HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal 1City of Miami and Miami -Dade County Osun's Village Project 7th Avenue between NW 54th St. and 58th. St. CONTENTS 1 Draft Recommendation/Mission Statement & Management Team 2 Fiscal Agent Agreement/ City Proposed Resolution 3 Application 4 Property Information 5 First Phase Total Project Cost SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMON s-��s F7esd. os-010'10 Neighbors And Neighbors Association r To: Honorable Commissioner Jeffery Alien From: NANA and ICD 1 Date: July '1, 2005 Re: Oshun CRP Project on 7h Avenue RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board of City Commissioners approve a partial waiver of the Commercial Revitalization Program (CRP) guidelines for a joint City of1Vfianzi and NANA renovation project along 54* and 58 Street along NW 7 Avenue. The City of Miami will contribute $500,000 and Dade County S200,000 to renovate the facade of businesses on 7th Avenue. This effort will complement the "Reclaim the Dream" campaign which will revitalize Martin Luther King BLVD. BACKGROUND By Resolution No. R-710-98 (Attachment 1), the now County grant program guidelines were rewritten with the major change being that the Project Selection Committee was now given the authority to select and approve all projects. The seven (7)-member team is appointed by the Director of OCED and is comprised of County staff with professional experience in the area of architecture, landscaping, engineering, planning, etc. The City has already approved a similar program. The referenced City resolution calls for a 2:1 match and is a grant program. The merchant/owners will be required to contribute to the cost of renovating their business. This, however, will not exceed 10% of total cost allocated to their property. SCOPE OF WORK The eligible area for this job project extends along 54th and 58t Street along 7th Avenue on the East and West side. The project is in the City of Miami. The Commercial Revitalization Program requires that the funding be used for the physical rehabilitation and enhancement of the buildings facades and the property exterior area adjacent to the major commercial road right of ways. These conditions focus the design and exterior lighting; exterior wall and free-standing signage; awnings; storefronts; doors; windows; landscaping and related irrigation whenever convenient (inside the property line); dzoorative fencing atxl en 1osures; and decorative features physically and permanently attached to the property facades and/or the exterior. Additionally, US HUD regulations require that, when applicable, the selected buildings be brought in compliance with the current South Florida Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA requirement will be applied only to the exterior of all buildings that are not in compliance. This Osun's Village program wi l differ from the regular Miami -Dade County program in the following ways: 1. Participation from the City and Miami -Dade County; 2. There will be no RFA (Request for Applications) process. The blocks will be selected by NANA and subject to approval of the City of Miami; 3. The owner's contribution will be determined on a case by case basis based on the merchant or owner's financial condition. In any event, the contribution will not exceed 10% of project cost per business or owner which will be the current requirement for the CRP program. This requirement was implemented in an effort to encourage more merchant participation. However, merchants will be required to have current property liability insurance, occupational licensees, certificate of use and environmental assessments acceptable by the City of Miami and Miami - Dade County; 4. Participating property owners may be pena i7ed if property is sold before five (5) years at a declining rate. First year -100%, Second year -75%, Third year -50%, Fourth year -25%, and Fifth year -10%; 5. In addition to allowable program repairs, the program will work with the City of Miami NET office to correct exterior code violations; 6. Participating businesses will be required to commit to make if any jobs created available for low and moderate residents of the City of Miami; The City ofMiami conducted a commercial corridor economic impact analysis that assessed the economic impact ofdevelopinent on the 62nd and 54d' street corridors. This study focused on documenting existing conditions of businesses, population density, and demographic information of the target area. The study was conducted to ascertain how much the current market can support new and existing goods and service& Recommendations for sustainable development and inaru ing mechanisms will be included. IMPLEMENTATION "i his project is planned to start in the October of 2005 and extend through the winter of 2006, using Community Development funding under the FY 2005-2006 fiscal years. NANA will be responsible for the following: Coordinating mating and organizing the property owners and merchants within the selected area; screening, approving and awarding the projects; coordinating the execution of contracts with selected applicants; conducting meetings with owners, lessees, and the involved neighborhood and agencies representatives; working with. the City to provide coordination with the City's Building and Permitting Department process to expedite permitting, and providing general assistance when needed. NANA will provide overall technical assistance and be the Chief Financial Administrator. KDI Architect Inc. will serve as the architectural and construction manager on all phases ofthe project. Also, NANA and KDI will conduct monitoring of the architecture, permitting, and construction phases including monitoring of the Davis - Bacon Act compliance. In addition, NANA will provide job creation monitoring for the CDBG required period up to the total contribution. NANA will coordinate the environmental and historic clearances aixl will provide planning, time frame, estimating, value engineering, permitting follow-up, bidding, and awarding of contracts for any consulting services and construction_ Each municipality will designate a member of its staff to represent their agency, coordinate issues, and make technical and administrative recommendations pertaining to the progress and monitoring alibis joint project. Based on the fact that this program will rehabilitate the facades of businesses in low to moderate income areas, approval is recommended. Attachment DRAFT RE: ()shun CRP Project on let Avenue DATE: July 5, 2005 I. Mission/Purpose Statement To provide financial and technical assistance to eligible property owners and merchants for rehabilitation of commercial buildings principally located in older commercial areas within low and moderate income neighborhoods_ All commercial properties selected to participate in the rehab program will meet the national objectives by assisting businesses in the targeted low-income area with creating or retaining jobs for low- a persons. 2. Management Team The strength of this joint project lies in the experience of the team (NANA, KDI and City of 1Vfiami Community Development.) 3. Brief History and Responsibility A. Neighbors And Neighbors Association (NANA) Neighbors And Neighbors Association (NANA) was founded in 1995 to establish a cooperative working relationship among small grocery stores. The concept was quickly expanded to include various other types of small businesses. To its credit, NANA has worked diligently to have over 30 businesses approved for funding through the City of Muni and Miami -Dade County Commercial Revitalization Program for the amount of over 1.2 minion dollars. The funding has contributed to the cost of completing the interior and exterior renovation of commercial buildings located throughout Miami -Dade County. NANA has grown substantially and currently provides a wide range of services to small businesses throughout Sarni Dade County. We have accessed approximately 7 million dollars for small businesses. NANA's role in the project is to provide the general technical assistance, administer the program, coordinate and organize the property owners and merchants within the selected area Akio, help the property owners obtain permits, monitor the Davis - Bacon Act Compliance, job creation monitoring, environmental and historical clearance and serve as the fiscal agent responsible for overseeing all expendit"sres NANA will serve as consultant to the property ownerslmerchants_ NANA will make sure that all participants are licensed and insured. K►Di/ARCHtTECTUREL inc. 56c, i N. 'X ? Avenue_ Miami_ FL 33127 Tel_ 305 759. 7100 Fax: 305.759.7200 Emit 1 7Lfl rchirec ie r.O1 con MEMORANDUM To: Date: 6/3012005 Neighbors and Neighbors Assoc. (-NANA") Attn: Leroy Jones From: Nathaniel B. Styles, Jr. KD1-Management Subject: Fiscal Agent Agreement for District 5 Osun`s Village Commercial Revitalization Project As per the recommendation made by Cornelius Shriver and Korieles Alexander in City of Miami Commissioner Setieay etnen's office and cur subsequent meeting held in the design studio of KDI/Architecture, Inc. on Tuesday afternoon, June 28th, we do hereby agree that NANA will serve as the fiscal administrative agent to the commercial revitalization project as follows: PROJECT NAME: Osun's Village Commercial Revitalization Project PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide fiscal oversight for the administration of the project funds to be provided by the City of Miami. PROJECT LOCATION: Between 54th and 58tStreet along Northwest 7th Avenue. PRIMARY COMMISSION DISTRICT: City of Miami District 5 cc: Nei! Shriver-Chief of Staff Koteles Alexander -Executive Assistant AQENDA SU MMARY- Q RM FILE ID: Date: 9_/1212OO5, Requestktg Department: C.... u ity Develommt. Commission Ming Date: 2/22/2005 District Impacted: Type: rig Resolution. 0 Ordinance ( Emergency Ordinance Q Discussion Item Other Subject: Transfetiin its to Nei and Nei ors ssociatio Purpose of Item: AUTHORIZING The TRANSFER. OF 3n'TK YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS, AS SPECIFIED IN ATTAcuM NT "A", ATTACEEED AND INCORPORATED, IN Tlx: TOTAL AMOUNT OF S500,000; ALLOCATING SAID FUNDS TO NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, , INC. FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE BUILDING FACADES FOR BUSINESSES BETWEEN NW 54TH AND 5$TW STREET ALONG NW 7TEI AVENUE (OSHtIN VILLAGE PR03Rc1) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, SUBSTANTIAI.LY TKE AT TAC%T3 FORM, wrra SAID AGENCY FOR SAID PURPOSE. Backgrvnnd Information: See attached Bidet 3mum 4nalEvsis Is this item related to revenue? Is this item an expenditure? If sn, please ideniifi► funding source below. GensralAccount No: Special Revenue AccauPnt CIFFroject No; Is this Item landed by Homeland Derense/Neighbor rod Improvement Bonds? Start Up Capital Cost: Maintenance Cost: Total Fiscal Impact; I sl 44prirevals !SIGN ,+t 1' Dept. Director Chief City Manager Pace 1 of i Agenda item Summary Fore, Transferring funds to Neighbors and Neighbors Association, inv, 3ackrgrpund information t The Oshun Village Project is a ccmmerciat revitatization program that consists of renovating the building facades between NW 54th and 58th -street along NW 7th Avenue; and • The funding wits be for the physical rehabilitation and enhancement of the building facades and the property exterior area adjacent to the major commercial road right of ways; and • 1t is a pilot program in which the merchant/ owners will be required to contribute to the cost of renovating their business, not exceeding 10% of the total cost allocated to their property, and * Participafirtg property owners will be required to reimburse the City if the property is sold before five (5) years. at a declining sate as follows: first y 100%, second year 75%, thins year 50%, fourth year- 25%, and 'fifth year- 10%; and • in addition to allowable repairs, the program will work with the City of Miami NET otlicesb corms ext dor code violations; and • Participating businesses will be required to commit to make if any obs created avallabte for low and moderate City of Miami residents; and ® Miami Cade County, will contribute $200,000 for said project; and .TITLE A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSiCN, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF 3C-114 YEAR C it3t+tt'tY DEVELOPMENT GRANT (CMG) FUNDS, AS SPECIFIED IN ATTACHMENT 'A.', ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $500,000; ALLOCATING SAID FUNDS TO NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE BUILDING FACADES FOR BUSINESSES BETWEEN NW 54h AND 56114 STREET ALONG t‘N'4 ITN &VENUE (OSHUN VILLAGE PROJECT); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH SAD AGENCY FOR SAID PURPOSE. BODY WHEREAS, the Oshun V:i?age Project is a commercial revitalization program that consists of renovating the building facades between NW 54th and 58th street along NW 7m Avenue; and WHEREAS, the funding wilt be for the physical rehabilitation and enhancement of the building facades and the property exterior area adjacent fin the major commercial road right of ways; and WHEREAS, it is a pilot program In which the merchant/ owners will be required to contribute to the cost of renovating their business. not exceeding 1 B% of the fatal cost allocated to their property; and WHEREAS, participating property owners will be required to reimburse the City if the property is sold lire five (5) years, at a declining rate as follows: first year- 100%, second year-75%, third year 50%, fourth year- 25%, and fifth year 1 0%; and UlWHEREP,S, in addition to alterable repairs, the program will work with the City of Miami NET ores to correct exterior code violations; and WHEREAS, participating businesses will be required to commit to make if any jobs cmeted available for low and moderate City of Miami residents; and WHEREAS. Miami rode County, will contribute $200,000 for said project; and OW, THEREFORE, BE # " RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section I. The rec iais contained in the Preamble to this msolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to transfer 30 ` Year CDBC funds as specified ire Attachment "A", attached and incorporated, in the total amount of 1500,00i3, to Neighbors and Neighbors Association. inc. for the rehabilitation of the building facades for businesses between NW 54e' and 58m street along NAY 7th Avenue. Section 3. The CRy Manager is authorized to execute an agreement, in substantially the attached form, with said agency for said purpose. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of_ , 2005 MAINNVEL A. DIAZ MAYOR Attest: RISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: jORGE L. FERNANDEZ CITY ATTORNEY ..FOOTNOTE c Xf the idayar does tot sign this xesotution a3 staff become etftdve ar the End of riz2 calendar days .Smtn the date it was passed and adopted. fftbe Mayor vetoes this elution. it shalt become elective Immediately upon nee of the veto by the My Cort alssion. 2The herein with thus is further subs to lien= with aY lognisemenis that may be imputed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prsscrbed by applicable City- Charier and Code provisions_ of all c•., Transferring funds to Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc. ATTACHMENT "A'' City of Miami Department of .seitai tmprovernente CiDIS#1885) ty of Miami- department of Off- Street Parking 0°18°1473) tads Christian Da. Care, Inc, IDISirs 1406 owntown a ' artnerstt The Edgewater Economic Development Corperallon, Me, 10E61473) ce «'` , are. c, �,� �' 15 1) city of Miami- Community Redevelopment Ag d Promenade Project (IDIS# 1654) S126,000,00 250,000.00 404,973.75 $12,486.71 1,290,00 f3,178.54 ,y- $20,101,00 Total $500�000.00 't1 ' tor' Neighbors and Neighbors Assoolation trio. NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION (NANA) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by NANA at the office located at 180 NW 52nd St., Miami, Florida 33150 forthe following: PROJECT NAME: Osun's Village Commercial Revitalization Project BID NO: 11-3-051 To provide exterior renovations to eligible property ownersand merchants for rehabilitation of commer- cial buildings located on NW 7th Ave_ between 54th St and 58th St Rehabilitation is to include paint- ing, awnings, doors, windows, security shutters, stucco, signage, street scape, lighting, etc., for a total of eight (8) commercial projects. Prospective bidders must have a current coed Contour's License from the Slate of Florida Construction Indusby License Board forthe class of work to be performed, orthe appropriate Certifi- cate of Competency or the State Contractor's Certificate of Reaistration as issued by Miami -Dade County Code, which authorizes the Bidder to - the proposed work. Detailed specifications forthis bid are available upon request at the NANAoffice, 180 NW 62nd SL, Miami, FL 33150. Tele- phone No. (305) 756-0605. BID SOLICITATION 1S SUBJECT TO THE CONE OF SILENCE IN ACCORDANCE IMTH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ORDINANCES 98-1O6AND 99-1 City of Miami COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DIVISON 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 COMMERCIAL REVJTALIZA'1`ION' S GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION KIT CITY OF MIAMI DISTRICT 5 FY 2005-2006 I. APPLICANT INF Name of Applicant: Name of Property Owner. Owner Mailing Address: Name of Business: Type of Business: Address ofProperty:.: Home Telephone; Prop.Owner: (305) Business Telephone: "Prop. Owner: (305) Facsimile No: How long in business: Number Employeesliving in Neighborhood TYPE OF PROPERTY OWNER' Iii.f= Individual Corporate/Profit ( ) Other If ownership is other than individual,, list the name, title and address of owners, partners or officers hi Applicant's joint, corporate or partnership entity. TYPE Or BUSINESS MANAGE Individual ( ) ( ) Other Name of Business Manager ups ry r•Lrre #a -- (Please print 'or type Fill out all bkink spgces) L PROPERTY orhA.JON= Street Address: Legal; Description: Folio No: Assessed Valuation:$_ No. of Floors: Name appearing on last tax bill: Are property taxes current? DIMENSIONS Facade::Fronthge- - Height (Feet): Building total area: Lot total area:. 2000 (S ea-/ No . 1999 (Yes / No) 1998 (Yes / No) Open space area:. HI. PROPOSED REHABILITATION Il FOE AT!O►N Plense check ALL -exterior items in need of improvement: (use "R" for Repair and "N" for new .item).. Wa11 Patching : (- Storefront/Windows ( Lighting Sign ( (. +�tTF /1� ((t2-.... ADA cap () Other Exterior Features Basic — wall patching, paint; doors, windows, fascia/parapet,-.soffit.; lighting Optional - entrance paving, walkway,:verteer, signs awns; securityistorm shutters, landscape, fence, site features Correctional .=ADA compliance: par1dng access walkway, entrance Attachment 1 Briefly describe requested improvements:- (use back of sheet if needed} PROPOSED SCOPE 'OF WOR3KAND.ESTA'. -BREAKDOWN Consul n Con racfior'.s.Name: "d^te r t -'r +€�- - y sts 1 _-� Pressure CIS 2 Wall Patching 3 Paint 4 DA"joors" . 5 .. indo jS{oreyo 6 Fascia/Parapet 7 Soffit 3.. Lighting _ _.. .. - .- ..-.--.. ..._._. ;, ... _ .... eta �. wYs'1��..M�S�-_may 15- _..:.._...� l -.ti'�=. Entrance paving } alkway i2 Veneer 3 Sign 14 Awning' .155 Security'/Stoiui.Sln tters 16 Landscape 17 Fence = A sa 18 :: Site Features �9 .- .L '- - s F . ti '- I 3- "-- b.4 'k; -- ..s = t t' S , 'r' '-- w.-,am 20 Parking . ai 21 Access 22 Bntranee 23 Totals: (Please print or type. Pill out allblank spaces, Page 4- of 9 : IV..: GRANT DETAILS 1 Cost of Rehabilitation a. Total construction costs_(Atiach detail b. Cost estimate lby:-dvmer:$ , Geri. Cont Sub Cont.$ 2. Estimated construction time (calendar days) 3. is applicant's aoxiixaetor or subcontractors immediately immediately available? Yes ( 4.. mould -applicant use the OCED-contractore pool to choose project's Contracters? - Yes ( ) No ( 5. Are,the _business -and building ready for ininredtate construction? • V. AG iI' N,NTS:AND CER'r1t+iCAT1ONS ) No-( ) Yes( ) No( ) " The undersigned- is applying for the grant:.indicated in this application. for: "improvements to the property described herein, and represents that the property will be "used for any illegal or restricted purpose, and that all made in this application are true and are e fe , 4 ose of obtaining the grant.. Penalty for False Statement -Section 21: 24 1 of the code of Miami provides: "It shall be unlawful away person:directly. or indirectly on his own behalf or.on.behalf of another or, others to make or. file with any: officer or employee or. `department or _division.: ofthe .County any false 'statenment or representation with knowledge of the fruity thereof -and for the purpose orwith the intention of receiving for himself or another or others any benefits" Violation of the above provision is punishable by a finr not to exceed five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period not to exceed sixty days or both. The undersigned understands and agrees that all records receivedbyMiami in, connection with this program will be public "records, .pursuantto the.Fiornda Statutes. The undersigned further agrees to pennit.an engineer to perform_ an inspection of the property proposed to be rehabilitated under the Miami -Dade CommercialRevitalization Program: The fundamental.. purpose of the inspection is to determine, in reasonable fashion, the general *structural condition .of the -building under consideration for a commercial rehabilitation grant TilE.PROPO$EDTROJECT PRQJE (A rninimuirt offourphoiagraphs'must be attached to t Multi-sto -e structure aiid City Block Front view, on same side o Attachment 2 street Note Fhotograplis"must slow shzar, and dear iinag"es Deseribe. Location, time of day, and other:conditionsonthe back. (Please pant or type_ Fill our all blank spaces) Page, 6 of 9. I°HQ `O'R' PTIN-.O i' ;:PROPOSED PROEM,' (A minimum of four photogra i rs'must be attarchec)' Attachment 4. PUBLIC BENEPIT. CLR'iOiiCATB THE INFORMATION PROVIDED' INTRL CElt3 VICATIONFORMIS;STJEJ CTTOVERIIICATIONBY AUTHOR1ZI D GOVERN MENT OPFICFAL S. NameofEmployer: Address: Phone Number: Business.Owner: Type of Business: Federal lD The undersigned hereby certifies that;- . Provides thefollowing products or service to the community.: - Services:• ❑ Servea critical need -in the neighborhood:_ o Benefit the residents in the:_ neighborhood and. at least 51 fo. if those residents are. Low Moderate income persons: [a Alleviate serious existing conditions the community. amtnkdate treats to the health or welfare of o Residents would have to_ go out of tale community to obtain these services if my business were to close its:doors_ Tars IS CERTIFIED: BY MY SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO (OR ;AFFIRMED } BEFORE ME.TTHIS = DAY OF 2001 BY _ HE/SHE IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME ORi AS PRESENTED IDF_N I WICATION liw.i ITHr s,: •3-013. EATION U TENTION E:E Z IC 4.TI1 THE JNFORMAT ION PROYJDED IN:TKIS CERTIFICATION FORM IS StRITECT TO VERIFICATrON BY AurrHORizED G0FI2ItvIEN3 OFFICIe3IrS. Name of Employer Address: Phone Number: Federal ID # Business Owner: Type of Business::. Number of jobs anticipated to be creatediretained: I uizderstatid that the goal .of the Federal Government in the area of job creation is to assist in creating jobs for low and moderate -income persons It is- the, intent of the business named above t . Htligl r ati pt to recruit at least 51°A .of its employees resulting from this assistance, to ilie „ed a definition of low . and moderate income levels, as _set forth in the chart shown below. - LOW AND MODERATE XNCOMELIMrrS BY FAMILY SYG& Family Size Very.Losv Low -Moderate 1 $15,600 $25,000 2 $I7,854 $28,550 3 $20,050 $32100 $22,300 $35,700, $ . $24,100 $38,550. ti $25 850 • $41;400 7 $27 650 $44 250: 8 or more ' $29,450 $47,,100 THIS IS CERTIFIED; BY MY SIGNATURE: 714. SIGNATURE DATE' SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN -TO OR APF.R.ivIED) FIEFORL ME.THIS -.: DAY OF •200.1 BY HIE/SHE IS PERSONALLY' yaioww To-1 4E OR HASP 1ESEN TED IDJ Nru gcATION.- AS (PRE.IT OF STAMP OF NOTARY) Notary.Pubiic, State of , * {EXPIRATION DATE) - Notary Seal (Please print or type. Fill out all blank spaces) Page 9 of 9 NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION (NANA) CITY OF MIA►MI AND MIAMI DADE COUNTY INFORMATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FORM Date: Funding Source: CDBG; HOME; HOPE 3; HOMELESS, HOPWA (circle). Name or Subrecipient/Agency: Name of Proposed Activity: Location (Folio Number and Address) of Proposed Activity: L.oeation of Loan / Grant Recipient: Address: Telephone number: Detailed Description of Project (include work program and/or scope of service): Part L. Will the activity result in the following? Yes No Change of Use Sub -surface alteration (.e. excavations) New Construction Renovation. or Demolition Site improvements (utilities, sidewalk, Landscaping, storm Drainage, parking area, drives, etc.) Please contact Leroy Jones at (305) 756-0605, should you have any questions regarding the completion of this Environmental Review Form. NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION (NANA) CITY OF MIAMI AND .M3 ►NH DADE COUNTY INFORMATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FORM Yes No Displacement ofpersons, households or businesses Increase in population working or living on site Land acquisition Activity in 100-year floodplain A new non-residential use generating at least 1,375,000 gallons of water or 687,500 gallons of sewage per day Use requiring operating permit (i.e. for hazardous waste, pretreatment of sewage, etc.) A sanitary landfill or ha.rdous waste disposal site Tree removal or relocation Street Improvements The impounding of more than 10 acre feet of water (e.g. digging in a lake) or diverting or deepening of a body of wager_ Part II Site Information A. Land Use (please describe) ® Existing Proposed NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION (NANA) CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY INFORMAION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FORM B. If the activity includes new construction, renovation or rehabilitation, photographs must be provided on each side of the structure(s) proposed for assistance and the buildings on abutting lots. The photographs shall be identified by address. In addition, provide the following information: • Existing structure(s) on site Yes No • Estimated age of structure(s) C. Other Site Information Flood insurance Public water Public sewer Children or child under 7 years of age residing on site (including day care facility) or relocating to it Hazardous waste disposal facility Storage of hazardous materials Abandoned siructure(s) Yes No D. if the proposed activity includes a new structure(s) or site improvements on a site of one (1) acre or more, a site ,plan must be provided (attached). Proiect(s) will not be environmentally reviewed without a site plan. E. If the proposed activity includes rehabilitation or renovation of structure(s), indicated the approximate value of the improvement. 0 to 39.9 percent of the market value of the structure(s) 40 to 49.9 percent of the market value of the structure(s) 50 to 74.9 percent of the market value of the structure(s) 75 percent or more of the market value of the structure(s) NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION (NANA) CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY INFORMATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ilE W FORM F. If the proposed activity involves the transfer of any property, new construction or a secured loan for a non-residential parcel, provide a Phase I Environmental Audit determining the likely presence of either a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance. An audit is a review of a site and adjacent properties that involvespreirating ahistcyry of csws ,, and use and zoning for the last 50 years; researching environmental records for information on hazardous waste sites, hazardous facilities and underground storage tanks; and inspecting the site for physical evidence of contamination such as damaged vegetation or stains in the soil. Yes Ncc If yes, copy of -Phase .l Environmental Audit must be submitted. G. 'Environmental Health Information • Residential site If the site involves rehabilitation, has it been inspected for defective paint surfaces? Yes No If so, please submit the results. > Has any child under the age of seven at the site been tested for elevated levels of lead in the body? Yes No If so, what were the results? > Has chewable surfwees at the site been tested for lead -based paint? Yes No If so, please submit the results. CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY INFORMATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FORM • Residential or non-residential site ➢ If the water to the site is supplied by an individual or private syste, does it meet public health standards? Yes No ➢ If the activity involves demolition, rehabilitation or renovation of a structure, has the site been surveyed by a qualified asbestos, consultant? Yes No ➢ If the site has a multi -family structure or a public or commercial building being renovated or rehabilitated, has an operations and maintenance plan been prepared to address asbestos issues? Yes No H. If the activity is in a scattered site program and involves the construction of 4 or less dwelling units on the site, does the agency have similar activities within 2,000 feet of the site? Yes No Part III. Certification I certify to the accuracy of the above information Name Title Date Name or Organization or Corporation AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT UPON EVENT OF SALE Comes now who, is being duly sworn, deooges and states as follows: II, the owner(s) of 'the property located at I agree that if this property, which has been rehabilitated with CDBG hands, is sold within five (5) years of receiving assistance, the City of Miami and. Dade County has the right to recapture get hinds. 3. I agree that if said property is sold, the City of Miami and DM,- County bras the right to recoup grant funds on a declining percentage point basis as outlined below: within first year - 100% will be reimbursed within the second year - 75% will be reimbursed with:hi the third year - 50% will be reimbursed Within the fourth year 25% will be reimbursed within the fifth year - 10% will be reimbursed This is certified by my signature: Signature: Date: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO (or affirmed) before me this day of 20 by . Ile/She is personally known to me or hag presented as identification_ Type of Identification Signature of Notary (Serial Number) (Print of Stamp ofNotary) (Expiration Date) Notary Public — State of Notary Seal My Home amida • e gov Show Me: !Property information Search By: Select Item E Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophofography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Stmtinatry : Folio No 01-3113-046-0010_ Marlins Address: /5401 NW7AVE MAURICE R HARRISON JR "TR ATTN: PROPER1YTAX ACCOUNTANT PO BOX 020783 MIAMt FL 33102-0763 Property Information: Primary COO RESTRICTED Zane ERCiAL :LUC: 0011 RETAIL ,dedssBeths: )Q10 Horns: Living Units:Q Adj. S9 3.936 Footage: Lot Size: 35.966 SQ FT Year Built 1967 4tESUB OF REV PLOF pASTMORE1AND PB 41-18 Legal LOTS 1 THRU 6 BLK 1 LOT Description: 017F 35966 SQUARE FEET OR 17236-68-1739 0305 5 Sate intonation: Ealee Dle al Amount �l"1996 so 'Year 2005 2004 Land Value: S125,881 $107,898 'But7ding Value: $407,665 $361.383 packet Value: $533.548 h$469,291 Assessed Value: 1533,546 546 '$469.2$t Total Exemptions: 10 SO Taxable Value: $533 546 $469.291 =Fr Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 O 126ft We appreciate your feedback, please fake a rrmwte to oompiete our surrey. illy Home i Property information 1 Property Taxes i My tdeinh sorhood I Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I E1bogt I Phone Dihe tui Privacy I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties wrTh the Properly Information application, please click fig to let us know_ E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster lAbb Site 02002 Miami -Dade County. Alf rights reserved. Legt 1 FL g fr.) 7 "Th-C' •f--; • My Home flitN—frePTi Show Me: iProperbi information Search By: Select Item 1- Text only 70: Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: pl -4119-048-050 Property: 16595 NW 7 AVE Waring Address: 1201 NW54 ST LTD 1419 W49 ST 9106 HIALEMI 33012-3655 Propesty Information: : 46100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL WIC: boil RETAIL EledsealtesAVO Mom 11 Living Unisee Adi Sri Footage: 1.530 , Lot Size: 4.200 SQ Fr Year BuNt '4RESUB 1951 4-e9al ' riescdPtien: # OF REV PL OF EASTMORBAND PS41-18 LCrf 7 LESS N2OFT 13tX 1 #.0T SIZE 30.000 X 1400R 17448-0068 1196 4 Sale Information: Isale CYR: le Dale: le Amount 106860'296 911980 419,500 Assessment Information: Year 2005 2004 Land Vakre: $33,600 ,$12.600 %titling Value: $31,659 623,202' Market Vatue: $65,259 /$35,8024 Assessed Value: $05.259 $35,802. Total Emmaus; SO $0 Taxable Value: A S65259 435.802, Aerial Photography - /*Photo USA 2004 mnsameseae 114 ft Vz We appreciate your feedback- please lake a nitride to complete our survey. My Home I Prot:recta Information I Proper/yTexes 1 IOW Neighborhood 'Proverbs Appraiser Home Using Otg Site b,A__o___ta I Phone Directory I Privacy 1Disclaimer If you experience technical cliflictdties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your commerds, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 2002 Marti -Dade Cots*. ncims reserved_ MIAMI-C Lew is My Home Show Me: 'Property Information Search By: !Select Item 11 Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digit. OrthoPhotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Sinnmary Details: Folio No.: Property: Ma "ridge= p173113-046-0000 /5509 NWT AVE SIELANIE'S UNISEX HAIR INC 5509 NW7 AVE MIAMI FL 33127-1401 PlOpeny tumntuamon: it IZone. 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAl. ,ry c : p011 RETAIL kids/Baths: OM floors: 1 Riving Unks:p Ad/ 84 ,Footage: 857 Lot Size: .‘2.700 SO FT Year Rift 1950 4EASTMOREIAN0 Legal Description: RESUB OF REV PL OF P1341-18 1 N2OFT OF LOT 7 LESS WiltiFT FOR RAN MK 1 LOT SIZE 20_000 X135 OR 17743-0735 0797 4 Sale Informattbn: Ele OIR: ESE921 9-1308 le Date: 1995 le Amount 000 Assessment Information: Year: 2005 2004 Lard Value: $21$00 $13.100 Sulkfing Value: $31.407 S29.341 Market Value: $53,007 557,441 Assessed Vatue: $53.007 $37.441 Total Exemptions: SO SO Taxable Value: $53,007 *$37.441 Aerial Photowaphy - AirPhoto USA 2004 0emonni•NO.. 114 ft We appreciate your ktedback. plesase tske a minute to complete ow survey - My Home Properly Information f Property Taxes My Itelubborbood Home [Using. Our Site j About J Phone Directory Privacy f Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application. please click here to let us know E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Ske 0 2002 Miarni-Dade County. A9 rights reserved. Leg4 My Home lam! a e.gov Show Me: IProperty Information Search By: Select Item 2:1 IA Textonly Color Aerial Photography .2004 Digital Orthoohotograpnv - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: oho No.: 1-3113-048-0070 Information: Primly Zone: 19100 RESTRICTED 0191111ERCIAL. CLUC: )0011 RETAIL '13eds/Ballam MO Floors: 1 living Units:13 Ate Sri ootage- 1 050 Lot Se: i7,000 SD FT Year But 1949 Legal Desoription. : RESUB OF REV IPL OF EASTMOREIAND PB 41-18 LOT 8 ECK 1 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 20739-1478' 0902 1 Safe Information: Ele Oilt le Amount - 500 iCt$ -: le Dale: Assessment Information: Year: 2005 2004 Land Value: 158,000 $01,000 Building Vafue: $20,972 $18,590 Market Value: v8.972 '439.590 Assessed Value: $76,972 $39,590 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Valise: $76.972 $39,590 Aerial Photograplw - AsPhoto- USA 2004 IV We appreciate your feedback. please take a minute to complete ow survey_ My Horne ) Property Information J Property Taxes 1 My Neighborhood 1 Property Appraiser Home 1 Using Ow:mg! iftot Phone Directory 1 Privacy 1 Disclaimer 114ft If you experierwe technical difIkadties with tire Property Information application, please click here to let us know_ E-mail your correstents, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site tl-,1 2E302 Miami -Dade County_ All rights reserved. Legi My Home Show Me: ida e.gov !Property Inforrnalion Search By: ISelect Kern Text only -141: Color Aerial Photography -2004 Digital OrthophotographY - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: Proper Mabry Address: -3113-048-0080 NW 7 AVE Propevtv Information: : rWC:y 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL . 0041 EDUCATIONAL - PRIVATE 416edsiBathw OKI Room 1 Livin9 Urals: 0 ;Ad/ tog Footage: ka.329 Lot Sze: 7.000 SO FT 'year &Mt 1948 RESUB OF REV Pi OF EASTMORELAND PI3 41-18 Legal 9 ELK 1 LOTSIZE •Lai' 13escliti°12: 50.000 X1413 OR 203843-4329. 0302 1 Sale Information: Ele Amount le 0/ft le Dale: Assessment Information: Year 2005 2004 &and Vabe: $56,600 SUMO.. Building Value: $53,526 $109.526 ‘662,233 S109.526 $41,233 $62233 Market Value: Assessed Value: Total Exemptions: SO SO Taxable Value: _ $109.626 , $62,233 Aerial Photograplw- AsPhoto• USA 2004 0 114ft We appeadate your feedback, please take a minutia to compiete our survey. My Home 1 Property Information Property Taxes 1 tav Neighborhood Property Appraiser Home 1 Using Our Site J About f Phone Directory Privacy I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know_ E-mail your comments. questions and suggestions to _Wetansster Web Site 02002 Miami -Dade County. AA rights reserved. MIMIC Legs Ivo My Home 181771 a evgav Show Me: !Property Informabon Search By: Select Item J IR Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital OrthOphotography - 2003 Property PPraiser Tax Estimator Sian Details: Folio No.: 01-3113-046-0090 Property: 5535 NW 7 AVE Mailing Address: THE DENTAL PLACE PA 5535 141N7 AVE MIAMI FL i 33127-1401 nfonnation: Primary Zone: 1O0 RESTRICTED C1AL CLUC: 013 OFFICE BUILDING Beds/Bathrr Floom living Units: 444/ Sri Footage: 6,131 Lot Size: 14,000 SQ FT Year Built 1947 Legal Description: 13 53 41 PB 41-18 RESUB OF REV PL OF EASTMORELAND LOTS 10 & 11 8LK 1 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 140 OR 17912- 4552 1227 1 Sale !fifty:nation: Sale OIR: 17912-4552 Sale Data: 1211997 Sale Amount $150,000 Assessment Intomiation: Year: 2005 2004 "Land Value: $105,000 $42,000 Burl:Twig Value: $164,296 $151,861 Market Value: 6269.298 $193.861 Assessed Value: $269,298 $193.861 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $269.296 06193,86/ Aerial Photography - AsrPhoto" USA 2004 MIAMH 111 0 114ft We appreciate your feedback, please tales a minuba to complete our survey. My Home gpeTty lnlormatlon) Property Taxes 1 My Nelohbrirtrood Property Appraiser Home 1 Usina Our Site ) About (Phone Directory privacy 1 Disclaimer If you experience technical cbfficulNes with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mall your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Inibb Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. rights reserved. Let r-- KA1...1 My Home miami • ade„gov Show Me: 'Property information Search By: Se1ectftemjj n EText only Color Aerial Photo_graphy - 2004 Digital Orthopliptography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Eitztator Summary Details: Folio No • 01-311 4434e-oleo:I /Propetty: Muring ,kcidresw 5575 NW7 AVE A WELLS &W RLURSLA 4312 DRAKEVVOOD LANE 144AS44VILLE TN 37218- Propertv Ittonnation: -k'rimary 'one: 'COMMERCIAL 6100 RESTRICTED cLUC: 00/9 COMMERCiAL- MIXED USE Bette 714 Floors: 1 Living Units: 4 Atli. Sq Footage: .4989 Lot Size: 14.000 SO FT Year Built 1955 Legal DescriPti.": RESUB OF REV PL OF EASTMORELAND PEI 41-18 LOT 12 & 13 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 100.000X 140 OR 9701 1709 Sale information: liflit tli e: 1977 Amount .000 information: Year: 2005 2004 Land Value: 5105.000 S42.000 Building Vakie: S85,260 $711.404 Market Value: $190.260 0120.404 , Assessed Value: $190,260 ,$120,404) Total Exemptions: SO SO Taxable Value: S190,260 $120,404- Mriat Photography -AirPhoto USA 2004 0 112 ft We appreciate your feedback. please take a redraft to complete our survey. Myi4ome 1 Property Information j Property Taxes [ My Neighborhood (Property Appraiser Home Usino Our Site 1 About Phone Directory Privacy Disclaimer if you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know_ E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. Ail rights reserved. Legt 1 VW r My Home tami ade,g Show Me: IProperly Infonnalion Search By: 1Select Item 24 la Text only --VZ Color Aerial Photograptly- 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.- Propertr: 31-3113-046-0170 f611101-09 NW7 AVE Mailing Address: HARP PROPERTIES INC 5601 NW 7 AVE MIAMI FL 33127-1403 Primary 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL .LUC. OrN9 COMMERCIAL- MIXED 1.ISE ...ieds/8alheOf0 Floors: e2 Living UMW 0 AdiS4 Footage: 9.1131 Lot Size: 14.700 SC1 FT Year Built 1946 Legal Description: 13 5341 P841-18 RESU8 OF REV PIOF EASTMORELAND LOTS 11 & 12 131.X 2 LOT SEE 105.000 X1413 OR 19930- 3730 0801 1 Sate tatormation: Eta Olit le Date: re Amount Assessment Information: Year 2005 2004 Land Value: $110,250 Stating Value: $191,867 $302,117 ,344,100, $176,875 *220975 Market Value: Assessed Value: 3302,117 4220.975 Total Exemptions: , 30 30 Taxable Value: $302117 $220,975 Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 114 ft We appreciate your feedback. please lake a minute to complete our survey. My Home 1 Property Information Property Taxes I My Neighborhood [ Property Appraiser Home Using Our Site f About .1 Phone Directory 1 Privacy 1 Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property bdormation application, please click here to let us know_ E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site f2 2002 Nliand43ada County. AR sights tense:ed. LEVI ,g21-9 My Home n iam> ade. 0 Show Me: IProperty infourrabon Search By: !Select Item 3 M Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: lOroperttr.' 01-3113-046-015Q 5621-25 NW 7 AVE Wiring / ILLIE TAYLOR S?W LULA MAE 5625 NW 7 AVE MIAMI FL 33127-1403 Property Information: ne: iCOMMIERCIAL 6100 RESTRICTED ;LUC: 10011 RETAIL thsc OM Floors: , i Living Uni s: 0 Footage: f,7O1 Lot Size: ).000 SO FT Year Built 1948 -Legal Description: RESUB OF REV PL OF EASTMORELAtiD PB 41-18 LOTS BLK 2 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 140 OR 92321567 Ee Amount 5,000 Sale Information: le OtR: 11111.11.11 le Dabs: 1976 Assessment Information: Year: 2005 2004 Land Value: SW300 421)X10k Buikrirrg Value: S33140 $30.406 klarket Value: S89,140 S51. {06 Assessed Value: ` $89,140 i$51 406 Total Exemptiwrs: SO SO Taxable Value: 389140 II51,406 Aerial Photography -AirPhom USA 2004 0 VII '.No appreciate your feedbacks please take a minute to to oomplete our survey. My Home j Property Information [Property Taxes Nov Neighborhood j Property Appraiser tfome j Using Our Site j About j Phone Directory j Privacy j Disclaimer. 114ft tiyou experience technical ckfTscutties wtthSteProperty information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site f 2002 Miami -Dade County. All ruts reserved. a My Home Show Me: "dace, Property lntormabon Search By: )Select Item �--}} Text only 'i!` Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 1 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details" Folio No.: Property: 01-3113-044003O 5721-25 NW7AVE Mailing Address` EUGENE LOMANDO 13179 SW 10 EN MMAMI FL 33184-2013 Property Win: Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL CLUC: 40011 RETAIL Beds/Bafls WO Floors: 1 Living Linke: O Ad' Sq '2,003 Footage: Lot Sine: 7.000 SO FT Year Built 1948 Legal Description: 'EASTMORELAND PB 15-60 IJOT 5 BLK 2 LOT SIZE Z0! 000 X 140 OR 12967-151 07862 Sale information: Sale 0/R: f259670151 le Date: 1986 le Amount 000 Assessment Information. Year. 2005 2004 Land Value: $56,000 ‘$21000 Building Value: $34.845 $35462 Market Value: $90,845 $56462 Assessed Value: $90,845 $56 482 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $90,845 $56.462 Aerial Phofogaptry - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 114 ft -y We appreciate your feedback. please take a minute to carripiete our survey. illy Home Proper>)r information ) Pr_ opert a Taxes I My Neighborhood 1 Property AUpra Home 1 Using Our Site 1 About I Phone Directory { Privacy I Disclaimer ff you experkence technical difficulties with the Property kiformation application, please click here to le us know. E-mail your comments. questions and suggestions to YVebmaster Web Site 0 2002 Mt -Dade County. All rights reserved. My Home tan( atte.gOv Show Me: 1Property information Search By: Select item .=.1 El Text only 't!` Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Qigital OrthophoiographY - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No,: Property: D1 3113-Q44-001Q 5755 NWT AVE Malting JEPH HOLDINGS INC 12016NW13ST PEMBROKE PINES FL Property information: Primary Zone: ,, 8100 RESTR1I a cr1 0IWERCIAL CLUC: 40003 MULTIFAMILY - 'APARTMENTS Rem 12112 1Floors 2 kt.ivmg Units:42 AI Sci : D%375 Lot S¢e: 7,000 SC/ FT Year Built 1972 Legal ISIZE 13 53 41 EASiMORELAND 1 P8 15-60 LOT 3 BLK 2 LOT 50 000 X 140 OR /Descdplion: 5331?42210200022) Sale Information: O/R: 331 2422 N2000 Amount 0,000 aliee Date: le Assessment httonnatlon: Year. 2005 2004 Land Value: 156,000 121,000' Buticfmg Value: 5255,40E $234,987 Market Value: $311,405 $255.987 Assessed Value: 5311,40E $255,907 Total Exemptions: , $0 Taxable Value: '$0`� $311,408 � 25595 r A: C Aerial Photography-AirPham USA 2004 0 Vi= Vie appreciate your feedback, please lake a minute to complete our survey. My Home } Property Information { Property Taxes My Neirchborhood } Property Appraiser Home ! About1 Phone DIrectorY (Privacy } Disclaimer 114ft If you experience technical ditticulties with the Property information application, please crick hereto let us imam_ E-mail your comments, s, questioner and suggestions to Wehmaster Web Site 02002 Miami -Dade County. AU rights reserved. MIAMIC LEV F 1 My Home Show Me: I Property Information -. Search By: Select /tern -i ® Text only `V` Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotograpty - 2003 Property Ap.Qraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: 'Folio No.: ` 1-3113-Q4fE 11a ;Property: ,i5789-97 NW 7 AVE Maw ►THE 1E WAY PRAYER (Address: INC :5789 NWT AVE MIAMI FL 33127-1142 Property Information: .. ry 6100 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL ;LUC: 0011 RETAIL Seds/BalimIWO 1 Floors: 1 Living Units: 0 age: 4.925 Lot Size: 15.650 SQ FT Year Built ,1948 Legal Oescriptker:.15650 tEtUB OF REV PL OF t l At4O PB 41-18 1 LOTS 1 & 2 BUK 2 LOT SIZE SQUARE FEET OR 1 70801 1 Sale Information: Ele Date: Ern le O/R: le Amount I900 Assessment information: Year: 2005 21)04 Land Value: S117375 $46.950 /Blinding Value: $74623 , S993,274 Mtarket Vakre: $191,998 14D Iwo ,Assessed Value: S191.998 Total Exenrplions: , SQ S0 Taxable Value: S191,998 1S140,22 Aerial Photography-AirPhota USA 2004 Q., " We appreciate your feedback. please take a minute to complete our survey. gt igmr J Property information J Property Taxes J fity Neighborhood J Property A_pmLaiser Horne J Using Our Site J AAk t J Fikcipe Directory 1 Privacy 1 Disclaimer 115 ft if you expernmee technical sktlicultiem w*h the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster %rob She 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. An rights reserved. HAMM My Home Show Me: 'Property information Search By: !Select Item 24 ta Text only Color Aerial Photography -2004 Digital Orthoptotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: 137-3114-029-0321 Property: 5424-26 NVV 7 AVE Ma Address: BRANDON & BEAU LLC 0 BILL RINGER IP 0 BOX 8540 STOCKTON -PA ,95208- P Information: 4 Primary Zone: 6100 RESTRICTED /COMMERCIAL CL.UC: /7011 RETAIL Beds/Baths:WO Floors; 1 Living Units:/0 Ac5Sq Footage: 2.400 Lot Size: 4,280 SO FT Year Bum 1945 "Legal Description:`SITE INDIANA PARK PB21-67 LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 4 LOT SIZE VALUE COC 21503- 4166 072003 1 Ekt OIR: le Amount Sale Information: 503-4/66 le Date: 1712003 mow Assessment Information: Year 2005 2004 Land Value: $34.240 $12.840 Buking Value: $50.014 '$46,503 Market Value: $84.254 459,3431 Assessed Value: $84.254 f$59.343k Total Exemptions: SO 50 Taxable Value: 584.254 _1559,343 Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 V: We appreciate your feedback. please take a minute to complete ow survey. filv Home 'Property Information j Property Taxes tAy Neighborhood Property Appraiser Home Using Our Site About f Phone Directoy Privacy Disclaimer 109 ft If you expwience technical MO.:uncles with the Property Information apptication, please click here to lotus know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 0 2002 Miami-Dede County. Alt rights reserved MIAMFi Let My Home matt • adC';. 1 "OV Show Me: 'Property Information Search By: Select Rem .: 8 1I Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 - Property Appraiser Tax Estirnator Property Information: COMME RERCEO IAL iAL MUG: 0081 VACANT LAND Sods :Arlr Flows: P Uni1s:n Sq Footage: Lot Size: ,128SQFT Year Built: 0 4NDIANA PARK PB 21-67 Legal t OT 1 LESS ESFT ST RLK 1 Description: LOT SIZE 4a000 X 8S OR 18193-1271 1293 55 Sale Informatwn: le OIR: le Date: 16 Amount lore SO Year. 2005 2004 Land Value: $33.024 SO /$12,384 3 Bug Value: Market Value: Vi33.024 $12,384' Assessed Value: S33A24 S12 384 Total Exemptions: SO SO Taxable Value: 333,024 S12,384, Aerial Photography - MPhoto USA 2004 0 it We appreciate your feedback, please take a Mireade to complete our survey. My Horne l property Information I, Property Taxes l My Neighborhood ( Property Appraiser Horne! usurp Our Site l bout l Phone Directory j Privacy l Disclaimer if you experience technical cdtdculties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us %eaaw. E-mait your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 02002 MIamr-Dade County_ All rdghte reserved_ Legi r � � My Home Show Me: 1 Property Information Search By: Select Item 8 Text only 'V' Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.' 41-3114-029-0321 5424-26 NW7 AVE Maing Address: BRANDON & BEAU LLC C!O BILL RINGER rP 0 BOX 854O STOCKCON CA 95208- Property Information: 6100 RESTCOMMERCIAL COIViiMERCIAL 0011 RETAIL t3 ths:tYO Room ti Living Unils: 0 Footage: 2400 Lot Srze: 4,280 50 FT Year Built 1945 Legal *LOTS Description: NDIANA PARK PB 21-67 7 &6 1311(4 LOT SIZE SITE VALUE COC 21503- 41660720031 Sale hlformai'lOn: le 0/R: 5tx9-4166 ale Date: le Amount 20,000 Assessment Information: Year: 2005 - 2004 Land Value: $34.240 412940 Building Wire: 360 O14 148485031 Market Value: $84,254 S59.343 Assessed Vakie: ti84.254 f$59,343 Total Exemptions: SO SO Taxable Value: $84,254 4199,343 Aerial Photography - ARPhoto USA 2004 - Mk appreciate your feedback, please take a n ntde to complete our survey. My Home I Property information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Home I using Our Site I Abo I Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer 1081t if you experience technical fiiflfculties wall/ the Property Information application, please click here to let is know E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site ® 2002 MiambDade County. All rids reserved. My Home Show Me: IProperty Information Search By: !Select Item 211 El Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 El Proparly Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: Projt2Mr. MaWrog Addis= 01-3114-030-0020 .5580 NVV7 AVE PERRY L DUI-IART ,734 NW 55 ST MIAMI FL 331774824 vroperry UNORROUOM Primary Zone: MOO RESTRICTED COMAERCIAL C- LUC ' 0041 EDUCATIONAL- PRIVATE Zeds/Balm DM Floors: Living thels: 0 044 Scl Footage: 3 472 ' Lot Size: 10,189 SQ FT Year BuNt 1988 Legal Descriphon: MESTDALE2ND MID PL 4,1811-30 LOTS 1-2-3 LESS E25FT & I FR-% S5FT OF LOT 3 FOR RAN ELK 1 LOT e•r7F 125800 Xftt OR 13319-2800 0697 4 Sale Information' : Isaie Date: le Amount IVO 10 Assessment information: Year: 2005 2004 Land Value: $81.512 $30,567 eralchng Vaiue: $142,518 $132.145 Market Value: $224,030 $182,712. Assessed Value: $224,030 $162,7/2 `rota' Exemptioris: SO , Taxable Value: $224.030 $162,712 Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 , 108 ft We appreciate yourfeedback. please take a nitride to complete our st_E_vey. My Horne Property Information 1 Property Taxes I My Neighborhood 1 Property Appraiser Home 1Mina Our Site j Abort*j Phone Directory Privacy I Disclaimer ff you experience technical ditficteties with the Property ktfonnation application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site ©2002 Miarni-Dade County. Att rights reserved. MIAMIC1 /3tr; tf, Leg4 Y My Home Show Me: 'Property Information Search By: Select Item 12 Text only ;V; Color Aerial PliotograpMr -2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: .31-3114-011-0010 Property: /5590-98 NW7 AVE /Address: 'EDISON CTER INTERNAL 'FREE ETC **4 HAMILTON 5590 NVV7 AVE MIAMI FL 33127-1450 Property infonniatoc 00 RESTRICTED WC: 9 COMMERCIAL -MIXED =IMO 111.11111.111111111.... Units: I EMI" E31111111111111 • Size: 5,161 SO FT IMICENI 939 • . • , 4 53 41 HADDAD SUB PB 19 LOTS 1-2-3 BLK / L `,4 IRREGULAR Ele CVR: Sale Information: le Date: L) le Amount Assessment information: 'fear: 2005 2004 Land Value: S121.286 045,483 Building Vakse: $95,156 $88,714 Market Value: 3216.444 $134,197` Assessed Value: 1216,444 ,S134.197 Total Exemptions: S190.449 miaow\ Taxable Value: 325,995 $10.117 Aerial Photsgraphy -AirPhoto USA 2004 0.....monstme 108 ft W. appreciate your reedbedc, please lake a minute. b3 complete our survey. My Home I Ppamty_irt I Property Taxes I NW_ 1LI pjsorisgy Home I Uslna Our site About f Phone Directory I Privacy ff you experience technical 4fliculUes with the Property Information application, please click. here to let us 'avow_ E-mail your cones s6„ questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Le • My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item El Text only Color Aerial Photography - 2004 Digital Orthophotography - 2003 Property Appraiser TeX Estimator Summary Delans: Folia No.: Di -3114-058-0010 ProPottY: 5656 NW7 AVE Malang Address: GEORGE WILLIAMS (13800 N MIAMI AVE MIAMI FL 33168-4832 Property Infonnahe- n: Jone: ft100 RESTRICTED FOMUERCIAL :LUC: 0011 REAL Jeds/8attiwk1/0 Floors: `I Living thattsP Al &I Footage: 10.712 Lot Size: \13./169 SO FT Year But 1960 OCANDEL Legal . ClescriPtsim" 44 53 41 .319 AC RIR_ TRACT PS 71-80 TRACT A LOT SIZE 104.280 X 133 OR 18845-1650 1099 2% Sale Information: Sate OM: Sate Dabs: 18845-1650 10(1999 Sale Amount $125.000 Assessment Information: Year 2005 2004 Land Value: some $41,607 SuUding Value: 1220.350 3317,433 '1243,795 $317,433 )S202.188 $243.795 Market Value: Assessed Value: Total Exemptions: SO ' $317.433 50 4243.795 Taxable Value: , .•• ••••' • • . 4,11. • Aerial Photography -AirPhoto USA 2004 0 115 ft ;V: We appreciate your feedback, please take a 'Tirade to complete our survey. My Home f Property Information Property Taxes My Neighborhood I Propp_praLser Home 1i8inQ OW Site About I phone 01ectoiy Privacy' I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties withthe Property Irdonnation application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggeslions to Ifite_OrtlaSter VVeb Site 0 2002 Miarni-Dade County. AB rights resented. MIAMI{ Oshun CRP Project On 7th Avenue TOTAL PROJECT COST Funding Source AMOUNT ($) DESIGNATION Construction Related Cost City/County 585,525 KDI: Architectural Fees City 92,250 KDI: Management Cost County 22,225 NANA: Technical Assistance Cost City/County Per Contract TOTAL: 700,000