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Exhibit A
• • EXHIBIT "A" Government Center DRI ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. DEVELOPMENT ORDER Let it be known that pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida; has considered in public hearing held on April 23, 1981, the issuance of a Development Order for the Downtown Government Center, a Development of Regional impact to be located downtown, being 1 14N All of Blocks 75N, 76N, 76E, 87N, 87E, 88N, 95N, 96N, 96E, 107N, 107E, 108N. 113N and A.L. KNOWLTON MAP OF MIAMI (B-41) And after due consideration of the consistency of the proposed development with regulations, and the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the Commission takes the following action: Approval of Application for Development Approval with the following modifications: FINDINGS OF FACT WITH MODIFICATIONS Development The development of the 38.19 acre site is comprised of the following elements as specified by the Applicant in the Application for Development Approval for Phasel, as revised, and shown in Figurel, and further limited by applicable provisions and procedures of Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 6871: COMPLETED COMPONENTS OF DOWNTOWN GOVERNMENT CENTER, PHASE1 Gross Area in Square Feet Government Designation Office Use Ancillary Use (parking) State of Florida Reg.Service Center Ph.1 150,000 18,750 City of Miami Police Headquarters 129,750 190,250 City of Miami Adm. Building Phase 1 70,000 __ EXISTING PHASE 1 SUB -TOTALS 349,750 209,000 PROPOSED COMPONENTS OF DOWNTOWN GOVERNMENT CENTER, PHASE I TO BE COMPLETED IN 1987 Gross Area in Square Feet Government Designation Office Use Ancillary Use Metro -Dade Cultural Center 43,000 295,000 Metro -Dade Support Fac./Garage 20,000 265,000 Metro -Dade Adm. Bldg. Phase 1 560,000 178,000 City of Miami Adm. Bldg. Phase 2 280,000 20,000 City of Miami DGC Garage 2 320,000 State of Florida Reg.Service Center Phase 2 156,250 280,000 City of Miami DGC Garage 3 424,000 PHASE 1 (NEW CONSTRUCTION) 1,059,250 1,782,000 PHASE 1 SUB -TOTAL 1,409,000 1,991,000 The Applicant has requested a change of zoning classification to GU -Governmental Use for all public property in the Downtown Government Center. Should this request be granted by the City Commission, the GU zoning district requires a Planning Advisory Board recommendation and City Commission approval of new uses, rebuilding of an existing facility or major additions to an existing facility. It is understood that any such City Commission approvals (or disapprovals) may further limit the project (above) and are incorporated by reference in this Development Order. 24. The development of 1,500,000 square feet of office space within the 38.19-acre area of downtown Miami known as the Downtown Government Center. 25. This development order shall expire on December 31, 2009 unless superseded by a development order for the extension time or amendment of development elements, CONCLUSION OF LAW The Notice of Proposed Change for the Downtown Government Center DRI proposed by Miami -Dade County complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land development regulations being Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 11,000; and The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami; and The proposed development is generally consistent with the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council and does not unreasonably interfere with any of the considerations and objectives set forth in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. • • • • DOWNTOWN GOVERNMENT CENTER DRI - REACTIVATION QUESTION 21 TRANSPORTATION STUDY METHODOLOGY The transportation study methodology to be utilized in preparing responses to Question 21 Transportation of the expired 1987 Downtown Government Center Development of Regional Impact (DTGC-DRI) Reactivation is consistent with the study methodology prepared for the approved Downtown Miami DRI Increment II. The general approach to the analysis will be to maintain the methodologies and analytical procedures applied in the recently approved Miami Downtown DRI Increment 11 Update. The trips for the DTGC-DRI were included in that DRI as background traffic carried over from the un-built portions of Increment I. When the Miami Downtown DRI Increment I was prepared and approved, the DTGC-DRI was fully in effect. Since the remaining DTGC-DRI trips were built into the background analysis of the Miami Downtown DRI Increment II Update, the total traffic volumes will be maintained, and the analysis will in effect exchange the layers of project and background trips to identify that portion of the total trips that belong to the DTGC-DRI un-built development. By using this approach, the analysis will remain totally consistent with the previously approved methodology and not alter the conclusions relative to mitigations. It should also be noted that the roadway improvements required in the DTGC-DRI as mitigations have been built and the transit facilities have also been built. Thus, the use of the previously agreed upon methodology and build -out traffic volumes, set at the identical build -out dates (2009) will not negate mitigations or objectives set forth in the original DTGC-DRI. The acceptance of this document (or any future revision) shall be considered the Transportation Methodology Letter of Understanding (MLOU). The study methodology as outlined herein reflects a unique approach for a DRI transportation study due to the special characteristics of the study area which include the following: • The DTGC-DRI is located in an urban downtown area which is served by heavy rail mass transit and is governed by transportation concurrency exception areas, special transportation areas and unique person -trip based transportation system capacity provisions outlined in the municipality's adopted comprehensive plan. • The DTGC-DRI is currently part of the approved Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 Development Order 02-1307. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DRI Reactivation Methodology Letter of {Understanding Revised April 15, 2005 -1- • • • Based upon the land use characteristics of the project and the assumptions used in the Downtown Miami DM Increment ll, this transportation study will comply with the State DRI Transportation Rule subsection 9J-2.045 (3) (e), Florida Administrative Code (FAC) and subsection 9J-2.029 (2) (b), FAC, and will maintain consistency with the guidelines, policies and standards listed below: • The City of Miami traffic concurrency policies and procedures as contained in the adopted components of the Comprehensive Plan; • Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami from the Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, adopted February 1989 and revised in September 1990; and • The Miami -Dade County traffic concurrency policies and procedures as contained in the adopted components of the Miami -Dade County Comprehensive Plan, 1997 (where applicable). 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The DTGC-DRI is governed by the expired DRI development order from Resolution 81-843 (adopted April 23, 1981). The boundary of the DTGC-DR! is depicted in Map J-1A and also located within the boundary of the Downtown Miami DR! Increment II Central Business District (CBD) sub -area. The land encompassing the DTGC-DRI is under the jurisdiction of Miami -Dade County. The land use and scale for the built and un-built development program of the DTGC-DRI are presented in Table 1. Table 1 and Map J-1A also show a re -defined phase II encompassing of the 1,200,000 1,500,000 square feet of un-built office space. This phase re -definition is primarily intended to make the under utilized P-2 and P-4 open space more attractive to pedestrians. The DTGC-DRI re -defined phase I development program anticipates a build -out date of 2009 concurrent with the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II. 2. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY AREA - SPECIAL FEATURES AND STUDIES WHICH APPLY The following special designations, features and studies already exist within the study area for the DTGC-DRI: Special Features: • A Transportation'Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) was adopted by the City of Miami and covers the entire area of Downtown Miami. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DRl Reactivation Methodology Letter of Understanding Revised April 15, 2005 -2- • • • • A Special Transportation Area (STA) was adopted by the City of Miami and applies to the study area for the DRI. The STA specifies that up to 20% of the regional facilities or intersections within the DRI may operate below acceptable standards (below LOS E). • • The Transportation Corridors Capacity Methodology was adopted by the City of Miami as part of their Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. This methodology is documented in Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami from the Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, adopted February 1989 and revised in September 1990. A specialized level of service (elevated LOS thresholds) was granted to roadways adjacent to transit facilities and was adopted by Miami -Dade County as part of their Comprehensive Development Master Plan. • The approved Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 the boundary of which includes the DTGC- DRI. Special Studies: • The long range Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan (MDTMP) April 2003 final report developed multimodai circulation improvements through 2020 which will service future downtown traffic. This study covered the same geographic area as the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 Update, but focused on specific long-range transportation network recommended modifications to improve circulation within the downtown area and improve connections between neighborhoods. Downtown Development Authority Methodolocy Letter of Understanding -3- Downtown Government Center DRI Reactivation Revised April 15, 2005 1111111111s ,, kge '%, v', r lr/,,� %y,%�1r°•'i'u��V I'�,''a�i411Vu�, �l �;/jai �%I��,���'�I ',�'v �yr Iii p,V�V�f�I�%..o/////Ill��il'�I��y������ui4wi ;Nw )��) ,YI' „))„j ��� ll �j)YI/ vv yr, a ki i I�/���;,... �� lv%l�ii�llj„�„°%%d�j,l1y, 1>iv�lil�'�i� /J sf/'` q d / I/r /i, i r�l �/�J9� / N 1��'� ° irk /� 1 1 uddlllluuiliNlllm � I'�fff0 II��� � w�r�m`,styi11'1 , ,,) ) vi; j ' PAW L GLEJ 'T%n 1�1 ro; Irl maou gigt 11 1,00 s" '1ST ���YYYVmoeolo %14� Irk �� 0111 NON lr 1111,111 0,4020, pronAAnerneVY PHASE I & II DOWNTOWN GOVERNMENT CENTER DRI DEVELOPMENT PLAN PHASE II DEVELOPMENT AREA �rl MnoWsw om, „"� • • • TABLE 1 DOWNTOWN GOVERNMENT CENTER DRI - REACTIVATION PROPOSED REDEFINED PHASE II DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TAG DESIGNATION OFFICE USE (S.F.) USE (S.F.) Parking B-lb C-3 ' E-1 E-2/P-1 P-3 Reserved for future Government Use Reserved for future Government Use County Administration Building Phase it Re -defined for future office Development Re -defined for future office Development 310,000 Subtotal Re -defined Phase II 1,500,000 310,000 N:ITRANP1AN1Projects\2C04117276.01 DGC-DR! Reactivai[Or erial&Densities\DGC DR! Workbook-r3 K&S.xls • 3_ UNIQUE DRI TRANSPORTATION EVALUATION PROCESS FOR DTGC-DRI For consistency, the DTGC-DRI analysis and traffic data will be structured in a manner that will enable reliance upon the substantial database used and approved in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II Update. This methodology used the City of Miami's adopted Transportation Corridor framework to identify transportation corridor deficiencies, develop multi -modal corridor improvements, options and costs, and established an Increment Il development mitigation fee to implement corridor improvements. Step 1. Establish Existing Corridor Conditions Existing traffic conditions were established on the downtown study area roadways (see Map J-1 B) and on corridors providing access to downtown by the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II, using the person -trip based corridor capacity methodology outlined in the Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000 (dated September 1990). The existing traffic conditions analysis identified person -trip volumes and person -trip capacities within the downtown study area, established existing person -trip demands and identified whether or not person -trip deficiencies exist. The evaluation of existing traffic conditions covered the peak hour period only, defined as the average of the two highest consecutive hours of trip volume during a weekday. Existing traffic conditions were analyzed during the peak season. An adopted standard of LOS E applies to the Transportation Corridors, as measured by the person -trip methodology. An update of the study corridors included within the downtown study area (and the person trip based corridor capacity methodology) was performed to identify the types of multi-modal/transit services currently in operation for each regional roadway facility in the downtown study area. The person -trip capacities and volumes for the study area roadways were developed using the guidelines and standards described on the following pages. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DRI Reactivation Methodology Letter of Understanding Revised April 15, 2005 -6- SR7/US4 Z NW 20 St, UcLi 6 Z NW ti u: NW 17 St NW1C St. NWBS NW 6 St_ NW 5 St. Flagter Dr, SW 1 St SW 7 St. SW 8 St SW10St z3 15 St. s.._ 14 tSt, NW 1. St.. .40 �J \G�2 Biscayne Not to Scab Bay Venetian Cswy. SE3St, 3 St 13 St icentenniallE Park Bayfronf / Park Blvd Way Brickell \ Key / i' CCarthar Cswy. Biscayne Bay Port of Miami WTrennlarAProjecls2PO4,17276.01 EDP Miami-L'a]e\ML9111 DOWNTOWN GOVERNMENT CENTER DR! - REACTIVATION Study Area Corridors r = KEITH and SCHNAPS, PA. ENGINEERS, PLANNERS, SURVEYORS MAP J-IB 4:15/04 -7- • • Person -Trip Capacity The calculation of the person -trip capacity for each of the study corridors was updated by the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II using the following general guidelines: • The vehicular capacity of each corridor was updated using one or more of the applicable methods: n The peak hour period maximum service volume consistent with the Miami -Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan, where specialized levels of service are granted to roadways adjacent to transit facilities; o ART -PLAN; o The 1998 FOOT LOS Handbook for roadways which are part of the Florida Intrastate Highway System (FINS), and which are not covered by the local government of jurisdiction's comprehensive plan; and o Other applicable provisions contained within the local government of jurisdiction's comprehensive plan. • Vehicle occupancy for the person -trip capacity calculations is based upon a comprehensive study performed for the City in 1989. The vehicle occupancy factor of 1.6 persons per vehicle is approved for use as the practical capacity of a private passenger vehicle (see Rule 9J-5.007-8(3)) to determine the person -trip capacity of the vehicular traffic system as demonstrated in the City's corridor methodology and in the adopted City comprehensive plan • The fixed rail transit capacity for each corridor was updated based upon the number of transit vehicles per hour and the person -trip capacity of each transit vehicle. Pursuant to Rule 9J-5.007-8(3), the maximum person -load for a rapid rail transit vehicle (operating with a minimum of 20 minute headways) shall not exceed 130% of the seated load. • The rubber tire (bus) transit capacity for each corridor was updated based upon the number of transit vehicles per hour and the person -trip capacity of each transit vehicle. Rubber tire transit capacity will include regularly scheduled transit service only subject to MDTA guidance or operation. Pursuant to Rule 9J-5.007-8(3). the maximum person -load for a local bus transit vehicle (operating with a minimum of 20 minute headways) shall not exceed 150% of the seated load. Pursuant to Rule 9J-5.007-8(3), the maximum person -load for an express bus transit vehicle (operating with a minimum of 20 minute headways) shall not exceed 125% of the seated load. • Bicycle and pedestrian capacity will be incorporated into the corridor methodology for those .roadways identified with deficient person -trip capacity (from the existing conditions analysis), which are significantly impacted by the project. Person -Trip Volumes The calculation of the person -trip volumes for each of the study corridors was updated by the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II using the following general guidelines: Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DR] Reactivation Methodology Letter of Understanding Revised April 15, 2005 -8- • • • • The peak hour period vehicular volumes were updated using counts obtained from Miami - Dade County and FDOT traffic count data. Additional traffic data was collected by the Downtown Miami DRl Increment it applicant and the MDTMP on study corridors where count data was not available. Link volumes were collected consistent with FDOT standard practices and adjusted to peak season traffic conditions (for the peak hour period) using seasonal adjustment factors provided by FDOT District 6. • Vehicle occupancy is based upon a comprehensive study performed for the City in 1989. The vehicle occupancy factor of 1.4 persons per vehicle is already approved for use to determine person trips from existing vehicular traffic as demonstrated in the City's corridor methodology and in the adopted City comprehensive plan. • The fixed rail transit ridership was updated using data from MDTA. • The rubber tire bus transit ridership was updated using data from MDTA. Available Person -Trip Capacity The available person -trip capacity for each corridor consistent with the Downtown Miami DR1 Increment II has been identified based upon the following: • Person Trip Capacity — Person Trip Volume = Available Person Trip Capacity • A general level of service designation (as outlined in the Transportation Corridors Methodology) has been provided for each study corridor based upon the calculated available person trip capacity consistent with the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II. Step 2: Person -Trip Generation For DTGC-DRI In order to determine the extent to which the DTGC-DRI development program will impact the roadway corridors in the downtown study area, project significance will be established using the person -trip as the unit of measure. Person -trip generation will be developed for the DTGC-DRI consistent with the methodology for the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II. The DTGC-DRI person trips for the total development program will be assigned to the downtown study area corridors using the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 1 distribution percentages. Corridor significance will be evaluated based upon the 5% rule using person -trip impacts against person -trip capacity. Finally, a determination will be made to indicate whether or not the DTGC-DRI person -trips significantly impact a deficient corridor. Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DR€ Reactivation Methodology Letter of Understanding Revised April 15, 2005 -9- • • • The DTGC-DRI development program consists of government office and it is served by an extensive mass transit system due to its close proximity to Metro -rail, Metro -mover and rubber tire bus routes. The mixture of land uses surrounding the DTGC-DRI and the true urban downtown setting increases the opportunity for pedestrian trip modes. Project trip generation for the DTGC-DRI will be based on the calculation of person trips within the boundaries of the DRI. The vehicle trips generated by the DTGC-DRI will be converted to person -trips using the following procedures consistent with the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II: • Determine the vehicular trip generation using ITB rates or formulas as used in the Downtown Miami DRI increment II for office land use and convert to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The DTGC-DRI is located within the Downtown Miami DR' Increment II CBD sub -area; therefore, internalization as established in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II derived using modeling - within each TAZ and within and between areas Omni, CBD, Brickell will be applied. • Person -trip allocations to rail and rubber tire transit modes, pedestrian modes and bicycle modes as determined in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II; • Calculate the person trips for the DTGC-DRI. Project Distribution And Assignment The project distribution assignment for the roadway network shall be consistent with the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II and will then layer the DTGC-DRI development project traffic over background plus committed development traffic. Step 3: Corridors The person -trip background traffic growth as forecasted by the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 shall be used for the DTGC-DRI build -out year of 2009. Modeling was utilized to forecast the vehicular growth traversing the study area, which was then converted to person -trips using the vehicle occupancy of 1.4 persons per vehicle. In addition to the person -trip impacts of committed development already incorporated to the background growth traffic by the Downtown Miami DRI Increment I! (un-built Increment I minus the un-built DTGC-DRI and Southeast Overtown Park West), the development level of the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II will be incorporated as part of the background growth plus committed development traffic. The un-built DTGC-DR1 person -trips Establish Future Traffic Conditions for Significantly Impacted Deficient Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DRI Reactivation Methodology Letter of Understanding Revised Aprfi 1 5, 2005 -10- • • will then be incorporated to establish total future background person -trip conditions to determine the significantly impacted and deficient corridors. Intersections located within and/or at the ends of significantly impacted and deficient corridors will be analyzed using FDOT approved methods. Step 4: Identify Significantly Impacted Corridors Provide a listing of significantly impacted and deficient corridors resulting from the analysis. Step 5: Develop implementabfe Mitigation Strategies for Significantly Impacted Deficient Corridors Pursuant to the person -trip based corridors methodology which accounts for the corridor's ability to move people by many transportation modes (via fixed rail transit, rubber tire transit, standard motorized vehicles; bicycles and pedestrians), mitigation will be developed which encourages greater efficiency and usage of underutilized components of the downtown Miami multi -modal transportation system. Multi -modal mobility options will be incorporated into proposed mitigation strategies. Mitigation costs will be established to develop a mitigation fee. The mitigation for the DTGC-DRi will likely focus specifically on the provision of corridor enhancements for the pedestrian to further encourage the use of fixed rail transit, rubber tire transit and increased pedestrian activity as the preferred travel modes into, out of and within the project area. Implementation of this type of mitigation (or similar multi -modal improvements) shall follow the general guidelines outlined below: • The City!DDA shall identify those corridors, which would benefit from corridor enhancements for the pedestrian. Each corridor must provide pedestrian connections that either link pedestrians to fixed rail transit stations or rubber tire transit stops or link pedestrians to residential and employment land uses. • The City/DDA shall determine the estimated costs per linear foot for corridor enhancements for the pedestrian. Total corridor enhancement costs will be used to develop a DRI mitigation fee for the D T GC- DRI development program for the Downtown Miami DRI. N:ATRANPLANIProjects\2©D4\17276.01 DGC-DRi ReaotivatianyMLOU MLOU 4-15-05.doC Downtown Development Authority Downtown Government Center DRI Reactivation Methodology Letter of Understanding Revised April 15, 2005 -11-