HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 1Civil Citation Grant Application Please indicate funding source sought: Funding: Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (July 1, 2005 —June 30, 2006) Due ® New Civil Citation Project 6/24/2005 Civil Citation Enhancement Project Government Agency Name: City of Miami Police Department Project Name: Miami Civil Citation Program (MCCP) County: Miami -Dade County Judicial Circuit: 1Circuit Deliver applications to: Ms. Marie Boswell, 18425 Northwest 2"d Avenue, Room 37, 2"d Floor, Miami, Florida 33169 cccsoopy SECTION A. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Project Name Miami Civil Citation Program (MCCP) 2. Amount of Grant Funds Requested $50,000 SECTION 8, AGENCY INFORMATION 1, Agency Name & Contact Name The City of Miami, City of Miami Police Department Commander Steve Caceres 2. Street Address 3. Mailing Address 400 NW 2"d Avenue 1 400 NW 2nd Avenue 4. City Miami, Ft- 5. Zip Code 33128 6, Area Code, Telephone Number & Extension of 7. Area Code & Fax Number Contact Person (305) 579-6634 (305) 579-6413 8. Federal Identification Number 59-6000375 9 Function (check one) • Law Enforcement o Schools o Court o Prosecution o Diversion o Probation o Social Service o Other: 10 Name of Fiscal Officer Commander Steve Caceres Strategic Planning and Research Unit 12. Name of Sub -grantee Agency if Applicable N/A 11, • Fiscal Officer's Area Code, Telephone Number & Extension (305) 579-6413 13. Mailing Address for Sub -grantee Agency if Applicable NIA SECTION C. CERTIFICATION I do hereby certify that all facts, figures, and representations made)i the application are true and correct. Furthermore, all applicable statutes, terms, conditions,/regulations, and procedures for project compliance and fiscal control will be implemented to ensure proper accountability of grant funds. I certify that -the funds requested in this application will not supplant funds that would otherwise be used (or the purposes set forth in this project, The filing of this application has been authorized by the contracting entity and I have been duly authorized to act as the representative of the agency in connection with this application. I also agree to follow all terms, conditions, and applicable federal and state statutes. Robeuano Typ ial's N Director of Grants Administration Authorized Official's Title June 14, 2005 A orized Official's Signature Date SECTION D. PROPOSAL SUMMARY 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW (50. words or less) This project will assist first-time youth offenders in addressing issues related to their behaviors through counseling, educational support, life skills training, and community service / learning experiences The program provides a comprehensive intervention technique to prevent first-time offenders' future arrests and involvement in criminal activity while improving behaviors and attitudes. 2. THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS (Select only one): New Civil Citation Project ❑ Civil Citation Enhancement 3. ESTIMATED NUMBER OF YOUTH TO BE SERVED: 60 4. TOTAL AMOUNT OF FUNDS REQUESTED: $50,000 5.• COST PER PARTICIPANT: $833 6. DOES YOUR PROJECT INTEND TO ADDRESS SUBSTANCE ABUSE ISSUES? X Yes No 7. WHAT RESOURCES WILL BE USED IN ADDRESSING SUBSTANCE ABUSE ISSUES? The City of Miami Police Department (MPD) currently tackle juvenile drug related issues through the intervention of its 10 GANG Detail Police Officers through drug counseling sessions, presentation of DARE Seminars, implementation of the GREAT and CHOICE programs, and orientation to parents and elders 8. ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETERS IDENTIFIED BY GENDER, RACE, ETHNICITY & AGE: Gender Male Estimated Percentage Total 80% Female 20% 100% Race Estimated Percentage Total Caucasian 35 African -American 60 Alaskan Native 0 American Indian 0 Asian 5 Pacific Islander 0 100% Ethnicity Non -Hispanic Estimated Percentage 50 Hispanic 40 Haitian 10 Jamaican Total 100% Age Estimated Percentage Total Age 7-15 80 Age 16-17 20 100% SECTION E.1. STATEMENT OF NEED. What is the problem? (Do nct exceed one page) Day after day, it becomes more difficult to involve our City youth in activities that help them build self-esteem and prepare them for a better future. They are surrounded, and in many instances directly influenced by friends involved in gangs, drugs, and violence in general. Some areas in the City of Miami rank among the county's highest in juvenile arrests, criminal investigations, infant deaths, poverty: repeal teen pregnancies, use of alcohol, drug abuse, mental health services, and recipients of food stamps and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) More than two out of every five Miamians lack a high school diploma, with more than fifty percent (50°10) of those non -graduates having failed to complete the ninth grade. Not surprisingly, Miami s unemployment rate is seven percent (7%) The City needs to deal with risk factors, including community factors like "Extreme Economic and Social Deprivation" and "Availability of Drugs." The median family income in Miami ($27,225) is nearly half the national average ($50,046) Seventy-five percent (75%) of low-income families are living in substandard or overcrowded housing (U.S. Census, 2000). Disproportionate growth and violence of gangs is now a major concern of taw -abiding citizens. The number of cities reporting gangs went from 270 in 1970 to more than 2,500 in 1998, an increase of about 800 percent (hIlp://www.heritage.orq/Research/LatinAmerica/ finl). In 2002, the National Youth Gang Survey (NYGS) estimated that there were 21,500 gangs and 731,500 active gang members in the United States. According to the Florida Department of Corrections, "...Hundreds of local gangs have been identified in every city from Pensacola to the Florida Keys. Gangs establish theft reputation by the types or severity of the crimes they commit. The more heinous the crime, the more "juice" or reputation the gang gets. In the seedy street gang world, the more 'juice" you get the more respect you gel..." Miami is one of the lop ten most dangerous cities in the country (FBI, 2001). Drugs are easily accessible in our City, and gang involvement is a significant component. The recent arrest of a gang leader who trafficked in crack and powder cocaine, marijuana and heroin led to former gang members testifying to murdering rival gang members for control of the local drug trade, shooting each other and many innocents who got in the way (The Miami Herald, 1/24/04). One of those innocents was 10-year•old Jarobe Brooks, killed by a stray bullet fired a block away during a shootout on a corner authorities claim is a "known drug hole" (The Miami Herald, 1/11/04). Other risk factors include school problems like "lack of commitment to school" and "academic failure." Statistics show that poor and minority students are at a much higher risk of dropping out of high school. Statistics show that forty-seven percent (47%) of Miami residents never received a high school diploma and twenty-four percent (24%) dropped out by 91" grade. Dropouts are more likely 10 be unemployed than those who graduate. Dropouts are more likely to receive public assistance than graduates. Sixty eight percent (68%) of prison inmates are high school dropouts. Since 2001, the City of Miami has expanded its effort in dealing with at -risk youth. It has provided an alternative to our children by partnering with Community Organizations and implementing new programs such as Gang Resistance, • Education and Training (GREAT) and Service Learning enabling thousands of at -risk youth to achieve positive. self expression, increase their academic competence, and most important of all avoid criminal.behavior. Civil Citation will incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to treat social and educational problems in 6mbinalfon with the traditionat community service requiremer ts. II will enable elementary, middle and high school students (ages 10-17) to understand the connection between illegal'actions and the consequences that follow to minimize a recurrence of illegal behavior. This program will target juveniles in Model City, Allapallah, E. Little Havana, and Little Haiti, located in zip codes 33142, 33147, and 33150. These neighborhoods are identified by Florida DJJ as communities where most juvenile delinquent youth reside, and ranked 1, 2, and 3 in Miami -Dade County, as the ones with the most number of delinquency charges, delinquency referrals, and the number of youth living in the zip code referred 10 DJJ for a delinquency offense. SECTION E.2. PROJECT PROPOSAL. What do you plan to do tc address the prohem? Be specific. (Do not exceed two pages) Describe the specific services to be delivered This project will assist first -lime youth offenders in addressing issues related to their behaviors through counseling, educational support, life skills training, and community service / learning experiences The program provides a comprehensive intervention technique to prevent future arrests and involvement in criminal activity and improve behaviors and attitudes. The following services will be offered to first -lime offenders as part of the City of Miami Civil Citation Program, and following the guidelines of Florida statute 9E5.301: Impact of Crime: This component will be implemented Through education and mentoring activities provided by police officers. Real life scenarios will be presented thal will clearly demonstrate the ill consequences of crime for both offenders and victims. .Police officers, along with the offenders and their families, will analyze the severity and impact of their actions, and will look for a way to demonstrate the consequences of their acts. Life Skills Training: The life skills training component will be integrated into the program for the purpose of engaging the participants in activities That further develop their educational and social skills. Emphasis will be placed on the reduction of crisis, crime, and/or delinquency involvement. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) will be contracted to provide additional services that include education, role modeling, advocacy for families and the teaching of techniques intended to improve communications skills. The provider will help families to gain access to community resources lhal the family or youth are entitled to and which will assist the family in meeting its needs and the needs of their youth, Counseling:. ;The City of Miami .Civil Citation Program will help resolve individual and family problems having a negative impact on.lifie youth through the provision of therapeutic services using a LCSW and/or a Licensed Occupational Therapist (LOT). Services will include: 1.- Individual and group counseling; 2.- Vocational counseling and preparation; 3.- Identification and treatment of alcohol and substance abuse; 4 - Social skills training and interpersonal problem solving including family conflict resolution; and 5.- Training in moral reasoning and decision making. The provider will present the participants with a variety of positive and challenging learning experiences that are designed to increase their social responsibility and awareness. Community Service: Community service hours will be assigned to every youth participating in the Civil Citation program. Participants will be required to give back to the community by participating in clean-up efforts and donating lime to City departments in• need of volunteers, such as the MPD, Miami Department of Fire Rescue, Parks and Recreation Department, the City Marinas, among others. During their services, they will be able la learn specific task performed by city employees, and relate to the functions and benefits different city organizations provides to the community. They will also be involved in field trips organized and coordinated by the police officers. The field trips will allow them to engage in different activities to benefit non-profit organizations servinrvictims of crimes in the Community. The community service and field trips will allow juveniles to develop relationships/with Cily departments, organizations and/or their victims and restilute them with their service hours. Describe the frequency of each service to be provided (add rows as needed): Services Times Days Months tmpacl of Crime 4:00 - 7:00 PM Mon/Wed/Fri 12 Life Skills Training 4:00 - 7:00 PM Mon/Wed/Fri 12 Counseling 4:00 - 7:00 PM Mon/Wed/Fri 12 Community Services/Field Trips 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturdays 12 Describe how long each youth will be expected to participate in the project: Juveniles will be assigned a minimum of 25 community hours and a maximum of 50. The number of hours to be completed will be determined by the police officer based on the statutory requirements of the program. Upon completion of the community service assignment, the youth will be evaluated by the Social Worker 10 determine whether extending the original assignment is necessary and beneficial to the youth. Describe how you youth will be identified or referred to project. The MPD has adopted a policy specific to the City of Miami Civil Citation program. According to this policy, juvenile offenders are referred to the program by the issuance of a Civil Citation form, This form is distributed to (he offender and the victim al the scene. The form is also used to direct the juvenile 10 report to a specified location at a predetermined day and time 10 begin his/her assignment. The Miami Police Department is currently working with the Miami -Dade County Public School system as well as the local Department of Juvenile Justice and the Slate Attorney's Office to channel additional referrals Through these resources. The MPD will also be meeting with neighboring police departments to establish a partnership that will allow for the referral of additional participants from those areas. If project will provide or purchase ancillary services, describe how the project will screen and assess youth for services. The MPD will contract the professional services of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCWS) and/or a Licensed Occupational Therapist (LOT) to provide the assessment and counseling services in the program. The Police officers in conjunction with the LCWS will evaluate the offense committed by the juvenile and asses the number of activities (cou.nseling, impact of crime, life skills sessions, community service) to be completed by him/her. The MPD works in collaboration with other City Departments and several local non-profit organizations in need of volunteer labor to fulfill the juvenile's community service hours. These include organizations otherwise unable to pay for additional labor costs. Examples of organizations are the following: • Local churches • Police Officers / Police Department • Code Enforcement Division • Community -Based organizations SECTION E.3. PROJECT GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES. What is the proiect's primary goal, how will you measure its achievement (objectives), and what will you do to achieve it (strategies)? (Do not exceed one page) GOAL: To prevent first time offender juveniles from becoming repeat offenders STRATEGIES: ■ Involve youth offenders in activities that reduce criminal behavior, improve self-esteem, and teach juveniles skills that help them maintain a crime -free life MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: o 100% of participants will attend mandatory counseling sessions with LCSW and/or LOT o 90% of participants will attend field trips sessions organized and conducted by police officers STRATEGIES: ■ The LCSW / LOT will implement life skills training to help improve a youth's behavior outside the classroom and in the community. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: • o 90 % of participants will successfully complete Life Skills training sessions. STRATEGIES: The MPD will help youths 10 live crime free by providing social support and cultivating the concept of restitution. MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES: o 100 % of participants engage in community service and/or filed trip activities. o 90 % of participants will successfully complete their community service and/or field Trip assignments. SECTION E.4, COLLABORATION, What other agencies will work with you, what role or services vc-rll they provide to help your project succeed? Be specific. (Do not exceed one page) The Civil Citation Program will function, coordinate and collaborate services with existing MPD programs However, several other partners will be included that «till provide additional assistance, These crucial partners include the following: ■ The City of Miami Public Schools and MPD are already active partners in other activities.• The MPD will c,:liaborate with elementary and middle schools in the area in an efforl to serve the student body population involved in crime activities. Teachers and counselors will be kept abreast of the youth's progress in the civil Citation program. Likewise, the youth's leacher or counselor will provide — with the youth's parent permission access to grade and conduct reports, so that an informed decision can be made as to (he youth's progress and success or need of additional attention and required participation. ■ The MPD will hire the services of a LCSW and/or LOT who wilt become an integral part of the Civil Citation program, helping both youth with emotional and/or behavioral issues as well as the parents and families of these youths. ■ As mandatory partners, the Chief Judge, Stale Attorney, Public Defender, and the local Department of Juvenile Justice have also been approached about providing additional referrals. City of Miami organizations such as Department of Fire Rescue, Parks and Recreation Department, City Marina among others. By serving with City organizations, juveniles will become familiar with many of the services the local government provides fo the community. It will allow juveniles to establish a relationship with different organization and possibly create an interest in the juvenile to follow a career in public service. • Local Churches, Faith -based and Community Based organizations will also be involved in the program offering opportunities to involve the participants in community service activities that provide a meaningful contribution to society and increase the participants' sense of humanitarian relief and assistance. In addition to the above mentioned partners, Iwo other City/Police organizations can be invaluable to the success of the program: ■ The Miami Police Athletic League (PAL) provides year-round coaching and menloring to youths of all ages in several different sports. With the assistance of Police Officers and volunteers, PAL implements different programs 10 empower our youth to keep themselves out of trouble, and provide a different alternative so they can succeed. ■ The MPD's GREAT and CHOICE programs, which are run by the Gang Detail Unit has proven to be successful programs in the community, allowing police to improve their relationship with hundreds of juveniles they serve, Through these programs, juveniles receive menloring and learn discipline, take part in volunteer activities such as weekend camping and other field trips. They also learn to prepare for college as well as the work force. A big percentage of juveniles participating in the MPD programs have turned their lives around and avoided lives of crime. Some of them have even become police officers. / Once a referral regarding -a first -lime offender is made, the youth can volunteer for one or both of these programs upon completing of the Civil 6ilalion program. The MPD leaves no stone unturned in their effort to provide positive, alternative activities by which to boost our youths' self-esteem and keep them out of trouble. SECTION E.5. PROJECT EVALUATION. How will you know if your project works? (Do not , xceed one page) 85% of youth who complete the project should remain crime free for six months. What additional outcomes will the project measure and how will you measure them? The MPD Civil Citation program will provide a comprehensive methodology to promote crime prevention diversion, which includes initial post -graduation assessmenls of each participant. The assessment will specific are • The reduction in the number of repeat offenders through the collection of reports from the MPD. ■ The number of community service hours performed • The participation of children in meaningful life -skips seminars and valuable lessons • The improvement in the overall well-being of the child and his adjustment to his/her environment. The assessment will be conducted by the LCSW/LOT, and will provide an effective tool for assessing the success in preventing future crimes as well as provide basis for identifying the weaknesses of the program and implementing new measures. Once registered in the program, the juvenile will answer a mandatory self assessment questionnaire, which .' collected by the LOWS and place in the juvenile file. The self assessment questionnaire in conjunction with the Ci• . Citation report form will provide a starling point to gather information and data about the situation of the juvenile. program progresses .and the juvenile fulfil the mandatory counseling and community service sessions, the LCSW v' conduct interviews and record juvenile's responses, tracking his/her progress, and the effectiveness of the conduc session. An exit interview will be conducted to record the juvenile's and relative's opinion of the program. Their ansv:r will lead to possible measures to improve the effectiveness of the Civil Citation Program. SECTION E.6. TIMELINE Activity Month: Project Planning Recruit/Hire/Train Volunteers and Stakeholders A U G S E P 0 C T N 0 V D E C J A N Accept youth referrals Begin project operations Submit Reimbursement/Invoice Requests x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Collect Data for Quarterly Reports Collect Project -Specific Data for Evaluation x x x x x x x x SECTION E.7. BUDGET SUMMARY. What are the project costs? NOTE: Complete detailed budget worksheet (Section E.8.) before filling in the necessary information for this section. Column A Budget Category Column B Grant Funds Requested Column C Local Match Contribution Column D Total Project Budget $28,844.00 Personnel $8,500.00 $37,344.00 $10,320.00 Contractual Staff/Services/Consultant $1,500.00 $11,820.00 $1,000.00 Equipment ($1000 or more) $0.00 $3,500.00 $7,335.00 Expenses $0.00 $7,335.00 $2,500.00 Indirect (5% max.) $ 0.00 For each budget category in Column C, indicate The source of the Local Match Contribution' $2,500.00 Budget Category Personnel City of Miami Source of Local Match Contribution Contractual StafflServiceslConsultants In -Kind Equipment ($500 or more) .-Expenses Indirect (5% max.) N/A N/A N/A 'Refer to instructions for match requirements. :TION E.8. BUDGET NARRATIVE. rsonnel: List each position by title a(d name of employee (if available) Show the annual salary rate i the percentage of time to be devoted tb the project. Compensation paid for employees engaged in grant ivities must be consistent with that paid for similar work within the applicant organization_ Include detail lude formula used to calculate benefits. Also include position description :and 3'Ffrtirrii rn regUiremehts. me/Position Computation Cost i Ion Montes de Oca Sgt- Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 • Abad Ofc. Avg_ 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 niel Bernabe Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 Diaz Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 ge Sanchez Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 red Bryant Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 thony Perez Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 uardo Roque Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 ter Rosario Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 be designated Avg. 97.20 hours OT @ $38.42 = $3,734.40 ringe benefits included. rtified Police Officers from the GANG Detail Unit to implement Civil Citation Program ntractual Staff/Services/Consultants: For each contractual staff, consultant, or Contracted rvice, enter the name, if known, the service to be provided, hourly or daily fee (based on 8-hour day), and timated time on the project (Consultant fees in excess of $250 per day require additional justification and or approval from your Grant Manager.) me of Consultant Service Provided Computation Cost ndra Garcia Amount Paid with Grant Funds $28,844.00 Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) SW / LOT to provide assessment, consulting services, mentoring and training sessions 0 00 to juveniles and it family and relatives, if needed. quipment ($1000 or more): Itemize non -expendable items to be purchased or leased with grant nds (tangible property having a useful life of more than one year and having an acquisition cost of $1000 or c"^ per 7escrit,^ or �-'r - �� _r: . t} ed leased alai ' • ;hn - $10,320.00 Amount Paid with Local Match $8,500.00 $1,500.00 Dtop Computer ' $1,000.00 $1,000.00 (Purchased) s year the department anticipates purchasing another laptop computer and one color printer. The laptop nputer will be used for program training. The color printer will be used to print flyers and pamphlets used as 1 of the program. It will also be used to print the certificates given to each juvenile at the end of the grant. :penses: itemize expendable items to be purchased. .or leased with.:grant funds ar d show the basis for -nputation Include expenses such as office supplies, postage, training materials copy paper. and pendable 'terns costing less than $1000 such as books, tape recorders, rent, telephone, utilities, copying, vel, training/seminars, and field trips Generally, supplies include any materials that are expendable or nsumed during the course of the project Expense Items QUANTITY COST TOTAL COST aint Rollers 30 $4.00 $ 120.OD ynthetic roller cover 60 $3.00 $180.00 'isposable paint tray 60 $3A0 $180.00 aint ( 5 Gallon Buckets) 20 $45.00 $900.00 ;loves 20 $2.25 $45.00 'rogram T-Shirts 150 $5.00 $75D_Oa :ags ( Box) 20 $15.00 $300.00 'aint Brushes 60 $2.50 $150.00 screening Process for officers 10 $50.00 $500.00 Total $3,135.00 Field Trips (12) Cost 1 Each Total ransporlation $ 200.00 ;nacks / Drinks$2.417�.00 $ \0.Q0 $1,800.00 Total $4,200.00 '. Field Trips coordinated by the Police officers to perform team building and community services activities. Idirect: Indirect rate is limited to 5% of the requested amount. direct Rate cost of $2,500.00 (5% of requested amount $49,999.00) $1,000.00 $7,335.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00