HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed - ComputerWFMMWOPMin ittPV-'4 4•6"'l • ; 13.1.1' 10 • : •'• • 'Special Warranty Deed • Fang niaminit .. • ' • • - .T3R 11573, 1993 11AR .. ...-. . .... .. . • This ilditotore, : .4•646 this - . X" da'y' of ". . • '. .Panambet,1992...k., Between. • . - .." • FIRST UNION NATIONAL ." BANK PT ,FLORPA , a national banking L.. .. '.. ... .. . . of#,,c4,,tr1,. , Dade ., , , ... . - ' , ' , iiit. a PIori.da, - . .: . ,•grantar, ipit ". UMW'S pAincratiorg. CORPCIRATION,, a Fiorida. corporatirm. • .• ", ' •' • a 0 I .:eil.E. /9 II . _Torr.: A/, ili*•1304,c Fli"3,3/cfe. ; . .4.00.440.4,47eiropethlmbeem, itiiiimir) Florida: ..401.1.018. . . . .. • , . glow iatiaiy or Pods • - • . , . ' • : _444 or Florida . . .. , ., giantae.... • Witnimasth -dial dir ORAKitiA, be sad la ansuldssaaori of dto sara ar • ' :.-: -- -• - -. - - - -, ' ..."". -: - -• -.7 "... 1EN.4.moiloo(R1040),:.-.- - ..! -.,_ _ _ _r_ DoLuiss. • - and edam: paid 'id 'valindAii saasidoodos ta Cl/NMI* . la band pa)d by OBANT1101, Oar mole& wiberear Is issadiy askser;Isdissd, Jus ' '.. • rigitddr4i laissiard sadid sasa do laid ORAPITIM and Outouva .. Lam :No .4*,p, bower,- Ai Maria drdisidimai had, alluan, . . kflaispd PiSse fa!), saway of Midas. - ' • '. ' •... spoof Nor*. tow;iti • , ' - • : SEE EXHIBIT *VI ATTAOHED.HERBTO AND:BY THIS REFERENCE RAP AL PART HEREOF " ...• ' - ,. . .' . .. - • . • • , .: .. . •,. '.' . . .Ali-aanaments, conditiona,. covenantarestrictionsi limitations, L' • and'agreamente of repord., • : . : ' _... . ' - " Real,..estate-taxes.;or the year'1903 and all eubaequent yeara. . . . . . . . Existing applicable goVernmental building.and 'toning" ordinandew and Other-governnantal regulations. • - • • • . .. . . . : ' " ' . . . . . . • . ... -• • . - DIICSTPDEE ' 840,0 BURT% • . 430.00'.' . . . HARlifY RUVIN, CLERK DADE COUNTY, . FL . . . • - • • . . • - Together 11001: liU leaeaterada, haradiadairrata sad samtsatasts lama° Irslaaidap as ii mamba :sepsasialsi.. ', • • . - , .' '''. To .' Have and 10 Hold, 10 4.4,.. to h4 mg*. 6ervar. • . L . ' , . • . . ' ' ' • ' • ' And. a. iramit .binolay saysawas. addi raid anintra dan Intalod la W414 militrd of ind hod le fee Arida; 'gni rung Ina. L • onal licit sad lawlid itssikolity la NiLl and cowry 'aid Wadi dud /ram* bolibr hUY ifins!".1b4 64. I* mg/ Mad '' rit7A . , . dr hod din 'MOW MAI" the UMW elated af all resew ilaitalai byl through at undar itsidat• - ' • — , • . ' , In . WhileSS Whereof,' . the palmier lau issnursa •rai his Mad sad asal di* day sod yaet Al% obare wrideci. • • • ' • f Signed, waled and dellrered In our pram= FIRST ONION NATIONAL BANK , FLORIDA, a national bankitig.. . assO iati,pn . • By: j 4. . -Pr Na ,. d . aii•VO Pedro . 0 mei itn an Vice President P.O. Addnais 2001. Bias., iihni.,:ddiarci. 11.3313f, Pt: pso: , -',...• • , . .. : STATE or Florida' - • COUNTY OF Dada la ma rominiao ddintaisa nab aakaardnigial Wont an dila C7,...,.. • di y at . " . 3 Al. - 'Padre J. GomeZ, Vice President Of First:Union National . . . . atia is paisaaany knows ta ma Of wild jass 5,odussd ' 1110r iv 1 a data a* coda - ' ' ' . . '•• ' te . lisia Dadaism ?mated 117; .. . • 4,..." - li ' ,-' - • • ..- - PATRXIA COMM. MilQ. ' - 1, ..• \ OVA R Y. . • ITIIARIO WIDNES MU= Nr AL A .. •• e........- . ..1s9 yOinlitAiaotwriast. MATS 23a0 %;:::..; %/1' ij . , . ' 'lima. Pt, MnI0 • • • • •-•::Ar %...; 4p , . . . .0e • • • • (Corporate Seal) December 0 9 Z by Bank ci Florida, iietifl6t0 as Idatdilicadae 'gad who did • . • .,.. ' intad.NAPer-4741144- .41,7,04/ . . mmaYruoug -.. - " ., y COP5P41141011 espla41 . imtp,Ry r1.1r,1 ' . 147 i:L.:1.: .. - ' • • 4 1,4:•513, ,.. ,- . . .. • Iltiiii.l.t) 1.6.11 i..!. ;LI :L A.:i. 1)1i11.. : • $•..t..;• ..: • • LEORE .D2SCRTPTIou Itt:15837110715 The 'follow.ing.deicribed property, all of which is • located vholiy within the Southwest. 1/4 of Section• 7 Township 53 South; Range .42 East:. • A, • :Begin -331 `.feet East. .and 35 ,feet South' of the Northwest corner of the So{ithwee.t 1/4 of Section 7-,53-42; thence South •136 .. feet; .thence 'Zest' 45'- :fee•t; thence north 136 .feet; thence West. 45 feet :to the Point of Beginning. ' B. Begin 171 feet . South. and 183. , feet -East. of:. the •.Northwest' core}er .of -the 'Southwest 114,.:Sectlof l-53-42. for Point of Beginning; thence South 104,feet; thence East 232.8.feet; thence North'-104,.feet; thence Walt 23,2,.8 feet to_,the Point. of Beginning. C. .Lots 2 and 3. of, JOHN. M. HUNTERS ADDITION :of' LITTLE RIVER GARDENS, Plat Book. 7,_Page 13, • • • D. , Elgin at. the' Northwest corner of .Lot 3 of JOHN M. .•BUNTEiiS ADDITION ' OF LITTLE liIVSR 'GARDENS '(7'-'13) ; thence' •East "along' the Northern: boundary. of said • Subdivision 'of the Northeast .corner of Lot 7. of 'said 'subdivision.; thence North .55• feet; ..thence 'West to •'a • ppoikit directly. North' of the. Northwest. corner. of said •. 1Qt 3. of •.raid. subdivision; thence South .55 feet to •, . '.the Point of, Beginning, • E. •Begin 231 feet East from' the Northwestcorner of the Northwest 1./4 of the • Southwest l/4 of .. Section . 7-53-42; thence • run South directly across Everglades 'Avenue, now known as Northeast 79 Street, 35;.feet to a Point of Beginning;. thence East along. the South . line of Everglades Avenue, a distance of 11)0 feet• to a oint; thence :South ,136 feet to a point; thence West• ' 1.00 feet to a. point; thence North 136. feet 'to a. Point • ' of Beginning, F. All of - the 1 .foot strip .of land described as "Lot B, ae`shown on. the Plat of Blocks 1 and 2•, LITTLE ' RIVER GARDENS Book. 4, Page 188: The above description wag formerly known ae "All of - Frank J. Pepper -Plat, accordingto the Piet thereof. . ' recorded in Plat Book 87, at Page 4 . of,..•the Public Retards af. Dade County; Florida and adjacent right-of-way dedicated by the aforementioned Plat." Said plat has been expunged, Containing 54462 square feet or 1.2507 acres, more -or lees,. . • Lots 4, 5', 6 and 7 of AMENDED MAP of PORTIONS OF JOHN M. BUNTER'S ADDITION TO LITTLE 'RIVER GARDENS, according to the Plat- thereof ,'recorded in Plat Book 43 at Pap 2 of the Public Records of Dade County,, , Florida. Containing 24481 equate feet or. 0.5620 acres, plate of lens. �[CO[ WA IN 171NCIAt *twain moo& et 0FM LOIIMTI, ADA M,t. hAuvEY RUvIN citax C1►CIItt coo fPRONCTIG S- v&COURTHOUSE TOWER ` SATE WOOF LwED iXCAT2ON This instrument was prepared by: Name Address Return to Name .. Address Grantee 115.S. No. Grantee412 5.5.No Property Appraiser's Parcel Identification No. 0 I - 3 2 0 7- 0 0 0 •- 0 3 6 0 CAMERA OPERATOR DEPUTY CLERK. CIRCUIT COURT °ffc:1582 M� i i0 xc 93R0935015 1913 FER 24 10;18 ROCSWAf1EE 195.00 SURTX 0.00 HARVEY RMMVIN, CLERK DACE 000HTYe FL WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY FORM — SECTION 689,02, F.S.) This Indenture, mad:this 18 Roberto Brach°, ,.',_ w.r,l�lt. ry �C .'1 whosepostoffice addressis i 7 1 7` 1 ."-rt. r Y1 f ; r.. % i . ufth*Countyof' c. l.C_ ,Stale of (-- Michel Lubin, whose post office address le 2631 N. E. 211 of the Oauattyof Dade dayof February 19 93, Between Ter North Miami, Florida 33180 .5tsieof Florida Witnesseth that said grantor, for and In consideration of the tom of and other roiof valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantees heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate. Tying and being In Dade County, Florida, to -wit: grate or', and , grantee•, Dollars, Beginning at a point 171 feet South of the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4-of Section 7, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, thence 'run Ease 183 feet, thence run South 26 feet, thence run West 183 feet thence run North 26 feet to the point of beginning. less the West 33 feet thereof; lying and being in Dade County, Florida. stet:teip ea at fCIAL 111{0.a5 kOC or Cap[ C01.0.1t e, ltOa4A. aKCoaa rruruo HA4dEY R3'i1N cats CrrCtt,P C0uRr Subject to tease for the year 1991 , end subsequent years; conditions, rsstrictione, •eee•ents, reservations and Iialtation■ of record, if any, end zoning ordinances effecting •old property, and said grantor doer hereby fully warrant the title to Bald land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all person whomsoever. . "Grantor' and -grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. Qo f, gr•nior has hereunto set grantor's hand and-eca1 the day and year first a in o In Witness Wh 5ignid� scaled, and d if itst wi Printed or typed na *fitness) Printed or typed na 4 resence: t (, t Grantor Printed or typo -name R o be r t ri Bra • n Grantor Printed or typed name: STATE OF Florida COUNTYOF Dade R r` THIIOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before ino this 19._.2.,by Roberto Bracho, single produced Mycommlasion expires: Iti111111 YCOM leer COtsisSt 1 t i to Me CORES trr 1i, sal meta 1 J1Winee . euct.set 1 8 (Seal) (Seal) day of February who is tor are) personally known to me or.who has os Identification ;tts?}vho did (ylId not) tako an oath. wary Public Printed, tfy�ped, or stamped name: T 1r(lb/i t l C cIf (Serial Number, If any) F7e1 pee. 12101) REPRODUCTIONS, Allag: 5 /q93 COURTHOUSE TOWER DATE W1CaFILYED LOCATION . CORIE,RA .� ERATOR DEPUTY CLERK, CIRCUIT COURT Grantees Social Security No. {�] 7 Folio No. 01-3207-000-0350 - q r:1 60 WARRAI'ry DEED THIS •INDENTURE, made and entered into. this i day .of August, 1993, by and between MORTON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC., a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal place of'business in the County of Dade, •and State of Florida, party of the first part, and LUBIN'S DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Florida Corporation„ party of the second part, whose post office address is 7816 N. E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33138. W1TNESSETH, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and,other good and valuable considerations, paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the undersigned by these presents,. does sell and convey unto.the party of the second part, the heirs' and assigns, the fallowing described real property, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: Beginning at a Point 197 feet South of the Northwest corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, thence nun Southerly on the Section Line a distance of 28 feet to a point, thence run Easterly a distance of 183 feet to a point; thence run Northerly a distance of 28 feet to a point; thence run Westerly a distance of 183 feet to a paint of beginning, loss the West 35 feet thereof, which has heretofore been dedicated to street purpose. SUBJECT TO: - Conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitations .and easements of record, if any, but any such interests that may have been terminated are not hereby reimposed: and subject to applicable zoning ordinances and taxes and assessments for the year 1993, and subsequent years. And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,. the party of the first part has caused these presents to be si-ned in its name by its President, and its corporate seal to be affixed the and year above written. - X 1� j1 / c� 1 �Llj- lCriT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE 'ono • W eaDmDAN at *of l rctt*i Pewees saes ucota etePno . HARVEY RU CH LURK CIKun COURT MORTON INSURANCE AGENCY, A Florida,Gprparation Q«Qj cR+� • 33161 ,. ,l'' By Jai RONALD E. MORTON President 835 N. E. 120th Street Biscayne Park, Florida BEFORE HE, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared RONALD E. MORTON as president of MORTON INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. who executed and acifnowledged before me, and who did take an oath, that the foregoing inatrument was executed freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed, and who is personally known to me, i41.. Ll WITNESS my hand and official seal this �' day of1August, 19Q,'}-• L12 •1J e(•11 s D t L NOTARY PUBLIC tcs;^Gie1 Hy Commission Ex ires: - Prepared by BARBARA NORTH BURTON 11955 West. Dixie Highway Miami, Florida 33161 93R387345 1993 • Et 10904 p� 3I26 Rotors tot Isooloso serf-rddr..sad .t.;..d env.lgrl Wow** R111ott Barris, r.q. Addr.a.. 111 S.W. Third Street Sixth t1oor - taCormLck building Riadal, Florida 33130 Shia Xn.tru.rnt ?rlpar.d by, hart >tddr'...t Oscar S. Rivera, 6aq. SIEGFRIED, RIVIM, d.CRN!R. ET. AL. 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 1102 Coral Gable., Florida 33134 hrupartr,ipprw.ia.r. razor]. 1d..ntiti..tia. q?oLLap .o.b.r 01-3207-000-0380 951;355975 1995 SEP 01. 10:37 DOCSTPDEE 930.O0 SURTX 697.50 HARVEY ROVIH, CLERK DADE COUNTY, FL THIS WARRANTY DEED made this t 1 ,day of 60S 7"- , 1995 by DON BABY, JR., a/k/a WILLIAM DONALD BAILEY, JR., a married man, hereinafter called the grantor(s) to LUBIN'S DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Florida corporation, whose poet office address is 7816 N.B. 2nd. Avenue, Miami, Florida 33138, hereinafter called the grantee{s): lvmeta„r..., berelA the tow 'ystmot.n, Irma' IMt.k ail tlw Pads to Ow w.wn,ta, hei+t,,ep.1 t.praanWMhea oat maim of trclaid ulr, add cAr,arre.wn aad..tinaf eorpoa,bai WITNBSSETH; That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situated in Dade County, Florida, viz. SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF THIS CONVEYANCE IS SUBJECT TO: 1. Taxes for 1995 and subsequent years. 2. Covenants, Conditions, Limitations and Easements of record; and zoning restrictions imposed by governmental authority, if any. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title tosaidland and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except real estate taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 1994. GRANTOR HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THE PROPERTY IS NOT HIS HOMESTEAD PROPERTY AND NEVER HAS BEEN. THAT GRANTOR PRESENTLY RESIDES AT 11045 NORTH BAYSHORE DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA. REC l 6+PC 3I 27 iN WITNESS WEE P, the said grantor has hereunto set my hand and seal the .ate day of JC LJ'f , in the year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered ,in our presence: A$naQlR sA G Wriumum D_ScA9 - P- 12-10Ce4 Printed Sigruuure STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE SS: The fore oing instrument was acknowledged befOre me this,., 9 day of , 1995 by WILLIAM DONALD BAILEY, JR., a married man, who k personally known to me and did not take an oath. Notay Public, State Sf Florida My Commission Expires: 8y\Ca410,aTiTs\oRR\Lauri-Doc\9MSIAX.w lint Nam of Noury Pu OFF 169O4;C 31 E X H I B_ i T "A' All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate in the County of Dade, State of Florida in the NW-1/4 of the NW-1/4 of the Sw--1/4 of Section 7, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 225 feet South of the Northwest corner of the North 1/2 of the North 1/2 of the SW-1/4 of Section 7, Township 53 South, Range 42 East; thence run South on the Section line a distance of 50 feet; thence run East 183 feet; thence run North parallel with aforesaid Section line 50 feet; thence run West parallel with the South boundary line of said Section; 183 feet to the Point of Beginning, less the West 33 feet thereof conveyed for highway purposes. ' 47791 Containing 7501 square feet or 0.1722 acres, more or less. ‘4._10 NKOMO !i OMEEAE EZCOEDi7Gar. . CO DADE COUNTY. RAMA, leC'UAC Vtiage0 - HARVF! MIN; nff,1 024�c31'73 REC. This instnrment•was prepared by: Elliott Harris, Esq. 111 S.W. 3rd Street, 6th Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Folio No.: 014207-000-0330 WARRANTY DEED 95R503073 .1995 DEC 08 11120 D0CSTPDEE • 14120.00 SURTX. 765.00 HARVEY RtfVIN► CLERK DADE COUNTY, FL THIS INDENTURE, Made this 29th day of November, 1995, BETWEEN MARIA CRISTINA EROSA, an . unremarried widow, of the County of Dade, State of Florida, Grantor, and LUBIN'S DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, whose poet office address 2831 N.E. 211th Terrace, North Miami Beach, Florida 33180, of the County of Dade, State of Florida, Grantee rGrantor end 'Grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires), WITNESSETH, That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of ten and no/100--310A0--Doilars and other good valuable considerations to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: Beginning at a point 65' South of the Northwest corner of the SW 1/4 of Section 7, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, and run East 35' for the point of beginning; thence run East 86 Parallel with the North line of said SW 1/4; thence run South 50' parallel with the West line of said SW 1/4; thence run East 50' parallel with the North line of said SW 1/4; thence run South 50' parallel with the West line of said SW 1/4; thence run South 60' parallel with the West line of said SW 14; thence run West 136' parallel with the North line of said SW 1/4; thence run North 100' parallel with the West line of said SW 114 to the Point'of Beginning. This conveyance is subject to theloRowing: 1. Taxes and Assessments for the year 1993, and subsequent years. 2. Zoning, restrictions, prohibitions, limitations, easements and conditions imposed or required by any governmental body, authority or agency and matters appearing on the plat or common to the subdivision. and said Grantor does hereby fully wanant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seaithe day and year first above • wrttten, Signed, sealed and delivered In our presence: STATE OF FLORIDA ) Se. COUNTY OF DADE ) 1 r Cc.:: .%.,(/4_,0,• ARI CRISTINA EROSA, an unremarried widow do Miguel Gamboa Brennan Travel 2929 S.W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 502 Miami, Florida 33129 ecoi0e0 nr014 nw 10 scowy rrD ilflitay u11114 cam lr cco,n THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me this 29th day of November, 1995, Maria stria Erase, n married Wow, who Is. •nally known to me or who presented A l married s identificat on o did not is .oa ,. My commission expires: N • T • ,Y P f�- ` IC A f , flti AV Po,, ormolu NOTARY Isem. Lll'A A ;MAMA * 001t1Ml$$ipN WARMt`'^ < CC4502114 1.e. LSF iLp MY OQMMISIIOp HP. APR. 3,1990 typed/printed 'name. Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 • • My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item 2:1 Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digta Qt-thophpto.graphy -.20.03 Summary Details: 'Folio No.: 01-3207-067-0010 Property: 234-42 NE 79 ST Mailing Address: LUB1NS DEVELOPMENT CORP 7816 NE 2 AVE MIAMI FL 33138-4805 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0056 EXTRA FEATURE OTHER THAN PARKING Beds/Baths:0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adj Sg Footage: 0 Lot Size: 53,579 SO FT Year Built: 0 Legal Description: ., 1.23 AC Mil_ FRANK J PEPPER PLAT PB 87-4 TRACT A LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 15837-0714 1292 2 Sale Information: Sale 0/R: 15837-0714 Sale Date: 12/1992 Sale Amount: ,$140,000 Assessment Information: Year; 2004 2003 Land Value: $428,632 $214,316 Building Value: $3,326 _ $3,326 Market Value: $431,958 .,$217,642 $431,958 $217,642 Assessed Value: Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $431,958 5217,642 • ACTIVE TOOL: SELECT Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 138 ft We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Home I Property Information !Property Taxes My Neighborhood I property Appralsar Herrte j Using Our Site I About 1 Phone DirectoryJ Privacy 1 Dlsciaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please dick here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 2002 Miami -Dade County. At rights reserved. Legi fe http://gisims2.co.miami-dade.fLus/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool=none&emd=FINDF... 7/11/2005 Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 • • • My Home Show Me: 'Property Information Search By: 'Select Item i2 Text orkly C010f.Ae.riai 1ptiotography-20p4 Digital Orthoptlotog raptly - 2003 SummaryDetails: Folio No.: 0-3201-00-036Q Property: 7827 NE 2 AVE Mailing Address: MICHEL LUBIN 2631 NE 211 TERR N MlAMI FL 33180-1119 ProDertv Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0011 RETAIL Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 1 I.,..iving Units:0 Adj Sg Footage: 1,056 Lot Size: 3,848 SQ FT Year Built: 1937 —7 Legal Description: 53 42 .11 AC BEG 171FTS OF NW CDR OF SW1/4 E 183FT S26FT W183FT N26FT TO BEG LESS W35FT DEED FOR 1FT 1808-85 OR 15822-2310 0293 1 Sale Information: Sale 0/R: 15822-2310 Sale Date: :Sale Amount: 2/1993 $32,500 Assessment Information: year: 2004 2003 Land Value: $23,088 $12,506 Building Value: $17,365 $16,686 Market Value: $40,453 $29,192 Assessed Value: $40,453 $29,192 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: i $40,453 $29,192 Aerial Photography - AirPheto USA 2004 We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our sur,ey. My Home 1 Property information l Property Tees I My Neighborhood 1 Property Appraiser Home Using Our5teI Abouti Phone Directory 1Privacy 'Disclaimer 13$ ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Wobtnaster Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. Ail rights reserved. Leg http://gisims2,co.miarni-dadellus/MyHorne/propmap.asp?apP—none&bytool=none&emd—SELE... 7/11/2005 Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 • • My Home ta Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item N Text only Cclor Aerial Photography- 2004 Dici a[ Orthop;hatography - 20G3 Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3207-000-Q350 Property: 7823 NE 2 AVE Mailing Address: WBINS DEVELOPMENT CORP 7816 NE 2 AVE MIAMI FL 33138-4805 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0013 OFFICE BUILDING Beds/Baths: 010 Floors: 1 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 4.036 Lot Size: 4,144 SO FT Year Built: 1957 Legal Description: 7 53 42 .12 AC BEG 197FTS OF NWCOROFSW1/4 E183FT S28FT TH W183FT TH N28FT TO POB LESS W35FT LOT SIZE SITE VALUE OR 16007-4157 0893 1 Sale Information: Sale OIR: 16007-4157 '_ale Date: /1993 Sale Amount: 125,000 Assessment Information: Year: 2004 2003 Land Value: $24,864 $13,468 Building Value: $148,142 $142,676 Market Value: $173,006 $156,144 Assessed Value: $173,006 $156,144 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $173,006 $156,144 Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 138ft - We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Horne I Property Information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I Abotit j Phone D rectory I Privacy 1 D. isc.laimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site O 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Leg( http://gisims2.co.miami-lade. fLus/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool=none&cmd=SELF... 7/ 11 /2005 • • Miami -Dade My Home My Home Show Me: !Property Information Search By: Select Item Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Oigitai.Orthophotography - 2003 Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3207-000-0380 Property: 7815 NE 2 AVE Mailing Address: LUBINS DEV CORP 7816 NE 2 AVE MIAMI FL 33138-4805 Property Information: lPrimary Zone: 16100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0013 OFFICE BUILDING Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 1 Living Units: 0 Adi Sq Footage: 3 502 , Lot Size: 7,500 SO FT Year Built:: 1937 Legal Description: 7 53-42 .18 AC BEG 225FT S OF NW COR OF SW1/4 El 83FT S5OFT W183FT N50 FT TO BEGIN LESS W33FT FOR ST LOT SIZE 50.000 X 150 OR 16904-3126 0895 1 Sale Information: O/R: 16904-3126 .,,ale Sale Date: 8/1995 Sale Amount: ,$155,000 Assessment Information: Year: I 2004 2003 Land Value: $45,000 $24,375 Building Value: $132,437 $127,657 Market Value: $177,437 $152,032 Assessed Value: $177,437 $152,032 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $177,437 $152,032 ACTIVE TO Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Home I Property information I Property Taxed I My Neighborhood 1 Property Appraiser Home 1 Using Our Site 1 Aho.pt I Phpne. D.lrectpry j Privacy 1 Disclaimer 13811 If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Web Site O 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. ter Page 1 of 2 MIA.MI-C Legl http://gisims2.co.miami-dale. fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool—none&cmd—SELE... 7/11/2005 Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 • • • My Home Show Me: 1Property [nformatlon Search By: Select Item Text on.iy Coor Aeria! Photpgraphy - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3207-047-p°O1 r Property: 7811 NE 2 AVE Mailing Address: LUBINS DEVELOPMENT CORP 2631 NE 211 TERR N MIAMI BEACH FL ,33180-1119 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0066 EXTRA FEATURE OTHER THAN PARKING Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 0 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: /24,518 SO FT Year Built: 0 Legal Description: JOHN M HUNTERS AMD ADD PB 43-2 LOTS 4 THRU 7 INC LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 15837-0714 1292 2 Sale Information: Sale O/R: 15837-0714 Sale Date: 12/1992 Sale Amount: $140,000 Assessment Information: Year: 2004 2003 Land Value: $147,108 $68,650 Building Value: $3:564 $3,564 Market Value: $150,672 $72:214 Assessed Value: $150,672 $72,214 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $150,672 $72214 ACTIVE TIMM. CT Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Horne I Property Inforipstaon I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Horne I Using Our Site I About 1 Phone Directory I Privac ischlrrter 138ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webraste Web Site Ci 2002 Miami -Dade County. Ali rights reserved. Leg( http://gisims2.co.miami-dade.fLus/MyHome/propmap. asp?app=none&bytool=none&crud—SELE... 7/ 11 /2005 • • • Miami -Dade My Home My Home Show Me: !Property Information Search By: Select Item ext only Coio.r Aerial Photography° - 2034 Dig}tai Ortnophotagraphy a 20 3 Summary Details: Folio No.; 31-3207-000-0330 .. .. .... . . Property: 7831 NE 2 AVE Mailing Address: LUBIN'S DEVELOPMENT CORP 2631 NE 211 TERR NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33180-1119 Property Information: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0011 RETAIL Beds/Baths: 010 Floors: 1 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 9 828 Lot Size: .12,128 SO FT Year Built: 1941 Legal Description: 7 53 42 .28 AC BEGIN 121FTE & 65FTS OF NW COR OF SW1/4 S5OFT E5OFT S56FT W138FT N106FT E88FT TO POB LOT SIZE IRREGULAR OR 17020-3173 1195 1 Sale Information: Sale O/R: 17020-3173 Sale Date: 11/1995 Sale Amount: $170,000 Assessment Information: Year: 2004 2003 Land Value: $121,280 $45,480 Building Value: $128,694 $123,665 Market Value: $249,974 $169,145 Assessed Value: 5249,974 5169,145 Total Exemptions: SO $0 Taxable Value: $249,974 $169,145 Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Home I Property I1nf..r rrnaticr; I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood Property 4p.praiser 17.i rraa I Using Our Site j Ahout 1 Phone Directory I Privacy I Disciaim.er 138 ft If you experience technical difficulties with the Property information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to W€brnaster Web Site O 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 Leg( http://gisims2.co.miami-dade.fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool=none&cmd=SELF... 7/ 11 /2005