HomeMy WebLinkAboutresumeMAY-31-2005 TUE 03:26 PM FAX NO, 055962828 P. 02 Thomas B. Jdke, PhD 2463 South Miami Avenue Magni, Florida 33129 cell (305) 971-5951 fax (305) 8564163 tieTheatieike.com EDUCATION Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education, Minor in Law, May, 2001 lowihig Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio Master of Arts in College Student Persotmel, May, 1993 Florida International Univerwity, Miami, Florida Bachelor of.Arts in Englisl' 1, May, 1990 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE T. Jelke Solutions, Inc., Miami, Florida Founder and President hlay, 2001 —Present *Provided strategic planning consultation for universities with up to 3(1,000 studaits and 3tudent Affairs divisions with up to 200 employees *Assessed and evaluated staffing issues and patterns, budgets, operations and culture ors .udent communities and student affairs areas at institutions with up to 19,000 *Developed and implemented leadership development training sessions for groups of ow • 200 including student organization leaders, university staff members, and non-profit organization staff members. *C.00rdinated quantitative and qualitative research initiatives at inatimtions with up to 27, )00 students *Facilitated and moderated issue -based programs and discussions Inc groups of up to 250 *Developed articles of incorporation, mission and values statements, operational procedu u, client base, and promotional campaigns for an upstart company with a $200,000 natual budget Thomas B. Jelke Foundation, Miami, Florida Founder and Chairman of the Beard at Trustees May, *Created Constitution By-laws, and Operational PivJvs for grant -making family far • Se10,*m, trained, and managed 2 Board of Trustee members, and 1 Corporate Trustee m *Oversee the management of investments and the annual distribution am= S30,000e *Maintain operational complianoe with federal and state laws and policies governing rani *Plan, organize and chair semi-namal board meetings 1.000 — Present dation robes lucatienal grants y foundations Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana Judicial Meer, Office of Student Ethics 3111111arY, 1999 May, 2000 *Organized and heard individual and groupjudicial cases violators of the code of conduct *Gathered, tracked and statistically analyzed data for violators of the code of conduct Program Advbor, Luanne Memorial Union August, 1996 August, 1999 • Ad ',reed members or a 20 person Board of Directors on developing and implemeating cat-mus programs and events for up to 13,000 particHipatas *Supervised the planning and implementation of staff-nin campus events Inc up to 7,000 p antic Created and managed a practicum student recruitment and training system; Recruited, trai tod, and supervised 2,practicum students pc- semester *Assisted in creating and managing an operating budget of nearly SI million * Created, distributed and evaluated a leadership skins measurement tool to groups of up to 16 students *Co -taught a leadership development course for up to 16 students * Created, coordinated end impkmented a marketing program highlighting Union serViCeS, activities and involvement opportmitics during new student orientation q /VA.1,11-0 MAY-31-2005 TUE 03:26 PM FAX N0. 055962828 P. 03 Moran a ]&e Pi$r 2 Panhellenic Advisor, Office of Student Activities August,191 1i — May, 1999 *Advised 9 executive board members and 16 chapters in a sarexity system of 2100 we. aen on daily operations, budget creation and maoageaaent, programming crisis management, and policy enforcement *Assisted in creating and managing a 182,000 operations budget • Supervised a formal recruitment process for 1780 women; managed a recruitment but get of over $60,000 Program Coordinator, Office of Latino A fairs January, 19 17 — December,1997 *Created a retmtion study of eve r 900 current and former- Latino undergraduates; Gatti. Ted and anatyz d historical demographic data •Created and implemented educational programs for Latino Cultural Center, saving or er 1800 students Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida Assistant Dean/Director of Greek Leta, Office of Student Act�lvvitks Jut *Advised and monitored operations of 40 Greek organizations with over 3600 student i *Wed, trained and supervised one Assistant Director, one graduate student, and szrppo *Restructured sad oversaw Greek judicial processor, Trained and advised student iodic *Developed and f c Jitated educational, leadaship, and recognition programs for up to *Supervised a Risk Management Task Force on the creation of a new fratarrity/sorority *Created an organizational Crisis Management Guide for over 200 organization offioen: *Advised and Supervised all formal and informal recruitment processes for mews and w Achieved a 12% growth in women s fraternities, and a 26% growth in men's f atrrnitie *Assisted in the revision and management of two separate S75,000 operational budgets 1993 - July, 1996 =hers t staff members al boards 0.500 students alcohol policy and advisors -5men's fraternities lover three years Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio sun t,1991- May,1993 Kappa Delta Sorority House Dir+ectoriPanhelleule Graduate Advisor, Office of its ddential Services •Provided a positive developrueatal living experience for 20 residents as a live-in advi, r *Advised 19 officers oo chapter operations, facilities management, and University polio ee and Procedures *Developed and implemented leadership retreats and educational programs for up to 10) students *Advised a governing board of 7 members with the Panhellenic Advisor *Assisted in the revision and management of aS29.000 operational budget *Scheduled, coordinated sod supervised the formal recruitment process of over 400 war . uren for 14 organizations, Achieved a 90% retention rate among participants Prat -drum Assistant, Office of Multicultural Affairs August, 199, -Demur • Conducted a historical return study examining graduation trends of over 300 minor-: 1 students *Advised and aouaseled minority students in the areas of academic advising and career hawing *Developed and compiled a resource library an minority retention issues Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Richmond, Virginia Jn.c ,1990 -Xunre Regional Director, New £engialtd Rego *Advised and monitored operaticas of 32 chapters in a ten -state region; Colt-* tM and d ;veloped five new chapters *Coordinated a three-day regional readership confcremoe for over 400 undergraduates •Planned and facilitated goal setting, risk mamaggement, manbership recruitment and mo: ivatimaI rem far groups of up to 400 undergraduates *Assisted in the pl arcing and implementation of a national conference of over 1400 part apants 'TEACJU G EXPERIENCE 2 1991 Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana August, 1996 • Jane, 2000 Associate 1.strxctor, Department of Hither £clue.tiari • U212 - The American College Fivaernity. Created and organized this undergraduate a arse focused an the history. cohure, social issues, legal issues, and literature surrounding fraternities ant: . sororities MAY-31-2005 TUE 03:26 PM FAX NO 055962828 P. 04 Thomas B. 3etke, Pam 3 • US50 - Advising Student on characteristics of student orgeniza60119 organizations and challenges in entering the fi •U495 - Seminar in Leadership Training. Assisted in orgy leadership development class focusing on theory, organize Ante oousc focused advising student and tcadnirng this : snderg aduate >cha�rior, and aptt icatian of skills • U705 — Law and Higher Education. Assisted in teaching this doctoral level cairn : concentrating on the relationship and impact of federal and state policy, administrative law, constitution', 1 law, tort law, contract law, and labor law on institutions of higher education Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida January, 1995 — December, 1995 Lecturer, School of Education •EDHS050 - Student Development Theory. Assisted in trdiing this graduate cow : focusing ortt traditional and current cognitive, psycho -social, moral and identity formation tbcori .0 RELATED EXPERIENCE Southeastern Panhellenic Conference, Adaata, Georgia Area Coordinator Advisor, Area IV (Florida) *Advised a student conference coordinator on statewide omications, budget rmariagement, and macrame planning *Assisted in the creation and implementation of a registration process for over 1300 ! :iarticipants *Assisted in the revision and facilitation of an awards and recognition program for or 4' 200 campuses .N 1993 - April; PROFESSIONAL AJFJLIATIONS= COMMITTEES sod ACTIVITIES *Association of Fraterniry Advisors since 1991; Conference Assistant Office Manag r 1994-1995; Conference Office Manager, 1995-1996; Foundation Board Member since 2000 •Association of College Unions International since 1996; Regional College Bowl C ordinator, 1999-2000 +Council on Foundations, since 2000 *National Association of Student Personnel Administrators since 1992 •NASPA New Professionals lnstirute, Class of 1994; Adjtmct Faculty, 1995 *American College Personnel Association sincc 1993 HONORS *Chapter Advisor of the Year, Alpha Xi Delta National Sorority, 2000-2001 •OwtstantEng Chapter Advisor of the Year, Indiana University, 2000 *National hrterfraternityFoundation Fellowship for doctoral research, 1998 *Minority Graduate Fellowship, Indiana University Graduate School, 1996, 1997, 1 !'98 *New Professional oldie Tear, Asaociatioin of Fraternity Advisors, 1995 *Advisor of the Tear, Southeastern Panhe]lenic Conference, 1994 *Outstanding YoungMen of America, 1994 •House Director of the Tear, Bawling Green State University, 1992-93 *Who's Who AmongAmerican Colkge Students, 1990 SJ L S and INTERESTS *Fluent in Spanish; Conversational in French •Extensive knowledge of IBM and Macintosh software programs •CPR trained and certified •PADI Open Water Scuba certified • ld Dan Black Bch, Tackvroado •TIPS trained and certified MAY-31-2005 TUE 03:27 PM FAX NO. 055962828 P. 05 Thomas a hike, Paw 4 Professional References for Thomas B. JeIke JoAnn M. Arabolt Dean of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Rutgers University (Former Director of Greek Life, Bowling Green State University) 15 Bartlett. Street New Brunswick, Ni 08901 (732) 932-7692 arnholt@rcirutgers.edu Susan Best Vice -President and Senior Trust Officer First Union National Bank (Corporate Trustee Representative, Thomas B. Jelke Foundation) 200 South Biscayne Boulevard, FL 6067 Miami,FL 33131 (305) 789-4645 susan.bestl@firstunion. com Mark C. Guthier, Director of the Memorial Union University of Wisconsin (Former Assistant Director, Indiana Memorial Union) 800 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706 (608) 262-2263 mguthier®indiana_edu Ken MI 'tidos Northwest Operz lions Manager Barrett Ei*ystems (Former Execuive Director, Sigma Phi Epsil Fraternity) 2400 Rivt r Road Eugene, C r 97404 541-688 -3355 Ken.Maddox@JOSIHQ.com Gerald A Olson Assistant Director Office of Student Ethics Indiana University 705 E. '; th St. Bloomington, IN 47408 812-855 .5419 golson@inciana.edu Dr. Barbart Varchol Dean of Students Florida State University 4th Floor, Univ nity Center Tallahassee, FL 323064003 (850) 644 -2428 bvarchol@adTiin.Thu.edu