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Traffic Impact Analysis
04/27/2005 10:02 3054444986 DAVID PLUMMERANDASSO 04/27/2003 09:40 PAX URS PAGE 02 hoot/O02 • • • US April 27, 2005 Ms. Lilia I. Medina, MCP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami. Office of the City Menriger/Transportation 444 SW 2rg Avenue (10Ih Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Park Plate at Brick 1I (WO # 104) Sufficiency Lear Dear Ms. Medina: Via Fax and US Mail Subsequent to our March 21", 2005 review comments for the subject project, we have received a formal response from David Plummer and Associates Inc. (DPA) on April 18et 2005. Please note that the response latter from ©PA addresses all the comments from our office and Kittlesorf and Associates. The Florida Department of Transportation Planning Office is represented by Kiftlewn & Associates (KM). We have received a sufficiency letter (via e-mail) from K&A on April 22nd, 2005. Photocopies of both the response letter from DPA and e-mail from MA are attached herewith. At this time, we conclude that the traffic report along witft the subsequent submittal meet ail the traffic requiremente and the report is found to be sufficient. Should you have any questions, please call Quazi Masood or me at 954.739.1881. Attachment as Mr. Kahn Watford. Warmer 1. City of Miami Fax: 305.416.1443) Me. SOWS Shreflier-sogart, DPA, Maw 305.444.4986) URP Cerperatten Lakeshore Complex 5i00 NW 3 ! Aoktetue, Seim ISO Port Laueeteree. FL .117b Tel: 0e4.731*1 r x: 9e4.739.1TM • Park Place at Brickell Phase H Major Use Special Permit Traffic Impact Study • Prepared by: David Plummer & Associates, Inc. 1750 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 April 2005 DPA Project #04267 • • • Park Place al Brrckell Phase 11 A-21f_SP Traffic Impact Study LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Page 1 Location Map 3 2 2005 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 6 3 Existing Lane Configurations 8 4 Existing Corridor and Transit Conditions 9 5 Person -trip Volume and Capacity — Existing Conditions Matrix 11 6 2005 Intersection Capacity Analysis Results 12 7 Future Lane Configuration 15 8 Future PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes without Project 16 9 PM Peak Hour Project Trip Generation 18 10 Cardinal Distribution 19 11 PM Peak Hour Project Vehicular Trips Assignment 20 12 Person -trip Volume and Capacity — Future Conditions Matrix 22 13 Project PM Peak Hour Vehicular Volumes 23 14 Future with project PM Peak Hour Vehicular Volumes 24 15 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis 25 Page re Park Place al Brickell Phase 11 MUSP Traffic Impact Study • 1.0 INTRODUCTION Rilea Group is pursuing City of Miami approvals for the modification of a previously approved project located on the northwest corner of Brickell Avenue and SE 15 Road in Miami, Florida (see Exhibit 1). The original approval for Phase 11 was for approximately 400 dwelling units. Phase 1, a residential component of this project is under construction. The proposed Phase 11 project consists of 13,806 SF of retail space and 524,299 SF of office space. Primary access to the site is proposed on SE 15 Road via a two-way driveway. A secondary service driveway is located on Brickell Avenue. Build out of the project is anticipated by the year 2008. The subject site is located just within the limits of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI 1.1 Study Area Consistent with the approved methodology for this project (see Appendix A) the traffic study was performed for PM peak conditions. For traffic analysis purposes, the study area has been defined as SE/SW 7 Street to the north, SE/SW 26 Road to the south, SW 2 Avenue to the west, and Biscayne Bay to the east. Corridor capacity analysis was performed for Brickell Avenue and SW 15 Road. Intersection capacity analysis was performed for the following intersections: • SE 15 Road / Brickell Avenue • SE 14 Lane / Brickell Avenue • SE 14 Terrace / Brickell Avenue • SE 14 Street / Brickell Avenue • SE 15 Road / S Miami Avenue • SE 14 Street / S Miami Avenue Page 2 'AGLEf SE i ST SW Y S T PJ cE 2 ST cu_ 3 S7 22 S 57-1 F_ a S= SW 8 _5 T SW R ST SW 10 S T SW 11 ST f J LSE 4 ST / - / SW12ST t j Q �E SW 13 S T (CORAL WAY J / Q Sr 'PO* ----�_ j SW 14 S T S CAT 1 / if. PROJECT SITE N.i. S. PROJECT PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TITLE: LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT Np. Page 3 Park Place at Briekell Phase lI MUSP Traffic Impact Study • 1.2 Study Objective The objective of this traffic study is to assess possible PM peak hour impacts on the project area corridors using the person -trip corridor capacity method. This method is designed to meet the challenges posed by Florida's growth management laws: to promote compact urban development, discourage suburban sprawl and improve urban mobility. The method is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and promotes improved transportation efficiency through increased private vehicle occupancies, thus making mass transit a full partner in the urban transportation system. Page 4 Park Place at Brickell Phase 11 MUSPTrajic Impact Seedy • 2.0 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 2.1 Data Collection Data collection for this study included roadway characteristics, intersection data, intersection volumes, and signal timing. The data collection effort is described in detail in the following sections. 2.1.1 Roadway Characteristics Brickell Avenue Brickell Avenue (US-1) is a major arterial that provides north/south access throughout Downtown Miami. Brickell Avenue connects the Central Business District (CBD) with the financial and residential district on Brickell. Within the project area, Brickell Avenue is a two- way 4-lane, divided roadway. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. On -street parking is not permitted along Brickell Avenue within the study limits. SW 15 Road SW 15 Road is a local street which runs from SW 11 Street to Biscayne Bay. 15 Road is a two- way, two-lane divided roadway. On -street parking is prohibited west of Brickell Avenue; metered parking is provided on both sides from Brickell Avenue to the bay. There are no posted speed limit signs within the study area. 2.1.2 Traffic Counts Consistent with the methodology submitted to and approved by the City, peak period vehicle turning movement counts and 24-hour directional counts were collected at the intersections and segments under study. Seasonal adjustment factors were obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Traffic counts are included in Appendix B. Exhibit 2 shows the adjusted 2005 PM peak season, peak hour period traffic volumes at the study intersections. Page 5 Jpa PROJECT: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 2005 EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Evilan No. 2 Page 6 2 Park Noce at Brrckell Phrase Il MUST Trqffic Impact St idt • 2.1,3 Intersection Data A field survey was conducted to determine the lane configurations for the roadways and intersections under study. Existing signal timing data was obtained from Miami -Dade County for the analyzed intersection. Signal infoli ation is included in Appendix B. This information provided the signal phasing and timing used in the intersection capacity analysis. Exhibit 3 shows the existing lane configurations for the intersections and roadways studied. 2.2 Corridor Capacity Analysis Existing traffic conditions for the project area corridors have been established using the person - trip based corridor capacity method. The methodology for this analysis is outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The existing traffic conditions analysis identifies the person -trip volumes and person -trip capacities of the corridors, establishes existing person -trip usage and identifies whether or not person -trip deficiencies exist. An adopted standard of LOS E applies to the transportation corridors as measured by the person -trip method. The existing conditions analysis establishes the multi -modal corridor conditions within the project area. The person -trip capacities and volumes for the study corridors have been developed consistent with the approved methodology for this project as described below: Person -Trip Volumes Link volumes collected were adjusted to peak season traffic conditions using seasonal adjustment factors provided by FDOT. Peak hour maximum service volumes were obtained from FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook. Transit (bus and fixed rail) ridership and capacity were obtained from Increment II of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DM. An analysis of existing vehicle roadway and transit conditions is shown in Exhibit 4, supporting information included in Appendix C. Page 7 PROJECT: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY EXISTING LANE CONFIGURATION EXHIBIT Nu. 3 Page 8 • • Exhibit 4 Existing Corridor and Transit Conditions Corridor From To Roadway Conditions (vehicles) Transit Conditions {persona) Dir Existing Lanes Count Source! Period Raw PM Peak dour Volume Peak Season Factor PM Peak HOW Volume Dir Max Service Volume [1] Total Bus Ridership [2] Bus Capacity J2] Total Metrorail Ridership [2] Metrorait Capacity [2] Total Metromover Ridership [2] Metromover Capacity [2] Total Transit Ridership [2] Transit Capacity (21 BRICKELL AVENUE SE a STREET SE 13 STREET SE 13 STREET SE 15 ROAD SE 15 ROAD RICKENBACKER CSWY SE 15 ROAD SE 2 AVENUE S. MIAMI AVENUE S. MIAMI AVENUE BRICKELL AVENUE Hnina- NB SB NB SB NB SB EB WB EB WB 2LD 2LD 2LD 2LD 2LD 2L,0 1 LU 1LU 1LU 1LU DPA - PM DPA - PM DPA • PM DPA - PM DPA - PM DPA • PM DPA - PM DPA - PM DPA • PM DPA •PM 1115 1407 717 1240 694 1299 265 244 258 214 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1,02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1137 1435 731 1264 708 1325 270 248 263 218 1660 1660 1660 1660 1660 1860 850 850 850 850 523 416 523 416 523 416 0 0 0 0 1472 2252 1472 2252 1472 2252 0 0 0 0 0000 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 523 416 523 416 523 416 0 0 0 0 1472 2252 1472 2252 1472 2252 0 0 0 0 (1 ] Peak Hour Directional Maximun Service Volisnes are obtained from FDOT's Ouality/Level of Service Handbook (2) Transit and roadway intomtation obtained horn the Downtown Miami DRf Increment ff Pork Place at Brickell Phase 11 MUST Traffic lrnpact Study • Person -Trip Capacity Vehicle occupancy for the person -trip capacity calculations is based upon a comprehensive study performed for the City of Miami. The vehicle occupancy factor of 1.6 persons per vehicle is approved for use as the practical capacity of a private passenger vehicle to determine the person - trip capacity of the vehicular traffic system. Bus and fixed rail capacity for each corridor was determined based on the number of transit vehicles per hour and the person -trip capacity of each transit vehicle. This information was obtained directly from Increment II of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. Available Person -Trip Capacity The available person -trip capacity for each corridor is shown in Exhibit 5 based on the following: Person -trip capacity — Person -trip volume = Available Person -trip capacity. A general level of service designation is provided for each study corridor based on the calculated available person -trip capacity. A person -trip level of service look -up table was developed based on the ratios derived from the FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C). Based upon the person -trip evaluation for existing traffic conditions, no study corridor operates below the acceptable "person -trip" level of service standards. Page 10 • • • Exhibit 5 Person -Trip Volume and Capacity Existing Conditions Matrix Roadway Mode ` Transit Mode Segment Total (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h) (i) (l) (k) {l) Roadway Pers-Trip Roadway Pers-Trip Excess Total Total Pers•Trip Segment Segment Pers-Trip Segment Corridor Dir Vehicular Capacity Vehicular Volume Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Pers•Trip Excess Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Excess Person Trip Capacity ©PPVW1,6 Volume OPPV=1.4 Capacity Capacity Volume Capacity Capacity Volume Capacity v/c LOS From To , (a) ` 1.6 (c) ' 1.4 (b) - (d) (f)-(g) (b)+(f) (d)+(g) (i)-(j) (j)/(i) BRICKELL AVENUE fit I21 l3) [41 [51 161 171 SE 8 STREET SE 13 STREET NB 1660 2656 1137 1592 1064 1472 523 949 4128 2115 2013 0.51 D SS 1660 2656 1435 2008 648 2252 416 1836 4908 2424 2484 0.49 D SE 13 STREET SE 15 ROAD NB 1660 2656 731 1023 1633 1472 523 949 4128 1546 2582 0.37 C SS 1660 2656 1264 1770 886 2252 416 1836 4908 2186 2722 0.45 D SE 15 ROAD R[CKENBACKER CSWY NB 1660 2656 708 991 1665 1472 523 949 4128 1514 2614 0.37 C SS 1660 2656 1325 1855 801 2252 416 1836 4908 2271 2637 0.46 D SE 15 ROAD SE 2 AVENUE S. MIAMI AVENUE EB 850 1360 270 378 982 0 0 0 1360 378 982 0.28 C WB 850 1360 248 348 1012 0 0 0 1360 348 1012 0.26 C S. MIAMI AVENUE BRICKELL AVENUE EB 850 1360 263 368 992 0 0 0 1360 368 992 0.27 C WB 850 1360 218 305 1055 0 0 0 s 1360 305 1055 1 0.22 C Notes: [1 ] The Roadway Vehicular Capacity is obtained from Exhibit 4, [2] Person -Trip capacity is derived by applying a 1,6 vehicle occupancy to the vehicular capacity. [3]) The Roadway Vehicular Volume is obtained from Exhibit 4. [4] Person -Trip Volume is derived by applying a 1,4 vehicle occupancy to the vehicular capacity. [5] The Total Transit Person -Trip Capacity is obtained by adding bus, metrorail and metromover capacities (see Exhibit 4). [6) The Total Transit Person -Trip Volume is obtained by adding bus and metromover volumes (see Exhibit 4), [7] The Person Trip LOS is provided consistent with the FDOVs Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C). Park Place at Brickell Phase 11 MUSP Traffic Impact Sttidy • 2.3 Intersection Capacity Analysis The intersection capacity analysis was performed using vehicular volumes and the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), based on the procedures of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Exhibit 6 shows the resulting LOS for existing conditions at the intersections under study, analysis worksheets are included in Appendix D. Minor signal timing adjustments at the two signalized intersections are recommended in order to improve traffic operations, as well as striping the SE 15 Road approaches to Brickell Avenue to include two through lanes with shared turns in each direction. Additionally, for the unsignalized intersections, the software tends to overestimate delay measurements for the side streets (minor approach). The actual delays (observed in the field) are acceptable and similar to other comparable intersections in the area. However, should the delays ever reach such a point shown by the software, motorists tend to use an alternate route, balancing demand throughout an area. Exhibit 6 Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Weekday PM Peak Hour Conditions Intersection S/U Existing LOS LOS w/ timing imp. SE 15 Road / Brickell Avenue S D B SE 14 Lane / Brickell Avenue U B - SE 14 Terrace / Brickell Avenue U NA' - SE 14 Street / Brickell Avenue U NA' - SE 15 Road / S Miami Avenue S NA' B SE 14 Street / S Miami Avenue U' B - Notes : ' Field observations suggest acceptable delays on the minor street. U= unsignalized S= signalized Source: DPA Page 12 Park Place ai Brickell Phase I1 MUSP Trq i .• Inapter Study • 3.0 PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The 2005 Miami -Dade County Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the 2025 Metro - Dade Transportation Plan Long Range Element, were reviewed to identify any programmed or planned projects within the limits of the study area established. These documents show no officially programmed or planned capacity improvement projects within the study area prior to completion of the proposed project. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) document has not been adopted by the City of Miami at this time. However, there are preliminary plans to construct a round -about at the intersection of SE/SW 15 Road/South Miami Avenue. This geometry was taken into consideration for future conditions. The preliminary, schematic plan obtained from the consultant for the City of Miami, is included in Appendix E. Page 13 Park Place at Brickell Phase 11 M USP Traffic Impact Study • 4.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4.1 Background Traffic Consistent with other traffic studies performed in the area, a conservative two (2) percent growth factor was applied to existing traffic volumes. This growth rate is intended to account for future growth due to additional developments that have not been identified at this time but occur within the study period. 4.2 Committed Developments A list of projects was obtained from city staff, Cite of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Report on Private Development From 1996 to Present (Updated through November 2004). These projects are approved and are either under construction or about to break ground. Other projects are approved by City Commission but with no building permits, or in the application stage. The projects in the vicinity of Park Place at Brickell Phase II are shown in Exhibit 7e The project size and trip generation are included in Appendix E. Traffic generated by these developments was distributed using the Cardinal Distribution from the appropriate TAZ. For estimating trip distribution from committed projects, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network, roadway available to travel in the desired direction and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway. This infoimation and a matrix showing volumes from the committed developments are also included in Appendix E. Future traffic volumes were projected for the build -out year 2008. Exhibit 8 shows the projected turning movement volumes without the project. 4.3 Project Traffic 4.3.1 Project Trip Generation Project trip generation is based on the calculation of person -trips consistent with the City of Miami Comprehensive Plan. Person -trips generated by the project were established using the Page 14 • O • 5W 8 5 T SW 9 .S T s� /12 LEGEND 1 - BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE (SKYLINE) 2 - 1060 BRICKELL 3 - BEACON AT BRICKELL 4 - BRICKELL COMMONS 5 - CORAL STATION AT BRICKELL WAY VILLAGE 6 - EMERALD AT BRICKELL 7 - INFINITY AT BRICKELL 8 - JADE AT BRICKELL BAY 9 - MARY BRICKELL VILLAGE 10 - PREMIERE TOWERS BRICKELL VILLAGE 11 - SOLARIS (BRICKELL BAY TOWER) 12 - THE PLAZA AT BRICKELL 13 - THE SAIL 14 - VILLA MAGNA 15 - PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE I k4a PROJECT PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TIRE: COMMITED DEVELOPMENTS Page 15 dP� PROJECT: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TaLf FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES EX4IBIT No. 8 _} Page 16 Park Place a! Bric'kel! Phase 11 MUSP TrcafJic lmpaci Stud} • following procedures consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the approved methodology: • The gross vehicular trip generation for each land use was determined using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation 7'h Edition rates or formulas. • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 16% based upon the use of the ITE trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh). • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 14.1 % to reflect transit usage based on projected modal splits using data from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • Gross vehicular trips were also reduced by 15% for pedestrian/bicycle based on estimates from Increment II of the Downtown DRI since project is within such close proximity. • The net external vehicle trips were converted to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The vehicular trips assigned to transit were converted back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The net external person -trips were obtained by adding together the project net external person -trips for the vehicle and transit modes. A trip generation summary for the project is provided in Exhibit 9. 4.3.2 Project Trip Assignment Project traffic was distributed and assigned to the study area using the Cardinal Distribution for TAZ 579, shown in Exhibit 10. The Cardinal Distribution gives a generalized distribution of trips from a TAZ to other parts of Miami -Dade County. For estimating the trip distribution for the project location, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network accessed by the project, roadways available to travel in the desired direction, and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway. Exhibit 11 shows the project vehicular trip assignment to the impacted roadway segments and intersections. Page 17 • • • Exhibit 9 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL Trips % Trips Trips General Office Quality Restaurant 524,299 SQ. FT 13,806 SQ. FT. 710 831 17% 67% 113 69 83% 33% 553 34 666 103 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 24% 182 76% 587 769 internalization Pass -by (restaurant only) (1) 1% 44% -2 -30 -6 -15 -8 -45 SUBTOTAL VEHICLE TRIPS 21% 150 79% 566 1 716 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ Transit Trip Reduction @ Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 16% of Gross External Trips 14.10% of Gross External Trips 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 21% 21% 21% 24 21 22 79% 79% 79% 91 80 85 115 101 107 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 21% 82 79% 311 393 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ Net External Person Trips using Transit @ Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes} 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1,40 Persons/ Vehicle 21% 21% 21% 115 30 145 79% 79% 79% 435 112 547 550 141 692 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 21% 31 79% 119 150 Notes (1) Per ITE Trip Generation Handbook, March 2001 (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit/Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction based transit service provided. Park Place al 8rickell Phase 11 MUSP Traffic impact Suidv • Exhibit 10 Cardinal Distribution of Trips TAZ 579 Cardinal Direction Distribution TAZ 579 NNE 20.49c%c ENE 7.09% ESE 0.67% SSE 1.02% SSW 3.45% WSW 26.90% WNW 18.80% NNW 21.58% Total 100.00 % Page 19 • jOa ttrt N \ \\ ,fir.._,_; FLAG, 5W 7 ST SW 5 .ST SW 9 5T sW rtt.) 2 r 4.1 N SW r2 5T SW r.3 ST SW 14 S polo 'sr) SW 11 ST PROJECT: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TIRE: 55 5 SE 2 ST SE 3 ST sr l SE 4 S T �E_ 'PROJECT SITE PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT BR,CKEI,.L KEY EXHIBIT No. 11 Page 20 Park Place at Brickell Phase !1 MUSP Traffic Impact Study • 4.4 Future Corridor Capacity Analysis The existing person -trip volumes were combined with the committed development and background growth person -trips to obtain the total year 2008 person -trip volume without project. The net external project person -trips were then added to get the future person -trip volumes with project. These volumes were compared to the future person -trips capacities to determined future level of service. The future person -trip volume and capacity matrix is shown in Exhibit 12. All corridors analyzed are projected to operate within the established LOS E threshold. 4.5 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis Background growth and committed development trips were combined with the adjusted 2005 existing traffic to get the total year 2008 vehicular traffic without project on the study intersections. The project trips were then added to obtain the future with traffic volumes. Exhibit 13 shows the project PM peak hour vehicular volumes and Exhibit 14 shows the total (with project) PM peak hour vehicular volumes at the intersections under study. Results of the future intersection analysis show that all intersections will operate within the LOS E standard adopted by the city. Exhibit 15 shows the resulting LOS at the intersections under study. Intersection capacity analysis worksheets are provided in Appendix D. Page 21 • • Exhibit 12 Person -Trip Volume and Capacity Future Conditions Matrix Without Project With Project (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (0) (h) (I) (i) (k) Existing Pers-Trip Future Committed Future Projected Future Future wiout Proj Project Total Future Future with Proj Corridor Dir Bkg, Development Pers-Trip Transit Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Pars -Trip Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Volumes Pers-Trip 2.0% Pars -Trip Volumes Capacity Capacity v/c LOS Volume Volumes Capacity v/c LOS From To , .$ 3 (b)+(c) (d)/(f) (d)+(h) (i)/(1) BRICKELL AVENUE 111 12) 131 j4j A. I51 15I 141 151 SE B STREET SE 13 STREET NB 2115 2244 854 3098 78 4206 0.74 D 217 3315 4206 0.79 D SE SB 2424 2573 1145 3717 1530 6438 0.58 D 47 3765 6438 0.58 D 13 STREET SE 15 ROAD NB 1546 1641 691.85 2333 78 4206 0.55 D 217 2549 4206 0.61 D SB 2186 2320 576 2896 1530 6438 0.45 D 47 2943 6438 0.46 13 SE 15 ROAD RICKENBACKER CSWY NB 1514 1607 595.5 2202 78 4206 0.52 D 12 2214 4206 0.53 D SB 2271 2410 542.7 2953 1530 6438 0,46 D 54 3007 6438 0.47 D SE 15 ROAD SE 2 AVENUE S. MIAMI AVENUE EB 378 401 209 610 0 1360 0.45 C 24 634 1360 0.47 C S. WB 348 369 197 566 0 1360 0.42 C 108 674 1360 0.50 C MIAMI AVENUE BRICKELL AVENUE EB 368 391 115 506 0 1360 0,37 C 59 565 1360 0,42 C WB 305 324 - 116 440 0 1360 r 0.32 C 271 711 1360 0.52 C Notes: (1] The Existing Person Trip Volume is obtained from Exhibit 5, column (() [2] Year 2008 Background Person Trip Volume is derived by applying a 2% growth factor to the existing person -trip volume [3] Projected Transit Capacity was obtained from the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (Table 21.010 column (4) - Table 21.A7 column (15)) (4) The Total Future Peak Hour Person Trip Capacity is obtained by adding all modes of transportation (Exhibit 5, column (i)) and the projected transit capacity (Exhibit 12, column e) ]5] The Person Trip LOS is provided consistent with the FDOT's Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C) (61 Project Person Trip Volumes are derived lrom Trip Generation Analysis (Net External Person Trips (Vehicles + Transit)) �da PRorEcr: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY mL: PM PEAK PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES E»JDff No. 13 J Page 23 PR©}ECT: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL PHASE II MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TITLE FUTURE WITH PROJECT PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXH!b T No. 14 Page 24 Park Pluce at Brickell Phase Li MUSP Traffic Impact Study • • Exhibit 15 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis1 Weekday PM Peak Hour Conditions Intersection 1 S/U Future Without Project Future With Project SE 15 Road / Brickell Avenue S B C SE 14 Lane / Brickell Avenue U C C SE 14 Terrace / Brickell Avenue U NA' NA2 SE 14 Street / Brickell Avenue I U NA2 NA2 SE 15 Road / S Miami Avenue I R3 D D SE 14 Street / S Miami Avenue U B B Notes Capacity improvements recommended are reflected in analysis 2 Changes in intersection delay will be insignificant. 9 LOS based on v/c ratios, table included in Appendices. U= unsignalized S= signalized Rs round -about Source: DPA Page 25 Park Place at Brickell Phase 11 M USP Traffic Impact Study • 4.6 Site Access Primary access to the site is proposed on SE 15 Road via a two-way driveway. A secondary service driveway is located on Brickell Avenue, which will be repaved. The project trips were assigned to the driveways and analyzed. Unsignalized HCS analysis results show adequate operations. The analysis worksheets are included in Appendix D. Page 26 Park Place al Brickell Phase 11 MUSP Traffic Impact Study • • 5.0 CONCLUSIONS An assessment of the PM peak hour traffic associated with the development of Park Place at Brickell Phase .11 was performed in accordance with the approved methodology submitted to the city. Analysis of future (2008) traffic conditions with the project during the PM peak hour shows that the City of Miami's adopted Level of Service standards will not be exceeded. Adequate capacity during the PM peak hour is available to accommodate the proposed project trips within the study area at the intersections and on the transportation corridor segments analyzed. A traffic control measures plan has been developed for this project. The plan is included in Appendix F. report doc Page 27 • • • Appendix A Approved Transportation Methodology & Site Plan DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. • TRANSPORTATION • CIVIL • STRUCTURAL • ENVIRONMENTAL To: Affiliation: From: RE: cc: Facsimile Transmission Mr. Quazi Masood URS Corporation Rita Carbonell Park Place at Brickell- #04267 Lilia Medina, Victor Nieves, file Fax #: Phone #: Date: Pages: (954) 739-1789 (954) 739-1881 January 10, 2004 4 page(s), including cover This will serve as our methodology for the subject MUSP traffic impact study. For ease of review, the changes from the methodology dated December 30, 2004 are in bold. Rilea Group is pursuing City of Miami approvals for the modification of a previously approved project located on the northwest corner of Brickell Avenue and SE 15 Road in Miami, Florida. The original approval was for approximately 400 dwelling units. The proposed project consists of approximately 11,900 SF of retail space and 482,300 SF of office space. Primary access to the site is proposed on SE 15 Road via a two-way driveway. A secondary service driveway is located on Brickell Avenue (See Attached Siteplan). The subject site is located just within the limits of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. eThe study limits are SE/SW 7 Street to the North, SE/SW 26 Road to the South, Biscayne Bay to the East, and SW 2 Avenue to the West. • Turning movement traffic counts are to be collected during the PM (4:00-6:00) peak period at four major intersections in the immediate project vicinity. 1. SE 15 Road / Brickell Avenue (Signalized) 2. SE 14 Lane / Brickell Avenue 3. SE 14 Terrace / Brickell Avenue (Signalized) 4, SE 14 Street / Brickell Avenue 5. SE 15 Road / S Miami Avenue (Signalized) 6. SE 14 Street / S Miami Avenue in addition to these intersections, we will analyze the project driveways. • Segment traffic volumes will be collected as 24-hour machine counts at the following locations: 1. Brickell Avenue between SE 8 Street and SE 13 Street 2. Brickell Avenue between SE 13 Street and SE 15 Road 3. Brickell Avenue between SE 15 Road and Rickenbacker Causeway 4. SE 15 Road between SW 2 Avenue and South Miami Avenue 5. SE 15 Road between South Miami Avenue and Brickell Avenue Available Florida Department of Transportation (1.1)OT) counts will be consulted where appropriate. 1750 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TELEPHONE: 305 447-0900, FAX: 305 44 i EMAI : dpa@dplummer.com dP TOWER LORRY BRICKELL AVENUE mins kuo UP 70 PAPAW MCNE PARK PLACE APARTMENTS (FYIASE I -UNGER CONSTRUCTION) SCHEMATIC LOBBY LEVEL PLAN SCAZ : vir • Raw traffic counts will be adjusted to peak season (for the peak hour period). • The signal tinning and phasing at the study signalized intersections will be obtained from Miami -Dade County. • Existing and future traffic conditions for the project area corridors will be established using the person -trip 410method. The methodology for this method is outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Rubber tire and fixed rail transit capacity of the study corridors will be established based on available information from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • Corridor capacity will be estimated using generalized vehicular capacities (converted to person -trips) from the Downtown DRI, FDOT LOS Manual, or other acceptable equivalent. • Project Traffic — project trip generation will be based on the calculation of person -trips consistent with the city of Miami Comprehensive Plan. Person -trips generated by the project will be established using the following procedure consistent with Increment II of the Downtown DRI: 1. Determine the gross vehicular trip generation for each land use using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, 7th Edition rates or formulas. 2. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a vehicle occupancy adjustment based upon the use of the ITE trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh). 3. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a transit reduction based on projected modal splits from Increment 11 of the Downtown DRI. (Project is just one block north of the Downtown DRI boundary. Additionally analyzed links are included in the DRI analysis. ) 4. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a pedestrian/bicycle reduction based on estimates from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. (Project is just one block north of the Downtown DRI boundary. Additionally analyzed links are included in the DRI analysis.) 5. Establish the net external vehicle trips. 5. Convert the net external vehicle trips to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. 7. Convert the vehicular trips assigned to transit back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. 8. Add together the project net external person -trips for the vehicle and transit modes. • Background Traffic. A growth factor consistent with historical annual growth in the area will be applied to the existing traffic volumes. • Committed Developments. Will be based on list of relevant projects provided by the city for the month of November 2004. Only projects that are approved and are either under construction or about to break ground will be included (see Attachment A). Committed development trips will also be converted to person -trips based on the methodology described above. • Highway Capacity Software (HCS) based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) will be used for existing and future intersection capacity analysis. Project and committed development net external vehicle trips (adjusted for transit, pedestrian and occupancy as described above) will be used for the intersection capacity analysis. Intersection capacity analyses will be performed at the four study intersections and the proposed project driveways. • Trip Assignment, Net new external project traffic will be assigned to the adjacent street network using the appropriate 2010 cardinal distribution from the Metro -Dade Long Range Transportation Plan Update, published by the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Normal traffic patterns will also be considered when assigning project trips. • A Traffic Control Measures Plan for the project wilt also be included. • City of Miami was consulted and will be providing the latest CIP showing the proposed roundabout and median improvements on South Miami Avenue between S 15 Road and S 14 Street. . you have any questions you can contact me at (305) 447-0900. 1750 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TELEPHONE: 305 447.0900, FAX: 305 44' E-MAIL: dpa@dplummer.com Traffic Meth 011004.doc dPa PROJECT: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL TITLE: LEGEND 1 - BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE (SKYLINE) 2 - 1080 BRICKELL 3 - BEACON AT BRICKELL 4 - BRICKELL COMMONS 5 - CORAL STATION AT BRICKELL WAY VILLAGE 8 - EMERALD AT BRICKELL 7 - INFINITY AT BRICKELL 8 - JADE AT BRICKELL BAY 9 - MARY BRICKELL VILLAGE 10- PREMIERE TOWERS BRICKELL VILLAGE 11 - SOLARIS (BRICKELL BAY TOWER) 12 - THE PLAZA AT BRICKELL 13 - THE SAIL 14 - VILLA MAGNA 15 - PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL (PHASE I) COMMITED DEVELOPMENTS ATTACHMENT A J • • 0 Appendix B Traffic Counts & Signal Timings 0 Raw Traffic Counts • 0 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 IlkVolume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 **************************************************************************** Data File : D0111003.PRN Station : 000000011008 Identification : 000110252090 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue North of SE 14th Terrace ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 26 19 5 5 8 8 34 158 243 343 238 194 30 34 7 7 6 1 14 59 151 317 277 207 207 45 20 16 4 4 7 25 94 157 344 280 198 196 00 17 7 0 4 6 33 136 246 387 233 193 196 Hr Total 97 49 16 19 22 80 323 712 1291 1133 836 793 End Time 12 13 14 15 198 208 167 30 194 204 157 45 198 216 167 00 192 204 191 Hr Total 782 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 161 191 197 160 122 117 83 63 155 168 218 150 139 69 74 45 201 187 166 138 112 86 82 42 176 194 163 132 119 100 80 53 832 682 698 693 740 744 580 492 372 319 203 ur Total : 12508 eak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1391 Peak hour factor 0.90 PM peak hour begins : 13:00 PM peak volume : 832 Peak hour factor : 0.96 ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 169 181 171 177 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 ---- 15 45 26 9 7 7 - 19 46 87 144 194 200 30 27 13 13 5 6 15 55 113 150 202 194 45 18 22 7 4 6 25 77 120 195 160 178 00 33 19 8 6 10 33 97 141 232 191 217 --_ ^ fir Total 123 80 37 22 29 92 275 461 721 747 789 11 179 186 229 240 834 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ^ 15 237 250 230 230 240 351 350 -314 195 136 4116 88 30 278 244 249 241 255 343 415 210 178 121 110 69 45 232 222 228 246 276 371 285 229 145 126 95 67 00 232 232 227 235 281 362 341 223 126 107 103 72 - it Total 979 948 934 952 1052 1427 1391 976 -644 490 424 296 ?4 Hour Total : 14723 M peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 984 Peak hour factor : 0.88 'M peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1498 Peak hour factor : 0.90 • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 ill Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ***************************************************************************** Data File Station Identification Start date Stop date City/Town Location D0111003.PRN 000000011008 000110252090 Jan 11, 05 Jan 11, 05 Miami, FL Brickell Avenue North Interval Start time Stop time County of SE 14th Terrace : 15 minutes . 00:00 : 24:00 Dade ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 15 30 45 00 71 61 38 50 Hr Total 220 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 45 14 12 15 27 80 245 387 537 438 20 20 11 7 29 114 264 467 479 401 38 11 8 13 50 171 277 539 440 376 26 8 10 16 66 233 387 619 424 410 129 53 41 51 172 598 1173 2012 1880 1625 11 373 393 425 436 1627 End Tirne 12 13 15 435 458 30 472 448 45 430 438 00 424 436 Total 1761 1780 14 397 406 395 418 1616 15 399 422 417 412 1650 16 401 410 477 457 1745 17 18 542 511 558 556 2167 547 633 451 504 19 474 360 367 355 2135 1556 20 317 317 257 245 1136 21 253 190 212 207 22 23 199 151 184 114 177 109 183 125 862 743 499 ur Total : 27231 kM peak hour begins : 08:30 AM peak volume : 2174 Peak hour factor : 0.88 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 2294 Peak hour factor : 0.91 ******************************************************************************* • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 *• **************************************************************************** Data File : D0111004 . PRN Station : 000000011009 Identification : 000110252095 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue South of SE 10th Street ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 -- --- - ---- r--- -- 15 42 19 7 9 9 14 31 152 240 280 244 229 30 41 10 9 5 4 17 65 150 280 239 237 245 45 33 16 5 5 6 27 94 163 305 264 239 258 00 17 9 4 7 11 35 121 228 306 211 273 274 Hr Total 133 54 25 26 30 93 311 693 1131 994 993 1006 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 260 264 204 257 234 313 316 252 145 30 272 254 236 256 204 298 320 197 151 45 253 305 220 241 297 306 264 194 146 00 284 255 242 264 274 303 248 168 141 Hr Total 1069 1078 902 1018 1009 1220 1148 811 21 124 119 126 116 23 117 97 96 69 90 61 98 82 22 583 485 401 309 2 ur Total : 15522 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1171 Peak hour factor : 0.96 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1245 Peak hour factor : 0.97 ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 30 45 00 49 26 13 5 9 17 60 126 249 317 303 286 35 15 12 10 7 20 86 178 214 275 299 273 32 16 10 6 7 33 117 199 304 235 313 325 39 18 10 7 13 44 180 236 332 309 304 304 4r Total 155 75 45 28 36 114 443 739 1099 1136 1219 1188 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 297 306 300 293 277 393 398 283 212 147 137 93 30 372 326 321 283 304 382 455 188 175 136 125 90 45 296 274 286 293 299 404 244 247 173 143 110 85 00 319 312 284 280 366 388 371 243 150 113 122 79 1r Total 1284 1218 1191 1149 1246 1567 1468 961 710 539 494 347 22 23 ?4 Hour Total : 18451 UM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1298 Peak hour factor : 0.87 3M peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1645 Peak hour factor : 0.90 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 • Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )ata File : D0111004.PRN Station : 000000011009 [dentif ication : 000110252095 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 'ity/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade ,ocation : Brickell Avenue South of SE 10th Street k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jan 11 Total Volume for All Lanes end Tirne 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 91 45 - 20 14 ~Y18 31 _ 91 278 489 597 547 515 30 76 25 21 15 11 37 151 328 494 514 536 518 45 65 32 15 11 13 60 211 362 609 499 552 583 00 56 27 14 14 24 79 301 464 638 520 577 578 it Total 288 129 70 54 66 207 754 1432 2230 2130 2212 2194 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -}_ 15 557 570 504 550 511 706 714 535 357 271 254 190 30 644 580 557 539 508 680 775 385 326 255 221 159 45 549 579 506 534 596 710 508 441 319 269 200 146 00 603 567 526 544 640 691 619 411 291 229 220 161 2296 2093 2167 2255 2787 2616 1772 1293 1024 895 656 it Total 2353 ur Total : 33973 1,14 peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 2362 Peak hour factor : 0.92 ?M peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 2890 Peak hour factor : 0.93 k****************************************************************************** • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 k• *****!r********************************************************************** Data File : D0111006.PRN "Station : 000000011007 Identification : 000058410087 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 top date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 7ity/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade 1,ocation : Brickell Avenue South of SE 19th Street Tan 11 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 27 15 -_-3 ---7 ---5 5 38 154 254 323 233 176 30 32 8 6 6 3 16 64 159 310 280 200 178 45 28 12 6 5 6 28 98 189 339 269 179 176 00 20 6 2 8 9 36 147 247 385 229 176 167 -Jr Total 107 _-41 17 --26 23 85 347 749 1288 1101 788 697 End Tirne 12 15 30 45 00 174 191 170 162 13 177 175 210 179 14 15 16 17 18 157 164 152 151 168 159 163 212 168 148 159 207 164 189 198 157 172 169 203 159 19 165 156 157 130 20 131 127 120 115 21 22 23 110 93 64 81 79 41 104 80 49 94 86 47 Total 697 741 624 672 665 723 735 608 493 389 338 201 ur Total : 12155 UM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1357 Peak hour factor : 0.88 }M peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 820 Peak hour factor : 0.97 .****************************************************************************** Jan 11 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 30 45 00 Ir Total 36 20 8 4 4 16 42 106 218 233 190 207 38 14 11 5 10 12 46 188 237 205 205 213 16 14 9 4 6 18 56 198 263 202 189 223 32 14 9 8 9 22 110 184 282 226 228 248 122 62 37 21 29 68 254 676 1000 866 812 891 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 207 269 254 254 251 368 362 338 222 139 30 291 236 246 231 251 371 408 253 160 120 45 249 266 289 273 299 394 339 260 155 109 00 235 221 233 258 304 360 365 213 146 123 19 20 21 22 23 108 94 109 62 100 52 92 67 [r Total 982 992 1022 1016 1105 1493 1474 1064 683 491 409 275 4 Hour Total : 15844 ,M peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1015 Peak hour factor : 0.90 M peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1524 Peak hour factor : 0.93 ****************************************************************************** • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ***************************************************************************** Data File Station Identification Start date Stop date City/Town Location ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 D0111006.PRN 000000011007 000058410087 Jan 11, 05 Jan 11, 05 Miami, FL Brickell Avenue Total Interval Start time . Stop time County South of SE 19th Street Volume for All Lanes 15 minutes 00:00 24:00 Dade End Tirne 00 01 15 30 45 00 63 70 44 52 Hr Total 229 35 22 26 20 11 17 15 11 02 03 11 11 9 16 04 9 13 12 18 05 21 28 46 58 06 80 110 154 257 07 08 260 472 347 547 387 602 431 667 103 54 47 52 153 601 1425 2288 09 556 485 471 455 1967 10 423 405 368 404 1600 11 383 391 399 415 1588 End Tirne 12 13 14 15 17 15 381 446 411 422 531 30 482 411 410 399 530 45 419 476 441 437 592 00 397 400 384 430 563 H Total 1679 1733 1646 1688 2216 1672 2 our Total : 27999 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2372 Peak hour factor : 0.89 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 2344 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* 18 19 574 503 615 409 496 417 524 343 2209 20 353 287 275 261 1176 21 249 201 213 217 880 22 23 201 158 188 103 180 101 178 114 747 476 • 16 410 399 488 473 1770 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 IIIIII * **************************************************************************** Data File : D0112001.PRN Station : 000000011005 Interval 15 minutes Identification : 000058410100 Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : SE 15th Road West of SW 1st Court *********************-********************************************************** Jan 12 Eastbound Volume for Lane 1 End Tirne 00 01 02 03 04 11 -_05 - 06 _-07 --08 __09 _ 10 _- 15 11 1 0 1 0 3 9 28 75 76 45 35 30 9 3 0 3 3 1 34 44 94 69 49 38 45 3 5 2 1 2 6 31 43 88 56 45 46 00 3 2 0 1 1 16 35 44 91 43 45 53 - Hr Total 26 11 ---2 _�-6 -- 6 26 -109 159 348 244 184 172 End Tirne 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 41 54 51 40 50 77 90 54 36 38 28 17 30 49 45 54 47 68 66 85 69 43 27 22 18 45 60 64 45 69 54 81 62 52 33 33 23 10 00 56 45 58 68 53 83 61 49 34 20 28 15 Hr otal 206 208 208 224 225 307 298 224 146 118 101 60 2 our Total : 3618 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 349 Peak hour factor : 0.93 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 339 Peak hour factor : 0.94 ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Westbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 15 7 -- 0 0 3 0 2 30 5 3 1 0 1 2 45 2 5 0 0 0 2 00 3 0 1 2 2 4 Hr Total 17 8 2 5 3 10 06 07 08 09 10 11 10 14 13 18 19 33 30 41 40 52 38 46 40 27 34 55 36 30 39 37 27 40 19 45 55 123 176 174 119 136 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -- 15 51 59 54 --56 57 --75 54 --29 37 13 21 12 30 41 51 45 61 55 86 59 41 29 23 22 7 45 45 45 46 67 56 63 46 46 26 15 16 8 00 47 56 49 43 55 48 56 34 23 21 18 11 Hr Total 184 211 194 227 223 272 215 150 115 72 77 38 24 Hour Total : 2806 AM peak hour begins : 08:45 AM peak volume : 180 Peak hour factor : 0.82 PM peak hour begins : 16:45 PM peak volume : 279 Peak hour factor : 0.81 ******************************************************************************* • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 *• **************************************************************************** Data File : D0112001.PRN Station : 000000011005 Identification : 000058410100 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : SE 15th Road West of SW 1st Court ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 18 -- 1 --0 -4 -- 0 5 19 47 115 116 72 69 30 14 6 1 3 4 3 48 77 146 124 85 68 45 5 10 2 1 2 8 44 73 126 95 82 73 00 6 2 1 3 3 20 53 85 137 83 64 98 -- Hr Total 43 19 --^4 11---- 9 W36 164 282 524 418 303 308 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 92 113 105 96 107 152 144 83 73 30 90 96 99 108 123 152 144 110 72 45 105 109 91 136 110 144 108 98 59 00 103 101 107 111 108 131 117 83 57 Hr Total 21 22 23 51 49 29 50 44 25 48 39 18 41 46 26 390 419 402 451 448 579 513 374 261 190 178 98 ur Total : 6424 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 525 Peak hour factor : 0.90 PM peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 579 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ***************************************************************************** Data File : D0112002.PRN Station : 000000011006 Identification : 000058410086 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : SE 15th Road West of Brickell Avenue ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Eastbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 --- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- 15 11 1 0 1 0 1 6 19 68 73 42 56 30 6 2 1 3 3 0 15 27 77 77 45 46 45 3 2 1 1 1 7 38 35 77 53 34 47 00 2 1 2 1 3 9 33 34 81 51 44 44 Hr Total 22 6 4 6 7 17 92 115 303 254 165 193 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 58 53 39 44 45 59 107 60 37 38 26 20 30 42 52 57 50 54 60 89 80 49 32 28 15 45 56 74 54 75 56 78 90 59 39 36 16 10 00 64 54 67 53 63 87 63 58 33 23 34 11 -- ---- -233 217 -222 -218 284 339 257 158 129 104 56 Hr Total 220 2 ur Total : 3621 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 308 Peak hour factor : 0.95 PM peak hour begins : 17:45 PM peak volume : 363 Peak hour factor : 0.85 ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Westbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 15 2 1 0 2 30 5 2 2 0 45 2 1 0 0 00 3 2 1 1 Elr Total 12 6 3 3 04 0 1 0 1 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 3 3 5 6 8 17 50 52 34 28 8 25 47 45 29 17 8 32 51 39 31 31 23 34 53 29 19 46 2 17 47 108 201 165 113 122 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 41 69 44 47 40 57 53 32 29 8 16 7 30 44 45 53 37 43 66 55 40 30 25 12 2 45 39 45 39 64 53 57 34 44 17 11 12 5 00 39 45 49 38 45 56 42 36 22 14 13 8 4r Total 163 204 185 186 181 236 184 152 98 58 53 22 24 Hour Total : 2521 N.M peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 203 Peak hour factor : 0.96 PM peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 236 Peak hour factor : 0.89 • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 *• **************************************************************************** Data File : D0112002.PRN Station : 000000011006 Identification : 000058410086 interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date ; Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 2ity/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade ocatiof : SE 15th Road West of Brickell Avenue Ian 12 Total Volume for All Lanes End Tirne 00 01 15 13 2 30 11 4 45 5 3 00 5 3 Hir Total 34 12 02 03 04 05 06 0 3 0 4 14 3 3 4 3 23 1 1 1 12 46 3 2 4 15 56 07 08 09 36 52 67 68 7 9 9 34 139 223 118 125 124 122 128 92 134 80 504 419 278 10 76 74 65 63 11 84 63 78 90 315 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 99 122 83 91 T 85 116 160 92 66 46 42 27 30 86 97 110 87 97 126 144 120 79 57 40 17 45 95 119 93 139 109 135 114 103 56 47 28 15 00 103 99 116 91 108 143 105 94 55 37 47 19 it otal 383 437 402 408 399 ?ur Total : 6142 520 523 409 256 187 157 78 MM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 511 Peak hour factor : 0.95 7M peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 582 Peak hour factor : 0.91 r**************************************-*************************************** • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ***************************************************************************** Data File : D0112003.PRN Station : 000000011008 Identification : 000110252090 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue North of SE 14th Terrace ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 15 29 30 20 45 25 00 13 Hr Total 87 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 12 6 4 6 11 42 136 239 362 13 11 4 5 16 40 152 305 289 12 9 7 2 28 84 176 342 257 8 9 5 10 21 119 196 354 252 45 35 20 23 76 285 660 1240 1160 09 10 11 243 217 225 227 200 201 224 211 892 856 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 202 195 197 200 195 181 185 184 145 107 89 86 30 193 204 197 197 180 173 198 133 119 106 90 62 45 212 212 197 184 193 188 190 166 101 92 82 50 00 240 207 195 186 171 183 201 150 112 99 82 51 Hrotal 847 818 786 767 739 725 774 633 477 404 343 249 2Wur Total : 12941 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1363 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 12:30 PM peak volume : 851 Peak hour factor : 0.89 ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 15 56 30 31 45 33 01 16 19 13 00 18 8 Hr Total 138 56 02 15 16 13 4 48 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 40 137 185 184 177 236 9 39 130 207 187 131 231 18 79 155 209 218 222 216 29 93 165 213 182 262 241 25 33 71 251 587 814 771 792 924 3 10 10 5 5 9 7 9 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 235 257 260 248 253 337 364 270 203 137 159 90 30 260 199 262 246 237 350 333 246 186 152 122 62 45 277 273 191 249 270 356 345 219 164 134 94 65 00 265 251 301 243 296 346 301 242 154 149 115 68 3r Total 1037 980 1014 986 1056 1389 1343 977 707 572 490 285 24 Hour Total : 15346 .M peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 952 Peak hour factor : 0.86 ?M peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume : 1416 Peak hour factor : 0.97 k***************************************************#************************** • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ** *,************************************************************************** Data File : D0112003.PRN Station : 000000011008 Identification : 000110252090 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue North of SE 14th Terrace ********************************************-*********************************** Total Volume for All Lanes Jan 12 End Tirne 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 85 28 21 7 16 26 82 273 424 546 420 453 30 51 32 27 14 10 25 79 282 512 476 356 458 45 58 25 22 12 11 46 163 331 551 475 422 417 00 31 16 13 12 19 50 212 361 567 434 486 452 _- Hr Total 225 101 83 45 56 147 536 1247 2054 1931 1684 1780 End Tirne 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 437 452 457 448 448 518 -549 454 348 244 248 176 30 453 403 459 443 417 523 531 379 305 258 212 124 45 489 485 388 433 463 544 535 385 265 226 176 115 00 505 458 496 429 467 529 502 392 266 248 197 119 Hr otal 1884 1798 1800 1753 1795 2114 2117 1610 1184 976 833 534 2 our Total : 28287 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2176 Peak hour factor : 0.96 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 2153 Peak hour factor : 0.98 ******************************************************************************* • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 *• **************************************************************************** Data File : D0112004.PRN Station : 000000011009 Identification : 000110252095 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 12, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue South of SE 10th Street ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 49 19 13 5 5 12 48 141 245 284 222 301 30 36 17 16 9 3 16 46 153 274 266 185 300 45 43 15 8 10 5 20 87 171 278 240 282 239 00 21 13 11 9 12 27 132 220 246 238 247 293 Hr Total 149 64 48 33 25 75 313 685 1043 1028 936 1133 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 - 15 257 254 268 260 255 314 -319 230 166 125 116 118 30 271 273 239 274 260 294 301 219 161 144 110 85 45 278 258 249 278 277 328 288 198 144 137 109 78 00 280 255 285 228 270 319 281 210 131 148 99 84 Hr Total 1086 1040 1041 1040 1062 1255 1189 857 602 554 434 365 2 ur Total : 16057 AM peak hour begins : 11:00 AM peak volume : 1133 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1267 Peak hour factor : 0.97 ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 60 20 - 26 -- 6 --10 14 48 178 296 315 267 351 30 37 22 15 17 9 10 75 191 307 327 176 314 45 47 22 8 6 15 30 107 223 291 366 342 337 00 29 15 5 6 14 45 154 213 271 320 343 312 Hr--- Total -173 79 54 35 48 99 384 805 1165 1328 1128 1314 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -- 15 312 324 319 316 291 379 372 283 212 153 193 107 30 373 246 309 307 277 416 363 255 198 168 135 83 45 361 349 243 293 323 410 373 217 154 174 100 80 00 348 299 368 282 374 359 342 228 165 147 158 94 Hr Total 1394 1218 1239 1198 1265 1564 1450 983 729 642 586 364 24 Hour Total : 19244 PIM peak hour begins : 10:30 AM peak volume : 1350 Peak hour factor : 0.96 PM peak hour begins : 16:45 PM peak volume : 1579 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace 1111 Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ***************************************************************************** Data File : D0112004.PRN Station : 000000011009 Identification : 000110252095 Start date : Jan 12, 05 Stop date : Jan 12, 05 City/Town : Miami, FL Interval : 15 minutes Start time : 00:00 Stop time : 24:00 County : Dade Location : Hrickell Avenue South of SE 10th Street ******************************************************************************* Jan 12 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 15 109 39 39 11 15 26 96 319 541 599 489 652 30 73 39 31 26 12 26 121 344 581 593 361 614 45 90 37 16 16 20 50 194 394 569 606 624 576 00 50 28 16 15 26 72 286 433 517 558 590 605 Hr Total 322 143 102 68 73 174 697 1490 2208 2356 2064 2447 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 569 578 587 576 546 693 30 644 519 548 581 537 710 45 639 607 492 571 600 738 00 628 554 653 510 644 678 Hr Total 2480 2258 2280 2238 2327 2819 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 691 513 378 278 309 225 664 474 359 312 245 168 661 415 298 311 209 158 623 438 296 295 257 178 2639 1840 1331 1196 1020 729 ur Total : 35301 AM peak hour begins : 10:30 AM peak volume : 2480 Peak hour factor : 0.95 PM peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 2819 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 0 )ata File Station Identification Start date ;top date 7ity%Town r.acatican D0112006.PRN 000000011007 000058410087 Jan 12, 05 Jan 12, 05 Miami, FL Brickell Avenue k************************************************** Jan 12 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 Interval : 15 minutes Start time : 00:00 Stop time : 24:00 County : Dade South of SE 19th Street **************************** End Time 00 01 02 03 04 15 30 45 00 33 24 22 13 Hr. Total 92 12 7 4 16 8 5 14 15 5 8 10 4 50 40 18 3 4 3 6 05 11 15 24 37 06 07 08 44 128 259 50 141 298 88 185 333 133 211 351 16 87 315 665 1241 09 345 290 247 223 1105 10 214 217 178 192 801 11 175 182 167 198 722 End Time 12 15 30 45 00 193 176 184 196 Hatal 749 13 164 199 195 178 736 14 15 192 168 181 182 174 170 186 172 733 692 16 17 18 186 164 168 166 684 163 180 188 181 712 197 204 193 168 762 19 20 21 22 23 189 143 145 132 160 95 148 113 642 483 106 111 97 109 423 98 85 85 53 82 55 77 48 342 241 2 our Total : 12351 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume PM peak hour begins : 17:45 PM peak volume 1327 Peak hour factor : 0.95 775 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ***********************************************************fir******************* Jan 12 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 15 30 45 00 56 32 33 26 15 13 10 8 Hr Total 147 46 02 03 11 6 10 9 10 3 8 7 04 05 6 15 10 12 6 14 6 16 39 25 28 06 07 08 09 38 173 235 214 46 187 270 216 80 225 244 227 108 207 290 180 57 272 792 1039 837 10 11 174 165 198 234 771 237 244 225 243 949 End Time 12 13 14 15 15 228 255 260 250 280 30 258 229 247 252 237 45 274 270 225 258 302 00 266 254 291 275 291 Eir Total 1026 1008 1023 1035 1110 16 17 18 366 368 371 349 339 395 332 339 19 295 260 246 257 1408 1451 1058 20 212 200 170 158 21 22 23 159 148 91 128 134 79 130 100 69 146 116 56 740 563 498 295 24 Hour Total : 16217 4M peak hour begins : 08:00 AM peak volume : 1039 Peak hour factor : 0.90 PM peak hour begins : 18:00 PM peak volume : 1451 Peak hour factor : 0.92 k***************'*'************************************************************** • • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals **********Page **2 )ata File station :dentif ication tart date ;top date 7ity/Town Miami, FL B k 11 Avenue South of SE 19th Street : D0112006.PRN 000000011007 000058410087 Jan 12, 05 Jan 12, 05 _locationric e Interval Start time . Stop time . County Tan 12 Total Volume for All Lanes 15 minutes 00:00 24:00 Dade End Time 00 01 02 15 30 45 00 89 56 55 39 27 29 24 16 18 18 25 18 :ir Total 239 96 79 03 04 05 06 W10 w_ 9 26 82 14 14 27 96 8 9 38 168 11 12 53 241 R 43 44 144 587 07 301 328 410 418 1457 08 494 568 577 641 2280 09 10 11 559 388 412 506 382 426 474 376 392 403 426 441 1942 1572 1671 End Time 12 13 14 15 30 45 00 421 434 458 462 419 428 465 432 452 428 399 477 15 16 418 466 434 401 428 470 447 457 EI tal 1775 1744 1756 1727 1794 24 our Total : 28568 0.91 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2345 Peak hour factor PM peak hour begins : 17:45 PM peak volume : 2219 Peak hour factor : 0.94 ******************************************************************************* 17 529 551 527 513 2120 18 565 553 588 507 2213 19 484 405 406 405 1700 20 21 22 23 355 265 246 176 332 239 219 132 265 227 182 124 271 255 193 104 1223 986 840 536 • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ************************************************************************* *** D a File : D0111001.PRN Station : 000000011005 Identification : 000058410100 Start date : Jan 11, 05 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 City/Town : Miami, FL Location : SE 15th Road West of SW 1st Court ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Interval : 15 minutes Start time : 00:00 Stop time : 24:00 County : Dade Eastbound Volume for Lane 1 End Tirne 00 01 02 03 04 15 11 4 1 2 3 2 16 29 74 30 7 4 0 1 0 0 28 28 90 45 9 2 2 1 2 4 40 46 85 00 3 0 2 1 1 12 30 54 100 Hr Total 30 10 5 5 6 18 114 157 349 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 92 58 44 46 42 44 42 53 240 181 40 43 48 54 185 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 47 49 55 61 50 59 70 55 51 26 23 24 30 55 62 53 60 58 78 72 54 41 33 31 15 45 61 57 73 69 65 76 69 60 30 40 24 18 00 63 53 62 61 56 87 53 42 38 35 16 10 Hr Total 226 221 243 251 229 300 264 211 160 134 94 67 illpur Total : 3700 eak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 367 Peak hour factor : 0.92 PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume : 311 Peak hour factor : 0.89 ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Westbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 7 1 1 2 2 1 6 16 49 55 44 30 7 1 2 0 0 2 13 22 59 41 24 45 3 0 1 1 0 1 14 23 43 44 47 CO 2 4 0 2 0 2 18 40 57 46 38 3r Total 19 6 4 5 2 6 51 101 208 186 153 41 43 45 40 169 end Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ---- 15 51 68 51 61 45 64 59 42 36 27 --22 17 30 37 46 48 68 49 74 61 41 30 19 16 16 45 45 45 43 60 53 68 54 50 34 26 21 12 00 47 42 45 53 66 68 42 33 25 22 12 7 -r it Total 180 201 187 242 213 274 -216 166 125 --94 71 52 14 Hour Total : 2931 01 peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 214 Peak hour factor : 0.91 ?M peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 274 Peak hour factor : 0.93 r****************************************************************************** • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 I **************************************************************************** Data File : D0111001.PRN Station : 000000011005 Identification : 000058410100 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : SE 15th Road West of SW 1st Court ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 18 5 2 4 5 3 22 45 123 147 86 81 30 14 5 2 1 0 2 41 50 149 99 68 86 45 12 2 3 2 2 5 54 69 128 88 89 93 00 5 4 2 3 1 14 48 94 157 92 91 94 Hr Total 49 16 9 10 8 24 165 258 557 426 334 354 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 98 117 106 122 95 123 129 97 30 92 108 101 128 107 152 133 95 45 106 102 116 129 118 144 .123 110 00 110 95 107 114 122 155 95 75 87 71 64 63 53 52 66 57 H otal 406 422 430 493 442 574 480 377 285 228 ill 45 47 45 28 41 31 30 17 165 119 2 our Total : 6631 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 581 Peak hour factor : 0.93 PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume : 580 Peak hour factor : 0.94 ******************************************************************************* • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ***************************************************************************** Data File : D0111002.PRN Station : 000000011006 Identification : 000058410086 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : SE 15th Road West of Brickell Avenue ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Eastbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 8 3 0 1 4 0 10 18 65 98 43 71 30 10 3 0 1 0 0 18 22 83 52 45 44 45 6 5 3 2 1 1 42 32 82 49 45 49 00 1 1 2 0 1 11 26 46 72 51 70 58 8r Total 25 12 5 4 6 12 96 118 302 250 203 222 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 --- 15 50 59 58 59 --54 71 80 73 48 37 30 64 65 47 64 50 74 78 58 43 29 45 64 51 71 65 47 72 83 71 32 39 00 67 64 64 61 64 84 76 49 47 37 4 otal 245 239 240 249 215 301 317 251 170 22 29 35 24 20 142 108 23 25 13 18 7 63 2Wour Total : 3795 4M peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 335 Peak hour factor : 0.85 PM peak hour begins : 17:45 PM peak volume : 325 Peak hour factor : 0.97 *************t***************************************************************** Jan 11 Westbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 5 ---0 ---0 ---2 _-_0 _ 2 7 17 52 56 44 32 30 5 3 2 1 0 4 9 25 44 46 34 30 45 6 1 0 2 0 3 12 27 51 38 40 36 00 4 1 0 2 0 5 19 32 64 43 44 44 it Total 20 _--5 2 7 0 14 47 101 211 183 162 142 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 42 66 42 47 42 60 51 33 27 21 6 13 30 48 44 48 45 51 70 57 36 26 9 19 6 45 42 44 34 70 51 60 59 35 26 21 14 2 00 52 39 49 46 53 40 35 24 18 13 11 6 lr Total 184 193 173 208 197 230 202 128 97 64 50 27 ?4 Hour Total : 2647 3M peak hour begins : 08:30 AM peak volume : 217 Peak hour factor : 0.85 ?M peak hour begins : 16:45 PM peak volume : 243 Peak hour factor : 0.87 r****************************************************************************** • Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace 41Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ****************************************************************************** Data File : D0111002.PRN Station : 000000011006 Identification : 000058410086 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Jan 11, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Jan 11, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, FL County : Dade Location : SE 15th Road West of Brickell Avenue ******************************************************************************* Jan 11 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 13 3 0 3 4 2 17 35 117 154 87 103 30 15 6 2 2 0 4 27 47 127 98 79 74 45 12 6 3 4 1 4 54 59 133 87 85 85 00 5 2 2 2 1 16 45 78 136 94 114 102 Hr Total 45 17 7 11 6 26 143 219 513 433 365 364 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 92 125 100 106 96 131 131 106 75 30 112 109 95 109 101 144 135 94 69 45 106 95 105 135 98 132 142 106 58 00 119 103 113 107 117 124 111 73 65 58 38 60 50 35 54 38 31 38 19 20 13 8 otal 429 432 413 457 412 531 519 379 267 206 158 90 2our Total : 6442 4M peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 550 Peak hour factor : 0.89 PM peak hour begins : 17:45 PM peak volume : 532 Peak hour factor : 0.94 • SE 14TH STREET & SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: GREGORIO RAMIREZ tINALIZED, WE STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PED5 Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File T.D. : 14STMIAM Page : 1 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 SE 14TH STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 14TH STREET From West Vehicle Peds Right Thru Left Total 16:00 0 2 19 4 0 16 16:15 6 2 19 2 0 6 16:30 1 0 32 4 0 7 16.45 3 2 25 6 1 13 Er Total 10 6 95 16 1 42 17:00 1 3 38 3 2 24 17:15 4 0 34 9 0 31 17:30 4 1 39 3 0 19 17:45 2 1 35 2 4 19 Er Total 11 5 146 17 6 93 1 4 1 1 7 4 1 0 3 8 3 3 2 2 10 7 4 6 3 20 2 10 4 5 21 10 1 4 0 15 4 2 4 4 14 1 3 2 1 7 21 38 34 36 129 35 32 52 30 149 1 1 0 -3 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 71 1 0 0 1 78 2 0 0 1 85 1 0 0 1 93 4 0 0 3 327 2 0 1 0 116 1 0 0 0 115 2 0 0 1 123 0 0 0 0 94 5 0 1 1 448 tTOTAL* 21 11 241 33 1 7 135 • • 15 30 1 36 21 278 6 9 0 1 4 775 SE 14TH STREET i SHUTS MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: GREGORID RAMIREZ •GNAL1ZRDt NB STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. fi24 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 1561I 272-3255 FAX (56I) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 14STMIAM Page : 2 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 21 21 SE 14TH STREET From East Peels Right Thru Left SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 14TH STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total 11 11 SE 14TH STREET 6 15 32 11 4 4 1 5 0 0 1 9 • 9 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 241 241 285 7 33 33 702 4 278 135 417 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 775 30 241 0 271 576 6 6 23 180 305 1 • 278 21 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 278 21 7 7 135 135 15 15 30 30 55 SE 14TH STREET 33 1 21 36 36 SE 14TH STREET & SOUTB MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COU TED BY: GREGORIO MIRE/ NAMED, WE STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 14STNIAM Page : 3 SMITH MIAMI AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 SE 14TH STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 14TH STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 01/11/05 Peak start 16:45 16:45 16:45 Volume - 6 136 21 87 6 19 Percent 4% 83t 13% 781 51 171 Pk total 163 112 Highest 17:00 17:15 Volume 3 38 3 31 1 4 Hi total 44 36 PHF .93 .78 12 12 6 SE 14TH STREET 4 6 16 6 2 2 1 1 0 0 6 • 6 6 10 155 4 60 921 21 169 17:30 2 52 54 .78 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 136 136 163 21 21 2 155 87 244 16:45 0 1 2 00 330 671 3 16:45 0 0 1 1 .75 3 3 407 87$7 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS 9 14 Intersection Total 447 19 136 0 155 324 4 4 112 6 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 169 — 155 155 6 19 19 32 SE 14TH STREET 21 1 10 10 10 20 20 SR 15TH ROAD & SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTER BY: EMMANUEL CANPUZ SZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES 6 ?EDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 15RDMIAM Page : 1 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 16:00 2 1 16:15 0 2 16:30 1 2 16:45 1 2 Er Total 4 7 17:00 3 6 17:15 2 5 17:30 5 2 17:45 3 2 Er Total 13 15 23 14 37 25 99 36 29 44 36 145 7 2 3 2 14 9 18 3 11 33 SR 15TH ROAD From East Peds Right Thru Left SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From South SR 15TB ROAD From West Vehicle Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Total 0 8 0 11 0 9 0 8 0 36 1 5 0 7 0 9 1 6 2 27 31 29 33 35 128 39 44 38 26 147 6 10 7 11 34 16 19 12 2 56 1 3 3 2 9 0 1 5 4 10 8 5 6 11 30 10 10 10 13 43 18 25 28 27 98 21 27 42 22 112 15 13 21 18 67 11 11 22 22 66 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 28 33 35 44 140 45 40 57 60 210 35 44 37 49 165 47 55 51 61 214 2 3 2 4 11 3 2 2 0 7 182 191 220 236 829 248 267 292 268 1075 ,TOTAL* 11 22 244 • • 47 I 2 63 275 90 19 73 210 133 ( 3 350 379 18 I 1904 SE 15TH ROAD & SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: EMMANUEL CANFUX SOIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4391 ALL VESICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 15RDMIAM Page : 2 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 17 17 SE 15TH ROAD 133 275 430 22 •18 18 379 379 350 350 3 • 3 SE 15TH ROAD From East Peds Right Thru Left SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 15TH ROAD From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total 22 22 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 244 244 313 ,177 47 47 47 604 18 210 63 291 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 1,904 90 244 350 684 92 42 1,100 ------ 416 • 133 210 133 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 210 2 2 63 63 275 275 90 90 499 SE 15TH ROAD 47 379 73 73 73 19 19 SE 15TH ROAD & SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: EMMANi'li EL CANFUI SIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 1561) 272-3255 FA% 15611 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 15RDMIAM Page : 3 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From Borth Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Peak start 17:00 Volume 15 145 33 Percent 81 751 171 Pk total 193 Highest 17:00 Volume 6 36 9 Hi total 51 PHF .95 13 13 SE 15TH ROAD 66 147 15 228 214 E SE 15TH ROAD From East Peds Right Thru Left SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Lef t SE 15TH ROAD From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 01/11/05 17:00 17;00 27 147 56 121 641 241 230 17:15 70 .82 15 15 7 44 19 43 112 66 191 511 301 221 17;30 74 .75 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 145 145 193 33 33 59 214 431 210 210 2 • 2 1 339 10 42 7 112 27 146 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 1,075 56 145 210 411 632 66 66 52 22 23 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE 221 112 43 112 43 17:00 431 17:45 121 .89 210 214 7 491 500 21 60 61 0 2 2 27 27 147 147 56 56 290 SE 15TH ROAD 11111111111111111111111 10 10 33 214 43 SE 14711 STREET & BRICIELL AVENUE MIANI, FLORIDA COURTED BY: ISIDRO GONZALEZ •GNALIZED, E/W STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE ➢ELRAY BEACH, FLORI➢A 33444 1561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start ➢ate: 01/11J05 File I.D. ; 14STBRI2 Page : 1 BRICIELL AVER!? From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11J05 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 Er Total 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 Hr Total 4 3 9 11 27 17 4 11 8 40 5 4 3 4 16 240 246 248 263 997 13 310 9 307 6 339 7 344 35 1300 16 14 27 25 82 25 25 22 25 97 SE 14TH STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BRICXELL AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 14TH STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total 3 17 12 11 43 6 7 14 9 36 28 19 34 24 IDS 55 48 54 43 200 6 5 5 8 24 8 13 5 7 33 16 10 23 16 65 38 34 46 42 160 17 16 20 20 73 31 13 18 30 92 6 12 9 12 39 6 8 13 13 40 154 140 193 170 657 181 164 167 174 686 8 5 1 3 17 17 18 21 5 61 3 3 4 2 7 7 6 3 20 15 9 3 7 13 32 3 7 5 5 20 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 0 1 3 7 3 0 2 12 3 1 3 0 7 490 461 551 531 2033 660 635 681 666 2642 *TOTAL*. 67 51 2297 179 I 79 305 57 225 I 165 79 1343 78 ( 52 35 7 19 k 4675 • SE 14TE STREET E BRICKELL AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: ISIDRO GONZALEZ •GNALIZED, B/R STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (56I) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES li PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 14STBRI2 Page : 2 BRICKELL AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 67 67 SE 14TH STREET 78 57 186 51 •19 19 7 7 35 35 52 • 52 SE I4TH STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BRICRELL AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 14TE STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total 51 51 BRICKELL AVENUE • 2,297 2,297 2,527 47 1 179 179 4,194 19 1, 343 305 1,667 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 4,675 225 2,297 35 2,557 4,057 78 78 BRICKELL AVENUE 85 587 1, 500 1,343 1,343 79 79 305 305 57 57 225 225 265 SE 14TH STREET 179 7 79 79i 165 79 165 SE 14TH STREET & BRICEELI AVENUE NIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: ISIDRO GONZALEZ NQLNALIZED, E/N STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DBLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES 6 PEDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.U. : I4STBRI2 Page : 3 BRICUELL AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Left Date 01/11/05 SE 14T8 STREET From East Peds Right Thru Left BRICdELL AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru Left SE 14TH STREET From West Peds Right Thru Left Vehicle Total Peak Hour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 to 18:00 on 01/11/65 Peak start 17:00 19:00 17:00 Volume 35 1300 97 200 Percent 2i 911 73 511 Pk total 1432 Highest 17:45 Volume - Hi total 376 PHF .95 7 344 25 40 40 393 17:30 105 .54 35 35 SE 14TH STREET 61 33 129 35 7 7 3 33 160 81 411 54 5 46 787 17:00 204 .96 BRICKELL AVENUE • 1,300 1,300 1,432 59 3 30 20 20 32 • 32 97 97 2,325 17:00 40 686 61 20 3 7 51 871 81 - 671 101 231 30 17:15 6 181 17 - 7 1 1 9 .83 7 686 200 893 ALL VEHICLES & PRfS Intersection Total 2,642 160 1,300 20 1,480 2,267 61 61 BRICKELL AVENUE 53 39 787 • 686 686 36 36 200 200 33 33 160 160 140 SE 14TH STREET 97 3 40 40 40 92 92 SE 14TH TERRACE & BRICEELL AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: FRANI SANCHEZ N NALIZED, AB STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DBLRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561j 272-3255 FAI {561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & REDS Site Code : 00050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 14TEBRIC Page : 1 BRICIELL AVM From North Peels Thru Left Date 01/11/05 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 Hr Total 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 Hr Total 0 1 6 4 11 230 237 253 255 975 11 324 1 332 1 364 5 346 18 1366 18 17 26 22 83 25 27 21 27 100 SE 14TH TERRACE From East Peds Right Left BR1CXELL AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru UTurn Vehicle Other Total Total 4 8 15 8 35 11 9 18 17 55 18 8 11 12 49 20 23 17 17 77 8 6 9 15 38 27 26 19 25 97 0 3 5 3 11 6 2 5 4 17 8 9 15 7 39 6 10 6 1Q 32 137 142 188 162 629 163 149 169 166 647 3 4 4 10 21 11 4 1 4 20 422 423 506 483 1834 576 571 597 595 2339 4 12 26 15 57 28 12 24 26 90 tT0TAL* 29 2341 183 90 126 135 28 71 1276 41 I 4173 147 • • SE 14TE TERRACE i BRICRELL AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: FRANI SANCHEZ •GNALIZED, RB STOP TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : O0050009 Start Date: 01/11/05 File I.D. : 14TEBRIC Page : 2 BRICIBLL AVENUE From North Peds Thru Left Date 01/11/05 • SE 14TE TERRACE From Bast Peds Right Left BRICKELL AVENUE From South Peds Right Thru UTurn Vehicle Other Total Total 29 29 0 BRICKELL AVENUE • 2,341 2,341 2,524 183 0 1,317 126 183 1,443 3,967 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 4,173 135 2,341 0 2,476 3,864 51 26 1,388 0 0 BRICKELL AVENUE • 1,317 1,317 90 90 126 126 0 135 135 254 183 0 71 SE 14TH TERRACE 71 • 28 71 28 HCS2000: Unsianalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Ilikcy / Co .: DPA Performed: 2/20/2005 Analysis Tirne Period: PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: 15 ROAD/DRIVEWAY Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: PARK PLACE AT BRICKELL - PHASE II #04267 East/West Street: SW 15 ROAD North/South Street: DRIVEWAY Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Eastbound Movement 1 2 L T 3 Westbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume 33 379 279 34 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 33 379 279 34 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 1 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal? No No r Street: Approach Movement Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 E 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume 154 154 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 154 154 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage / / Lanes 1 1 Configuration L R Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach EB WB Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LT I 1 L R v (vph) 33 154 154 C(m) (vph) 1247 374 743 v/c 0.03 0.41 0.21 95% queue length 0.08 1.96 0.78 Control Delay 8.0 21.2 11.1 LO A C B A ach Delay 16.2 Ap oach LOS C • Appendix E Committed Development Information • • 0 Development • • Park Place at Brickell Bricked Commons - TAZ 568 Locatlonal Information Units Sq Ft, Name Type of Perrriit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail Brickell Commons MUSE' 750 S. Miami Avenue Mixed use development praiect with 5,000 seat movie theather Downtown 1,700 0 0 585,938 Total 1,700 0 0 585,938 # 04267 - Brickell Commons Committed_deveiopments.xls • • • Park Place at Brickell Commited Developments - TAZ 571 Locations} Information Units sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res Condo Hotel Office Retail The plaza at Brickell DRI 851 + 901 Brickell Avenue Mixed -use DRI: Residential & Retail Downtown 1,000 0 0 41,000 1060 Brickell MUSP 1060 Brickell Avenue Mixed -use; Residential development in two phases with accessory commerical use. (2 buildings) Downtown 572 0 0 25,000 Total 1,572 - 0 0 66,000 # 04267 - TAZ 571 Com miited_developments.xls • • Park Place at Brickell Commited Developments - TAZ 573 Locetionai Information Units Sq Pt. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res Condo Hotel Office Retail The Beacon Brickell Village MUSP 830 SB 1 AvenuB Residential w/ aGGessnry recreational uses Downtown 250 0 0 5,745 Mary Brickell Village MUSP 900 South Miami Avenue Mixed Use: retail, restaurant & hotel Downtown 382 288 0 197,380 Premiere Towers Brickell Village MUSP 28-59 SW 9th Street 830-850 South Miami Avenue Mixed Use: Residential, Retail and Office Downtown 560 0 46,000 20,266 Total 1,192 ' 288 46,000 ° 223,391 # 04267 -TAZ 573 Cam mitted_developments.xls o o Park Place at Brickell Coral Station at Brickell Way Village - TAZ 574 Locational Information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Area Net A Res Condo Hotel office Retail Coral Station at Brickell Way Village MUSP 1470 SW 1 CT, 101 SW 15 Rd, 104 SW 13 ST J Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, and accessory recreational uses Downtown 481 0 0 40,606 Total 481 0 0 N N 40,606 # 04267 - Coral Station Com m itted_developments.xls • • • Park Place at Brickell Brickell Bay Village (Skyline) - TAZ 578 Locational Information Units Name Bricked Bay Village (Skyline) Type of Permit MUSP #04267 - Brickell Bay Village Address 2101-2105 Brickelt Avenue Description Residential tower to be located along Bricked Avenue fronting Biscayne Bay. included recreational facilities Net Area Coral Way Total Res/ Condo 360 360 Hotel 0 0 Sq Ft. office 0 0 Retell 0 0 Committed_developments.xls • • • Park Place at Brickell Commited Developments - TAZ 579 Locational Information a Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res 1 Condo Hotel Office Retail Infinity at Bricked MUSP 34, 40, 60 SW 13 Street 25, 37, 45 SW 14 Street Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, Office, & Restaurant Downtown 459 0 61,540 r 6,727 Park Place at Brickeli MUSP 1450 Stickel] Avenue Mixed Use: Residential & Retail _(two towers) Downtown 773 0 0 36,554 Total 1,232 0 61,540 43,281 # 04267 - TAZ 579 Committed_developments.xls • • Name Jade Residences at Brickell Bay Brickell Bay Tower Villa Magna Type of Permit MUSP Park Place at Brickell Commited Developments - TAZ 580 Locational Information Units Address 1331 Brickell Bay Drive Description Residential w/accessory recreational & commercial/retail uses / Phase I has been renamed "The Jade" Net Area Downtown Res / Condo 676 Hotel 0 sq Ft. Office 0 Retail 16,955 CLASS It MUSP 186 SE 12 Terrace 1201 Brickell Bay Drive Residential project Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, Restaurant & Hotel Downtown 138 0 0 0 Downtown 787 0 0 32,950 Total #04267 - TAZ 580 1,601 0 0 49,905 Coin m itted_deveiopments. xis o • Park Place at Brickell Commited Developments - TAZ 581 Locational Information units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res 1 Condo Hotel Office Retail The Sail Class 11 170 SE 14 Street Residential project Downtown 152 r 0 0 2,262 Emerald at Brickell MUSP 218 SE 14 Street Residential (Originally 120-room hotel w/1,000 sq ft of accessory retail) Downtown 120 0 0 0 Total 272 0 0 2,262 #04267 - TAZ 581 Com m itted_developments. xls Park Place at Brickell veloment Person -Trip Assignment - --... korridor — ProleCt From To Direction Brlctcell Common* Total TAZ 571 Total TAZ 573 Total CoralBrkkeil Station Total Bey wogs Total TA2 579 Total TAZ 580 Total TAZ 5B1 Total TOTAL 2281 704 1743 - 280 131 709 718 106 BRICKELL AVENUE SE 8 STREET SE 13 STREET SE 13 STREET SE 15 ROAD SE 15 ROAD RICKENBACKERCSWY SE 15 ROAD SE 2 AVENUE S. MIAMI AVENUE 5. MIAMI AVENUE BRICKELL AVENUE NB SB NB SB NB SB EB WB EB WB 235 221 235 221 235 221 0 0 0 0 164 203 102 75 102 75 0 0 0 0 87 260 87 88 87 88 86 0 0 0 25 31 0 0 15 13 0 50 0 15 10 17 10 17 29 50 33 14 33 19 140 144 157 90 36 35 72 122 72 70 174 235 86 58 86 58 0 0 0 0 20 33 17 28 7 4 17 10 10 12 854 1145 692 576 596 543 209 197 115 116 • • • o o Brickell Commons TAZ 568 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Retail Movie Theatre 1,700 DU 585, 938 SF 5,000 seats 232 820 443 62% 48% 71 % 368 965 250 38% 52% 29% 226 1046 100 594 2011 350 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 51% 1215 ' 49% 1146 J 2361 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment ® 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction 0 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction (0 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 51% 51% 51% 194 171 182 49% 49% 49% 183 162 172 378 333 354 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 51% 667 49% 629 1296 I I I Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 51% 51% 934 240 49% 49% 881 226 1815 466 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 51 % 1174 49% 1107 2281 T Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 51% 255 1 49% 241 [ 496 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1,4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 #04267 - Brickell Commons T-Gen.xls • • TAZ 571 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips °/a Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail 1,572 DU 66,000 SF 232 814 62% 44% 341 79 38% 56% 209 100 550 179 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 1 235% 420 1 173% , 309 ' 179 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction ® 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3). 235% 235% 235% 67 59 63 173% 173% 173% 49 44 46 29 25 27 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 235% 231 173% 170 98 F Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 235% 235% 323 83 173% 173% 237 61 138 35 Net External Person Trips Vehicles and transit modes 235% 406 173% 298 173 1 1 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 235% [ 88 1 173% 65 1 38 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1,4 vs, ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DR1 Increment 11 (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 (4) TAZ 571 includes The Plaza at Brickell and 1060 Brickell #04267 - TAZ 571 T-Gen.xls • • TAZ 573 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT i TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Hotel Office Specialty Retail Retail 1,192 DU 288 Rooms 46,000 SF 26,011 SF 197,380 SF 232 310 710 814 820 62% 54% 17% 44% 48% 286 89 22 31 471 38% 46% 83% 56% 52% i 167 81 108 40 510 453 170 130 71 981 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 50% 899 j 50°4 906 i 1805 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction 0 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction ® 15,00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 50% 50% 50% 144 127 135 50% 50% 50% 145 128 136 289 255 271 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS _ 50% 494 50% 497 991 I I Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 50% 50% 691 177 50% 50% 696 179 1387 356 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 50% 868 50% 875 1744 I t Net External Person trips walking / usin9 bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle .,, g 150% 189 I 50% 190 379 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between fTE auto occupancy and focal data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) TAZ 573 includes The Beacon Brickell Village, Mary Brickell Village and Premiere Towers Brickell Village # 04267 - TAZ 573 T-Gen, ds • • Coral Station at Brickell Way Village TAZ 574 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis • USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 1N OUT TOTAL Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail 481 DU 40,606 SF --- 232 814 62% 44% 111 48 38% 56% r 68 62 179 110 ., _ _ GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS j 55% 159 1 45% 130 289 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 16.00% of Gross External Trips (2) Transit Trip Reduction 0 14.10% of Gross External Trips (3) Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction 0 15.00% of Gross External Trips (4) 55% 55% 55% 25 22 24 45% 45% 45% 21 18 20 46 41 43 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 55% 87 45% 71 159 - Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 55% 55% 122 31 45% 45% 100 26 222 57 Net External Person Trips vehicles and transit modes 55% 154 45% 126 279 Net External Person tries walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 55% 33 I 45% 27 61 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II #04267 - Coral Station T-Gen.xls • • TAZ 578 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis • USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium 360 DU 232 62% 86 38% 50 136 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 1 63% 86 J 37% 50 J 136 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment ® Transit Trip Reduction 6 Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips 14.10% of Gross External Trips 15.00% of Gross External Trips (2) (3) (4) 63% 63% 63% 14 12 13 37% 37% 37% 8 7 8 22 19 20 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 63% 47 37% 27 75 I l Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 63% 63% 66 17 37% 37% 38 10 105 27 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 63% 83 37% 48 131 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 63% 18 I 37% 11 29 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II #04267 - TAZ 578 T-Gen.xls • • TAZ 579 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 1,232 DU 61,540 SF 43,281 SF 232 710 814 62% 17% 44% 296 25 52 38% 83% 56% 172 123 66 468 148 118 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 1 1 51% 373 . . 49% 361 734 _ .. Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction ® 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction 0 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 51 % 51 % 51% 60 53 56 49% 49% 49% 58 51 54 117 103 110 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 51% 205 49% 198 403 b_ n.... . Net External Person Trips in Vehicles © 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit ( 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 51% 51 % 287 74 49% 49% 277 71 564 145 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes 51% 360 49% 349 709 1 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 51 % 78 1 49% I 76 154 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) TAZ 578 includes Infinity at Brickell and Park Place at Brickell, phase I # 04267 - TAZ 579 T Gen.xis • • TAZ 580 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis • USES i UNITS PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS ITE Land Use Code IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail 1,601 DU 49,905 SF 232 814 62% 44% 384 59 .. _.. 38% 56% ............... .. ro � 224 76 - . 608 135 ..._....._ . .. _. - GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS - - 60% 443 W 40% .. 300 743 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment ® 16.00% of Gross External Trips (1) Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.10% of Gross External Trips (2) Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction CO 15.00% of Gross External Trips (3) 60% 60% 60% 71 62 66 40% 40% 40% , 48 42 45 119 105 111 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 60% 243 40% 165 408 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit © 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 60% 60% 340 87 40% 40% 231 59 571 147 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 60% 428 40% 290 718 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 60% 93 40% 63 1 156 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DR1 Increment 11 (4) TAZ 580 Includes Jade Residences at Brickell Bay, Brickell Bay Tower and Villa Magna # 04267 - TAZ 580 T-Gen.xls • • • TAZ 581 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS fTE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail 272 DU 2,262 SF 232 814 �_ 62% 44% 65 3 38% 56% 38 3 103 6 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 62% 68 1 38% 41 109 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment ® 16.00% Transit Trip Reduction tt 14,10% Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction 0 15.00% at Gross External Trips of Gross External Trips of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 62% 62% 62% 11 10 10 38% 38% 38% 7 6 6 17 15 16 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 62% 37 38% 23 60 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1.40 Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Persons/ Vehicle 62% 62% 52 ' 13 38% 38% 32 8 84 22 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 62% 66 38% 40 105 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 62% 14 38% 9 23 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 11 (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment Il (4) TAZ 581 includes The Sall and Emerald at Brickell # 04267 - TAZ 581 T-Gen.xls • • Park Place at Brickell • Background Traffic Committed Devdopmant Total Committed Intersection 2.0% Bricked! Commons TAZ 571 TAZ 573 Corti Station !kickoff Bay Viliaga TAZ 575 TAZ 5110 TAZ 581 Dovaiopmeerts 3 IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL 1N OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL 1N OUT TOTAL Total 667 629 1296 ", 231 170 401 494 497 991 87 71 158 . 47 27 74 205 198 403 243 165 408 37 23 80 3791 SE 14 St 18rickdi Ave NB L 41 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 900 0.00 0 0,00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.05 10 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 00 0 10 NBT 721 0.20 0.00 133 0.25 0.00 58 0.10 0.00 49 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.20 5 0,00 0.40 79 0.05 0.00 12 0.00 0.00 0 337 NOR 42 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 00 0 0.15 0.00 36 0 25 0.00 9 46 56 L 97 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.20 0.00 49 0.70 0.00 26 75 SBT 1231 0.00 0.20 126 0.00 0.25 43 0.00 0.10 50 0.00 0.00 0 0.20 0.00 9 0-25 0.00 51 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 279 SB R 28 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0-00 0 0.15 0.00 31 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 31 ESL 11 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 000 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 EB T 4 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 ES R 19 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 We L 121 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.80 0 0,00 0.00 0 0,00 0.20 33 0.00 0.30 7 40 WB T 31 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.10 2 2 WB R 164 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.15 25 0.00 0.45 10 35 • • • Park Place at Brickell IntersectionPeak Adjusted PM Peak Hour Season Future w/o Project Volumes Project Traffic Future wl 1 Project Volumes IN OUT TOTAL. 82 311 393 SE 15 Rd / Driveway 000 2cqoo oo 888 2.82. 888 888 po o o o o po coo o o o d 8 88.8. 2.88. 882. c800 0 0 0 0 0 o coo NB 0 0 0 NB T 0 0 0 NB R 0 0 0 SB L. 0 0 156 SB T 0 0 0 SB Fi 0 0 156 EB t_ 0 0 40 ES T 253 375 375 EBR 0 0 0 W B t_ 0 0 0 WB T 201 279 279 WBR 0 0 41 • Roadway • • • Appendix F Traffic Control Measures Plan o o • • • Park Place at Brickell - Phase II TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES PLAN The project's design and location will reduce the project vehicular traffic volumes as follows: • The project is a proposed office building which includes some retail space. This type of development will result in a portion of the trips being captured within the development, or internal to the site. • The project will also provide accessibility to mass transit. This feature will allow residents to use mass transit for their trip to work. The development will also do the following to further reduce peak hour vehicle trips: • Will encourage employers/landlords to participate in ridesharing programs through South Florida Commuter Services. Available information will be obtained and distributed to all employers/landlords in the development. • Miami -Dade County Transportation Agency current local and regional mass transit route and schedule information will be provided to potential transit users in a prominent public area of the development. The information provided and maintained on the premises will be updated, when necessary, at no less than six month intervals. • Promote mass transit use by encouraging employers/landlords to purchase transit passes and snake them available to employees and residents at discounted prices or no charge, or in lieu of subsidized parking. • Encourage employers to implement staggered work hours. Implementation of these items will result in a minimum of ten percent (10%) reduction of peak hour vehicle trips. The performance of the plan will be monitored by measuring actual afternoon peak hour volumes at the project driveways and comparing the counts against total project trips based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates.