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From: Gonzalez, Maria
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:53 PM
To: 'pchircut@ci.miami.fl.us'
Cc: Caceres, Steven (Commander); Vera, Andrew; Shepherd, Mae
Subject: FY 2005 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant
Importance: High
Mr. Chircut:
The Office of Justice Programs has approved the City of Miami Police Department's (MPD) application for funding under the FY 2005 Paul Coverdell
Forensic Science Improvement Grant in the amount of $95,000.
These funds will be used by the Technical Services (TS) Unit of the MPD to purchase a Motorola Omnitrack AFIS Equipment. This equipment will be used
to reduce the backlog of latent fingerprint cases to be analyzed, and allow the TS Unit to use its human resources in a more effective manner. The cost for
the before -mentioned equipment is $115,000. Therefore, MPD's cash match is $20,000_ These funds will come from the TS unit.
In accordance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, payments by the Office of Justice Programs, Office of the Comptroller, are electronically
deposited to recipient accounts by the US Treasury through the Automated Clearing House (ACH). The Automated Clearing House (ACH) enrollment form
attached will be used to establish Direct Deposit with the preferred financial institution used by our organization.
Since we will accept the terms and conditions specified in our award, we can now begin the ACH enrollment process. Please type in the required
information in the ACH form, print it, and take it to the financial institution used by our organization. Please note that all grantees are required to follow this
procedure, whether or not our ACH form is currently on file with OJP.
We will not be able to save this form, so please print it out once you have completed it. You will also not be able to retrieve the information you typed in
about our bank, so please print out this form as soon as you have finished filling it out.
Have the financial institution fill -out the last section and return it to:
Maria L. Gonzalez
Grants Coordinator
Miami Police Department
Business Management Section
400 NW 2 Avenue
Miami, Florida 33128
Or call Ms. Gonzalez at 305-579-6524, so that she may pick it up and send the ORIGINAL of the ACH form via overnight courier to:
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Comptroller
Attn: Control Desk - ACH
810 Seventh Street, NW - 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20531
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If the information on the pre -populated ACH form is incorrect, please contact our program manager Susan Narveson, at (202) 305-4884. If you have
questions concerning current banking information, please contact the OC Customer Service Center at 1-800-458-0786 (press 2) or at
askoc@ojp.usdoj_gov. You should also contact the OC Customer Service center to verify changes to your ACH Information.
Should you have any questions, please e-mail Ms. Gonzalez at Maria.Gonzalez@miami-police.org, or call her at 305-579-6524. Ok? Thanks!
file://U:IPLANNING & RESEARCH\Grants Coordinator\Coverdell ACH Financial Information E-mailed to Finance.htrn 9/8/2005