HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Analysis - Part I03/17/05 THU 15:59 FAX 19547392247 _ _KIMLEY HORN Cit1 002 iaJuvGiUUZ • • • URS March 14, 2005 Via Fax and US Mail Ms. Lilia I. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2r4 Avenue (10th Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Re; Platinum on the Bay (WO # 100) Sufficiency Letter Dear Ms. Medina: Subsequent to our February 25, 2005 review comments for the subject project, we have received a revised traffic impact report along with a response letter on March 14th 2005 prepared by Kimiey-Hom and Associates (KHA). Photocopy of the response letter is attached herewith. At this time, we conclude that the revised traffic impact report along with the subsequent submittal meet all the traffic requirements and the report is found to be sufficient. Should you have any questions, please call Quazi Masood or me at 954.739.1881. Sin U on Southern Raj .haft �`.e. Sen • r Traffic ngineer Attachment cc: Mr. Kevin Watford, Planner I, City of Miami (Fax - 305.416.1443) Mr. John Mc. Williams, (KHA) (Fax: 954.739.2247) URS Comoro-000 Lakeshore Complex 5100 NW 93rd Avcr ue, Suite 1.50 FL i LauC rOele, FL 333094375 Tel: 954.738.1881 Fax: 954.739.179E 03/15/05 TUE 12;0? (Tx/RX NO 5003) Traffic Impact Analysis for Submittal to the City of Miami P atinum on the Bay Miami Florida Prepared ) : Maysville, Inc. Miami, Florida Prepared 13, Kin ley -Horn and Associates, Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 02005 .Kinitcyllorn and AssocIates. F'dmlugy 2005 040,15010 Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis for Submittal to the City of Miami Platinum on the Bay Miami Florida Prepared for: Maysville, Inc. Miami, Florida P -epared by: Kitnley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Florida kD21.4.0 Kiititey4icirn and Associates, Inc. rtimry 0448 ii• i IC tiey-Hom and Associates, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum on the Bay INTRODUCTION 1 DATA COLLECTION 3 CAPACITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 6 Level of Service Standard 0 Transportation Corridor Level of Service Methodology 6 Intersection Level of Service Methodology 7 EXISTING CONDITIONS (2005) CAPACITY ANALYSIS 8 Transportation Corridors 8 Intersections 13 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 14 Background Area Growth 14 Committed Developments 14 PROJECT TRAFFIC 16 Existing and Proposed Land Uses 16 Project Access 16 Trip Generation 16 Trip Distribution and Assignment 17 TOTAL (2009 WITH PROJECT) TRAFFIC 20 FUTURE CONDITIONS (2009) CAPACITY ANALYSIS 22 PROJECT DRIVEWAY AND PARKING ANALYSIS 25 Driveway Analysis 25 Parking Analysis 26 Loading Area Review 26 TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES PLAN 27 CONCLUSIONS 28 ci:1044815000112eports\TIA.doc Page-r February 2005 i • i i I I I I I• I - ni n ey- try a1Ld fifes, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis — platinum on the Bay LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Methodology Correspondence Appendix B: Traffic Count Data Appendix C: Miami -Dade Transit Data Appendix D: Existing Conditions (2005) SYNCHRO 6.0 Outputs Appendix E: Growth Trend Analyses Appendix F: Volurne Development Worksheets Appendix G: Cardinal Trip Distribution Appendix H: Future Conditions (2009 With Project) SYNCHRO 6.0 Outputs LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Project Location Map Figure 2: Intersection Lane Configurations 2 Figure 3: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 4 5 Figure 4: Project Trip Distribution & Assignment Figure 5: 2009 P.M. Peak Hour Total Traffic 19 21 LIST OF TABLES Table 4: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions 11 12 Table 5: 2004 P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Table 6: Trip Generation 13 Table 7: Cardinal Trip Distribution 17 Table 8: Future (2009) P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions 23$ Table 9: Future (2009) P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions 24 Table 1: Transportation Corridor Level of Service Thresholds Table 2: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Volumes 8 Table 3: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Miami -Dade Transit Conditions G:1044815000\Reports\T1A.doc Page-ii February 2005 le limey-Hom SIMLA and Associates, Inc. INTRODUCTION Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum on the Bay Maysville, Inc. is proposing to construct a high-rise residential development (Platinum on the Bay) located between NE 30th Street and NE 29th Street east of Biscayne Boulevard in Miami, Florida. Figure 1 depicts the location of the project. Currently, the site is occupied by 133 residential rental units. The Platinum on the Bay project proposes to redevelop the site with 320 high-rise residential condominium units. Construction is expected to be completed by Year 2009. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. has completed this traffic impact analysis for submittal to the City of Miami as part of the Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) application. The purpose of the study is to assess the project's impact on the surrounding roadway network and determine if adequate capacity is available to support future demand. The study's methodology is consistent with the requirements outlined by the City of Miami for traffic studies. This report summarizes the data collection, project trip generation and distribution, and capacity analyses. A methodology meeting was held with the City of Miami's Traffic Consultant on January 13th, 2005. Methodology correspondence is included as Appendix A. G:\0448150001Reports\TLA.doc Page - I February 2005 PROJECT LOCATION MAP ley Hom and Associates, Inc. i i I I I I� I rl 1 and dAAssociates, Inc DATA COLLECTION Traffic Impact Analysis -- Platinum on the Bay A study area was examined for this traffic impact analysis commensurate with the anticipated increase in traffic associated with the project. The following primary roadways analyzed for this study include: • Biscayne Boulevard E NE 29th Street Biscayne Boulevard is a four -lane, undivided roadway with a two-way left -turn lane. The roadway is classified as an urban principal arterial. NE 29th Street is primarily a four -lane, undivided roadway. Additionally, several intersections were examined within the study area including the following: NE 30th Street and Biscayne Boulevard (Signalized) ■ NE 29th Street and Biscayne Boulevard (Signalized) ■ NE 29th Street and NE 2nd Avenue (Signalized) Lane configurations for each of the examined intersections within the study area are provided in Figure 2. P.M. peak period (4:00 PM to 6:00 P.M.) turning movement counts were collected in the study area on Wednesday, January 19th, 2005. Turning movement count data indicated a study area peak hour from 4:45 P.M. to 5:45 P.M. All traffic count data is included in Appendix B. The FDOT seasonal adjustment factor was applied to the traffic counts to adjust the traffic to peak season volumes. The appropriate peak season conversion factor for the week in May when the traffic counts was collected is 1.03. Figure 3 presents the 2005 peak season transportation corridor volumes (person -trips including transit riders) and peak season turning movement volumes at the study intersections. G:i0448150001Reports\T1A.doc Page - 3 February 2005 i 1.� —► LEGEND LANE CONFIGURATION 14N* 4if* iscayne Boufevard CD () f NE 30th Street NE 29th Street FIGURE 2 LANE CONFIGURATIONS AT INTERSECTIONS sun Kimsey -Horn i xx x, xx x co O N 41---...640 7 91� 91-,,,-....—* 110� 0 c a) > D 04 w z 0 0 cn 0 cn 31 49� 38 161 37 CO 1- N 0 0 7 t-- 66 4--67 NE 30th Street Th N N 0 -tcOo LEGEND P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (VEHCLES) P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (PERSON —TRIPS) 7350 35 0 a> 0 0 0 0 0) 0, N 0 0 L n NE 29th Street FIGURE 3 2005 P.M. PEAK HOUR —PEAK SEASON TRAFFIC n ®v Kimley-Hom I• �I ey-Horn and Associates, lrte. Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum on the Bay CAPACITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Level of Service Standard Level of service (LOS) is the traffic performance measure generally used in traffic impact analysis. Levels of service range from LOS A (free flow with negligible delays) to LOS F (heavily congested with long delays). The City of Miami has adopted LOS E as its minimum level of service standard. Transportation Corridor Level of Service Methodology Transportation corridor traffic conditions were examined applying the methodology outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. This methodology considers the person -trip capacity (including transit) for transportation corridors rather than evaluating only the vehicular roadway capacity. Level of service analyses were performed to assess the capacity of the transportation corridors evaluated in this study based on a comparison between person -trip volume and person -trip capacity within the corridors. The analyses of person -trip volumes and person -trip capacities account for both passenger vehicle and transit service within the corridors. Table 1 illustrates the level of service thresholds for each study corridor. The corridor level of service thresholds, measured in volume (v) to capacity (c) ratios, were developed from the 2002 version of FDOT's Quality/Level of Service Handbook. i G:1044815000\Repo€ts\TIA.doe Page - 6 February 2005 l• and A mes, I Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum on the Bay Table 1: Transportation Corridor Level of Service Thresholds $1se ti lev # ,, Street Directional ti re € ial x bra A (2) (2) (2) (2) B 210 0.12 (2) (2) C 1,290 0.75 840 0.65 D 1,625 0.95 1,215 0.94 E 1,710 1.00 1,290 1.00 F >1,710 >1.00 >1,290 >1.00 (1) Peak hour directional volumes adjusted for median type, presence of turn lanes, and one-way operation. (2) Cannot be achieved per "Table 4-7" from FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook. Intersection Level of Service Methodology Level of service analyses were performed for study intersections using Trafficware's SYNCHRO 6.0 Software, which applies methodologies outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000 Edition. G:1044 815000\Reports\TIA.doc Page - 7 February 2005 i i i KJmiey-Hoar and Associates, Inc Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum an the Bay EXISTING CONDITIONS (2005) CAPACITY ANALYSIS Transportation Corridors Vehicular roadway conditions and transit ridership were examined to deteiurine the current Ievel of service for the transportation corridors examined in this study. Table 2 presents the unadjusted 2005 P.M. peak hour directional traffic volumes, seasonal adjustment factors, and the 2005 peak season P.M. peak hour directional traffic volumes for the study corridors. Table 2: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Volumes V 4 ''4�` :✓ _ h. 'i�- _ 9 ,i \� r d ] .e,'' T•.m,. 5.,.:.-a:,.�.w, ...d?�. :a 'S ,,�,�"� il-Z - ,:w ' � � C'% i X .X„�^.t " - �``< "ar'```�' ' �'.. ., lmw..:.aK-..: '_u�:..�X'n..., _ �•K' ,��,.s��!t.S 1 «.,.+� `�.. I Lv -a"" �°raa^`>�'E` _. `.. _ "w d^ '''' ..x..,�..` � .[ '.,., e.. "� Biscayne NB 1,449 1.03 1,492 Boulevard SB 1,150 1.03 1,185 BB NE 29th Street 283 1.03 291 WB 444 1.03 457 Existing transit conditions were examined considering the ridership on and capacity of the Miami -Dade Transit (MDT) bus service operating in the corridors. MDT staff was contacted to obtain the P.M. peak hour ridership and capacities for the bus routes. However, the only information readily available was the ridership by route on a typical weekday. Therefore, additional research was conducted to determine the transit ridership and capacities in the study corridors. Seven (7) Miami -Dade Metrobus Routes presently serve the Biscayne Boulevard corridor adjacent to the project site during the P.M. peak hour. • Route 3 operates on Biscayne Boulevard in both directions with 20 minute headways. ■ Route 16 operates on Biscayne Boulevard in both directions with 20 minute headways. • Route 36 operates on Biscayne Boulevard in both directions with variable headways. • Route 62 operates on Biscayne Boulevard in both directions with 10 minute headways. i G:10448150001Reports\TLA.doc Page - 8 February 2005 c:-.1 Kim ey II and �4lomta5, Inc Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum on the Bay • Route 95x operates on Biscayne Boulevard in the southbound direction with variable headways. • Route Biscayne Max operates on Biscayne Boulevard in both directions with 15 minute headways. Route T operates on Biscayne Boulevard in both directions with 20 minute headways. It should be noted that NE 29th Street is currently served by Metrobus Route 6 west of the project site. However, the route does not directly serve the project site from NE 29th Street. Therefore, Route 6 was not included in the transportation corridor analysis for NE 29th Street MDT staff indicated that the bus routes on each corridor use three different bus types. One bus type has seating capacity for 43 riders and additional standing room for 20 riders, for a total of 63 riders. The second bus type has seating capacity for 38 riders and additional standing room for 15 riders, for a total of 53 riders. The third bus type has seating capacity for 26 riders to 30 riders and additional standing room for 10 riders, for a total of 41 to 45 riders. For purposes of this analysis, an average capacity for each route was determined using data obtained from Miami -Dade County. The ridership capacities for the bus routes were calculated for the P.M. peak hour using the appropriate headways and capacities. Ridership capacities for routes with variable peak hour headways were deter trained by calculating the average number of buses passing the site during one (1) hour of the peak period (4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.). Metrobus route schedules and headway calculations are included in Appendix C. Table 3 summarizes the transit capacity provided by the routes. Data were obtained to determine the existing P.M. peak hour ridership for the identified Metrobus Routes. The data reflect typical ridership on the routes over the most recent three (3) years. Ridership data was not available for Route 95x. Therefore, Route 95x was not included in the transportation corridor analysis. Table 3 presents the existing P.M. peak hour ridership on the routes, and the ridership data is also included in Appendix C. G:10448I50001Reports\TIA.doc Page - 9 February 2005 Clinn :rildleYAsso-Vates,Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis — Platinum on the Bay In order to determine person -trip level of service for the study area's transportation corridors, total person -trip volumes (vehicular and transit) were compared to the total person -trip capacities. The person -trip volume to capacity (v/c) ratios were compared to the person -trip v/c level of service designations outlined in Table 2. Table 4 presents the existing transportation corridor level of service. As indicated in Table 4, the transportation corridors have excess person -trip capacity during the P.M. peak hour and operate at acceptable levels of service. G:1044815000\Keports\TiA.doc Page - 10 February 2005 MIME MEP inn - - - - wIN pry Kinlley-darn r 1 an Assoaiates Inc. Bisi Transit :Route''; Information Route 3 Table 3: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Miami -Dade Transit Conditions Directiono Travel Northbound 20 minutes 3 53 Route 16 Route 36 Route 62 Route Biscayne Max Route T Southbound 20 minutes Northbound 20 minutes Southbound 20 minutes Northbound Variable Southbound Variable Northbound 10 minutes Southbound 10 minutes Northbound 15 minutes Southbound 15 minutes Northbound 20 minutes Southbound 20 minutes 3 55 3 59 3 60 4 (I) 4 (1) 58 58 6 60 6 60 4 63 4 61 3 55 3 55 23 Traffic Impact Analysis - Platinum on the Bay eak;` ctii nai �a aci P M. Peak Hour .Average; Directional RoUte Ridership 78 (26 riders per bus) 84 (28 riders per bus) 87 (29 riders per bus) 30 (10 riders per bus) 28 (7 riders per bus) 36 (9 riders per bus) 30 (5 riders per bus) 48 (8 riders per bus) 84 (21 riders per bus) 76 (19 riders per bus) 60 (20 riders per bus) 63 (21 riders per bus) 367 (16 riders per bus) 337 (15 riders per bus) (1) Buses per hour for routes with variable headways were determined by calculating the average bus frequency during the peak period (4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.) Total G :1044 815 0001Rep ortsl TIA, d ac Northbound Southbound 23 159 165 177 180 232 232 360 360 252 244 165 165 1,345 1,346 Page -11 February 2005 Kimsey Horn. and Associates, Inc. Principal Roadways; NB SB EB WB Vehicles; • 111 Traffic Impact Analysis -- Platinum on the Bay Table 4: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions eiakSeason Peak. flour" "> Roadway Volitnes 1,492 Person - Trips 2,089 367 2,456 1,710 2,394 1,345 Peak Total apacity (C) 3,739 .M ;Peak tour Excess" Calaacity Person Trips 1,283 P,IVI Peak 1Hour:.Leve1 of Service V/C... Ratio 0.66 L.OS 1,185 291 1,659 407 337 0 1,996 1,710 2,394 1,346 3,740 1,744 0.53 407 1,290 1,806 0 1,806 1,399 0.23 457 640 0 640 1,290 1,806 0 1,806 1,166 0.35 (1) Volumes (vehicles) were converted to person -trips using 1.4 person/vehicle occupancy. (2) Directional peak hour capacity derived from the 2002 FDOT Quality/LOS Handbook and the Miami -Downtown DRI. G:10448150001Iteports\TIA.doc Page -12 February 2005 i i i i i !coley -Horn and Associates, ln. Intersections Traffic Impact Analysis --Platinum on the Bay P.M. peak hour capacity analyses were also performed for the study intersections. Table 5 presents the results of the analyses. As indicated, the signalized intersections operate at acceptable levels of service. The minor sidestreet approach at the unsignalized intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 30th Street operates at LOS F. This result is common where a stop - controlled sidestreet intersects with a high volume major street. It should be noted that vehicles performing a left -turn movement on NE 30th Street at Biscayne Boulevard can access the signalized intersection at NE 29th Street via NE 4th Avenue or NE 2nd Court. Detailed SYNC1IRO 6.0 outputs are included in Appendix D along with existing intersection traffic signal timing plans. Table 5: 2004 P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions . .� :c'r ..max. d:zon f3'.w 2� qi* r 6 y"y. «*- K�1''Ykxlri 5 �"� "` S„,p.s� i Vfi �;? �.' £ 3.^f •:._ py�t..pF)'�'� ?.v _^..'w w NE 29th Street at Biscayne Boulevard B 13.7 NE 29t Street at NE 2nd Avenue C 31.3 t.� NE 30th Street at Biscayne Boulevard F (1) 55.6 (1) Overall LOS not provided for two-wav unsienaliverl intarsertinnc Th- urnrct sidestreet movement is indicated. i G:1044815000\Reports\TlA. d oc Page - 13 February 2005 EDEN rollKelley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis —Platinum on the Bay BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Background traffic conditions are defined as the expected traffic conditions on the prevailing roadway network in the Year 2009 (corresponding to the total buildout of Platinum on the Bay) without the development of the proposed project. The background traffic volumes are the sum of the existing traffic and additional "background" traffic to account for expected traffic growth in the study area. Background Area Growth The most recent five (5) years of historical count information was obtained for two (2) FDOT count stations along Biscayne Boulevard. AADT information at the count stations indicates that traffic volumes have increased slightly less than one (1) percent. In order to provide for conservative analyses, a compound growth rate of one (1) percent was applied annually to all traffic counts to attain future (2009) background conditions. Historical traffic count data and growth trend calculations are included in Appendix E. Committed Developments City of Miami staff was contacted to determine if any projects that have been approved but not yet completed in the vicinity of the project site should be accounted for in this analysis. Several approved projects were identified. The following projects were within the study area: • 3100 Biscayne Boulevard ■ Avant Towers Biscayne Park ■ Blue Condominium (Traffic Study Not Available) ■ City 24 (Class II Project) ■ Gallery Art Condominium E Ice (Edgewater Tower) ■ Ice 2 (Class II Project) • Midtown Miami: (Tract A) The Shops -North Block G:10448I 50001Reports\TIA.doc Page - 14 February 2005 Krderflom LA and motes, iris • Midtown Miami: (Tract C) The Shops — Mid Block West • Midtown Miami: (Tract D) Mid -Block East • Midtown Miami: Four Midtown Miami (Tract F) • Midtown Miami: Three Midtown Miami (Tract G) • Midtown Miami: Two Midtown Miami (Tract H) • Moon Bay (Class II Project) ' New Wave (Class II Project) • Onyx (Biscayne Bay Lofts) Onyx 2 • Rosabella Lofts (Edgewater Tower) • Sky Residence (34th Street Tower) • SoHo • Star Lofts (Bay 25) • The Platinum Condominium • The Yorker (Class II Project) • Uptown Lofts (Class II Project) • Biscayne Tower (Biscayne Plaza) • Ellipse (Class II Project) • Paramount at Edgewater Square • Quantum on the Bay (Metropolis) • The 1800 Club Traffic Impact Analysis --Platinum on the Bay As the list of adjacent projects indicates, several projects are considered Class II developments. Therefore, traffic studies were not required for these projects. The traffic volumes expected to be generated by the approved projects, which were obtained from their traffic studies, are presented in the volume development sheets in Appendix F. G:10448150001Reports1TLA.doc Page - 15 February 2005 am "I!Caey l� : and Associates, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis —Platinum on the Bay PROJECT TRAFFIC Project traffic is defined as the vehicle trips expected to be generated by the project (Platinum on the Bay), and the distribution and assignment of this traffic over the roadway network. Existing and Proposed Land Uses As previously indicated, the project site is currently occupied by 133 residential rental units. This project proposes to demolish the existing units and construct 320 new high-rise residential condominium units. The buildout of the project is expected to occur by 2009. Project Access The site will be accessed via two (2) driveways. The main driveway will be located on NE 29th Street near the terminus of this roadway at Biscayne Bay. An additional driveway for service vehicles only is planned along NE 29th Terrace. This driveway will not be used by residents or guests of the development. Both driveways will be gate controlled. Trip Generation In order to determine the net increase in trip generation as a result of the proposed development, a comparison between the trip generation for the existing and proposed development was performed_ Vehicular trip generation was calculated using rates and equations contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, Seventh Edition. The existing site's trip generation was determined using ITE Land Use 220 (Apartment) and the proposed development's trip generation was determined using ITE Land Use 232 (High -Rise Residential Condominium). Table 6 presents the trip generation estimates per ITE rationale. ITE trip generation assumes a vehicle occupancy rate of 1.2 persons per vehicle; however, the City of Miami has determined that 1.4 persons per vehicle are more appropriate for the local area. Therefore, vehicular trips were reduced by 14 percent to adjust for these vehicle occupancy G:\0448150001Reports\TI A.doc Page -16 February 2005 aril motes, inc. Traffic Impact Analysis --Platinum on the Bay assumptions. As Table 6 indicates, the total net new external trip increase for the site as a result of this project is 28 vehicles per hour and 39 person -trips per hour during the P.M. peak hour. Table 6: Trip Generation .6.. _..- @ ✓`u'..0 CYt11L .rx.....-`.ia .,. .,. ..._<r .,"'�. "�-.' vaTMx _ \ { t : Existing Existing Apartment (220) 133 d.u. • 91 62% 77 38% 47 Proposed High -Rise Residential Condominium (232) 320 d.u. 124 65% 59 35% 32 Net New Trip Increase (1TE) [ 33 15 18 ITEJMiatni vehicular occupancy adjustment (14% reduction) 28 vph 15 vph 13 vph P Person -Trip Conversion (1.4 persons per vehicle) 39 person traps 21 person_ trips 18 person_ trips Trip Distribution and Assignment The likely distribution of project traffic was forecast for the trips expected to be generated by the project. The trip distribution was based on a cardinal trip distribution obtained from 2005 Cost Affordable Plan for the project site's traffic analysis zone (TAZ 504). The cardinal trip distribution for TAZ 504 is provided in Table 7. The detailed cardinal distribution is included in Appendix G. G:l0448150 01Reports\TIA.doc Page - 17 February 2005 i iI • i i i i I• a ri Kiley -Ham and Assam, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis Platinum an the Bay Table 7: Cardinal Trip Distribution Cardin a l irec n Pereenta a 'T p North -Northeast 11.43% NorthNorthwest 16.5 6% South -Southeast 4.24% South -Southwest 21.36% East -Northeast 4.11 % East -Southeast 5.08% West -Northwest 13.27% West -Southwest 23.94% Figure 4 shows the project trip distribution and assignment at the project driveways and adjacent intersections. Project trips (vehicular and person -trips) were then distributed and assigned to the roadway network. As part of the directional person -trip distribution, the maximum possible directional project traffic assignment was determined for the entire transportation corridor segment. i G:1044815000\Reports\TIA.doc Page -18 February 2005 N l0 • 0 Cu 10 N NE 30th Street 10%/1 4--- 30%/5 25%/4 K 0 N 20%/3 4 65%/10 15%/2 65%/11 _„.............00. 0 1 0 0 0 0 U 4-100%/15 30%/18 ---* LEGEND XX%/XX P.M. PEAK HOUR DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT (VEHICLES) XX% IN/XX P.M. PEAK HOUR/DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT (PERSON —TRIPS) NE 29th Street FIGURE 4 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT fl Kimfey-Horn nnii A it I I I I I I4° I I 01 ri Katy -Flom and motes. lne. Traffic Impact Analysis —Platinum an the Bay TOTAL (2009 WITH PROJECT) TRAFFIC Total traffic volumes (vehicular and person -trips) considered in the future year (2009) analysis for this project are the sum of 2009 background traffic volumes and the expected project traffic volumes. Figure 5 presents the 2009 total traffic for the study area. Total turning movement volume development worksheets for the study intersections are included in Appendix F. \0448150€ 01Reports\TIA.doc Page - 20 February 2005 cr m . o� c 0 LiJ Z 1-177 43 O-5 it 0 -sr- lO N � rn 76 79 so --� LEGEND P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (VEHICLES) P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (PERSON —TRIPS) Biscayne Boulevard CO CO V k— 35 4- 13 11 0 CO " 0 coffin 0 14 749 996 —110- NE 30th Street NE 29th Street FIGURE 5 2009 P.M. PEAK HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC Kimsey -Horn and Associates. Inc. i i i lCimfey-Hom and A.stociates.. Eric Trafe Impact Analysis --Platinum on the Bay FUTURE CONDITIONS (2009) CAPACITY ANALYSIS Two separate future conditions peak hour capacity analyses were performed. • A transportation corridor capacity analysis was performed examining person -trip volumes and capacity. ■ Intersection capacity analysis was performed at the two study area intersections. The future conditions analysis were based on the 2009 total traffic, which included the 2009 background traffic and the new trips expected to be generated by the project. Table 8 presents the results of the transportation corridor capacity analysis for the 2009 P.M. peak hour traffic conditions. As indicated in Table 8, the corridors have sufficient capacity and are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS E or better). Table 9 presents the results of the intersection capacity analysis for 2009 P.M. peak hour with project conditions. Similar to the existing (2004) conditions analysis, the stop controlled approaches at the unsignalized intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 30t, Street operate at LOS F. Again, this result is common where a stop -controlled sidestreet intersects with a high - volume major street and, as mentioned previously, vehicles performing sidestreet left -turn movements at this intersection can access the signalized intersection at NE 29th Street via NE 4th Avenue or NE 2nd Court. Detailed SYNCHRO 5.0 outputs are included in Appendix H. i G _10448150001Reports\TLA.doc Page - 22 February 2005 !vino/ 7 Kimley-Hcm l . 1 and Assades% inc. Principal Roadway.:. gj o Traffic Impact Analysis —Platinum on the Bay Table 8: Future (2009) P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions 2009P.M.`' Peak Hour Background Volume (1) Person - Trips NB 2,556 SB 2,077 WB 423 EB 666 Conirnitted'. Peak Hour. Volume (2) Person-. Trips -2 09 P. i. Peak Hour Total" C,i pacity<(C) t57 1,806 A 1.0 percent annual growth rate was applied to the 2005 P.M. peak hour total volume to determine the 2009 background volume. Total traffic generated along the corridors by committed developments. The summation of 2009 peak hour background volumes and committed trips. 2009 P.M. peak hour total volume (V) is defined as the sum of the project P,M. peak hour assignment and the background volume. Total capacity determined in Table 4. G:1044 8I 5000\Reports\TIA.doc 2009 P.M. Peak Hour Excess Capacity Pei son- Trips 2009 P.M. Peak Hour Total Level of Service VIC� L'Q5 Ratio Page - 23 February 2005 I I� i I i i i i I• i -L QmIEy-Ham arx1 Associates, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis Platinum on the Ray Table 9: Future (2009) P.M. Peak Hour intersection Conditions Y m e i7ectlon 6 i . vei of Sery ce h icy �3ti1Y` NE 29th Street at Biscayne Boulevard C 26.5 NE 29th Street at NE rd Avenue D 49.0 NE 30th Street at Biscayne Boulevard F (1) 82.4 (1) Overall LOS not provided for two-way unsignalized intersections. The worst sidestreet movement is indicated. i G:10448150001Reports\Tl.A.doe Page - 24 February 2005 © and Associates, Inc. Traffic impact Analysis —Platinum an the Bay PROJECT DRIVEWAY AND PARKING ANALYSIS Driveway Analysis As previously indicated, two (2) driveways are proposed to provide access to the project site. Per the requirements of the City of Miami, an operational and queuing assessment was performed for each driveway. Driveway #I: NE 29th Street Driveway Located at the eastern terminus of NE 29th Street, this two-way driveway provides access for residents and guests. Self -parking residents will proceed northeast to the gate -controlled entrance. Residents will access the gated entrance by way of a proximity card reader. According to the parking data, approximately 92 percent of the total parking spaces are provided via this entrance. Therefore, it was assumed that 92 percent of all entering vehicles will utilize this entrance. According to the trip generation, 59 vehicles per hour are expected to enter this driveway during the P.M. peak hour. Assuming 92 percent will utilize the self -parking area, 54 vehicles will enter via this gated entrance. Assuming a gate service rate of 300 vehicles per hour, the expected 90 percentile queue length is one (1) vehicle. The remaining 5 entering vehicles will enter from NE 29th Street and perform an immediate left - turn to the valet area. The valet drop-off area can accommodate, at a minimum, a five (5) vehicle queue_ The valet drivers will enter the gated entrance to the valet parking area via a proximity card reader. Assuming a service rate of 300 vehicles per hour, the expected 90 percentile queue is one (1) vehicle. Driveway #2: NE 29th Terrace Driveway An additional service driveway is proposed at the eastern terminus of NE 29th Terrace. This service driveway will be gated. The driveway will only be utilized by service vehicles and queues are expected to be minimal. G:104481500 Reports\TIA.doc Page - 25 February 2005 I� i i i i i • i oo art , Inc Parking Analysis Traffic Impact Analysis ---Platinum on the Bay According the site analysis provided, a total of 377 parking spaces are required for the site. The proposed development plans to provide 690 parking spaces, exceeding the City's requirements. Loading Area Review According to the most recent site plan, two (2) loading berths are provided along NE 7th Avenue south of NE 30th Street. NE 7th Avenue is a local street with minimal traffic volumes. Therefore, the trucks utilizing these on -street berths are not expected to significantly impact traffic flow along NE 7th Avenue and NE 29th Terrace. G:10448150001Reports\TIA.doc Page - 26 February 2005 ]I• Associates, Inc. Traffic Impact Analysis --Platinum on the Bay TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES PLAN A Transportation Control Measures Plan is required for this site to demonstrate how the developer plans to alleviate traffic from the proposed site on the surrounding roadway network. Miami -Dade County provides Metrobus public transit in close proximity to the project site. In addition, other measures of transportation control can be used by the developer to encourage people to use public transportation, promote bicycling and walking, encourage car/vanpooling and offer alternatives to the typical work day hours. Examples of these incentives include, but are not limited to: • Provide transit subsidies for employees and residents of the site ■ Provide transit information within the site, including route schedules and maps ■ Provide convenient and secure areas for bicycles The applicant intends to make the site pedestrian- and transit -friendly and will consider these features for incorporation into the site. G:10448150001Reports\TIA.doe Page - 27 February 2005 iI • i © Kurtley-Hart IIMIand Associates, Inc. CONCLUSIONS Traffic Impact Analysis --Platinum on the Bay This traffic impact study assessed the impacts of the Platinum on the Bay project on the surrounding transportation network. The analysis was conducted in accordance with the City of Miami requirements and included data collection; project trip generation, distribution, and assignment; transportation corridor segment capacity analysis and intersection capacity analysis. This report is being submitted as part of a MUSP application. Transportation corridor capacity analyses and intersection capacity analyses were performed for the existing 2005 peak season conditions. Results of the analyses demonstrate that the transportation corridors and intersections in the vicinity of the project site currently have sufficient capacity and operate at acceptable levels of service. Trip generation calculations indicate that the project is expected to generate 28 additional vehicular trips and 39 additional person -trips during the P.M. peak hour. These trips were assigned to the roadway network based on a cardinal trip distribution provided by Miami -Dade County. Capacity analyses were also performed for the future (Year 2009) with project conditions_ Results of these analyses demonstrate that the transportation corridors and intersections will continue to have sufficient capacity and operate at acceptable levels of service. The proposed project driveways are expected to operate sufficiently with no significant queuing. Adequate parking is proposed for the project site and loading areas are not expected to significantly impact the adjacent traffic volumes. i G:10448150001Reports\T1A.doc Page - 28 February 2005 • APPENDIX A: Methodology Correspondence • i 11=r11Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc 5100 NW 33R0 AVENUE, SUITE 157 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 (954) 739-2233 PHONE I(954) 739-2247 FAX FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET IITO: FROM: Mr. Raj Shanugam, P.E. John J. McWilliams, E.I. 97/2„ 1 c/o Mr. Quazi Masood, E.I. COMPANY: DATE: URS Southern Corporation 1/18/04 i i • i i i • i i FAX NUMBER: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 954 739 1789 4 PHONE NUMBER: 954-739-1881 RE: Platinum on the Bay Project MUSP Traffic Study Methodology CC: ❑ URGENT ❑ FOR REVIEW ❑ PLEASE COMMENT 'PLEASE REPLY NOTES /COMMENTS: Please see the attached methodology memorandum outlining the parameters of the Traffic Study for Platinum on the Bay. We have incorporated your comments from the 1 /13/04 methodology meeting. If you have any revisions to this methodology, please contact me. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS TRANSMISSION IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IT IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE, COLLECT, AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. WE WILL REIMBURSE YOU FOR POSTAGE. THANK YOU. 1 I i I I I I• i i Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Memorandum To: Mr. Rajendran Shanmugam, P.E. Mr. Quazi Masood, E.I. URS Southern Corporation From: Greg Kyle, AICP John McWilliams, E.I. Cc: Ms. Vivian Bonet Maysville, Inc. Date: January 17, 2005 Subject: Platinum on the Bay MUSP Traffic Impact Analysis Methodology The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the MUSP traffic impact analysis methodology as agreed to during the January 13th methodology meeting. The following items were discussed: Trip Generation Trip generation calculations for the existing and proposed development will be performed using fl'E Trip Generation, 7th Edition and the ITE Trip Generation Handbook. The net increase in trip generation for the site will be determined. Trip Distribution Trip distribution will be determined using the cardinal distribution from the appropriate Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) in the 2005 Cost Affordable Plan. Committed Development The City of Miami will be contacted to obtain the most recent edition of the Large Scale Development Report as of January 10th, 2005. Projects currently under construction or approved will be included. Projects in the application stage who have submitted a traffic study will also be included. Based on the availability of previous traffic studies from the City of Miami, the following developments within the study area will be accounted for: ■ TEL 954 739 2233 FAX 954 739 2247 ■ Suite 157 510G N.W. 33rd Avenue F1. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Klmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Rajendran Shanmugam, P.E., January 17, 2005, Pg.2 • 3100 Biscayne Boulevard • Avant Towers ■ Biscayne Park • Blue Condominium • City 24 • Gallery Art Condominium • Ice (Edgewater Tower) • lee 2 • Midtown Miami: (Parcel A) The Shops -North Block • Midtown Miami: (Parcel C+E) The Shops — Mid & South Block • Midtown Miami: (Parcel D) Mid -Block East • Midtown Miami: Four Midtown Miami • Midtown Miami: Three Midtown Miami • Midtown Miami: Two Midtown Miami ■ Moon Bay • New Wave • Onyx (Biscayne Bay Lofts) • Onyx 2 • Rosabella Lofts (Edgewater Tower) ■ Sky Residence (341 Street Tower) • SoHo • Star Lofts (Bay 25) • The Platinum Condominium • The Yorker • Uptown Lofts • Biscayne Tower (Biscayne Plaza) • Ellipse • Paramount at Edgewater Square ■ Quantum on the Bay • The 1800 Club Study Area The study area for this project was generally defined as Interstate 195 (north), NE 15th Street (south), interstate 95 (west), and Biscayne Bay (east). Within the study area, three (3) intersections were identified for analysis: • NE 30th Street and Biscayne Boulevard • NE 29th Street and Biscayne Boulevard • NE 29th Street and NE 2hd Avenue The following corridors were identified for analysis: • Biscayne Boulevard • NE 29th Street i• E'a i i I I Kimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr, Rajendran Shanmugam, P.E., January 17, 2005, Pg.3 Data Collection PM peak hour turning movement counts will be conducted at the previously identified study intersections. 24-hour machine counts will be conducted on the identified corridors during a typical weekday. All traffic counts will be adjusted to reflect peak season conditions using the appropriate FDOT adjustment factors. Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses will be conducted for the PM peak hour at all identified intersections and corridors. Intersection analyses will be performed using the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology. Corridor analyses will be conducted using information from the Miami DRI-II (i.e. person -trip capacity) and the FDOT Quality/LOS Handbook. Capacity analyses will be conducted for three (3) scenarios: existing, build -out (2006) without project, and build -out (2006) with project. In addition, all project driveways will be addressed in this analysis with respect to access (controlledluncontroIled) and queuing. Site parking information will also be provided in the report. Loading area maneuverability will also be addressed. Documentation The results of the analysis will be summarized in a report. The report shall include all necessary supporting documents including signal timings, lane geometry, and software output sheets. A site plan illustrating the proposed driveways will also be provided in this submittal. The report will also address the proposed development's transportation control measures plan. G:\044815000\Correspondence1011704 [IRS Memo.doc i • • • APPENDIX B: Traffic Count Data • • Intersection Turning Movement Counts CLIENT : KIMLEY HORN liiOB NO : 2005-05 OJECT : PLATINUM ON THE BAY UNTY : MIAMI-DADE i CROSSROADS ENGINEERING DATA, INC. 13284 SW 120TH ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 305-233-3997 Groups Printed- AUTO - HEAVY VEHICLES File Name : BISC&29TH Site Code : 01190502 Start Date : 01/19/2005 Page No : 1 BISCAYNE BLVD From North . NE 29TH STREET From East BISCAYNE BLVD From South NE 29TH STREET From West Start Time I Right Thru Left Pods Risht Thru I Left I Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left Peds Int. Total Factor j 1.0 1.0 1.0 i 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 i 1.0 ; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 04:00 PM 15 244 7 0 1 15 14 0 9 311 14 0 11 8 17 0 666 04:15 PM 24 264 7 0 4 14 10 0 10 364 16 0 13 13 8 0 747 04:30 PM 19 249 4 3 2 10 17 0 11 339 12 0 6 11 9 0 692 04:45 PM 15 270 4 1 3 9 23 0 15 350 7 0 7 14 17 0 735 Total 73 1027 22 4 10 48 64 0 45 1364 49 0 37 46 51 0 2840 05:00 PM 24 266 05:15 PM 15 250 05:30 PM 13 264 05:45 PM 18 245 4 6 9 6 Total 70 1025 25 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 143 2052 47 4 Apprch % 6.4 91.4 2.1 0.2 Total % 2.5 36.1 0.8 0.1 2 18 18 0 16 13 2 21 11 1 10 11 5 65 53 0 0 0 0 0 15 113 117 0 6.1 46.1 47,8 0.0 0.3 " 2.0 2.1 0.0 11 292 28 18 331 13 11 356 16 10 327 11 50 1306 68 0 0 0 1 95 2670 117 1 3.3 92.6 4.1 0.0 1.7 47.0 2.1 0.0 10 13 21 11 17 20 7 14 13 7 18 20 35 62 74 0 0 0 0 0 72 108 125 0 23.6 35.4 41.0 0.0 1.3 1.9 2.2 0.0 708 710 737 684 2839 5679 i CLIENT: KIMLEY HORN Iiit JOB NO : 2005-05 OJECT : PLATINUM ON THE BAY IJNTY : MIAMI-DADE CROSSROADS ENGINEERING DATA, INC. 13284 SW 120TH ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 File Name : BISC&29TH 305-233-3997 Site Code : 01190502 Start Date : 01/19/2005 Page No : 2 BISCAYNE BLVD From North NE 29TH STREET From East BISCAYNE BLVD From South NE 29TH STREET From West Start Time Right Thru I Left Peds Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 Intersection 04:45 PM Volume 67 1050 23 1 Percent 5.9 92.0 2-0 0.1 05:30 13 264 9 0 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 05:00 PM Volume 24 266 4 0 294 Peak Factor 0.970 IES ` 161- 1Z)3 t 7:1 0 lfe,s -r-4 . Fs 19C*1.o3A-1.(,. 3Zl PrSU .t ty(r5 • i i App' Right Thru Left Peds Total of 1 App. Total Right Thru Left Pods App. Totat 1141 7 64 65 0 136 55 1329 64 1 1449 5.1 47.1 47.8 0.0 3-8 91.7 4.4 0.1 286 2 21 11 0 34 11 356 16 0 383 05:00 PM 05:30 PM 2 18 16 0 38 11 356 0.895 16 0 383 Right Thru Left Peds App. Int. Total , Total 164 2890 34 737 0.980 35 58 71 0 21.3 35.4 43.3 0.0 7 14 13 0 05:15 PM 11 17 20 0 48 0.946 0.854 0 Cr WT- I-- cKO L rn Z3 za ISCAYNE BLV Out 11407j Total 125481 1050 23i Rl ht Thru Left Peds 4` 1 L+ North 1/19/05 4:45:00 PM 1/19/05 5:30:00 PM AUTO HEAVY VEHICLES 1-1 �► Left Thru Right Peds 64 1329 55.L 1 25991 Out - In Totat BISCAYNE BLVD tat = • O/ ,493 i- t., . S$=114-1 Y1.03*1.4z —9 4_2 w H 0 �z 1 in 5) 0 Ng-111-9i-I,)3*I-�o sT5 M l 50 *-1, (.]3nt 1.6 2_3t9 ¢aac/A ps I Y$ D p,r5Lso alb i�ersan-4T;S4 I`89S" ;>eisoe5 ¥t f i i i i CLIENT : KIMLEY HORN OB NO : 2005-05 OJECT : PLATINUM ON THE BAY UNTY _ MIAMI-DADE CROSSROADS ENGINEERING DATA, INC. 13284 SW 120TH ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 305-233-3997 Groups Printed- AUTO - HEAVY VEHICLES File Name : BISC&30TH Site Code : 01190514 Start Date : 01/19/2005 Page No : 1 BISCAYNE BLVD From North NE 30TH STREET From East BISCAYNE BLVD From South NE 30TH STREET From West Start Time Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru LeftJ Peds Right i Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left I Peds tat. Total Factor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 j 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 i 1.0 04:00 PM 5 251 10 0 7 0 1 15 7 321 10 0 1 0 1 1 630 04:15 PM 12 275 8 2 10 1 1 13 12 357 15 2 1 0 2 2 713 04:30 PM 11 254 8 1 12 0 2 14 5 345 12 0 3 0 2 2 671 04:45 PM 7 275 7 0 13 0 2 30 10 354 19 2 9 1 2 0 731 Total 35 1055 33 3 42 1 6 72 34 1377 56 4 14 1 7 5 2745 05:00 PM 22 265 05:15 PM 7 255 05:30 PM 12 259 05:45 PM 6 247 Total 47 1026 7 9 15 16 47 Grand Total 82 2081 80 5 Appreh % 3.6 92.6 3.6 0.2 Total % 1.5 38.0 1.5 0.1 4 8 6 14 32 0 2 1 0 3 5 19 0 14 4 13 2 13 11 59 74 4 17 131 32.7 1.8 7.5 58.0 1.4 0.1 0,3 2.4 14 292 13 13 334 10 13 354 5 6 346 6 46 1336 34 0 0 0 0 0 80 2713 90 4 2.8 94.0 3.1 0.1 1.5 49.5 1.6 0.1 14 19 6 6 45 1 6 7 15 1 7 0 2 9 30 2 1 1 3 7 59 10 37 12 50.0 8.5 31.4 10.2 1.1 0.2 0.7 0.2 665 694 707 668 2734 5479 i i CLIENT : KIMLEY HORN leJOB NO : 2005-05 OJECT : PLATINUM ON THE BAY UNTY : MIAMI-DADE CROSSROADS ENGINEERING DATA, INC. 13284 SW 120TH ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 File Name : BISC&30TH 305-233-3997 Site Code : 01190514 Start Date : 01/19/2005 Page No : 2 BISCAYNE BLVD From North Start Time Right ( Thru Left Peds Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak Intersection 04:45 PM Volume 48 1054 38 1 Percent 4.2 92.4 3.3 0.1 04:45 7 275 7 0 Volume Peak Factor High Int. 05:00 PM Volume 22 265 7 1 Peak Factor APP. Right Total 1ef1 1141 31 25.6 289 13 295 0.967 NE 30TH STREET From East Thru I Left i Peds € AAP' Total 45 PM 3 11 76 121 2.5 9.1 62.8 0 2 30 45 13 0 2 30 45 0.672 Right Thru Left Peds App Iota BISCAYNE BLVD From South -r NE 30TH STREET From West Right Thru Left Peds App Total 50 1344 47 2 1443 48 10 30 4 92 3.5 93.1 3.3 0.1 52.2 10.9 32.6 4.3 10 354 19 2 385 9 1 2 0 12 :45 PM 05:15 PM 10 354 19 2 385 19 7 15 1 42 0,937 0.548 0 JT 0) SISCAYNE BLVD Out In Totai 14051 48 10541 Right Thru Left Peds 4] L� Nr North 11191054:45:00PM 1/19105 530:00 PM AUTO HEAVY VEHICLES 47 I Left Thru Right Peds 47 1344! 50E 2j 1113] L i443I 2556j Out In Total BISCAYNE BLVD 05 +O5M-- I.ci3* I, 2 m hi _ 1443ovt-)3, 1.6 S3 1113 lo-i.a31,La Int. Total 2797 731 0.957 2315 QtrSg--,-4.PS t4B)ense 4,•,{15 2373 is P)1115 CLIENT : KIMLEY HORN leJOB NO : 2005-05 OJECT : PLATINUM ON THE BAY UNTY : MIAMI-DADE i CROSSROADS ENGINEERING DATA, INC. 13284 SW 120TH ST, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 305-233-3997 Groups Printed- AUTO - HEAVY VEHICLES File Name : 2ND&29TH Site Code : 01190567 Start Date : 01/19/2005 Page No :1 NE 2ND AVE From North NE 29TH STREET From East I NE 2ND AVE From South NE 29TH STREET From West Stan Time j Right Thru Left 1 Peds Right Thruj. Left ' Peds Right Thru Left Peds Right Thru Left 1 Peds Int. Total Factor j 1.0 1.0 L 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 i 1.0 I 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 j 1.0 1_ 04:00 PM 9 89 2 0 8 30 12 0 4 186 41 0 30 15 18 0 444 04:15 PM 19 73 3 0 3 38 13 0 7 201 47 0 20 15 19 0 458 04:30 PM 18 75 2 0 5 44 10 0 9 227 38 0 27 20 18 0 493 04:45 PM 20 74 1 0 6 32 10 0 11 223 50 0 30 16 17 0 490 Total 66 311 8 0 22 144 45 0 ! 31 837 176 0 107 66 72 0 1885 05:00 PM 21 94 I 05:15 PM 21 66 05:30 PM 25 84 05:45 PM 11 62 Total 78 306 i i 4 5 4 3 16 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 144 617 24 0 Apprch % 18.3 78.6 3.1 0.0 Total % 3.7 15.9 0.6 0.0 11 51 14 39 6 34 3 36 34 160 10 7 9 12 38 0 0 0 0 0 19 208 55 15 230 44 13 229 52 16 148 43 66 815 194 0 0 0 0 56 304 83 0 97 1652 370 0 12.6 68.6 18.7 0.0 4.6 78.0 17.5 0.0 1.4 7.8 2.1 0.0 2.5 42.6 9.5 0.0 21 31 32 0 30 20 27 0 26 21 12 0 26 24 14 0 103 96 85 0 210 162 157 0 39.7 30.6 29.7 0.0 5.4 4.2 4.1 0.0 557 521 515 398 1991 3876 CROSSROADS ENGINEERING DATA, INC. 13284 SW 120TH ST, CLIENT : KIMLEY HORN MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 File Name : 2ND&29TH Oi3 NO : 2005-05 305-233-3997 Site Code : 01190567 JECT : PLATINUM ON THE BAY Start Date : 01/19/2005 NTY : MIAMI-DADE Page No : 2 NE 2N9 AVE From North Start Time Right Thru Left Peds j APPTRight Thru i Total Peak Hour From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Intersection 04:45 PM Volume 87 318 14 0 4 Percent 20.8 75.9 3.3 0.0 05.00 21 94 4 0 119 Volume Peak Factor High int. 05:00 PM 05:00 PM Volume 21 94 4 0 119 11 51 Peak Factor 0.880 = 2S30-II.(F,6 = -tram P- .. 4t.o31,G= �= 7 1 p.+. NE 29TH STREET From East NE 2ND AVE From South NE 29TH STREET From West Left I Peds App Total 37 156 36 0 229 6.2 68.1 15.7 0.0 11 51 10 0 72 10 0 72 0.795 Right Thru Left Peds App. Total 61 890 201 0 1152 5.3 77.3 17.4 0.0 19 208 55 0 282 05:30 PM 13 229 52 0 294 0.980 Right 1 Thru Lest Peds APp ! Ent. Total € Total 107 88 88 0 283 2083 37.8 31.1 31.1 0-0 21 31 32 0 84 557 0.935 05:00 PM 21 31 32 0 84 0.842 TO EN ti o" LU w w ((!)iN = i 0 (Y w �m v� m co 2 0 0 c • a NE 2ND AVE Out In Total 4191 I87-1-3181—T4r 0-1 Right Thru Left Peds 4' 4 1015J 14341 North 1119/05 4:45:00 PM 1/19/05 5:30:00 PM AUTO HEAVY VEHICLES Left Thru Right Peds 201' 890i 61 0 ? 461I Out In Total NE 2ND AVE 11521 16131 E 63.= 163WI ,93ir-1,% zic,9 iR W6.229x-i.Uxl,. rn rn 0 m -1 m o_ Niw • 0 APPENDIX C: Miami -Dade Transit Data • le • Headway Calculations • iii • Biscayne Boulevard • i i i Route 3 c� WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE NE 199 St m NE172St ZNE171St NE 167 St f- a) 11111 4- N I z 163 St Mall Government Center Metrorail Station Flagler St SW/SE 1 St DOWNTOWN BUS TERMINAL a, Sr Irt OMNI BUS TERMINAL DIPLOMAT MALL cct 0 as Hallandale Beath Blvd 192 St Cswy �. Aventura Blvd cia z AVENTURA MALL E Wal-Mart N Country Club TURNBERRY ISLE COUNTRY 0 CLUB 0 o 0!M 0 t 0 MI El Map nor ot o scale 9/02 Page 1 of 3 TRANSIT INFORMATION; 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St: 305-891-3131 TTY Users (for deaflhard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.miamidade.gov ROUTE 3 SCHEDULE CBD Bus Terminal 05:15AM 05:30AM 05:45AM 06:00AM 06:25AM 06:40AM '07:00AM 07:20AM 07:40AM 08:00AM 08:20AM 08:40AM 09:OOAM 09:20AM 09:40AM 10:OOAM 10:20AM 10:40AM 11:OOAM 111:20AM 11:40AM SERVICE: WEEKDAY 05:22AM 05:29AM 05:37AM 05:52AM 06:09AM 06:34AM 06:49AM 07:10AM 07:30AM 07:50AM 08:10AM 08:30AM 08:50AM 09:10AM 09:30AM 109:50AM 10:10AM 10:30AM 10:50AM 11:10AM 11:30AM 11:50AM 05:44AM 05:59AM 06:16AM 06:41AM' 06:56AM 07:O8AM 07:18AM 07:38AM 07:58AM 08:19AM 08:39AM 08:59AM 09:19AM 09:39AM 09:59AM 10:19AM 10:39AM 10:59AM 11:20AM 11:40AM 12:OOPM 05:53AM 06:09AM 06:26AM 06:51AM 07:07AM 07:19AM 07:29AM 07:49AM 08:09AM 08:30AM 09:10AM 09:30AM 09:50AM 10:10AM 10:30AM 10:50AM 11:10AM 11:31AM 11:51 AM NE 123 St & Biscayne Blvd 05:48AM 06:04AM 06:20AM 06:37AM 07:03AM 07:19AM 07:31AM 07:41 AM 08:02AM 08:22AM 08:43AM 09:03AM 09:23AM 09:43AM 10:03AM 10:23AM 10:43AM 11:03AM 11:23AM 11:44AM 12:04PM 12:25PM NE 163 St Biscayne Blvd 05:57AM 06:13AM 06:29AM 06:46AM 07:13AM 07:29AM 07:41 AM 07:51AM 08:13AM 08:33AM 08:54AM 09:14AM. 09:54AM 10:15AM 10:35AM 10:55AM 11:15AM 11:35AM 11:56AM 12:16PM 12:37PM DIRECTION: NORTHBOUND NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall 06:05AM 06:21AM 06:37AM 06:54AM 07:22AM 07:38AM 07:50AM 08:OOAM 08:42AM 09:04AM 09:24AM 09:44AM 10:04AM 10:25AM 10:45AM 11:05AM 11:25AM 11:45AM 12:06PM 12:26PM 12:47PM Aventura Mall 06:37AM 06:53AM 07:13AM 07:41 AM 08:09AM 08:19AM 08:41 AM 09:01 AM 09:23AM 09:43AM 10:03AM 10:23AM 10:44AM 11:04AM 11:24AM 11:44AM 12:04PM 12:45PM' 01:06PM E. 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Country Club Dr Yacht Club Aventura Mall NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall NE 163 St & Biscayne YBiscayneY ne Blvd NE 123 St & Blvd Omni NE 79 St , Metro �` Mover Biscayne F ; ne Bus Blvd Jr Terminal CBD Bus Terminal = 04:29AM 04:42AM 04:47AM 04:54AM 05:06AM 05:14AM 05:20AM 05:28AM = '05:21AM 05:26AM 05:33AM 05:45AM 05:53AM [05:59AM 06:08AM : 05:24AM 05:37AM 05:42AM'05:49AM 06:01AM 06:12AM 06:19AM 06:28AM 05:23AM 05:30AM 05:36AM 05:42AM 05:55AM 06:01AMI 06:09AM 06:21AM 06:32AM 06:39AM 06:48AM I : : 06:00AM 06:14AM 06:20AM 06:28AM 06:40AM 06:51AM 06:58AM 07:08AM1 05:55AM 06:03AM 06:10AM 06:18AM 06:32AM ,06:38AM 06:46AM 06:58AM 07:10AM 07:18AM 07:28AM = : 06:34AM 06:48AM 06:54AM` 07:03AM 07:18AM 07:30AM 07:38AM 07:48AM '06:41AM` `07:07AM 06:26AM 06:34AM 06:49AM 07:14AM 07:23AM 07:38AM 07:50AM 07:58AM 08:08AM 06:45AM 06:53AM 07:O1AM 07:09AM 07:27AM 07:34AM 07:43AM 07:58AM 08:10AM 08:18AM 08:28AM 07:O5AMJ 07:13AM 07:21AM 07:29AM 07:47AM 07:54AM 08:03AM 08:18AM 08:30AM 08:38AM 08:48AM 07:22AM f07:30AM 07:38AM 07:46AM 08:05AM 08:12AM 08:21AM 08:36AM 08:48AM 08:56AM 09:08AM '07:50AM 07:42AM 07:58AM 08:06AM 08:25AM 08:32AM 08:41AM 08:56AM 09:08AM 09:16AM 09:28AM 08:02AM [08:10AM 08:18AM 08:26AM 08:45AM 08:52AM '09:02AM 09:17AM 09:28AM 09:36AM 09:48AM 08:20AM 08:28AM 08:36AM 08:44AM i09:O4AM 09:12AM 09:22AM 09:37AM 09:48AMJ'O9:56AM 10:08AM 008:40AM 08:48AM 08:56AM 09:04AM 09:24AM 09:32AM 09:42AM 09:57AM' 10:08AM 10:16AM 10:28AM 08:58AM 09:08AM 09:16AM 09:24AM 09:44AM- 09.52AM 10:02AAM 10:17AM 10:28AM 10:36AM 10:48AM 09:18AM 09:28AM 09:36AM109:44AM 10:04AM 10:12AM 10:22AM 10:37AM 10:48AM 10:56AM 11:08AM [09:37AM 09:47AM [09:55AM 10:04AM 10:24AM i i i i i Page 2 of 3 J11:16AM 11:26AM1 11:35AM1 11:44AMJi12:04PM 12:12PM I12:22PM1 12:37PMI112:48PM 112:56PM 01:08PM, 11:36AM111:46AM 11:55AM 12:04PM 12:24PM 12:32PM 12:42PM 12:57PM 01:08PM 01:16PM I01:28PM} 11:55AM 12:06PM 12:15PM 12:24PM 12:44PM 12:52PM 01:02PM 01:17PM 01:28PM 01:36PM j01:48PM 12:15PM 12:26PM 12:35PM 12;44PM 01:04PM 01:12PM 01:22PM 01:37PM [1:48PM:01:56PM 02:08PM 12:35PM 12:46PM 12:55PM 01:04PM 01:24PM 01:32PM 01:42PM 01:57PM 02:08PM 02:16PM 02:28PM 12:55PM 01:06PM 01:15PM 01:24PM 01:44PM 01:52PM [02:02PM 02:17PM 02:28PM 02:36PM'J02:48PM 101:15PM 01:26PM` 01:35PM 01:44PM 02:04PM 02:12PM 02:22PM 02:37PM 02:48PM 02:56PM [03:08PM1 01:35PM 01:46PM 01:55PM 02:04PM 02:24PM 02:32PM 02:42PM 02:57PM 03:O8PM 03:16PM I03:28PM 01:56PM 02:07PM 02:16PM 02:25PM 02:45PM 02:53PM 03:03PM' 03:18PM€ 03:28PM 03:36PM 03:48PM 02:15PM 02:26PM` 02:35PM 02:44PM 03:05PM 03:13PM 03:23PM 03:38PM 03:48PM 03:56PM 04:O8PM 02:34PM 02:45PM 02:54PM 03:04PM 03:25PM 03:33PM 03:43PM 03:58PM 04:16PM 04:28PM 02:52PM 03:04PM 03:14PM 03:24PM 03:45PM 03:53PM 04:03PM 04:18PM 04:36PM 04:48PM 03:12PM 03:24PM 03:34PM 03:44PM 04:05PM 04:13PM 04:23PM 04:38PM " : 04:56PM 05:08PM 03:32PM 03:44PM 03:54PM 04:04PM 04:25PM 04:33PM 04:43PM [04:58PM - 05:16PM 05:28PM1 03:52PM 04:04PM 04:14PM 04:24PM 04:45PM,04:53PM 05:03PM 05:18PM 05:36PM 05:48PM1 04:12PM 04:24PM 04:34PM 04:44PM 05:05PM 05:13PM 05:23PM 05:38PM 05:56PM 06:08PM 04:33PM 04:45PM 04:55PM 05:05PM 05:26PM 05:34PM 05:44PM [05:59P '.,.._ -r; 06:16PM 06:28PM 104:54PM 05:06PM 05:16PM 05:26PM 05:47PM 05:55PM 06:05PM 06:19PM 06:29PM 06:36PM 06:48PM 05:22PM 05:34PM 05:44PM 05:54PM 06:15PM 06:22PM 06:32PM 06:46PM 06:56PM 07:03PM 07:13PM 05:40PM [05:52PM 06:02PM 06:12PM 06:32PM 06:39PM 06:49PM I07:03PM 07:12PM 07:19PM 07:29PM 05:57PM 06:09PM 06:17PM 06:27PM 06:47PM 06:54PM 07:04PM 07:17PM 07:26PM 07:33PM. 07:43PM 06:33PM-I 06:43PM 06:51 PM 07:01PM 07:19PM 07:26PM 07:35PM 07:48PM 07:57PM 08:04PM 08:13PM '08:18PM 07:08PM107:16PM 07:23PM 07:31 PM 07:49PM 07:56PM 08:05PM 08:27PM 08:34PM 08:43PM 07:57PM' 08:05PM 08:11PM 08:18PM, 08:35PM 08:41PM 08:50PM 09:03PM 09:12PM 09:19PM 09:28PM 08:27PM 08:35PM 08:41 PM 08:48PM 09:05PM 09:11PM 09:20PM 09:33PM 09:42PM 09:49PM 09:58PM 09:27PM 09:35PM 09:41PM 09:48PM 10:05PM 10:11PM 10:20PM 10:33PM 10:42PM 10:49PM 10:58PM 10:35PM 10:43PM 10:49PM 10:56PM 11:13PM 11:17PM 11:25PM 11:36PM 11:44PM 11:50PM 11:58PM 11:37PM 11:45PM 11:51PM 11:55PM 12:10AM 12:14AM 12:22AM 12:33AM 12:41AM 12:47AM 12:55AM 12:37AMM 12:45AM: 12:51AM j12:55AM 01:10AM 01:14AM 01:22AM 01:33AM 01:41AM 01:47AM 01:55AM 01:37AM 01:45AM 01:51AM 01:55AM 02:10AM 02:14AM 02:22AM 02:33AM 02:41AM 02:47AM 02:55AM 02:54AM 03:09AM 03:14AM 03:21AM 03:33AM 03:41AM 03:47AM 03:55AM' - 03:56AM 04:09AM 04:14AM 04:21AM 04:33AM 04:41AM 04:47AMM 04:55AM = TOP CLOSE WINDOW Dale Last Edited : Wed Oct 15 10:55:07 2003 F04,411 r 1G j5 Transit - Home { Metrobus { Metrorait i Metromover { Special Services { About Us J Trip Planner 1 Press Releases { Publications { Contact Us Home {Using. Our Site 1 About 1 Phone Directory 1 Privacy [ Disclaimer i Route 16 WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE Government Center Metrorail Station Downtown Bus Terminal North Miami Miami Shores El Portal z NE 163 St NE 125 St Biscayne co Park w z a.» 0 NE 17 Terr 15Stm 01 OMNI m Bus a Terminal E a) 1NE 14 St SW/SE 1 St NE 167St c1/41 E____163 Street Mail i#3 w z NE 159St m w NE 123 St North Miami Beach North Map not to scale i Page I of 2 10 i I i I I I I • i i TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St: 305-891-3131 `rTY Users (for deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.rn. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.miamidade.gov ROUTE 16 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION: NORTHBOUND CBD Bus Terminal Omni Metro E 36 St & E 79 St & Mover Bus Biscayne Biscayne Terminal Blvd Blvd NE 125 St & 6 Ave NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall 05:35AM 05:42AM 05:4905:58AM 06:09AM 06:29AM 06:10AM 06:19AM 06:26AM 06:36AM 06:47AM 07:09AM 06:30AM 06:39AM 06:46AM 06:56AM 07:07AM 07:29AM 06:50AM 06:59AM 07:07AM 07:18AM 07:29AM 07:51AM 07:10AM 07:20AM 07:28AM 07:39AM 07:50AM 08:12AM '07:30AM 07:40AM 07:48AM 07:59AM 08:11AM 08:33AM 07:50AM 08:00AM . 08:09AM 08:20AM 08:32AM 08:54AM 08:10AM 08:20AM , 08:29AM 08:40AM 08:52AM 09:14AM 08:30AM . 08:40AM I-08:49AM 09:OOAM 09:11AM 09:31AM 08:50AM 09:OOAM 09:09AM 09:20AM 09:31AM 09:51AM 09:10AM 09:20AM 09:29AM ' 09:40AM 09:51AM 10:11AM 09:30AM' 09:4OAM [09:49AM 10:00AM 10:11 AM 10:31 AM 09:50AM 10:00AM 10:09AM 10:20AM 10:31AM 10:51AM 10:10AM 10:20AM 10:29AM 10:40AM 10:51AM 11:12AM [10:30AM 10:40AM 1O:49AM 11:00AM 11:11AM 11:32AM 10:50AMM[ 11:00AM 11:10AM 11:21AM [11:32AM 11:53AM 11:10AM 11:20AM 11:30AM 11:41AM 11:52AM 12:13PM 11:30AM' 11:40AM 11:50AM 12:02PM 1 12:13PM 12:34PM 11:50AM 12:00PM 12:10PM 12:22PM 12:33PM 12:54PM 12:10PM 12:20PM 12:30PM 12:42PM 12:53PM 3 01:15PM 12:30PM 12:40PM 12:5OPM 01:02PM 01:13PM 01:35PM 12:50PM 01:00PM 01:10PM 01:22PM 01:33PM L01:55PM 01:10PM 01:20PM 01:30PM 01:42PM 01:53PM 02:15PM 01:30PM 01:40PM 01:50PM 02:02PM ' 02:13PM 02:35PM I 11 11 ii 11 ii i i i Page 2 of 2 01:50PMI 02:OOPM II 02:10PM 11 02:22PM 02:33PM II 02:55PM 02:10PM 02:20PM 02:30PM 02:42PM 102:53PM 03:16PM 02:30PM 02:40PM 02:50PM . 03:03PM ( 03:16PM 03:39PM IO2:50PM 03:OOPM 03:10PM 03:23PM 03:36PM 03:59PM 03:10PM 03:20PM 03:30PM 03:43PM 03:56PM 04:19PM 03:30PM 03:40PM 03:5OPM 04:03PM 04:16PM 04:39PM 03:50PM 04:OOPM 04:10PM 04:23PM 04:36PM 04:59PM 04:10PM 04:20PM 04:30PM 04:43PM [ 04:56PM 05:19PM 04:30PM 04:40PM 04:50PM 05:03PM 05:16PM 05:39PM 04:50PM 05:OOPM 05:10PM 05:23PM 05:36PM 05:59PM 05:10PM t 05:20PM 05:30PM . 05:43PM 05:56PM 06:19PM 05:30PM 05:4OPM o ! 05:50PM 06:03PM 06:15PM 06:35PM 05:50PM 06:OOPM 06:09PM 06:20PM 06:32PM 06:52PM 06:10PM 06:20PM 06:29PM 06:40PM , 06:52PM 07:12PM 06:30PM 06:40PM 06:49PM 07:OOPM 07:12PM 07:32PM 06:50PM 07:OOPM 07:08PM 07:16PM 07:28PM 07:48PM 07:15PM 07:24PM 07:32PM 07:40PM [ 07:52PM 08:12PM 07:45PM 07:54PM 08:02PM 08:10PM ' 08:21 PM 08:36PM 08:15PM 08:22PM 08:29PM 08:37PM 08:48PM 09:03PM 08:45PM 08:52PM 08:59PM 09:07PM 09:18PM 09:33PM 09:30PM 09:37PM 09:44PM 09:52PM 10:03PM 10:18PM 10:20PM 10:27PM 10:34PM 10:42PM 10:53PM 11:08PM CD TOP Transit - Horne 1 Metrobus Metroraii 1 e CLOSE WINDOW Zo m+1,1 1i earx3A15 Date Last Edited : Wed Oct 1510:55:07 2003 omover 1 Special Services! About Us 1 Trip Planner 1 Press Releases 1 Publications 1 Contact Us Home 1 Using Our Site 1 About 1 Phone Directory 1 Privacy 1 Disclaimer E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site © 2003 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. i i Page 1 of 2 I • i i i i i i • TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St.: 305-891-3131 TTY Users (for deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.miamidade.gov ROUTE 16 SCHEDULE SERVICE; WEEKDAY DIRECTION: SOUTHBOUND NE 167 St & 15 Ave Mall NE 125 St & 6 Ave NE 79 St & Biscayne Blvd i NE 36 St & Biscayne Blvd I Omni Metro Mover Bus Terminal CBD Bus Terminal 05:12AM 05:26AM 05:36AM f 05 :4 44AM�1 05:50AM 05:58AM' 05:32AM 05:46AM 05:56AM 06:07AM 06:14AM 06:23AM 05:42AM 06:OOAM 06:11AM 06:22AM 06:29AM 06:38AM I06:02AM 06:20AM 06:31AM 06:42AM 06:49AM 06:58AM 06:19AM 06:37AM ° 06:48AM 07:00AM 07:08AM 07:18AM 06:39AM 06:57AM 07:O8AM 07:20AM 07:28AM 07:38AM 06:55AM 07:17AM 07:28AM 07:40AM 07:48AM 07:58AM 07:15AM 07:37AM 07:48AM 08:OOAM 08:08AM 08:18AM 07:32AM 07:54AM 08:08AM 08:20AM 08:28AM 08:38AM 07:52AM 08:14AM 08:28AM 08:40AM 08:48AM 08:58AM 08:10AM 08:32AM 08:46AM 08:58AM 09:06AM 09:18AMM 08:31AM 08:53AM 09:07AM 09:18AM 09:26AM 09:38AM 08:53AM 09:15AM 09:27AM 09:38AM 09:46AM 09:58AM 09:15AM '09:35AM 09:47AM 09:58AM 10:06AM 10:18AM 09:35AM 09:55AM 10:07AM 10:18AM 10:26AM 10:38AM 09:55AM 10:15AM 10:27AM ' 10:38AM 10:46AM 10:58AM 10:15AM 10:35AM 10:47AM 10:58AM 11:06AM ''.:18AM 10:35AM 10:55AM 11:07AM 11:18AM 11:26AM 11:38AM 10:54AM 11:15AM 11:27AM 11:38AM 11:46AM 11:58AM 11:14AM 11:35AM 11:47AM 11:58AM 12:06PM 12:18PM' 1 i i I• 01:14PM 01:33PM 01:52PM 02:12PM 02:33PM 02:53PM 03:13PM 03:33PM 03:54PM ( 04:14PM 04:34PM 04:54PM 05:14PM 05:35PM 05:55PM 06:30PM 07:06PM 07:37PM 08:09PM 09:29PM 12:54PM 1 01:15PM 1[ 01:27PM fI 01:38PM _II 01:46PM jI01:58PM 01:35PM 01:54PM 02:14PM 02:34PM 02:55PM 03:15PM 03:35PM 03:55PM 04:16PM 04:36PM 04:56PM 05:16PM 05:36PM 05:57PM 06:17PM 06:50PM 01:47PM f 02:07PM 02:27PM 02:47PM 1 03:08PM 03:28PM 01:58PM 02:18PM 02:38PM 02:58PM 03:18PM 03:38PM 03:48PM 03:58PM 02:06PM 02:26PM 02:46PM 03:06PM 03:26PM 03:46PM 04:06PM 04:08PM 04:18PM 04:26PM 04:28PM 04:38PM 04:48PM 04:58PM 04:46PM 05:06PM 05:08PM 05:18PM 05:26PM 05:28PM 05:38PM 05:46PM 05:48PM 05:58PM 06:06PM 02:18PM 02:38PM 02:58PM 03:18PM 03:38PM 03:58PM ,04:18PM 04:38PM 04:58PM 05:18PM 05:38PM 05:58PM 06:18PM 06:09PM 06:19PM 06:26PM 06:38PM 06:29PM lr 06:39PM iv` 06:46PM j 06:58PM 07:22PM 07:53PM 08:23PM 09:43PM :02PM 07:11PM 07:18PM 07:28PM 07:32PM 08:03PM 08:33PM 09:53PM 07:41 PM 08:12PM I 08:42PM 10:02PM 07:48PM 08:19PM 08:49PM 10:09PM 07:58PM 08:28PM 08:58PM 10:18PM = TOP CLOSE WINDOW ZC> i`itt\t rlr I# rOrAy5 Date Last Edited : Wed Oct 15 10:55:07 2003 Transit - Home J Metrobus 1 Metrorail J Metromover 1 SRecial Services 1 About Us 1 Trip Planner 1 Press Releases 1 Publications 1 Contact Us Home J Using Our Site J About J Phone Directory 1 Privacy 1 Disclaimer E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site 2003 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Page 2 of 2 i DORAL CENTER e NW53St NW 87 Ave z MIAMI SPRINGS Route 36 Miami Springs All operators must turn the engine off imrneadlately upon arriving at the end of the line. Do not race the engine after layover. Nahkoda�' Westward Dr 41 St (Lafayette) to NW 38 St L NW36St NW37St Rome 36 A ROGER EFFECTIVE: December 7, 2003 CORRECTED; ¢ a' N CO N- CO Ltd Le, z z z DESTINATION SIGN East Allapattah - 00C9 East 32 Avenue - 00CC East Omni - 0007 West Doral - 87 Ave. - OOCB West Miami Springs - 00CA Out Of Service - 02D6 Note: Serve circle before going to Iayover NW 36 St Allapattah Metrorail Station WHEELCHAIRS Stop the bus at any location near the stop to allow wheelchairs on or off the bus. NE 36 St NE 17 Ter NE 15 St t. OMNI Bus Terminal •s Route 36 ALL BUSES ARE WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE North Map not/03 to scale 11 I Page I of 3 10 i i i TRANSIT INFORMATION: 305-770-3131 Residents South of SW 216 St.: 305-891-3131 TTY Users (for deaf/hard of hearing): 305-654-6530 Monday -Friday, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Weekends, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. www,miamidade.gov ROUTE 36 SCHEDULE SERVICE: WEEKDAY DIRECTION: EASTBOUND NW 53 t Ave NW 36 St& 87 Ave HeD� Square NW 36 St& 57 Ave NW 36 St& 42 Ave NW 36 St& 33 Ave NW 36 St& 32 Ave NE 36 SSOmni Allapatta . Metro & Mover Station Biscayn Blvd Sus Terminal 05:38AM 05:41AM : 05:47AM 05:51AM 05:54AM 05:55AM 06:04AM 06:13AM 06:19AM : 05:54AM 06:06AM 06:11AM 06:14AMj 06:15AM 06:24AM '06:33AM 06:39AM 06:10AM 06:13AM : 06:21AM 06:26AM 06:29AM 06:30AM 06:39AM 06:48AM 06:54AM : 06:24AM 06:36AM 06:41AM 06:44AM 06:45AM 06:54AM 07:05AM'07:11AM 06:35AM 06:38AM : 06:46AM' 06:51AM 06:54AM 06:55AM 07:06AM 07:17AM 07:23AM 06:47AM 06:50AM : 07:00AM1 07:06AM 07:09AM 07:10AM 07:21AM 07:32AM 07:38AM 07:00AM 07:05AM : 07:15AM 07:21AM 07:24AM 07:25AM 07:36AM 07:47AM 07:53AM 07:10AM 07:15AM : 07:25AM 07:31AM 07:34AM 07:35AM 07:46AM 07:57AM 08:04AM' : 07:23AM 07:35AM [07:41AM 07:44AM 07:45AM' 07:56AM 08:07AM 08:14AM 07:35AM [7:40AM : 07:50AM 07:56AM 07:59AM 08:OOAM 1 08:11AM 08:22AM 08:29AM 07:45AM 07:50AM : 08:00AM 08:07AM 08:10AM 08:11 AM : : ; 08:OOAM 08:04AM : 08:14AM 08:21AM 08:24AM 08:25AM 08:36AM 08:47AM 08:54AM 08:20AM 08:24AM : 08:34AM 08:41AM 08:44AM 08:45AM ` 08:56AM 09:07AM 09:14AM 08:30AM 08:34AM : 08:44AM 08:51AM 08:54AM 08:55AM : : 08:32AM L08:44AM 08:51AM ,08:54AM 08:55AM 109:06AM 09:16AM 09:23AM '09:09AM` 08:55AM 08:59AM : 09:16AM 09:19AM ,092OAM 09:31AM 09:41AM 09:48AM 09:OOAM 09:04AM' : 09:14AM 09:21AM 09:24AM 09:25AM : . : , 09:28AM 09:39AM 09:46AM 09:49AM 09:50AM 10:01AM 10:11AM 10:18AM 09:55AM 09:59AM : 1 10:O9AM, 10:16AM 10:19AM 10:20AM 10:31AM 10:41AM 10:48AM 10:OOAM 10:04AM : 10:14AM 10:21AM 10:24AM 10:25AM : : 10:28AMJ 10:39AM 10:46AM 10:49AM 10:50AM F11:01AM 11:11AM 11:18AM 10:55AM 10:59AM : 11:09AM 11:16AM 11:19AM 11:20AM 11:31AM 11:41AM' 11:48AM 11:28AM 11:39AM 11:46AM 11:49AM, 11:50AM 12:01 PM I12:11-PM 12:18PM Page 2 of 3 i I do i I {11:55AMII11:59AMIt : 112:09PMI 12:16PMjI12:19PM f 12:20PMij 12:31PM jj12:41PM 112:48PM : 12:28PM 12:39PM 12:46PM' 12:49PM 12:50PM 01:01 PM [01:11PM 01:18PM 12:55PM 12:59PM : 01:09PM 01:16PM 01:19PM 01:20PM 01:31 PM 01:41 PM 01:48PM 01:28PM 01:39PM 01:46PM' 01:49PM f01:50PM 02:01 PM 02:11PM 02:18PM 01:53PM I01:57PMtf : 02:07PM 02:14PM 02:17PM 02:18PM 02:29PM 02:39PM 02:46PM 02:05PM 02:09PM : 02:19PM 02:26PM 02:29PM 02:41 PM 02:51 PM 02:58PM (02:30PM 02:28PM 02:39PM 02:46PM 02:49PM 02:50PM 03:01 PM 03:11PM 03:18PM 02:4OPM 02:44PM : 02:54PM [03:01 PM 03:04PM 03:05PM 03:16PM 03:26PM 03:33PM 03:00PM 03:04PM : 03:16PM 03:23PM 03:26PM 03:27PM, 03:38PM 03:48PM 03:55PM '03:38PM 03:15PM 03:19PM : 03:31 PM 03:41 PM 03:42PM' 03:53PM 14:04 PM 04:11PM ' : 03:27PM 03:39PM 03:46PM 03:49PMJ 03:50PM 04:01 PM 4:12PM 04:19PM 03:41 PM 03:45PM : 03:57PM 04:06PM 04:09PM 04:10PM 04:21 PM 0432PM 04:39PM '04:00PM 04:05PM : 04:18PM [04:27PM 04:30PM 04:31PM 04:42PM O4:53PMa05:00PM 04:20PM 04:32PM 04:41PM 04:44PM 04:45PM 04:56PM 05:07PM 05:14PM 04:19PM 04:24PM : 04:37PM 04:46PM 04:49PM 04:50PM 05:01PM 05:12PM 05:19PM 04:39PM 04:44PM, : 04:57PM 05:06PM 05:09PM,1 05:10PM 05:21 PM 05:32PM 05:39PM 04:59PM 05:04PM : 05:17PM 05:26PM 05:29PM 05:30PM 05:41 PM 05:52PM 05:59PM . 105:20PM 05:32PM 05:41PM 05:44PM 05:56PM 06: M 06:13PM' ,05:45PM 05:20PM 05:25PM : 05:38PM 05:47PM 05:50PM 05:51PM 06:02PM 06:11PM 06:17PM 05:40PM 05:45PM : 05:58PM 06:07PM 06:10PM' 06:11 PM 06:21PM 06:30PM 06:36PM 06:00PM 06:03PM J : 06:13PM 06:20PM 06:23PM 06:24PM 06:34PM 06:43PM 06:49PM 06:20AM 06:23AM' : 06:33AM 06:40AM 06:43AM J06:44AM I : 06:27PM 06:39PM 06:46PM 06:49PM 06:50PM 107:00PM 07:08PM 07:13PM 06:36PM 06:39PM : 06:49PM i06:54PM` 06:59PM 07:O0PM 07:08PM : J 07:O0PM 07:03P1VT : 07:12PM 07:16PM [07:19PM` 07:20PM 07:28PM 07:36PM 07:41 PM : I07:32PM 07:42PM 07:46PM 07:49PM 07:50PM 07:58PM 08:06PM 08:11PM 08:00PM 08:03PM : 08:12PM 08:16PM 08:19PM 08:20PM 08:28PM 08:36PM1 08:41 PM : : 08:33PM 08:42PM 08:46PM 08:49PM 08:50PM 08:58PM 09:06PM 09:11 PM 09:10PM, 09:13PM 1 : 09:22PM 09:26PM' 09:29PMJ 09:30PM 09:38PM : CLD TOP CLOSE WINDOW AVERAGE SiS 4 8U5t5 4 2 15 M N vit 2Hot1R5 1.-tUAUTAA45 Date Last Edited : Wed Oct 15 10:55;07 2003 HEAr)1_,Azi Transit - Home S Metrobus I Metrorail Metromover I Special Services I About Us F Trip Planner j Press Releases E Publications } Contact Us Horne I Usirtg_purSite ( About I Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site O 2003 Miami -Dade County.