TO :
Stephanie N. Grindell, A.E. Director
Pui4ic orks Department
May 10, 2005
SUBJECT : Reduction of Zoned Street Width
NE 16 Street
John F. Timoney, Chief of Police
Mario Soldevilla, Acting Director, Solid Waste Department
William W. Bryson, Chief Fire -Rescue Department
NE 16 Street between NE 2 Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard has a zoned right-of-way width of 50 feet. Proposed
redevelopment in the downtown area and the protection of the City's historic structures has prompted the Public
Works Department to undertake a complete review to assess the necessity for continuing the reservation of the
additional zoned width for NE 16 Street, with the following results and recommendation.
The original platted subdivisions that created NE 16 Street within the described limits dedicated a right of way of 2:5
feet. The north side of the road was subsequently developed with pavement, curb and gutter conforming to the 25
foot wide right of way and many of the structures on private property, including the historic building at 1601 NE 2
Avenue, were constructed abutting the property line established by a 25 foot wide roadway. The south side of NE
16 Street is currently a fully developed roadway.
In 1961 the City Commission, by Ordinance, established a zoned base building line width of 50 feet for this roadway
thereby reserving additional property in anticipation of future roadway widening of this roadway. The building at
1601 NE 2" d Avenue is eligible for historic designation and the north side of NE 16`I' Street has not been widened.
None of the additional reserved private property within this block has been dedicated for street purposes to the full
50 foot width. The Public Works Department review of this transportation corridor reveals that the current
developed roadway adequately serves the vehicular transportation needs of the public and protects the historic
The current increased zoned width of NE 16 Street negatively impacts the development of the remainder of the
historic building block and is not consistent with the developed right of way improvements. The Public Works
Department is recommending to the City of Miami Commission that the zoned base building line width of the north
side of NE 16 Street between NE 2 Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard be reduced from 50 feet wide to the original
developed 25 foot wide right of way width to conform with current and future regulated development and permit the
continued protection of the 1601 NE 2"d Avenue building. The current pavement, curb and gutter will not physYca]1y
change on this roadway if the Ordinance is adopted.
A public hearing has been scheduled for the June 9, 2005 Commission meeting to consider this roadway width
reduction. Please be prepared to present your comments concerning the reduction of the zoned street width to the
City Commission at this meeting.
C:1My Documents\RESOLUTIONS\ORD - Zoned r-o-w Reduction - NE 16 Street,doc