Date: July 18, 2005 Department/Division: Finance
Department Contact Name/Number: Diana Gomez — 416-1324
Bid/Contract Number: 04-05-096
Summary/Description of Purchase:
Sr. Buyer: Maritza Suarez
Asset Inventory, Tagging and Appraisal of Machinery and Equipment
A contract for asset inventory, tagging and appraisal services
Justification for Award/Contract: of machinery and equipment with Hirons & Associates, Inc. is
needed to provide a physical inventory of all City owned machinery and equipment. Conducting
this physical inventory is an integral part of migrating accurate and complete fixed asset
data into the new ERP system as well as curing audit findings related to fixed assets.
On June 21. 2005. the Purchasing Department the bid to fift, three (53) vendors. At bid opening
four (4) vendors had responded, one (1) was deemed unresponsive and three (3) were included in
the bid tabulations. Hiron's & Associates, Inc. was the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.
Type of Contract: Method of Purchase:
❑ Single Purchase ® Formal Bid (include bid tabulation)
Short -Term Contract ❑ Competitive Negotiation (include documentation)
❑ Lease ❑ Other Governmental Contracts (include documentation)
❑ Term Contract
❑ Contract Increase
Contract Period
Recommended Vendor(s):
Hirons & Associates, Inc.
MWBE/Location Status: Award/Contract Value
Non-Minority/Non-Local $64,900.00
Total Value of Award/Contract (including value associated with potential OTR):
Award Recommended By:
Source(s) of Funds:
Account Code(s):
Dep ent Director ignee n e
Ec/r0 cp_ s/4/4 e,./P24.--/
Funding Approval:
Certified By:
Chief Procurement Officer/Designee
City Manager Date