HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 4CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT - SOUTH ZONE 8-5071? COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA BIDDER' S NAME: PRIMARY OFFICE STREET ADDRESS: 5 Gentlemen: The undersigned, as Bidder (herein used in the masculine singular, irrespective of actual gender and :number) hereby declares thatthe onty persons interested firs this Proposalare named herein, that no other person :has -any interest' in this Proposal;. or in the Contract to which this Proposal pertains,. that this Proposal is made without connection or arrangement with any ,other ,person :and that ;this.: Proposal is in every , in respect fair pgood faith, and without.collusion or fraud The Bidder further declaresthat he. has Complied in every 'respect with:: all of the. Instructions to Bidders, that he has read all addenda issued prior to theopening of. Bids and that he has satisfied himself fully relative to all matters and° conditions. with respect to the work to which the Proposal pertains. The Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Proposal is accepted, to execute all appropriate Contract Documents : for the purpose of establishing: e, format contractual relationship between him and the :.City of Miami, -:Florida, for the furnishing of all materials, equipment and the pert ormance. of all work to which this `.. Proposal pertains The Bidder certifies that this Bid is based upon sil items as shown on the ;Plans and/or listed in these Specifications, and that he has m Contract Documents. The Bidder further declares that he has careful/ in proposed work. CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT THE BIDDER , STATES THAT THIS PROPOSAL . IS BASED . UPON .THE„„ CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND THAT HE ACKNOWLEDGES THE. RECEIPT', OF THE FOLLOWING ADDENDUM (ADDENDA): • PROPOSAL Page: 2 8' SOUTH ZONE: ADDENDUM No ADDENDUM No ADDENDUM No NOTE: The Bidder agrees to perform all the work :as described in •the' Specificationsand as shown on the Plans for the lump sum prices,: as rioted on the following sheets. BASE BID: THE TOTAL OF ITEMS 1 through 15; basedon a Three hundred sixty-five (365) calendar days completion time,,. the sumof TOTAL BID: twice the BASE, BID based on a two: (2) years period (730) calendar .. days The term of this contract is for two (2) years with the option: to renew for two additional' one year period. The pity 'reserves the right not to renew ;for the two optional one year periods at its discretion. The Base. Bid price is for a one year, three hundred sixty. five (36S) ,calendar days completion time. Tho Total.Bid price is twice the Base Bid price. prig The second year term af the contract will ,be based on the Base bid Vices additional compensation will be allowed The City reserves the right to reject all bids. PROPOSAL Page! 2a B-50717. CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT — SOUTH ZONE:. STARTING CONSTRUCTION TIMES. The Bidder agrees i, to start work immediately notice ,from the Engineer' to .begin.' work. The work ,'may, be started on : any working day within: this ,,ten: `(10) consecutive calendar day period :The Bidder shall 'complete the contract in accordance with the- Plans and Specifications therefore, within the number calendar days specified on .Proposal Page 2 and no ;additional, completion ;time shall be added for; any optional items: awarded. All,, work',shall be in full complete, accordance with all terms and conditions set forth in and covered by the contract documentt. Should the contractor fail to complete the work on or beforethe date specified, st it,' agreed that for each calendar day that any portion' of : the. work. ,shell uncompleted, afterthe time specified in the proposal, with any :extension of.time which may be allowed by the City for the completion of the work provided for in the contract documents, the sum per day given in Division 1 General' Conditions,', ;. Section 6-9, shall be deducted from the moneys due the contractor, not as a' penalty but as liquidated damages arid added expense for inspection The names ` of the Subcontractors and their current County -Municipal Occupational License numbers for the type of work`shalt.be listed be104/. No' change in Subcontractors will be allowed without written approval :of the;Engineer Subcontractors shall hold the license at the time of executing :and :during the: "1 performance of this contract. PROPOSAL Page 2b p . 50717 CITYWID5 STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT - SOUTH ZONE If no Subcontractors are tobe used, insert the word "Self in the spaces ,under 'Name of Subcontractor", TYPE OF WORK 1. Waste©is os,l 2. Storm/Dranage System 3. Testing Services Other (Bidder Fill In) NAME OF SUBCONTRACTORS SUBCONTRACTOR'S COUNTY -MUNICIPAL OCCUPATIONAL. LICENSE NUMBER Data NOTE: CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT ON 24-HOUR CALL In�the event that the Engineer must contact the Contractor to perform emergency repair work; to correct hazardous or unsafe conditions or problems relating to public health or • welfare asa result of or associated with. the project construction', the Contractor shall provide the name and 24-hour telephone number of the job'superintendent :' to be contacted in the space provided below. 8-4,40;a0,14 ,eir,"41%. Name -(Job Superintendent) The Contractor shall also provide a toll -free telephone number for his business office far use during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p,m,, Monday. THROUGH Friday APPR ate CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT - SOUTH. ZONE ITEM 1: For furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the removal of sediment debris and material inside the storm sewer structures (inlets and manholes),; lessthan 6 foot cut, approximately 6,500.structures citywide, the unit price of . :� Dollars-andCO aN•C.. Cents ($. 4/ , ) X per structure ITEM 2: For furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the removal of sediment debris and material inside the storm sewer structures (inlets and- manholes), 6;'to 8 foot cut, approximately 6,500 structures citywide, the unit. price of D - Dollars and per structure ITEM 3: • c�- Cents (sd dt ) x For furnishing atl labor, materials :and equipment for the removal of sediment debr�a y and material inside the storm ,sewer : structures. (inlets land manholes), morn than 8; foot cut, approximately 500 structures citywide,'' the unit price at Dollars and • Cents ($ y. X. : 600 per structure ITEM 4: For furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the rernoval and cleaning of' sediment debris and material inside the stormsewer pipe system, 2" to 1'1' rnterior' ., diameter, approximately 5,000 linear feet of pipe„ any material, the unit price of per linear foot, of pipe ITEM 5. Dollare and. Cents (i0d)X 6,000 For furnishing' all labor, materials and equipment for the removal an 'cfeanulg'Of. sediment debris and material. inside the storm sewer. pipe system,121 to IT interior diameter, approximately 5,000 linear feetof pipe, any material; the 'unit price of 've Dollars and; O Cents ($S." ) X 6,000 • per linear foot of pipe PROPOSAL Page 2d B 60717 CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT - SOUTH ZONE ITEM 6: - For furnishing ail .labor, materials and equipment for, the removal and cleaning of • sediment debris and material inside the storm sewer pipe system, ,113" to' 30h Interior; diameter, approximately 5,000 linear feet of pipe, any material,: the:unit price of per linear foot of pipe ITEM 7: For furnishing all labor,. materials and .equipment for the removal and cleaningof; sediment debris and 'material inside the storm : sewer pipe system; .317 to .; 42 interior diameter, approximately 3,000 linear feet of, pipe, any .maternal, the uM price of Dollars and Cents(' jX3,000 im per linear foot of pipe ITEM 8: For furnishing all labor, materials and equipment fo'.the removal. and cleaning' r. sediment debris and material inside the storm sewer pipe; .system, :43' to .54"' interior diameter, approximately 3,000 linearfeet of. pipe,; any :materiel,:..'the`, unit;.. price of P' Dollars and cS7e►ot*,, " i ✓4 Cents {i ) X 3,00021 per linear foot of pipe ITEM 9.: For furnishing' all. labor, materials and, equipment, for the: removal' and cleaning. of sediment debris and material inside' the storm sewer pipe system;: more than; 55" interior: diameter, approxirnateily 1,000 linear feet of pipe, any material,` the unrk pace of per linear foot cif. pipe Dollars and Op. Cents ($ Cip • ) X 1,000-4 PROPOSAL Page ° 2e 8 - 507117 CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT -- SOUTH ZONE ETEM 10:. Forfurnishing all labor, materials and equipment forthe removal. and cteaning:of sediment debris and material inside the storm sewerculvert trench pipe and.cover ditch, at any footcut, including slab cover restoration and complete surface.. restoration, 'if necessary, approximately 5,O00; linear feet of culvert trench pipe and cover ditch,ithee yuunit price of /I�l"4 a dollars and Cents ($1. sO.) x 5,coa 74,P. ,*4 per linearfoot ITEM 11: For furnishing all tabor," materials and equipment for televising (video- camera) the storm sewer pipe system, any sir interior diameter, approximatelr.500 linear feet of pipe, any material, if necessary, the unit price of • Dollars and per linear foot. e7i;g01,' • Cents ($ + a ' ) X 500R ITEM 12: For furnishing , all labor, materials and equipment necessary for '.prorddling' hydraulic pump including all hoses, diesel and appertunance ,.'mobiliaation,'setting,;; up craw, and related activities, for .ten :(10) :hours: of operations, at different locations, the unit per hour prig of Dollars and as Cents ($ 40. ) X leis' per hour ITEM 13: For furnishing all tabor, materials and equipment 'necessary forproyiding a ':8n hydraulic pump including all hoses, diesel and; appertunances,mobilization, ,Setting up crew, etc,; for ten (10) hours of operations, at different locations, the unit per hour , price of 1.--- ... Dollars and f 10 Cents ($221r1X10= per hour, PROPOSAL' ; • Page `:.2' 8'50T11 CITYWIDE STORM SEWER CLEANING PROJECT - SOUTH ZONE,, ITEM 14: For furnishing all labor, rnatenals and equipment necessary for the cleaning of fifty .. (Sa) deep drainage wells at a 'minimum depth of 100 ft..by compreesed 'air jetting. method or approved equal, at different locations citywide, the unit per hour price of V«G _�jemotiee, Dollars and Cents ($ AV -gig) X SO each. ITEM 15: Provision for Speeial Items as noted in. Division 2, Section: 2.10, the lump sumat THIRTY THOUSAND Dollars and: NO Cents ... lump sum