HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummary FormDate: 1 1 /4/2005
FILE ID: 05`) i30\
Requesting Department: Public Facilities/Asset Mgmt.
Commission Meeting Date: 11/18/2005 District Impacted: 2
Type: ® Resolution f] Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
❑ Other
Subject: Resolution to take any and all appropriate civil action against Latin American Gourmet
Restaurant, Inc. operating on City -owned property, located at 46 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL
Purpose of Item:
It is respectfully requested that the City Commission approve the attached Resolution directing the
City Attorney to take any and all appropriate civil actions against Latin American Gourmet
Restaurant, Inc. ("Management') to prosecute, protect, and preserve the interests of the City of Miami
("City") including, but not limited to, any action authorized at law or in equity to obtain possession of
City -owned property and any relief or remedy for recovery of damages sustained by the City related
to Management's breach of the Management Agreement dated May 29, 1992, as amended.
Background Information:
On December 15, 2004, the City Manager sent via certified mail a default letter to Management for
failure to pay $15,705.95 in partial and other past due monthly fees through November 30, 2004 to the
City and $90,796.24 in delinquent ad valorem taxes to Miami -Dade County and demanded surrender
of the concession area within 30 days. The City Manager subsequently granted Management 90-day
extensions subject to Management acknowledging surrender of the concession area by August 10,
2005 and November 7, 2005 respectively. However, Management failed to acknowledge the second
90-day extension offer to surrender the concession area and the City Manager declared the offer null
and void and demanded surrender of the concession area effective August 10, 2005.
Budget ImpacttAnalvsis
NO Is this item related to revenue?,
NO Is this item an expenditureplf so, please identify funding source below.
General Account IVo:'r
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
If using or receiving capital fundsi .
Grants /v//
Final Approvals
Budget * Y 1
Risk Management
Dept. Direct
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