HomeMy WebLinkAboutSurvey of Propertyrwir. for a aista.n.'or 40.00 feet. to PONT Or 13,Egt,tc, ..rAtur, b. through mot 3 caurs. Moog o DRIVE. an fe.. run 11288761 aioug a Oro. cone to806Wt. =7"7,1, rqp. m fent. o Can. on. of 122.2.0, Ob... arc No..' of 85.. feet.. a point ...a rub South 76'39'3, East fob a of 295 th'enni.o'nrer.='ora' to:Wr."' Eout. mere a, ie. for b .ng ma.. as 36 . Oa. on a tbt.r.r.non Dob,ie Coo. 1,3=_Litu M.07.rtgrIgartheel meoarlu'Ar..Y direction o/ 22.• W.. more ar ben, far o dotence af 189 feet more at a. 9281251.60006188060*L81281 VA'A,,;',1":„A"L (921) one a. beiaq mobbed s. Plat ..74 at 1153e ,P 01 r,,,;q"""""-',VIng;:1":.`,:"A• a 3S-foot rodue curve, atekt point. Sauth 68.07,5"..et 7rth:f41.14 7=- East harkbg ra.b of feet. a central angle el 56.09.00. 1.52.35. East far dist.. of 5533 feet to a Po. of ...met ',ter. Sou... or. Southwe....ng cinbulur our. to Ow to . West ba.9 o PARCEL 2. .IttlVE'Z'arr'bn'ef ":".:--r:=°:=A,".fscrIr =71`2866&-.= ro7 44402601 rzt 65*=7°4rt°. °;t "Lb:r° '-t":•"'"„" Sou., alio. 0 b.., cam the rignb= to ......Firra'rae. VeloInf'fb=e' &teuVret'Ll.rorboge.VotVouT,Z,14 4161 cu... lee, c.c. to the Ea. bob. a tad. of feet. a cent. bbo. thrbo. an abc of .68 feet to the Pa. of Too.. thence both 1.52,5T o fine pare...40 feet Easterly frem e'bIttbtg7e?' st-,,°1.=.t=„7°,7sP,:nr. ttViOrrre'Ztrb.-g'a 1=Vc.!= to.. West NM.... of 572.28 beet ace.. mu. of .13,0.. through an arc of M. feet to a .0 on. bore. baundary boa ab the P./. EWE oo notd plate N... PON... eon ble. 12812105 LAGS $14.0 EXCEPT FROM THE FOKOOINO PARO. 2 THE FOLIO.. TEE SIMPLE WOW Of WA/ nf.tabl War.. IMEN Er, TTE 51.E. OT PlOfblObb Of TOMSFORTAPON P.1.1.1.t. TO ORO. OF RECORDED IN C.C. 8,...569. PACT 110, P.L.10 RECORDS OF bttn..-DADE =NTT. TLO.R. PARCEL 102, rarPlgeer.<5'07e T.INefaTds'oftar:Tble'notly.11= a2 Coun, be. bounded ond '."717.f in Plat'Ll 8. at Page 95. tbe Pub. curr7";''''HOli;Z•'r7O"trITr' 2*116628 .72Tt!'re 0.e.,1or66 215.40 W *664a. 1.bb Z.. ong,e of a,pbint r - ,„ - ,7.111•:.a: 44°, ° •"t''''"af 180 02 feet . "7 o port. d 11262, ot Page 759. of the : t,41p,M1 FINE.F1 SHERATON BISCAYNE BAY SURVEYED 05)00208888. 2004 5th ' c 7- ki LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE LECTISTOESOT.MON FRICKE, PARK 140,111ESEANCH WAS PREPARED.. TTPSPROPETITY -SURVEYED., .NUMIT 12 2805 revz thence bun SOL. 76'39 3. E., orong s.) qadnerly IOC PI eara. SE pt.. Eutuu., o p.m. 0 (5691* on .57 01. (Dancre)e ntenumebt); 1266160111168216012019108 arc M o eurwe w. bad. 0 25 0 feet. otang . ore 010 reberse curve watt u rad. of .06 feet, through or aro of 1212021. (122.23,0"). for a entance af 85 45 'eel to an Ton « (concrete m.orn.). So. 762*.35 East tab 0 blbs.n. a 321 10 Ie818 to o pc. on tTe kabtror tne aula M Men., ole. ea, T,T.Tr 'a'br1=0'14:Pd=a.',T :.u1r17.11,47.V=F =ttauco'rEa=f7.71::at"OlfitEr 1°L4°A17 -'" "- 177112(8"° °"- "°-"' ""') Pirate Rood ,as in PIat 800k 0 at Page 93) contained ...in I. ob. sad bt.gal 080712*9*08 woof.. of000foont oot of too inform. of the E.e. line of Etr.. (Soa.cat rbuo)) Abenue ondt. NoTth.y Roe of Southeast F. Struel, NH. monument la also the Norf.. tomer of tbe trae, heren de*E-, theme (1168(5821 Testa. atong Tbe proloopti. m Nan.. drte of SOLI.441 FM. SIM, F. 0 oo au. a TT.) Avenue. tor o trotance 0 25151 beet to an iron b. (co.. moaner,* .b.ce 285*4115 otu of o ou. 2so feei ,oc000. foo darme of 31.01 feet. subtend. on arc 0 .0.8. an itor ..rebn mcnumen..noe oft. arb a me. .tame feet ...bog 122.23'21. (122,...01 an iron pipe (ea.. monument): ther. foste. 'C=TtelTsTertOlne Lt"T„:al g°04.-grg,t f,tn smt for a airtan. of 313 Ie. (298 rxe) more or fees o frofoonooffe, iff0000 coote.. Weaderly do. foe c .79 beet wt... on an M 9248,, (oros,f) to an Ton mat (banorde monurn.): tbence a).g Tito are of a re.se ot. of SO feet rod,. E25 feet radius) fob a die.. of 27.97 beet sobt.iing arc of 11'29 40. to Fo,a,17Inth."7::f7a,„3:„,,r,"'1„23„47;t:Z/Irf,7a's,,T7':;ble' 'o'Lrf.::'1;.7.„'utlilFas7;grtr.)/we'rur.„i'n.rtn'ence' "Ito.' .1, SURVEYORS NOTES: E2.57:1F.FdiEr7i4?2,E7iraittli'-•:4.'4-7 - The faow. tufmnat. has been token Truro Ordinanbe ot - i.roum Setta.. Front 20 =tiulTele15 4-4= it-N avrnoft:ftm ft:4%7°' 5 flobida E. Ga. Properties. Inc_ Enema. or imgress or, E,f C11. recabded 0.P.8. 7862. Pa. 74.3. Por^-el 2 Exhibit TA. of document rroufre'rb'tog 2=U;TZ't 7;c'el =V b...NALTY r*822011 """ 1,1.14.0.,, OEIETTO. ot the Uoited notbernmeut orta..{„tureezn„.t,Ire.., enb blt12=Core',Vbbr4rru'Airt4r4L= 7rTi=rt'afrbl:te 7%4'. the tan. " 'Dr cton of S.A. Sewoge T... recorded in .arto that ;BT of Aflidarit eat. December o. moo. not yet recard. 19 Tao.. OAT, t1419, wow. b000r.e . po. .408*42*2*661*6 to Par., 2 0.0. 51990. P """"4" *0(20611 Litreztore rern in 2.,e ect212 Rtcoeta of N,2r0-02. County, S.VEVOR'S CFNI,CATION 20 s2,2, 15727, Poga ""- adooted WA and ACSN. 1029 end rm▪ . XL:SW.1V. (an' Vr7ar:4;':,:gatteCy' Vel'pt;ctiO„Tec=rVtglert:=)ZIrTell rnhirr.11 az4glor 0.4 , en. ato. in ...to, nmt property 2+229* Nr.d 22222... 8. 2, 3, 8 88 '2,2, e. a. . 11. 13. 11. IS 2. 16 of ieh. A therclo LS52'24;27e:r1112:27'::::21;e.n.p.V22r* Ihot the properly cIncri1221.2.2 is Pe same 2, Om 2,2122,2 7,;'=,!°T - • Ibeir ettect on tn. .N.A prope'rty: A E.2.N2t oc srow, tNere Ore no rlablo MCrOpehrrArl. Onto 0901,0 M.S, st/MIti. 9thar , rne I, the Secre, a IfNuranc: Rak, No No. 120650 0 • a Palet Wen...op of rN2- t1;72721:= prop, '27/7e 7:,2=ef rat; Zatl'oMV Nat voia ,i,noture o 800)911 LEGEND Lana» mat Le SEE SHEET 1 FOR TREE LEGEND nm SECOND LEVEL BUILDING - PARKING BELOW 2 STORY SECOND LEVEL BUILDING PARKING BEi.OW #495 17 STORY HOTEL 1 STORY _...�-- ;•9 i STORY SEE SHEET THREE OF THREE, N3 NAIL & DISK LB3653 PARCEL 2 11262, PAGE 737_ C O.R.B.I1990 PAGE 2185 CHANCERY 0.8.708, PAGE 191 1—) 996 1 0.69.16791 AGE 2538 O.R.B. 16791, PAGE 2561 ----------- . . sEE SFl4ET:VV,07TH EE g gea EXHIBIT 16791, PAGE 2536 24It O.R.B. 16791, PAGE 2561 • — EXHIBIT "E" O.R.B. 15737, PAGE 4438 — EXHIBIT "ID" 0%KB. 1E737, 9A054438 .8. 16791, PAGE 2538 R O. .P1A557C9E, LP8AnG2E 3193 PARCEL 10,2 (EXHIBIT "C ) O.R.B. 4438 .R.B. 15737, PAGE 3183 O.R.B. 15579, PA SEE SHEET 1 FOR TREE LEGEND --r--...„_ i,...... t ....„........., -- I EXHIBIT "13' BENEFIT PARGEL 0.8.I7862. PAGE743 EXHIBIT "A" INGRESS & EGRESS EASEMENT O.R.B. 7862, PAGE 743