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FDOT Contract
FDOT CONTRACT J 02/14/05 16:47 V7858254269 BERGKAMP INC. Contact Person JAN-31-200S 11:36 a �l 1 UDC CPU JES BUSH GOV ERT1 OR January 31, 2005 TO: FLIOT PROCURES 'r OFFICE 41jUUl/UU1 250 488 91E2 P.01/01 Florida Department ent ©f Transportation CO5 Suwannee Street Tallehassea, FL 32399-0450 Sergkamp, Inc, Attn: Jennifer Straus 500 East Schilling Road Salina, Kansas 67401-8986 FROM: Renee Randall, DOT Contract Coordinator RE; DOT Contract ET13-1]OT-02103- 1045-LC, P0357 ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK .)OSABR i3 s>~eRETA.&?' The Ciepartment wishes to renew the above referenced contract from FEBRUARY 28, 2005 ' FEBRUARY 27, 2007. A written response to our renewal request will be required ten (10) days from the; date of this letter or call to discuss your expected r'osponse date. Please indicbte your response, sign kJelovi and fax only this sheet to me at (850) 41449 a2. Yuu will be notified of the status of the contract's renewal at , a later date. A person or affiliate who has been placed an the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not provide any goods or services on this contract for a period of 36 months from the, , date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Should you have any questions feel free to contact me at (850) 414-4481. We gar do not agree to renew DOT Contract ITB-DQT-02/03-9045-LG, P0387from. FEBRUARY 2z, 2005 - FEE ARY 7, 2007. (Sign below) � `fir%� '- Signed Date ypa or rint the below Information) If you responded, do not agree, please provide a brief explanation to help in our contracting efforts. Company Nameear—SiLcx vv1 p ',.,,. G . (3)/nX--4) s s Title? 4 `n Address TOE, City, State, Zip O, yvo„ T K-C 6 7 (d) Telephone Z.5tG1 ! �7Z77- or- `F65- �2507,57m, 2S ' ..7-7 2 `72 � of 5 bZSL1Z°l E-Mail Address 3f Vo'1k �-Q (-. < (Fr) p 1,': 0 tti e i ►'lG , C ci-✓vr ) Do you take VISA? Yes or No TOTAL P.01 JEB BUSH GOVERNOR Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street Room 481 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 JOSS ABREU SECRETARY March 21, 2003 MEMORANDUM NO.: ITB-DOT-02103-9045-LG - 1 TO: Department Addressed Vendor Addressed FROM: Renee Randall DOT Contract Coordinator SUBJECT: DOT Contract DRT 02103-9045-LG, P0387 ASPHALT PATCH Subject contract has been revised to amend the vendor information to the following: FEID # F480853747-002 Bergkamp, Inc. 500 East Schilling Road Salina, Kansas 67401-8966 Contact: Melvin Bergkamp Phone: 785/825-1375 Toll Free: 800/283-7226 Fax: 785/283-7226 at the same prices, terms and conditions. Any questions in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to me at (850) 414-4481 or Sun JEB BUSH GOVERNOR Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street Room 481 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 March 21, 2003 MEMORANDUM NO.: 1TB-DOT-02103-9045-LG - 1 Department Addressed Vendor Addressed Renee Randall DOT Contract Coordinator DOT Contract ITB-DOT-02103-9045-LG, P0387 ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK Subject contract has been revised to amend the vendor information to the following: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: JOSS ABREU SECRETARY FE1D # F480853747-002 Bergkamp, Inc. 500 East Schilling Road Salina, Kansas 67401-8966 Contact: Melvin Bergkamp Phone: 785/825-1375 Toll Free: 800/283-7226 Fax: 785/283-7226 at the same prices, terms and conditions. Any q uestions in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to me at (850) 414-4481 or Suncom 994-4481.