HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchool Board CommentsSuperintendent of Schools Rudolph F Crew, Ed.D. Ana Rijo-Conde, AICP, Facilities Planning Officer Facilities Planning • • Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Director Planning and Zoning Department City of Miami 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 January 5, 2005 Re: Vista Biscayne — 452 NE 29th Street, Miami Dear Ms. Gelabert-Sanchez: Miami -Dade County School Board Frank J. Bolanos, Chair Dr. Robert 8. Ingram. Vice Chair Agustin J. Barrera Evelyn Langiieb Greer Perla Tabares Hantman Dr. Martin Karp Ana Rivas Logan Or. Marta Perez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Clt ry Pursuant to the state mandated and School Board approved Interlocal Agre rnee (Interlocal), local government, the development community and the School Board are to collaborate on options to address the impact of proposed development on public schools where the proposed residential development would result in an increase in the school's Florida inventory School Houses (FISH) capacity utilization (permanent and relocatabie), in excess of 115%. Enclosed please find the School District's review analysis of potential impact generated by the above referenced application. Please note that one impacted school facility meets the referenced review threshold. The proposed residential development will impact Eneida M. Hartner Elementary school currently operating at 115% of FISH percent utilization. However, utilizing the County's Census figures, the proposed residential development will increase the FISH% utilization of Eneida M. Hartner to 116%. As such, it is our recommendation that dialogue between the School District, the City and the above referenced applicant take place as it relates specifically to a public school in the affected area that meets the threshold. In an effort to meet the terms of the Interlocal, please send an email to morozco@facil.dade.k12.fl.us to schedule a dialogue meeting with District staff. Pursuant to the recently approved 5-year work plan, please note the enclosed analysis depicts the various relief schools planned in the area. Also, enclosed is a list of approved Charter School Facilities, which may provide relief on a countywide basis, as well as a report depicting previously approved and proposed applications in the area. Additionally, pursuant to Miami -Dade County's Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance the proposed development, if approved, will be required to pay educational facilities impact fees (impact fees) based on the following formula: New residential unit square footage X .90 (Square Footage Fee) + $600.00 (Base Fee) + 2% administrative fee = Educational Facilities Impact fee School Board Administration Building • 1450 N.E. 2„d Avenue, Suite 525 • Miami, Florida 33132 305-995-7285 • FAX 305-995-4760 • arijo@dadeschools.net • • • VISTA BISCAYNE — 452 NE 29TH STREET January 5, 2005 Page 2 As an example, assuming the proposed unit is 2,000 square feet, the 40-unit development is estimated to generate approximately $97,920 ($2,448 per unit) in impact fees. This figure may vary since the impact fees assessed are based on the actual square footage of each dwelling unit. In accordance with the Agreement, this letter and enclosed information should not be construed as commentary on the merits of the pending zoning application. Rather it is an attempt to provide relevant information to the City of Miami on public schools that will likely serve the proposed development and meet the referenced threshold. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Please call me should you have any questions at (305) 995-7287. VGV:mo L-529 Enclosures cc: Ms. Ana Rijo-Conde Mr. Fernando Albuerne Mr. Michael A. Levine Mr. Ivan M. Rodriguez Mr. Kevin Watford Sincerely, vian G Superviso s-� laamil • SCHOOL IMPACT REVIEW ANALYSIS January 5, 2005 APPLICATION: Vista Biscayne REQUEST: Large Scale Development ACRES: 0.41 net acre ZONING: R-4 / SD-20 Overlay LOCATION: 452 NE 29th Street, Miami NUMBER OF UNITS: 40 units (150 DU/acre x 0.41 acre = 61 Max. units allowed) MSA/ MULTIPLIER: 4.7 / 0.22 Multifamily ESTIMATED STUDENT POPULATION: 9 students` 41) ELEMENTARY: 4 MIDDLE: 2 SENIOR: 3 SCHOOLS SERVING AREA OF APPLICATION: ELEMENTARY: Eneida M. Hartner Elementary-401 NW 29 Street MIDDLE: Jose de Diego Middle — 3100 N.W. 5 Avenue SENIOR HIGH: Booker T. Washington Sr. — 1200 N.W. 6 Avenue Based on Census 2000 Information provided by Miami -Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning. • • • • The following population and facility capacity data are as reported by the Office of Information Technology, as of October 2003: Eneida M. Hartner Elementary Jose De Diego Middle Booker T. Washington Senior High STUDENT POPULATION 836/ 840* 1,170/ 1,172* 1,502/ 1,505* FISH DESIGN CAPACITY PERMANENT 724 1,036 2,624 UTILIZATION FISH DESIGN CAPACITY PERMANENT 115%1 116%* 113%1 113%* 57%/ 57%* NUMBER OF PORTABLE STUDENT STATIONS Increased student population as a result of the proposed development 0 0 0 % UTILIZATION FISH DESIGN CAPACITY PERMANENT AND RELOCATABLE 115%/ 11 6%* 113%/ 113%* 57%/ 57%* Note: 1) The cumulative effect of other approved or proposed developments in the vicinity is not included as part of this analysis. 2) Figures above reflect the impact of the class size amendment. 3) Pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, all schools meet the review threshold. PLANNED RELIEF SCHOOLS IN THE AREA (Information as of January 2005): School Status Occupancy Date None OPERATING COSTS: According to Financial Affairs, the average cost for K-12 grade students amounts to $5,833 per student. The total annual operating cost for additional students residing in this development, if approved, would total $52,497. CAPITAL COSTS: Based on the State's January 2005 student station cost factors*, capital costs for the estimated additional students to be generated by the proposed development are: ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SENIOR 4 x $ 13,480 = $53,920 2 x $ 15,456 = $30,912 3 x $ 20,453 = $61,359 Total Potential Capital Cost $146,191 * Based on Information provided by the Florida Department of Education, Office of Educational Facilities Budgeting. Cost per student station does not include land cost.