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Site Utility Study
Ehden Place 54 NW 27th Avenue, Miami SITE UTILITY STUDY • Prepared by: DEVELOThC, INC. 3737 SW 8 STREET, SUITE 400 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Tel. (305) 441-6916 Fax (305) 441-6976 • April, 2005 I- IN IRODUCTION The location of the proposed project is at 54 NW 27th Avenue, in Miami. This site is 12, 750 square feet or approximately, 0.3 acres (see exhibit 1). The improvements will include a I4-story residential tower consisting of both parking and residential units in every floor, except the two lower floors which will be only parking. There will be a total of 56 units in the building. • II- WA 1 ER DISTRIBUTION The Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) provides water service in this area. There is an existing 30 inch water main in NW 27th Avenue abutting the frontage of the property (see attached WASD atlas sheet labeled exhibit 5) and it is not anticipated that WASD will require further improvements. This main is capable of providing adequate domestic and fire flows and services and firelines will be connected to it. Based on applicable standards of 200 gpd per unit, the anticipated average water consumption of this project will be 11, 200 gallons per day (gpd). • Page I of I • My Home Miami -Dade County, Honda Property Information Map 0 , 118 ft This reap was created on 1017200411:26:43 AM for reference purposes only. Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County- Ail rights reserved. Summary Details: Folio No.: 1-41047021-0070 Ml?rvperty: ailing OUAWAD ENTERPRISES Address: NC NW27AVE 0680 NW 37 TERR MIAMI L 178-4207 Military Zone: Property information: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 0019 COMMERCIAL- MIXED USE 'Beds/Baths: b10 Floors: 1 Living Units: O Atli Sq 400 Footage: Lot Size: 12,750 SO FT Year Built: 1954 HIBISCUS TERRACE PB 3- Legal 201 LOTS 15-16-17 LESS ST Description: LOT SIZE 75.000 X 170 OR 15808-2931 0293 2 Sale Information: Ele OJR: 5808-2931 le Date: T1993 le Amount ,000 i Assessment information: ear: 2004 2003 nd Value: $229,500 185,027' -Building Value: $28,882 $28,473 .Market Value: 5258,382 213,500 Assessed Value: $258,382 213,E Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $258.382 213,E http://gisims2.co.miami-dade.fl.us/myhome/printrnap. asp?mapur1=http://gisims2.co.miami... 10/7/2004 • Statian..30 _0010 Pump Station Monthly Information Atlas Pg..H13 MIAMI DADS WATER A SEWER DEPARTMENT Addr..1055 NW 23 AVE Sec-- ownship-.R,arge 34-53-41 Genr. ET clock.Z Telm.Y 3� P 3 Pump TYpe•fl Stn Class.L Speed, 1 Rrspwr.-- Res flow(god) Plans,. 116,050 Plats.. 0 Extens. 0 Pro) Napot % Cap 5.26 hrs 52.60 4.12 hrs 41.20 4.12 hrs 41.20 Date 'Io.MAPCT Avg 02/09/2005 01/12/2005 12/08/2004 11/10/2004 10/13/2004 09/08/2004 08/11/2004 GOLD/rs GOLD/D GOLD/T • <Plan Review> Moratorium..OK Moratorium effective since 01/30/2003 ;:early NAPOT (hrs) rStn Gross Ca aci.t P Y(gPd).- 2,880,000DQ0'' Station Reduction Factor....... 0.85' Stri Net Cap Certif (gpd) , . 0 Str, Net Capacity(gpd).... 2,448,000 Indicated Flows(gpd) 420,240 Rgd i Pmp Y 3 Y 3 Y 3 4.64 9.28 0.00 Y 3 Y 3 4.08 8.15 0.00 Y 3 4.29 8.58 0.00 Y 3 Signature..NEu ,AR Sign Date,.01/29/2004 11:04:48.16 Station 2<m>provexnent GOLD/S <S>tation ynform. GOLD/;j <U>pstream Station <D>ownstr`eam Station Sewer Cer<t>ificati.cn GOLD/P <P>ump Information Comments 3.57 3.27 4.72g 4.06 8.12 Daily Flows 7.13 0.00 0.00 o.©0 0.00 6.53 • *2005041412495987*CABALA snt. * M Stat Station Station R Type Owner Number Proposed Number of gallons (gpd): 11200 OR E31L- 30 0010 OK A52M+ 30 0001 AC 30 CD AC 30 RS IN 30 RS95APR 30 RS94MAR • Downstream * This is not an official docum Current Delta Pro Lectee ET (Hrs) ET (Hrs) ET (Hrs) Statµons **4f**************** ** ****** * 5.26 0.11 5,95 0.00 1001,72 0.00 '001.73 0.00 1001,50 0.00 1001.61 0.00 5.37 5.96 _001,72 1001.73 1001.50 1001,61 • • GAORA ,\.rna GelabertSanchez Director Planning Department Stephanie N. Grindelt, P.E. Director Public Works Department CITY OF M AMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM PATE SUEIJECT April 7, 2005 Large Scale Development Review - Ehden Place REFERENCES ENCLOSURES F,LE I have _reviewed the -large Scale Development piacis for the 1eu Place loom -a S4 N.W. 27 Avenue and have the following comments. 1. All transitions from the established street prchie grade to the building flood elevation must be accomplished on private property. Stairs, ramps, retaining walls, etc. will riot be permitted inn the public right of way, 2. Florida Department of Transportation approval and permit is required for driveway(s) on N.W. 27 Avenue. 3. All storrnwater must be retained on site including the driveways and plazas on private property adjacent to the public streets. All plazas and driveways must be graded or trench drains provided to prevent "sheet flow" from entering the right of way. if de p drainage wells are selected for storrnwater disposal, they must be located on -site in an open area to accommodate future maintenance access. 4. An agreement between the City of Miami and i -le property owner is required for any landscaping and decorative sidewalk treatment located in the public right of way. A Florida Department ent :�f Transportation permit is required on N.W. 27 Avenue. 5. Standard parking spaces are 8.5 feet wide and 13 feet long and require a 23 foot back-up distance, A Special Class II permit is required to reduce the back-up distansce. 6. Public Works policy requires that no closures of vehicular travel lanes will be permitted during the course of construction unless a temporary replacement lane, approved by the Public Works Department, is constructed and maintained by the Contractor . roughout the duration of the lane closure. A maintenance of traic plan is required for any temporary right of way closure request. 7. In order to mitigate traffic congestion and problems associated with unregulated parking throughout he neighborhood, the Contractor/Developer shall be required to provide approved, designated off -site parking for workers and a shuttle service to the work site. The parking/shuttle plan shall be coordinated with the local City of Miami NET Service Center. • • • Ana Geiabert-Sanchez Director Planning Department Page 2 April 7, 2005 In addition to these comments, the Public Works Department will require the following street improvements: Irt accordance with Florida Department of Transportation standards and permit replace all broken and damaged sidewalk, curb and gutter adjacent to the project site. for aJI water arat sewer extensions, existida tsged-perverrient- and pavement damaged during construction, as determined by the City inspector, shall include milling and resurfacing of the hill pavement width, curb to curb, along the entire length of the excavation and/or damaged pavement area. A thorough cleaning of all stormwater drainage inlets and storm sewer pipes adjacent to the building site shall be required at the completion of the piuject. If you have any questions concerning these corrmrmrnts, please call Mr. Leonard Heiiners, Professional Engineer IV, at extension 1221. �& SNG/ / J gc c: Hervin A.R. Romney Architect, Inc. 251 lniversity Drive Coral Cables, Florida 33134 Stephanie Grindell, P.F., Director of Public Works Lourdes Slazyk. Assistant Director, Planning Department ftUDITORIL1M 7578) to tINM 1 rl" S\N1 ST • • • • • Jun 01 05 01:21p Alcazar Realty 05/31/2005 10:55 FAX 3055992253 CEDARS MOTORS May 31 05 10 113a Firdaman $. Asso . Miff "'' Ardaman & Associates, Inc. 11111111All Gaptechnicai, Environmenlai and Matranals Cau€tanis Mr. Kabalan Mouawad 10680 NW 37 Terrace Miami, FI 33178 Re: PROPOSED DRAINAGE 54 NW 27t AVENUE MIAMI, FL Dear Mr. Mouawad: 3O5-825-2G 1.3051661-7568 p.2 J001 p.2 May 31, 2005 File No.: 05-3642 As requested by you, we have completed an ex -filtration test at the above referenced site. The test was performed to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the upper soils. The test locations is shown in our boring plan. The test was performed in accordance with methods described in the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Permit Information Manua€, Volume IV. Descriptions of the soils observed In the exfftration test boretloles and the test results are enclosed. Please call us If you have any question regarding this report. Sincerely, ARDAMAN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. Evelio Horta, Ph.D.,P.E. Branch Manager FL Reg. No. 46625 2GX) Wesr natn Streat, e-talean. 1')o.iele 1,3018 Pl,pne (3135) R :S-7b93 FAX ia05) eszs-z_leaG Orilces uf: t anew. Dna& Feat Laudon:We, For! Mysrs. Miami.OeanWu, Part Chonette, non Si, Lucre. $ar scia. iil3+.VvKsua. 7ornpe, W. Palm 1te:4C11 • • Jun 01 05 01:21r Rlcazar Realt3 r.Ll sti53SUZZ53 CEDARS MOTORS May 31 05 lb: 19a Plydamart 8, Rssnc. (3051661-7668 p.3 Z003 305-925-2685 p.4 NW 27th AVENUE ErKitnitian teat Nowt Tits akirtel 15 for illustration ony. ArdnQsan & r. Goaetes kyr. P'rogoeed Drainage 5¢ NW 27tt+ Avenue Mfarnl, Miami -Dade County. Kr 05-3642 E. ("'�' 05/31/O5 • • • Jun 01 05 01:21p Rlcazar Rea1t� W��,�rcvua iv:rAA SV33bbZL.53 CEDARS MOTORS Ma 31 05 10:18a Ardasan & F3ssoc. CONSTANT HEAD PERCoLATFON TEST SF)NMD Usuas Open Hale Teat Test 1 Grade 0-2' Fill, Ismerock .2•-15 Limestone K = Hydraulic Conductivity (cfs ft2-ft head) 5.33E-05 0 = Stabilized Rota Rate (cfs) 8.69E-03 d = Diameter of Test Hare (1t) 0.5 ii2 = Depth of water Table (ti) 10.5 DS = Saturated Hole Depth (ft) 4.5 H = TeSt Hole Depth {ft) 15 Evelio Hprta, Ph.D., R.E. Branch Manager Ra. Rog, No. 46625 t 305 i 661 -7668 305-62S--289S May 31, 2005 File No. 05-3642 P. 4 Ill O02 .a Ara Stall E do A voCiatesCana4inc_ rearedratfefew ara PMatir1W Towenq. Proposed Drainage 54 MV 27th Avenue Miotrti. uiiorni-Dade Courtly, F1. 8_V-P. 05— 3642