HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Utility StudyEDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 305.858.8100 PH - 305,858.4760 FAX ONE BRICKELL PLAZA PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM TOWER SITE UTILITY STUDY FEBRUARY 2005 Civil and Environmental Engineering Permitting and Management • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida TABLE OF CONTENTS 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX Page 1. General 3 2. Storm Drainage System .. 4 3. Water Distribution System 5 4. Sewer Collection System 6 5. Solid Waste Generation 7 EXHIBITS: "A" Location Map 10 " B" Storm Drainage Calculations 12 "C" MD-WASAD Water Atlas 15 MD -Sewer Atlas 16 Proposed Water Use Calculations 17 DERM Pump Station Report 18 "Dn Solid Waste Generation Calculations ... 20 Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida One Brickell Plaza SITE UTILITY STUDY 1. General 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX A. Project Location and Size The proposed project consists of a mixed use development consisting of office retail, restaurant and three (3) Residential Condominium Towers to be constructed at an approximately 5.25 acre site located at 495 Brickell Avenue Miami I FI. (See Exhibit A). The project is bounded to the north by the Miami Circle site, to the south by Mary Brickell Park, to the west by Brickell Avenue, and to the east by Biscayne Bay, all being in Section 6, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, Miami -Dade County, Florida. The site is occupied by the Brickell Sheraton Hotel, which will be demolished for the new development B. Proposed project build out: The proposed project build -out is mixed use and consists of 1700 residential condominium units, 100 guest hotel/condo suites, and 25,000square feet of restaurant !retail/office space. Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 2. Storm Drainage System 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4780 FAX A. Existing Storm Drainage System: Roadway storm drainage systems presently exist along the streets surrounding the proposed project. FOOT owns right of way and drainage systems along Brickeli Avenue. The site, in its existing or proposed conditions, does not or will not contribute any significant amount of storm water run-off into the Public Roadway System. No significant improvements to the existing Roadway Drainage System are expected as a result of this project other than some possible inlet modifications associated with the street sidewalk improvements, B. Proposed On -Site Storm Drainage System: The proposed storm drainage system to serve this project will be designed to fully contain on -site the storm water run-off and to meet the Miami. Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management, (DERM) Environmental Resources Permit (ERP) requirements and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). This will be accomplished by means of deep drainage wells. No offsite run-off will be generated from the site. The total contributing site area and 30% of the building wall area exposed to the rain will be included in the Disposal Well System design calculations. An impervious coefficient of 0.95 will be used for the purpose of this study. Based on local knowledge experienced well drilling company for other projects in the vicinity, an approximate well discharge rate 800 gpm per foot of head can be expected. Storm water from roofs, internal driveways, walkways and parking areas will be conveyed by means of a collection system to sediment tanks sized to meet the detention volume requirements prior to discharging into the Well System, Additional Water Quality pre-treatment and Pollution Retardant Baffles at the catch basins will be provided at areas subject to vehicle traffic. C. Required number of Wells: The proposed wells will be designed to maintain the site dry during the 5 year-1 day storm, to keep flooding below the perimeter grades during the 25 year-3 day storm and to keep flooding below the minimum flood elevation during the 100 year- 3 day storm. Based on the attached calculations, a total of 8 storm drainage wells are required to provide full on -site retention for this project depending on the actual yields obtained during the well drilling operations. IT may be possible to reduce the number of wells by reusing some or all of the existing storm drainage facilities at the hotel. Further investigations are necessary to confirm this possibility. For Well Disposal System calculations refer to attached Exhibit "B". Civil and Environmental Enaineerina • Permitting and Management EDC Corp. 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 3. Water Distribution Svstem Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX A. Existing Water System Facilities: Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following domestic water facilities in the vicinity of this project: • An existing 12-inch water main that runs north along the entire west side of the property. • An existing 8-inch water main that runs along a potion of the south side of the property. B. Required Water System Improvements: It appears the existing Watermain System is adequate and additional offsite system improvements will not be necessary for the construction of this project. WASAD will determine the exact points of connection. The proposed project should connect to the 12 inch watermain to obtain Domestic Water, Fire Protection and Landscape Irrigation service. C. Anticipated Water Use: The water use requirements for this project are calculated based on the build -out information previously described. An additional flow demand of 443,750 GPD for the residential and office components is expected from this project. For conservative estimating purposes the credit for existing units is not considered. For determination of anticipated flows see Exhibit "C". Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX Miami, Florida 4. Sewer Collection System A. Existing Sanitary Sewer System Facilities: Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following sanitary sewer facilities in the vicinity of this project: • An existing private wastewater collection system tied to an existing lift station which is discharged to a 10 inch sanitary sewer running parallel and south along the east side of Brickell Avenue. • The 10 inch sewer discharges to a 15 inch sanitary sewer on SE 5th Street. This line collects all the sanitary flows from the general area and directs them to Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department Pump Station located on 390 NW North River Drive at the Miami River. B. Required Sanitary Sewer System Improvements: MD-WASD Gravity Sewer System requirements: It appears that the existing Sanitary Sewer Collection System is adequate and additional offsite system improvements will not be necessary for the construction of this project. The proposed project should connect to the existing gravity main/Lift Station to obtain sanitary sewer service. C. Transmission Capacity Requirements The Wastewater generated by this project will be conveyed to MD-WASD Regional Pump Station No.30. This station yearly NAPOT varies, but on average runs 5.07 hours per day respectively according to DERM. (See Exhibit "C). The current ET data as of December 2004 reflects 4.33 hours. With an additional flow of 443, 750 gallons per day generated by this project, the station will increase by 0.21 hours to 4.54 hours. The above referenced pump station has sufficient available capacity to support this project. Rows from this Pump Station are transmitted to the MD-WASD Treatment Plant at Virginia Key. Civil and Environmental Engineering . Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX 5. Solid Waste Generation A. Solid Waste Generated by this project will be collected in standardized onsite containers for refuse and recycle. Either hauling companies and/or the City of Miami Solid Waste Department will provide regular pick- up services. The anticipated daily solid waste generation for this' project is 56 CY per day (See Appendix "D" Civil and Environmental Engineering Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP 305_858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 271n Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida Miami, Florida, United States s �,. n port ate i aigsa i �i � �i ____. err tIe' -• a , £ i^_�I • a - ice ` ` , . 95 uj'; ram. ... £ -^ '}e f� sr] 4 . ' . � a* 7 Y" ; : 4 I11' 305.858.8100 PH • 305_858.4760 FAX u JuijL LOCATION MAP Derr os o.4 ae as a Civil and Environmental Engineering - Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27"' Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida EXHIBIT "B" Storm Drainage Calculations 305.858,8100 PH - 305.858.4760 FAX Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida STORMWATER WELL CALCULATIONS One Bricked Plaza DATE: February 2005 SITE DATA: 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX SITE AREA 5.25 Acres BUILDING FOOT PRINT 375 Feet BUILDING HEIGHT 650 Feet BUILDING WALL AREA 5.60 Acres CONTRIBUTING BUILDING AREA (33%) 1.85 Acres CONTRIBUTING AREA 7.10 Acres LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE (Varies 7 to 13) 7.0 Ft. RUN OFF COEFFICIENT 0.95 WELL DATA: WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER .FT OF HEAD NUMBER OF WELLS TOTAL WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD MEAN HIGH TIDE ELEVATION MHWL WELL DIAMETER SPECIFIC GRAVITY LOSS (SG) Civil and Environmental Engineering - Permitting and Management 800 GPM 8 6400 GPM/FT. 1.5 Ft. GVD 24 Inches 1.0 Feet 12 • • • EDC Corp, Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27`h Avenue, Suite 300 Miami,Florida STORMWATER WELL CALCULATIONS One Brickell Plaza DATE: February 2005 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX DESIGN STORM RAINFALL INTENSITY (In/hr) PEAK RUNOFF (cfs) t WELL HEAD (feet) SG + MH (feet) STAGE (NGVD) CRITICAL ST AGE: (NGVD) 5yr-24hr 6.17 41.60 2.91 2.5 5.41 25 yr- 72 hr 6.98 47.08 3.30 2.5 5.80 7.0 100 yr. 72 hr 7.44 50.18 3.50 2.5 6.00 MAXIMUM STAGE IS LESS THAN THE MINIMUM PERIMETER GRADE ELEVATION OF 7.0 NGVD. THE NUMBER OF WELLS PROVIDED IS SUFFICIENT TO MAINTAIN THE PEAK STAGE WITHIN THE PROPERTY. ALL WELLS WILL BE INTERCONNECTED TO EQUALIZE THE FLOW BETWEEN THE WELLS. EXISTING WELLS ONSITE MAT BE REUSED TO MITIGATE NEW DEVELOPMENT 13 f"ivil �nri FnvirnnntnntM Fnninoarinn . PPrmittina and Manaaement • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX EXHIBIT "C" Miami Dade Water Atlas Miami Dade Sewer Atlas Proposed Water Use Calculations DERM Pump Station Monthly Information Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 305.858.8100 PH - 305.858.4760 FAX Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management • • • EDC Corp. 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX MIAMI-DADE SEWER ATLAS Civil and PnvirnnmAntal FnninpP_rino Permittina and Mana cement • • • EDC Corp. 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX PROPOSED WATER USE CALCULATIONS One Brickell Plaza February 2005 TYPE OF BUILDING USE No. Units RATE (Gpd) ADF (Gpd) CONDOMINIUM UNITS 1'700 250 425,000 OFFICE 25000 SF 5/100 SF 1250 RESTAURANT 150 seats 501seat 7,500 HOTEL 100 100 10,000 Assume no credits for existing development (Conservative estimate) NET INCREASE: 443,750 17 Civil and Environmental Enaineerina • Permitting and Management • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27`r' Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX Pump Station Monthly Information Station..30 -0001 Atlas Pg..F14 MIAMI DsADE WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT Addr..390 NW NORTH RIVER DR Sec -Township -Range 1-54-41 Genr._ ET clock.Y Telm.Y *Pumps. 8 Pump Type.Z Stn Class.M Speed.2 Urspwr.+ Res flow(gpd) Proj Napot % Cap Plans.. 5,744,742 5.95 hrs 59.50 Plats.. 0 4.91 hrs 49.10 Extens. 0 4.91 hrs 49.10 Date <plan Review> Moratorium..OK Moratorium effective since / / Yearly NAPOT (hrs) 4.91 Stn Gross Capacity(gpd)..221,760,000 Station Reduction Factor 0.60 Stn Net Cap Certif (gpd) .. 0 Stn Net Capacity(gpd)....133,056,000 Indicated Flows(gpd) 27,221,040 Mo_NAPOT Avg Daily Flows Rgd # plg Pmp 12/28/2004 4.33 30.34 0.00 Y 8 11/23/2004 5.54 38.79 0.00 Y 8 10/25/2004 6.18 43.29 0.00 Y 8 09/24/2004 5.81 40.70 0.00 Y 8 08/25/2004 6.50 45.5.1 0.00 Y e 07/27/2004 3.64 25.50 0.00 Y 8 06/25/2004 3.55 24.88 0.00 Y 8 Signature..GARCIM _ Sign Ddte..12/20/2004 17:40349.89 Station I<m>provement GO /S <S>tation In):orm. GOLD/U <U>pstream Station <D>ownstream Station GOLD/P <P>ump Information Sewer Cer<t>ification Comments GOLD/14 GOLD/D GOLD/T PUMP STATION REPORT Civil and Environmental Engineering • Permitting and Management EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX Miami, Florida EXHIBIT "D" Solid Waste Generation Calculations (_ivil nnri Fnvirnnmantal F. nninnorinn • Permittina and Manacaement • • EDC Corp. Environmental Development Consultants Corporation 2455 SW 27th Avenue, Suite 300 Miami, Florida 305.858.8100 PH • 305.858.4760 FAX PROPOSED SOLID WASTE CALCULATIONS PROJECT One Brickell Plaza February 2005 TYPE OF BUILDING USE UNITS! (SEATS) RATE (Pounds) SOLID WASTE GENERATED (lb) SOLID WASTE GENERATED (tons) CONDOMINIUM 1700 8 13,600 1.86 OFFICE 25,000 .025 625 .16 HOTEL 120 8 960 .48 RESTAURANT 150 5 759 .50 NET INCREASE: 15,935 8 ANTICIPATED SOLD WASTE VOLUME AT 7 CY PER TON: 56 Cubic Yards per Day tlMainlmain d1EDC Project-Files122101 - Downtown Sheraton Site, One Brickell PlazaIMUSPIMUSP Study One Brickell Plaza.doc 20 Civil and Environmental Enaineerina • Permitting and Management