy vest t30) (SWAT) , . 4.1 03 3M Power Air Punfying System (PAPRS) Part 4.1. 03 ItBA4630 (30} (SWAT) Ha+l.snc ln.ck skirts tot- lsnco armored truck haf49Glus ttk sleets pron00 pit ' trucks Mat aare used to 1+anspOrt Tactical team personnel to and Imre oils. (2) (SWAT) ,..-. _:,_ Levet C Suits (new item . need to venIy) 4 1 03 03 terry or Miami 2003 UASI Budgets by Dept. Original 2003 UA51 Budget 5 S $ 5 $ $ $ $ 5 Revised 2003 UASI Budget as of 4105 $ 9.108 $ 6.120 - $ 1.700 812 S 49.920 4.400 $ 1,020 5 2,240 $ 5400 - S 4.400 17.000 38.000 6,720 $--.`-'. 03t 100% 100% 05'. Marine Patrol Port Security Item- Ong,nally in 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 100'/. 07. Marine Patrol Port Security Item. Origrnany to 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 105 LeaC {(]oes not mean dept has discretion aver funds) 07, Marine Patrol Port Security Item Originally In MPD Miami 2005, moved forward 10 2003 per amendment 3r05 Status Comments as of 4105 100% 1007. 100'f. 100'1. MPD MPD Jun s Miami 09. MOOS Marine Patrol Port Security item- Originally in API} Miami moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 0'%. Manne Patrol Port Security Item Originally to ;Apo M,amn 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 0% Marine Patrol Port Security Item: Originally to 2005_ moved forward l0 2003 MPD per amendment 3/05 0% Maine Patrol Port Security Item Originally in 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 105 100% 0% Marine Patrol Pon Security Item Originally to 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 100% 07, Marine Patrol Pon Security Item Originally in 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3f05 10a. 100% 109% 1005 100% $ 36.690 100'/. 6-GOO nee amount", 1007. 3 of 9 MPD M+aml MPO MPD o , Marine Patrol Port Security Item Originally in 2005, moved forward to 2003 MPD per amendment 3,05 0% Tactical Response to Terrorism Originally in - 2005: moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3l05 Miami Miami MPO Miam, 07. Tactual Response t0 Terrorism. Originally in 2005. moved forward to 2003 MPD Per atrtendment 3l05 0.1. Tactical Response to Terrorism: Onglrally in 2005: moved forward to 2003 MPD Per amendment 345 07. Tactical Response to Terrorism: Originally in 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3105 0% Tactical Response to Termnsm- Originally in ..: 2005;rnoved.forwardto 2003-peramendment3R05 O% Taatcal Response to Terronsm- Originally in 2005. moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 0% Tactical Response to Terrorism: Onginany m 2005, moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 New item per JRF for 1100 Level C.suits for PD. need to verify and get dollar amount Miami MPD Miami Miami MPD Miami MPD MPO Mao Miami As of 4720/05 City of Miami 2003 UASI Budgets by Dept. 1 4 UASI 93 Mla hyDepi UASI 2003 City of Miami By Department MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT Portable surveillance and monitoring systems for CBRNE events Ceiling mounted LCD Prole 10rs (3) for Police EOC z 0 a 3.5 Budge) Year Original 2003 UASI Budget Revised 2003 UA51 Budget as of 4705 36 03 03 S 400.000 $ 15,000 S 400,000 1007. 0% rip $ 15.000 100% 0'!. Sta Hazardous Device Response Trailer. Includes Explosive Device Mitigation Equipment 5 cooling systems, 5 boot disruptors, 3 electronic stethoscopes. EOCQHomeiand Security Support Desktop Computers LOCIHomeland Security Support. Laptop Computers LOC/Homeland Serunty Support Dgaal Scanner 4.1 41 3-6 3.6 03 03 03 03 $ 37,500 S 46.000 1001. 0% prof $ 44.701 1007. 5 9,000 100% S 15 000 - 1007. EOCfHometand Secunry Support EOC/Homeland Securely Support Vanable Message Signs EOC/Hameland Security Support' Portable I ght system with generator LEA Under Vehicle Inspec5on System vvP55900ADR-16 3 Digital Cameras 7 VideoCanteras 3.6 3.6 03 03 $ 2,000 100 $ 21,600 100% 05 CO TO 0% NO mo 01. NO rno 0%N0 mo 07.N0 ma 36 03 $ 41 .4.1 2 Gas Powered Grid carts--: 3 Binoculars .. Hard Proteclve carriong cases' • , - VideorDVD Pia Cola- Laser Pelee Special EventsS arid I,]gasterTsavencji • 2 setts et televrston inC r urnstequiprtrent Dolphin rebreatriers DAN 4631-1200 First Aid f41 DAN 4601.1000 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4,1 4;1 4.1 4.1 4-1 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 $ s. i i- i-- $ S 48.000 - 100% 05'. NO mo $ 23.505 100•/. 0'!. Bo fo i ,000 100% : -;. E 4.500 ; ;1007.t - E mo .4,000 10016\ Ew 600 -`100% E ;100 100% . E m 250 100t. i E 1,200 $ :_. Evt mo $ 49,080 1001. 0% Ma 20 4t 4 03 03 $ S $ 1,740 100% 0% Ma 20 $ 4.056 100%; 0'!. Ma 2of9 20 Status Comments as of 4/05 + inured-fonirardta2003 e Lead (Does not mean dept has discretion over funds) Juns rogress per Rblom MPD Miami .us uncedam at 211. MPD Mani ect eliminated by amendment approved 3,05 MPO Kam. .1PLETE 25% Budget NEED AMENDMENT FINAL AMOUNT MPD Miami D Office of EM & HS Originally in 2005, red forward to 2003 pet amendment 3/05 MPD Miami D Office of EM & HS Originally in 2005; red forward to 2003 per amendment MPD Miami .. 3/05 D Office of EM & HS Originally in 2005. red forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD Mami D Office of EM & HS Onginaily in 2005, red forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD Miami D Office of EM & HS: Originally in 2005: ved forward to 2003 per amendment 3f05 MPD Miam, nb Squad item. Onginally in 2005: moved ..ard to 2003 per amendment 3/05.- MPD Miami Wilf..Makaglefnefft Item., Onginalfy i1,213135, peramendment 3105. ' MPO Mami - int Martagemeri Itetio Originally yn 2Tte5 ' +edYorward'to 2003 per -amendment 3105 •".. MPD:, ‘VMo o xttMan gemen itemm. Originally in 2005: - . - red foriiQaed e0 2003.pr amendir t 3105 MPD Mama wit Management ttern.-'tDtiginalfy112o05 - wed iotwatd to 2003 •per awner dment 3005. ::MPD-. Miami tr l$aiagetretttatert. 0oginalty.n2005, wed tonean:Ltd 2003 per• amendment3105 MPD Miami wit Management Rein: Originally iti2005 ,,; wed forward to:2003'per ameridrtier* 3,057. MPD.:.:... Miarm iint Management Item, Onginaliyi12005; wed :to wani.to 2003-per:arnendment 3005 MPD I.� Mom. - trt•Maitagement.11em. Originally in 2005. lied forward to 2003 •poi arrtertdrrierit 3105 .. MPD mom =ntManagemertt Item Originally. - 1n'2005 red:tanranitla 2003 per. amendment 3r05 ' •• .MPD Miami rine Patrol Pon Securely ]tern Originally in )5, moved forward t0 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD Miami nne Patrol Port Security Item' Originally in l5. moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD Mami nne Patrol Part Security Item: Originally in ]5. moved forward to 2003 per amendment 3/05 MPD Miami w� As of 4/20105