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Summary of Request for Proposals
The Request for Proposals can best be summarized by breaking the document into 4 separate parts, each
focusing on a particular purpose and conveying specific information to the potential development
community. The RFP is designed to provide greater detail as the developer proceeds through the document.
The purpose of each section can be described as crafted to:
• Entice
• Inform
• Clarify
• Request
The first section is designed as an enticement to market the City of Miami, the Flagami neighborhood, the
City's Unified Development Process and finally the Site. Overviews of Grapeland Heights Park, Miami
International Airport, the planned Miami Intermodal Center and the Waterford Corporate Park at Blue
Lagoon are provided to orient the potential developer to the neighboring destinations. The superb location
of the site immediately adjacent to the Miami International Airport, major expressways and minutes from
the port, downtown, and Miami Beach is highlighted and illustrated with facts and maps. The existing uses,
conditions, and improvements on the existing municipal golf course are discussed and a site plan is
included of the planned improvements to Grapeland Heights Park that will begin the transformation of the
area into a regional destination.
This section informs potential developers what the City envisions on the site, the expected standards to be
met in the implementation of that vision, and the advantages and limitations of the specific site. The City's
development goals and objectives are:
"...to achieve a unique mix of uses, a significant and sustainable financial return to the
City, and a landmark design."
Urban design principles and guidelines are listed in great detail within the document. All of the guidelines
were developed to ensure that the architecture and landscape architecture shall acknowledge the tropical
climate of the region and contribute to the pedestrian, civic life of the project
It is in this section that the acceptable uses and required uses are stated.
Required uses include:
• A regulation 18-hole golf course, which must include at a minimum, a pro -shop, clubhouse,
casual dining and golf -cart rental.
• A hotel, which must include at a minimum, 300 guestrooms and suites, rentable meeting
facilities, a multi -purpose restaurant, a business center and fitness center.
Notwithstanding the above, the 300+ room hotel and its related amenities may be offered off -site
subject to the respondent providing a competitive return to the City including a percentage of gross
revenues for offsite facilities. The golf course amenities including, but not limited to, pro shop,
clubhouse and golf cart rental, must continue to be offered through on -site facilities.
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Golf Course and Hotel Development Site
Summary of Request for Proposals
Acceptable uses include:
• Entertainment
• Educational and/or Cultural Facilities
• Retail (including sale of equipment and accessories for boats)
• Restaurants
• Hotel Timeshares
• Privately owned and/or operated recreation buildings and facilities, playgrounds, playfields, parks,
beaches, neighborhood centers, auditoriums, libraries, art galleries, museums and the like
• Ancillary and Support Facilities such as parking and professional offices
Unacceptable uses include:
• Private Clubs
• Residential Uses
• Timeshare Units in excess of 20% of the total room key count
In the third section of the proposal, clarification is presented to , detail the conditions of offering, the
required regulatory process and the mariner in which a respondent will ultimately be selected for exclusive
lease negotiations. The City's commitment of funds, services and property, types of rent desired and other
payments, and the principal lease terms are all discussed here. The lease term shall be appropriate to the
types of uses proposed by the successful development team, but are not to exceed 50-years with two 10-
year renewals (a total of 70 years). The developer will be required to pay all government assessments
imposed by the City, franchise fees, excises, license and permit fees, levies, charges and taxes, including ad
valorem real estate taxes on the land and the leasehold improvements.
The document makes clear the City's fair market value requirements as established in the Charter Section
29-B. Each respondent must specifically state in its proposal that it agrees to pay annual lease payments in
an amount equal to fair market value and that such value will be determined by an appraisal of the
proposed project following the selection of a proposal. A statement of the minimum annual guaranteed rent
and a percentage of gross receipts, escalating over time are also requirements of the project proposals.
All development projects are subject to various permits, approvals and regulatory requirements. The
following distinct steps are outlined in the RFP to assist the respondent, but are not meant to be an
exhaustive summary:
• Public Referendum Approval (if fewer than 3 proposals received)
• Leasehold Contract Negotiations
• Development of Regional Impact (possible based on project density and uses)
▪ Design Review
• Special Permits (Major Use or other)
• Building and Environmental Permits
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Golf Course and Hotel Development Site
Summary of Request for Proposals
The final component of this clarification section provides explicit instruction on how the review and
selection process will proceed as set forth in the Unified Development Project Charter and Code Sections.
Initially City staff will review the proposals to insure completeness and compliance with all formatting and
content requirements of the RFP. Respondents may be contacted to cure proposals that contain non-
material, non -substantive defects within 5 working days of receiving notification from staff. Each
respondent is expected to meet the following five (5) minimum threshold requirements:
1. A minimum of 10 years experience managing and operating both a golf course and hotel of
similar size and complexity.
2. A minimum of 10 years experience in the management and operation of each additional use being
3. A leading role of principal responsibility or other demonstrated experience in the design of a
project(s) of similar size, complexity and constraints as the facilities and uses proposed.
4. The successful development and financing of at least one project of similar size, complexity and
uses with similar constraints.
5. At least one single project for which $20 million in debt financing was secured.
Those proposals that meet these requirements will then be forwarded to the selected Certified Public
Accounting firm and Review Committee. The CPA shall examine all materials provided by respondents
and will conduct a full investigation of the financial background of the individual members of the
development team and will present its findings regarding each proposal to the Review Committee prior to
said Review Committee completing its deliberations. The CPA shall also submit an independent report to
the City Manager.
The Review Committee shall use the specific evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP and the respective
assigned weights to rate and rank the proposals, as defined below:
Weighted Value
Overall Plan & Design of the Proposed Development
Feasibility, Management & Operations of the Proposed Development
Return to the City
Extent of Minority Participation and Community Benefits Offered
Each Committee Member shall review each proposal specifically noting the Level of detail given to the
criteria listed above and shall determine a rank order based upon the numeric score achieved. The Review
Committee shall arrive at a rank order of all proposals based on the individual members' votes. Each
evaluation topic is accompanied by a list of bulleted criteria by which the Review Committee is to make
their scoring determination. A sampling of these criteria includes:
Overall Plan & Design of the Proposed Development
• Demonstrated commitment to public access.
• Appropriateness and quality of the design.
• Appropriateness and relationship of hotel facilities to the golf course.
• Successful, harmonious interface and/or connection to adjoining projects and uses.
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Golf Course and Hotel Development Site
Summary of Request for Proposals
Manaeement and Operations of the Proposed Development
• Viability, practicality and comprehensiveness of management plan, including such elements as
mission, operating parameters, operating budget, revenue projections, cash flow analysis, personnel
organization and staffing plan.
• Extent and feasibility of marketing plan, familiarity with primary and secondary markets for proposed
facilities and services, and appropriateness of strategies to be utilized for attracting and strengthening
those markets.
• Extent and quality of programs for maintenance, security, public access, cultural/educational
programs, and public and customer services, as applicable.
■ Timeliness of proposed development plan.
Return to the City
• Management fees including a guaranteed monthly minimum and percentage of gross revenues
payment during the term of the management agreement.
• Annual lease payment including a guaranteed minimum annual rental payment during the lease term
• Payment of a percentage of gross revenues during the lease term
Extent of Minority Participation
• Minority/women participation within the proposing entity.
• Subcontracting and hiring practices during construction.
• Opportunities for minorities/women, hiring outreach and training opportunities in relation to leasing,
management, operation and maintenance of facilities.
Extent of Community Benefits Offered
■ Programs will benefit the immediately surrounding residential neighborhood.
• Discounts to students, residents or other specific population.
• Efforts to minimize construction impact on surrounding neighborhood.
• Training programs.
The final section of the RFP document requests the items required by the City to evaluate the development
team's proposal. It is here where the formatting and content required is outlined in very precise terms,
leaving no uncertainty as to how a proposal must be submitted. Each proposal must be submitted providing
the conceptual design, operating, marketing and financial plans for the project as well as the composition
of the development team, their financial capability and the proposed development schedule. City fonns are
included in the package and must be returned with the submittals.
Submittals must be received with a $50,000 earnest money deposit no later than , 2005. The
anticipated schedule for the UDP process is as follows:
Issuance of RFP
Proposal Pre -Submission Conference and Site Tour
Proposal Submission Deadline
Conclusion of Proposal Review
Recommendation from the City Manager to the City Commission
Selection of Proposer by City Commission
Public Referendum (if required)
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May , 2005
May , 2005
, 2005
September, 2005
September, 2005
September, 2005
November 8, 2005