HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit AEXHIBIT A COPY OF TEFRA NOTICE AS PUBLISHED IN THE MIAMI HERALD Miami/16460.2 A-1 ea I / 410Ay.4Ay 70,1003 xs neaake leach Kids to Client Name: CITY OF MIAMI-PURCHASING Advertiser: 692145501 rI 0 0 1 O 0 a_ This E-Sheet(R) is provided as conclusive evidence that the ad appeared in The Miami Herald on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works, or in any way exploit or repurpose any content. Be Water Safe this Summer! Following the water safety tips below will make kids safer In, on, or around water. • Swim wile • Bundy Ina Supervised Arfe: Always swimmer, d illeyusd or way a patent e, (umd1an • of (eel Faltax the Rolm Nona Mrs Irte wart. and ,airs a! 4xfnipl • Look Belem Yea Laap: AIwdY. I,heA wdiPr etniir,lnd lwld:huur whmr, Too twin, • Think ao4w Oonl sink, Dnn9 dam, in an rnte<4rnly silusrinn • Mach Cr Ihlew soul Go, Nrw•r aIle:np, aware, n.r nil onus, 'NY art i,fina0 10 00 4,) • pon'l lust Pack II Weer Your lir. inlet: hirer, .v .4: 4 lileiarkrt verse scaling 0: j01 *41:na • Lamm ;haul Malloy: he•e Jr leulllsl of supplies, i.e. m0c. hern,141. jackets, etc. • Cold Cm 11.111: 5.4y au( al raid wale, FACTt People often drown dodne activities such as swimming, hoarin4. hurtling, 9sl-ing of even raking a bath. FACT: (blldrenare especially prose ID do o mina and man are Ind, limey more likely la drown 0...miner are. For Ingo ink, ,.lion, call the American Red Cross of Greater Miami B. The Keys al 1305)644.12oo tat. 731. A,.w Mee 1.Mre M Courtesy of The MWd ile•ald CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY PUBLIC NOTICE OF. TEFRA HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that ti order to comply with Section 147 11 of Ins !Mamel Revenue Code 011996, as e mended ohm •C de% the City of Mime, Florida Health Facilities Authority (the "Aumodlyl will hold a public hearing on June 9, 2005, In the a• hoof large conference roan 01 444 S.W. 2'" Avenue, Mlem1, Florid. 33130 commencing el 2A0 RM., with reaped to the proposed lenience by Ills Authority of I,a1 *scalding 926,800,000 In aggregate principal amount of Ili Heolth Ferrite. Revenue Relurding Bonds (Mere Jewel, Home end Honore! for the A ed, Inc. Pealed). Seder 2005 Wm "Bonds"). The Bonds w ill be Netted for Mt pnrpow al making a loon to the Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for She Aged, Inc. [the 'Company.), a Rohde not -foretell coma -anon that ha. been determined by the Internet Revenue Sandra to tie a 6011o491 organisation. The proceeds of the ban will be used le (11 /Minim, and refund the Authority's le) 216,700,00d Health Facllilies Mesmer* Bonds {Miami Jewish Home and Hospital la me Aged, Inc. Proleoll, 6eno 1482 cun.nlly outelanding In the .ppregue principal amount 01 se.300,040 {She •Series 1982 B Pads` leased for the benelil of the Ceremony, end {b) 526,000.000 Health Facilities Rouenua Bond. (Mend Jewish Home end Hospital Ier the Aged, Inc. Protect), seam 7050, currently outstanding In the e9g1e0ae principal amount al $18,600,000 (lh. "Seim 1996 Bonds" and, to__3palhel with the Beres 1962 Banda, She "Rotund..I Rorde'T, locoed la Inc benefit cl the Company, EU pay c.Ph4llted miens. on Ih. Bonds, end (VIII pay cenein Conte of i...noise! the Bonds. Th. proceeds of the Refunded Bonds were .polled la finance and relin.ne. Iha Cole of corlalnrcllon, ecprHman and eouippkig nl Canal, capital knprovemenle 10 the Company s mom Femme located at 6200 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, 23137, canielkl0 el, among od er things, en motel ed Plying facility, a lon9•lerm health can facility rat Alzheimer's and related dementia cue, a muslin horn., • medk.l comet, an acute care hospital, an outpatient rMebhilerion camel, Iwo .hon•I.ml reh.bllielee and me0kalymontplet ahihw nursing unite mod other related nimble*. Th. Company le the Ownel and .gamer of lh• c.p(al improuemems to be :.linar,ced by the Bonds. Th. Bands mall not be • canal debt, Ii.bl1Vly o obligation of the Selo of Florida of any polillcel .ubdiylsion Chancel, including the Aulharlly, rho City dl Mime, Fiord. and Mieml•pade County, flonde, but wdl be limited end . pedal obbg.Iiona at the Authority. Neither 111e lull faith end credit no. the tailing power or the Stele 01 Florida at o1 any principalubdiulaion (hereof will be pledged to Ih• pewt enl on this BandThe Authority ion hes no 111Inp Ipp j,. or Interest Pomona wishing to mimeos their wawa ngerang the proposed plan 01 linieneing and the eau0noe al the aerie may sop... at ten leering or may submit their view• m writing. Written comments should be eibmined to the Authority, 0Je Mr. S. pale Chircul, City of Miami Finance Depenmenl, Butte 634, 444 S.W. 2' Avenue. µems, Florida, Mime.' 33130 and b. mailed In merch 01 lime to be re0eleed bolero June 1, 2006. eed any p.n decide la spree, &Sno ree, any decision mada by the Authority al dale booing. he or she will need . remind of the prat...Mgt and he at .nil may need la asses that • 0wb•titn re0dnd of the proceedings be madss which record inc1ldeu the leetimony end evidence upon which 1111 appeal is 62 be heard. Subsequent 1e the hooting, In accordance wish Section 147(11 of the Code, Ire Authority will weer • neommerdalidtl to the City Commi.Hpn el the City c1 Miami, Florida for the approval or dnappro0al of the 100.00e o11he Bonds. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY Ad No.13007 Want to rent? _. _ ., •5'dl•e•WNgaaYa sal {wca T't Ram-• The NEW EXPANDED APARTMENT SECTION in The Herald's 5un#ay Real Estate Guide Is a great place to find your next rental apartment, townhouse or condo! and 653 i1.11.1 S.F.. . pRimAI J.i f e Pick up Apartment Magazine, a free biweekly guide to apartment rentals, distributed throughout South Florida (Miomi(hxk,, arowura. Palm Reach, kkeljn and S1. Lace COunlIoo1. Liu iiiiami 1'crmlb c�,hc 3.{crald yrAbX f11r.11 pl,x. l 1110l.w1111'g110(11 NOTICE OF INVITATION TD ot0 MO$ PROCUREMENT NO.1 1114541 Max WORK PROGRAM NO.; 30013.060 the Miami•Dade Expressway Authority ('M0%") Is seeking the services of a contractor pre -qualified by the Florida Department 01 Traosporlallon In accordance whh Rule Chaplet 14-22, Florida Adminl6trall1e Code for Roadway Con.ludll0n Jr specialty category 01 Painting, nr rcdi1ied wnh miem1.094e County as a General Conlractor or a General Engineering Contractor for MD% WPa 30013.060, Pressure Washing and Application of Class V Coaling to Concrete Bridges Surfaces of bridges of various mile post locations within the MDK System. She MDK System is comprised el Stale Road {SR} 036, SR 674, 5R 670, 511112 and 5R 624. Thor Work for the Project consists on, but Is not limited la, pmvding all Labor, Maintenarlee 01 Trellis SCMmas, Materials, Equipment end incidentals necessary for the pressure washing end application 01 Class V coating id CWICrele audaeea of bridges. MD% notifies all Bidders end Individuals that It requires and encourages amen, minority and women -Owned 0ueineseee to have full opportunity to submit a response to any solicitation document 16841061 by MOK, MCA Fegdres sed61te116r1 0l 6 15% small business participation goal In this project. Please refer Id Inc Small Business Parliicip6Bon Policy {available on MDKra websitej, For complete Information, on the scope of the project as well as submittal requirements, please lop onto our site'. www.mda'wavcorm or Cali MDK at 305-637.3277. A MANDATORY Pro -Bid Conference Ion this project Is scheduled for June 7, 2005, al 10:30 a.m. Deadline for submitting a sealed Bld Is June 29,705 by 2:50 p.m., Eastern lime. Audi 200V, Auer ore LOT $349MD. Only 96 Manln Lair You'll never be missing your mojo again. Inlmducine the 811.new 20054, Audi A4 with a new rook and a new altitude. Lome le the Collection and yet into one el these dream maChl0es faddy. Is NASDAQ nosediving? Find inn l ilk ,fink whiles:ll HQmld COr HAVE MORE FUN! • LIVE ANIMALS VP C1,05E • Sku*s, skins and tusks • V1541110 animal tlihibl(S • Meer zookeepers • Make animal treats • Animal [humid games Summer 7ooran Camp June 6 • August S, M-r Children ages 4.100 week. In a9•t 11431 Camp hours: goo AM. 1.10 PM. •.tended care available 17400 SW 152 Si. salami, rl 111.77 nor more inhumation tau 9.5.7 Education Dept al 11951255-5551 • .wish www.mlamimetniaecem THE,DLLECTION v411 u5 al Ins corner of Er i Road L eonce de Lon Biqa. in Coll G7bles. (3051441-5555 16006 757-4627 .vw.lMlellectim.wm Come Closer. It's worth it. .alp •. I4 G0l'01i. a•,m-he • Wfa,'.,•. n..• ow.. u.e,w. w•,,•f,,•,•No. w,•..:.4R.ew a.. 1. tr.. Cola u„w•w. anal. 7•1, Or • Fug . a.ew,n.,aw• ,.nor I.w,•er....am. e.... Lie newu. 0AC...•ws. MO, w •.+..7.r.+r..,....,,.v+naet.