HomeMy WebLinkAboutpolice departmentMAR-03-2005 19:01 FROM: TO:305 5796E34 P.2/4 On, Miami Police Department Description Price 5 5 1 2 2 I 1 1 SOAN-X small Observation and Neutralization Vehicle BO.D Level 4 Bomb Suits Body Coo ing Systems. MK 700 e.)U Ail Duplex Communications System ION Tract Explosive Vapor Detector Hand•heltt Sampling Device (Anhtrax) APD 200(Chemical monitor w/ladiation monitor. Radarlet V 02/LE L/Eataltox/Pump alkaline batieries Level A B o-Chemical pall encapsulated Protective Suits Scaled Ncm sparking Search Eights Hook ancf ine Rigging Kit. Mobile Csrimand Post Vehicle WaterSab;/Annual Maintenance Package Survcilfah e Platform $55,760.00 $46,000,00 $7,500 ?i $17,980.00 $2 ,795,00 $30,000.00 $8,863.68 l,Z 0,0o $2,309,74 $4,000.00 $500.00 $4,000,00 $250,000,00 — $323,588.00 $15 0,000.00 Total $"96.42 •Items are listed in o der of priority SOAN-X 8 Small Observation and Neutralization Vehicle; This remotely contro !ed small vehicle serves as a tool to observe and disarm suspicious and possibly explosive objects. its height is so low that it can go under many types of automobiles. it is eq ippcd with three switchab1e black -and -white remote cameras with infrared LED lights a•td an optional color camera. Its light weight (18.5 lhs) allows the technician to carry it o the upper floors of a high-rise building in case ofno elevators available. ROD 4 Bomb Suits: It Provides the Bombefechnician with the highest degree of protection against all conventional threats asociated with ZED (improvised explosive device). Body Caolin2 System: Worn under the.Botn Suit to maintain temperature at safe levels. Necessary for long, extended use ofBom' Suit by technician, MK 700 Full Duple Communications System: To be used while woaring in a level "A" HazMat suit and designed to suppon 4 team members. MAR-03-2005 19:01 FROM: TO:3@5 5796E34 P. /4 Ion Track VaporTrwer: Designed for starch al plications, which require immediate, location and idcnti fication of hidden explosives. Hand-held Saruplinievice: Bio-aerosol collectiondirtd detection unit able to capture airborne bacteria (anthrax). APD 2000 Chemical Kottttor w/Radiation Monitor: Detects chemical warfare agents and provides agent identification, It also has an integrated radiation dosimeter. Radarlet 50: General purpose "Geiser" counter. 02/LEL/DUALTOX/ 'UMP w/Alkaline Batteries: Detects up to 5 toxic uses simultaneously. Multi -sensors available for an array of toxics. Measures % of oxyger in the air. Level "A" Bio-CbemFal Full Encapsulated Disposable Protective Suits: Needed in conjunctiortewith the Bomb Suit during Render Safe Procedures a Chemical or Biological environment, Sealed Non -sparking eareh Lights:. To be used in a flarnmlble environment, Hook and Line Rini' g Kit: Used to remotely manipulate explosive devices through doors, around corners and other awkward locations. Mobile Command VaaMe: A Motor Coach/Bus to be used during incidents involving WMD and post blast investigations. Use as econdary mobile EOC and/or CP in the event of contamination to any Police facilities (rth, Central and South). WatcrSabre: Remote -operated, ultradiigh-pressure water jet -cutting system designed to lower the risk of neutralizing explosiie devises. Annual maintenance package S4,250. Surveillance Platform The .Platform is a vehiae equipped with electronics ttsed for intelligence and evidence gathering covertly. It can be deployed into urban environments to collect intelligence on criminal activities with ut relying on informants and/or exposing undercover officers. The use of technical ob ained intelligence and evidence collection has become increasingly more impc—tant. Today's individuals involved in criminal and/or terrorist MAR-03-2005 19:01 FROM: r• TO:305 579E634 PA/4 �.1 activities are riot onl agencies, but have s equipment in today' NOTE; The above requested to respond quickly t• devices) and safely c safety of our membe safely perform their Department Hazmat citizens and visitors t En case of an incidcn chemical agents, Bo check for any second teams to come in and Detail be equipped w contamination, irijuri Again, the use of the the citizens of lviiami protect and perform or to any citizen. Care has been taken t Detail or the Fire De well versed in the tactics commonly used by law enforcement port groups that provide funding for the use of counter surveillance igh-tech world. quipment, will allow members of the City of Miami Bomb Detail ncidcnts involving WMD and /or IED's (improvised explosive duct render safe procedures. The equipment is paramount to the . Without it, members of the Bomb Detail will not be able to ties, It will allow them to work, in conjunction with the Fire nit, in hazardous environments dangerous to the health ofour our City. nvolving the detonation and/or dispersal of a WMD, biological or Technicians will utilize the equipment requested above to safely devices) and clearing the way for the Fire Department Hazmat eutralize the threat. rt is imperative that members of the Bomb h the right tools so they can perform their task without threat of and or death. quested equipment is paramount in safeguarding the well being of d its visitors, The Bomb Detail needs this equipment so they can it duties without loss of life or great bodily harm toits members integrate and not duplicate equipment already in use by the Bomb rtment Hazmat Unit.