HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-2a 1 a a .111 sat i 3a 33Q 313CAYNE SAY. RREdOQM 3QU4R£..... effir e�F —ear ow&tin=' k3%�f R7TMY�effr aatl9939av`3 y3➢G33_13 Ye. 90, 55. i any Syr ! y s ----arm — , 1nn1111111 1/III1IIll11l111111 I■iiiiiiii("ii lllill uiuiill! iW .__I111I1I111I1 1! _ ,11 1111t1 11 - 300 313OAYNE SAV FR((rra( VONNNIF NM, SCO 313CA YNE EAT FREEDOM SQUARE A DEVELOPMENT OF FEAR. GROUP 200 391IC10El 4v6. MIAM( =l. 33 t 3 1 3031 at 2.434o ARCHITECT RENUELTA MEGA LEON ARCNITECTURC INTERIOR 0631GN PLANNING 3910 j. 17TI ave. 3ti(TY 110 Mr4Mi :1,. 13113 t1o311*31060 600 BISCAYNE BAY FREEDOM SQUARE SOO 313CAYNE 3AY-FREEDOl SQUARE_... SOO 3i3CAYNE 341UA4C Submitted Into the public record it connection with item PZ. I. on 13-11 0 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk SOO 313CAYNE 3ATTFREEOOM SQUARE w09]]9.siAvo 2NAV0Gl9 009 illVfldf 91003311LAV9 3NAV'JGIO 009 File pp. OS- Do7 cPG OUnON MAP //'ice / I y �.. -uNTCJ vfh r•..w••u;ro. • :w uax:::en.K; • 11111 a J._,It..."--":.;`,"- Yy .�. H CJ_..YAaOL Iv. .WA, acv CSt_.w n.,K( AC''0r. aff- Fo r AO a( ...ow ,..w CLAIM 'ROIECr DMA ow .o+al a Mora asztorapfC. MG. •euM...wT .t is +r.. vailn +t so we. •e. rrorrOLI WIN or OKI OOPS 3UILDINC (YPE (DETAILEOj Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P? . I r, on + s f l s Priscilla A. Thompson �-� City Clerk R V Ij ohs h e2 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item PZ . I % on 0- i pc Priscilla A. Thom son City Clerk -LOBBY BUBDINC ROOK PLAN �r+oor a*% 441..0 AWN OM R v L Wepof Par A-101 IIIIISitititttliblottliLlikkialiLLLLLLLIbbitLLLttL Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P on Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk ATZZANINE-MEG-inNICALOfFICES Z. BUtDINC FLOOR PLAN mar .5111TUR• A-102 11Tll illlLlLL� ALL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL4L« P • Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P_Z.It, on 1*111vs Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 1/EL 3 n PARKING / LOFTS /RAF -w wRO. MINE ‘-/ BUILDING FLOOR PLAN. Prsur R. V L 4.60.3 Submitted Into the public - record in connection with item °2. t., on 1>11 >> Priscii!a A. T`'ornpson City Clerk PARKING I LOFTS % FLAT5l0 FFC5 31JU1NC R 00R PLAN Q R v 41.0,67 A-44 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item ty CO Priscilla A. Thoipson City Clerk LEVEL 5 y� RARIGNG / LOFTS / FLA TS/OTRCES ;,.,� ,t, a BUILDING FLOOR PLAN R V L 4.100, 106 PRET eV A -Los Z 0 Submitted Into the public` record in connectiqn with item Pz .) L on I>; I )oS Priscilla A. Thomson _ City Clerk LEVEL 6 PARKING / LOFTS/ FLATS Mr .0Y1 %ICAM y'4 bQ-R®Ou roe -7" BONDING ROM PU1N R V !_ 4.01.07 MIIMT A-106 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P? • I le on 1> Priscilla A. Thom son City Cleric LEVEL 7 PARKING / LOFTS / HATS BUILDING FLOOR PUN :ew �cw- wmo. ae me A•107 Submitted into the public record in connection with item Pz. )1, on 1Y}11,D6 a_ Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk LEVELS 8 PARKING / LOfTS/RATS .i" &IRDINC FLOOR PI N .0. ROPE 414,cn. 11E. 04e 4.10 /1 Submitted Into t~e public record in connection with item Pz.I . on 1,.1 Priscilla A. Thorhpson City Clerk LEVELS 9 .s ..� . PARKING / LOfTSIFL1i5 041,00 VW. 11. RAIDING FLOOR PL tl.. R V ' ere A-109 Submitted Into the ,0'.ivlic record in connsct:on with item P2--1r on Priscilla A. Thorn son City Clerk LEVELS 10 PARKING / LOFTS / FEATS aURDINC FLOOR PUN .. ,nor( ecMiU.$0.VON a v Ansivull trwr • A•110 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item PZ •'. on f •)) \n5e Priscilla A. Thomdson City Clerk LEVEL 11 PARKING / LOFTS / FIATS -77 BUILDING FLOOR PLAN .....s..a .s.. cu. 113001, ws A•111 n v Submitted Into the public record in connection with item PZ.ri on ,} 2:1:- Priscilla A. Thompson City Cleric LEVEL 12 PARKING / LOFTS / FIATS AURDINC FLOOR PIAN -rw.r oo...11404 41./4Q0.AM.."01tl A-112 I Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P?.!r, on la-111 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk LEVEL 13 PARKING /FlArs/loFrs BURDMG ROOR PLLV ▪ V • a • re A-113 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item pz.) . on ry1/ 2,c- Pnsciila A. Thompson City Clerk LEVEL 14 „ TRAVsmow LHfNIfl n ;o ao o BUN.DINC FLOOR PLAN A-114 Submitted Into the public record in connect: n with item Pt -lie Onh'- of Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk LEVEL 15 � n POOL DECK / SKY LOBBY .10 AI a.. V4 A9 BUILDING FLOOR PL N 1 R. V L • adatIswe A-115 11 11 71 Submitted Into the public record in connection with item Ik on , , ,s Priscilla A. Thomp n s.. City Cleric LEVEL 16 SKY LOBBY /,4MENI11ES BUILDING FLOOR PUN .Wr.00 acwe .fl!t cm- emar.. uva R V I_ A-116 Submitted Into the public record in connectionv(ith item P2. l on !I.)/ f J5 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk LEVEL 17 SKY toosY - TOWER UNITS rr vrp. • .FIC.M BUILDING 100R PUN MEET iy R V A-117 ;i Submitted Into the public record in connection with item I ii on Priscilla A. T o n City Clerk LEVELS 25-30 / 37.42 / 44i4 TOWER UNITS yr w.rr.w.oe mraw sari. wa aURDING FLOOR PLAN R V A Submitted Into the public record in connection with Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk LEVELS 18-24 / 11-36 / 43-48 / 55-58 �'ro11wEAwUNITS IN +* ^r,�{• 1�INC FlooA PN R v I_ ror - z A-I18 if 1,11111!1111111111,11111,1111 R V L aruIren Submi, Qci Into the public reco ir, • nnection with item , 4 on 2.) I , as p l : A. Thompson City Clerk 3.3 511.1,«.10 A-I19 .Y9p"'7Rrar "Dr a M•A •oa. &ubmitted Into the public _regard in connection with item .n.f.e_on Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk ;DTH • ,MORTH iECTIQN autDINC 3ECT1ON V L 740 A-120 L Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P2-I G on Iyl I i aS Priscilla A. Thompson - City Clerk iOWH • PIOI�TFI SF( flON R V L =r, ar- CIDINC SECTION A-121 q 44 4- 1; --- - rr� ..a.r,y,+aaea papa 7me`ii9AF1 v+naps n.. , • . r. 7gi"i,sn q.nw r ms a�sAnn► t _.. n � ii•t:it Titil Submitted into the public record in connection with item P? • Ito on os Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk WFSTavAI N Z 0 iy R v L LAMM • A-122 113 A T1 ,1' Submitted Into the pubk record in connection with item P2.I V on 1 } Pnsatfa A. Th mo p City Cleric TH A-123 • =.u. .--,. a3eiaul hw1M iMi5lfiil. . t3a�_f-- igrarmer 'tFir Aar . Submitted Into the public record in connection ith item ?Z. b on t> I OS Priscilla A. Thomp n City Clerk SOUTH ELEVATION jj R V 0®. A•124 ,1liirwr1.11,11, -yi 11193iiiii.1,i1III .11I 11i11iiElii.l.11:1111111 I IIIYYIVIr`19^.II'1 iiiii➢C1.3,111, IWI "I;'„I. iii11Yif,1111111 I1 •- Iss` 111113iiiiii._91111.11'! lliiiiitl:111 19Siiii1 Sam r 1,1 '� '-�i1 "° 1'I1i3iiiY i1111]'Il'1 �f� ➢iiiii'.. 111111'�" T.,.i11i139iiiiili1i111 1r1'^_ N-,1,•: 1113i34iii0• 1 ` III 71311Y819d.1 119911 1 �I Ii�1m t39191�_ 1 i Submitted Into the public record in connection With item ?2. I , on ? i11 \ rS-. Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk AST ELEVATION R V • A-125 Q V L Submitted Into the public record in connection with item P2- I rd on t \i'\ s- Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk NORTHEAST VIEW U Submitted into the public record in connection Hrith item a-Io on ��o� Priscilla A. Thompson City Cleric NORTHEAST VIEW (PREVIOUS) R V as 0 lam. • Submitted Into the public record in connection ith item-Ib on i_. o5 Priscilla A. 'rho p n City Clerk SOUTHEAST VIEW I IA A-127 R V l Submitted Into -the public record in connection with item P? II. on l>)i as Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk SOUTHEAST VIEW (NO CONTEIT) Z 0 y Submitted Into the public record in connection with item A?.Ionk>-1ilac" Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk SOUTHEAST VIEW (PREVIOUS R V A11 Submitted Into the public record in connection vyith item P2•Ito on .,,I oa�r Priscilla A. Thorrlp9on City Clerk SOUTH VIEW v Yams A-128 Submitted Into the public rscord in connection with item Pl. Ili on I> oS Priscilla A. Thorn son City Clerk SOUTH VIEW (PREVIOUS As a A-I!i1 • DaS -� m salmis 1111111 4aalafasnag tom -- 11511111117111 �T - ■�a Submitte record in item .1 Prisciil R V vow the public ction ' ith I�1 i bS Thom son City Cleric A•129 ut_ 0 MM. _5BEMM ivs:ma ii{1flrFw •c . VI IOW r � US Submitted in • - public record in co .ec'on ith item ' !. Ill oS Priscilla ompson ity Clerk i■coilifE¢a¢ci. — aOI= --rya_ IOU _.. _ _._.a....a.-.._«-..�..e -wsas; .gym OidirrCOONESW IMM, AILIMENW3 isss!—=m8iii —s'wai3'n�. inart C;.riaei1; �w 4 l rinama aaaaaml ate; `. tam-, 411111111111 ana IIr 1 tlt i[�ta■ s°T.. ■�■ Submitted Into record in corn item PZ• 1 tr Priscilla A. NO CONTEXT) R V L 7,4 :' ubl,C n ith Di ,ason Clerk