ate:'9/28/2005 Requesting Department: Capital Improvements &
..�..,.. Trans 200$ Coin
mom ission Meeting Date: 10/27/2005 District Impacted: 2
® Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
® Other Interlocal Aueement
--° 6i6 et: Amendment No.l to the Interlocal Agreement ("Azreement") between the Citv of Miami
""'"' " ") and Midtown Miami Communitv Development District ("District") to fiind the construction of
11, derground infrastructure and related engineering services to accommodate the Miami Streetcar
�,P t within the Midtown Miami Project
se of Item:
Tdministration recommends that the Miami City Commission adopt the attached resolution
a�rizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1, in substantially the attached form, to the
xi ing Interlocal Agreement between the City and the District. The purpose of the amendment is to
the construction of the underground infrastructure and related engineering services to
mmodate the Miami Streetcar within Midtown Miami. The construction and services are noted in
3 ttached Amendment No.l, Exhibit C. The amount, not to exceed $3,758,378, is derived from
Viral funding sources including the City's share of the one-half cent transit surtax, the FEC Corridor
',hborhood Improvement Trust Fund, local option gas tax, and impact fees available in the Capital
and Special Revenue Funds from Capital Improvement Project No. 341330, B -71215D
tcar Project -Midtown Underground Infrastructure. Pursuant to the existing Agreement, the
truction will be performed by the District, as a local unit of special purpose government, in
Y-�•-rdance with applicable standard City, County and State laws.
Al I
ground Information: see page 2
Budeet Imnact Analvsis
NO Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No: 110145 FEC Corridor
CIP Project No: 341330, B -71215D
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact: $3,758,378.00
Final Approvals
CIP Budget.
If using or receiving/aprt�aTTunds �
Grants — Risk Manage1meq)
i 6
Purchasing f/ Dept. Director G
Chief, / City Manager
The Miami City Commission, on May 12, 2005, adopted Resolution 05-0293 and the "City of Miami
Initial Streetcar Corridor Feasibility Study, Final Report, April 2005," and authorized the City
Manager to begin initial implementation of the recommendations of the study. On August 10, 2005,
y President Bush, with the support of Miami's Congressional Delegation, signed the national
transportation reauthorization bill into law. This legislation, entitled the Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), authorized $50 million to
the Miami Streetcar Project. This funding authorization further solidifies the Miami Streetcar Project
as a viable project.
Resolution 05-0102, adopted on February 10, 2005, authorized the City Manager to execute said
Interlocal Agreement between the City and the District (executed on April 14, 2005) to fiend
$1,163,000 for Conceptual Design, Final Design, Permitting Modifications, and Initial Construction
to the District Infrastructure to accommodate the Miami Streetcar within Midtown Miami in order to
avoid future higher costs in construction and modifications to Midtown streets and utilities, and
significant negative environmental and social impacts to Midtown residents and businesses. This
Conceptual and Final Design has been completed, and the Initial Construction for utility
modifications has begun. This Final Design phase included construction details for the Streetcar
Project that are recommended to be built now, while the Midtown Miami Project is under
construction, in order to mitigate underground utility relocation, significant environmental
contamination remediation and higher future construction costs associated with the Streetcar Project
underground infrastructure. The water, sewer, and drainage construction for the overall Midtown
Miami Project is approximately 40% complete. The underground infrastructure for the Streetcar
Project within Midtown includes the construction and related engineering services for the
underground power and communication conduits and poles and their foundations for the Overhead
Contact System in the amount of $2,658,378. In addition, an amount not to exceed $1,100,000 would
fund the replacement of the existing contaminated soil under the roadway in the proposed location of
the track slab to allow for the future installation of the track slab that supports the rail without further
copntamination remediation. The project cost includes the $2,658,378 plus the $1,100,000 for an
amount not to exceed $3,758,378. The track slab and rail installation for the streetcar in Midtown
Miami would be constricted, at a later date, during the implementation of the overall Miami Streetcar
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FILE ID: O Jam' i
ate: 9/28/2005 Requesting Department: Canital Improvement &
Tra 2005 SEP 2 9 2 51Y
Com ' sion Meeting Date: 10/27/2005 District Impacted: 2
Type: esolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Ite
® Ot r Interlocal Agreement
Subject: Amend t No.1 to the Interlocal Aereement f"Aereement") betwe the Citv of Miami
("City") and MidtowXMiami Community Development District ("District") o fund the construction of
the underground infras eture and related en2incerina services to accom date the Miami Streetcar
Proiect within the Midto Miami Proiect
Purpose of Item:
° The administration recommenaNthat the Miami City Commiss' n adopt the attached resolution
authorizing the City Manager to _N, cute
Amendment No. 1, i substantially the attached form, to the
6�:: existing Interlocal Agreement betty n the City and the Di ict. The purpose of the amendment is to
fund the construction of the undergro d infrastructure related engineering services to
accommodate the Miami Streetcar withl Midtown Mi i. The construction and services are noted in
the attached Amendment No. 1, Exhibit C.
several funding sources including the City's
Neighborhood Improvement Trust Fund, loc
'Projects and Special Revenue Funds from C;
:Streetcar Project -Midtown Underground lnfi
construction will be performed by the Dist
accordance with applicable standard City
Background Information: see page
amo t, not to exceed $3,758,378, is derived from
ire the one-half cent transit surtax, the FFC Corridor
on gas tax, and impact fees available in the Capital
mprovement Project No. 341330, B -71215D
truc e. Pursuant to the existing Agreement, the j
as a to 1 unit of special purpose government, in
Zty and to laws.
Budget Impact Analvs
NO Is this item related to evenue?
YES Is this item an expe diture? If so, please identify funding
General Accnt No:
Special Re nue No.,
No: .11011V-5 SEC Co
CIP Pro.,lt No: 341330, B -71215D
NO Is this item J6nded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Ii
Start Up Capital o
Maintenance ys,:
Total Fiscal pact:
If usi or r ceivin
Gra s
Chief J
Final Approvals
Risk Mana n
Dept. Director
City Manager
Page 1 of 2
ce below.
, rusf
Bac round Information:
The M\en
ity Commission, on May 12, 2005, adopted Resolution 05-0293 and the "City of Miam'
Initial car Corridor Feasibility Study, Final Report, April 2005," and authorized the City
Managegin initial implementation of the recommendations of the study. On August 10, 2 ,
Presidewith the support of Miami's Congressional Delegation, signed the national
transpon uthorization bill into law. This legislation, entitled the Safe, Accountable, xible,
EfficieTran ation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), authorized $5 illion to
the Mitreetca roject. This funding authorization further solidifies the Miami Str tcar Project
as a viaroject.Resolu5-0102, a ted on February 10, 2005, authorized the City Manager to ecute said
Interlogreement bet een the City and the District (executed on April 14, 20 to fund
$1,163or Conceptual esign, Final Design, Permitting Modifications, an itial Construction
to the ct Infrastructure t accommodate the Miami Streetcar within Mid n Miami in order to
avoid future higher costs in coni etion and modifications to Midtown stre s and utilities, and
significant negative environments and social impacts to Midtown reside and businesses. This
Conceptual and Final Design has b completed, and the Initial Const ction for utility
modifications has begun. This Final sign phase included construc ' n details for the Streetcar
Project that are recommended to be buAriow, while the Midtown iami Project is under
construction, in order to mitigate undergr,ind utility relocation, gnificant environmental
contamination remediation and higher futurcom
underground infrastructure. The water, sewer, c
Miami Project is approximately 40% complete
Project within Midtown includes the construction
underground power and communication conduits
ruction cos associated with the Streetcar Project
drainage nstruction for the overall Midtown
e unde ound infrastructure for the Streetcar
wd r ated engineering services for the
n oles and their foundations for the Overhead
Contact System in the amount of $2,658,378. In additip, an amount not to exceed $1,100,000 would
fund the replacement of the existing contaminate soil der the roadway in the proposed location of
the track slab to allow for the future installatio of the tra . slab that supports the rail without further
contamination remediation. The project cos cludes the $;58,378 plus the $1,100,000 for an
amount not to exceed $3,758,378. The tr slab and rail insthtlation for the streetcar in Midtown
Miami would be constructed, at a later te, during the implem tation of the overall Miami Streetcar
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