HomeMy WebLinkAboutInternal Improvement[MAGE01 ; EL-03-52750-2 03/25/2003 4-19:37pm
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Zl(oW ALL WRIT IT TliM 7$.mJlTB: That the anlenitsid, de Truism of tie laterite, improve.
' meet Paid of the State si Florida sador.aad by virtue ut lie authority of Section Mid F1oriJa Statutes,
1S-11, eid,/asordise to phi prsrW i u sad prwodero prot•idsd ter in Notion 415.3.13, Florida Stemma 1141, aid
to; and is eaoeidoration at the sew ei...T�$..14a..4�laR!�cQ�..1iRXLi�/,._...RthSL..co9d .And . ._ .
valu fbla �o..._nr.1. to thew la head paid er ..._CIT7f ..GP. Y1,ns ........._. ,...,..,.
Page 1of2
_i1a,Qe • 1'iiii.I , }'Iarl.la, rrrrir.p of r hi.•h h.rr6v Aelit..•u lyda rd, fu,vr ►ruth,11.
a;winnl, :nlri and ru„r.•.r.l u, Iht staid . . CITY OP 1tILKi
111.11 .L I. suetesanra tad= Anal :rrlKrr, rorrrrr, Ike I..i.
L•.►inlr de+rrilrn! Isage Ie..rit:
All that submerged and partially au!nergod land In Sections 2:
and 22, 23, 26, 27 and 35, Township 5!; South, kanco 61 most,
described as follower
Bounded an the Northwest by tho United Sta.es Piur-
head arid .Sulkhead Line as established rlonr. tr.:
wosterly side of Biscayne Bay;
Oaundod on the Northeast by th,. Southeasterly p:•o-
dtic•tion of the Mortheastorly rt nt.-af-way lino of
Kirk Street;
bounded on the Southwest by till/ 3wtheesterly Pro-
c•tctiott of the Suuthwestsrly boundary of tact tract
of land Marked °John Si. Hopkins' Lot, Lake Pl.'cld
School" according to the Plat of tho John ... Nopkins
Lake Placid School Property. isn recorded In Plat oo:c
6 of page 152 of the Public R•cc.rds of Lade County,
Pl and&;
hounded on the Southeast by thltt land which le con -
'latently core than 6 feet bolus• the paean-los-water
surface of Blown, Bay.
PROVIDED, rRC,(EVSR, anything herein 1•o the contrary notwithstanding.
this dead is given and granted upon the express condition subsequent
that the Granges herein or its Successors and assigns shall neyer
sell or convey. or laase•the •ibove•deser•ibei londar any• part there
Of CO arty private person,: firm or corporation for any privet* 'use •
'or purpose, it beingthet intantior. c.f *t•,:a rsitriction caat•.t'se
Bald lands shall be used solely for public purposes, includin,
rusticipal purposes and not. otherwise.
PROVIDED, FZURTEVR, anything herein to the contrary notsiti,stariln,
this deed is given and granted upon the further asp rest condition
subsequent that the r'i entr• herein •nr its success:re or asalgts
shall not giro or grant any license or permit to any private per-
son, that or corporation to construct or make by any r..aana, nny
islands, fills, embankments, structures, buildings or other similar
tliinga within or upon the above described lands or any part there-
ot for any private use or purpose, so distinguished from any public
or municipal use or purpose
It is covenanted and agreed that tko Above conditions subsequent
shall run •ith tea land utd anar violation thereof shall render this
deed null and•void,and•the above dt.icri!•ed lands &hull, in such
event. revert to the •Orentors or UAW successors.
Exhibit "A"
IMAGE01 : FL-03-52750-2 03/25/2003 r-.9:31pen
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TO GATE AND TO BOLO Oar said skive sorritiosed aid dissTibrd land and ynrsisen and all Gas lids and r:
imarrst • tbs Trusters thirds iiirslited io this by &limn 2CO.rf,, Fltrida Sialutts, 041. unto tits
•••••• • •••. • -••••• ••••.•-•••. • ••-•••••
*Asp and ssalgun fortver.
SAVING AND RESERVING unto she TniNife", of the Isternsl latprovroissi Pond of risrldssad ibrir sus. .•
er.00ro., an undivided Iiirre-fouritia inirrrid in soil idis iKami to se undivided thrao4stariba hasn't is all oho
phomphair, Ninon& sad most' that an sr ay bip Inen or sailor Itio said above dnieribed lands. and In timid.
oor.botit intrrrei jo aml 'III In Hui is in itiiiliviiird,ort.balf inierrot is all the prtraitrtum that is or may be
jai or under Ihr ash) abort drooribril loud.. with thr privilego to whir sad drvolop the oasts.
wirom witratr.01:. The Triode... of iiir blunts( improvement Vinod of Ihr Stile of Pierian bows
itervuilin rutrourihrt1 their moire mitt rfflattl Ihrir arida. 4;41 ho,tr roused Ihr aro) of Ihr ino.PAHVMENT
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