TO :
Joe Arriola
City Manager
M - Conway, I irec or
C-pital Improvements & Transportation
SUBJECT : Emergency Finding: Award of a contract utilizing
an informal bid process for the replacement of the
roofing system at Fire Station No. 4
The roofing system at Fire Station 4 is leaking and is in need of replacement. CIT previously bid
this Project twice through the formal competitive sealed bid process based on specifications
developed by an Engineer under contract with the City. Both times only one bid was received
and the each time the price exceeded the Engineer's construction estimate. Subsequent to the
second bid, CIP conducted an analysis of the Engineer's requirements and determined that the
Engineer had written the specifications in a manner that excluded many roofing systems
approved under the Miami -Dade County product approval program. During this time the roofing
system has continued to leak, which continues to adversely impact both the exterior and interior
conditions of the Fire Station. Also during this time the City of Miami was impacted by
Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. The existing condition of the roofing system placed the
Fire Station at a higher risk during these storms.
Based on these factors it was determined that the replacement of the roofing system needed to
be expedited to limit further increased exposure to weather and interior damage. New
specifications were developed based on Miami -Dade County's product approval requirements,
while at the same time increasing performance and the minimum warranty requirements.
The award of this project includes a five year maintenance program, with an option for an
additional five years that requires the contractor to perform semi-annual inspections and
perform any necessary maintenance or repair to maintain the twenty year warranty.
The Department of Capital Improvements and Transportation finds and determines that it was in
the best interest of the City to waive competitive bids and issue an informal competitive
emergency bid to expedite the replacement of the roofing system at Fire Station No. 4
As provided in accordance with Section 18-89 (Public Works and Contracts) of the Code of the
City of Miami and as allowed under Florida Statutes §255.20, we recommend that the City
Manager affirm and adopt these findings and forward the matter to the City Commission for its
Your signature below will signify your concurrence with the above recommendation and your
assimilation of these findings as your own justification for the waiver of competitive bids and the
selection of the specifi - - • actor an ngineer.
Joe Arriola, ; ity Manager
Cc: Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney
Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Assistant City Attorney
Glenn Marcos, Director, Purchasing Department
Dianne Johnson, Capital Improvements