HomeMy WebLinkAboutbid tabulationBID TABULATION - DECALS STRIPING, FURNISHING DELIVERY 04-05-012 Graphic Designs i Valley Sam Prwss hit. Inc Co. 3161 SE Slater Si. 58740 Executive Cr. Slued, FL 34997 I6sheraka, 0446544 Ncn-Local / Female ton -Local! Non-IYnariy Visual Image Systems Co. 1808 user Lame Louisville, KY 40290 Non -Local ) Non.►Ipnly NEILL Ems. Glv. I Unit Priu Extended Prig Exfcmdad Price J Writ Price Extended Pew 1. Police Vehicle Deals a Police Seal i. 9' 200 each $ 0.92 $ 164.00 $ 4.59 1 818.00 f 1.00 f 290.00 E io- 200 each i 5-00 $ 1.000.00 $ 8.18 i 1,696.06 S 7.00 i 1,400.00 in. 11" 200 each f 5.00 $ 1,000.00 r f 13.94 s 2780.00 1 7.00 $ 1,400.00 iv. 1314' 200 each . S 5.00 $ 1,000.00 . $ 11.42 $ 2,284.00 S 11.00 $ 2,200.00 b. ROW 200 each S 20.00 $ 4,003.00 $ 28.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 95.00 S. 19.000.00 c. Roof Numbers 200 each i 4,72 $ 944.00 $ e.99 f 1,200.00 S 14.00 $ 2,800.90 d. Side and Rear Numbers 200 each $ 0.12 f 24.00 $ 0.75 S 150.00 i 2.00 i 400.00 e. Trurdc Lettering: YAW 200 each $ 0.50 5 100.00 $ 1.89 $ 32.00 $ 2013 $ 400.00 f. Trunk Lettering: POLICE 200 each 5 0.50 $ 100.00 ; $ 2.12 $ 424.00 $ 2.00 $ 400.00 9. (Tight and Lett Charter Pa 200 each $ 1.00 $ 320.00 $ 5.86 5 1,172.00 5 7.00 $ 1,400.00 POLICE h. Right and Led Quarter Pa 200 each S 0.99 $ 108.00 ' $ 2.24 i 448.00 f 3.00 $ 50000 'Professional Len Entorcemeru' Subtotal (a.L 8eu air. and b. tIh R) $ 8,870.00 5 1705E00 5 30200.00 a. City Sul L 10' 100 each i 5.74 f 574.00 S 8.48 f 846.00 i 7.00 5 700.00 iL i1' 100 each s 8.47 i 547.00 5 13.94 $ 1,394.00 s 7.00 f 700.00 ii. 13 14" 100 each '. S 725 S 725.00 $ 11.42 $ 1,14200 5 11.00 f 1,100.00 2. General Fled Vehicle Decals 5. Stay Back 50 Fed 100 each i 17.98 S 1,108.00 i 13.00 $ 1,300.00 i 14.00 $ 1,400.00 c Individual Numbers (0-9j 400 eerie . S 0.18 S 84.00 $0.75 i 300.00 $ 0.50 i 200.00 d. individual Leiters (A-Z) 60 earn E- 5 0.18 i 9.60 3 f 0.75 $ 45.00 5 0.50 S 30.00 Subtotal di. thry air. ate b. thru d.) 5 3.127-60 - S 5.029.00 $ 4,130.00 3. Fre Department Vehicle Decals a. Fire Seal i. 10' 50 earb $ 5.80 5 290.00 5 18.00 i 500.00 1 7.05. $ 350.00 it. 12 50 each 5 7.19 S 350.50 5 24.00 S 1,200.00 $ 11.00 i 550.09 Subtotal (ei. Dew at.) Total (Subtotal band 1-3): Prepared Br Terry Bymas. CPI'B 9i1/0.5 S 549.50 S 2.1130.00 $ 12,617.10 f 24,187.00 S 900.00 $ 35,230.00 Approved By: "DE atm QIEDSINALIIEMI 1. Iirloprisrq repfWapealive Avery Denison series 911 EVG ar Rehehde Day&ight High Pmeamance Reflective Vinyl F4m as per Rd Speofi0Afldns (vendor to specify, cape one : Avery or Re6exite) a. b d. e. 0. b. BID TABULATION - DECAIS STRIPING. FURNISHING DELIVERY Edi4fl.. EASItL Police Seat 3' 200 each I S 219 $ 438.00 f S 4.74 $ 948.00 Si 1.00 S 200.00 10' 200 each 1 3 8.60 5 1200.00 ) 3 9.80 $ 1,960.00 Si 8.00 5 1,600.00 11' 200 each S 6B9 S 1,378Ao S 16.56 S 3,31200 i 6-00 3 1,60000 1359' 200 Cacti 5 9.40 3 1,880.00 9 13.44 3 2,888.00 $ 12.90 3 2,400.00 Snipes 200 arch - 43.72 $ 8,741.00 5 3650 5 7,300.00 Si 67.00 3 13,400.00 ROOF Numbers 200 each i 4.72 3 944.90 S 7.00 S 1.400.00 Si 2200 3 4,400 00 Side and Rear Numbers 200 each } 2 024 5 4800 S 0.88 5 178.00 S 1.50 5 300.00 TnWcLe6erins MIMI 200 each 1 S 1.64 $ 328.00 ) S 2.19 S 438.00 $ 1.50 S 300.00 Tfirtk Lettering: POUCE 200 each 5 1.94 i 388.00 €$ 249 $ 498.00 3 3.00 3 600.00 Right and Left Quarter Panels: 200 each ' S 8.30 Si 1,290.00 1 S 7.00 S 1.400.00 $ 11.00 $ 2.200,00 POLICE Right and Left Quarter Panels: 200 each S 1.78 $ 355.00 1 S 2.66 $ 532009 2.50 5 500.00 'Professional Law 6du..mrrraa" Graphic Designs IM. MC. 3161 SE Suter 61, Stuart, FL 34997 Nora-00 1 Feiner Ortt Price P0g IDELE Valley Screen Process i Ca. 58740 Executive Di Mishawaka, IN 46544 NarLocal l Non- 0ofily . Utfil P[in Extended Visual Image Sys48.fs Ca. 1808 Laser Lane Louisville, KY 40299 Non -Local 1 Npn.klhgfily UM Price Edended Price Extended Unit Price TOTAL FOR OPTIONAL ITEMS: (Slams al that abr. and h. tltN h.) 2 Labor Rate for installation of decaLs and stripirg to be utilized by the C6y, as needed. 9 necessary: Price per man ricer per hour If no Subcontractors are to be used. insert One word -Sell' in the SpeCeS under 'lame of Subcontractor", 1 2 3 Describe the Warranty for the follawbng_ (Note: For both the 3M brand and Avery Dennison brand) 1. Police Vehicle Decals (1.a. Wu 1.h.) 2- General Reel Vehicle Decals (2.a. Neu 2.d.) 3. Fire Department Vehicle Decals (3.ai Sena 3.a.ii.) Prepared By: Terry Byrnes, CAPE 3/1/05 Tyoe of Work Subcontractor SubcmbagarS_ Coanp-Murimnl Q2;upetinnal License Number S 16,964.00 S 27.00 SELF SELF SELF 3M beard / 7 yeas Same as stave Same as above Subcontractor's County - Occupational License Number 29,652.00 3 160.00 WA WA WA 3M brand( 5 years Avery brand! 3 years 3M brand(5 years 3M brand( 5 years Subcontractor's County - Occupational License Number $ 27,500.00 i 65.00 Installation Labor Sett None 3M!Avery 3M f Avery 3Mf Avery C""7.3-I-70