HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrevious LegislationJUN-13-2005 07;51 CITY OF MIRMI a-»-44o 7/2/11 UAL AM ORDINANCE NO. 11813 All *RblNANCS OF THE MIAMI CITY commt#BION AMEND= 18N 0302 of 111E CITY op NIAM. FLOal0A, AS NI1NDRD. TO INOORPOSATE PROVISIONS PON TNF IMPOSITION AND COLLECTION OF A PM11INd FACILITIR$ SURCHASON AT A Am OF TWENTY PERCENT (2O%) or INS PIE RAID FOR THE aim OF A FAIRING SPACO IS A 8M1c = 1rAClLI1Y IN THE CITY OF MLANI, 4NOVIDING n1v'illrrlailg, ATITi d sum Mamma Iron COLLECTION AND PROVioilo PNItALT;pi 6OA i1Q1 FLIANCSt c N'Z&INING A NRPEALDS PROVISION AND A SEVENASZLITT CLAUSE, 110VI0ZN0 All EFFPCTZVI1 DATA, AND DMMfDI1>G PClt Xitewiroi IN THE CITY COOS. 11i1:111AM, Florida Statute iiir.6o7 lraa 1m nded to odd Scotian i which authorises for governing body of any cuaioipality with a rraidant population of 300,000 or more which has born dewed in a etat4 of financial emergency, to ipipog* e discretionary par vehicle surcharge of up to twenty percent (2041 on the gross revenues of the sale. Llama Or natal of space at parking facilities open to the public within the eeeicipelityr and asaa1M, CbW Citr of Miami Wag declared to be in ■ state of fin■aaial elargsnoy by the governor of Florida by Executive Order 9i-391 and continuos to Operate undar the Financial 11813 CITY OF MIAMI JUN-13--2005 07:51 y 1.5 Emergency Qrereight wards and SHEENS'S' Vloride Statute §234.e01txl1b)11 repine Chat sixty to eighty percent (i0-Y0%1 of the proc*ede. of funds generated by the surcharge are to be applied to the reduction of ad valorem tam village rates or to reduce or eliminate npn•ad valorem aieesaeentef and WHERBAM, it le in the beret interests of the citiietle of Miami that an ordinance be adopted to implement the authority granted by the Florida Legialiture.j MOW, TOREFDR5, BE xT QP,AWISU 3Y 'm i CC OIIUI= OR ?$I CITY OF NL1Wl. 'IASIL1l; section 1. 7he mamas end findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are hereby adopted by relareana thereto end incorporated herein as if fully met forth in this Section. emetics 3. The Code of the City of Miami, Florida, am amended, de hereby amended by adding provisions for Parking eaeilitiee Surcharge ea contained herein. Section 3. Shot title: This Ordinance shell be known end cited me the ■ley at Oland Parkinw iftedlitley Surcharge Ordiaeaaa." motion 1. 4MM. Thin *alumnae is boreby intended CO levees and levy a Surehasge on the sale. leer* or rental of apace at Parking vacilitieu in the City to be paid by.ahe meet of .10 -7- 11813 JUN-13-2005 07:51 CITY OF MIAMI P.05 1 such space at the rata of twenty percent 120t1 of the growl Revenues derived from any Charge, Fee or hitching, tor the Parking of a Motor Vehicle in or on any parking facility in the City of Miami for which a Charge, Pee ar Exchange in made on an hourly. Daily. weekly, monthly, yearly, event, validation program, Valet or any other bail,. The get Proceeds of the Surcharge collected shall be deposited in the general fund subject to appropriation pursuant to the budget and faecal provifionn of the annual budget propene. Section 8. authority. The City Cammiaeion in hereby authorised to .atablieh and adopt a Surcharge pur•muant to the authority granted by Florida statute §11e.503, as amended shoe). The provision, of tide ordinance shall not be construed to limit the paver of tha City to adopt such ordislanne pursuant to any other source of looal authority nor to utilise any other method, or powdra othsrwiwa available for eccomplimhiag the purposes met forth herein, either in subatitutjbn of or in conjunction with thin Ordinance. Section G. netteitiema. A, used in this Ordinance the following words and term shall have the following nepninge, en1ea another meaning in plainly snt.ndsd3 City shall meals the city of Miami, Florida, Aaai1y *bull awl the operation of a faoiliey on spy or all of the seven (7) days of the week, inclusive of holidays. Charge, Pee or Owning* 'shall mean the conwt@aration paid to and including auxr and all ccsgenwation rac.ived or costa lmpessd, collected ar exacted by the operator for Par77eeing in a Parking 3 11813 1 CITY OF MIRMI Facility including exchange. credit or otherwise. Barars shall mean any building er other etruoture in which Motor V hiciee may be parked, stored. housed, or kept for ■ Charge, Von or SaO e. aroma Rovenuee shall mean any aid all revenue exchac®u or otherwine. to be determined according to ly avompted amounting principles, derived meetly or indirectly from or in oonneoslon with the parking operation of the Perking facility, excluding Florida State gala* tax. but including the entire OPI000t of Oegpenaetion in whacewr form. reneger *hall mean the city Manager of the City or his or her designee. motor vsliic� • shall mean every pelf propelled vehicle operated or imitable for operation. Net Pr'ars o& shall men the amount of the surcharge reeitaed to the City lees the allocable Goetz of procedures to enforce collection of the Rurohnzta in an amount not to exceed five percent 1e0. Operator *ball Watt any iadtviduel, partnership. aesooiatiao. oorpore:ion, or other entity which alas, controls, conductor leases operates, or online* Co be operated a Parkitag Faoiiity welch offers Perking aQucmodat:ivaa for a charge, Fee or Ixohange, ?he intent of thin definition is to place the ultimate burden for collection of tie furoharge on the owner of the Pecking /aoility in addition to the entity which operates the Parking facility if different frail tee ovate. Parking shall mean the parking, staring, housing or Soaping of a Motor Vuhiolo. Parking nullity *hall roman any use in whole or in Pa" of * space. pZot, place, .at parcel, yard, analoaura. Forking Lot. Garage. or street only if aced in caatiunctian with a valet Parking service. building or structure that is open to the general public at rhiah motor Vehicles may be housed, stored. kept, or parked for which any Charge, pee or =huge is made, no matter bow the Charge. pee or Xxdbange is collected. Porkiag hot shell mean any outdoor sin or ,apace Motor Vehicles nay be perked. Eased. hound or kept -4- 11813 • JUN-13-2005 07:51 CITY OF MIAMI r for Charge, pea or Exchange. Surcharge shall mtaif the parking vacilitisa gumboils sxpreeead as a percentage or in tlaltars- rraneaotton Mall mean the parking. storing. housing or blimping of a motor Vehicle in a Parking gaoling, in the city, far a Charge, Pie or Exchange. valet means parking accomplished through a valet Parking Barrios. Wet Parking service means the plaoing. locating. or permitting the placing or Iodating of •tando tables. vignafe or traffic cones within the public right-of-way or otherwise restricting a portion of the street for the porpoises of operating the drop-off and pick-up of vahiolea to to parked. To the sxi*nC that sty definition may be inconsistent with the definiticm of Valet larking serviee as set forth in swtion 31-7D3 thereof, and as may be amended from tins to time. the latter shell govern at all times. meanion 7. applicability of Pashing riCittties nuseheape. This ordinance shall be uniformly applicable to 47.1 Parking in Parking Paoilitiee in the City, exaluaive of residential ParkinW of tenants an resident. in apartments'. condominiums or ooaperarivar where Parking i■ provided Peasnent to a tease or in a eaparate writing batman the apartment building owner. aoadominius or cooperative and the tonaata or residents, wbather a Charge. Pas or Exchange is payable to the apaxtment caner. 000dom nius or cooperative or to the Operator of a'reeidantial Parking Facility. P.07 • t4 Section B. Collection el the Psalm Pavilitis■ Sorghums. (al Surcharge emanate due pursuant to this Ordinance shall be collected by tha operator of a Parking Facility at the time 11. 11813 • r1 i i4 �•r��4� 4r of. and in Addition to, collection of any other amounts for the Parking of a Motor vehicle is a Parking Facility, whether Charge. pea or wxahenge is made on an hourly. Daily, weekly, monthly. yearly, event. validation program. Valet or any other basis, All Operator* shall be required to uaintfiu a valid occupational lineman and any other licenses ae may be required by law to °potiato a commeroial parking Facility- The occupational llama* of an operator shall be ravokad upon the failure to remit the Surcharge amounts Eer three PI consecutive months. No operator shall be (permitted to operate the Parking Facility until all *Mare Are paid. 01 No later than the Cweatiatn (WI day of each calendar month. the Operator of awry Perking Facility shall resit to the Manager the feuds °enacted, net of refunds and state or local salty tam, pureuent to th1a Surcharge for the p:*ceding calendar month. Math monthly namittenoe shall be acaompattied by such reports as may ha prescribed by U* Manager on fosse identifying *soh Parking Facility, this name, addrasa, account nllglbar, capacity. Charm, Fee, or Exchanges, or rate schedule, rlueber and type of Transaction aid ouch other informatiO 4 vat may be mammary or cOnveeianr to fully calculate the surcharge. (c) Seery Operator of a Parking Facility shall keep complete and summate recorda, in a moor as eat forth by the Manager, pirauanot to •lactian (6)(f)(1) herein. of all Motor vehicles parked on an hourly. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, event, validation program. Valet or say other baei■ ip the Pasklna Facility, together with the amount of iurnhasgl asileated - 6 . 11813 P. JUN-13--2005 07:51 CITY OF MIAMI P.09 frees all Tranuaetiams, and shall keep all pertinent records and documents as are neceeaary to determine the amount of gurnharge Mae. such reaorde and ogler pertinent data *hall ha available for inspection and gemination upon the request of and with reasonable notion by the Manager. (d) Whanevsr any Operator fails co hasp records from which the 8urcherge may be accurately computed, the Manager may sake uaa of a !eater developed by surveying other cperaterw of a similar type Parkin racility, or otherwiaa aamout* the amount of Surcharge due, and tbis cOmpatation shall be prremua.d correct- 40) Whenever say Operator fails to collect or resit to the Manager the Surcharge impaled within the time limit therefor, Cba Manager shall rime.: the operator the amount of Sus -chugs due, plum interest et tha rate of one percent 110 per matt or any Fraction thereof, aid a penalty of ten percept (la#) of the Surcharge due on uncollected or unremlttad amounts'. (2) In addition to the power. granted the Meager in connection with the collection of the 8yroheres, the Wanrger it hereby authorised and empowered: (1) to site, adopt and amend such torsi. rules', regulations, and proaeduree as may be doomed necessary or proper to fu1.y collect the Surchargeand to define any terse used in connecton with the iropooltien and aolleeti,an of Chs Surcharge/ • 12) co ee diaputed ramie, in connection with Surcharge and. tor good and euffiaiant cause abawn, to waive interest and peaaltYJ (i) to delegate any Of the duties and lunation. in connection with the collection of the Surcharge and the enfordleent Of the prpmi/ions relating to the Manama Of the - 7 - 11813 3 JUN-13-2005 07:51 CITY OF MIAMI P.10 Cityr provided however, that all regulations promulgated "'hall be issued by the Manager; (41 to extend, for good and eufficisnt cause sheen, the f�collected pu pursuant Surcharge required tobe paid for such period of time as way be deemed reasonable by the Manager: and (51 to retain persons or entities with parking related collection experience to ptOYL service* related to the enforcement of Surcharge procedures eub3eet to a Opgpetitiv* prooureple It precise. Section 9, railer, to cooplyi penaittee. The Operator of a parking Facility who, lit file. negl1Ct* or refused to Coileat the Surcharge( or (31 fails, neglects or refuges to remit the auroharg.: Or (31 fails, neglects or refuses to keep accurate records which can be reasonablyunderireed al an using accepted aOCou�lting p riaai 1i documents/ or (4) aubmite say incomplete, faldi or fraudulent return; or 451 refuses to permit the Manager tQ examine books. records and Mere relatiog to the Ituroharge; or (61 falls to fully googly with any or all rules or yaigulutinoe promulgated by the nemegar pursuant to the authority contained Mersin, or fails to maintain complete records as required pureuent to Adapted procedures. AbAll be aabieest to the following penalties for each cdfseas: (1) have hie or her occupational license ravwkedr and/or 421 have a lien placed upon the parking paoility Eor the sue■ owed plus interest pursuant to law/ and/or -s- 11813 JUN-13-2005 07:52 CITY OF MIAMI U1 be witty of a misdemeanor and/or fined not more than 2500. or imprisoned not more than •ix (f) months, or both' and/or 44) be Iubjeet to adeinietrative fine in the amount of ii00.0 . Further. the City in hereby authorared to meek injunctive or other equitahle relief to aniOroa aaeplianee With this Owdinance. WeCtioa lo. sefeetivs date. Tire provisions met forth IA thie Ordinance shall become effective the first dry of the month following the effective data of the adoption of this bxdiaaane. Section it. All ordinances or parte of ordinances insofar ■e they ere ihOoe•Smtent or in conflict with the pravieion■ of thin ordinance are hereby re led. Section 12. If any section. part of mention. paragraph. clams, phrase or word of this ordinance ie declared invalid, the remaining provimione of this ordinance Mall not be ■ffeated. m00tion 13. It is the intention of the City Commiesion that the provieione of this Ordinance shell *wane and be made a part cif the Code of the City of Miami, eloridm, ae amended. which provieioup may be renumbered or relettered acid that the word "ova" may be changed to •mection", "article", or other appropriate mord to ecaomplieh such intention. afttion 14. This Ordinance shall become *tractive thirty 11813 JUN-13-2005 07:52 CITY OF MIAMI P.12 r l30) days after final reading And adoption th.rsgf,1 PASSED 011 PINOT RIADZN0 BY TITLE ONLY this 11411 day of ins 1s99. PANS= AND ADOPTS') ON SECOND AND FINAL RRADTNO SY TtTL, ONLY Chia wlirdL, day of July 4000• JOS lrirnsrd r,M MOO Cade In R410, elra Iv/Ar hr dd n014r4strr NNW et tit W 'Wag I In Ur delpnMrd pealed, maid Moot ISMS. 010 the 'Moe e( {i 9 ' Ihr d Oe n +tgtNwl ALM %M PO Mir Nam ATTE r: NALTSE J. YONKRN CITY CLIME CORRECTSita ATfoRNEY 0T..NYC •Sas this Otiimmea shill beats •Restive ae epeel[l d hermit gnaw nt014 DV I:hs Mayer within tam dm„ from the detm it is "mid and mdopked. SI the 'Wm *Mai this Braman. 10 Mali bottom etlssltre immatltmm.ty aPta amide et the .are by the may reatieeian or epee the .1leaatre date stated Wein. rhieheae, La 1st01. - 10 - 11813 1 TOTAL P.12