HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Analysis04 I8.2005 09 _ 30 FAX FRS 002 • URS April 18, 2005 Via Fax and US Mail Ms. Lilia !, Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2 p Avenue (1Q`h Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Ehden Mace Sufficiency Letter — W.O. # 98 Dear Ms. Medina, Subsequent to our April 13th 2005 review comments for the subject project, we have received a formal response on April 15th 2005 prepared by Richard Garcia and Associates, Inc. (RGA). Photocopy of the response letter is attached herewith. At this time, we conclude that the traffic impact report along with the subsequent submittal meet all the traffic requirements and the report is found to be sufficient. Please note that, the applicant has proposed to modify the signal timing/phasing at NW 27'h AvenueANest Flagler Street intersection. The applicant needs to coordinate with the Miami Dade County Traffic Control and Signs Division to secure appropriate approval as this project goes through the review process. Should you have any questions, please call Ouazi Masood or me at 954.739.1881. Since el UR uthern Raj hen' ugam, ,E. Sen or Tray Engineer Attachment Cc: Mr. Flavin Walford, Planner 1, City of Miami (Fax - 305.416. 1443) Mr. Richard Garcia, P.E_, RGA Inc. (Fax— 305.675.6474) UR5 Corporation Lakeshore Complex 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 150 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-6375 Tel: 954.739.1881 Fax: 954.739.1789 • • • MOUAWAD DEVELOPMENT Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) Traffic Impact Study 54-62 NW 27th Avenue Miami, Florida By: RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. March 2005 • 31oruawad Development Traffic Impact Study TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY it 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION / LOCATION 1 3.0 TRIP GENERATION 3 4.0 TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION 5 5.0 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 6 5.0 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT 6 6.0 TRAFFIC COUNTS 8 7.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS 12 8.0 TRANSIT SERVICES 17 9.0 PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 18 10.0 COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS 19 11.0 CORRIDOR LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS 20 12.0 INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS 22 13.0 RECOMMENDATION 25 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. • • • Llouuwad Development Traffic impact Study Executive Summary The subject project is located on the West side of NW 27'h Avenue just North of West Flagler Street at the address 54-62 NW 27th Avenue in the City of Miami, Horida. The subject re -development is a high-rise residential condominium with 57 dwelling units. The existing use is a Used Car Dealership with approximately 1500 square feet of buildings. The Trip Generation calculations of this project reveal there will be 16 net vehicles per hour vph) in the °M peak hour. The subject project is located in TAZ 763 and has had the traffic assigned to the surrounding roadway and transit system using the MUATS Cardinal distribution. Link and intersection traffic counts were collected, averaged and adjusted for seasonal variations and used in the link analysis and intersection analysis. This analysis was performed for the existing condition, background, committed and background and with the cumulative effects of the above and the project traffic. The results indicated the corridor person trip analysis will either remain at LOS B for all scenarios. The intersection analysis indicates NW 27th Avenue and West Flagler Street is currently at LOS F. After signal optimization the existing LOS {!/,. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. ii • • • Mout: ar Development Traffic Impact Study was improved to LOS E. The future proposed condition resulted in an LOS F with a calculated volume to capacity ratio (v/c) of 0.97. This is below the adopted LOS E+20. Since this analysis was performed with the standard vehicle methodology, the results are within the ac weptable standard. That not withstanding, an intersection analysis was performed with the Person -Trip methodology and the results yielded an LOS D. The stop controlled intersection of NW 27-n Avenue and NW 3rd Street was analyzed using the Synchro/SimTraffic software. This was done as the HCM/HCS does not model 3 lane approaches on a two-way stop controlled intersection. Similarly, Synchro does not seem to replicate the operational results of such a condition. Therefore, SimTraffic was run and the results are LOS E with 35.7 and 38.7 seconds of intersection delay for the existing and proposed conditions, respectively. The two other intersections analyzed resulted in LOS C or better. As such, the results of the analysis contained in this report find that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E. Therefore, this project does not contribute any significant traffic impact, as sufficient roadway capacity exist. % n RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. iii • • • Mott awad Development Traffic Impact Study 1.0 introduction The purpose of this study is to evaluate the associated traffic impacts with the proposed re -development of the site located at approximately 54-62 NW 27'h Avenue. Although this project does not meet a Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) threshold on the development figures, the additional 25% bonus requested has warranted the use of the traffic impacts for a MUSP. As such this report follows the methodology for MUSP utilized throughout the City of Miami. This re -development is located on the West side of NW 27th Avenue between West Flagler Street NW 3 Street at the address state above. The traffic impacts to the adjacent roadways were evaluated as welt as signalized and unsignalized intersections that were most affected by this development. This analysis was performed for the existing and proposed conditions during the PM Peak Hour. This report follows the methodologies adopted by the City of Miami's Person -Trip Analysis and conforms to the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) Trip Generation, and Traffic Impact Studies Manual. Lastly, this report has evaluated the following: Trip Generation Traffic Distribution Traffic Assignment Traffic Counts: ATR & TMC Existing Level of Service Proposed Level of Service Existing Intersection LOS Proposed Intersection LOS Recommendations RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 • • • iiouawrrrt Development Traffic impact Study 2.0 Project Description / Location The subject project is located on the West side of NW 27'h Avenue just North of West Hager Street at the address 54-62 NW 27th Avenue in the City of Miami, Florida. The subject re -development is a high-rise residential condominium with 57 dwelling units. The existing use is a Used Car Dealership with approximately 1500 square feet of buildings. The following land use, as identified by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), most closely resembles the proposed development. This land use is as follows: • Land Use 232: High-rise Residential Condo w/ 57 DU (Dwelling Units) Previously the site is being used as a Used Car Dealer. Site access is provided via a right -in and right -out driveway on NW 27th Avenue. Since NW 27 h Avenue is a divided roadway with a raised median, this driveway can not accommodate all turning movements. Figure 1 depicts the site's location map. yA RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 • Mourawad Development Traffic Impact Study Figure 1: Location Map RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, iNC. • • Mouuwud Development Traffic impact Study 3.0 Trip Generation The trip generation characteristic for the subject project was obtained from ITE's Trip Generation Manual, Tin Ed. ITE's Land Use 232: High -Rise Residential Condominium was used to determine the trip generation rates and totals for the proposed development. The Trip Generation calculations results of the proposed improvements are summarized below. The ITE rates and percentages for PM Peak Hour Trips are included in Corresponding tab. Table 1 below summarizes the greatest traffic impact associated with the subject development, which occurs during the PM peak. It should be noted that this site is currently fully occupied as a Used Car Dealership. Although traffic is currently generated by this existing use, this report dd not deduct the existing traffic from the future trip generation results. As such, the analysis included in this report is very conservative and the net resulting traffic will be less than indicated herewith. Lastly, the trip generation was converted to net vehicle trip by utilizing the City's Person Trip Methodology. This methodology uses a 16 % vehicle occupancy and an 8.2 % transit reduction factors. However, the pedestrian and bicycle trip reduction was not utilized. These factors are consistent with the values used in the City`s DPI - Increment II for the SE Overtown area, which is similar in nature to the subject projects area. KICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3 • • • ;t/ouawad ©e%'elopmenl Traffic Impact Study Table 1: Trip Generation Land Use (LU) Units ITE LU CODE PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL Tries Tries TRIPS Residential Condo / Townhouse 57 DU 232 14 8 22 Gross Vehicle Trips 14 8 22 I Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ i 16.0% Of Gross Trips 2 1 3 Transit Trip Reduction @ 8.2% Of Gross Trips 1 1 2 Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 0.0% Of Gross Trips 0 0 0 Net Vehicle Trips 10 6 16 Net Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 15 i 8 23 Net Person Trips in Transit @ 1.40 2 1 2 Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Modes) 16 9 25 Net Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ i 1.40 0 0 0 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4 • • 11ouawad Development Traffic Impact Stud 4.0 Traffic Distribution The Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) for the subject development is TAZ 763 as assigned by the Metropolitan Planning Organization's (MPO). The County's TAZ are included in the Corresponding tab. The corresponding traffic distribution being assigned to the following directions are outlined in Table 2. The Corresponding tab includes a TAZ Map and the corresponding Directional Distribution Summary for this zone utilizing the 2005 Cost Affordable Plan. WiLL Table 2: Cardinal Distribution DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 12.30 15.12 10.64 7.14 12.75 12.67 13.43 15.94 TOTAL 100.00 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5 • Mon awad Development Traffic impact Study 5.0 Traffic Assignment The PM peak hour trips from Table I have been distributed and assigned to the existing adjacent roads. As evident from trip generation calculations, the PM peak hour represents the worse case. Table 3 was developed to depict the PM Peak Hour Assignments. The Corresponding tab includes the ingress and egress traffic distribution with the corresponding assignments to the North, South, East and West for the PM peak hour and Daily Trips. Table 3 is the cardinal traffic assignments which are further grouped as indicated into the four primary quadrants. Table 3: PM Peak Hour Traffic Assignments P1 Peak Trips DIRECTION IN OUT Total NNE 1 1 2 I NE 2 1 l 3 ESE 1 1 i 2 SSE 1 0 1 SSW 1 1 2 WSW 1 1 2 WNW 1 1 2 NNW 2 1 3 TOTAL 10 7 17 Assignment: IN OUT Total North 1+2=3 1+1=2 5 East 2+1=3 1+1=2 5 South 1+1=2 0+1=1 3 West 1+1=2 1+1=2 4 TOTAL 17 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6 • • • 34ouawrrd Development Traffic Impact Study Figure 2 includes the project traffic assignment to the driveways and intersections analyzed during the PM peak hour condition. This figure provides only one possible assignment pattern. However, since other routes and patterns exist the most conservative was utilized here. Figure 2: PM Peak Traffic Assignments JJ NW 27 Ct Site 5 NW 27 Ave 10 7 NW 3 St. a4 W. Flagler St. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7 • • • ;1loumvad Development Traffic Impact Study 6.0 Traffic Counts For the purposes of the corridor analysis, continuous 48 hour Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) were collected on Tuesday March 8, 2005 and Wednesday March 9, 2005. These counts were averaged, adjusted for seasonal variations and corrected for multi - axle traffic by utilizing the Florida Department of Transportation Seasonal Factor (SF) and Axle Correction Factors of 0.99 and 0.98, respectively. Table 4 depicts the results of the seasonally adjusted PM Peak hour. Lastly, these calculations were similarly performed for the Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) and are included in Corresponding tab. Table 4: PM Peak Hour Volumes ROADWAY DIR PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME NAME AT EXISTING CONDITION (Seasonally Adjusted) 1 2 8 13 NW 27=h Ave North of W. Flag[er St NB 1,543 SB 1,932 LINK 3,474 W. Flagler St West of NW 27 h Ave ! I [ EB 883 WB 1,082 LINK 1,965 n (/(�jf,,, \ RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 8 • ;41mtalvad Development Traffic Impact Study For the purposes of the intersection analysis, additional traffic data collection was performed consisting of vehicular and pedestrian two-hour manual Turing Movement Counts (TMC) at the following intersections during the PM peak hour: NW 27th Avenue & W. Hagler Street NW 27th Avenue & NW 3rd Street W. Flagler Street & NW 27'h Court NW 3rd Street & NW 27th Court The Corresponding tab contains the TMC raw data sheets for the above intersections. Additionally, Table T-3 provides Existing and Proposed PM Peak Hour TMC's. This sheet has been developed to summarize the data, provide seasonal ;actor utilized to seasonally adjust the counts to an average yearly condition and calculate the background traffic. Lastly these tables provide the future traffic condition by adding the site traffic from the traffic Assignments above, the background traffic and the committed traffic that will be addressed in the following sections of this report. iARICHAR© GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9 • • lforrawud Development Tr:ilfic impact Studv Existing TMC The following turning movement counts are summarized after having been seasonally adjusted with the weekly seasonal factor obtained from FDOT. The following TMC's are at the signalized intersection of NW 27'h Avenue and West Hagler Street. NW 27 AVE Intersection No. 1 199 2340 219' 155 963 170 92 1433 63 61 1044 140 NV. Flagler St /;A\ RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 10 • • • lIoi,amid Development Traffic Impact Study The following TMC's are at the unsignalized intersection of NW 27th Avenue and NW 3`d Street. Intersection No, 2 19 I NW 27 AVE 61 2624111 4A 5 L> 117 81 1762 37 152 1 12 �t NW 3 St The following TMC's are at the unsignalized intersection of W. Flagler Street and NW 271h Court. Intersection No. 3 A Al 56 1099 47 15 25 1289 3 �t W, l+lagler St RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3I • • .4louuwad Development Traffic Impact Study The following TMC's are at the unsignalized intersection of NW 27'r Court and NW 3rd Street. Intersection No. 4 66 36 Thi2 / ;`FLt RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 33 33 �t 12 • • • Mouawarl Development Traffic Impact Study 7.0 Existing Conditions Geometry: NW 27th Avenue NW 27'h Avenue is State Road 9, a 6 lane divided arterial. It provides connectivity in the north -south direction and has auxiliary left turn lanes at most intersections. On -street parking is not allowed. The following pictures depict the roadway condition in the Northbound and Southbound direction approaching and departing West Flagler Street near NW 3rd Street. NB NW 27th Avenue SB NW 27th Avenue The following lane assignment exists at the signalized intersection of NW 27th Avenue and West Flagler Street. A zir2'\ RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 13 • • • ;blonr wad Development Traffic Impact Study Geometry: NW 3rd Street NW 3rd Street is a local two-lane undivided collector roadway that provides connectivity in the East-West direction. On -street parking is allowed near the intersection of NW 27 h Avenue. The following pictures depict the roadway condition the Eastbound and Westbound direction approaching NW 27'h Court. WB NW 3rd Street EB NW 3rd Street (7 aRICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 14 • • • Mouawfu1 Development Traffic Impact Study Geometry: NW 27th Court NW 27t', Court is a local two-lane collector road that runs North - South and terminates at West Flagler Street on the South and NW 3rd Street on the North. The following pictures depicts the roadway condition in the Southbound and Northbound directions approaching West Hagler Street and NW 3,d Street loth Street, respectively. SB NW 27th Court The following lane assignment NB NW 27th Court exists at the stop controlled (Unsignalized) intersection of NW 271" Court and West Flagler Street. NW27Ct �t W. Nagler St EICIFZI:\\RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 15 • • • blauttwod Development Traffic Impact Study Signalization NW 27th Avenue & West Flagler Street The existing signal timing was obtained from Miami -Dade County Signals and Signs division. The existing PM Peak hour condition has a 120 second cycle length. The Signal Operating Han (SOP) consists of a four phase operation. The first phase provides for a north/south left with 8 seconds green and 3 second change (yellow) interval. The second phase is the north -south through movement which allows permissive left turns. This phase has a 49 seconds of green indication followed by 4 seconds change and 1 second all red. The third phase is the east -west left turns with 5 seconds green and 3 second change (yellow) interval. Lastly, the east -west completes the cycle with 42 seconds of green, 4 seconds of yellow and 1 second all red. The above is further documented in the Corresponding tab as Asset ID 2204. 1 aC# RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16 • ;ifouawarl Development Traffic impact Study 8.0 Transit Services For the purposes of the Person Trip methodology, transit services were obtained from Miami -Dade Transit Agency. The following table depicts the existing bus volume and capacity that provides services to the subject project. These volumes and capacities were utilized in the person trip corridor analysis. The Corresponding tab contains the existing transit volume to capacity calculations. Table 5: Existing Transit Volume to Capacity TRANSIT CORRIDOR TRANSIT ROUTE l ROUTE PM PEAK CAPACITY PM Peak Volume Transit vlc NW 27m Ave 27 246 ! 90 0.37 Bus Total 246 90 0.37 W. Flagler St 6, 11, Flagler Max 796 579 0.73 TOTAL 1042 669 0.64 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 17 • • • lounx'ad ➢evelopment Traffic Impact Study 9.0 Planned Roadway Improvements The 2005 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP was reviewed for possible roadway improvements. However, neither NW 27th Avenue nor West Flagler Street are programmed for improvements within the area of the subject project. As such, the proposed conditions will be based on the existing roadway geometry. E.] ,, RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 18 • • tilorrawarl Development Traffic Impact Study 10.0 Committed Developments Consistent with City requirements, both the City's Traffic Engineering Consultant as well as the City's Planning and Zoning Department was provided a list of committed developments for the West Little Havana Net Area. This list was extracted from the most recent City of Miami Large Scale Development Report dated February 2005. From this list the City's provided the available data for projects with traffic impact studies. These projects consisted of Brisas Del Rio and Hidden Harbor. The Corresponding tab provides the above list as well as the Committed Developments spreadsheet and the excerpts from the referenced studies. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 19 • Mourrwrul Development Traffic impact Study 11.0 Corridor Level of Service Analysis A corridor analysis was performed that follows the City of Miami's Person Trip Methodology. This methodology has been utilized in the City's Development of Regional Impact (DRI) - Increment II and has been accepted by both the FDOT and the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Lastly, this methodology is further detailed in the City's document: Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami. The results of the corridor analysis reveal that all levels of service thresholds remain at LOS B for the roadway and segment. Table 6 is a summary of the results while Corresponding tab contains the spreadsheet utilized to compute the seasonally adjusted existing condition, the future year (Le. 2008) background condition, the background and committed condition and finally, the proposed condition containing the cumulative effects. t� G\ RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. ?0 • • • .lfon ww1 Development Traffic Impact Study Table 6: Person Trip Corridor Analysis Summary ROADWAY MODE SEGMENT TOTAL ROADWAY ROADWAY PERSON TRIP SEGMENT PERSON TRIP FROM TO DIR V/C LOS VIC LOS EXISTING CONDITION (Seasonally Ad iusted NW 27 Ave SW8St NW7St NB i 0.50 B 0.49 B NW 7 St SW 8 St SB i 0.62 B 0.61 B W. Flagler St NWISW 37 Av NWISW 22 Av EB 0.43 B 0.49 B NWISW 22 Av NWISW 37 Av WB 0.53 B 0.57 B WITH BACKGROUND TRAFFIC (2008 NW 27 Ave SW8St NW7St NB 0.53 B 0.52 B NW 7 St SW 8 St SB 0.66 B 0.65 B W. Flagler St NWISW 37 Av NWISW 22 Av EB 0.46 B 0.52 B NWISW 22 Av NWISW 37 Av WB 0.56 B 0.60 B WITH BACKGROUND & COMMITTED TRAFFIC NW 27 Ave SW 8 St NW 7 St NB I 0.53 ! B 0.52 B NW7St SW8St SB 0.66 B 0.65 B W. Flagler St NW/SW 37 Av NW/SW 22 Av EB 0.46 B 0.52 B NWISW 22 Av NWISW 37 Av WB 0.56 B 0.60 B WITH PROJECT AND BACKGROUND & COMMITTED TRAFFIC NW 27 Ave SW 8 St NW 7 St NB 0.53 B 0.52 NW 7 St SW8St SB 0.66 B 0.65 W. FIag Ier St NW/SW 37 Av NWISW 22 Av EB 0.46 0.53 B NWISW 22 Av NW/SW 37 Av WB 0.56 B 0,61 i I\ RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7l • • • "lfouawad Development Traffic Impact Study 12.0 Intersection Level of Service Analysis Intersection analyses were performed for the seasonally adjusted existing condition and the proposed condition at the signalized intersections using the Highway Capacity Software (HCS2000) while Synchro was utilized for the stop controlled (Unsignalized) as well as the site driveway intersections. The results indicate the LOS are within acceptable guidelines for these types of facilities. Table 7 provides a summary of the results while the Corresponding tab provides the program output. Future turning movement counts were taken from the Intersection Approach Volumes worksheet included in the Corresponding tab. The following future TMC's are at the signalized intersection of NW 27th Avenue and West Flagler Street. Intersection No. 1 165 1022 181 NW 27 AVE 212 2466 236. 205 1521 67 66 1110 148 W. Flagler St RICHARD eARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 22 • • • :Vlouawad Development Traffic Impact Study The following TMC's are at the unsignalized intersection of NW 27Th Avenue and NW 3rd Street. Intersection No. 2 20 5 129 NW 27 AVE 65 2788 118 fi‘ 90 1872 39 162 1 13 NW3St The following TMC's are at the unsignalized intersection of W. Flagler Street and NW 27th Court. Intersection No. 3 W. Flagler St j ; RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 23 • .ifouawad Development Traffic impact Study The following TMC's are at the unsignalized intersection of NW 27th Court and NW 3`d Street. Intersection No. 4 70 Cr> 38 Table 7: Intersection LOS Summary 35 35 Ct Level of Service Summary Existing Optimized Proposed Intersection Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS *NW 27 Ave & W. Flagler St 91.8 F 79.8 E 100.6 F **NW 27 Ave & NW 3 St 35.7 E n/a n/a 38.7 E W. Flagler St & NW 27 Ct 19.7 C n/a n/a 21.6 C W. Flagler St & NW 27 Ct 9.2 A n/a n/a 9.3 A *NW 27 Ave & Site D/W n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 C Proposed -Person Trip Delay LOS 51.7 D n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a nla * LOS F for NW 27th Ave & W. Flagler yielded a vlc of 0.97 which is below the LOS E+20. ** Delay taken fro SimTraffic as HCM/Synchro does not model 3 lane unsignalized intersections. Note: Critical approach indicated. RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 24 • • 4!orutwad Development Traffic Impact Study 13.0 Recommendation The results of the analysis contained in this report find that the levels of service thresholds are maintained within the LOS standard of E+20 for the vehicle methodology analysis and LOS E for the Person -Trip method. As such, sufficient roadway and "transit capacity exist to support this development. Therefore, this project does not contribute any significant traffic impact, as sufficient roadway capacity exist. Moreover, this development should be granted development approval. 1 RICHARD GARCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 25 • • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) Project Trip Generation Analysis PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 11 TOTAL Q. re 1— N N N N ch N CD+r co N N N CV 0 0 0 I— M O " 00 CO T— 4 (Fs CO r- 0) Z I sduj V' 14 N c— O G Ls ) r- N CO r w Q 0 N Gross Vehicle Trips Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.0% Of Gros) Transit Trip Reduction @ 8.2% Of Gros Pedestrian/Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 0.0% Of Gros Net Vehicle Trips J Net Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 J 1 Net Person Trips in Transit @ 1.40 Net Person Trips (Vehicle and Transit Modes) INet Person Trips (Walking/Bicycling) @ 1.40 Units Cf) Land Use (LU) Residential Condo / Townhouse Trip Generation from 4TE 7th E©. Transit trip reduction from ©Rt Increment 11 for SE Overtown. Traffic Analysis Zones 6TH T. 9TN _1 0TH z z 7 57,1 787 _5.T. H....... 5TM._ __67H ..m _..._.. -4 7TH. m .... D ..-_fir _ N m ... 9TH_.. .1ST 3Ro Project Site 1ST 1 =J 85 NTH. 7 SAN.MARG9... SANT.A CRUZ m r SAN BEiJ(TO. _r 1RD SAN..MIGUEL z AGNILA - Jn m (.A MANCHA_ z KAARIANAm - N 784 6T H 0 7] r • • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) Project Cardinal Distribution (TAZ 763) PM Peak Trips DIRECTION DISTRIBUTION % IN OUT Total NNE 12.30 1 1 2 ENE 15.12 2 1 3 ESE 10.64 1 1 2 SSE 7.14 1 0 1 SSW 12.75 1 1 2 WSW 12.67 1 1 2 WNW 13.43 1 1 2 NNW 15.94 2 1 3 TOTAL 100.00 10 7 17 Note: Based on MUATS & Year 2025 Plan Update, Technical Report: Directional Trip Distribution Year 1999 Model Validation and 2005-2025 Cost Affordable Plan, Date: December 31, 2001 obtained from Miami Dade MPO. Assignment: North East South West IN 1+2=3 2+1=3 1+1=2 1+1=2 OUT Total 1+1=2 5 1+1=2 5 0+1=1 3 1+1=2 4 TOTAL 17 • • • ❑ AVE ADrIc 0 0 0 0 N ar ti N 0 0, a at 0 w 0) cv 0I N n u1 r O Z m 0) 0 m rn 0 ti � Z O o 0 0 v 0 3) c m N 00 c r03,e 0 0 N 0 U n n m 2 03 U K 0 rn m 0 Z n ACO 20 JQV AS 01 ayeQ 86'0 860 660 660 90l6i£ woa j a1ep a.3 ino8 }- 0 cc 96181E 9018/£ VDU North of W. Flagler St n 3 z West of NW 27 Ave C s cri • • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) >< W \/ T ¥ 0.37 p a 2 6 �(o 2 75 o h. in 2 to a Y \ © 0 < 246 j 2 4 _ Z209t\ \\ in - 0 a E\ 16, 11 Flagler Max Total fromm City of Miami Tranp. Element 1-a�i- _ kid\ />k0 41 3 \ q I -ctt0<.1a,? 2 e >- 6"> CO k\2 qcIL I 1.0 � Additional Description <0" / ce TRANSIT CORRIDOR NW 27 Ave Bus Total W. Flagler St TOTAL E \ § \ y E 5 0 • • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) Committed Developments 0 0 0 — 6� ern 0 0 ! Lk RS )}7 2 0- 72 as CC CD )$ co _ z LU / $ ROADWAY NAME / 3 z J d 0 \}\ 5o36 a) .1]9!7 ®aa)J270 • • • LEVEL OF SERVICE TABLE PERSON -TRIP LOS 11 6 CD 6 6 CD 6 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 CI 0 CD 6 6 0000 0 0 0 a r-- 6 6 r•-• CI) ci co CD 0 crs 0") 0 0.95 0.95 I 0 95 I LO 0) Q +.-. cfl 6 co c0 6 CD Cr) 6 0 92 0 92 0.95 0 0) 0 0 6 0 0 --- on 6 Lo co 6 co 6 0 co co 0 6 co 6 co r--- 6 0.78 1 6 co 0 0.35 I c0 c•-) 6 6 'Cr 6 0 41 1 LO CY3 0 0) r`r) 0 6 ',(1" 0 N '4' 0 co N 6 GO 6 c0 6 00 ci 0.12 0.12 m ..- 6 re) ..- 6 Q CD Q 0 CD 6 0 CD 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 6 6 < 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 o 6 o.00 I 6666 6666 0 ci 6 6 0© 06. 6 6 L. 0.00 0 0 6 0 000cp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOOTS 2002 Q/LOS 890 Cs CA CI ttl• co C: Cr) Lo 0 Lo co 6 0 a ..-- t-s.1 6 .0 L-,-, c, .._ co1,- 6 Cv ,-- 6 co to (I 6 co co -L-,) 00 r... 6 to 0 v-- 6 a) •cr cs•J 6 1.0 N CO O 0 co 'D 0 2790 3540 810 co ,•-• co N. 3330 '0 tp 1510 0 co cn CV 0 r-- 6 c') 720 6 co u A- 2390 6 c,-) ..- C) (..) 720 CD •‘-- r- CD CV N.,-- 3460 L.,„ CD c0 2110 0 r-- N 6 co N 650 1020 C3 LO c.0 .c•-• 270 650 1000 0 LO c0 -,•-• C. CV N 1530 6 co ro N 3030 100 6 CV N 340 440 CD CD 6 6 6 6 6 (D. < C. 0 0 0 0 0 CD C) cocoo LIJ 0.D >-. -4 2LD IZ --i L..) 0 .1 -.I 0 --1 3LD 4LD -.I 2LD 3LD CI .4 -.I 0 -..I CI -.I C) -.1 CLASSIFICATION CLASS I = (1) co .5 0 — = in co 5 0 CLASS IV 5- CQ LU LU >-• w O -4 u j• cC • z O cx • (-) 0 < >,. • 4.; 0 ▪ (,) (-) L.1 ta. L1J • c:3 >- co m 2 CI 6 N ▪ CY u) col O - LU (") • 04 ,42 • fj5 • ° • Q • z z 5 z EiLuo z >- a • CA 11 11.1 > LLJ • CL. 0 111 0 • • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) © A 0 Net Transit Trips TOTAL S". Net Vehicle Trips - TOTAL LC) M LT) Net Vehicle Trips - OUT N ,- N N Net Vehicle Trips - IN site Traffic C) N C) CO Percent E resss CO CJ CO CO N N N N Percent In ress CO C) (D CD N N N N CC CO CO EB CO CD Z V ROADWAY _) 0 NW 27 Ave SW8St NW7Stj NW7St SW8St .................. W. Flagler St NW/SW 37 Av NW/SW 22 Av NW/SW 22 Av NWISW 37 Av 2 0 CC LL. • • • v>-^omv�n��nu0i 2 >Z 1 _ H N N < .,- "i`i�', < '- 859 139 1149 6233 55 r4imo3* ~ {[ NE`W .- 147 33 nnm[a -'n V j p m,, N SG < 2, O r, .............. 1022 165 1368 7420 6.. 5 N [., E{ r !� m m N u3 N O �I m � :.:ti 4) -..V.a h `J- P p o 0 0 .- < N o n o 0 o n c v w N j y a a 05 m — m to a m C7 Q p .- s] 0 0 0 0 L C. R V 0[ Q 100000, :D 0, 0 0, m = `- m C t- ..- N tl' ti '- N 0 r] O ,-- ' -' N 0 0 0 n F e me rx o o c o o e v co , Q p b V rt ro O ~ O {� ry ry N h fA 0 V N ri 0 V r't0 m N 0 �S NI.ca 0 m ^I �, 0 r- 01 0 C 0 In V CP N r 4J try a o- v 'w n n ern 0 0 q 0 I .0 0 0 0 0 p BACKGROUND GROWTH RATE 2 No. of Years 3 ry N cc, n xp Q n 0 N Q h ON Ci ' V' N N -- ' n Ce C 1995 124 5 20 149 5288 . Q a h-� <p Z rn a Q 0 < a :,0 rn < `r an N ry os 'n u, v Q e O r . 0 M rn r m m _ ,.- m m � °a c], r- N 0 CO •- 0, tp N : :3 '� s ,,,.- i•- _ r: ;n r m! W En ,^- ,n O1 ri CO LL mrnrn o 0 o mmrn 6,66 rn rn rnrnm 0 rn P 0 rn amm 0 m rn 0 0 ac' tea-^ 0 g 0 0 i ^ €:;;�� o a m 0 0 � CC m rn m o C] m 0 m m 0 0 4 0 0 Q m co N Ln0 ao Q Q Ci G 1!) CV .. N zi n © CO® 6f 6> co 5 19 142 5033 E- o 2 SBR HJ 0 0 TOTAL WBR r0 TOTAL NOR !^JQfi4.- Z Z o w M 0 0 0 i- TOTAL APPROACH 0 0 co 0 L 0 y (0 S CC0 z 0 0 a TOTAL SORTHBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND EASTBOUND Z O w 0 a 0 Z I.2 r Z - m `0 n a) N m 1 ON N01103Sa31Nl �- 0 ©Richard Garcia and Ass • • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) N W 2 —J 0 i 0 0 innz 0 0 z 0 cn W z y ,'"' ?- 73 0. aY Fb- W Q O m N N p 0 r r 0 r 0 0 R a 0car , 0 r- _ N 40404 I c��t 41 0 21 m M 7 o C� ,r N u T _ 0.- '6 7 V c �D N S'7j Q CJ 9 Q R O '.° G h •- •. b N O a'Oi0 SE Sf: I j O N ^ 70 0 108 3, 0 : gy IL a m r r r r ca 4 a o N •- <- r r� 0 4 a c ry ` . j F- y m a a m e o P 4 Q 9 4 Y 4 C] 0 0 0 O i7 0 7• a 0• 0 0. 0 O 0 0--. 4 0 0<0 0 O n iu r r- la- 0) a G 0 0 :^, c c <"0 0 0. CJ 4 4 4 N h in C7 CJ o n o. aG v] O c uY O D 0 4 Iry U iJ 31 Q N p Z o u Q. O . M cC N c �'1 O O 4 o O �A n �y. •-,N 90 6 [J O R 0' .. 'h u .. v N O� vD O] O t1 n 4 n N -fit O > 0 31 Ca 0 0 00 0 0p 4 ! 0 co I 0 0© BACKGROUND GROWTH RATE 2 No. of Years 3 r v©i0 itg rB� 0 O cI OzOac00„NW D N r N 9Ro Er 35 69 ....�..,....._,..._... 44.._---._... U._...__.__._. iT ctl W P in , m a G t\ Q{ N 1 p j a^ 0 G 31 v m Nm n0o A n o 0 0 ra - N a GO c0 < .0Ecf4 vm0a)©o ,_ min N N~ soon 0 O 0 c 0 0 a, T 4 al 0 0 0 4 is rnmrn 0 i? of 4 G3 C] mmw 6 O 0 0 CJ O cr,c, 0 6,6 O G f a 01cc 0 c O a� c i a,a .:'; 0 6 Cr, 0 4 rnmm 0 0 9 0 nn � � 2 = = ' 19 N 0- rn4 r4 pOOy0".<0Nu)01 00,.„ 40i N fkZ �^ 0100 I I 33 66 42_.._ 0 0000 0i C Z J u 0 a CC 0 0 N� TOTAL WER TOTAL NBR Z Z TOTAL EBR EBT EBL TOTAL TOTAL SBR SBT 513E TOTAL WBL _..._TOTAL.. NAR NOT ._ NBL TOTAL EBR EBT. .... EBL TOTAL TOTAL :rn0 S - _ Z C 0 LLJ 0 0 0 co ~ s EASTBOUND 0 0 Z a SOUTHBOUNO Z 0 coo F NORTHBOUND EASTBOUND w� Z 2 Z 0 u : 0 a < w Z h- z v c F.,co ci s co01 Z ON NO31 SL731NI v m N 01 G 0 cp In 0 G) O 0 .^0t 7Richard Garcia and Associates • • Mouawad Development (Ehden Place) INTERSECTION APPROACH VOLUMES �=y m 7 H y u n ra m - N �= 5 y N J 9. : n 4= ▪ > O V C] ▪ E E av O d to MOVEMENT APPROACH O w wa 0 z ✓ 2 ON NO11O352i31N1 c 0 0 0 0 m 0 m 4 C. 7 C. 0 cd 0 0 0 0 0 zD 0 "_] 10 a N N N h Q b C7 al000 0 CC 0 0, 0 M h g ry N N r- r 0 0 O 0 •- <' N Q 0 0.1 0 0 4 4 Ca 0 E] 4° 0 0 C' N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.- 0 O h ti A og4o 0r c,0r 0 000000 a N N 0 00 0 o C. A A o C. N DCr. N 0 0 C] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C4 N CO Ca 0 h 0 n 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 14 N 04 0 0 m rn 0 m 0 m 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 boo 0 0 0 0 0 Q tD tP tO 0 m 0 ti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N SBR SOT SBL ..._...f TOTAL. VABL TOTAL NBL TOTAL .1 TOTAL rrr cc I.,- m m ESF..0-,4 03 XI t- zz Wwua0 SOUTHBOUND 0 NORTHBOUND ',. EASTBOUND 2 0 0 cc cn 3 m LI Sr) d N 0 2 PERSON TRIP VOLUME AND CAPACITY ANALYSIS TABLE / \ \/\ ; , : » _ m �} ITN PROJECT AND BACKGROUND & COMMITTED TRAFFIC \ a: }\ 2 ,0 in i , /\ (\ \/ \§ - a, , e; n; , ;in �� /} :: :� � /\ IN 1111 �� MATS TRANSIT MOTE '1 AVSET PERSON -TRIP VUI,UME THANSIT RAT. TUYAt. TOTAL, PERSONEVE PER- MOVER PERSON TRANSIT TRANSIT TRIP TRIP PER -TRIP TRIP METRO- MLVAC) PERT EXCESS CAPAVIIY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY Bus MOVER I1A1i. VOLUME: CAPACITY 1,1:-, ƒ`� ®i . . ii• 1 = rg! ;/ lig IZ 2, r,!j O. : �4 ,� !� in III d, 1 / f\ « !\ II ;, „ ;! \` \\ _, �3 ,� CO , } '. i �= ,\ j !® \(. h ! 7\ /§ § ROADWAY MODE • • • • YEeSINu• PERSON• EXCESE =. ROADWAY TRIP ROADWAY TRIP P1 RSON VEHICULAR CAPACITY ,411-IICIJLAA VGLUMB 'TN CAPACITY © 1 5 PPV VOIlJME i? 1 5 PP,"CAPACITY = _ 2 II #/� _, !< \ / \ � �~ e ; !E. \ ( y §1, Ill' ;N §§ /: _ � {\ Jj [ /§III / % �2 J\ E= : :2 �y �, ,D 3d41 50) 610 01 VNOHd T10V4HNVV O31.d0t7v ITT", AVM[3 VON �2 �, ,� �L �� :, »: I /_ /; 7: m! @ /\ 7,_ �� )) . :Z ! ! } .� 1 A U 'EXISTING CONDITION ESeaeonal \ ! / . . NW7Si SW8SI W. Flagkl 51 NWISW 37 Av NWISW 22 Av FFWI5V472 Av NWlSW 77 Av, ITNBACKGROUNDTRAFFIC , )\ ! { !2, !! . - " * INW1SW 37 Av NW/SW 22 Av NW/ SW 22 AT NW/SW 37 Av § \) § �„ (i , " - WISW 37 Av NWFSW 22 Av NWISW 22 Av NWISW37 Av • • PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME t"i Lei f C N 1.7 II AVERAGE O N CJ in +-- C'i rn r 00 WI d K, 47 N a, PM Peak Hour T sari N 25 N 3 0) - Ln '«'^ 2006 WA e+7 c" c`7 .- Oi G N Tuesday O 0,' CO r- [O r 07 r CO N CO t+i 924 N O r eT A", G1 N Ct 1 _�O'd (EXISTING CONDITION (Seasonally Adjusted) r.- 86'0 86'0 Lt, 66 0 66'0 dS 90161E GO16/£ i of alea 90f81£ 90181E word algid n VD21 VJ21 @aln0S 1 2 NW 27 Ave North of W. Flagler St West of NW 27 Ave ROADWAY a W. Flagler St w 2 4 Z Y C J ,- N rmation CD, Miami Dade the Informataonn CO and Associates, Inc. 2005 (J Richard Gat • Level of Service Summary Existing Optimized Proposed Intersection Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS *NW 27 Ave & W. Flagler St 91.8 F 79.8 E 100.6 F '*NW 27 Ave & NW 3 St 35.7 E n/a n/a 38.7 E W. Flagler St & NW 27 Ct 19.7 C n/a n/a 21.6 C W. Flagler St & NW 27 Ct 9.2 A n/a n/a 9.3 A *NW 27 Ave & Site D/W n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 C Proposed -Person Trip Delay LOS 51.7 D n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Notes, * LOS F for NW 27th Ave & W. Flagler yielded a vlc of 0 97 which is below the LOS E+20, **Delay taken fro SimTraffic as HCMISynchro does not model 3 lane Unsignalized intersections • • r1a� 25 05 09:16a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675-G474 p 1 • • • HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Analyst: Richard Garcia, P.2. Agency: RGA, Inc. Date: 3/10/2005 'eriod: Existing PM Peak Project ID: Mouawad Development E/W St: W. Flagler St Inter.: No. 1 Area Type: Ali other areas Jur_sd: City of Miami Year : 2005 N/S St: NW/SW 27 Ave SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound I Westbound I Northbound I Southbound 1 L _ R 1 L - R . L T R I L T R 1 1 I No. Lanes 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 0 a 3 0 1 1 3 0 LGConfig 1 L TR 1 L TR L TR 1 L TR Volume 1155 963 170 1140 1044 61 192 1433 63 1219 2340 199 Lane Width 112.0 12.0 112.0 12.0 112.3 12.0 112.0 12.0 RTOR Vol 1 17 1 6 6 1 20 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All ocher areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left P P 1 NB Left P 2 Thru P Thru P Right 2 Right P Peds 1 Peds WB Left P P 1 OB Left P P Thru Thru P Right 2 1 Right P Peds I Peds NB Right 1 EB Right 3B Right 1 wa Right Green 5.0 42.0 8.0 49.0 Yellow 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 All Red 0.0 1.0 0.0 1. 0 Cycle Length: 120.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound L 138 1805 1.16 0.42 163.6 F TR 1240 3543 0.93 0.35 50.8 D 64.6 Westbound L 138 1805 1.04 0.42 121.9 F TR 1256 3590 0.90 0.35 47.7 D 56.4 E Northbound L 183 1805 1.08 0.50 123.2 F TR 2101 5146 0.73 0.41 32.2 C 42.6 D Southbound L 183 1805 1.23 0.50 174.2 F TR 2091 5120 1.24 0.41 148.6 F 150.7 F Intersection Delay = 91.8 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = p Mai 25 05 0S:16a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675-6474 p • 2 • • HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Richard Garcia & Associates, Inc_ 2468 SW 8th Street i_ami, Florida 33135 Phone: 305-595-7505 Fax: E-Mail: rgarcia@rgatraffic.com OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Analyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: Analysis Time Period: Intersection: Area Type: Jurisdiction: Analysis Year: Project ID: Mouawad Richard Garcia, P.E. RGA, Inc. 3/10/2005 Existing PM Peak No. 1 All other areas City of Miami 2005 Development East/West street W. F.lagler St Volume Heavy Veh PHF 15 Vol Hi Ln. Vol 9 Grade 1 0 Ideal Sat 11900 1900 Fark5xist NumPark No. Lanes 1 2 LGConfig 1 L TR Lane Width 12 0 12.0 RTOR Vol Adj Flow I160 1151 %InSharedLn1 Prom LTs 11.000 0.000 Prop RTs 1 0.137 Peds Bikes: 0 Buses 10 0 %InProtPhase 0.0 Duration 0.25 Eastbound L T R 155 963 170 0 0 0 0.97 0.97 0.97 40 248 44 VOLUME DATA Westbound L T R 140 0 0.97 36 1044 0 0.97 269 0 1900 1900 61 0 0.97 16 0 ; 1 2 0 TR 112.0 12.0 305--675-6474 North/South Street NW/SW 27 Ave 1 Northbound 1 Southbound 1 L T R 1 L T R 1 1192 0 10.97 149 1433 0 0.97 369 0 1900 1900 63 0 0.97 16 3 0 TR 12.0 12.0 _7 1 6 6 1144 1133 1199 1536 I I 11.000 0.000 11.000 0.000 1 0.050 a 0.038 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 0.0 1 0.0 Area Type: All other areas OPERATING PARAMETERS 1 Eastbound L T R 1 Init Unmet 10.0 0.0 Arriv. Type13 3 snit Ext. 13.0 1 Factor 1 Lost Time 12.0 Ext of g 12.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 Westbound L T R 1 10.0 0.0 3 3 13.0 3.0 1 1.000 12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 1219 2340 199 (0 0 0 10.97 0.97 0.97 156 603 51 1 1 0 11900 1900 1 1 1 3 0 L TR 112.0 12.0 1 1226 2597 11.000 0.000 I 0.071 10 :0 10.0 20 1 I Northbound 1 Southbound I L 1 R 1 1 L T R 10.0 0.0 13 3 13.0 3.0 1 1.000 12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 10.0 0.0 13 3 13.0 3.0 1.000 12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 Ma 25 05 09:17a Richard Garcia, P.S. 305-675-6474 p.3 • • • Ped Min g 3.2 1 Phase Combination 1 2 5B Left 2 2 Thru 2 Right 2 Peds WB Left P P Thru P Right P Peds NB Right SB Right Green Yellow All Red Volume 5.0 3.0 0.0 42.0 4.0 1.0 3 3.2 PHASE DATA 4; VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND Adjustment 1 Eastbound Volumes V PHF Adj flow No. Lanes Lane group Adj flow Prop LTs Prop RTs T R 155 963 170 0.97 0.97 0.97 160 993 158 1 2 0 L TR 160 1151 1.000 0.000 0.137 Saturation Flow Rate Eastbound LG L TR So 1900 1900 Lanes 1 2 0 fW 1.000 1.000 fHV 1.000 1.000 fG 1.000 1.000 fP 1.000 1.000 fBB 1.000 1.000 fA 1.000 1.000 fLU 1.000 0.952 fRT 0.979 fLT 0.950 1.000 Sec. 0.089 fLpb 1.000 1.000 "Rpb 1.000 S 1805 3543 Sec. 169 NB SB 3.2 3.2 1 Left. Thru Right Peds Left Thru Right Peds EB Right WB Right 8.0 3.0 0.0 49.0 4.0 1.0 7 5 Cycle Length: 120.0 secs SATURATION FLOW WORKSHEET 1 Westbound 1 L T R 1140 1044 10.97 0.97 1144 1076 1 1 2 1 L TR #144 1133 11.000 0.000 1 0.050 (see Exhibit 16-7 Westbound L 1900 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.950 0.089 1.000 1805 169 CAPACITY AND LOS TR 1900 2 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.952 0.992 1.000 0.97 57 0 1 Northbound 1 L T R 1 1192 1433 63 10.97 0.97 0.97 1198 1477 59 1 3 0 L TR 198 1536 11.000 0.000 1 0.038 to determine the Northbound L 1900 0 1.000 1.000 3590 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 C.950 0.077 1.000 1805 146 WORKSHEET TR 1900 3 1.000 L_000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.908 0.994 1.000 1.000 1.000 5146 Southbounc L T R. 1219 2340 199 10.97 0.97 0.97 1226 2412 185 1 1 3 0 1 1 TR 1226 2597 11.000 0.000 1 0.071 adjustment factors) Southbound L 1900 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.950 0.077 1.000 1805 146 TR 1900 3 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.908 0.989 1.000 1.000 1.000 5120 Mad 25 05 09:17a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-G75-G474 p.4 • • • Capacity Analysis and Lane Group Capacity Adj Add; Sat Flow Green --Lane Group--- Ap r/ Lane Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio Capacity v/c Mvmt GroUr. (v) (s) (v/s) (g/C) f,,Ratio ;astbound Prot 75 1805 0.04 0.042 75 1.00 Perm 85 169 4 0.50 0.375 63 1.35 Left L 160 0.42 138 1.16 Prot Perm Thru TR 1151 3543 0.32 0.35 1240 0.93 Right Westbound Prot 75 1805 4 0.04 0.042 75 1.00 Perm 69 169 0.41 0.375 63 1.10 Left L 144 0.42 138 1.04 Prot Perm Thru TR 1133 3590 0.32 0.35 1256 0.90 Right Northbound Prot 120 1805 0.07 0.067 120 1.00 Perm 78 146 0.53 0.433 63 1.24 Left L 198 0.50 183 1.08 Prot Perm Thru TR 1536 5146 0.30 0.41 2101 0.73 Right Southbound Prot 120 1605 4 0.07 0.067 120 1.00 Perm 1.06 146 4 0.73 0.433 63 1.68 Left t, 226 0.50 183 1.23 Prot Perin Thru ` .'R 2597 5120 0.41 0.41 2091 1.24 Right Sum of flow ratios for critical lane groups, yc - Sum (v/s) = 1.34 Total lost time per cycle, L = 10.00 sec Critical flow rate to capacity ratio, Xc = (Yc)(C)/(C-L) = 1.46 Control Delay and LOS Determination Appr/ Ratios Unf Frog Lane Incremental Res Lane Group Approach Lane Del Adj Grp Factor Del Del Grp v/c g/C di Fact Cap k d2 d3 Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound O 1.16 0.42 37.8 1.000 138 0.50 125.8 0.0 163.6 F TR 0.93 0.35 37.5 1.000 1240 0.50 13.3 0.0 50.8 064.6 E Westbound L 1.04 0.42 36.3 1.000 138 0.50 88.7 0.0 124.9 F TR 0.90 0.35 37.0 1.000 1256 0.50 10.6 0_0 47.7 0 56.4 E Northbound L 1.08 0.50 33.2 1.000 183 0_50 90.1 0.0 123.2 F ^R 0.73 0.41 29.9 1.300 2101 0.50 2.3 0.0 32.2 C 42.6 0 Southbound • 1.23 0.50 30.5 1.000 183 0 50 143.8 0.0 174.2 F Mai 25 0S 09:17a Richard Garcia, P.E. 395-875-G474 p.5 • • • TR 1.24 0.41 35.5 1.000 2091 0.50 113.1 0.0 14& 6 152.7 Intersection delay = 91.8 sec/veh) intersection LOS = Input SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED ED LT WORKSHEET for exclusive lefts Opposed by Single(S) or Multiple(M) lane approach Cycle length, C 120.0 sec Total actual, green time for LT lane group, G (s) Effective permitted green time for LT lane group, g(s) Opposing effective green time, go (s) Number of lanes in LT lane group, N Number of lanes in opposing approach, No Adjusted LT flow rate, VLT (veh/h) Proportion of LT in LT lane group, ?LT Proportion of LT in opposing flow, PLTo Adjusted opposing flow rate, Vo (veh/h) Lost time for LT lane group, tL Computation LT volume per cycle, LTC=VLTC/3600 Opposing lane util. factor, fLZJo Opposing flow, Vold=VoC/[3600(No)fLUo] (veh/in/cy ) gf=G[exp(-- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g Opposing platoon ratio, Rpo (refer Exhibit 16-11) Opposing Queue Ratio, qro=Max[1-Rpo(go/C),C] gq, (see Exhibit C16-4,5,6,7,8) to=g-gq if gq>=gf, or = g-gf if gq<gf n=Max (gq-gf) /2, 0 ) PTHo=1-PLTo PL*=PLT ,1+ (N-1) g/ (gf+gu/EL1+4 . 24) ] EL1 (refer to Exhibit C16-3) EL2=Max((1-Ptho**n)/Flto, 1.0) fmin=2(1+PL)/g or fmin=2(1+P1)/g 0.09 0.09 0.08 gdiff=max(gq-gf,0) 0.00 0.00 0.00 fm- [gf/g] +[gu/g) / [ 1+PL (ELi-1) ] , (min=fmi n, max=1 . 00) 0.09 0.09 0.08 flt=fist=[gf/g+[gu/q1/[I+PL(EL?.-»)1+1:gdiff/g1/[1+PL(EL2-1)1, (f:nin<=fm<=1 or flt=[frt+0. 91 (N-1) ] /N** Left -turn adjustment, fLT EB M 50.0 45.0 42.0 2 160 1.000 0.00 1133 5.00 5.33 0.952 19.84 0.0 1.00 e.65 38.52 6.48 19.26 1.00 1.00 3.97 WB NB SB M M M 50.0 45.0 42.0 1 2 144 1.000 0.00 1151 5.00 4.80 0.952 20.15 0.0 1.00 0. 65 39.44 5.56 19.72 1.00 1.00 4.05 60.0 52.0 49.0 3 198 1.000 0.00 2597 5.00 6.60 0. 908 31.78 0.0 1.00 0.59 48.02 4.00 24.00 1.00 1.00 20.46 60.0 52.0 49.0 1 3 226 1.000 0.00 1536 5.030 7.53 0.9 0 8 18.80 0.0 1.00 0.59 32.39 19.61 16.19 1.00 1.00 6.43 0.08 0.00 0.08 00) 0.089 0.089 0.077 C.077 For special case of single -lane approach opposed by multilane approach, see text. * :f Pl>=1 for shared left -turn lanes with N> ]., then assume de -facto left -turn lane and redo calculations. ** For permitted left -turns with multiple exclusive left -turn lanes, flt=fm. For special case of multilane approach opposed by single --lane approach or when gf>gq, see text. Input SUPPLEMENTAL PERMITTED LT WORKSHEET for shared lefts Opposed by Single(S) or Multiple(M) lane approach -ycle length, C 120.0 sec ,dotal actual green time for LT lane group, G (s) Effective permitted green time for LT lane group, g(s) Opposing effective green time, go {s) EB WB NB SB Mai 25 ©S 09: 17a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675--G474 p.6 • • • Number of lanes in LT lane group, N Number of lanes in opposing approach, No Adjusted LT flow rate, VLT (veh/h) Proportion of LT in LT lane group, PLT 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Proportion of LT in opposing flew, 2LT0 idjusted opposing flow rate, Vo (veh/h) Lost time far LT lane group, tL Computation LT volume per cycle, LTC=VLTC/3600 Opposing lane util. factor, fLto 0.952 0.952 0.908 0.908 Opposing flew, Vo1c=VoC/ [3600 (No) fLUo] ( ire:h/1n/cyc) gf=c[exp(- a * (LTC ** b))]-tl, gf<=g Opposing platoon ratio, Rpo (refer Exhibit 16-11, Opposing Queue Ratio, qro=Max[1-Rpo(go/C),0] gq, (see Exhibit C16-4, 5, 66, 7, 8 ) gu=g-gq if gq>-gf, or = g-gf if gq<gf n=Max (gq-gf) /2, 0 ) PTHo-l-PLTo PL*=PLT [ I+ (N--1) g/ (gf+gu/EL1+4 . 24) l EL1 (refer to Exhibit C16-3) EL2=Max((1_Ptho**n)/Plto, 1.0) frin-2(i+PL)/g or fmin=2(1+Pi)/g gdiff=max(gc-gf,0) fm=[gf/g]+[gu/g]/[1+PL(EL1-1)], (min=fmin;rax=1.00) fit=fm=[gf/g]±[gu/g1/[1+PL(;EL1-1))+-[gdiff/g]/[1-LL(EL2-l)], (fanine=fm<--1.00) or flt-[fm+0.91(N-1)]/N** Left -turn adiustment, fLT For special case of single -lane approach opposed by multilane approach see text. * If Pl>=1 for shared left -turn lanes with N>1, then assume de -facto left -turn lane and redo calculations. ** For permitted left -turns with multiple exclusive left -turn lanes, flt=fm. For special case of multilane approach opposed by single -lane approach or when gf>gq, see text. SUPPLEMENTAL PEDESTRIAN -BICYCLE EFFECTS WORKSHEET Permitted Left Turns Effective pedestrian green time, gp (s) Conflicting pedestrian volume, Vped (pin) Pedestrian flow rate, Vpedg (p/h) CCCpedg Opposing queue clearing green, gq (s) Eff. ped, green consumed by opp. veh. queue, gq/gp OCCpedu Opposing flow rate, Vo (veh/h) OCCr Number of cross -street receiving lanes, Nrac Number of turning lanes, Nturn ApbT Proportion of left turns, PLT Proportion of left turns using protected phase, 2LTA Left -turn adjustment, fLpb Permitted Right Turns Effective pedestrian green time, gp (s) Conflicting pedestrian volume, Vped (p/h) onflicting bicycle volume, Vbic (bicycles/h) Vpedg OCCtoedg Effective green, g (s) EB WB NB S3 t-1. 25 05 09: 17a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675-6474 • Jbicg OCCbicg OCCr Number of cross -street receiving lanes, Nrec Number of turning lanes, Nturn obT Proportion right -turns, PRP Proportion right -turns using protected phase, PRTA Right turn adjustment, f.pb SUPPLEMENTAL UNIFORM DE :4.Y WORKSHEET cycle length, C 120.0 sec Adj. LT vol from Vol Adjustment Worksheet, v v/c ratio from Capacity riorksheet, X Protected phase effective green interval, g tsi Opposing queue effective green interval, gq Unopposed green interval, gu Red time r--(C-g-gg-gu) Arrival rate, qa=v/(3600(max{X,1.0])) Protected ph. departure rate, Sp=s/3600 Permitted ph. departure rate, Ss=s(gq+gu;/(gu*3600i XPerm XProt Case Queue at beginning of green arrow, Qa Queue at beginning of unsaturated green, Residua? queue, Qr Uniform Delay, di Appr/ Lane Group Qu EBLT WBLT NBLT SBLT 160 1.16 5.0 38.52 6.48 70.0 0.04 0.501 0.33 0.82 1.15 2 2.68 2.72 0.37 37.8 144 1.04 5.0 39.44 5.56 70.0 0.04 0.501 0.38 0.82 1.15 2 2.68 2.49 0 . 3 7 366.3 198 1.08 8.0 48.00 4.00 60.0 0.05 0.501 0.53 1.25 0.86 3 3.58 2.44 0.53 33.2 226 1.23 8.0 32.39 19.61 60. 0.'05 0.501 0.11 1.25 0.86 3 3.58 1.65 0.53 30.3 DELAY/LOS WORKSHEET WITH INITIAL QUEUE Initial Dur. Unmet Unmet Demand Demand Q veh t hrs. Uniform Delay Initial Final Queue Unmet Unadj. Adj. Param. Demand ds d1 sec Q veh Initial Lane Queue Group Delay 'Delay d3 sec d sec Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Intersection Delay 91.8 sec/veh Intersection LOS May 25 05 00:18a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675-G474 p.8 • • • SACK 08' QUEUE WORKSE 8 T Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound LaneGto p IL TR IL =R IL TR IL TR Init Queue 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 Flow Rate 116C 604 1144 595 1198 563 1226 953 ;o 1900 1900 11900 1900 11900 900 11900 1900 No .Lanes 1 2 0 11 2 0 11 3 0 Li. 3 0 SL 1333 1860 1333 1885 1367 1889 1367 1879 LnCapacity 1138 651 j138 659 1183 771 1183 767 Flow Ratio 10.48 0.32 10.43 0.32 10.54 0.30 10.62 0.51 v/c Ratio 11.16 0.93 11.04 0.90 11.08 0.73 11.23 1.24 Grn Ratio 10.42 0.35 10.42 0.35 10.50 0.41 10.50 0.41 I Factor 1.000 1 1_000 1 1.000 1 1.000 AT or PVG :3 3 13 3 13 3 13 3 P1tn Ratio 11.00 1_00 11.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 Q "2 11.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 11.00 1.00 Q1 13.2 19.4 12.9 18.8 13.5 15.8 14.0 31.8 I kB 10.4 1_0 10.4 1.0 10.4 1.2 10.4 1.2 I Q2 14.4 6.4 12.9 5.7 14.3 2.8 17.1 28.2 Q Average 17.6 25.8 15.8 24.5 17.9 18.7 111.1 59.9 Q Spacing 125.0 25.0 125.0 25.0 125.0 25.0 125.0 25.0 Q storage 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 Q S Ratio 1 I 1 70th Percentile output: FE% 11_2 1.2 11.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 j1.2 1.2 BOQ 19.3 30.9 17.2 29.4 19.6 22.4 113.5 71.9 QSRatio 1 1 1 85th Percentile Output: f5'8 11.5 1.4 11.5 1.4 11.5 1.4 11.4 1.4 600 111.1 36.1 18.7 34.4 .1.5 26.3 15.9 83.9 QSRatio 1 I )0th percentile Output: fB% 11.6 1.5 11.7 1.5 1..6 1.5 11.6 1.5 BOQ 112.2 38.7 19.7 36.9 112.6 28.2 117.3 89.9 QSRatio i I I 95th Percentile Output: fB% 11.8 1.6 11.9 1.6 11.8 1.6 11.7 1.6 BOQ 113.8 41.4 111.2 39.4 114.2 30.3 119.0 95.9 QSRatio 1 I 1 98th Percentile Output: fB% 12.0 1.7 j2.2 1.7 12.0 1.7 11.9 1.7 BOQ 115.4 44.0 112.6 42.0 115.8 32.4 120.7 102 QSRatio 1 I 1 No errors to report. ERROR MESSAGES May 25 05 09:18a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675-6474 p.9 • • • Mai 25 05 09:18a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-675-6474 p. 10 • • • CS2000: Signalized intersections Release 1.1e Analyst: Richard Garcia, P.6. Agency: RGA, Inc. Date: 3/10/2005 'eriod: Existing FM Peak (Optimized) Project ID: Mouawad Development E/W St: W. Fiedler St Inter.: No. 1 Area Type: Ali other areas Jurisd: City o' Miami Year : 2005 N/S St: NW/SW 27 Ave SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Eastbound 1 Westbound 1 Northbound Southbound T R 1 L T R 1 L 7 R 1 L T R I 1 1 No. Lanes 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 LGConf g L TR 1 L TR 1 L TR i L TR Volume ,155 963 170 1140 1044 61 1 192 1433 63 1 219 2340 199 1 Lane Width 112.0 12.0 112.0 12.0 112.0 12.0 112.0 12.0 RTOR Vol 1 17 1 6 6 1 20 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left P P 1 NB Left P P Thru P ; Thru P Right P Right P Peds i Peds WB Left 9 P 1 SB _eft P P Thru 1:' Thru P Right P 1 Right P Peds 1 Peds NB Right 1 EB P -ght 35 Right 1 WB Right Green 4.3 35.3 8.0 J6.4 Yellow 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 All Red 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 120.0 secs intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound L 128 1505 1.25 0.36 199.5 F TR 1042 3543 1.10 0.29 103.5 9. 115.2 Westbound L 128 1805 1.13 0.36 155.1 F TR 1056 3590 1.07 0.29 91.8 98.9 Northbound L 183 1805 1.08 0.56 125.8 F TR 2419 5145 0.63 0.47 25.3 C 36.8 D Southbound L 195 1805 1.16 0.56 142.3 F TR 2406 5120 1.08 0.47 75.8 E 81.1 F (sec/veh? Intersection Delay = 79.8 Intersection LOS = E "#ay 25 05 09:18a Richard Garcia, P.E. 305-G75-6474 p.11 • • • HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Richard Garcia & Associates, 2468 SW 8th Street 1iami, Florida 33135 Inc. ?hone: 305--595 -7505 E-Mail: rgarcia@rgatraffic.com OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Analyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: Analysis Time Period: Intersection: Area Type: Jurisdiction: Richard Garcia, P.E. RGA, Inc. 3/10/2005 Existing PM Peak No. 1 All other areas City of Miami Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: 14ouawad Development East/West Street W. Flagler St Eastbound 1 L T R 1 Volume 1155 % Heavy Veh I 0 .PHF 10.97 ,K 15 Vol 140 Hi Ln Vol 1 Grade 0 Ideal Sat 11900 1900 ParkExist 1 NumPark 1 No. Lanes 1 .. 2 0 LGConfig 1 L TR Lane Width 112.0 12.0 RTOR Vol 1 Adj Flow 1160 1151 %InSharedLn1 Prop LTs i1.000 0.000 Prop RTs 1 0.137 9eds Bikes 1 0 Ruses 10 0 %InProt?hase 0.0 Duration 0.25 963 0 0.97 248 170 0 0.97 44 17 Area VOLUME DATA 1 Westbound 1 L T R 1140 1044 61 10 0 0 10.97 0.97 0.97 136 269 16 0 11900 1900 6ax: 305-675-6474 North/South Street NW/SW 27 Ave 1corthbound R Southbound 1 L T 6 ! 192 10 10.97 49 11900 1 1 1 L 112.0 1433 00 _97 369 63 0 0.97 16 219 234E 199 1 0 0 0 0.97 0.97 0.97 56 603 51 1 0 1 0 1900 11900 1900 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 TR 1 L TR 112.0 12.0 6 1226 2597 1 11.000 0.000 1 0.071 1 0 10 0 1 0.0 13.0 1198 1536 1 11.000 0.00E 11.000 0.000 1 0.050 ! 0.038 i 0 i 0 10 0 10 li 4 1 0.0 1 0.0 Type: A11 other areas 1 2 0 1 L TR 112.0 12.0 6 1144 1133 1 Eastbound 1 L T R Init Unmet 10.0 0.0 Arriv. Type13 3 `nit Ext. 13.0 3.0 I Factor 1.000 Lost Time 12.0 2.0 Ext of g 12.0 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS Westbound 20 1 1 Northbound 1 Southbound 6 1 L T 6 1 L m 6 I 0.0 0.0 3 3 3.0 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10.0 3.0 13 3 (3.0 3.0 1.000 12.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 0.0 ,3 13.0 12.0 12.0 0.0 3 3.0 1.000 2.0 2.0 • • • Ma 25 05 09:18a Ped Min q 1 3.2 Richard Garcia, P.E. 3.2 PHASE DATA Phase Combination 1 2 Lef.. Thru Right Peds WE Left 9 P Thru P Right P Peds NB Right SE Right Green Yellow All Red Volume 4.3 3.0 0.0 35.3 4.0 1.0 3 4 N3 SS EB Sri B 305-675-6474 p.12 3.2 1 3.2 1 5 6 Left 9 Thru P Right 9 Peds Left 9 P Thru P Right P Peds Right Right 8.0 3.0 0.0 56.4 4.0 1.0 7 8 Cycle Length: 120.0 secs VOLUME ADJUSTMENT AND SATURATION FLOW WORKSHEET Adjustment I Eastbound 1 L T R Volume, V PHF Adj flow No. Lanes Lane group Adj flow Prop LTs Frop RTs 1155 963 170 10.97 0.97 0.97 1160 993 158 1 2 0 1 L TR 1160 1151 11.000 0.000 0.137 Saturation Flow Rate Eastbound LG TR So 1900 1900 Lanes 1 2 0 fW 1.000 1.000 fHV 1.000 1.000 fG 1.000 1.000 fP 1.000 1.000 fBB 1.000 1.000 f A 1.000 1.000 fL07 1.000 0.952 fRT 0.979 fLT 0.950 1.000 Sec. 0.104 fLpb 1.000 7Rpb S 1805 Sec. 198 1.000 1.000 3543 1 Westbound 1 L T R Northbound 1.. T R Southbound L 3 R 1140 1044 61 10.97 0.97 0.97 1144 1076 57 1 2 0 1 L TR 1144 1133 11.000 0.000 0.050 (see Exhibit 16-7 Westbound L TR 1900 1900 1 2 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.952 0.992 0.950 1.000 0.104 1.000 1.000 1.000 3590 1805 198 CAPACITY 1192 1433 10.97 0.97 1198 1477 1 3 1 L TR 1198 1536 11.000 0.000 1 0.038 to determine the Northbound TR 1900 3 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.908 0.994 1.000 AND LOS 63 219 2340 199 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 59 1226 2412 185 0 I 1 3 0 1 L TR 1226 2597 11.000 0.000 1 0.071 adjustment factors) Southbound L L TR 1900 1900 1900 0 1 3 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.908 0.989 1.000 0.950 0.067 1.000 1805 128 WORKSHEET 1.000 1.000 5146 0.950 0.080 1.000 1805 151 1.000 1.000 5120 Mai 25 05 09:19a Richard Garcia, P.S. 305-G75 -6474 p.13 • • Capacity Analysis and Lane Group Capacity Adj Adj Sat Flow Green --Lane Group_-- Appr/ Lane Flow Rate Flow Rate Ratio Ratio Capacity v/c ` M4'I?tt Group FL')(S) 07/s? (g/C) (c) Ratio :as -bound Prot 65 1805 # 0.04 0.036 65 1.00 Perm 95 198 # 0.48 0.319 63 1.51 Left 160 0.36 128 1-25 Prot Perm Thru TR 1151 3543 0.29 3.29 1042 2.10 Right Westbound Prot 65 1805 0.04 0.036 65 1.00 Perm 79 198 0.40 0.319 63 1.25 Left L 144 0.36 128 1.13 Prot Perm Thru TR 1133 359C 0.29 0.29 1056 1.07 Right No rthbound Prot 120 1805 6 0.07 0.067 120 1.00 Perm 78 128 0.61 0.495 63 1.24 Left L 198 0.56 183 1.08 Prot Perm Thru TR 1536 5146 0.30 0.47 2419 0.63 Right Southbound Prot 120 1805 0.07 0.067 120 1.00 Penn 106 151 # 0.70 0.495 75 1.41 Left I., 226 0.56 195 1.16 Frot Perm Thru TR 2597 5120 0.47 0.47 2406 1.08 Right Sum of flow ratios for critical lane groups, Yc - Sum (v/s) - 1.28 Total lost time per cycle, L = 10.03 sec Critical flow rate to capacity ratio, Xc = (Yc) (C) / (C-L) - 1.40 Control Delay and LOS Determination Appr/ Ratios Unf Frog Lane incremental Res Lane Group Approach Lane Del Adj Grp Factor Del Del Grp v/c g/C dl Fact Cap k d2 d3 Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound L 1.25 0.36 38.0 1.000 128 0.50 161.5 0.0 199.5 8 TR 1.10 0.29 42.3 1.000 1042 0.50 61.1 C.0 103.5 F 115.2 Westbound ▪ 1.13 0.36 38.0 1.000 128 0.50 117.1 0.0 155.1 F TR 1.07 0.29 42.3 1.000 1056 0.50 49.5 0.0 91.8 98.9 F Northbound L 1.08 0.56 35.7 1.000 183 0.50 90.1 0.0 125.8 F "R 0.63 0.47 24.0 1-000 2419 0.50 1.3 0.0 25.3 C 36.8 Southbound L 1.16 0.56 28.5 1.000 195 0.50 113.8 0.0 142.3