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A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000
1. Section 1304.2.1 Applications Forms; Supplementary Materials
2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report
3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan
4. Section 1702.2.3 Development Impact Study
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A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000
1. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; Supplementary materials
(a) Statements of ownership and control of the proposed development or
The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in
Article 1.
(b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the
development or activity.
Byblos is a mixed -use development proposed for a parcel of land
consisting of 1.07 acres of land or 46,505 square feet. It is located along Bird
Road between S.W. 38th Street and 38th Court. It will consist of (i) a one -
hundred and twenty (120) ft. tower which will provide thirty-eight (38) two story
condominium loft units; (ii) 17,112 square feet of office space; (iii) 13,984
square feet of retail.
The project is a low density mixed use development and intended to attract
residents through its key central location within the City of Miami. As just one of
its great attributes, Byblos will boast of a location which no other Miami area
development currently possesses. Byblos is nestled between Coral Gables and
Coconut Grove. It is within walking distance to the Douglas Road Metrorail
Station, nearby schools and the Village of Merrick Park. The project will appeal
to professionals and young families looking for a life-style change. Byblos will
provide these individuals with an opportunity to leave behind countless hours
commuting. Aside from possessing a formidable location from a marketing
standpoint, this site also possesses a unique opportunity for bridging the gap
between the residential community lying to its north and the commercial district
to its south.
The building will sit on three levels of underground parking. By
providing parking underground, the architect was free to design a building that
was functional and aesthetically pleasing, thereby, eliminating the need to provide
a facade to cover a parking garage. The underground parking shall be exclusively
for use by the residential and office components of the project. The parking for
the retail is situated at the back of building across the alley. The surface parking
will be lushly landscaped with adequate and appropriate lighting that will provide
a buffer for the adjacent residential neighborhood.
The retail component of the project faces Bird Road and consists of two
stories, the ground floor and the mezzanine. The retail use faces Bird Road. The
project provides an additional setback of 7.5 feet to provide for a more pedestrian
friendly space along Bird Road and the retail uses. The office component
consists of two stories and will be marketed as office/condos. The residential
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component consists of 38-two story loft units beginning on the forth floor. Each
of the residential loft units consists of two stories with the elevators stopping on
every other floor. The pool deck is located on the fourth floor level. The top floor
will consist of only two penthouse units with each unit having its own private
terrace and swimming pool.
(c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for
which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities,
shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project or
activity and the like.
A location and aerial map, indicating the surrounding streets and
properties, are included in Article I.
(d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the
project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact
survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to show:
The Site Plan is located under Tab B, Article III.
(1) Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, buildings,
watercourses, easements and section lines;
The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets
and easements are shown on the survey located under Tab A, Article III.
(2) Exact location of all buildings and structures;
The exact location of all existing structures located on the property
is shown on the survey located under Tab A, Article III.
(3) Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be
separated from pedestrian and other types of traffic;
A detailed analysis of the site access and traffic flow for the
development is provided in the Traffic Impact Analysis located under Tab
C, Article III.
(4) Off-street parking and off-street loading areas;
Off-street parking will be located in the three level underground
and surface parking lot located at the rear of the building. The
underground parking will have 155 parking spaces, and the surface
parking will have 60 parking spaces for a total of 215 parking spaces, 48
parking spaces in excess of current code requirements. Loading/delivery
areas will be provided on the ground level at the rear of the building
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containing four (4) loading berths, with sizes and clearance in compliance
with the City of Miami Code.
Recreational facilities locations;
The project's recreational facilities consist of the pool and pool
deck located on the fourth level of the building.
(6) All screens and buffers;
Landscape buffer is provided on the surface parking lot.
(7) Refuse collections areas;
The refuse collection areas are located at the front of the stairs
located at the east side of the building. The refuse collection area for the
office component is located on each floor, while the refuse collection area
for the residential component is located on every other floor. The refuse
collection area for the overall building is located at the service corridor on
the ground floor on the east side of the building.
(8) Access to utilities and points of utility hookups;
Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site
Utility Study, located under Tab D, Article III.
(e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages
thereof proposed to be devoted to:
(1) The various permitted uses.
The various permitted uses include residential, retail and office
(2) Ground coverage by structures.
Ground coverage by the structure is 45% of the total gross lot area.
Tabulation showing the following:
(1) The derivation of numbers of off street parking and off street
loading spaces shown in (d) above.
The total number of off-street parking spaces provided is 195
spaces. Derivation of the numbers of off-street parking is shown under
Project Criteria, located under Tab G, Article III.
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(2) Total project density in dwelling units per acre.
The total project density is 38 units. Allowed in the C-2 zoning is
a density of 150 units per acre. The C-2 portion of the project consists of
0.55 acres permitting a total of 82.5 units.
(g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private
streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development,
statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently
The common facilities will be maintained through the condominium association.
(h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans.
Stoicii drainage, water distribution, waste water and solid waste generation
provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab D, Article III.
(i) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; exact
number of dwelling units, sizes and types, together with typical floor plans of each
Detailed information and breakdown of square footage of all uses are
found under Project Criteria included under Tab G, Article III.
Typical floor plans for the residential units, as well as all elevations and
sections, are included in Sheets A105 through A502 under Tab G, Article III.
(j) Plans for signs, if any.
The project will include "signature" signs for the residential building as
well as for the retail area. A package of unifoini design guidelines will be
submitted to ensure that signs are unifoirnly designed.
(k) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of vegetation
and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future
The landscape plans are found under Tab G, Article
(1) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and general
description of building for such use.
The pool and the pool deck are located on the forth level.
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(m) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required
for the particular use or activity involved.
All pertinent and required drawings are submitted with this Application
and are located under Tab G, Article III.
(n) Such additional data as the Applicant may believe is pertinent to the
proper consideration of the site and development plan.
Elevations and sections depicting the architectural character of the
buildings are included in Sheets A201 through A502 and are located under Tab G,
Article III.
2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report
(a) Property ownership or ownership and beneficial interest within the
boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit.
Statement of Ownership and Beneficial Interest Within the Boundaries of
the Area Proposed for the Major Use Special Permit is provided in Article I.
(b) The nature of the unified interest or control.
The nature of the unified interest or control is indicated in Article I.
(c) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership.
A copy of the Boundary Survey is included under Tab A, Article III.
(d) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities'
lines, existing land use, general topography and physical features.
The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the Boundary
Survey of the property located under Tab A, Article III. The site features and the
utilities are also described in the Site Utility Study located under Tab D, Article
(e) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in (4)
preceding to surrounding area characteristics.
The drawings submitted with this application are located under Tab G,
Article III.
(f) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the
area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit.
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The existing zoning designation for the property, pursuant to City of
Miami Ordinance No. 11000, is C-2 and R-2 with a SD-12 overlay. Page of
the Zoning Atlas is located in Article I and indicates the existing and surrounding
zoning. The comprehensive plan future land use designation for the property is
Commercial and is shown on the Land Use Map located in Article I. The
comprehensive plan designation and zoning are consistent with each other.
3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan.
(a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding, existing and
proposed future uses, activities, systems, and facilities (transportation, recreation,
view corridors, pedestrian systems, service systems and similar uses).
Article II contains a written narrative of this project outlining proposed.
uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains
descriptions of the project's relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and
transportation access. Building elevations and sections showing the proposed
materials vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets is included in the
Drawings submitted with this Application. The list of Drawings submitted is
found under Tab G, Article III.
(b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and
This project conforms to the C-2 and R-2 with a SD-12 overlay
designation for this property. The comprehensive plan future land use designation
conforms to the land use designation in effect for this property.
4. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental Impact Study.
(a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately
1 14 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by
the site, whichever is larger.
The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab C, Article III.
(b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for
construction costs, construction employment and permanent employment and shall
demonstrate that the proposed development is favorable to the economy, public
services, environment and housing supply of the City.
The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab E, Article III.
(c) A housing impact assessment.
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(1) A description of proposed energy conservation measures shall
be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in
addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code.
Byblos will incorporate energy saving features in compliance with
the State Energy Code.
(2) Historic Buildings.
There are no historic structures located on the property.
(3) Environmental Impacts.
The project is not located within an environmental preservation
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