HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsThis submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 City of Miami Plarrling Department ANALYSIS FOR VACATION CLOSURE Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-16892 Property Addresses 3850 South Dixie Highway; 3791 Day Avenue Folio Number 01-4120-000-0060; 01-4120-013-0040 Miami 21 Zoning Code ("Miami 21 Code") Transect "T4-O", General Urban Transact Zone — Open, "T5-O", Urban Center Transect Zone — Open, and "T6-8-O", Urban Core Transect Zone - Open Miami 21 Code Overlay Neighborhood Conservation District NCD-2 Village West ("NCD-2") Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP") Designation Low Density Restricted Commercial, Medium Density Restricted Commercial, and Genera Commercial Commission District 2, City Commissioner: Damian Pardo Commissioner District Office Coconut Grove Planner Darren Murphy, Planner II; Email: dmurphy@miamigov.com Property Owner European Automotive LLC; Oswaldo Jaramillo Project Representative Ethan B. Wasserman, Esquire. A. REQUEST Pursuant to Chapter 55, Section 55-15 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances (the "City Code"), as amended, Ethan B. Wasserman, Esquire. representing on the behalf of the property owner, that being c/o 908 Group Holdings LLC 109 N. Brush Street, (the "Applicant") submitted a Vacation Closure Application for the vacation and closure of a portion of Higgs Street (the "Public Right of Way") that is partially bifurcating the property generally located at 3850 South Dixie Highway and 3791 Day Avenue, Miami, Florida (the "Property"). B. RECOMMENDATION The City of Miami Plat and Street Committee (the "Plat and Street Committee"), at its meeting on July 6, 2023, approved the "Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street)", refer to Attachment 1 - Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street). Furthermore, the "Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street) is subject to the City of Miami's (the "City") Department of Resilience and Public Works letter drafted on September 13, 2023, refer to Attachment 2 - Nine At Miami Tentative Plat # 2029 located along the north side of Day Avenue, on the east and the west sides of Higgs Street; and along the southeasterly side of South Dixie Highway (U.S. 1) Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 1 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accord once wkh amarines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making body NOR reWew the Infommaoon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. C. THE PROPERTY Approximate Location of the Public Right of Way The Property, which includes the Right of Way, is generally bounded by the following Thoroughfares: South Dixie Highway to the north, Southwest 37 Avenue to the east, Day Avenue to the south, and Brookers Street to the west, refer to Figure 1. Figure 1: Aerial of subject site, solid red outline = Property Boundary; yellow hatching = Public Right of Way to be Vacated and Closed Surrounding Uses and Related Approvals Based on the City's Zoning Interactive Tool, the Planning Staff has identified its Abutting neighbors' MCNP's Future Land Use ("FLU") Desigtion(s), Miami 21 Code's Transect Zone(s), and the existing Uses, based on the Miami -County Real Estate Property Record Cards, refer to Tables 1 and 2. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 2 of 10 09/01 /2022 4 PUel. r F G 0 Q- Q. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 44, RtVIEW COs- MCNP's FLU Designation(s) per Density Miami 21 Code's Transect Zone(s) Existing Use(s) North Restricted Commercial / 150 per acre "T6-12-0", Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Vacant Governmental: Vacant Land — Governmental (Miami - Dade County / Miami - Dade Transit) South Duplex Residential / 18 du per acre; Low Density Restricted Commercial / 36 du per acre "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted; "T3-O", Sub -Urban Zone — Open Residential - Single Family Residence, Multi -Family Housing East Medium Density Restricted Commercial / 65 du per acre; Restricted Commercial / 150 per acre "T5-O", Urban Center Transect Zone — Open. "T6-8-O", Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Vacant Governmental — Miami -Dade County Community Resource Centers — temporarily closed West Low Density Restricted Commercial / 36 du per acre; Restricted Commercial / 150 per acre "T4-R", General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted. "T6-12-0", Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Vacant Governmental: Vacant Land — Governmental (Miami- Dade County / Miami - Dade Transit); Residential - Single Family Residence Table 1: Surrounding Neighbors — MCNP's FLU. Miami 21 Code's, Transect Zone and Existing Uses Date Action 10/19/2023 Approved - PZ-22-15483: 3850 South Dixie Highway — Waiver (Density: seventy- nine (79) units; Square Footage proposed: 177,435; Parking proposed: 127 parking spaces) Table 2: Related Proposals D. BACKGROUND The Property's Miami 21 Code's Transect Zone The Property consists of multiple MCNP, Future Land Use Designations: Duplex Residential, Low Density Restricted Commercial, Medium Density Restricted Commercial, and Restricted Commercial. Whereas, the Property consist of multiple Miami 21 Code Transect Zones: "T4-R" General Urban Transect Zone — Restricted, "T3-O" Sub -Urban Zone — Open, "T5-O" Urban Center Transect Zone — Open; "T6-8-O" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open, and "T6-12-0" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open. The Property is also within Miami 21 Code's NCD-2 Zoning Overlay, refer to Figure 2. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 3 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 Dimensions and Area of the Public Right of Way Based on the Applicant's plan drawing - PZD-2, Tentative Plat, the area of the Public Right of Way is approximately 4,659 square feet or 0.107 acres, refer to Figure 3. Public Right of Way Figure 2: Yellow hatching = Public Right of Way (refer to the callout), Miami 21 Code's Transect Zones. Orange outline = NCD-2 Zoning Overlay - NCD-2 Development Proposal On October 19, 2023, the Applicant received an approval for their Waiver Application: PZ-22- 15483 - 3850 South Dixie Hwy and 3791 Day Avenue (the "Approved Application"), which consists of the same two (2) property addresses as this current Vacation Closure application. Based on the Approved Application, they were approved "By Right" for seventy-nine (79) Residential Multi Family Housing units and 127 parking spaces. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 4 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 The Vacation and Closure of and the Replatting of the Property Pursuant to Chapter 55, Section 55-15 of the City Code, the Applicant is replatting the Property with the intent to vacate and close a portion of Higgs Street, referred to as the Public Right of Way, that currently bisects the Property. The Applicant also intends to plat a portion of the property fronting South Dixie Highway which is currently unplatted. The City's Plat and Street Committee Approval The City's Plat and Street Committee approved both the Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street) and the vacation and closure of the Public Right of Way on July 6, 2023, refer to Attachment 3 — Plat and Street Committee, "Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street). Expenditures of Funds/Restricted Funds Confirmation Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 55, Section 55-15(a) of the City Code, as amended, the City's Department of Resilience and Public Works ("RPW") and Office of Capital Improvements ("OCI") has researched for any City projects involving this Public Right of Way to be vacated and closed by the subject Tentative Plat. Both Departments confirmed in writing, based on their records, that the City has not expended any funds within the prior fifty (50) years and/or any restricted funds on improvements, please refer to Attachment 4 — RPW Confirmation Letter and Attachment 5 — OCI Confirmation Letter. 4,3046,26,00. Figure 3: the Applicant's approved Tentative Plat with the enclosed Public Right of Way = red rectangular outline Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 5 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 FINDINGS Pursuant to Chapter 55, Section 55-15(c) of the City Code, the City's Plat and Street Committee met on July 6, 2023, and reviewed the Applicant's Tentative Plat for technical compliance. The City's Plat and Street Committee considered the request for the Vacation and Closure of the subject Public Right of Way with respect to the following four (4) questions in making their recommendation for approval to the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board, refer to Table 3. Criteria: Findings: Criteria 1: Is it in the public interest, or would the general public benefit from the vacation of the rights of way or easement? Plat and Street Committee Finding 1: The street is currently a dead-end street. The general public is not using the street, but rather it is being utilized by the owner of the abutting property as a parking area for automobiles. Further[more], access to the street is blocked by a gate on the south side. Thus, limiting access to the general public. The vacation and closure of the street will eliminate the dead-end condition and allow an efficient building design consistent with Miami 21 Zoning Code. Criteria 2: Is the general public no longer using the rights of way or easement? including public service vehicles such as trash and garbage trucks, police, fire, or other emergency vehicles? Plat and Street Committee Finding 2: The general public is not currently using the street as it serves as a parking area for the abutting property owner. Public service and emergency vehicles such as police and fire do not utilize the street as entrance is currently blocked by a gate. Criteria 3: Would there be no adverse effect on the ability to provide police, fire, or emergency services? Plat and Street Committee Finding 3: The vacation and closure of the street would not have an adverse effect. in the ability to provide police, fire, or emergency services. Any new development will be required to provide adequate access foremergencies. services. The site will have access from roadways abutting two sides of the property. Criteria 4: Would the vacation and closure of the rights of way or easements have? a beneficial effect on pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the area? Plat and Street Committee Finding 4: Pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the area would not be affected by the street closure as the street is not part of the general neighborhood pedestrian or vehicular circulation system in the area. Future redevelopment of this site may improve pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the area. Table 3 The Plat and Street Committee's four (4) questions for vacations and closures, under Chapter 55. Section 55- 15(c) of City Code Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 6 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 Planning Department staff reviewed the Applicants proposed vacation and closure of the Utility Easement based on key sections of the Miami 21 Zoning Code (Miami 21) and the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP), and their findings are listed below, please refer to Table 4: Criteria: Findings: Planning Department Criteria 1: The proposed vacating and closing of the Public Right of Way was found to be consistent with Article 2, Section 2.1.2(b)(3.) of the Miami 21 Code: "Ensuring that private Development contributes to increased infrastructure capacity and through building embellishes a pedestrian -friendly public realm of highest ambient quality". It is consistent with Capital Improvements, Goal CI-1 of the MCNP: "Adhere to sound fiscal management policies that ensure the timely provision of public capital facilities required to maintain existing public infrastructure, which meet the need for public facilities resulting from future development and redevelopment, and that enable the provision of public capital facilities that enhance the quality of life within the city." Planning Department Analysis 1: Staff defers to the Plat and Street Committee's review of the provided facts and their findings based on the four (4) questions from Chapter 55, Section 55-15(c.). Planning Department Finding 1: Complies Planning Department Criteria 2: It is consistent with Article 2, Section of the Miami 21 Code: "Development should adequately accommodate vehicles while respecting the pedestrian and the spatial form of public space". It is consistent with Goal TR-1 of the MCNP: "Maintain an effective and cost-efficient circulation network that provides transportation for all persons while reducing both the dependency on automobiles and overall roadway congestion" Planning Department Analysis 2: The Applicants proposed vacation and closure of the Public Right of Way is a critical element for the redevelopment of the Property for a seventy-nine (79) unit Residential, Mult-Family Housing project that was approved under PZ-22-15483: 3850 South Dixie Highway -Waiver and its associated Conditions of Approval that include but limited to Compliance with City of Miami Code of Ordinances, Chapters 54-55 of the City Code for Streets and Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 7 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 Criteria: Findings: Sidewalks that promotes efficient traffic circulation and pedestrian accessibility and walkability. Planning Department Finding 2: Complies Planning Department Criteria 3: Pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.8.2.b of the Miami 21 Code: "The Thoroughfare network should be designed to prioritize connectivity, defining Blocks not exceeding an average perimeter length of 1,320 feet. The length shall be measured as the sum of Lot Frontage Lines. Thoroughfare closings should not be allowed; instead, traffic calming designs should be deployed to control traffic volume and speed." Planning Department Analysis 3: Pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 1.2 of the Miami 21 Code — Definition of Terms, "[a] Frontage Line ... [is a] Property Line or Base Building Line Abutting a public space, such as a Plaza or Thoroughfare, whether at the front, rear, or side of a Lot. Facades parallel to Frontage Lines define the public realm and are therefore more regulated than the Elevations that coincide with other Lot Lines. Based on the Applicant's plan drawing - PZD-2, Tentative Plat, the Frontage Line consisting of the Property's Base Building Line that Abutts South Dixie Highway is approximately 583.14 feet, whereas the Frontage Line consisting of the Property's Base Building Line that Abutts Day Avenue is approximately 334.46 feet. The average Perimeter of the two (2) Frontage Lines is 458.80 feet (583.1 feet+334.46 feet/2). This falls below the average perimeter benchmark of 1,320 feet. Therefore, the vacation and closure of the Public Right of Way is not considered to be disruptive in terms of increased traffic volume and speed and promotes overall connectivity forthe immediate area for both traffic and pedestrians. Planning Department Finding 3: Complies Planning Department Criteria 4: Pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.8.2.c of the Miami 21 Code: "All Thoroughfares should terminate at other Thoroughfares, to form a network. Cul-de-sacs should be permitted only when supported by natural site conditions. Thoroughfares that provide View Corridors shall not be vacated." Planning Department Analysis 4: Based on the City's Plat and Committees provided facts and findings for Question #1 in regard to Chapter 55, Section 55-15(c) of the City Code, it was confirmed that Higgs Street, which is also the subject Public Right of Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 8 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In aaordancc whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -ma Xing body NOR resiew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decla on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 Criteria: Findings: Way that is proposed to be vacated and closed, is a "dead-end street". The Applicant's proposed Vacation Closure application aligns with this Miami 21 Code by eliminating this identified "dead end street" that does not connect to the City's established Thoroughfare network. Planning Department Finding 4: Complies Table 4: Criteria, Analysis, and Findings based on the MCNP and Miami 21 Code F. CONCLUSION Based on the facts and findings from the Applicant's Vacation Closure application, the Plat and Street Committee findings per Chapter 55, Section 55-15(c), and the Planning Department Staff's findings per the MCNP and Miami 21 Code, the Planning Department recommends Approval with Conditions of the vacation and closure of the Public Right of Way from public use as contained in the "Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street) subject to the following conditions: G. CONDITIONS 1. The closure and vacation of a Private Alley shall be developed in accordance with the Nine at Miami" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street) consisting of two (2) sheets, digitally signed, and sealed by Mark Steven Johnson, Professional Surveyor and Mapper, LS No. 4775, State of Florida, with a Survey Date of January 19, 2023. 2. The applicant or their successor shall comply with all conditions and/or comments in the letter drafted and signed by Juvenal Santana, P.E., CFM, Supervisor of Plats - Plat and Street Committee, Deputy Director - Public Works, Department of Resilience and Public Works on September 13, 2023 for the Tentative Plat # 2029 located along the north side of Day Avenue, on the east and the west sides of Higgs Street; and along the southeasterly side of South Dixie Highway (U.S.1) . 3. The Applicant, owner, or successor shall meet applicable development standards identified in the Miami 21 Code and all applicable local, county, state, and federal regulations. 4. The Applicant, owner, or their successor shall provide an access plan for review and acceptance by the City's Fire -Rescue, Police, Solid Waste Departments, and the Capital Improvements Program/Office Transportation. Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 9 of 10 09/01/2022 This submittal needs b be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Ccde.The applicade decision -making bodywill rewew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 5. A building permit, including phased permits, will not be issued on the property being platted until the final plat is recorded or as authorized by Section 55-10(i) of the City Code, as amended. 6. Approval of the requested vacation and closure shall be valid for a period of four (4) years and shall remain independent of the referenced tentative plat during this period, pursuantto Section 55-15 of the City of Miami Code of Ordinances, as amended. 7. A Certificate of Occupancy shall only be issued after all the required subdivision improvements have been completed. 8. The City reserves the right to inspect the site to ensure compliance with the conditions listed. DocuSigned by: JVL/W 77D014848CA84B6... David Snow (Interim Planning Director Panning Department DocuSigned 1by:Al. / A� S vWW 77D014848CA84B6... Sevanne Steiner, Assistant Director Planning Department �DocuSigned by: � arrun, hurpLi 4 81... Darren Murphy, Planner II Planning Department, Land Development Division Attachments: Attachment 1: Tentative Plat Attachment 2: City of Miami Tentative Plat Letter Attachment 3: Plat and Street Committee's Technical Compliance Questions Attachment 4: RPW Confirmation Letter Attachment 5: OCI Confirmation Letter Staff Analysis Report No. (PZ-23-16892: 3850 S DIXIE HWY-Vacation Closure) — Page 10 of 10 09/01/2022 ,.c PUBS, NORTHWEST CORNER; NORTHEAST 1/4; NORTHEAST 1/4; SECTION 20 TWP.545 RGE41E SIN 40/H 5/REET SOUTHWEST CORNER; NORTHEAST 1/4; NORTHEAST 1/4; SECTION 20 TWP.545 RGE.41E NINE A T MIAMI A REPLA7 OF LOTS 5,6 AND 7, REWSED PLAT PERCIVAL AND SANDFORD, PLAT BOOK 1 A7 PAGE 140, TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4; SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST, CITY OF MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FLORIDA NORTHEAST CORNER; NORTHEAST 1/4; NORTHEAST 1/4; SECTION 20 TWP.54S RGE41E SOUTHEAST CORNER; NORTHEAST 1/4; NORTHEAST 1/4; SECT/ON 20 TWP.545 RGE41E l ,--FROW AYE GMGRO SI (e-106) grow AVE-- LOCATION SKETCH 5cm'e: 1,300" A PORTION OF ALE 1/4 AND SE 1/4 OF THE HE 1/4 SECTION 20-545-41E CID OF MINA M TAN/-0AOE ANY,, NORMA. SURVEYORS NOTES' BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON RELATE TO AN ASSUMED BEARING OF 567274311' ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF DAY AVENUE BETWEEN BR 01'ER STREET AND DOUGLAS 44747 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND 1777E EXCEPTIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON AN OPINION OF DILE PRONGED TO THE SURVEYOR. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THIS FIRM HAS NOT ANEMPTED TO LOCATE FOOTINGS AND/OR FOUNDASONS. 4. THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON FALLS WITHIN 1770954E ROOD HAAA97 2D1E ? PER FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP N0. 12086004571, COMMUNITY NO. 1208M PANEL NO. 0457, SUFFIX G OF F.ENA. MAP DATED SEPIEMBER 11, 2CO9. VISIBLE INDICATORS OF URINES ARE SHOWN HEREON TOGETHER WITH UNDERGROUND STORM AND SANITARY GRAVITY MAINS HOWEVER, NO ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO LOCATE UNDERGROUND PRESSURE MAINS, CABLES OR CONDUITS. THE DISTANCES SHOWN ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ARE RECORD AND/OR MEASURED UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 7 THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON REFER TO NORM AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAV..O. 88) AND ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET 8. BENCHMARKS: CRY BENCHMARK V-160; LOCATOR I. GRAND AVE— -]' NCRIN OF CENTER LINE; LOCATOR 2. S.W. 37/H AVE— -I13' WEST OF CENTER LINE. ELEVATION=IP091' NOY.D /929-/.549' TO NA.Y.089=105A5' NAV.O88 CERTIFIED R): • 908 GROUP A44N4GER TLC SURVEYORS CERISMA77010 I HEREBY CERTIFY: THAT THIS 'BOUNDARY SURVEY 45 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY,' ALSO BEING A 'TENTATIVE MAY, OF HE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREON IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF AS RECENTLY SURVEYED AND DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION AND DIRECTION. THIS SURVEY COMPLIES W/M HE STANDARD OF PRACTICE REQUIREMENTS ADOPTED BY THE FLORIDA STATE BOARD OF SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS AS CONTAINED IN RULES 5J-17.051 AND 5✓-17.052. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. Se swe4ke- Shia/.a & IRE sat APPSIVNO ON ThM O PAW diont MARK STElEN JOHN50N, PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. STATE OF FLORIDA. 775 LESILSESCHEIIM LOT 5, REVISED PUT OF PERCIVAL AND SANFORD ACCORDING TO HE PUT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, AT PAGE 140, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF M4MI-DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND FROM THE SE CORNER OF NFE NE 1/4 OF THE NE I/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST RUN WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH NNE OF HE NE 1/4 OF THE NE I/4 OF SAID SECTION 20 FOR A DISTANCE OF 304.89 FEET HE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT OF LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED; THENCE RUN NORM PARALLEL TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT 5, OF REVISED PLAT PERCIVAL AND SANFORD, ACCORDING /U THE PUT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 1, AT PAGE 140, OF HE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ML4N1-040E COUNTY, FLORIDA; FOR A DISTANCE OF 144.76 FEET, MORE 0R LESS, TO THE INTERSECTION W/M THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE ROAD N0. 5, ACCORDING TO HE PLAT HEREOF, RECORDED IN PUT BOOK 57, PAGE 65, OF HE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; HENCE RUN SOUTHERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID RICH/ OF WAY OF STATE ROAD N0. 5 TO THE I /0/157C'IION MH THE SOUTH LINE OF HE NE 1/4 OF HE NE I/4 OF SAID SECTION 20; HENCE RUN EAST ALONG HE SOUTH LINE OF HE NE 1/4 OF HE NE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 20 TO HE POINT OF BEGINNING. AND LO/S 6 AND 7, LESS HE SOUTH 5.0 FELT OF REVISED PUT PERCIVAL AND SANFORD, ACCORDING TO HE PLAT HEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 140 OF HE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MI MI -LADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN REFERRED TO IN HE ORDER OF TAKING AS RECORDED IN OFTIC/L RECORDS BOOK 30338, PAGE 943 OF HE PUBLIC RECORDS OF M0MI-Dg0E COUNTY, FLORIDA. ATTACH 114Y AVF ZONE 14-0) I —(ZONE aCQ' (ZONE 73-0) YPERCIIAL AVE. 00 ZONING TRANSECT SKETCH Sole: 1'=150' uEr03a(1-11SEMEati DWNLR(S/ N4MF LUROPEAN AUTOMOTIVE LLC and OSWALD° J4RAN/LLO 0/0 906 GROUP E/6My6 LW (Developer) 109 N. BRUSH STREET, ME 500 TAMPA, FL 33602 CONTACT REX CDLE rm4c090B9/oup.com NUMBER OF TRACTS 3 DEelaPPMFNI TAMP CURRENT NET PER LEGAL R.O.W TO BE DEDICATED: R.O.W. TO BE VACATED: 335.707 50. FT. (30.820 ACRES) 3250 50. FT (40.022 ACRES) 34,659 50. FT. (30107 ACRES) TRACT A: 34758 SQ. FT (E0.187 ACRES) NET (T4-0) (NCO-2) TRACT B: 113961 50. FT. (40.320 ACRES) NET (75-0) (NC0-2) TRACT C 1I7,997 S0. FT. (30.413 ACRES) NET P6-8-0) (NCO-2) TOTAL: 444776 50. FT. (40.92I ACRES) NET UTI5ES NMI-DADE WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT MAW-DADE COUNTY FLOOD CRI/ERM: 10.5' N.C.Va 29 (NEW CRITERIA) N.A. ✓.0. 88 (NEW CRITERIA) FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SEE SURVEYORS NOTE /5 FOR INFORMATION EXA0IINC ZONING T4-0 MIDDY URBAN 7474NSECT Z01F.) and NCD-2 75-0 (LAW CENTER 7124NSECT 2WF) and A00-2 78-8-0 NOW CORE IWNSECT ZONE) and A90-2 PROPOSED USE: ONE MULTISTORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNITS WITH 79 UNI75 - TRACTS A B AND C TO BE COMBINED UNDER UNITY OF TITLE 0R COVENANT, COVENANT IN LIEU OF UNITY OF TIRE 0R SIMILAR ZONING INSTRUMENT EXISTING TAX PARCEL INFORMATION: 01 -4120 -000-0060 3850 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY (PER CITY OF MAIM CIS) 01-4120-013-0040 3791 DAY AVENUE 3793 DAY AVENUE HE EXPRESS PURPOSE OF HAS PUT IS TO CLOSE, VACATE AND DISCONTINUE FROM PUBLIC USE THAT PORTION OF HIGGS STREET LYING W/MIN ME LIMITS OF THIS PUT TREE TAR/F NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body MI reNew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a flna t deciS on. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 PE/Cl/AL ACE- ( vv Nine At miaml INSPECTED111. 7, Mg sclentif lc name Common name Dell X Canopy Note Sabel palmetto Sabalpalm 6' Sabel palmetto Sabel palm 11" 17. Royal palm 15' 20 18' Royston. raga Phoenix roebelenil Mous Pious elliottii Pinus Not onsite Not onsite Melloccus equeaas Pygmyelate palm Slas Chrpstmas palm 6. 20' 12' MI is rountletl-off to the OM is measured ar<.a feet above grade Canopy dlemeter Is approximate and measured In°. dIrealon N approximate overall heightfor trees and palms I ALL EN/Sl96 9WROWDIEW5 LX• 041E NE TO BE WANED 'ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON RELATE 70 NORTH AMERICAN VER7/CAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAV.0 88) AND ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET. R 32-6237T / TRACT 'B" - - , p;E, DOUGLAS ROAD STATION VIMAGE / (PB 169, PG, 339 - 84154'I7Y2"E 0.' 8=2031.25' 01.0=53.02' 1N L=53.02' 8=1'29'44' PARCEL 1C3 .`S) (OR,6,30.3JB, PG.90 1118730'407108.66' F LOT LOT 12 61.0 J LOT 10 ins /- N13 p) o o9RA 6 / / Nl���ctt+ / dr(•eP Og0 OLr / V13t E / PA A6c Nor / ONO' 6: i / SDt1 'lF x' 6,j i .B=N5470,13 LR=202875' CN0=49.08' L=1948''0=123' 0 S007N LINE,; N.C.1/4: S8T30'401II 101.18' NE I/9; SEC7ILW 20, LIMIT OF PUT 7WP. 54S RGE 41E LOT 9 REVISED PLAT OF PERCIVAL & S4NFORD (PR 1, PG. 1909 587:77'43W 21259' 5 PER LR,36845G211) S973743 ,277,58' 58737'43W 27248' REVISED FIAT OF PERCIVAL & SANFORD (P,B 1, PG, 140) LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 8 LOT 15 UNPLATTED J J LOT 7 -1 AMHAtr d 5' PER 55Re26v, P5,1918) • tonatte 20 . S87374319940.00' - TRACT C AREAf17,997 50.F7 30473 ACRES LINE STORY #0.18 ACRES LOT 5 DTI i iY y, 1 S8737.'131X moo. L o irAlit 4k F D< PUT 237'37'4314 720.00J: , •'� rew-:n!4 .d 205 amwv z slxlc PERCIVAL GARDENS (PB 106, PG 3) / TRACT A SIMBER SUBDIVISION (P,B 64, PG 37) 118730'10r 30598' (M) 304.89 (D) SOUTH LAC, N£.1/4; N.E. 1/4; SECTION N8730'401-250.00' 1 \7 28 IMP. 545, RGE 41E N87'30'40E 265.00' NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubu In accordance w9h timelines set forth In the Miami Code. The appdoa de decision -making renew the Information al the public hearing to recommendation or a final decison. PZ-23-16892 04/11 /2� REVISED PLAT OF PERCIVAL & SANFORD (P,R. I, PG, 1401 LOT 4 250 SO.FT. (10.006 AC9ES) TO BE OE(GA7E0 or 7NIS RA4r S8737'31'7 249.93 (N) LOT 3 LOT 2 ' ,l S87_A'43W 250.0' E T 58737'43W 165.0T' VA & SANDFORD (PR, 1, PG. 1404 LOT 15 PERCIVAL GARDENS (PH 106, PG 34 SE LGRNLN N.E. !///4; SECTIW.20 7WP. 54S AGE 41E_ TENTATIVE PLAT NINE AT MIAMI Ron, 47 East. ca, of Ymmi. '9 9 ALL EXISTING WAROKMEN75 W4 SUE ARE TO BE REMOVED (60087IONS SHOWN HEREON RELATE TO NORTH AAIERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (9.A.K0 88) AND ARE EXPRESSED IN FEET. „,` AJ-6237T aIit if 4iThtmi September 13, 2023 Oswaldo Jaramillo and European Automotive, LLC c/o Greenberg Traurig, PA / Ethan Wasserman 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 4400 Miami, FL 33131 ATT Thls submittal needs to be schebu led bra public hearing In accordance wilt Inmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appllcade deolslon-ma king body mil renew the Informagon at the pubec hearing to render a recommendation or a final decia on. 908 Group Holdings LLC 109 N. Brush Street, Suite 500 Tampa, FL 33602 NINE AT MIAMI TENTATIVE PLAT #2029-A (FIRST RESUBMITTAL) LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF DAY AVENUE, ON THE EAST AND THE WEST SIDES OF HIGGS STREET; AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY (U.S. 1). Ladies and Gentlemen: The City of Miami Plat and Street Committee at its meeting of July 6, 2023, approved the above tentative plat subject to the following revisions being made to the tentative plat, additional information being provided and/or variances being granted. Please be advised that the processing of your tentative plat cannot proceed until these conditions and/or comments have been satisfied: Resilience and Public Works Department 1. The Transect Zoning Sketch needs revisions on the line work of the subject site. 2. The Tentative Plat needs revisions, contact the Survey Section. 3. The right-of-way information for the southeasterly right-of-way line of U.S. 1 / State Road No. 5 requires review and approval from F.D.O.T. 4. Provide corrections to underground information of existing stormwater drainage system adjacent to proposed plat - underground lines, inlet rim elevation, inlet type, structure bottom elevation, pipe material and direction, pipe size, pipe length, covered ditches, exfiltration trenches. All information obtained from the City records must be field verified. Field verifications are also required for all new structures that are not on the City records. All structures must be cleaned to be accessible for the field verifications and researches, if necessary. Missing bottom elevations. Qualify, as per City records, existing covered ditch along Day Avenue. 5. For coordination of underground information for stormwater drainage system. Contact Mauricio Valdes at 305-416-1288 or MauValdes@miamigov.com, Development and Roadway Plans Section for comments. To obtain copy of Stormwater As-Builts, Capital Projects, and any other underground City's Records, contact Justo De La Torre at jdelatorre@miamigov.com. 6. Drainage structure(s) in the private property might be connected to public stormwater system and/or abutting properties. Provide complete underground information. 7. Corrections on underground information to be completed prior the issuance of the Subdivision Improvements letter. Standard Comments 8. A letter from Comcast is required to determine if any adjustments to their facilities or easements are required. DEPARTMENT OF RESILIENCE & PUBLIC WORKS 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue / Miami, Florida 33130 / (305) 416-1200 / Fax: (305) 416-1278 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 Nine at Miami- TENTATIVE PLAT # 2029-A (FIRST RESUBMITTAL) September 13, 2023 Page 2 of 3 9. Verify with Miami -Dade County that the proposed plat name is acceptable. 10. All encroachments across proposed tract and/or lot lines must be removed p submittal. 11. An Opinion of Title, in the City of Miami Opinion of Title form, must be provided at th plat submittal. 12. Current backup documentation will be required for all who execute the final plat. A resolution for authority to execute documents and a Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of State are required, if applicable. 13. Tentative plat application must be made with Miami -Dade County after receiving approval from the City of Miami Plat and Street Committee. 14. Be advised that an incomplete final plat package will not be accepted by the City of Miami. It is the owner's responsibility to work with his/her surveyor and his/her attorney to assure that everything is in order before submitting the final plat package. 15. Be advised that if all requirements for scheduling the final plat for City Commission action are not in order, the final plat will not be scheduled for a City Commission meeting. 16. A letter of concurrency from Miami -Dade County School Board is required prior to the final plat submittal. 17. A letter from the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department is required to determine if any adjustments to their facilities or easements are required. Also, a letter to release the final plat in connection with water and sewer service agreements. 18. Provide two 8 '/a" by 11" paper location sketch exhibits, one "Before Replat" and one "After Replat". 19. Existing utilities located within the right-of-way to be closed and vacated must be relocated or easements provided. 20. An opinion of title as to reversionary rights for the right-of-way to be closed and vacated will be required by the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. The opinion of title must also address whether or not there are individuals, in addition to the abutting property owners, having an interest in the right-of-way to be closed and vacated. A copy of the opinion of title must be provided to the Survey Section of Resilience and Public Works Department. 21. The Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board will require a Sketch and Legal Description with a square footage, on an 8 %" X 11" paper, for the proposed closure. Contact the Office of the Hearing Boards, at 305-416-2030. Provide a copy to the Survey Section of Resilience and Public Works Department. 37. The Subdivider or applicant is to comply with the requirements of Chapter 55, Sec. 55-15(a) City of Miami Code before scheduling a public hearing before the city commission for the vacation and closure of the right-of-way. This submittal needs to be schebu let bra public hearing In accordance wilt Inmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The appllcade decision -making burly nnll renew the Informagon at the pubec hearing to render a recommendation or a final tecia on. In addition to the above requirements, you should be aware of the following: 1. State and local laws require the installation of various physical improvements in the public rights - of -way when property is platted. These subdivision improvements include paving, drainage, landscaping, sidewalks, etc. In some cases, this could represent a substantial investment on your part. REQUIRED: The submission of an electronic copy of the tentative plat, in an AutoCAD version, to the City of Miami Public Works Department, Roadway Plans Section will EXPEDITE the preparation and enhance the ACCURACY of the subdivision improvement letter required for the final plat approval. 2. Execution of Covenant for Postponement of Subdivision Improvements is required in cases where the required subdivision improvements are not completed. 3. The alteration, relocation or installation of utilities such as storm and sanitary sewers, electric, telephone, water, etc., caused by this plat will be at the property owner's expense. Also, utility easements may be required on the property being platted. Nine at Miami- TENTATIVE PLAT # 2029-A (FIRST RESUBMITTAL) September 13, 2023 Page 3 of 3 4. A building permit will not be issued on the property being platted until the final p as authorized by the City of Miami Code Section 55-10(i). Also, the Certificate of any building construction will be issued only after all the required subdivision impro been completed. 5. Approval for fire flow requirements must be obtained from the Fire -Rescue Department pn issuance of a building permit. 6. In order to mitigate problems associated with access and construction activities throughout the neighborhood, the contractor/developer is encouraged to notify the affected neighborhood residents, in writing, of the project starting and completion dates at the time of issuance of permits. 7. Additional items must be provided to the City of Miami Department of Resilience and Public Works, Development and Roadway Plans Section before the final plat is submitted to the City Commission for approval. You will be notified in writing as to what these items are after the amount of the bond has been determined for the necessary subdivision improvements. It is required that the applicant contacts the Survey Section of Resilience and Public Works Department of the City of Miami to verify that all final plat submittal documents are complete prior to final plat submittal. 8. Tentative plat approval is only valid for 1(one) year and 6 (six) months from the date of the Plat and Street Committee meeting at which time it was approved. This submittal needs to be schebu let bra public hearing In accordance wilt Inmellnes set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The appllcade decision -making burly nnll renew the Intormagon at the pubec hearing to render a recommendation or a final tecia on. If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please refer to the attached sheet for the appropriate person to contact. Suisor oPlats - Plat and Street Committee Director — Public Works Department of Resilience and Public Works JS/EP/ep/ss Enclosure: Contact Sheet c: Ethan B. Wasserman Greenberg Traurig, P.A. 333 SE 2 Avenue Miami, FL 33131 Mark Johnson Shwebke-Shiskin &Associates 3240 Corporate Way Miramar, FL 33025 Plat and Street Committee Members Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Deputy City Manager Development and Roadway Plans Survey PUBL/C Major Richard Perez Police Department 400 NW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33128 305.603.6505 5630@miami-police.orq Collin Worth Transportation Office 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1725 cworth@miamigov.com City of Miami Plat and Street Committee Contact List Evelyn Abraham Florida Power & Light Co. 122 SW 3rd Street Miami, FL 33130 305.377.6108 Evelvn.M.Abraham@fpl.com Luis Torres Building Department Floor 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1195 LTorresIII@miamigov.com Maria Nunez Comcast 2601 SW 145 Avenue Miramar, FL 33027 954.447.8405 Maria nunez@comcast.com Lt. Joselin Fernandez Fire -Rescue Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 10th Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1722 iofernandez@miamigov.com Daniel S. Goldberg, Esq. Zoning Administrator Office of Zoning 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1488 DaGoldberg@miamigov.com Angel Quant Regional Operations Manager TECO GAS 5101 NW 215T Avenue, Suite 460 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 954.453.0805 alquant@tecoenergv.com Guillermo Guerrero Miami -Dade Water & Sewer 3071 SW 38th Avenue Miami, FL 33146 786.268.5268 Guillermo.Guerrero@miamidade.gov Walter Sancho-Davila Hotwire Communications 2100 W Cypress Creek Road Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 954-699-0900 walter.sancho- davila@hotwirecommunication.com Robert Diamond, P.E. Professional Engineer III Resilience & Public Works Dept. 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1200 rdiamond@miamigov.com Elizabeth Hernandez Office of the City Attorney 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 9th Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1859 elhernandez@miamigov.com Darren Murphy Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1428 dmurphy@miamigov.com Ivan Rodriguez Miami -Dade County Public Schools 1450 NE 2nd Avenue, Room 525 Miami, FL 33132 305.995.7285 irodriquez@dadeschools.net Stefan Eriksson / PEA, Inc For: AT&T 6000 Metro West Blvd., Suite 201 Orlando, FL 32835-7631 407.578.8000 seriksson@pea-inc.net 0 4 Juven Direct Resili 444 S Miami, 305.416. santana .+.t 1IR Oe9� NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applica de decision-rna king body will renew the inforrnauon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16892 04/11 /24 Henry Urena AT&T Florida for Bellsouth 600 NW 79th Ave, Room 360 Miami, FL (305) 913-1408 hu083i@att.com Enrique Pousada, P.S.M. Sr. Professional Surveyor / Mapper Resilience & Public Works Dept. 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1232 epousada@miamigov.com V� i1 EW COQ Terran Steed Zoning Office 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33130 305.416.1419 tsteed@miamigov.com Jon Baker / Mark Klinkenberg SPRINT Communication National Field Operations 851 Trafalgar Court, Suite 300 Maitland, FL 32751 jabaker@cogentco.com mark.klinkenbero@t-mobile.com Wade L. Sanders Director Solid Waste Department 1290 NW 20 Street Miami, FL, 33142 (305)960-2804 Wasanders@miamigov.com Erlande Omisca Florida Department of Health Miami -Dade County 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 120 Miami, FL 33175 (786) 315-2452 Erlande.Omisca@flhealth.gov 0 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Juvenal Santana, P.E., CFM. DATE: Supervisor of Plats/ Director Department of Resilience and Public Works SUBJECT: FROM: Enrique Pousada, P.J.M. REFERENCES: Senior Professional Surveyor & Mapper Department of Resilience and Public Works ENCLOSURES: This submittal needs to be scheduled fora puboc hearing In aaordanr wnh timelines setforth in the City of Miami Code. The applies Lie decision -making body will redew the information at the pubkc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decid on. Novembe New Tentativ Vacation and Closu PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 Vote tally form At the July 6, 2023 Plat and Street Committee meeting, one tentative plat was approved that contains a street vacation and closure. The results of the Committee's review of the public interest findings concerning the closure are summarized as follows: "NINE AT MIAMI" Tentative Plat #2029-A (Higgs Street) 1. The street is currently a dead-end street. The general public is not using the street, but rather it is being utilized by the owner of the abutting property as a parking area for automobiles. Further, access to the street is blocked by a gate on the south side, thus limiting access to the general public. The vacation and closure of the street will eliminate the dead-end condition, and allow an efficient building design consistent with Miami 21 Zoning Code. 2. The general public is not currently using the street as it serves as a parking area for the abutting property owner. Public service and emergency vehicles such as police and fire do not utilize the street as entrance is currently blocked by a gate. 3. The vacation and closure of the street would not have an adverse effect in the ability to provide police, fire or emergency services. Any new development will be required to provide adequate access for emergency services. The site will have access from roadways abutting two sides of the property. 4. Pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the area would not be affected by the street closure as the street is not part of the general neighborhood pedestrian or vehicular circulation system in the area. Future redevelopment of this site may improve pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the area. The Plat and Street Committee members voted to recommend 5 in favor and 0 in denial of this request to vacate and close the street. JS/EP/ep c: Darren Murphy, Planner I, Planning Department Survey eb. ..co Nio� NOTICE (This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with omerines set forth in the City or Miami Code. The applicalle decision-rna king body will review the infonnaIn n at thepublic hearing to render recommenaar on or a final decis on. VACATION AND CLOSURE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND EASEMENTS Description: /d l Al.?, , -i 1 A IA ; / T61,4/ ae 'L0r -A, i c-SY 4,,i/ 115 r`' C4t of 1 /6 kevz- ', R t -y� C, t.ck �--)g fit' H VS 6 % 5-rt4- t r o,J -T.�f ,CIDitt f'1 i oi?i C66 Y A V.i;c.�t A�--. , k 1r ti iV ou L4`, C-.DAs7 OD R f i MEMBERS YES NO Public Works Planning Building Zoning Police Fire Rescue Solid Waste Totals l; pus(' City of Altai -tit October 2, 2023 Oswaldo Jaramillo and European Automotive, LLC c/o Greenberg Traurig, PA / Ethan Wasserman 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 4400 Miami, FL 33131 RE: 0 0 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a puboc hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bedywill renew the infonnadon at the pubs hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-16892 04/11/24 VIEW CO 908 Group Holdings LLC 109 N. Brush Street, Suite 500 Tampa, FL 33602 NINE AT MIAMI - TENTATIVE PLAT #2029 VACATION OF RIGHT OF WAY — EXPENDITURES OF FUNDS/RESTRICTED FUNDS CONFIRMATION ("CONFIRMATION") Ladies/Gentlemen, Pursuant to the provisions of City of Miami Code Section 55-15(a), as amended, the City of Miami Department of Resilience and Public Works has researched for any City projects involving the right of way to be closed and vacated by the subject plat. This department hereby confirms, based on our records, that the City has not expended any funds within the prior fifty (50) years and/or any restricted funds on improvements on the right of way proposed to be vacated and closed. If you have any questions concerning this determination, please contact Mauricio Valdes, at mauvaldes@miamigov.com. Sincerely, Juvenal Santana, P.E., CFM Supervisor of Plats - Plat and Street Committee Director — Public Works Department of Resilience and Public Works JS/CA/RD/JB/AG/DL/mv c: Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc. 3240 Corporate Way Miramar, FL 33025 Attn.: Mark Johnso mjohnson@shiskin.com Ethan B. Wasserman Greenberg Traurig, P.A 3240 Corporate Way Miramar,FL33025 wassermane@gtlaw.com Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Deputy City Manager Erica Paschal -Darling, CPA., Director — Finance Marie Gouin, Director - Office of Management and Budget Hector Badia, Interim Director — Office of Capital Improvements Xavier Alban, Assistant City Attorney Survey Development and Roadway Plans Central DEPARTMENT OF RESILIENCE & PUBLIC WORKS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 8th Floor / Miami, FL 33130 / (305) 416-1200 / Fax: (305) 416-1278 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 0 City of Miami 11,0010141, l r) I Ethan B. Wasserman, Esq 333 Southeast Second Avenue Suite 4400 Miami, FL 33131 RE: NINE AT MIAMI - CITY OF MIAMI VACATION AND CLOSURE APPLICATION PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3850 S DIXIE HWY AND 3791, 3793 DAY AVE., MIAMI Dear Mr. Wasserman, 5 ARTHU' *RIEGA. V City Manager Pursuant to the provisions of City of Miami Code Section 55-15(a), as amended, the City of Miami Office of Capital Improvements (OCI) has researched its records to determine if any capital improvement projects previously designed and constructed are affected by the vacating of the area indicated on the proposed Plat. Based on OCI's records, we do not have any projects within the prior 50 years having been designed/constructed for this proposed vacated area nor do we have any records of a project(s) impacted using City of Miami restricted funds. If you have any questions concerning this determination, please contact me at 305-416-1280. Sincerely, Digitally signed by Badia, Hector Date: 2024.02.16 15:50:33 -05'00' Hector Badia Director Office of Capital Improvements HB/hb Nzeribe Ihekwaba, Ph.D., P.E., Deputy City Manager Erica Paschal -Darling, CPA., Director of Finance Marie Gouin, Director, Office of Management and Budget Juvenal Santana, P.E., CFM, Supervisor of Plats - Plat and Street Committee, Director - Department of Resilience and Public Works Mark Johnson, Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc. Survey Development and Roadway Plans Central OFFICE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 444 S.W. 2ND Avenue, 8`" Floor / Miami, FL 33130 / Office: (305) 416-1213 / Fax: (305) 416-2153 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708, Miami, FL 33233-0708