HomeMy WebLinkAboutTab 3 - Site Utility StudyhineE 1 i 1 1 Since 1989 CM LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ALTOS PLAZA MULTI USE DEVELOPMENT SITE UTILITY STUDY SEPTEMBER 2005 8550 W. FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 113, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33144 TEL: (305) 551-6267 • FAX: (305) 551-4542 E-mail: vsn©a vsneng.com • • i tin c, Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND ThANSPORTA3)ON TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. General 3 2. Storm Drainage System 4 3. Water Distribution System 6 4. Sewer Collection System 7 5. Solid Waste Generation 9 EXHIBITS: „A„ Location Map 10 "B" Storm Drainage Well Calculations 12 "C" MD-WASD Atlas (Sewer) 17 MD_WASD Atlas (Water) 18 Proposed Water Use Calculations 19 DERM Pump Station Monthly Report 20 Solid Waste Generation Calculations 21 2 • • • Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ALTOS PLAZA SITE UTILITY STUDY General A. Project Location and size: The proposed project consists of a Multi -use Facility to be constructed at an approximately net area of 2.16 acre in the City of Miami. (See Exhibit "A") The project limits are: to the SW 22nd Avenue, to the north SW 1st Street to the SW 21st Court and to the south SW 3`d Street. The property being in Section 3, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, Miami - Dade County, Florida. B. Existing Conditions: The entire site consists of 8 different lots. In its existing condition these lots are being used as retail and commercial establishments totaling approximately 63,751 sf of usable space. C. The proposed project build -out will be as follows: Condominium Apartments 320 Units Retail 36,470 sf Office 39,200 sf 3 • • MIMPRIONOMMINIM,R MAAMR UMW r—wirrM.r1.0 .err ■rrIrr..rc rrrrrr.116 __4 r mot - T sir Since .1989 2. Storm Drainage System A. Existing Storm Drainage System: CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND ThA?JSPORTAT1ON Roadway storm drainage systems presently exist along the streets surrounding the proposed project. These systems are owned and maintained by the City of Miami. The site, in its existing orproposed conditions, does not or will not contribute any significant amount of storm water run-off into the Public Roadway System. No significant improvements to the existing Roadway Drainage System are expected as a result of this project other than some possible inlet modifications associated with the street or sidewalk improvements. B. Proposed On -Site Storm Drainage System: The proposed storm drainage system to serve this project will be designed to fully contain on -site the storm water run-off and to meet the Miami - Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) requirements. This will be accomplished by means of deep drainage wells. No off- site run-off will be generated from the site. The total contributing site area and 30% of the building wall area exposed to the rain will be included in the Disposal Well System design calculations. An impervious coefficient of 0.95 will be used for the purpose of this study. Based on information provided by an experienced well drilling company for other projects in the vicinity, an approximate well discharge rate 500 gpm per foot of head can be expected. Storm water from roofs, internal driveways, walkways and parking areas will be conveyed by means of a collection system to sediment tanks sized to meet the detention volume requirements prior to discharging into the Well System. Additional Water Quality pre-treatment and Pollution Retardant Baffles at the catch basins will be provided at areas subject to vehicle traffic. 4 • • • 0011.1.11110111 MOOMOSIONSOIME magamsre umfavowswom SIM [Oroizi li Since 1989 C. Required number of Wells: CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION The proposed wells will be designed to maintain the site dry during the 5 year-24 hour storm, to keep flooding below the perimeter grades during the 25 year-3 day storm and to keep flooding below the minimum floor elevation during the 100 year- 3 day storm. Based on the attached calculations, a total of two (2) — 24" diameter storm drainage wells are required to provide full on -site retention for this project depending on the actual yields obtained during the well drilling operations. For Well Disposal System calculations refer to attached Exhibit "B". 5 • • = �........ __ II arr _ ft 01 C1G Since 1989 3. Water Distribution System A. Existing Water System Facilities: CMVFL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following water main facilities in the vicinity of this project: • An existing 8-inch water main on SW 22nd Avenue that run along the entire westerly boundary of the property. • An existing 6-inch water main on SW 1st Street that run along the entire northerly boundary of the property. • An existing 2-inch water main on SW 2nd Court that run along the entire easterly boundary of the property. • An existing 8-inch water main on SW 3`d Street that runs along the entire southerly boundary of the property. These existing water mains can be used to provide fire protection, domestic and landscape irrigation service for this project. This project will have to be reviewed by the MD-WASD Infill Committee to determine if additional extensions or contributions are required. That will be done at the time of permitting. B. Required Water System Improvements: Based on the records provided by Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) there may be a need to serve this property with a 12-inch water main depending on the system pressures. MD-WASD Infill Committee may require additional system improvements to meet the project requirements, or a contribution for future improvements. This will be determined during final design. C. Anticipated water use: The water use requirements for this project are calculated based on the build -out information previously described. An anticipated flow demand of 66,524 GPD is expected from this project. The previous flow demand from the existing buildings is 4,125 GPD. The net increase in demand from this project is 62,399 GPD. For determination of anticipated flows see Exhibit "C" 6 • • • clitt !tin I 1I Since 1989 3. Water Distribution System CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION A. Existing Water System Facilities: Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following water main facilities in the vicinity of this project: • An existing 8-inch water main on SW 22nd Avenue that run along the entire westerly boundary of the property. • An existing 6-inch water main on SW 15 Street that run along the entire northerly boundary of the property. • An existing 2-inch water main on SW 2nd Court that run along the entire easterly boundary of the property. • An existing 8-inch water main on SW 3rd Street that runs along the entire southerly boundary of the property. These existing water mains can be used to provide fire protection, domestic and landscape irrigation service for this project. This project will have to be reviewed by the MD-WASD Infili Committee to determine if additional extensions or contributions are required. That will be done at the time of permitting. B. Required Water System Improvements: Based on the records provided by Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) there may be a need to serve this property with a 12-inch water main depending on the system pressures. MD-WASD Infili Committee may require additional system improvements to meet the project requirements, or a contribution for future improvements. This will be determined during final design. C. Anticipated water use: The water use requirements for this project are calculated based on the build -out information previously described. An anticipated flow demand of 69,744 GPD is expected from this project. The previous flow demand from the existing buildings is 4,125 GPD. The net increase in demand from this project is 65,619 GPD. For determination of anticipated flows see Exhibit "C„ 6 • • • Waft MEMES... err wiw MIIMMOMMONIMMI MMEMOOMMM EM SINCE' 1989 4. Sewer Collection System CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION A. Existing Sanitary Sewer System Facilities: Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following sanitary sewer facilities in the vicinity of this project: • An existing 8-inch gravity sewer line on SW 22nd Avenue that runs from SW 2nd Street to the north along a portion of the westerly boundary of the project. • An existing 8-inch gravity sewer line along SW 1s` Street that runs east along the entire northerly boundary of the project. • An existing 8-inch gravity sewer line along SW 21st Court that runs north along the entire easterly boundary of the project. • An existing 8-inch gravity sewer line along SW 3rd Street that runs east along the entire southerly boundary of the project. • An existing 8-inch gravity sewer line that runs north and south along a portion of the westerly boundary of the project. These lines collect all the sanitary flows from the general area and direct them to MD-WASD Pump Station # 30-0001 and # 30-0056. B. Required Sanitary Sewer System requirements: Based on the records provided by Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) the existing sewer mains appear to be adequate to support the proposed development. No additional sanitary system improvements are expected. • • • r.rrrrrr. 11111141a. . rrrrrrrrrr CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION Since 19 89 C. Transmission Capacity Requirements The Wastewater generated by this project will be conveyed to MD-WASD Pump Station # 30-0056. This pump station runs at a yearly NAPOT of 4.42 hours per day as of September 15, 2005, according to DERM. The impact of this project on the ET of this station is 0.55 hours. The expected ET will be 4.96 hours which is less than the allowed 10 hours. The downstream Pump Station will be MD-WASD Regional Pump Station No. 30-0001. This is a major station with a yearly NAPOT of 6.60 hours per day as of September 15, 2005, according to DERM. (See Exhibit "C"). The impact of this project on the ET of this station is 0.02 hours. The expected ET will be 6.62 hours which is less than the allowed 10 hours. Pump Stations No. 30-0001 and No. 30-0056 at this time have sufficient available capacity to support this project. 8 • • • = /71111111111111111111111111111Willi MOIL r VimMrrONs 111111101111111111 rrrir IMEMrirrr TI Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPAENT TRAFFIC AND TP..ANSPORTAT]ON 5. Solid Waste Generation A. Solid Waste Generated by this project will be collected in standardized on - site containers for refuse and re-cyclables. Either hauling companies and/or the City of Miami Solid Waste Department will provide regular pick- up services. The anticipated daily solid waste generation for this project is 16 CY per day. (See Appendix "D"). 9 • • • AIM MINON00/011INIMMIN U .---W.......M.A. r111111110111111 M1111111rrrM. INIMINENNOMIIIIIIM L�rre ]III t qq;@J [aj I 11 Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPPENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT "A" Location Map 10 • • • S.W. 1st STREET TI LOCATION MAP_ N.T.S 11 waIMINNOMINIMINIONE +mnim rrs a11wwMr IIIIIMMINIMME IMMENEMI 111110MMIrrr • • 1 ! { I Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT "B" Storm Drainage Calculations 12 • • -VIIIIINIVINIAPONOMMIN -+rrwww��w�r rrr�rrrr�'fL :az �E� air o Since 1989 PROJECT NAME DRAINAGE AREA: CIVIL LAND DEVELOPIvENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ALTOS PLAZA 911612005 ENTIRE SITE Page 1 SITE DATA: SITE AREA = 2.16 ACRES BUILDING FOOT PRINT = 250 FT BUILDING HIGHT = 200 FT BUILDING WALL AREA = 1.15 ACRES CONTRIBUTING BUILDING AREA = 0.34 ACRES CONTRIBUTING AREA = 2.50 ACRES NUMBER OF WELLS = 2 REQUIRED VOLUME FOR 90 SEC. DETENTION TIME: CONTRIBUTING AREA PER WELL = 1.25 ACRES RAINFALL INTENSITY (90 SEC) = 6.4 IN/HR RUN OFF VOLUME (90 SEC) = 685 CF DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED: TANK LENGTH = 16.00 FT TANK WIDTH = 7.50 FT TANK BOTTOM ELEV = 2.50 NGVD TOP OF WELL CASING ELEV = 8.50 NGVD STORAGE DEPTH = 6.00 FT DETENTION VOL PROVIDED = (per well) 720 CF TOTAL DETENTION VOLUME = 1,440 CF 13 • • • ,...,. AINSAMMINICTIMPIPIR ...limmilintwinomma 1•1111111111w11011 .11111111111•11111111__ ! H �r�rrrii j �\ i011. F1 �[a 1i[F Since 1989 PROJECT NAME DRAINAGE AREA: CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ALTOS PLAZA 9/16/2005 ENTIRE SITE Page 2 DRAINAGE WELL DATA: WELL DIAMETER = WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD = AVAILABLE HEAD = DISCHARGE RATE PER WELL = CUMULATIVE INFLOW/OUTFLOW DATA: STORM FREQUENCY = C FACTOR DRAINAGE AREA = g OF WELLS PROVIDED TOTAL DISCHARGE RATE = TOTAL DISCHARGE RATE = SEDIMENT TANK STORAGE _ F.D. STORAGE SOLID PIPE STORAGE = INFLOW-EXFILTRATION TABLE 24 INCHES 500 GPM 7.00 FT 3,500 GPM 5 YEARS 0.95 2.50 ACRES 2 7,000 GPM 15.60 CFS 1,440 CF 0 CF 0 CF TIME MIN INTEN. INIHR CUM.INFLOW CF SYST. STO. CF ADJ. !NFL. CF WELL DISCH. CF OVERFLOW CFS 8 6.41 7316 1440 5876 7487 -3.35 10 6.17 8806 1440 7366 9358 -3.32 15 5.64 12085 1440 10645 14037 -3.77 20 5.20 14851 1440 13411 18717 -4.42 30 4.50 19257 1440 17817 28075 -5.70 40 3.96 22612 1440 21172 37433 -6.78 60 3.20 27383 1440 25943 56150 -8.39 90 2.48 31864 1440 30424 84225 -9.96 120 2.03 34704 1440 33264 112299 -10.98 150 1.71 36665 1440 35225 140374 -11.68 180 1.48 38100 1440 36660 168449 -12.20 14 • 180000 160000 140000 120000 0 100000 w D © 80000 > 60000 40000 20000 0 0 CUMULATIVE INFLOW-EXFILTRATION 0 / / / / / WELL DISCHARGE e / 15.6 CFS / / / / CUMULATIVE INFLOW / I 20 40 60 80 100 TIME (MIN) 120 140 160 180 200 Ln • • • IMO& V'0-40w0rIIIM MI n `a! ckI utieE Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION EXHIBIT "C" MD-WASD Sewer Atlas MD-WASD Water Atlas Proposed Water Use Calculations DERM Pump Station 30-0002 Status Solid Waste Generation Calculations 16 • • t : 1 PROJECT LOCATION I • 5 " "—s _oi) „;‘,_ 11 SW 2 IFR 2 2 tn- 4-4 A. w, 7 Ei k 4 I '1/4,-i c • 1 ! 12:a ,,' , 1 , Iii 631 :-1: ': ! , __, . ; , IL .,... __. __ _. _._, . • - • MD-WASD SEWER ATLAS 1 7 • 263 2 i(7140 .,, 3 7 f 8408 ) -----/ \,. 1 :) , / ,.A. _/,2_ -- \ / i,-- 'PROJECT LOCATION -----------'1 4 / / .--,---- .../ --,...._ D8 '.., c\-4--------e :; _ / / .-----_, // -.. 'yr /- SW 2 ST 1 , /•".' - . • s ,------.. /. Ns (4818 1 i \ 16-204 I 7268 if ', I -N. --- \ 1 1 1 \-... • SW 2 TER 2' SW 3 ST 2' ( 8345 1 /I. 1.5' (f) 0 . • / \ 1 8 -4- -----, 11 .'"- - 154 bl \ 1 ) f 636 / , f 33? ( / i 1 1 ___...-----• / _ •MD-WASD WATER ATLAS 1 8 • • • DIN* 1111111111111111111111011MMI 1.1111111111111111111111111111111111 rrrrerrrr � � r•r�rr• wr ilsl 2 ` G1 Since 1989 CIVIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTAT}ON PROPOSED WATER USE CALCULATIONS PROJECT ALTOS PLAZA DATE: 19-Sep-05 TYPE OF BUILDING USE AREA [sf] RATE [9pdisf] ADF NM PROPOSED FLOWS: RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS 320 200.00 64,000 OFFICE 39,200 0.10 3,920 RETAIL 36,470 0.05 1,824 SUB -TOTAL 69.744 PREVIOUS FLOWS: COMMERCIAL 18,740 0.10 1,874 RETAIL 45,011 0.05 2,251 SUB -TOTAL 4,125 NET INCREASE: 65,619 8550 W. FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 113, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33144 TEL: (305) 551-6267 • FAX: (305) 551-4542 • *2005091509321045*WONGK ent. * 1I Stat Station Station R Type Owner Number Proposed Number of gallons (gpd) : 66524 *********** ****-*******-****: * OK B211,- 30 OK A52N-±- 30 AC 30 • • 0056 0001 CD Downstream * This is not an official docunn Current ET (Hrs) Delta ET (Hrs) Projected ET (Hrs) Stations *-******************-*****x****- 4.42 0.55 4.96 6.60 0.01 6.62 1001.93 0.01 1001.94 20 • • • v rrrrMINK wrIMMIwONNS ar111r1w111 din Since 1989 C1VIL LAND DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION PROPOSED SOLID WASTE CALCULATIONS PROJECT ALTOS PLAZA DATE: 19-Sep-05 TYPE OF BUILDING USE AREAIUNITS [sf] [seats] RATE [lb/sf] [Ib/seat] SOLID WASTE GENERATED [Ib] SOLID WASTE GENERATED [tons] APARTMENT UNITS 320 8 2,560 1.28 OFFICE 39,200 0.025 980 0.49 RETAIL COMMERCIAL 36,470 0.025 912 0.46 NET INCREASE: 4,452 2.23 ANTICIPATED SOLID WASTE VOLUME AT 7 CY PER Ti 16 CY / DAY 8550 W. FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 113, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33144 TEL: (305) 551-6267 • FAX: (305) 551-4542