HomeMy WebLinkAboutnominationsCIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE PANEL To: Priscilla A.Thompson City Clerk Fro Date: Subject: June 9th Commission Agenda Item References: Enclosures: (2) ey E. Richardson, Executive Director May 18, 2005 LT) c-0 Please find attached a copy of the application and biography of Timothy C. Moore. This document was faxed to your office, to the attention of Assistant City Clerk Sylvia Scheider on May 18th Timothy C. Moore, is the nominee selected by the Civilian Investigative Panel to fill the position vacated by Jaime Perez. Kindly forward as back-up information for the Mayor and Commissioners' packet for the June 9th Commission meeting. If you require additional information please advise. I may be reached at (305) 579-2444. 0011 ffurrnix) ,TA ,..- --,C", OF MIAMI -_, -7--: PANEL (CIP) -< ... .„ -_:,--. no later than 5:00 p.m., Februi4:0, ETD, 5. c_,1 t • ,- CITY CIVILIAN INVESTIGATIVE APPLICATION Application must be received or postmarked NAME: TIMJTHY C. MCORE DOB: o -... 10-01-41 -.- X CONTACT DAY; NUMBERS: (305) 860-2317 EVENING: (305) 854-3866 FAX: (305) 860-2316 STATE: FL ZIP: 33133 ZIP: HOME ADDRESS: 3 GROVE ISLE DRIVE #1609 CITY: MIAMI MAILING ADDRESS (if different); CITY: STATE: E-MAIL (Optional): timmooretcrlaol.cap 1. Do Miami? Telephone 2. Are siblings) 3. Have employee 4, Are the 5. Do you reside, own real property, work, or maintain a business in the City of X Yes No. If yes, Address: 2601 S. BAYSHORE DRIVE #2040 Number: (305) ,860-2317 member Yes Yes in (children, x No parents, a sworn against you, your spouse or any immediate currently employed by the you, your spouse, or any immediate of the City of Miami Police you currently a party or a party's City of Miami? Yes X No family City of Miami? family Department? legal representative member ever X been No Yes any litigation X No you have a record of a felony conviction? 6. What aspect of your life and/or work exPerience has prepared you for membership on the CIP? (You may attach up to a one -page response.) IN THE U.S. AIR FORCE, I SERVED ON DISCIPLINARY PANELS REVIEWING BOTH OFFICER AND AIRMEN MISDEMEANORS CDM4ITED IN THE OOMMUNI'I'Y. WHILE LIVING IN COLOMBIA, 1 HEWED AN ADVISORY GRDUP Tel THE NATTnNAr_porj - ON DISPOSITION OF EXPATRIATES ARRES'rw IN C OLOMBIA. 7. Why do you wish to serve on the CIP? (You may attach up to a one -page response.) IN PERFORMING THEIR DUTY, POLICE OFFICERS MUST ACCOMPLISH A VERY DIFFICULT BALANCE. IN MAINTAINING ORDER, THEY ARE OFTEN REQUIRED TO MAKE SPLIT SECOND DECISIONS. WHTLF RFSPFrTTNC; rTTT7.FN' S RTGHTS, THEY MUST AT THE SAME TIME PRESERVE THEIR PERSONAL SAFETY. HOWEVER, WHEN AN ABUSE IS CJ mmr ED, IT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AND DEALT WITH. I AM A CITIZEN'S ADVOCATE, BUT NOT AN ENEMY OF THE POLICE. I BELIEVE THAT I COULD MAKE A POSITIVE:CONTRIBUTION WITH OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT ISSUES BROUGHT 8. List any organizations with which you (You may attach a separate sheet or THOUGHTFUL BALANCED APPRAISALS PANEL. are affiliated an positions)/office(s) held resume, if necessary.) ORGANIZATION: POSITION: . GROVE IST,F CONDOMINIUM AnARn OP DTRRCIOBS (SErRI-.taRY) COLOMBIAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (PAST) UNION CHURCH OF BC TA BOARD OF DIRECTORS (PAST) CERTIFICATE OF APPLICATION (PLEASE READ.. CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING) I hereby certify that all the statements made In this application are true and correct. By signing this application, I authorize verification of my background record solely for use by the CIP Nominating Committee to conduct reviews and provide final recommendations to the City of Miami Commission. Signature: Date PLEASE SEE PERSONAL HISTORY ATTACHED Brief Personal History I was born in Los Angeles, California in 1941. At the age of 7, my family moved to Bogota, Colombia. My father was in charge of construction of several sections of the Pan American highway. I attended a Colombian school through the eighth grade, then returned to California for high school and college. I received a B.A. in Political Science from Occidental College. Thereafter, I served in the United States Air Force for six years as an Intelligence Officer. I spent two tours in Vietnam in addition to assignments in several other countries, holding the rank of Captain. I was selected to serve on several disciplinary panels to review incidents of airmen and officer misdemeanors in the community. Following the Air Force, I joined our family company. Most of my career has been spent in Latin America, especially Colombia. I am bi-lingual. I have made an effort to participate in civic organizations as well as charities in the host countries in which I have lived. In Colombia, I was selected by the Colombian -American Chamber of Commerce to serve as an advisor to the National Police in formulating policy for arrests of expatriates. For the last 8 years I have lived in Miami where the business, Moore Overseas Construction Company, is headquartered; I serve as president of the company. I have been involved in activities of the Coral Gables Methodist Church, as well as serving for the last 5 years as Secretary on the Board of Directors of Grove Isle, where I live. With the hope of contributing more actively in Miami civic affairs, I am applying to become a member of the Civilian Investigative Panel. If selected, I believe I would make a valuable contribution in the review of actions of members of the Miami Police Department.