HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDOT Invitation to BidState of Florida Department of Transportation INVITATION TO BID ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK SPECIAL CONDITIONS F.O.B.: STATEWIDE DOT BID NO.: ITB-DOT-02103-9045-LG DOT CONTRACT NO.: P0387 Effective dates: February 28, 2003 through February! 27, 2005 .,YDOT CENTRAL OFFICE MAINTENANCE APPROVAL IS REQUIRED FOR PURCHASES )M THIS CONTRACT. i 3lD #: 1TB-DOT.02103 9045-LG 31D TITLE: ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK BID SHEET FOB: STATEWIDE gyp AS SPECIFIED IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OFFERERS' 1F ASKED FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION,THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. THE COMPLETED SPECIFICATION/CO, MPLIANCE SHEET(S), WITH ALL BLANKS FILLED IN AND YOU MUST GIVE PROPER RESPONSES SHALL BE RETURNED WITH YOUR B1D. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OFFERERS: S OF THE COMPLETE BID BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT ONE(1) ORIGINAL AND TWO (2) COPIE COPIES OF PACKAGE (SIGNED INVITATION TO BID, ENTIRE. BID AND TWO (2 MANUFACTURER'S DATA). _A O Np13EL ASPHALT APPLICATIONS INC. Firm Name (manual signature) Title BID #: ITB-DOT-02J03-9045-LG BID TITLE: ASPHALT PATC1i TRUCK BID SHEET FOB: STATEWIDE BID AS SPECIFIED OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT IF ASKED FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION, YOU MUST GIVE `i'FiF. NO INFORMATION TOAT PROSPECTIVE REQUESTED. EQES OFFERERS: COMPLETED SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE SHEET, WITH ALL INFORMATION R IN AND R THE WITH BLANKS FILLED IN AND PROPER RESPONSES SHALL DATA WITH RETURNED PACKAGE. B MUST SUBMIT TWO 2 COPIES OF MANUFACTURER'S onsive. Failure to corn DESCRIPTION: ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK, PER BID SPECIFICATIONS PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA: Price: $ 46 �90.00 MANUFACTURER AND MODEL NO.: FP5 FLAMELESS POTHOLE PATCHER considered in basis OPTIONS: (May or may not be purchased at discretion of the FDOT. Option price may be of bid award.) 4.1 Provide a rear mounted arrow board 30" x 60", 13Ii �� di ai umT Ce rtifwith co ctrolsate in Conformance cab.Board as must be apre-approved model for use by FDOT and an approved traffic control device. Price: $ MANUFACTURER AND MODEL NO.: EB ELECTRONICS 747 B1LD ADDITIONAL OPTION; 3.4.2 Second motor added to auger to provide optimal torque. Price: $ 950.00 ied o *Delivery must be made within sixty (60) calendar days after the Department upp fired a d`erthsrmade avhy inle t bide successful bidder. If more time is needed the bidder should state the extra Acceptance will be subject to "DOT" approval. Is this product available with recycled content? __Yes _No Recycled Material Special Condition for more If yes, please send information separate from this Invitation to Bid (See Y information). 3 STATE OF FLORJDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAM CERTIFICATION Procurement (ITB/RFP/ITN) No.: ITB-DOT-02/03-9045-LG Title/Description: ASPHALT PATCH TRUC[: Personnel Mananer I, Carla J, Thomas (name) of AZKO NOBEL ASPHALT AP olf A) ON INC me drug -free workplace program in accordance with the provision of Section 287.087, Florida implemented a b Statutes. FORM 375.040-1S PROCUREh1ENT OffIC05/E (title) , hereby certify that this firm has Date: (Signature) 287.08ived bytheo stater by any,p political Preference to businesses with drug -free workplace programs. --Whenever re retwo or more bids, propo sals, S, or and serve or replies that are equal with respect to price, quality, ro osal, or reply received from a subdivision for the procurement of commodities druQnfreettivorkplaservices, ce program shall be given preference in the business that certifies that it has implementedram, a business shall: award process. In order to have a dnig-free workplace program, is ensi (1) Publish blish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, - actions p will be possession, or use of a controlled substance is pr°libitein ohibitioi1the workplace and specifying taken against employees for violations of such pr employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, t pbpsin business' policy of (2)f Inform maintaining a drug -free workplace, any t available upong employees forrdruag abuse violations. programs, and the penalties that may be imposed P ach etn loyee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under (3) Give e P bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). tatement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working (4) In the s P ill e by s of the statement the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee polo contenderett e any violation statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty of chapter 893 or of any co ntrolled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than 5 days after such conviction. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or (5) Imp employee �`17o is so convicted. rehabilitation program if such is available in the employees community by, any (6) Make a good faith effort.to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. 4 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Bid Number: ITB DOT-02103-9045 LG Bid Title: ASPI�A�T PATCH TRUCK NOTE: ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (FEID):F741382494-001 VENDOR: AKZO NOBEL ASPHALT APPLICATIONS INC. ADDRESS: 4914 FORT AVENUE CITY, STATE, ZIP: WACO TEXAS 76710 TELEPHONE: 254) 772-7677 TOLL FREE NO.: 800 283-7226 FAX NO.: 254 772-7246 de * elive must be made within sixty (60) calendar days after the Department reqsupuired lied carriernd is ma reasons why available to bid. D ri successful bidder. if mos-e time is needed the bidder should state the Acceptance will be subject to "DOT' approval. PRODUCT INFORMATION: DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: NAME & TITLE: JENNIFER A. STRAUS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER ADDRESS: 4914 FORT AVENUE CITY, STATE, ZIP: WACO TEXAS 76710 TELEPHONE: 254 772-7677 TOLL FREE NO.: 800 283-7226 FAX NO.: j214 772-7246 INTERNET E-MAIL ADDRESS: Jennifer.siraus ti al;xonobel.com INTERNET WEBSITE URL: Will you accept the State of Florida Purchasing Card (VISA)? X Yes No 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS NTRODUCTIOi`i ITE3-DOT-02103-9045-LG >ttrp ose of this Invitation To Bid is to obtain competitive bids to establishto asotl�e "Depat[menct. for The contractrse e of alar t ch tntcl: by the Department of Transportation, hereafter referred me effective on Februa 28.2003 and will expire Febntary 27. 21112i from that date. After the award, said bidder(s) De referred to as the "Vendor(s). Bid will be subject to the availability of identical commodities as provided ommodities identified in this Invitation to Bt _andatory Department of Management Services' State Contract(s) t such time theseSerycommodities ies become e available. 1 ll ;vent of duplication(s) of commodities, the De artment o ail. CONTRACT USE of the contract resulting from this bid will be optional for the Department. The Department reserves the right to solicit irate bids for any unusual or abnormal quantity requirements that may arise during the term of the contract. MINORITY BUSINESS UTILIZATION Department encourages the recntitment and utilization of certified ed and nd on-certified steps to ensure businesses. minority p suppliers, and consultants should take all n ry inrtmerit, its Vendors, .finesses have the opportunity to compete for and perform contract work for the Department in a nondiscriminatory •ironment. a ual low bids are received and one response is from a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), certified by Department of Management Services' Office of Supplier Dim�.aind,dla[eDibid openiartment nv�ll award the contract tot e p -rifled MBE. The MBE's certification must be current at t PRICES ice(s) shall include delivery to Department of Transportation location(s) in Florida. DELIVERY ment sti lied earner is eliver must be made within sixt 60 calendar da s after the Det extra time required and the reasons available to the iccessful bidder. If more time is needed the bidder should state the cceptance will be subject to "DOT" approval. efer to Section 6.1 — 6.1.2 of specifications for additional delivery requirements. d date stated in 'ontractor shall complete delivery to DOT within fourteen (14) calendar days from anticipate cknowledgrnent farm. ss n :ontractor shall notify DOT personnel designated on Purchase order no ens 00 A.M.ande3500aP.M�Monday(24) hours Thursd No Friday prior D delivery. Deliveries will be accepted only betty leliveries. Deliveries not complying with these requirements may be rejected and will have to be re -delivered at ontractor's expense. 6 ire's Statement of Origin and a copy of warranty(ies) shall be provided upon deliv-eryinstructions in hard f. manufacturer's operator manuals and two (2) each lubrication instructions and maintenance id if available on a CD ROM for use with a computer, to be delivered with each unit. ;NOtiVLEDRE T calendar days from knowled,em ent of Order" Form (see attached) shall be mailed to the purchaser within ten (10) the contractor receives the Purchase Order. -ICE AUJUSTti1ENTS ) shall remain firm forth the life of the contract and any renewals, if applicable. Price adjustments will not be allowed. �NTRACT RENE\\ AL a period that may not exceed 3 years or the term of the original contract, whichever is lon may be renewed for gent upon satisfactory performance evaluations by the ndD Department bmsnteandto the subject to t is longer. Renewals eh e11 albe continue P e ailability of funds. Renewal of the contract shall be by mutual agreement in writing and conditions set forth in the initial contra ;A1r;CELLATION prevail for at least one hundred and eighty (180) days after the effective date of the contract. he pro obligations shall p contract may be cancelled in whole or in part after one hendredand1 yhty, (I80) he protection of both parties, thisF.A.C.. 1• �ither party giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other contract pa e techn {default) in accordance with Rule 60A-1.006(3), e. . b}, the Department for nonperformance QID 1JESTIONS S ANSti�'ERS writing, to the procurement agent to inquiries submitted bidders will pberocurement posted on the ifiedquestions arisingate is from this Invitation eeto written en nq be forwarded, in timelyby Business she State", click on "Doing •ida enbelow. r Bid SDepartment s written response {Voing Business then click with on "Search and Customers", click on "Vendor Bid System �sda Vendor Bid System at ww�a'.t�-� 'S��t�trl`'�c�"�� (click on "BUSINESS", bidders to tnonttor this site for any /ere "Everything nfor this bid number. �ertisenlents"}, under this nrSlnber. It is the responsibility of all potential using information prior to submitting their bid. ly written inquiries from bidders, which are signed by persons authorized to contractually bind the bidders, will be ognized by the Department as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the bid rs. Man Gralram, E-mail: li]ltan grah.ttnra;dot.state.11.us , 605 Suwannee Street, Room 481 MS 20 Tallarassee RITTEN TECHNICAL QUESTIONS should be submitted to: --...... ��QQ �AX� (850 4S�- 8-81U2• Duda 32399-0450 ORAL INSTRUCTIONS "A.NGES TO THE INVITATION TO BID result of any oral discussions with a ) a bidder as a which are in writing from the Department will be considered as a duly :ateo negotiations, ee. decisions, e actions roinitiated or executed by employee. Only those communications .tthorized expression on behalf of the Department. 7 Notices of changes (addenda) will be posted on the Florida Vendor Bid System at www m llorida corn (click on "BUSINESS", click on "Doing Business with the State", under "Everything for Vendors and Customers", click on "Vendor Bid System (VBS)", then click on "Search Advertisements") under this bid number. It is the responsibility of all potential bidders to monitor this site for any changing information prior to submitting your bid. All addenda will be acknowledged by signature and subsequent submission of addenda with bid when so stated in the addenda. 11) ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Manufacturers are encouraged to bid direct naming dealers who will accept orders and complete deliveries. Bidders must include complete ordering instructions, including FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (FEID), for invoicing dealers, with the bid on a separate sheet. 12) ORDER QUANTITIES No minimum order quantities will be accepted. The Department will order as needed in the quantities needed. 13) BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS The Department may, at its discretion, establish a blanket (open) purchase order with the successful bidder(s) to facilitate the purchasing of materials. The purchase of materials may be placed by; (1) written purchase order, (2) telephone orders by authorized Department personnel, or (3) an itemized order in writing. The Department will supply the successful bidder(s) with a list of personnel authorized to order. Delivery of items on these blanket purchase orders shall not exceed the contract effective period. 14) INVOICING Invoices must match units specified on the Purchase Order. 15) ESTIMATED PURCHASES It is anticipated that the Department will purchase approximately S400,000.00 under any contract resulting from this bid. This estimated amount is given only as a guideline for preparing your bid and should not be construed as representing an actual amount to be purchased under this contract. The Vendor(s) shall supply, at bid prices, the actual amounts ordered regardless of whether the total of such amounts is more or less than anticipated. This bid and the resulting contract will be subject to annual appropriated funding. 16) ALTERNATES Alternate brands will be considered for this bid. The "Department" reserves the right to require each bidder to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the "Department" that the items/materials will perform in a completely acceptable manner. In the event the "Department" judges that the demonstrated performance is unsatisfactory, the "Department" may reject the bid. Product information, specifications, and descriptive technical literature for the evaluation of alternate products shall be provided to Ken Kimsey, P.E., 605 Suwannee Street, MS 52, Tallahassee, Florida 23399-0450 for approval prior to the bid opening date and time. Demonstration time and place is subject to agreement of the "Department" and the bidder. Any samples received shall be at no additional cost to the Department and shall be retained by the Department for use as quality standards and as models for acceptance inspection. 8 17) WARRANTI' following the found to be faulty in manufacture or worlunanship. The warranty date The contractor shall warrant all components of its manufacture and design for a minimum of two (2)yearsFDOT. shallOT of acceptance and will r at the td the Fdelivery location any part include parts and Gabor at the delivery location or at the contractor's service location, at the option o ts and services must be available within 2 working days. valves, etc., are subject to the warranties must be for at least two (2) years. Dates of warranties are to be the date of Components not of the contractor's design and manufacture, such as the carrier, water pumps,warranty claim on .OEM OEM wareabty. In any case all regarding any acceptance by FDOT. The successful contractor shall act as 1=DOS's agentg warranted components Any deviation from this criteria must be documented in the vendors bid response or the above statement shall prevail. 18) 1ZEPLACEti1ENT Replacement of all materials found defective within the warranty period shall be made without cost to the purchaser, including transportation and/or restocking fees if applicable. 19) PRODUCT RE U1REMENTSlSPEC1F1CATIONS Items furnished shall be standard protheir suppliers, steall be new, unused, clean, and free from ducts aeft serviceability, manufacturerhe or safety of the user in normal intended use. any defects or features affecting app d t Any deviation from specifications indicated herein must be clearly pointed out; otherwise, der`is , it wile l be ee tha items offered are in strict ompin detail oniance with separate attached shese specifications, ets} cps Deviations must beexplained 20) ACCEPTANCE ng s rly All items listed in the specifications, delivered to the Department not msetiforr plc ecatioment. Rer fo nd to bepoo s manufactured will not be accepted, but returned to the Vendor, at their expense, f ae able opportunity sp rt must if given to thesee.facilities for found defiblecove shall be made without cost to the Department, including transportation, if applicable. As it may be impossible for each facility to inspect all items upon arrival, a teas inspection of the items, and returning those that are defective. 21) RE TIRED DOCUMENTS ell as sheetBidders s) are resduir dm to complete and return the State of Florida "Bidder Acknowledgement" bind the and as wAll bid the bid sheet(s). These forms must be signed by a representative who is authorize to co and the ed "Bidder Acknowlg ement" form must be executed and submitted in athe bednvelope. indicate the bid number with the time and date of the bid o erring on the envelo a used to return 9 -) PROTEST OF INVITATION TO BID SPECIFICATION'S lowing with e Any person who is adversely affected by the contents of this aS tiQee to RaomBid t550st i1MS S8e the olTallahassee tFl Dda 32399t of Transportation, Clerk of Agency Proceedings, 605 Suwannee 0450 : 1. A written notice of protest within seventy-two (72) hours after the posting of the solicitation, and 2. A formal written protest in compliance with Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, within ten (10) days of the date on which the written Notice of Intent to Protest is filed. esc n Failure to file a notice of protest or failure to file a formal en protest undewithin the r 1 time erFloridar ibeduins, Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings 23) PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMJ NT may A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list foouselng seryes to a public a conviction for a pubti, may notc es �bmty rt e a bid, not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or reply on a contract with a public entity for theconstruction aor repair omfa not be building or publiic work, as proposal, not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real propertypublicblic contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contran Section 287 417, F S t for CATEGORY TWO for a period any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provide of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 24) UNAUTHORIZED ALIENS oftl}elnunigrat'son The employment of unauthorized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of Section 274A(e) Nationalit Act, If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral and Y cancellation of the contract. 25) DISCRIMINATION Anentity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list a aynot submit for the on a on contact to orprovi provide ty goodsf or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contractto a public entity, may not award or ap public workias or public ntractor, work, 1l►er, subcoay not ntractor, it bids or consultant undern leases or real contract tract with any public entity, and may not perform as a contr � FP transact business with any public entity. 26) RESERVATIONS serves the ak ar The Departm ent reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids received and rose hat the bid right to ma e an awa id s without further discussion of the bids submitted. Therefore, the bidder should me date complete and accurate and submitted to ensure delivery on or beforethem d t openingntifile,andthout specified in thiss solicitation. It is understood that the bid will become a part of the e p Department. 10 27) ADDITIONAL TERMS S.: CONDITIONSb the rospective bidder. Any conditions placed on any aspect of lied to any aspect of the ITB Y p Q ryycondi as a conditional and bid (see No conditions may be applied prospective bidder may result in the bid being Thed only recognized the bid "RESPONSIVENESS by thF BIDS") DO NOT WRITE IN CHa Nissued ON bthe Department. ITBSHET changes s o th ITB prior to bid opening will be a written adders changes to the ITB p 28) RESI'ONSI\'BNES OF BIDS specified the date for considered if not received by the Department on or before the date and time n res as the due will not or will not be coin ink. A responsive bid is an offer to` provide non-responsive items specified in this Bids wil typed or printed submission. All bidsc must bee that specific but are not instructions to, irregular or not in conformance with the specifications and instructions ' lion to Bid in accordance with all requirements of this Invitation to Bid. Bids or Invitation e be found to be irregular or non -responsive by reasons considered. Bids may be rejected if fours to incomplete herein contained. A bid may �, the bid specifications, submitting conditional bids or bito submitting orcompleteprescribed forms, or executing bidders, ate si lack of bids, executing forms or the bid sheetcollusion among undated signatures. f �revs bids, submitting indefinite or mayambiguouserform or meet financial obligations on p Other conditions which provide the e rejection required items, and failure stope o experience or expertise to cl contracts. 29MODIFICATIONS, RESUB gITTAL AND WITHDRAWAL Requests for modification of a submitted bid shall� of the dUponust receipt dud acceptance such a Bidders may modify submitted be sign d bidsy at any time ed priori tothe►d he date.iddr. tha d due date and time. Bidders may 'Ba date and time thebe in bid and must beusiedeto the an authorized an ed t considered enin� entire at willg be returned e envelope tor and opened the e samunlesse ass the bid. The ITB number, op also send a change in a seated envelope be open should appear on the envelope of the modified bid. 30) IYA� I a matter of form and ro other bidders. Minor irregularities adefined der The Department may wa ive minor informalities or irregularities bids received where such is merely bid bygiving ZS verse effect on the Department's interest and do not affect the price of th as not substance, and the correction or waiver of which is not prejudicial those that do not have ed b other bidders. an advantage or benefit not enjo y Y 31) COPYRIGHTED MATI RIAL ifaccompanied by a waiver that will allow the part of a bid response onlyagents. It is noted that Copyrighted to material will be accepted ias copies necessary for the use of Department staff and Department make paper and electronic Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. e Therefore, hese fore, such material coping public, but copies of the material will not be provided kited material is not exempt from the Public will be subject to viewing by the p CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL 32) ATTACHMENT TO ITE SUBMITTAL - Confidential exempted from public disclosure under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, inTae Bidder must include any labeled it tta hs to beInvitation mbe the Public Larded Oil "Attachment to Invitation to Bid N mber ITB-DOT-02103-9045-I. elsewhere in a separate bound document mut ntilexemption disclosure fromure and Public Records ateriaf confi Bidder must identify the Bidder asserts to specific Statute be exempt from public after s enure M al will be considered waived by the Bidder upon submission, effective e claim of confidentiality on materials the peones 11 33) SPECIAL ACCOM\1ODATIONS Any person with a qualified disability requiring special accommodations at the pre -bid conference and/or bid/proposal opening shall contact the procurement office at the phone number on the above Invitation To Bid cover sheet at least five (5) working days prior to the event. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact this office by using FloridaRelay Services at (800) 955-8771 (TDD). 34) REVIEW OF BIDDER'S FACILITIES QUALIFICATIONS After the bid due date and prior to contract execution, the Department reserves the right to perform or to have performed, an on -site review of the bidder's facilities and qualifications. This review will serve to verify data and representations submitted by the bidder and may be used to determine whether the bidder has adequate facilities, equipment, qualified and experienced staff, and overall management capabilities to provide the required items. The review may also serve to verify whether the bidder has financial capabilities adequate to meet the contract requirements. Should the Department determine that the bid package has material misrepresentations or that the size or nature of the bidder's facilities, equipment, management capabilities, or the number of experienced personnel (including technical staff) are not adequate to ensure satisfactory contract performance, the Department has the right to reject the bid. 35) OPTIONAL CONTRACT USAGE In addition to use by the Department, and with the consent of the Vendor(s), purchases may be made by other governmental entities under the terms and conditions of this contract. The applicable purchasing laws, Riles, and regulations of those governmental entities shall apply to their use of this contract. 36) MAIL OR DELIVER BIDS TO: (DO NOT FAX) Florida Department of Transportation Procurement Office 605 Suwannee Street, Room 481, MS 20 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Phone No.: (850) 414-4288 37) BID OPENING The sealed bids will be opened by the Department's Procurement Office personnel at 605 Suwannee Street, Room 481, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450, on January 10, 2003 at 2:30 PM). All bid openings are open to the public. 38) "DRUG -FREE WORK PLACE" PREFERENCE Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received, a bid received from a business that certified that it has implemented a drug -free work place program in accordance with Section 287.087, F.S., will be given preference in the award process. The "Drug -Free Workplace Program Certification" must be completed and submitted with the bid response for this preference. 12 39) POSTING OF TENDED AWARD 39.1) - General: click on n� for SyVestem and Customers", click on "Vendor on The Department 's s intended award will be posted on the Florida Vendor Bid System at www.tnyflorida.com, An of seventy-two (72) hours. y "BUSINESS", click on "Doing Business with the State", tinder recommended award or intended oiof s must file the following Any Bid System (VBS)", on 7anua 20 2003 at 8:00 AM, and will remain posted for a period bidder who is adversely affected by the Department's � oeeedings, the Department of Transportation, Clerk of Agency 605 Suwannee Street Room 550 MS 58 Tallahassee Florida 32399-0450: 1. A written notice of protest within seventy-two (72) hours after posting of the intended award, and fiance with Section 124.57(3), Florida Statutes, within ten (1 0) 2. A formal written protest hnhd pwritt bond in comp A tot the Department filing nt must also be submitted protest, ed in ans days (aof t17e date on which the written notice of protest is filed.At the time of filing the formal written protes bond cashier's check or money order may be accepted) payable alto one percent (1%) of the estimated contract amount based on the contract price submittedby amount equal protestor. Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other Failure to file a protest y within the time allowed inSection bond (3), bond or statutorily of paroceedings thorized alternate is not security requiredidta lawby within the time allowed for filing a bond shall coanstitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter ment 1 �0, Florida Statutes. If the notagencye advises of the bond shall summarily dismiss the petition. ,ted when required, the ag Y 39.2) - Inability to Post: unable to post as defined above, the Department will notify l fax, abiddersely electronic The Department will the Floridate Vendor isd Sy Foa Vendor Bid Systemf( tore postingcondition in a rriely 39.1, above) or by provide notification of any 39.3) - Request to Withdraw Bid: the Department, in writing, within seventy-two (72) hours after Requests received in accordance with this provision will be granted by the Department upon Requests for withdrawal will be considered if received by � the art of the bidder. Bidders that do not withdraw as the bid opening ing time and date. perform proof of the impassibility to perform based upon obvious error P stated above will forfeit their bid bond, if applicable. 40) RECYCLED MATERIAL If the product herein is available with recycled content, we request that youprovide product information to help in our search for recycled products. However, this bid request is for the product as specified herein and does not require prices for recycled product unless specified. This information should be sent se.aratel and not as a art of our bid res.onse. 13 41) FORMS The Bidder must complete all required items below and submit them as part of the Bid package. Any Bid in which these forms are not used or in which these forms are improperly executed may be considered non -responsive and the bid may be subject to rejection. State of Florida "Bidder Acknowledgement" and General Conditions Bid Sheet(s) Drug -Free Workplace Program Certification (if applicable) Certification of Recycled Content (if applicable) Ordering Instructions Specification Compliance Sheet(s) 42) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES As timely delivery is of importance to the functioning of the agency, the Department reserves the right to cancel such items of the contract which pre not delivered within the required time for such items. Failure by the Vendor(s) to deliver items as specified within the stated time may subject the Vendor(s) to liquidated damages in the amount of one percent (l%) of the bid price of the items for each day beyond the stated time. 14 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION Specification Number: FC 1111 November 19, 2002 Unit of Equipment: Asphalt Patch Truck ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: In order for your bid on this equipment to be considered, all questions in this specification must be answered and all information asked for must be supplied. Incomplete or inappropriate (i.e., responding "yes" or "no" when specific information is asked for) responses will result in your bid being rejected. 1.0 INTENT: The intent of this specification is to provide minimum procurement requirements for a truck mounted asphalt o patch system consisting of a 5 cubic yard minimum capacity heated body with conveyor discharge, heated da tack sprayer, hand torches, and other components required to apply hot mix patching compounds. The unit will be a completely finished, integrated, turnkey system, mounted by the supplier on the carrier supplied by the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT), YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) The unit required and covered by this specification shall be the manufacturer's latest basic production model and shall be equipped with all standard equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's latest literature, two copies of which must accompany the bid. No prototypes are allowed. The unit bid must have basically been in production for a minimum of one year. YES � (Yes/No) and Acknowledge'? ( ) This contract will not be awarded until the FDOT State Maintenance Office is satisfied that the equipment proposed will meet the specification in every way. This may require interviews, documentary evidence, an equipment demonstration and inspection at an FOOT location of our choosing, or any combination of the above. Prospective suppliers will be expected to be fully cooperative with providing any reasonable evidence of specification compliance by the above methods. A maximum of 30 days between bid opening and contract award may be required for this process. After contract award, specification compliance will be reconfirmed by inspection, documentation, and demonstration when the first and subsequent items are delivered, prior to acceptance. (See Section 6.0) YES Understand and acknowledge? (Yes/No) 1.1 DEFINITIONS: "Approved Equivalent". Bidders may substitute components for those listed only if written approval (FAX is permitted) is granted by the Florida Department of Transportation State Mechanical will be alEquipment Engineer ThFOOT assprumes ior to id d opening. 1f this has not been accomplished by bid opening time, yourrejected. responsibility for besperform to requests Therefore, bidders iof areacautioned that quotrnates in time for nid g of thencomponents technical list d maybeevaluation frequently must p advisable if lead timeis short. Note: Inadvertent acceptance of previous bids with alternate components shall not be construed as FOOT approval of such alternate components. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 15 Manufacturer's model numbers: when a manufacturer's model number is stated, it is understood that design changes to the stated model by the manufacturer are not subject to the control of the FDOT and that the intent is to procure an item substantially identical to that version last procured by, demonstrated to, or otherwise brought to the attention of the FDOT. It is explicitly understood that it is the responsibility of the bidder to notify the FDOT of any changes of consequence. Please contact the person named on the bid documents for information regarding the last model for which information is on record with the FDOT bid evaluators. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) "Heavy Duty". This term means that the design and construction of the item is sufficiently rugged and has adequate safety factor to stand up to the sort of use typically expected to be experienced by FOOT drivers/operators without structural or functional failure or other consequences such that the item causes or will probably cause excessive down time. The Mechanical Equipment Engineer or the Equipment Coordinator may accept or reject items bid based on their judgement of compliance with this provision without the necessity for a field trial, or may require testing and verification at his discretion. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) "Per spec". Whenever a specification such as SAE, OSHA, or FED -STD (but not limited to those) is referred to, the latest version as of the date of bid opening is the version to be used. If an update takes place between the time of bid opening and equipment delivery, the successful bidder and the FDOT will mutually agree in writing on which version shall prevail unless there are statutory requirements that the new version be used. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 2.0 CARRIER: The carrier shall be supplied by the Florida Department of Transportation. The successful bidder shall specify to the Department the minimum chassis requirements including HP, GVWR, RBM, CA and any other feature necessary to the operation of the asphalt patching system. This shall be done with the bid package. Bidder shall supply information for both crew cab and conventional cab -chassis. Bidder shall supply information such that the resulting carrier and asphalt patching system combination will be capable of 65mph on a level pavement. The Department will deliver the chassis to the successful bidder. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (YeslNo) 3.0 ASPHALT PATCHING SYSTEM: The asphalt patch system mum ity heated y conveyor th discharge, heated emulsion tank, tack sprayer, handblyard torches, andl other pcoomp components req� d`to apply hot mix patching compounds. 3.1 BODY: 3.1.1 The body shall have a minimum useable capacity of 5 cubic yards. 5.1 CUBIC YARDS Capacity? 16 3.1.2 The body shall use a screw auger to convey the asphalt. Belt conveyors are not acceptable. The screw auger shall be hydraulically driven and reversible. Auger controls shall all be at the operator's normal work station. A means shall be provided to prevent the asphalt from bridging over the conveyor. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.1.3 The body shall be double walled and fully insulated to minimize heat loss. Hydraulically operated insulated double walled doors shall cover the top. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2 HEATING SYSTEM: 3.2.1 The body shall be heated by electrical resistance heaters powered by a hydraulically driven generator. The heating system shall have sufficient capacity to reliably maintain the asphalt at temperatures up to 300° F with a reasonable operational safety margin. Systems using heat transfer oil will not be acceptable. There shall be no propane tank or heating system on the unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2.2 The heaters shall be thermostatically controlled to maintain a pre-set temperature. Controls shall have a failsafe mode to prevent overheating of material. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2.3 A means shall be provided for standby heating of the asphalt by connecting to a 220 /230V single phase outlet. This mode of heating shall be regulated in the same manner and to the same degree as the operational mode described in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.3 EMULSION TANK: 3.3.1 The emulsion tank shall have a minimum capacity of 80 gal. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.3.2 An auxiliary tank for cleaning fluid to flush out the emulsion system shall be provided. Tank capacity shall be a minimum of 18 gal. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.3.3 The emulsion tank shall be heated by a thermostatically controlled 230 volt minimum heater with no direct contact with the tack oil. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 17 3.3.4 Provision shall be made for standby heating of the tack oil by plugging into a 230 volt nominal external power source. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.3.5 A spray wand 5 feet long with a fan nozzle shall be provided. The wand shall be provided with a minimum 12 foot hose. Hose and wand shall be securely and neatly storable. YES Comply? (YeslNo) 3.3.6 The emulsion system shall have a compressed air supply plumbed to blow debris from holes to be patched and clean out wand and hose. Air to be supplied from either a separate compressor or utilize the truck air compressor. If the truck compressor is used, OEM parts shall be used for all plumbing. System shall be valved so that no air can be taken from the truck system if the truck system air pressure drops below 70 psig. 3.4 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM: 3.4.1 Hydraulic power shall be supplied by a PTO -driven hydraulic pump. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.4.2 The asphalt conveyor drive shall be provided with sufficient power at the auger to convey cold stiff mix. There shall be no damage to the auger or drive with repeated operation conveying cold stiff mix. YES Comply? (Yes/No) ADD SECOND MOTOR TO THE AUGER WHICH WILL PROVIDE OPTIMAL TORQUE. $ 950.00 Price 3.4.3 Hydraulic system shall include reservoir, relief valve, filter, pressure gauge, and necessary piping. Components shall be sized to provide sufficient power and capacity to operate hydraulic functions in a heavy-duty service environment. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.4.3 Controls and gauges for hydraulic functions shall be located at the rear of the truck on the right side. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.4.5 Controls shall be clearly labeled as to the function and direction of movement. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 18 3.5 TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES: nt and mper ed. 3.5.1 A minimum 67 Ib. class hydraulic on the same platform as the vibratory lcompactoa below shoe minimum long25footfd Hammer/cutter is to be mounted hydraulic hose with quick disconnect fittings on a self -retracting hose reel shall be provided. YES _ Comply? (Yes/No) 3.5.2 A gasoline driven vibratory compactor, minimum 2,000 lb. centrifugal force, with a hydraulic lift platform on the back of the truck shall be provided, YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.5.3 An asphalt rake with a seven foot handle shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.5.4 A minimum 1 cubic yard spoils bin with gravity dump shall be provided, YES Comply? (Yes/No) provided 3.5.5 Lockableboxes, mounted the unit easily accessible from round, all shall le to carry hydraulic tools and casoiesBoxes shall be designed to prevent thentu on of moisture. No inside dimension on any tool box shall be less than 12 inches. 1 TOOL BOX 96" LONG FLOOR IS 22' " WIDE State number and size 3,5.6 A 200,000 btu minimum hand torch with 15 Ft. of hose and reel shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.0 OPTIONS:(May or may not be purchased at discretion of the FDOT. Option price may be considered as basis of award.) 4.1 Provide a rear mounted arrow board 30" x 60", 13 light minimum with controls in cab. Board must be a,pre- approved model for use by FDOT and hold a FDOT Certificate of Conformance as an approved traffic control device. FBE 747-B/LD Model provided? 19 1$ 43$.50 Price 5.0 PAINTING. All exterior mounted components furnished by the supplier shall be painted to match the carrier as described in 2.0. The paint system should include the following steps, as a minimum: ng slag, urrs and sharp 1. All surfaces Sall be arndb asted to white metall and then edges immediately receive (1) coat of rust inhibitive 2. All surfaces primer. 3. Ali primed surfaces shall receive two (2) coats of premium grade automotive enamel to match Yellow tt 13538 of Federal Standard l�be fur�ishedareas to he su b eblacif subject to contact sfukbidder by the FDDT,with patching materials. NOTE: If requested, a paint chip N YES Comply? (Yes/No) 5.1 CONSPICUITY MARKING: A single 2 in. wide, red/white strip of reflective tape shall be applied so as to cause the limits of the truck from any angle to be visible at night when illuminated by oncoming traffic. The tape should be applied at a minimum height of 4 ft, but may vaaccording to oeruck or ebody r. co infigur tape On the rear of the vehicle the tape will be applied to the upperportion where members protrude or the configuration does not lend itself to tape application will be normal, ReflexiteVie 5542-020 R dlWhite DOT-C2 is800) Ocurrentlyapproved being usedsource byfor thethis Departmentreflective Othertape. b ands of type V82 55�12-020 Re reflective tape will require prior approval by the Department. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6,0 CONDITIONS: Terms and conditions set forth in the bid documents will overrule this specification when there is disagreement between the specification and bid documents. 6,1 DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE: s 6.1.1 Regardless ofto hhdestination wayiMeaoenance yard, 0urchase .11rmilrethe northst oftem procured 1- 0 and Highwayr90'westCTalllahasseeification , be delivered to the FDOT Midway of Florida. vnc The person(s) named theat tunit will be thoroughly inof this spected tell be d for this specifications. Items advance. not Following delivery,supplier and brought into compliance before final acceptance. found to not be in compliance will be corrected by supp ' The unit will then be taken by the supplier to the Purchase Order destination. All subsequent units will be inspected under the same terms at their Purchase Order destinations, YES Comply? (Yes/No) eve the dor rom 6.1.2 Failure of FDOT personnel non topint discover dfoundts during an after delivery on the inspected un'itn does not 'and on prior and subsequent units. for correcting areas of non-compliance f YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 6.2 STANDARDS: 6.2,1 The unit shall comply with all Motor Vehicle Safety of ANSI Standaadlssand OSHA Standarhed by the U. S.d, and all other epartment of Transportation, all safety requirements of the latest Federal and State of Florida legal requirements and safety standards. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 20 6,3 DOCUMENTATION: copies of current manufacturer's data to substantiate compliance with the 6.3.1 Bidders must submit two (2) co R specifications, and a list of dealers in or near Florida. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 7.0 TRAINING: 7.1 MANUALS: 7.1.1 Two (2) manufacturer's operator manuals and two (2) each lubrication/maintenance manuals and two (2) repair/parts manuals to be delivered with each unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) information 7.1.2 The supplier shall ensure all service bulletins,'ces, and/or other service or the FDOT shop to which the machines are assigned for the reasonable life of the machines supplied are sent to YES Comply? (Yes/No) 7.1.3 The supplier will provide a checklist for periodic preventive maintenance suitable for reproduction on 81/% by 11 paper. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 7.2 PERSONNEL TRAINING: 7.2.1 The services of a factory technician or technicians, thoroughly oro g llt trained dpersonnin the use in the usend , operation an nd maintenance a unit, n ienancll be furnished for a period of not less than two (2) Y the unit after delivery. This is to be done at the delivery location. YES Comply? (Yes/No) B.0 WARRANTY: design or 8.1 The supplier shall warrant all components of its manufactureOi'anypart oundntoor a minimum be faulty inf two years manufacture, the date of ship. The and y will replace to tsupplier's workmanship. The warranty shall include parts and OT After the first year, labor willbeeryincluded lanly atthesupplier's service location in Florida, at the option of the F service Location. YES Comply? (Yes/No) to e EM 8.2 Components not of the supplier's design and manufacttuur ,witthex exception of t ewarrantiesacarrier, are ers tosubject ct theheaOte OEM warranty, In any case all warranties must be for at I one year. warrant be h on to acceptance by FDOT. The successful bidder shall act as FDOT's agent regarding any Y warranted components. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 21 3.5.2 A gasoline driven vibratory compactor, minimum 2,000 Ib. centrifugal force, with a hydraulic lift platform on the back of the truck shall be provided. Yes Comply? (YeslNo) 3.5.3 An asphalt rake with a seven foot handle shall be provided. Vt_ s Comply? (Yes/No) 3.5.4 A minimum 1 cubic yard spoils bin with gravity dump shall be provided. Comply? (Yes/No) 3.5.5 Lockable tool boxes, mounted on the unit and easily accessible from the ground, all keyed alike, shall be provided to carry hydraulic tools and accessories. Boxes shall be designed to prevent the intrusion of moisture. No inside dimension on any tool box shall be less than 12 inches. Xe.s - 170OLBOx qd ''GoNc. State number and size FOOOr i s o2.2 Iy Hie* 3.5.6 A 200,000 btu minimum hand torch with 15 Ft. of hose and reel shall be provided. Yes Comply? (Yes/No) 4.0 OPTIONS:(May or may not be purchased at discretion of the FDOT. Option price may be considered as basis of award.) 4.1 Provide be a pre approved model for use by FDOT and hold anFOOT Certificaimum with controls in cab. Board te ate of Conformance as an approved traffic control device, F B E -7 q .- 8 A.-P Model provided? 4s1435•50 Price 5.0 PAINTING: All exterior mounted components furnished by the supplier shall be painted to match the carrier as described in 2.0. The paint system should include the following steps, as a minimum: ag, es removed. 1 All surfaces shallll be sandblasted to white metal and be ground smooth with welding lburrs the mmed ateiy re receive 2.All surfaces one (1) coat of rust inhibitive primer. 3. All primed surfaces shall receive two (2) coats of premium grade automotive enamel to match Yellow # 13538 of Federal Standard 595. Some areas may be black if subject to contact with patching materials. NOTE: If requested, a paint chip will be furnished to the successful bidder by the FDOT. Yes Comply? (Yes/No) 22 5.1 CONSPICUITY MARKING: A single 2 in. wide, red/white strip of reflective tape shall be applied so as to cause the limits of the truck from any angle a mbemum hvisible e at night o4 ft when illuminated by oncoming traffic. The tape should be applied , but may vary according to truck or body configuration,es Ofn thee e w�er�hmembvehicle ers protrude owill the applied to the upper portion of the bump p configuration does not lend itself to tape application will be normal. Reflexite North America, PH. (800) 654-7570, is an approved source for this type of reflective tape. Their type V82- 5542-020 RedNVhite DOT-C2 is currently being used by the Department. Other brands of reflective tape will require prior approval by the Department. 85 Comply? (Yes/No) 6.0 CONDITIONS: Terms and conditions set forth in the bid documents will overrule this specification when there is disagreement between the specification and bid documents. 6.1 DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE: 6.1.1 Regardless of the destination specified on the Purchase Order, the first item procured under this specification shall be delivered to the FDOT Midway Maintenance yard, 0.1 mile north of 1-10 and Highway 90 west, Tallahassee, Florida. The person(s) named at the end of this specification shall be notified of this delivery 7-10 calendar days in advance. Following delivery, the unit will be thoroughly inspected for compliance with these specifications. Items found to not be in compliance will be corrected by supplier and brought into compliance before final acceptance. The unit will then be taken by the supplier to the Purchase Order destination. All subsequent units will be inspected under the same terms at their Purchase Order destinations. �es Comply? (YeslNo) 6.1.2 Failure of FDOT personnel to discover defects during an inspection does not relieve the vendor from responsibility for correcting areas of non-compliance found after delivery on the inspected unit and on prior and subsequent units. `fes Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 6.2 STANDARDS: 6.2.1 The unitshallcomply all Motor Vehicle Standards established llby pa rtment of Transportation, all safety e.quemens of thelatestssuesofANSIStandards nd OSHA Standards, and all other Federal and State of Florida legal requirements and safety standards, Comply? (Yes/No) 6.3 DOCUMENTATION: 6.3.1 Bidders must submit two (2) copies of current manufacturer's data to substantiate compliance with the specifications, and a list of dealers in or near Florida. rU� s Comply? (Yes/No) 23 7.0 TRAINING: 7.1 MANUALS: 7.1.1 Two (2) manufacturer's operator manuals and two (2) each lubrication/maintenance manuals and two (2) repair/parts manuals to be delivered with each unit. Comply? (Yes/No) lletins, recall es, r other service or maintenance 7 1 2 The supplier information for lthe all e e reasonable linsure that lfe of the mservice uachines supplied care sent oto the FDOT shop to which the machines are assigned. \(es Comply? (Yes/No) 7.1.3 The supplier will provide a checklist for periodic preventive maintenance suitable for reproduction on 8 1/1 by 11 paper. \es Comply? (Yes/No) 7.2 PERSONNEL TRAINING: 7.2.1 The services of a factory technician or technicians, thoroughly trained in the use and operation of the unit, shall be furnished for a period of not less than two (2) days, to instruct personnel in the use, operation and maintenance of the unit after delivery. This is to be done at the delivery location. \ies Comply? (Yes/No) 8.0 WARRANTY: 8.1 The supplier shall warrant all components of its manufacture and design for a minimum of two years following the date of acceptance and will replace to the FOOT any part found to be faulty in manufacture, design or workmanship. The warranty shall include parts and labor for the first year at the delivery location or at the supplier's service location in Florida, at the option of the FOOT. After one year, labor will be included only at the supplier's service location. \%eg Comply? (Yes/No) 8.2 Components not of the supplier's design and manufacture, with exception of the carrier, are subject to the OEM warranty. In any case all warranties must be for at least one year. Dates of warranties are to be the date of acceptance by FDOT. The successful bidder shall act as FDOT's agent regarding any warranty claim on OEM warranted components. \‘C5 Comply? (Yes/No) 29 NOTE: Specification problems, questions, or comment: Problems, questions, or comments regarding this specification must be directed to The State Maintenance Office (850) 488-4562, FAX (850) 488-4418 a minimum of 10 days prior to bid opening, and must be immediately confirmed in writing to: Kenneth Kimsey, P.E., Mechanical Equipment Engineer, or Donald O. Duncan, Equipment Coordinator Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, MS 52 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 yss Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 25